\version "2.14.2"

songDedication = \markup {for \italic B.E.L. }

songTitle = "Maybe in my lifetime"

tuneIs = \markup { \italic{What Child is This?} }

songPoet = "S.W. Black"

tuneComposer = "16th Century English Air"

songCopyright = "2016 S.W.Black"

tuneSource = \markup{ \italic{The Home and Community Song-Book}, 1922}

albumLicense = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}

albumTitle = \markup { \italic{Christmas 2016}}

formatSource = \markup { from \tuneSource }

formatCopyright = \albumLicense

formatArranger = \markup { tune of \tuneIs }

% -- format for inclusion --

formatSubtitle = \markup { tune is \tuneIs }

formatSubsubtitle = \markup { from \tuneSource }

formatMeter = \markup {}

formatArranger = \markup { }

formatPiece = \markup {}

formatOpus = \markup {}

formatTagline = \markup { If you can do better, fork it from https://github.com/mrbeany/ }

formatCopyright = \markup { Copyright \char ##x00A9 \songCopyright \albumLicense }

% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages

\include "../book/album.ily"

global = {

\key g \major

\time 6/8




\tempo 4 = 60


sopMusic = \relative c' {

\partial 8 e8 |

g4 a8 b8.[ c16] b8 |

a4 fis8 d8.[ e16] fis8 |

g4 e8 e8.[ dis16] e8 |

fis4. b,4 e8 |

g4 a8 b8.[ c16] b8 |

a4 fis8 d8.[ e16] fis8 |

g8.[ fis16] e8 dis8.[ cis16] dis8 |

e4. e |

d'4. d8.[ cis16] b8 |

a4 fis8 d8.[ e16] fis8 |

g4 e8 e8.[ dis16] e8 |

fis4 dis8 b4. |

d'4. d8.[ cis16] b8 |

a4 fis8 d8.[ e16] fis8 |

g8.[ fis16] e8 dis8.[ cis16] dis8 |

e4. e4 \bar "|."


altoMusic = \relative c' {

b8 |

e4 d8 d4 g8 |

fis4 d8 d4 c8 |

b4 b8 a4 e'8 |

dis4. b4 b8 |

e4 d8 d4 g8 |

fis4 d8 d4 c8 |

b4 c8 b4 b8 |

b4. b |

fis' b8.[ a16] g8 |

fis4 d8 d4 c8 |

b4 b8 a4 e'8 |

dis4 b8 b4. |

fis'4. b8.[ a16] g8 |

fis4 d8 d4 c8 |

b4 c8 b4 b8 |

b4. b4 \bar "|."


lyricsA = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"1." 

I want to see __ a cool thing.

Per -- haps a game where __ play -- ers' swing.

I think per -- haps __ the Cubs might win. __

But may -- be not~in my life -- time.

Cubs! Cubs! __ Could you one day __

win a love -- ly __ game of sports ball?

Cubs! Cubs! Could you one day win?

I __ love my~game of sports ball. 


lyricsB = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"2."

I heard that they __ once won games

but __ long a -- go and __ far a -- way.

I've heard that they __ did once win games __

but ne -- ver in __ my life -- time.

Cubs! Cubs! __ Will you one day win

a love -- ly __ game of sports ball?

Cubs! Cubs! __ Will you one day win?

I __ love my~game of sports ball. 


lyricsC = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"3."

I thought I might sur -- vive just long __

e -- nough to see __ the Cubs win.

I thought that I __ might have just one __

chance for~a win in __ my life -- time.

Cubs! Cubs! __ Might you one day win

a love -- ly game of sports ball?

Cubs! Cubs! __ Might you one day win?

I __ love my~game of sports ball. 


lyricsD = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"4." 

I thought that you might win this game __

and sure enough, I~could not com -- plain.

I may be old __ but you did it. __

And I~saw it with~in my life -- time.

Cubs! Cubs! I knew you would win the love -- ly game of sports ball!

Cubs! Cubs! You real -- ly won the love -- ly game __ of sports ball.


tenorMusic = \relative c' {

g8 |

b4 a8 g4 b8 |

d4 a8 fis4 a8 |

g4 g8 e4 e8 |

b'4. b4 g8 |

b4 a8 g4 b8 |

d4 a8 fis4 a8 |

g4 a8 fis4 fis8 |

g4. g |

b4. d4 d8 |

d4 a8 fis4 a8 |

g4 g8 a4 e8 |

b'4 fis8 b4. |

b d4 d8 |

d4 a8 fis4 a8 |

g4 a8 fis4 fis8 |

g4. g4 \bar "|."


bassMusic = \relative c {

e8 |

e4 fis8 g4 g8 |

d4 d8 d4 dis8 |

e4 e8 c4 c8 |

b4. b'4 e,8 |

e4 fis8 g4 g8 |

d4 d8 d4 dis8 |

e4 a,8 b4 b8 |

e4. e |

b' g4 g8 |

d4 d8 d4 dis8 |

e4 e8 c4 c8 |

b4 b8 b4. |

b' g4 g8 |

d4 d8 d4 dis8 |

e4 a,8 b4 b8 |

e4. e4 \bar "|."



\tocItem \songTitle

\header {

    dedication = \songDedication 

    title = \songTitle 

    subtitle = \formatSubtitle % \tuneIs

    subsubtitle = \formatSubsubtitle % \tuneSource

    instrument = \markup { }

    poet = \songPoet 

    composer = \tuneComposer 

    meter = \formatMeter

    arranger = \formatArranger 

    piece = \formatPiece

    opus = \formatOpus

    tagline = \formatTagline

    copyright = \formatCopyright


\score {


        \new Staff \new Voice = "sopranos" { \global \sopMusic }

        \new Lyrics  \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA

        \new Lyrics  \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsB

        \new Lyrics  \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsC

        \new Lyrics  \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsD


    \layout { } 




\header {

    title = \songTitle 

    poet = \songPoet 


\score {


        \new Staff \new Voice = "tune" { \global \repeat unfold 4 { \sopMusic } }

        \new Lyrics  \lyricsto "tune" { \lyricsA \lyricsB \lyricsC \lyricsD }


    \midi { }



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