\version "2.14.2"

songTitle = "Mole Day"

songPoet = "S.W. Black"

songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black"

tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ Stille Nacht } }

tuneComposer = \markup { Franz Gruber (1787–1863) }

tuneSource = \markup { from \concat{\italic "Christmas Carols and Hymns for School and Choir" ", 1910"}}

albumProduct = "Other Carols from 2015"

albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}

albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}}

% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages

\include "../book/album.ily"

global = {

\key bes \major

\time 6/8


\tempo \markup\italic"Tranquillo" 4 = 90


sopMusic = \relative c' {


f8.[ g16] f8 d4. |

f8. g16 f8 d4. |

c'8.[ b16] c8 a4. |

bes8.[ a16] bes8 f4. |

g4 g8 bes8.( a16) g8 |

f8.\noBeam g16\noBeam f8 d4 bes'8\rest |

g4 g8 bes8.( a16) g8 |

f8.\noBeam( g16\noBeam) f8 d4 bes'8\rest |

\slurSolid c4 c8\noBeam ees8.\noBeam c16\noBeam a8 |

bes4.( d4) bes8\rest |

bes8[ f] d8 f8.\noBeam ees16\noBeam c8 |

bes4.~bes4 bes'8\rest \bar "|."


altoMusic = \relative c' {


d8.[ ees16] d8 bes4. |

d8. ees16 d8 bes4. |

ees8.[ d16] ees8 c4. |

d8.[ c16] d8 d4. |

ees4 ees8 g8.( f16) ees8 |

d8.\noBeam ees16\noBeam d8\noBeam bes4 s8 |

ees4 ees8 g8.( f16) ees8 |

d8.\noBeam( ees16\noBeam) d8 bes4 s8 |

\slurSolid ees4 ees8 c8.\noBeam ees16\noBeam c8 |

d4.( f4) s8 |

d4 bes8 d8.\noBeam c16\noBeam a8 |

bes4.~ bes4 s8 \bar "|."


tenorMusic = \relative c' {


bes4 bes8 f4. |

bes8. bes16 bes8 f4. |

a4 a8 f4. |

f4 f8 bes4. |

bes4 bes8 g8.( a16) bes8 |

bes8.\noBeam bes16\noBeam bes8 f4 s8 |

bes4 bes8 g8.( a16) bes8 |

bes8.\noBeam( bes16\noBeam) bes8 f4 s8 |

a4 a8\noBeam a8.\noBeam a16\noBeam f8 |

\slurSolid f4.( bes4) s8 |

f4 f8\noBeam f8.\noBeam f16\noBeam ees8 |

d4.~d4 s8 \bar "|."


bassMusic = \relative c {


bes4 bes8 bes4. |

bes8. bes16 bes8 bes4. |

f'4 f8 f4. |

bes,4 bes8 bes4. |

ees4 ees8 ees8.( ees16) ees8 |

bes8.\noBeam bes16\noBeam bes8\noBeam bes4 d8\rest |

ees4 ees8 ees8.( ees16) ees8 |

bes8.\noBeam( bes16\noBeam) bes8 bes4 d8\rest |

f4 f8\noBeam f8.\noBeam f16\noBeam f8 |

bes,4.~ bes4 d8\rest |

f,4 f8\noBeam f8.\noBeam f16\noBeam f8 |

bes4.~ bes4 d8\rest \bar "|."


origLyrics = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"1. "

Stil -- le Nacht!

hei -- li -- ge Nacht!

Al -- les schläft;

ein -- sam wacht.

Nur das

\set ignoreMelismata = ##t

trau -- te hoch -- hei -- li -- ge Paar.

Hol -- der Kna -- be im lock -- i -- gen Haar,

\unset ignoreMelismata

Schlaf in himm -- li -- scher Ruh! __

Schlaf in himm -- li -- scher Ruh! __


lyricsA = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "1. "

Science is great. Chemistry, too.

Moles can be a standard unit.

When dealing with atoms, take note:

Six point oh two times ten to the twenty-third.

Avogadro's constant!

But there are more digits.

Critics exist, that is true.

Proust's law helps. Dalton's too.

Number of atoms is just a number.

The thermodynamic means naught to some.

It's not even a metric!

But it is useful to some.

A mouldywarp then, is something not new.

Moles can be throwers of soil.

A group of moles is called a labour.

The males are boars, the females sows.

Polydactyl forepaws!

Deeply unpleasant to eat.

Tolerating higher C O two.

Having unique haemoglobin.

The tunnels are really worm traps.

Able to paralyze wiggly worms

storing prey in larders.

Sometimes killed with nitrogen.

Heratage that you can eat.

Mole can be a rich sauce.

Convent of Santa Rosa

poor nuns prayed, and cooked a sauce.

Lucky, they had chocolate!

Or so a legend tells us.

Many types found all around.

Seven moles found in Mounts.

Mole poblano is quite known.

Mole negro has chocolate.

Is seven really mole?

Perhaps science will know.



\tocItem \songTitle

\header {

    title = \songTitle 

    poet = \songPoet 

    %dedication = \songDedication

    %translator = \songTranslator 

    composer = \tuneComposer 

    arranger = \tuneArranger 

    source = \tuneSource 

    copyright = \albumCopyright

    tagline = \albumTagline


\score {


        \new ChoirStaff <<

            \new Staff = women <<

                \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }

                \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }


            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \origLyrics

            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA

            \new Staff = men <<

                \clef bass

                \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> }

                \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> }




    \layout { }

    \midi {

        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" 

        \context {

            \Staff \remove "Staff_performer"


        \context {

            \Voice \consists "Staff_performer"





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