\version "2.14.2"
songDedication = \markup {for E.O.}
songTitle = "Lovely Like You"
songPoet = "S.W. Black"
songCopyright = "2016 S.W.Black"
tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen} }
tuneComposer = "Traditional"
tuneSource = \markup { from \italic {Christmas Carols, New and Old}}
albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}
albumTagline = \markup {for \italic {Christmas 2016.}
If you can do better, fork it from
% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages
\include "../book/album.ily"
global = {
\key g \major
\time 2/2
\tempo 4 = 130
sopMusic = \relative c' {
\partial 4
e4 | e b' b a | g fis e d | e fis g a | b2. e,4 |
e b' b a | g fis e d | e fis g a | b2 b4\rest b |
c a b c | d e b a | g e fis g | a2
g4( a) | b2 c4 b | b( a) g fis | e2 g8\noBeam fis e4 |
a2 g4( a) | b( c) d e | b( a) g fis | e2.
altoMusic = \relative c' {
e4 | e g fis dis | e( d?) c b | e dis e e | dis2. e4 |
e g fis dis | e( d?) c b | e dis e e | dis2 s4 e |
e d d g | f( e) d dis | e cis d g | fis2
g4( d) | d2 e4 d | g( fis) e dis | e2 b8\noBeam b cis4 |
d2 e4( fis) | g2 g4 g | g( fis) e dis | e2.
lyricsA = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1. "
I would like to eat some -- thing may -- be quite lov -- ly like you.
I thought once per -- haps I might like to eat some -- one with shoes.
I've not tried shoes but they have no meat, so I'll take these in -- stead.
I would like to nib -- ble on your yum -- my toes.
Yes, I would like to eat your toes.
lyricsB = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2. "
Have you e -- ver con -- sid -- ered off' -- ring your arm as a snack?
Some -- thing love -- ly to snack on when you're thrown in to a sack.
I ne -- ver thought be -- ing in sacks could e -- ver be much fun.
With you near me, I would have some -- thing to snack on.
With you there, I could snack on you.
lyricsC = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"3. "
Would you e -- ver have thought I'd think that pump -- kins are tur -- nips?
I did not know that or -- ange could be green like lump and skin.
My flesh it's rot -- ting, pieces fal -- ling, and the words they do suck.
But you might like eat -- ing this chop, yum -- my slop slop.
Oh, You might like to eat this chop.
lyricsD = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"4. "
I thought my prob -- lem would be real -- ly small like per -- haps
I need -- ed to dance or sing at a ball
but when I ap -- proach'd they just ran a -- way scream -- ing in ter -- ror
but you stay'd here and I'm glad of that. Yes, my friend.
I am glad that you decid -- ed to stay here with me.
lyricsE = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"5. "
Per -- haps you might con -- sid -- er snack -- ing on some -- thing for lunch.
I thought per -- haps I'd pre -- pare for you bog but -- ter bis -- cuits.
I don't know what it is but I found it in the swamp out back.
I thought that it looked like a good snack, and that
is why I brought it here to you.
tenorMusic = \relative c {
e4 |
g e fis b |
\slurDotted b( b) g g |
g b b e, |
fis2. e4 |
g e fis b |
\slurDotted b( b) g g |
g b b e, |
fis2 s4 g |
a a g g |
\slurDotted g( g) g fis |
g g a d |
d( c)
b( a) |
g2 g4 g |
d'( c) b b |
g2 g8\noBeam g g4 |
fis( a) d( c) |
b( g) d' c |
d( c) b b |
bassMusic = \relative c {
e4 |
e e dis b |
\slurDotted e( b) c g |
c b e c |
b2. e4 |
e e dis b |
\slurDotted e( b) c g |
c b e c |
b2 d4\rest e |
a fis g e |
\slurDotted b( c) g b |
e e d b |
e4( fis) |
g2 c,4 g' |
g,( a) b b |
e2 e8\noBeam e e4 |
d( c) b( a) |
g( e') b c |
g( a) b b |
\tocItem \songTitle
\header {
title = \songTitle
poet = \songPoet
dedication = \songDedication
%translator = \songTranslator
composer = \tuneComposer
arranger = \tuneArranger
source = \tuneSource
copyright = \albumCopyright
tagline = \albumTagline
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = "sopranos" { \global \sopMusic }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsB
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsC
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsD
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsE
\layout { }
\header {
title = \songTitle
poet = \songPoet
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = "tune" { \global \repeat unfold 5 \sopMusic }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tune" {
\lyricsA \lyricsB \lyricsC \lyricsD \lyricsE
\midi { }
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