\version "2.14.2"

songDedication = \markup {for M.A.}

songTitle = "Little Unicorn"

songPoet = "S.W. Black"

songCopyright = "2016 S.W.Black"

tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ O Come, All Ye Faithful } }

tuneComposer = "John Francis Wade (1711–1786)"

tuneSource = \markup {from \italic {Christmas Carols and Hymns for School and Choir}, 1910}

albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}

albumTagline = \markup {for \italic {Christmas 2016.}

                    If you can do better, fork it from


% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages

\include "../book/album.ily"

global = {

\key a \major

\time 4/4


\tempo 4 = 100


sopMusic = \relative c'' {

\partial 4

a4 | a2 e4 a | b2 e, | cis'4 b cis d | cis2 b4 a | a2 gis4 fis |

gis a b cis | gis2 fis4. e8 | e2. b'4\rest | e2 d4 cis |

d2 cis | b4 cis a b | gis4. fis8 e4

a4 | a gis a b | a2 e4 cis'4 | cis b cis d | cis2 b4 cis |

d cis b a | gis2 a4 d | cis2 b4. a8 | a2. \bar "|."


altoMusic = \relative c' {

\partial 4 e4 |

e2 e4 e |

e2 e |

e4 e e fis |

e2 e4 cis |

cis( dis) e dis |

\slurDotted e( dis8) cis e |

\slurSolid e2( dis4.) e8 |

e2. s4 |

e2 fis8[ gis] a4 |

a( \slurDotted gis)( a2) |

e4 e fis fis |

\slurSolid e2 e4

e4 |

e1~ |

e2 e4 e |

e e e e |

e2 e4 a |

gis a e e8[ dis] |

e2 e4( fis) |

e2( d4.) cis8 |

cis2. \bar "|."


lyricsA = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"1. "

Please lit -- tle un -- i -- corn

why don't you join us

for some bis -- cuits and tea __ _

as we sit in this field.

Please! We won't hurt you

we just want to play with you,

and look up -- on your beau -- ty

that poin -- ty sharp held beau -- ty

that love -- ly lit -- tle point

of a un -- i -- corn's horn.


lyricsB = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"2. "

Please lit -- tle un i -- corn

don't you run a -- way!

We don't want to suck your blood

or to stuff our __ _ face.

We won't de -- horn you

rob you of that sin -- gu~lar thing,

that won -- der -- ful and horn~y thing

that glor -- i -- ous sharp poin~ty thing

no we will not de -- horn you __ _

ne -- _ ver -- more!


lyricsC = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"3. "

Please lit -- tle un -- i -- corn

why won't you just join us?

Just brief -- ly and kind -- _ ly

as we stroll a -- bout.

We love your friends here

It is oh, so love -- ly here.

You pro -- tec -- ted this vale, __ _

pro -- tec -- ted for -- est vale. __ _

It's oh, so love -- ly

from your __ _ ma -- _ gic horn.


tenorMusic = \relative c' {

\partial 4 cis4 |

cis2 cis4 cis |

b2 b |

a4 b a a |

\slurDotted a2 gis4 a |

a2 b4 b |

b( a)( e') cis |

\slurSolid b2( a4.) gis8 |

gis2. d4\rest |

cis'2 d4 e |

\slurDotted e2( e2) |

e4 a, cis d |

\slurSolid b4.( a8) gis4

cis4 |

cis b cis d |

cis2. a4 |

a gis a b |

a2 gis4 e' |

e e b b |

b2 a |

a( gis4.) a8 |

a2. \bar "|."


bassMusic = \relative c' {

\partial 4 a4 |

a2 a4 a |

gis2 gis |

a4 gis a d, |

\slurDotted e2 e4 fis |

fis2 e4 b |

e( cis)( gis) a |

b2~b4. e8 |

e2. s4 |

cis'2 b4 a |

b2( a2) |

gis4 a fis d |

e2 e4

\slurSolid d\rest |

g,1\rest |

g1\rest |

g1\rest |

g2\rest f4\rest a'4 |

b a gis fis |

e( d) cis( d) |

e2~e4. a,8 |

a2. \bar "|."



\tocItem \songTitle

\header {

    title = \songTitle

    poet = \songPoet

    dedication = \songDedication

    %translator = \songTranslator

    composer = \tuneComposer

    arranger = \tuneArranger

    source = \tuneSource

    copyright = \albumCopyright

    tagline = \albumTagline


\score {


        \new Staff \new Voice = "sopranos" { \global \sopMusic }

        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA

        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsB

        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsC


    \layout { }




\header {

    title = \songTitle

    poet = \songPoet


\score {


        \new Staff \new Voice = "tune" { \global \repeat unfold 3 \sopMusic }

        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tune" {

                \lyricsA \lyricsB \lyricsC



    \midi { }



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