\version "2.14.2"

songTitle = "I really like your fish"

songPoet = "S.W. Black"

songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black"

tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ Carol of the Shepherds } }

tuneComposer = \markup { 17th Century Bohemian Carol }

tuneSource = \markup \null

albumProduct = "Other Carols from 2015"

albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}

albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}}

% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages

\include "../book/album.ily"

global = {

\key g \major

\time 3/4


\tempo 4 = 86


sopMusic = \relative c'' {

d4 d8[ b] e[ c] |

d4 d8[ b] e[ c] |

d4 b8[ d] a[ b] g2 b4\rest |

d4 d8[ b] e[ c] |

d4 d8[ b] e[ c] |

d4 b8[ d] a[ b] g2 b4\rest |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d,\noBeam |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d,\noBeam |

d'4 b8[ d] a[ b] |

g2 r \bar "|."


altoMusic = \relative c'' {

b4 b8[ g] c[ a] |

b4 b8[ g] c[ a] |

b4 g fis g2 s4 |

b4 b8[ g] c[ a] |

b4 b8[ g] c[ a] |

b4 g fis g2 s4 |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d,\noBeam |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d,\noBeam |

g4 g fis |

d2 r \bar "|."


tenorMusic = \relative c' {

g4 g g |

g g g |

g g d' |

g,2 s4 |

g g g |

g g g |

g g d' |

g, 2 s4 |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d,\noBeam |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d\noBeam |

b4 d c |

b2 r \bar "|."


bassMusic = \relative c' {

g4 g g |

g g g |

g g fis |

g2 d4\rest |

g g g |

g g g |

g g d |

g2 d4\rest |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d,\noBeam |

g4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam b\noBeam d\noBeam |

g,4 b8\noBeam g\noBeam a\noBeam d,\noBeam |

d4 d d |

g2 r \bar "|."


origLyrics = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"O. "

Come, all __ ye __ shep -- herds and

be not __ dis -- mayed,

Seek where the low -- ly __ sweet ba -- by __ is __ laid;

Here in a man -- ger,

far from all dan -- ger,

Sleep -- ing be -- hold Him,

Warm arms en -- fold Him

In Christ -- mas __ joy.


lyricsA = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = #"1. "

I really like your fish

really like your fish

I like your cute fish

It's really a nice fish

really a nice fish

You have a nice fish.

I would really like to have a fish like yours

sometime but I think it might be hard.

A very lovely fish.

I really like your home

really like your home

I like your swell home.

It's really a nice home

really a nice home

You have a nice home.

Would you consider giving it to me

I'm not quite yet a five oh one cee three.

A very lovely home.

I really like your gun

really like your gun

I like your swell gun.

It's really a nice size.

really a nice size.

It could put out eyes.

Have you considered the drones in the sky

that one has both tear gas and taser sights.

A very lovely gun.

I'm here to look at stuff

here to look at stuff

I will inspect stuff.

Many have made complaints.

many made complaints

There have been complaints.

Terrorists living on our land hurting our

way of life and damaging freedoms.

Such very lovely stuff.



\tocItem \songTitle

\header {

    title = \songTitle 

    poet = \songPoet 

    %dedication = \songDedication

    %translator = \songTranslator 

    composer = \tuneComposer 

    arranger = \tuneArranger 

    source = \tuneSource 

    copyright = \albumCopyright

    tagline = \albumTagline


\score {


        \new ChoirStaff <<

            \new Staff = women <<

                \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }

                \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }


            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \origLyrics

            \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA

            \new Staff = men <<

                \clef bass

                \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> }

                \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> }




    \layout { } 

    \midi {

        \context {

            \Staff \remove "Staff_performer"


        \context {

            \Voice \consists "Staff_performer"





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