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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-14 at 00:09

@inkscape Update 4. It's now working properly: it always places enclosed shapes - defined by the enclosed shape's contour being within the continuous contour of the enclosing shape - lower in z-order than their enclosing shape; it also orders multiple contained shapes by proximity, recursively, in an attempt to minimise laser head zig-zagging. I now need to tidy it up and refactor it, and remove all of the debugging output!

It calls inkscape in shell mode to determine the contour overlaps (builds a script, pipes it into Inkscape, then parses the output). Inkscape is only called in this way ONCE per invocation of the plugin.

Thanks for all the valuable pointers - it all helped.

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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-11 at 19:55

@inkscape Update 3. Inkscape shell mode is a bit weird, but I've figured out enough to test for overlap: the "path-intersection" action will leave the inner object if it is enclosed by a larger one, or a new object if they only partially overlap. The weird bit is all of the state management you have to do to be able to repeat this test for n objects. Well, I've cracked that: it's essentially:






You have to duplicate the objects because the path-intersection operation is destructive, and if you want to test obj1 or obj2 against another object, you need to save it. select-list will show you the object(s) remaining after the path-intersection operation - one (or more) object means they intersected; nothing listed means not intersection. I use select-clear to get a clean slate for the next comparison.

Around this, I've built another Python POC that uses Inkscape shell mode via a subprocess, and parses the output to ascertain overlap status. It uses a totally naive approach at the moment where it simply checks every object against every other object (twice, because it will test obja,objb and objb,obja because I CBA to make it smarter), and although it works, it chokes (i.e. never completes) on SVGs of 300+ objects. This shouldn't be a problem when I add this into the Inkscape plugin, as that already knows which objects might be overlapping (because it has compared their bounding boxes) so I can dramatically reduce the number of tests, and of course avoid doing all checks twice.

Shell mode works, but API calls would be better, and more efficient, as I wouldn't have to create a script and parse the response. But if this is all we've got, it'll do.

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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-10 at 22:48

Looks like I just had a "Scintillating Migraine" for about an hour... I was busy typing away at a python script, and suddenly I couldn't read the line I was editing. I could see the lines above and below, but not really in focus, so I cleaned my glasses, and it didn't help. Just when I was starting to make some progress in my code, too.

Then I noticed that there was a slightly arced slash of twinkling, animated, multicoloured, interlocking colour bars running horizontally across the centre of my field of vision, visible even with my eyes closed. TBH I panicked for a few moments, before I realised it was something I'd had a couple of times before - last time was about 2 years ago. Suddenly not being able to read is quite scary.

I retired to the sofa for about an hour, and it slowly faded to an indistinct un-focusable blob where the coloured slash had been, and fortunately that's now mostly gone, but my head still feels a bit off. I don't get "normal" migraines, and these only come very occasionally, so I'm not taking anything for them - sure hope they stay infrequent.

Do any other #ActuallyAutistc folks get these?

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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-08 at 00:09

My wife recently revealed she is now undergoing an #Autism assessment... proud of her for doing that, regardless of the outcome. Until recently, she's always thought of herself as neurotypical, but sort of accepted she might have "some traits". She's done AQ tests in the past, and doesn't have a very spikey prfile, but I tend to think she's "high masking" maybe. I also think it's one of those things where the realisation gradually hit her that having autistic children has implications for the neurodivergence of the mother. I'm evidently "a factor" there, but not for my 19YO step daughter, who is also #ActuallyAutistic, plus one of her twin sister's kids seems likely to be Autistic too, though undiagnosed. I know I've hinted at it, but she cited 19YOSD saying she thought her mum was probably Autistic too, and the recent official diagnosis of our 12YO as reasons for wanting to get an official diagnosis.

Not that it materially changes anything - we're already a pretty neurospicy family.

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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-06 at 14:18

[#]Python Is it just me or do the PIL/Pillow logical_and and logical_or seem to be swapped? Am I missing something?

Using an AND (^) and OR (v) truth tables as reference (see images), I'd expect that with the logical_and() operation, a pixel would only be set in the output image if it's also set in BOTH of the input images, but what I get is a pixel set if it is in EITHER or BOTH of the input images; logical_or() works the way I'd expect logical_and() to work.

Can anyone point out the probably very obvious thing I am missing?

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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-06 at 01:54

@inkscape I'm writing an Inkscape extension using Python Inkex, and I need to know if the contour of two vectors overlap. I'm very much a beginner with Inkex, so I've been using the bounding boxes so far, and it works after a fashion, but of course this produces weird results when a smaller shape is within the bounding-box of a larger shape, but they don't actually overlap. So I need to work out if they really DO overlap, so I can then deal with them appropriately. Can anyone tell me if it's possible to either ascertain if two vectors overlap via the API, or short of that, how to get a raster of pixels of a vector rendered (at any resolution) so I can convert that to a set, and can then check for intersection?

Sorry, I don't even know if this question makes sense, so for context, I'm trying to change the z-order of shapes that are enclosed by larger shapes so that they are lower than the enclosing shape(s), because I use Inkscape to design SVGs for #LaserCutting, and you need to cut internal vectors before their enclosing vectors. Lasers on laser cutters have a focal length, and you have to set the focus before you cut; when the laser has completed a closed cut, the material is apt to drop down by a few millimetres, and the laser is then no longer focused properly on it, so any internal vectors cut after this has happened will be out of focus and may not cut through properly.

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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-03 at 22:54

@pluralistic Hey Cory, have you seen ? Just bought it myself - seems like an interesting take, would love to know your thoughts.

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Written by cybervegan on 2025-01-03 at 20:39

"Put up a shelf" she said. "Only a small one - won't take too long". I pulled out a few bits of wide, reclaimed pallet wood from the wood pile, and ran it through my thicknesser to smooth it off a bit. Mrs. chose a piece she liked, and I set to making the shelf. We agreed on an inverted "L" profile, and I set to making it. After a bit of planing, thicknessing, gluing, cutting, drilling, screwing and sanding (about 4 hours in total!) it was made. Not too bad, really, went off without a hitch. Mrs. was pleased, so now to fix it to the wall. This is where things got a bit more frustrating. Remind me never to buy another house with "Dot'n'dab" walls like this one. Dot'n'dab is a 1980's quick fab cavity wall building technique (similar to dry wall) where plasterboard panels are "glued" to breeze block walls with dabs of plaster-like adhesive. The gap between the plasterboard and the blocks is not wide enough for most cavity wall fixings and is too wide to use standard wall plugs. But this was "just a little shelf" so I decided to use up the remaining Fischer cavity plugs I bought a few weeks ago for another job, which was NOT on a Dot'n'dab wall, I might add. First mistake - these don't provide enough "grab" for a shelf and it was hopelessly wobbly, wouldn't last a week. Upping my game, I reached for some metal toggle plugs, but these got stuck on the blocks because they need a wider gap to work and the shelf was even wobblier, so I had to rip them (literally) out. By now the holes were looking more like bullet holes than drilled ones. After much swearing, I remembered I have some duck-off long ass heavy duty plugs designed for Dot'n'dab. These go right into the blocks behind and have a sturdy metal collar you wham into the plug to bridge the gap. Out came the heavy duty drill, and after some more minor cursing, and fertling due to the aforesaid gouged hikes in the plasterboard, bit without any blue pills, I GOT IT UP! It flexes a bit, mainly because of those ducking gaping holes, but it's tied to the ducking breeze blocks, so it's not going anywhere. Hope I never have to take it down. So yeah, a nice productive day if DIY... (Hilarious auto-corrupt "corrections" of my bad language left in for comic effect).

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-12-22 at 15:45

I have this tradition where I always make my wife's cards. This years effort, #LaserCut of course - a multi layer winter scene featuring a robin on a branch and snowy pines in the background. It fits over the to of her monitor so she has to keep looking at it, and has a hole for her web camera to fit in, so she doesn't have any excuse to take it down! Five layers - front is Beech ply, the others are Birch. As usual, designed in #Inkscape. A touch of colour added by borrowing my son's alcohol markers. Only took about 8 minutes, ahem, hours. She likes it so it's well worth the effort!

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-12-10 at 20:00

@actuallyautistic Well, we had 12YO's Autism assessment back from Healios today... and it's positive, so he's now officially #AuDHD. I'm not surprised - it does explain a lot, but the comments basically said for us to keep doing what we're doing, because we identified a lot of accommodations we already make. Of course, we still have a lot to learn, so it's an ongoing project.

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-12-06 at 21:19

Finished the butterfly tea light lantern! #LaserCut #maker

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-11-30 at 18:08

It was our last #RepairCafe off the year today here in #Telford and the pin vice was used to fix someone's juicer! I knew it would come in handy, but I didn't realise it would be that quick.

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-11-28 at 23:40

This pin vice drill set arrived in the post today - I ordered it for a project, and it will be useful to have in my toolbox for when I help out at the local monthly #RepairCafe. Trouble is, it doesn't come with a box, and the some of the drills are truly tiny, and they would surely get lost. So I thought I'd throw together a little #LaserCut box using #Inkscape's CNC box generator.

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-11-24 at 22:08

I like to do a bit of electronics #upcycling. Last Sunday, I was helping out with the Repair Cafe at our local Climate Action Hub's Sustainable Sundays event, and I managed to pick up, for a small donation, an old Intel Compute Stick that someone has donated. I didn't know what, if anything, I could do with it. It dates from 2015, so it's quite old by today's standards, and this one came with Windows 8, which is of course end of life now. I'm not a fan of windows anyway, and with only 2GB RAM, and 32GB Windows 10 wouldn't be a viable option. But my speciality is installing #Linux on old computers to revive them... And although it was more of a pain than I had anticipated - requiring a USB hub, an HDMI coupler, and few bios tweaks, I now have #Debian Bookworm installed and running nicely on it! It's a great addition to our "new" (second hand) media centre screen, so now we can watch you|peer tube on the big screen, and I've attached all my ripped CDs on an MMC card so I can use it to play music too. It will eventually be plugged directly into the back of the screen, so will look pretty neat! My wife's pleased too because she'll be able to watch xmas videos with the kids on it instead of rigging up her computer and monitor on a chair!

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-11-23 at 21:44

[#]ActuallyAutistc We've been doing some Xmas greetings cards for family and friends with our #Adhd and possibly #Autistic12YO. He painted the using cotton buds dipped in acrylic paint and I helped him design the text in #Inkscape and I then #lasercut it on scrap card to make a stencil for him, which was then sponged over with more acrylic paint. Proper little card factory going on here! Very pleased with the results, especially as he has done kind of fine motor skills coordination problem - his handwriting is very poor, so this is an achievement for him.

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-11-21 at 18:38

@niamhgarvey Just started reading Looking After Your Autistic Self, and the Stress Response and Autism section of Part 1 Chap 2 is just so relateable. Pre-diagnosis, I used to consider myself a "stress magnet" - i lived in an almost permanent state of high stress, which those around me could never understand, and neither could I. If only I had known...

I can tell this book is going to take me a while to read if I keep getting events like this, but TBH I'm looking forward to it, as understanding ourselves is of course the best way to work out how to manage ourselves better.

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-11-17 at 09:58

@actuallyautistic Thanks for all the pointers! I can see now that there are likely going to be a few book purchases - as an Autistic family, we could all do to read them, and we still have two boys at home who could benefit, plus other family members who might also.

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-11-16 at 22:32

@actuallyautistic Could anyone recommend a book on emotions for Autistic people - preferably BY an Autist. My Autistic 14YO son just asked me for one, but "not one for kids". He says he needs something that discusses emotions and what they feel like, to help him understand how he feels. He knows anxiety all too well, but the more subtle ones are difficult for him to understand.

We're looking ourselves, of course, but so far the recommends we have found have been rather suspect. I value the ActuallyAutistic hive mind's opinions far more than any search engine's!

Please boost for reach ;-)

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-10-30 at 15:12

Lit up!

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Written by cybervegan on 2024-10-30 at 15:08

My effort.

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