\version "2.14.2"
songDedication = \markup {for J.M.O.B.}
songTitle = "Turtle on a Biscuit"
songPoet = "S.W. Black"
songCopyright = "2016 S.W.Black"
tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ Hark! the Herald Angels Sing } }
tuneComposer = \markup { \italic { Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) } }
tuneSource = \markup { from \italic { Christmas Carols and Hymns for School and Choir,} 1910}
albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}
albumTagline = \markup {for \italic {Christmas 2016.}
If you can do better, fork it from
% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages
\include "../book/album.ily"
global = {
\key g \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 112
sopMusic = \relative c' {
d4 g g4. fis8 | g4 b b a | d d d4. c8 | b4 a b2 |
d,4 g g4. fis8 | g4 b b a | d a a4. fis8 | fis4 e d2 |
d'4 d d g, | c b b a | d d d g, | c b b a |
e' e e d | c b c2 | a4 b8 c d4. g,8 | g4 a b2 |
e4. e8 e4 d | c b c2 | a4 b8 c d4. g,8 | g4 a g2 \bar "|."
altoMusic = \relative c' {
d4 d d4. d8 | d4 g g( fis) | g fis e a | g fis g2 |
d4 d d4. d8 | b4 g' g2 | fis4 e fis4. d8 | d4 cis d2 |
d4 d d g | a g g( fis) | d d d g | a g g( fis) |
g g g gis | a gis a2 | fis4 fis g4. d8 | e4 fis g2 |
c4 c c b | a gis a2 | d,4 fis g4. d8 | d4 fis d2 \bar "|."
tenorMusic = \relative c' {
b4 b b4. a8 | g4 d' d2 | d4 d e e | d d d2 |
b4 b b4. a8 | g4 d' e2 | d4 e a,4. a8 | b4 g fis2 |
d'4 d d d | d d d2 | d4 d d d | d d d2 |
e4 e c d | e e e2 | d4 d d4. b8 | b4 d d2 |
e4 e e d | c e e2 | d4 d d4. b8 | b4 c b2 \bar "|."
bassMusic = \relative c' {
g4 g g d | b g d'2 | b4 b c c | d d g,2 |
g'4 g g d | e d cis4.( a8) | b4 cis d fis, | g a d2 |
d'4 d d b | fis g d2 | d'4 d d b | fis g d2 |
c4 c c b | a e' a2 | c4 c b g | e d g,2 |
c'4 c c b | a e a( g) | fis c' b g | d d g2 \bar "|."
lyricsA = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1. "
I want to eat some -- thing cool __ _
like a tur -- tle on a biscuit.
Per -- haps I could make some gruel __ _
for that cat to eat to -- night.
Per -- haps gruel __ _ would be nice __ _
for that cat, and for it's price. __ _
It is made of oat -- meal, too.
But cats __ _ aren't made of oat -- meal.
Gruel is made of oat -- meal, yes.
But it is not __ _ made for cats.
lyricsB = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2. "
I think the cat would like to eat
lots of meat; fresh, nice and sweet.
I think cats, they like to eat
bugs that crawl with six or eight feet.
Creep -- y crawl -- y lit -- tle bugs. __ _
Crunch -- y, snack -- y lit -- tle bugs. __ _
Why do cats eat all the bugs?
I thought they al -- so ate some mice.
Why do cats eat all the bugs?
When there are love -- ly tast -- y mice?
lyricsC = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"3. "
Have you thought what cats could cook __ _
if they'd hands in -- stead of feet?
Have you thought of what they cook __ _
with their tails and just two feet.
Could the cats __ _ taste it all __ _
with -- out sweet -- ness on their tongue? __ _
What would cats cook for the chic?
If they __ _ cooked an -- _ y -- thing?
Would bugs be on the me -- nu?
Or would we be stuck eat -- ing mice?
lyricsD = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"4. "
Have you e -- ver thought of eat -- ing
mouse pa -- té or may -- be flank?
Have you e -- ver thought of mak -- ing
lots of things stuffed in a steak?
I once thought I'd eat it all, __ _
an -- y -- thing and none at all. __ _
Would you eat an -- y -- thing made
by love -- ly cats with their sharp claws?
Would you eat an -- y -- thing made,
if they made you some -- thing to eat?
\tocItem \songTitle
\header {
title = \songTitle
poet = \songPoet
dedication = \songDedication
%translator = \songTranslator
composer = \tuneComposer
arranger = \tuneArranger
source = \tuneSource
copyright = \albumCopyright
tagline = \albumTagline
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = "sopranos" { \global \sopMusic }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsB
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsC
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsD
\layout { }
\header {
title = \songTitle
poet = \songPoet
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = "tune" { \global \repeat unfold 4 \sopMusic }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tune" {
\lyricsA \lyricsB \lyricsC \lyricsD
\midi { }
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