Facebook Requiem
Smash and break up fucking Facebook, put Meta under state control,
socialise the social network
for the good of all
By public TV comedy show ZDF Royale, Germany 2021.
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The economist doesn't let on why he thinks that the insurance crisis can trigger "broader" financial instability.
He only mentions 2008-2009 – and thinks, that's enough.
His last sentence tho lets me think, the #LAfires weren't for naught if the
" financial, cultural and entertainment center of the world" has really burnt down.
Because obviously, since we are where we are today, such a center bears lots of responsibility for why we got here.
Or did you discover a U-turn in how the "cultural and entertainment centre" depicts desirable lifestyles? It's still mansions, single family homes, car-addiction, flying and so on. No sign in the movies of sustainable living space per person, 35 square metres, +15 for each additional person.
No sign of cycling, walking, car-less activities. No talk of aviation cirrus and emitting CO2 so far up in the atmosphere.
Ah well.
You get my drift.
The irresponsible "financial, cultural and entertainment center of the world" has brought us here. It's a driving part of the #EconObscene and the #ClimateCrisis
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Ob das wohl von Mathis Boente stammt? Ein Anwalt und Klimaaktivist aus Münster. Sein Twitterprofil existiert nicht mehr. Auf Bluesky und im Fediverse gibts ihn nicht.
Der ist vor ca. 2 Jahren extra in die FDP eingetreten, um als Mitglied quasi offiziell über die Klimastrategie der Partei aufzuklären. So nach dem Motto: Sprit und Heizen wird ab 2027 immer teurer, Leute, einzig auf diese Weise wollen wir Euch klimakonform machen. Uns ist egal, ob ihr keinen Pfennig übrig habt, um auf klimagerechte Anschaffungen zu sparen, uns ist auch egal, wenn Eure Mietwohnung kalt bleibt. Hauptsache, der CO2Preis und der Markt regeln alles.
Weiß jemand, ob Mathis Boente gar nicht mehr auf Social Media ist?
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Das gibt's ja wohl nicht, was? Die "liberale" Partei FDP soll auf Parteitagen durchgehend nicht geheim gewählt haben, wer auf Listen kommt und wer nicht. Nun wird geprüft und die Partei evtl. in allen Bundesländern bis auf Berlin und Niedersachsen ... wieder von den Stimmzetteln entfernt – oder wie man sowas dann halt organisiert.
Briefwählende gucken in die Röhre?
Schuld eigene, wer so ne Partei freiwillig bei Briefwahl ankreuzt, hat eh n Vollschuss.
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17 minutes tour de force through #economics regarding #climatechange
in a talk by Steve Keen, which got edited to accommodate the TikTok generation, I guess, with a mass of illustrative video and memes thrown in.
Not my taste. But his message is so very clear: economists are still and have been for 30 years now publishing papers, theories and models in favour of the fossil industry – by grossly downplaying climate risks.
This is not a thing of the past. It is still happening. All climate economics papers are like this.
If actual scientists had been reading the manuscripts, none of the papers would have gotten published – says Steve Keen. Yes, and he also makes the distinction: economists versus scientists.
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German explanations why some houses survive a burning neighbourhood unscathed.
No vegetation around the house, metal roof, empty gutters, outer cement shell, and a low brick wall around the garden that shields against the "blizzard of flying embers" .
Video, das erläutert, wie es kommt, dass mitten im nachbarschaftlichen Inferno auch immer wieder mal ein Haus komplett unangetastet stehen bleibt.
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Actual rebuilding after LAfires will not start immediately, even tho the mayor has expedited all on-site-rebuilding permits. Insurance approvals need to come thru first. And the above described shortages due to the hurricane clusterfuck in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee.
Which is a good thing. Because a heavy rain, as is very common in winter in Southern California, on the burnt hillsides is going to cause mudslides.
This article describes what happened near Santa Barbara in 2017/2018, after a fire had ravaged 10x as much area than the #LAfires , and even before it was put out, a mere 12.7mm of rain (0.5 inch) – but within 15 minutes and on a burned hillside – buried the village Montecito under metres of mud and debris.
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"Rarely have so many cities ruined by natural disasters attempted to rebuild around the same time. Hurricane reconstruction efforts are under way in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee. Soon, Los Angeles County will be starting to rebuild. "
"As more projects get under way, escalating demand for home-building resources could course through the economy, tightening supply chains and driving up costs."
"Builders will compete for engineering resources, architectural resources and debris removal"
If POTUS " follows through on his vow to impose stiff tariffs and deport undocumented workers, rebuilding could become even more fraught. Undocumented workers comprise an estimated 13% of the construction industry, while many builders rely on imported steel, lumber and other materials that could soon be more expensive. "
Again no mention of the scientific figure for sustainable living space per person: 35 square metres.
And no mention of switching to communal appliances as opposed to each family re-buying their own washing machines or tools.
They all think that single family homes and mansions are a matter of course, not a problem wrt natural resources, minerals, biodiversity, emissions, car-dependency and so on.
Also, one might recall how the economists' model #DICE has its default setting to a couple of years in which damages from weather extremes are assumed to be fully replaced.
And if I'm not mistaken, this damage function has no setting for increasing recovery time over the decades or increasing with rising temperature. They set it once, and their model calculates with this figure all the way through to 2100.
But here we are, at merely 1.5C, and the US faces shortages for rebuilding after multiple disasters within 9 months struck the South. Shortages even before the President of the United Sadists is in Office and enacts his grand scheme to end civilisation.
Good for GDP, is it?
[#]LAfires #EconObscene
(remember: archive.ph is your friend)
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Good podcast interview on economics and degrowth with Tim Parrique.
Host is Babak Behrad, a Dane or maybe from Sweden.
The first 20 minutes is about normal economics and the one-dimensionality of their world view: money.
How GDP was invented 1930 as tool in a crisis to measure whether applied policies to overcome the crisis were working or not.
And how GDP, this crisis tool, is used today in everyday politics:
the LA fires are good for GDP because fire fighters drive their fire engines which require fuel and repairs, then the rebuilding of course – and I guess, funerals – all is good for GDP in #LAfires in the one-dimensional philosophy of economics.
After 20minutes, the real topic begins: #Degrowth
Also have the impression that Parrique's English pronunciation is now far easier to follow for me as non-native English listener than it used to be 2-3 years ago. https://podcasts.apple.com/no/podcast/timoth%C3%A9e-parrique-reimagine-economics-for-ecological/id1672060019?i=1000642487956
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The last time, today's warming rate happened was during deglaciation, see ice core from Greenland.
It was so fast that the AMOC stopped. Which also re-froze Scotland and Scandinavia for a while. Scotland was a wall of ice 800 m tall!
But the Earth's orbital cycles drove further warming, #AMOC restarted – and our stable #Holocene began.
The chart shows decadal average temperature in °C from Renland in East Greenland and a short contemporary time series from a weather station 600km further North at the coast in Danmarkshavn. To visualise the similar warming rates a little better, Danmarkshavn's data was copied in at the 2 previous periods of fast rising temperatures in Renland.
Noteworthy: the 2 steep warming periods took about 300 years each and covered first 10 and then 8 °C. Roughly 0.33°C per decade.
While Danmarkshavn saw a rise of 0.35 per decade since 1980.
[#]Paleoclimate #Greenland
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Denkanstöße und Gedanken zu Klima-Populismus https://taz.de/Strategien-der-Klimabewegung/!6058836/
Der Autor schreibt, die LINKE habe den für sich entdeckt, sei noch holprig in der Anwendung, aber als Konzept vielversprechend.
Das find ich ja auch.
Die Lügen und Aufreger von CDU CSU und FDP sind nur so erfolgreich, weil sie es schaffen, alle Talkshows und Titelseiten damit zu füllen. Da herrscht also Teamarbeit zwischen Journalisten und "Politikern".
So ein vernetztes Team existiert nicht für unverlogene Politiker und erst recht nicht für Klimarelevantes.
Aber bei allem Unrespekt, den die Ökon- und Polit-Journaille verdient,
sie berichtet doch immer noch, egal wie oberflächlich, über Äußerungen von Politikern mit Rang und Namen, die nicht zum Team gehören.
Darum kann man es also schaffen, mit populistischen Klima-Aufregern in Serie die Medienzyklen zu dominieren – und damit den verlogenen Söders, Linnemanns, Spahns, Lindners, Merz das Aufmerksamkeitswasser abzugraben.
Man muss es nur wollen und n bissl Geschick haben.
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News aus Pakistan. Der frühere, immernoch beliebte PM Imran Khan ist gestern zu 14 Jahren Haft verurteilt worden https://taz.de/Politische-Krise-in-Pakistan/!6062964/
Er soll im Amt korrupt eine Firma begünstigt haben, mit 225mio € Schaden für den Staat.
(Andrea Tandler bekam für ihre Maskendeals 4.5 Jahre, Spahn ist nicht mal angeklagt? https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jens_Spahn#Maskenaff%C3%A4re)
Aber vermutlich war Khan dem Militär bloß unliebsam, das er kritisierte und das seit Jahrzehnten die Politik dominiert.
Außerdem hat er Frauen und junge Leute politisch aktiviert – noch mehr störender Sand im Getriebe.
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Über einen Gletscher in Südwest Grönland namens Store:
"Einer der [Schmelz-]Seen, die sie seit 2015 kartiert, läuft jeden Sommer neu voll, um dann wieder zu drainieren. Sie können die alten Abflussrisse im Radar sehen, wie Narben im Gewebe. Voriges Jahr haben sie in der Nähe des Sees ein GPS aufgebaut. Nachdem der See im August abgelaufen war, hob sich der ganze Gletscher um 70 Zentimeter. 😱 „Plötzlich pumpt es da diese gigantischen Wassermengen rein und dann müssen sich erst mal Kanäle entwickeln, damit das abfließen kann.“ Sie konnten mitverfolgen, wie sich der Gletscher bis Oktober wieder absenkte – dann war alles ins Meer geflossen."
Aus der epischen Grönland-Reportage von Alex Rühle in der Süddeutschen, Oktober 2024: "Wo uns die Zeit davon schmilzt"
Das Video mit dem rauschenden Schmelzwasserfluss ist aber aus September 2023, das der Glaziologe Rob Storrar in Südwest Grönland, wohl in der Nähe des og Gletscher aufgenommen und auf TwiX gepostet hatte.
[#]Klima #Klimawandel #Klimakrise #Grönland #Gletscher
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14 minutes. An English interview with Israel's former PM Ehud Olmert and Palestine's former Foreign Minister Nasser al-Kidwa or Al Qudwa about their proposal for short- mid- and long-term solutions: 2 states as longterm goal, in the interim: military protection by Arab nations, and a Palestine committee of some sort that acts on behalf of the current Palestine "government" so that those are left out from bilateral and international negotiations.
Interview by Armin Wolf, Austrian public TV political journalist .
Maybe, the video only plays for German-speaking geo-locations.
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Bloodletting as remedy to clear the body off #PFAS
Both, private wells and the public drinking water system on Jersey is contaminated since the 1960s, when the airport started using fire foam containing PFAS.
Around year 2000, 3M stopped making this particular foam.
But Jersey's soil is full of it. And so is the water. Still. A forever chemical is just that, a #ForeverChemical
The Guardian quotes one resident living close to the airport in the 1990s, whose father got kidney and bladder cancer in the late 1990s, and he himself was more recently diagnosed with a slow-growing blood cancer that indicates it started in 1998.
Other cases occurred.
Some sleepy officials only started to move the public drinking water off the heavier contaminated wells in 2022.
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Wow, great piece on AMOC tipping. By Henry #Mance , chief features writer with Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/7711109e-0338-43ad-aada-853f058a24f1
Starts and ends with a sci-fi scenario: UK in a collapsed, not yet fully stopped #AMOC.
In between, Mance tells the cli-sci tale of how it works, where #IPCC models are (no-where near the observational data), where new research is pointing to, what critics say about this research, what people like @rahmstorf , Tim Lenton, and others think about it, and where research is going.
The one bit I don't really like is the presumption of uninterruptible continuation of current ultra complex global tech civilisation.
I think, London's streets would be empty, not bc of that blizzard in the first paragraph, but because it is unintentionally uninhabited.
I wonder why it is that Mance doesn't choose such a scenario – and instead fantasizes that the UK somehow imports all its food.
The indication that something is off is the sentence further down the line where it says, UK won't be able to feed a population of its current size.
You take away 10% of the population in industrialised nations bc you can't feed them – and there goes your societal order, down the drain.
Let this happen in several industrial or developING nations at the same time – and there goes your global civilisation. Down the drain.
Unrecoverable due to tech dependencies that are cut off and can't be restarted.
Would love to read such a scenario by Henry Mance!
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Sasha Alexander #Gershunov, ocean-atmosphere and #fireweather climate scientist at #Scripps speaks about the #SantaAna phenomenon and wildfires in SoCal.
He mentions in passing that SoCal is experiencing an upward trend in fire-prone weather (dryness before the normal ultra-dry Santa Ana comes in)
with abundance of fuel load due to atmospheric rivers in the preceding year(s) – and adds, that this trend is not projected for the future.
Whether this means that the statistics are a fluke or that the model projections are missing something that the statistics are telling us, is not said.
In this context, they link to an #openaccess 2022 paper https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-022-06361-7
by #Guirguis and Sasha Gershunov et al "Winter wet–dry weather patterns driving atmospheric rivers and Santa Ana winds provide evidence for increasing wildfire hazard in California"
This one paints a broader picture with fireweather_fuel-load teleconnection to the Northwest coast of America, Some form of swing or seesaw pattern of pressure highs and lows.
When I hear teleconnection, I intuitively associate a climate connection.
The Scripps article with Sasha Gershunov brings further information. I only cherry-picked this one item. Have a read for more background on LA fires. 🙂
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According to Era5, JFM ice concentration/extent in Greenland sea is on an unusual and steep upward slope since 2021.
I wonder whether this has anything to do with the #AMOC. Does fresher water simply freeze easier. Or is the reduced inflow of water due to decreasing convection making ice form easier🤔
Or something happening to the wind that used to push new #seaice away from #Greenland's coast – and stopped doing that since 2021.
What would be the cause for wind change near GL coast in January to March?🤔
Ah. Of course! #SuddenStratosphericWarming changes the wind direction from West-East to East-West!
We had several #SSW since 2021.
So they were pushing new ice against the coast where it can stick together easily? 🤔
AMOC-independent – unless these SSW themselves have something to do with AMOC.
But I don't think they do. I think, they occur a) during #LaNina with b) low sea ice in the Kara sea or Laptev sea (Russian coast).
Altho... 🤔🤔🤔 a slowing AMOC is causing a quasi-permanent La Nina state, as per modelling by M. England et al 2022.
So in a way, maybe AMOC has gotten slow enough for producing the unusual 3 La Nina winters in a row – and in teamwork with #climatechange causing low sea ice in Kara or Laptev sea – produced the unusual frequency of SSW – who caused sea ice on Greenland's coast to stick easily during January-March 2021-2024.
Could be AMOC related after all. 🤔 😁
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How to design and build the highest "kapla" tower, and then topple it. 11min to re-connect with your inner child 😁
"kapla" apparently is the name of small wooden planks?
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A thread on the fire history in Southern California, with its special "fire-evolved" ecosystem and Santa Ana phenomenon. Not specifically about the current #LAfires . https://bsky.app/profile/pyrogeog.bsky.social/post/3lfd7je7gw22l
By Crystal A. Kolden , Director of UC Merced Fire Resilience Center. Pyrogeographer. Wrote a paper 2017 on SoCal fires, about whether they were Santa-Ana induced or not. The image below is from the paper. The red dots on the map are Santa Ana fires, the blue dots aren't.
The thread concludes with hope for better living with the fires by fire-proofing old infrastructure according to newest standards, and managing fuel load.
Hm. Prescribed fires – their smoke is dangerous for the population.
Managing fuel load manually sounds impossible because this is not forest with dead branches and leaves littering the ground.
And if people "plant" stone gardens around their property, the summer temperatures increased by this new feature will be unbearable. They already are in my book..
Fireproofing all old infrastructure sounds like a project that lasts decades..
Anyway. Good thread. Makes a difference when an expert can just speak about what they think is important – versus a middleman asking the expert questions and leading the narrative. I know of only very few journalists who manage to ask good questions. Mostly, the Q work to keeping debate on kindergarden level. Not good.
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