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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2025-02-01 at 20:59

Time to start sharing my No Man's Sky screenshots I think. #NoMansSky #screenshot #screenshotsaturday #videogames

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2025-01-21 at 21:52

A question for the #neurodivergent crowd: You know how the Double Empathy Problem refers to the problems autistic and non-autistic (allistic) people have understanding each other right? Well what I want to know is, do you think that this can happen with different types of neurodivergent people, say autistic and adhd people? I know some people like this and I'm starting to think that they may have this problem too. What do you think? Does anyone else have any experience with this? Any ideas on how to get them to communicate, understand each other, and interact better? I have some ideas, but I want to get other experiences too. Being audhd myself, I can see both sides pretty clearly I believe, but I want to help my friends with their problems.

[#]ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyAdhd #audhd @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd @actuallyaudhd

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2025-01-09 at 01:56

I just solved the Klingon problem! Specifically, the problem of the difference between their appearance from TOS and afterwards. Yes, I know that this was dealt with in Enterprise, and while I found their solution clever, it always felt a bit forced to me, not to mention human-centric (humans are responsible for the change? Like how they were responsible for the creation of Aliens? No thanks, Ridley.)

No, this is a better solution, IMHO, however late it may be. Let's begin with the TOS Klingons. Taking them as the basically Roman-style conquerors they were portrayed as, where were all these conquered races anyway? Thanks to Star Fleet Battles, I had envisioned them working for the Empire in many capacities, much in the way slave races worked for the Terran Empire in the Mirror episode of Enterprise. Yet in no episode did we ever see this. Disappointing.

Now the TNG+ Klingons weren't just visually different, they emphasized their inherent racial superiority with their now "warrior" culture. This makes me think of them as an entirely different species than the TOS Klingons. So suppose that they were. Suppose that the TOS Klingons, being technologically superior in the same way Rome was to various 'barbarians' on Earth, at some point conquered a primitive, all-warrior cultured race that is the TNG+ Klingons. Now suppose that this slave race has been enslaved so long that they became used to being part of the "Klingon" Empire, to the point that they called themselves that as well, since all the slave races were "part" of the Empire.

But also suppose that they had their own covert culture that emphasized their racial superiority, and created solidarity as can happen with some slave races. Then, once the time was right (perhaps in some Praxis-like event), they rose up, overthrew the TOS Klingons, and took over to become the "true" Klingons. This blurring of the facts would be much in the same manner as Hitler screwing up the term "Aryan" to fit his views. Now, instead of just conquerors with a superior culture, they were a true "warrior race", as it was race that was more important to them than the culture. This would account for not only the visual differences, but the cultural ones as well. They could even weave the event into their mythology, as their founders "rose up and slew the gods", something they are fond of claiming.

So hows that? Seems far more plausible to me, and fits in nicely with established lore (aside from that one Enterprise episode that explains it differently).

[#]StarTrek #klingon

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2025-01-05 at 00:38

Well, today's the day. The day I finally say goodbye to windows for good.

I haven't used it at all since February of last year, so nearly a full year of pure Linux. I'm just a little anxious like whenever I do something like this because I'm worried that I forgot to back something up. I think I got everything. I didn't use windows for much other than gaming, so aside from some game save files, captured pics and videos, a few downloaded files, and my browser notes and bookmarks just in case, that should be it. No emails, no writings. I should be good to go. I just need to give myself a little time for my mind to think of something I may have forgotten because once I nuke that partition, there's no going back.

But once I do, I'll have a whole 1 TB SSD free to use. I can install more games, reinstall my local pic generator, and in general not feel like I'm running out space all the time (at least for now), it'll be great. Just gotta get over this one last little hump. 😬

[#]linux #windows

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Shared by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-12-29 at 18:27 (original by n1k0)

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-12-26 at 23:59

Does anyone else's web browser freeze up for 10-20 seconds after receiving a notification from Mastodon? I have to stop whatever I'm doing and wait until it finishes maxing out one of my processors. It's really annoying and I'm not sure where the problem lies.


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Shared by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-12-22 at 20:23 (original by Cory Doctorow)

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-12-21 at 21:58

This is the first Appendix to my Introduction. A good way to get to know me is to know what's important to me, and with these I'll introduce those topics and projects that are. They'll remain as pinned posts on my profile so I can refer people to them should the topic ever come up.

The first and most important thing in my life is something called Technocracy. Most likely you haven't heard of it before, and if by some chance you have, what I am talking about here is most likely not related at all to what you've heard before. So what is it exactly? Keeping in mind that it is a topic large enough that it is normally taught in a study course, and any less than that risks what might be called "Blind Men and the Elephant Syndrome", in short Technocracy is a proposal for a sustainable, post-scarcity economic system.

To describe how it works, the shortest description would be "Technocracy is a system where machines do all the work people don't want to do." This is of course a big oversimplification, but it gets the essential point across, and that is that our society has reached a point, technologically speaking, where most work is obsolete. And our continued attempts to maintain an economic system that requires human labor is not only holding us back from a better future, but is indeed making things worse. That is why an essential part of Technocracy is to separate a person's labor from their ability to consume. Only by doing this can we let machines do what they do best, and free the rest of us to pursue better lives for everyone. As for how exactly it accomplishes this, there's more to it than can be put in any social media post. Anyone interested in learning more can visit and/or talk to me about it. I'll also be posting more about it from time to time here.


[#]Technocracy #technate #SpecialInterest #PostScarcity #AlternativeEconomics #introduction

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Shared by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-12-14 at 18:49 (original by Cory Doctorow)

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Shared by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-12-04 at 23:36 (original by 🏴‍☠️ MC Pablo ∴ #SyndiquezVous)

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-11-27 at 08:58

Whoa, just had a thought: There are many reasons why Harry Potter is popular, but I just thought of one that may resonate with neurodivergent people in particular.

Child grows up in a world that doesn't understand him and generally treats him very poorly. Then he is told by other people that the reason for this is because he is different, he is special. Now I get that pretty much everyone wants to feel special, but for us NDs, maybe it's something different.

We watch this child go to a place where everyone, despite their many differences, are just like him in a very important way. They understand him, and share and indulge his interests. But most importantly, he receives support from a huge community of people based on this difference from the "normals". He feels at home, and he thrives.

Idk, I just woke up so maybe I'm missing something and this is just the universal appeal after all, nothing special for NDs. I guess we'll see. Let me know what you think.

[#]neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #ActuallyADHD @actuallyautistic

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-11-14 at 23:10

This has been my primary coping mechanism for the past week and a half.

[#]videogames #HogwartsLegacy #screenshot #harrypotter

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-25 at 21:33

"Credit fraud? My god, that's worse than murder!"

-Ben Cheviot, Max Headroom


[#]maxheadroom #cyberpunk #capitalism #dystopia

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-22 at 23:32

Going to try to start posting some of my many many pix from Wallpaper Generator 2077^H^H^H #cyberpunk2077 , hoping to encourage more such content posted here on Mastodon.

[#]videogames #screenshot #photomode

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-20 at 21:08

A question for pc gamers:

There are a lot of mods for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, and there's something I am looking for but don't want to have to check every single one for it. What I'm looking for is a mod that expands the maps, makes them bigger with more room to explore and look around. If you are familiar with the game Deus Ex, there is a mod that does this called Revision, so what I am hoping for is basically that. Does anyone know of anything like that? Probably a long shot, but Revision is popular enough I think that there is at least a chance. 🙏

[#]VTMB #deusex #pcgames #videogames

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-19 at 20:45

[#]actuallyautistic #ActuallyADHD #AuDHD #neurodivergent @actuallyautistic

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Shared by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-14 at 09:03 (original by matiu bidule)

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-12 at 14:30

Can't sleep. No doubt stress from this jury thing. Plus my mind keeps coming up with posts I want to make here, mostly anecdotes from my past that may be autism related.

Like this one: Six or seven years old, dressed up as C-3P0 for Halloween. My older sister took me out trick-or-treating. At one house, the door was answered by a woman dressed in an elaborate scary witch costume, and opened the door with a big screechy cackle. I ran, of course, back to my sister who was waiting for me on the sidewalk.

I was embarrassed by my reaction. But whereas most kids would have felt that way because of the display of cowardice, I was admonishing myself for not behaving like a proper robot. Robots don't get scared. (Yeah, I guess I wasn't well versed enough in Star Wars yet to realize that this was perfectly in character for C-3P0. :blob_cat_giggle: )

Anyway, it's a cute memory for me now. It began a long tradition of me acting out the part of my Halloween costumes. It's no wonder my favorite hobby is role playing games! I've got more such stories if anyone's interested.

[#]actuallyautistic @actuallyautistic #Halloween

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-12 at 04:50

@actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd

Looking at the online form for exception from jury duty, it says:

"You must call the number on your "Important Information Form" after 2:00PM on the day before the jury selection date appearing on your summons. A recorded message will let you know if you are required to attend jury selection."

Oh, that's just great. Make me sweat it out for a month and have to plan for it anyway. I guess I'm in for a hell-month anyway. 🤢

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Written by Murdoc Addams 🧛🏻 on 2024-10-12 at 04:10

I've just received summons for jury duty. Again. Yes, that means I'm freaking out. 😱 😱 😱 😱

Last time I went through it was so much stress, it literally made me sick. I tried to push through it, convince myself that it won't be that bad, but it didn't work. Just too much anxiety. That on top of just plain disrupting my whole life for over a month, even having to recover after the fact. I didn't even get selected, but even that process was nerve-wracking.

I want to say something like I can't go because of being #actuallyautistic or #ActuallyADHD , but even if that might work I suspect I'd need some sort of official diagnosis, which I doubt that I could get in the next month before I have to go. I guess I'll have to do some research. 😫

I don't suppose anyone has any suggestions for me? I live in #Canada btw.

@actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd #jury #neurodivergent

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