this whole right wing movement in europe is so baffling to me because most eu citizens actually got to experience how much better a life can be that doesn’t focus on a single nation. we had 30 years of borderless travel. 20 years of our currency just being the same. and i just don’t understand how anyone would want to get rid of this instead of expanding these freedoms more and more.
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these things are lived experience for most of us. we actually know what it’s like to gain more freedoms. it’s not through old tales, we’ve been there, we felt it. we got to see the happiness of queer people when they were finally allowed to marry each other. how much can you hate humanity? i know all the theory, the papers, the science on why people are like this. but on a purely emotional level this is all so fucking stupid.
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i remember the images of people stepping up and helping refugees arriving at train stations. the being there for each other, the support, the community, the willingness to help, merkel’s proud »we can do this« – and we did! how is this not something to strive for? why would you want to regress? i have no words for what’s happening. how could you not want to help people in need?
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@hagen I imagine there are pressures that people in Germany who are doing okay financially just don't experience
while removing those doesn't stop the racism from the top, it stops the disenfranchised voting against themselves
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@mmby @hagen There are reams of academic papers produced that show who votes fash in Germany and how in the former ddr they are more often than not financially comfortable (with plenty of rich grifters in the fold).
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@Veza85UE @hagen thanks for the schooling, I'm a little surprised
for others: here is a link (careful pdf) to the report in German
it's a little crass that a good predictor is 'male & from East Germany'
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@mmby @hagen my uneducated guess: reactionary sociopathic tendencies are unevenly spread across various groups that fight against (perceived or real) loss of privileges. But the reason wealth is statistically insignificant while gender is not may be that there are far more men resentful of Others (and of having to treat women as human beings) than there are rich or poor people resentful of losing status (or paying taxes), men are half the population.
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@Veza85UE @mmby @hagen I think crucially being well off in the East is a source of resentment: ultimately it's pointless, you are still an Ossie, your region is unattractive, your friends are old and dying.
The fact so much money was spent makes it even more galling.
It's a male thing, I think, to lash out, but it's an old society thing to lash out at foreigners.
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@iinavpov @Veza85UE @mmby please let me stop this discussion and the corresponding notifications: there is no need to speculate because there are plenty of studies out there. it won’t be fixed in my replies.
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Možná máme věnovat méně úsilí (nikoliv žádný!) snahám o porozumění a více času (nikoliv všechen!) konání. Co my, já, ty, on, ona, ono máme dělat. Je to složité. Slovo "my" je složité. Ale dá se tou složitostí prokousat ke konání. Mám v tom směru nějaké návrhy. Hodně souzní s konaním Jean Monnet (-a), jak je popisuje ve svých Pamětech.
@iinavpov @Veza85UE @mmby @hagen
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@tymoty @iinavpov @mmby a ver, yo estoy bastante de acuerdo con lo de problemas de EuroBoomeristan, gente mayor con problemas de existencialismo real o imaginario. Pero en cualquier caso, lo crucial es que alguien tendrá que cuidarlos, alguien tendrá que recoger las cosechas, el funcionamiento básico de la sociedad necesita migrantes.
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@Veza85UE , ano ale...
Nestačí si zatútat, že jsme chytří a víme. Je potřeba víc. Je potřeba konat (Jean Monnet).
Nestačí konat něco. Nestačí konat cokoliv. Nestačí konat dobro.
My, Ty, já, on, ona, ono musíme společně zvolit bod tlaku / směr konání.
Já vím, že slovo "my" je složité. Je to složité. Ale my se tou složitostí můžeme prokousat ke konání.
Mám nějaké návrhy.
@Pierrette @unterwasser #hibrida
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@tymoty @Pierrette @unterwasser Yo ya voto al único gobierno UE que defiende abiertamente las vías legales a la inmigración y explica por qué concede permisos de trabajo (somos viejos, alguien tiene que trabajar, etc) y como esto es muy de competencia nacional, no tengo mucho que hacer con los que rabian contra la inmigración y luego venden visados al mejor postor (PiS) o construyen campos de trabajadores a las afueras de la ciudad o traen policías chinos para patrullar las calles (Hungría).
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@Veza85UE , ano. Máš pravdu. Ano. Ale!
Nestačí mít pravdu.
Nestačí pravdu hájit na Mastodonu.
Je potřeba něco konat.
Nestačí konat něco. Nestačí konat cokoliv. Nestačí konat dobro.
My, Ty, já, on, ona, ono se musíme společně zvolit bod tlaku. Musíme společně zvolit směr konání.
Mám nějaké návrhy.
@Pierrette @unterwasser #hibrida
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@tymoty @Pierrette @unterwasser Estoy de acuerdo, este no es el lugar adecuado. Todos tenemos parientes, vecinos o amigos que a veces necesitan sentirse menos solos o aislados y, aunque yo crecí en internet y estoy contenta con las comunidades en las que puedo sumergirme para divertirme o informarme, todos necesitamos comunidades offline y mostrar a la gente que nos preocupamos por ellos o contribuir a ayudar a los recién llegados a integrarse, etc.
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@Veza85UE , ano, děkuju, ale.
Podle mě není vůbec jasné, co "to" "my" máme vlastně dělat. Tápu. Potřebuju pomoct.
Nestačí dělat něco. Nestačí dělat cokoliv. Nestačí dělat dobro.
"My, Ty, já, on, ona, ono" se potřebujeme sladit do kolektivní akce.
(3) Velké množství nás se musí sladit v tom, který (1) bod tlaku zvolíme a kterým (2) směrem budeme působit.
Mám nějaké návrhy, jak na to.
@Pierrette @unterwasser #hibrida
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@iinavpov @Veza85UE @mmby @hagen I dunno what's so hard to understand about this.
For 35 years, everybody who's had even minimal cognitive capacities had to leave the east German provinces and had to go either to the west or at least into some city in the east because there has been no future at home. Whole areas have been bled dry of intellect (and, consequently, of economic resources) for 35 years. Mostly the morons and incapable stay behind. What did you expect this would do to those areas??
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@iinavpov @Veza85UE @mmby @hagen Note: There are very few western electoral districts with similar social circumstances, but some few are similar, and the AfD is getting lots of votes in these, too.
Apparently, the openness to others correlates with things like education, intellect, social status, and well-being. Whoda thought that?
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Fear. Scarcity mindset. The inability to understand and fully comprehend the power that an abundance mindset has.
This planet is abundant. Greed narrows the channel through which it can flow. The obscenely wealthy at the bottleneck are going to literally kill us all.
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@hagen Bigotry is an a-rational force. It defies any bounds set on it by income, education, or vocation.
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Only historians remember history, each generation seems to forget and the same patterns take over: fear, manipulation, control, greed. We always say 'never again' but it always happens again.
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You nailed it right there: hate.
Hate and rage are such powerful motivators that people will tear down their house onto their own heads to try to satisfy it, but of course acting on hate only makes it grow.
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