
Written by Ryan on 2024-12-30 at 22:43

Fuck me in every orifice, clockwise starting from my left ear. There is a "store" that carries all the components necessary to build the battery, assuming the "screws as contacts" design.

Wal-Mart. Mother. Fucking. WAL-MART.

They have the metric fasteners.

They have the 2.1mm DC connectors

They have the lithium ion cells

They have the battery management system

They have the incidentals (wires, wire strippers, screw terminals, wire nuts...)

(Screams into the void)

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Written by Ryan on 2024-12-31 at 13:24

With the perspective of a good night's sleep and the last day of the year, I've been getting way ahead of myself, as usual.

I've created something new, something potentially useful, but I need to prove out it's usefulness. I got caught up in worrying about profit and production.

The lights arrive on the 2nd, as will the components for the second battery. I've got a few days off before I go back to work to do a few test rides. And a longevity test - up to 24 hours continous use.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 02:17

Get in loser, we're doing science.

[#]bikeTooter #diy #electronics #3dprinting

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 04:46

Three hours later, and the light's are still on. So it would last for a commute, at least.

I'm taking a reading every hour with a multimeter - both volts and amps. I need some more components to wire in the power meter.

| Time | Volts | mAh |

| ---- | ---- | ---- |

| 00m | 12.44 | 16.7 |

| 60m | 11.36 | 15.4 |

| 120m | 10.45 | 13.87 |

| 180m | 9.28 | 12.26 |

The specs say these LEDs are 12V 2A, and the battery is 12V 5A so shouldn't it have already gone out yet? (Not that I am complaining...)

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 05:35

An update - the battery died just short of four hours, reading 0.0 V at P+/P- and 8.4 V at B+/B-, which tells me that the BMS went into standby. I reset it by plugging it into the charge for a split second, and the lights came back on for a few minutes.

So, four hours at full power, give or take. Tomorrow, we'll try it at 50% power to see if it lasts eight hours.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 05:39

I also need to test it with the LED rope light; it has fewer LEDs and may last longer. I should also test it with three 12" segments to emulate what a spoke based setup would look like.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 15:40

I am, as they say, an idiot. Or more precisely, self taught at electronics and still learning.

The 12V LED strip is wired in series parallel, with three LEDs to a series. Each series draws about 20 mA. There are about 150 LEDs in the strip, so fifty serieses each drawing 20 mA, for about 1,000 mA.

Which explains why the battery only lasted four hours.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 15:50

So, that would mean that a 3 or 4 LED module on its own would last around 250 hours; three modules would last around 80 hours. A trio of 12" light bars would last 20 hours. In theory.

So, the trade off - do I want bright lights around the whole rim that need to be charged every day, or do I build a lower density light strip that can last for a week or two? Or settle for three line of lights that blur together into a disk? Or three modules of lights that blur together into a ring?

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 16:53

Coming full circle, if I went back to the glow in the dark rims powered by four small sets of UV LEDs, a 12V battery could power that for days, maybe weeks.

But then I'm limited by color, and daylight. Although I should test how well glow in the dark filament does compared to glow in the dark paint...

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 18:32

Test two underway - same setup as before, an 8' 12V LED strip powered by a 12V 5A battery in a custom 3D printed case, simulating a bike wheel rim light.

Prior results - About 4 hours runtime at 100% brightness

Prediction - About 8 hours runtime at 50% brightness


[#]biketooter #diy #electronics #3edprinting

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-04 at 23:57

Test two has exceeded the benchmark set by test one - after five hours at 50%, the lights are still illuminated, and do not appear to have dimmed. Although since the battery reads around 9V, I don't know if it will make it to eight hours.

Also of note - the factory length of the LED strips was about 98" (2.5m) - but I only need 70" for the bike rims. So in theory I should get 30% more battery life than what my bench tests have shown.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-05 at 01:58

Test two just passed seven hours.

And I am finding beauty in the math.

At factory length, the strips had 300 LEDs (120 / m). When cut down to fit my bike wheels (70"), it's about 210 LEDs.

I also have an LED rope light that has an bulb every inch - so cut down to fit my bike wheels it's about 70 LEDs.

So, in theory, the rope light should last 3x as long as the LED strip.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-05 at 20:25

Which one has more ✨️aesthetic ✨️ (poll in reply)?

[#]bikeTooter #3dprinting

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-05 at 20:26

Which one has more ✨️aesthetic✨️ (photos in previous toot)?

[#]bikeTooter #3dprinting

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-06 at 00:22

Test three has been underway all day, using the LED rope light meant for marine uses.

After seven hours, it has drained the battery from 12.4V down to 11.4 V - for comparison, the LED strip did that in an hour at full brightness, and in two hours at 50% brightness.

Which makes sense, as the rope light has approximately 1/5th as many LEDs as the strip.

I am suspect that the rope light could last 24 hours, but I am confident a smaller setup - maybe three strips along the spokes - could.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-07 at 04:03

Test three has hit the 24 hour mark.

Judging by the voltage reading on the battery and prior tests, it will last for a few more hours. But 24 hours of illumination would be enough for two weeks given my usual riding habits - a month if I only used it when commuting.

I'm pleased by the results, and looking forward to what "light bars" on the spokes will manage.

[#]bikeTooter #diy #electronics #3dprinting

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-08 at 05:27

I ran the lights for a few more hours tonight - they finally went out at around twenty seven and a half hours. Not bad.

I should probably stress test the cheap bike wheel lights I got that run on three AAAs to get a comparison, even if comparing a 5V strand of twenty micro LEDs to a 12V strand of 66 LED is probably silly.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-08 at 19:46

I have one last design change I'm considering for the battery case.

Currently it's printed in six separate pieces, which are then paired into three cases. Each case has half a hinge on either side that gets fastened to its neighbor to make a full ring.

Now I could make the hinges print in place, resulting in two assemblies that print in place. But that would force it to print flat on the bed, and each individual piece already has a lot of surface area, so it sticks to the bed until cooled...

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-08 at 19:51

The advantage of the print in place hinges is it makes the design idiot proof - it goes from six parts that can be incorrectly paired to two parts that can only be assembled one way.

The disadvantage is the print probably can't be auto ejected; it's not something I can test at home. So that would close off the ability for me to bulk order them and offer DIY kits with all the parts (sans batteries).

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-08 at 20:09

...actually, I just realized - making the hinges print in place would introduce more slop in the hinges because there would have to be a gap to prevent the pieces from melting together while printing.

So nevermind. Maybe I can add some finding features so that each half of a shell can only fit together with its counterpart.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-09 at 05:02

One thing that's always bugged me about the case is that it prints flat, which means it has about 4,000 mm^2 of surface area in contact with the bed. This makes it difficult to remove, even once the bed is fully cooled.

Printing it slanted means less surface area in contact with the bed - about 1,000 mm^2, and a uniform surface texture.

The slicer is complaining a little about the threads, but I think it will be fine. We'll know in about two hours.

[#]bikeTooter #diy #3dprinting

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-09 at 05:59

One minor change to the design is that I need to change from flat head screws to socket head screws - countersunk screw holes are a liability when printing at an angle because it results in unsupported overhangs. Switching to hex shaped counterbores solves the problem.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-09 at 14:31

The slanted print worked, although I need to adjust the interface at the bottom to use many short sprues instead of one long one.

I still need to figure out what to do about the countersunk screw holes, because I prefer flat head screws for the design. I guess I'll have to do some sort of support; maybe a sacrificial layer?

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-10 at 06:11

The cells for the second battery arrive tomorrow, and I'm doing the final wiring on the neon LED strips for both wheels.


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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-10 at 06:11

I need to find a better solution for wrapping the wires because overlapping segments of heat shrink looks tacky.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-11 at 06:14

Whose got two thumbs and forgot to post the first look photos in this thread?

This guy!

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-11 at 19:44

Technically speaking, the hub battery is at MVP. I've ironed out the major issues with the case, and with assembly and wiring. I've got a battery installed in both wheels and lights, too.

The outstanding issue is how to deal with variety of outer diameters on hubs. I've got a temporary fix - closed cell foam - but it seems like a jack. I'm experimenting with grip fins on the case itself and they work up to a point. I'm also going to try a flexible spacer.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-12 at 00:03

TIL that soldering 5mm RGB LED strips is a special hell. It can be done, but it's too easy to break the connections while installing them on a bike wheel.

CW: flashing lights.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-12 at 00:11

I've got five meters of RGB LED strip, so I'll try again tomorrow. Sunset is soon and I want to take the lights I have out for a field test.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-12 at 02:19

Field test one was a successful failure.

I set out around sunset. The lights were bright and the batteries were tight. But, both were dark when I got home.

I don't know when the rear light cut out, or why. My theory is either the battery wasn't charged or it shorted in the rain (because Portland).

The front light went out when I accidently went up and over the median in an unlit intersection of a side street. I assume it got jostled and maybe something shorted.

[#]bikeTooter #diy #electronics

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-12 at 02:22

Both batteries reset when I got home and plugged them into the charger, so I assume the internals are still good.

Still, this got me thinking; the BMS I'm using is the DF Robot FIT0809 - because it's the only one I could find from a reputable supplier. It can be reset by connecting a charger, or by shorting P+ / B+.

Now, taking the battery off the wheel and opening up the case on the side of the road to reset it sounds stupid. But what about wiring in a reset button?

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-12 at 02:26

My up and over with the median had me worried that one of cells had come out of the clips, or a clip had come free from the case. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen but now I wonder if I can come up with a more robust solution - maybe 3D printed clips in both halves of the shell, so the cells are totally immobilized?

Jarvis, start a new design file in the hub battery project for the mark VII iteration.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-12 at 22:55

Hub battery mark 7v1 has been sent to the printer. We'll see if it works in two hours and thirty minutes.

I've shifted from using metal clips (Mouser 534-247) to a 3D printed clip with spring clips (Mouser 789-209). This should completely immobilize the cells in the case, and will eliminate the need to secure the clips with glue, which has the added benefit of making it more repairable.

One downside of this design is it uses more filament - 60g vs 45g.

[#]bikeTooter #diy #3dprinting

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-13 at 01:25

The mark 7v1 worked a little too well; I had to (carefully) destroy the case to get the battery cell back out with just one spring clip installed.


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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-13 at 05:50

Iterating some more on the hub battery case I've embraced the kind of geometry only practical with 3D printing to solve some of the issues caused by switching to the leaf spring battery clips; namely that it means there needs to be a wall at either end of the battery, 8mm wide, 1.6mm thick, and 12mm tall, more or less centered on the cell, which is 21mm in diameter.

So rather than waste a lot of filament building up to that height, I'll model an arch across the case.


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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-13 at 18:19

Eight billion people on the planet, and not one of them runs a business selling 3/8" LED rope light at custom lengths in all colors.

Capitalism was a mistake.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-13 at 23:47

One of the many advantages to working from home is I can take breaks and work on personal projects.

I've printed both halves of a mark 7 iteration and it's amazing. The cell is fully immobilized by the case itself, and the flying buttresses that the battery clips are on provide cable management for the wires.

I need to re-add all the finishing touches, and tweak the shape of the flying buttresses, but it's very close...

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-13 at 23:48

The downside of being close having a finished design is then I need to make a decision about what, if anything, to do with it above and beyond my own use.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-14 at 01:54

I ordered tiny buttons for the reset switch and they are, in fact, tiny.

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Written by Ryan on 2025-01-15 at 05:32

Field test two of the hub battery was also my first day biking to work in the new year with a high in the low 30s and fog.

A wire came loose in the front battery during morning commute. But the rear battery held up for the whole 26 mile round trip.

The vibe of riding with the wheel lights on at night is like the HUD indicator in co-op video games that highlights your allies.


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Written by Stefan Ihringer on 2025-01-15 at 07:59

@yantor3d Really cool!

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