\version "2.14.2"
songTitle = "Christmas Pickles"
songPoet = "S.W. Black"
songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black"
tuneArranger = \markup{ tune is \italic{ Winchester New }}
tuneComposer = \markup{Adapted from Chorale in \italic{Musikalisches Hand-Buch}, 1690}
tuneSource = \markup \null
albumProduct = "Santa-related Carols"
albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}
albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}}
% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages
\include "../book/album.ily"
global = {
\key bes \major
\time 4/4
%\tempo 4 = 56
\tempo 4 = 112
sopMusic = \relative c' {
\partial 4 f4 |
bes f g g |
f ees d d |
ees d c f |
f e f\fermata f |
bes c d bes |
ees d c d |
bes g f bes |
bes a bes\fermata \bar "|."
altoMusic = \relative c' {
d4 |
f d ees ees8[ d] |
c4 a bes bes |
bes bes c d |
d c c f |
f ees d g8[ f] |
ees4 f f f |
f ees f d |
g f f \bar "|."
tenorMusic = \relative c' {
bes4 |
bes bes bes ees, |
f f f f |
g f8[ g] a4 a |
bes8[ a] g4 a a |
bes g8[ a] bes4 bes |
bes8[ a] bes4 a bes |
bes bes bes bes |
c c d \bar "|."
bassMusic = \relative c {
bes4 |
d bes ees c8[ bes] |
a4 f bes bes |
g bes f d' |
bes c f, f'8[ ees] |
d4 c bes ees8[ d] |
c4 d8[ ees] f4 bes, |
d ees d g |
ees f bes, \bar "|."
origLyrics = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"O. "
On Jor -- dan’s bank the Bap -- tist’s cry
An -- noun -- ces that the Lord is nigh;
Come, then, and heark -- en, for he brings
Glad tid -- ings from the King of kings!
lyricsA = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1. "
I want to sing a Christmas song
and not to make it very long.
Christmas Pickles are what I want.
I would even share with my aunt.
But would the Christmas Pickle be
a cuke or would it be instead be
something slimy from dark ground grew
like bottle cabbage good for you.
But Christmas pickle, could it be
as sweet as honey or cherries.
Delightful little Christmas treat
would look good under your tall tree.
\tocItem \songTitle
\header {
title = \songTitle
poet = \songPoet
%dedication = \songDedication
%translator = \songTranslator
composer = \tuneComposer
arranger = \tuneArranger
source = \tuneSource
copyright = \albumCopyright
tagline = \albumTagline
\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff <<
%\new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> }
\new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" \origLyrics
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" \lyricsA
%\new Staff <<
%\clef bass
%\new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> }
%\new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> }
\layout { }
\midi {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
\context {
\Staff \remove "Staff_performer"
\context {
\Voice \consists "Staff_performer"
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