\version "2.14.2"
songDedication = \markup {for C.W.}
songTitle = "Have You Seen the Zombie Horde?"
songPoet = "S.W. Black"
songCopyright = "2016 S.W.Black"
tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{Angels We Have Heard on High}}
tuneComposer = "18th Century French Carol"
tuneSource = \markup{from \italic{Carols Old and Carols New}, 1916}
albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}
albumTagline = \markup {for \italic {Christmas 2016.}
If you can do better, fork it from
% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages
\include "../book/album.ily"
global = {
\key g \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 120
sopMusic = \relative c'' {
b4 b b d | d4. c8 b2 | b4 a b d | b4. a8 g2 |
b4 b b d | d4. c8 b2 | b4 a b d | b4. a8 g2 |
d'2 e8 d c b | c2 d8 c b a | b2 c8 b a g | a4. d,8 d2 |
g4 a b c | b2 a | d2 e8 d c b | c2 d8 c b a |
b2 c8 b a g | a4. d,8 d2 | g4 a b c | b2 a | g2. b4\rest \bar "|."
altoMusic = \relative c'' {
g4 g g g | fis4. fis8 g2 | g4 g g g | fis4. fis8 g2 |
g4 fis g g | fis4. fis8 g2 | g4 g g g | fis4. fis8 g2 |
g4( b8[ a] gis4 e~ | e a8[ g] fis4 d~ | d g8[ fis] e4 c~ | c4.) d8 d2 |
d4 d d e | d( g) g( fis) | g4( b8[ a] gis4 e~ | e a8[ g] fis4 d~ |
d g8[ fis] e4 c~ | c4.) d8 d2 | d4 d d e | d( g2 fis4) | d2. s4 \bar "|."
tenorMusic = \relative c' {
d4 d d d | c d d2 | d4 c d b | d c b2 |
d4 d e8[ d] c[ b] c4 d d2 | d4 e d b | d c b2 |
b2( e~ | e d~ | d c | a4) g fis2 |
g4 fis g g | g( b) d4.( c8) | b2( e~ | e d~ |
d c | a4) g fis2 | g4 fis g g | g( b d4. c8) | b2. s4 \bar "|."
bassMusic = \relative c' {
g4 g g b | a d, g2 | g4 g g g | d d g2 |
g4 b e8[ d] c[ b] | a4 d, g2 | g4 c b g | d d g2 |
g2( e4 gis | a2 d,4 fis | g2 c,4 e | fis) e d( c) |
b a g c | d2 d | g2( e4 gis | a2 d,4 fis |
g2 c,4 e | fis) e d( c) | b a g c | d1 | g2. d4\rest \bar "|."
lyricsA = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1. "
Have you seen the zom -- bie horde?
It is just a zom -- bie horde
look -- ing for things to de -- vour.
Your flesh, my flesh and the dog.
I want to eat the zombies
be -- cause they want to eat me right __ _ back,
you see. Mu -- tu -- al -- ly eat -- ing.
I want to eat the zombies
because they want to eat me.
Mu -- tu -- al eating, you see.
Then we could all be well fed.
lyricsB = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2. "
I would like to eat that dog.
What is wrong with his old knob?
I thought it was just a dog,
but mu -- tants, they're in the hall.
I thought these were just zombies
but these are not zombies.
They are real -- ly mu -- tant beasts.
How can I kill them all?
I thought that these were zombies,
but they are real -- ly strange
hor -- rib -- le mu -- tant beasts.
How do I kill them for sure?
lyricsC = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"3. "
I think it might be real fun,
grab -- bing guns while on the run.
If it's just a vi -- deo game
it would certain -- ly not be lame.
But, please, don't send me out.
I don't want to die.
I think it is happ' -- ning now.
If it's just a game, but
I think I saw some -- thing strange
in the bushes eat -- ing flesh
and making rip -- ping sounds.
Please don't let them eat me, no.
lyricsD = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"4. "
I think it might be real nice
eat -- ing flesh and jump -- ing thrice
as high as I e -- ver could.
Mu -- tant pow -- ers, X -- men now.
I think I would like super pow -- ers
if I just got some of that mu -- tant stuff.
May -- be I would not turn.
I would hope that I could be mostly hu -- man,
but if I wasn't, then so~what, I guess.
At least I would be real cool.
\tocItem \songTitle
\header {
title = \songTitle
poet = \songPoet
dedication = \songDedication
%translator = \songTranslator
composer = \tuneComposer
arranger = \tuneArranger
source = \tuneSource
copyright = \albumCopyright
tagline = \albumTagline
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = "sopranos" { \global \sopMusic }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsB
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsC
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsD
\layout { }
\header {
title = \songTitle
poet = \songPoet
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = "tune" { \global \repeat unfold 4 \sopMusic }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tune" {
\lyricsA \lyricsB \lyricsC \lyricsD
\midi { }
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