

Written by Freya Holmér on 2025-01-03 at 10:28

my new video is out!

this one is a lot more personal than my usual stuff, but I've felt a need to express this for a long time

Generative AI is a Parasitic Cancer

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Written by Soso on 2025-01-03 at 10:56

@acegikmo Is this really new?

For a while before LLMs, I found that search results like these ones already always lead to very poorly written search engine optimized garbage ads. Now it's worse because there's more of it and it's even less useful if not straight up false.

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Written by Bornach on 2025-01-05 at 09:43

@sgued @acegikmo

LLM generated sites are SEO on steroids.

As this 2 year old video pointed out, search was already being poisoned by SEO back when ChatGPT had only just been launched. What's new is the scale of the problem. Every search engine is now overwhelmed.

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Written by Loïc Denuzière on 2025-01-05 at 11:20

@sgued @acegikmo

It had been getting worse for a couple years already before LLMs became mainstream, due to Google themselves making it worse:

But that's definitely been turbocharged by the arrival of LLM-generated articles.

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Written by Saverio Brancaccio on 2025-01-03 at 11:05

@acegikmo Hi Freya, I have the same fears as you about AI but in any case it will always be a statistical model based on already prepared information. It will never have an inkling of real human needs and the creativity based on human feelings and curiosity.

I think that in the arts, sooner or later we will notice what AI generates is boring, not amazing... artists, programmers, scientists will use it but as a supporting part of the entire personal process, by force of circumstances.

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Written by l'empathie mécanique on 2025-01-03 at 19:56

@saveriobran @acegikmo there's a benchmark for creativity. That means the models would compete and optimize for it. Sooner or later theywill get from boring to okay to curious to awesome. The water flows downhill, the metrics get optimized under pressure.

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Written by Matthew Dockrey on 2025-01-03 at 11:10

@acegikmo It should make me mad, but really I feel claustrophobic and panicked. We've built a dead mall, and we're all stuck in it.

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Written by Phosphenes on 2025-01-04 at 13:44

@attoparsec @acegikmo

'Dead mall' is a good term. All culture and life replaced with just buying things.

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Written by libramoon on 2025-01-05 at 03:13

@Phosphenes @attoparsec @acegikmo

Prisoners’ Dilemma

Was Luther a Gnostic and just didn’t know it?

Who packaged Locke’s critical message and sold it?

Who has freedom or its choices

when money talks louder than living voices?

Mad advertisers entrain brains for bonuses.

Better repent than be destined to loneliness.

“Profit is our best road to atonement.”

So we build this fictional prison to own it.

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Written by Dieu on 2025-01-05 at 03:15

@attoparsec @acegikmo the winning move of AI is not be good at anything but to make humans bad at everything.

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Written by Johnny Demonic on 2025-01-05 at 03:21

@attoparsec @acegikmo

Yes, we're all stuck in it. Some of us though, are silly enough to have the conceit to think we have a way out, a solution, an answer, a way to demolish concrete and punch a hole through to the Sunshine in the grassy meadow outside. We're introverts, sometimes. We have hesitated in the past. Those moaning and complaining in despair are far louder. Sometimes, we're told to shut up and sit down, because the mass sentiment is that of claustrophobia and despair. We're about to raise our voices. We're not such shy little nerds after all. We're engineers, and when we put our minds to it, we can do anything, even social engineering hacks, like talking in a loud voice, drawing attention, offering hope in a time of chaos, or simply being goofy enough to make people laugh. We'll be seen smokin' da herb, living slow, daydreaming leisurely, taking care of nature, and laughing at the world going by, as we get to work. There's not much time. We must hurry up and rest. "Don't just do something." , as the Buddhists say, "Sit there!"

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Written by Spy Stuff on 2025-01-03 at 11:30

@acegikmo Just watched your new video—raw, thought-provoking, and powerful. Tackling generative AI as a 'parasitic cancer' takes guts, and you nailed it. Can’t wait to see the discussion this sparks! 🤯💻 #GenerativeAI

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Written by l'empathie mécanique on 2025-01-03 at 19:58

@spythriller @acegikmo guts?.. This position is kinda mainstream. The discussion is going on for a few years by now. Haters continue to hate, merchants continue to sell, Internet gets enshittified with each passing day.

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Written by Pango on 2025-01-03 at 11:53


Thank you!

That post needs more boosts!

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Written by Yo Soy Freeman on 2025-01-03 at 11:55

@acegikmo Thank you Freya, is important to have recognized voices speak about this. Really good video! Happy to see you posting again around here!

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Written by antimu0n ex cohost on 2025-01-03 at 12:18

@acegikmo just 10 minutes in and I want to [REDACTED] an AI datacenter.

It's so incredibly exhausting.

When people talk about AI making things accessible I do the desperate cry laugh, because I'm a disabled person and AI is as hostile by design as a too steep wheelchair ramp.

I'm however cautiously optimistic, for one because in recent weeks the signs are getting stronger that AI is running into fundamental walls that can't be solved with their usual (and only) strategy of throwing more compute (ie money) at it, and secondly because of the point you also touched on: those pesky humans simply refuse to stop creating art, it's almost like they enjoy the process or something.

A greater concern I have about AI right now and in the foreseeable future is that, because of its fundamental limitations, so much of it is mechanical turks. There are huge numbers of 3rd world workers employed to prep training data and correct flawed outputs, often under extremely exploitative conditions.

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Written by l'empathie mécanique on 2025-01-03 at 20:01

@antimu0n @acegikmo genai apps can be hostile. But if there's some app with UI that does actually accommodate your needs, would you still be willing to redact datacenters?

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Written by Robert Kingett on 2025-01-05 at 08:12

Same feelings @antimu0n @acegikmo

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Written by Court Cantrell will not comply on 2025-01-05 at 11:14

@WeirdWriter LOVE THIS. 👏👏👏🖖

"people will continue to appreciate and enjoy art instead of mourning the shattering of LLM servers because, well, people are people and people like art. I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe you should learn to art and people instead of code."

@antimu0n @acegikmo

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Written by Matias on 2025-01-03 at 12:22 This video is so good! Thanks for making it! :D

It's just so weird how we over time have gotten more and more high quality and easily searchable content on the web, and then all of a sudden we start mass producing garbage and promoting it to the degree where searching the web for answers to simple questions becomes impossible.

Those glTF-related search results you showed were hilarious though 😅

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Written by Charlie. Probably. on 2025-01-03 at 12:27

This is the death of imposter syndrome. @acegikmo

Any flesh-and-blood human with half a brain-cell who has any first-hand experience in a subject and a modicum of competence with words is being handed a golden invitation to write on their topic of choice, sure in the knowledge that it will be more worthwhile than AI-generated excrement. Many shy voices who actually deserve to be heard remain silent if they fear being below par. The par is now a rounding error and tending towards zero.

All we need is a search-engine to surface human-authored matter, only, and we'll be golden.

Thank you for using "parasite" and "cancer" together for this topic — I have honestly wondered why those aren't used ubiquitously because they are ideal descriptors.

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Written by unawarewolf 🐺 on 2025-01-03 at 12:50


It's strange how anti-plagiarism people are til the techbros bust out their automatic plagiarism machines. Literally just a few stick figures are better and more creative than AI slop.

Hopefully it makes you feel better to know that AI's are getting fed their own slop though, and likely won't even be able to approximate content given enough time.

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Written by Strypey on 2025-01-05 at 11:21


likely won't even be able to approximate content given enough time

Hopefully long before then we'll get across to the public just what a waste of computation and electricity the whole shell game is, and it will all get shut down. Along with the hyperscale datacentre model it's an example of trying to find a use for.

I wrote this in an attempt at educating and agitating on the topic;


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Written by F. Jairala on 2025-01-03 at 13:01

@acegikmo This was not a stupid video. This was a video that expressed how you feel about something, wether we agree or not (and I do agree with you) you are still human and life will still have an impact on you! That’s why communication and expression are so important. Not even to mention that opinions are a tricky thing but also necessary. Not everything cab be fact or scientific based and even if it was, there’s always room for our own experience of things!

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Written by Vicente ⁂ on 2025-01-03 at 13:10

@acegikmo will watch later today!

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Written by Arto Koistinen on 2025-01-03 at 13:20


Me: trying to get Raylib GPU skinning to work on a model loaded from a GLB with absolutely no help from Google

Me: "Oh cool, a new video from Freya!"

Me: ....

Great video, and I feel pretty much exactly the same!

I think the reason these personal AI gen things will never pick up is that stories are inherently social, and a personalised AI gen story is inherently anti-social. It has less meaning than a dream. But unfortunately, that won't stop the AI slop 😩

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Written by Blue Luma on 2025-01-03 at 13:30

@acegikmo why at the end of your videos description don't you include a link to your Mastodon account as you do for Twitter, Bluesky, Instagram... ?

Is it voluntary ?

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Written by cuan_knaggs on 2025-01-03 at 13:48

@acegikmo this made me go look, and yes, there are multiple wordpress plugins that let you automate this shit generation

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Written by CounterVariable on 2025-01-03 at 13:51

@acegikmo Sincerely, I understand how you feel Freya. My take is that the AI paradigm seems like a desperate final attempt to maintain control.

But in reality, information and art, are inherent to the individual rather than any external system.

I think of something that Benn Jordan said in a recent video. When the dust settles, we’ll still be around to to making the art without the need of the middlemen.

I have noticed that I’ve been buying more textbooks recently. :)

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Written by BTW on 2025-01-03 at 14:36

@acegikmo it’s not just them but they’re leading the charge, and setting the environment for all the companies under their influence to follow in their footsteps

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Written by Maya Zimmerman on 2025-01-03 at 14:55

@acegikmo After dealing with researching lzw last week, this video was a salve.

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Written by Vít Skalický :fedora: on 2025-01-03 at 14:58

@acegikmo First of all, don't lose hope. There are so many people who recognize the human value in art and communication just like you. And you create awesome content that will always stand out over LLM slop.

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Written by Vít Skalický :fedora: on 2025-01-03 at 15:19

@acegikmo Interesting... I do not feel like search engines are getting worse for me. So I made the same query on DDG and got the results you can see in the image. The first 3 were actually useful websites and only after that the SEO and AI slop started.

I'm from Czechia in EU. Maybe the search engine crap is regional?

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Written by Bornach on 2025-01-05 at 09:55

@vitSkalicky @acegikmo

Why do you assume Wikipedia is somehow immune to being infected by AI slop?

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Written by Vít Skalický :fedora: on 2025-01-14 at 16:32

@bornach @acegikmo no, I don't assume that, but if you read the article you find out that it is not an AI slop

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Written by James Widman on 2025-01-03 at 16:24


  1. this is devastating (in the way that journalism like this needs to be).

  1. thank you.

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Written by /me on 2025-01-03 at 16:46

@acegikmo I watched it last night and I agree with everything you said

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Written by J M Berntson on 2025-01-03 at 20:36

@acegikmo Oh, hey, the YouTube algorithm delivered this to be earlier today.

Hard agree.

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Written by Frederico Machuca on 2025-01-03 at 22:36

@acegikmo you might find this useful.

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Written by Fr4nz on 2025-01-04 at 03:50

As you said most technology can be used for good or bad.

I would prefer if ai content would be clearly marked, but yes that will be hard. However i guess it would be even in the interest of the ai companies themselves.

But your video shows how broken Google search engine is. I think fixing search would help more here. To disscurrage ai slop.

Maybe incorporate social media in search too. So based on what friends and even friends of my friends consider value should be higher ranked for me.

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Written by Outfrost on 2025-01-04 at 06:26

@acegikmo I wholeheartedly appreciate you talking about everything in this video. I didn't even realise how much of a drain on my hope and wellbeing AI has been, and how much I've had to avoid discussions of it. I studied computer science in order to make a living from solving human problems and creating things that others would appreciate. Now I'm forced to watch these two things get eaten away by a fire that so many people seem to be roasting marshmallows over, instead of putting it out.

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Written by Death Star Robot on 2025-01-04 at 09:58

@acegikmo Not advice: Someone told me the universe is a fractal of Holons, there is always an inside and an outside. To me, my interpretation, which could be wrong, is that this video is like the inside of the holon trying to blame the outside of the holon.

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Written by Beldarak on 2025-01-04 at 17:28


The "dead internet theory" becomes more and more a reality and less a conspiray theory each day 😢

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Written by Aras Pranckevičius on 2025-01-04 at 18:53

@acegikmo great video, thanks ❤️ This answer to "do you think AI will ever be able to write a good song?" question by Nick Cave -- way back from 2019! -- I often think about.

There's also his later (2023) answer about ChatGPT writing lyrics:

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Written by l'empathie mécanique on 2025-01-04 at 19:19

@aras @acegikmo "An AI can play good go, but not great as it lacks inspiration and creativity."

Historically, predictions like that did not age well...

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Written by Robin Hübner on 2025-01-05 at 00:33

@dpwiz @aras @acegikmo the biggest thing here is that AI doesn't even have to be good for it to expand widely, crapitalism will gladly do the rest extremely efficiently

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Written by l'empathie mécanique on 2025-01-05 at 07:31

@profan @aras @acegikmo Yes, but the AI is irrelevant here. We already have planetary scale slop distribution and production and the internet is already FUBAR.

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Written by Bornach on 2025-01-05 at 10:09

@dpwiz @aras @acegikmo

Still holds up though.

If it was another human who unseated Lee Sedol from the top spot, how likely is it that person could be consistently beaten by an amateur exploiting a simplistic "double-sandwiching" strategy?

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Written by Freya Holmér on 2025-01-04 at 21:07

@aras and thanks a ton for your continued support!! ❤️

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Written by Freya Holmér on 2025-01-05 at 00:07

@aras I also hadn't read the second article you linked til now - 100% agree, nice to see someone hit on the same point

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Written by Sander van Rossen🇺🇦 on 2025-01-05 at 00:34

@aras @acegikmo somehow this makes me think of the line "all that remained where fields of dreamless solitude. there's no prize for perfection, only an end to pursuit"

If you truly had AI that could make music, movies and games better than humans .. and could churn new stuff out by the second .. it would end up feeling hollow and meaningless 😬

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Written by Michael Vance on 2025-01-06 at 13:11

@aras @acegikmo I'm sympathetic to Cave's position that without "pneuma" you are missing a specific piece of what makes the creative effort "awe inspiring”. For instance I saw this piece in person the other day and while it is visually arresting the depth of my appreciation for it changed significantly when I saw its mechanism of production, small glazed tiles of ceramic artfully arranged.

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Written by Tacitus 🇮🇪 :godot: :linux: on 2025-01-04 at 22:20


The "discussion" at the end reminds me of this for some reason

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Written by Bornach on 2025-01-05 at 10:19

@tacitus @acegikmo

I wonder what "podcast" NotebookLM would generate when given the turbo encabulator transcript

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Written by Bornach on 2025-01-05 at 10:23

@tacitus @acegikmo

Oh good god! Someone has already had NotebookLM generate a turbo encabulator podcast.

AI becomes a Dadaist

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Written by TripTilt /// tt on 2025-01-04 at 22:43


i was just considering it like the microplastic of our information ecosystem, same annoying unhealthy garbage for the data is the new oil folks, but your title is a better fit, I shall upgrade my thoughts on it to "poisoning the well"-state 😢

open sourcing it is probably not the solution, but outlawing and ostracizing it!

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Written by TripTilt /// tt on 2025-01-04 at 23:09


it's up to the search engines to plow through that and up to us to demand that. what if google and the other 10% of ad sellers would just stop monetizing this. those pages would just disappear! But they earn with it as well. That also needs to be outlawed!

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Written by crypticcelery on 2025-01-04 at 23:11

@acegikmo being a bit “philosophical” here: I think what we are witnessing here is a fundamental attack on the information commons.

First, the genAI bros abused the fact that making useful texts, nice art, etc. available essentially for free was just the thing to do, just to train the slop machines.

And now, the slop machines are being used to fill every corner with slop, just to eke out just that little bit of “engagement”, be it to sell something or to get ad revenue.

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Written by ghosttie on 2025-01-05 at 00:01

@acegikmo YouTube played an ad for Claude before your video - irony is dead

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Written by Freya Holmér on 2025-01-05 at 00:03

@ghosttie this is the true AI art

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