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Freezr "P.E.B.C.A.K." ⌨️

The reason why I didn't choose a career in Computer Science… 😩


Here you can find the previous diary's archives...

=> 2023's pebcak | 2022's pebcak


No more in jail 🚓

Indeed! This capsule won't be served anymore through a BastilleBSD jail.

Using Bastille was causing me more cons than pros. The fact is I have very few space available and the jail was taking a big chunk of it, making the maintenance needlessly complex.

I still encourage to use BastilleBSD to run your capsule but you must have enough storage to keep update the host and the jails without struggles.


🕳️ The hole in front the pi-hole

As many others parents in this world, I face a constant battle against one of the ugliest internet things ever conceived: Youtube!

This unfair battle lets me consider to adopt alternative strategy like, for instance, install and use PI-HOLE to block Youtube and others ugly things from the source. While theoretically it looks a good strategy on the practical side, another ugly thing is making the process complicated: Comcast.

Comcast Xfinity is my ISP, and I can't change it because it is the only provider connected to my condo. Comcast gateways do not allow to change the DNS so you are stuck with Comcast DNS; changing DNS directly into the computers, besides being impractical, it is also ineffective since its gateway will intercept your request and redirect to the Comcast DNS Server:

=> |

Without being even sure this is going to work, in order to "control" your home network, Comcast provides a bridge mode that allows to connect your own router to their gateways:


They also recommend a list of approved third-party equipment to use with:

=> |

Those modems range from $500 to $150; the cheaper ones require also an additional WiFi router, something that can increase your budget from $100 to $200 more.

Now when you start to compose the jigsaw puzzle you realize that:

When you start to see the problem from this other perspective than using PI-HOLE doesn't look so appealing, and you get even more frustrated and upset because everything looks to be designed to screw you more not matter what!


2024-09-19 FreeBSD Fonts ⌨️

I realized I have never installed standard M$ TTF fonts on my FreeBSD workstation… 🤦

You must install the package "Webfonts", however I've installed also the file suggested by the handbook:

% pkg install urwfonts urwfonts-ttf webfonts

Additionally, but not required, you can create a Xorg conf file:

=> FreeBSD Handbook: 5.5. Using Fonts in Xorg

I used Micro as usual:

% micro /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-fonts.conf

And then:

Section "Files"
  FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/urwfonts/"
  FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/urwfonts-ttf/"
  FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/"

Section "Module"
  Load "freetype"

Restart Xorg, for instance logging out from your LightDM session.

Log in again and there you are:

ls /usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/
andalemo.ttf  ariali.ttf    cour.ttf      fonts.dir     georgiai.ttf  timesbd.ttf   trebucbd.ttf  verdanab.ttf
arial.ttf     ariblk.ttf    courbd.ttf    fonts.scale   georgiaz.ttf  timesbi.ttf   trebucbi.ttf  verdanai.ttf
arialbd.ttf   comic.ttf     courbi.ttf    georgia.ttf   impact.ttf    timesi.ttf    trebucit.ttf  verdanaz.ttf
arialbi.ttf   comicbd.ttf   couri.ttf     georgiab.ttf  times.ttf     trebuc.ttf    verdana.ttf   webdings.ttf

Cool! 😎

2024-09-04 Gemini Bom Bom Bom 🎶

On date 2024-08-28 Solderpunk has miraculously made another update on the Gemini Specification! 🍾

=> 2024-08-28 - Specification changes (0.24.1)

This update states:

Byte Order Marks MUST/SHOULD NOT be used
The Universal Character Set includes a character (U+FEFF) known as the Byte Order Marker (hereafter BOM). This is a non-visible character which can be included at the beginning of a Unicode string as a way to simultaneously signal to handling software that the string uses a Unicode encoding, to specify the particular encoding used (e.g. UTF-8 vs UTF-16), and in the case of encodings where differences in byte ordering conventions can cause ambiguity, to disambiguate the byte ordering.

What is the point about this?

This is easy: in date 2021-05-07, when the Gemini mailing list was still active, I sent and email (with my former identity) with this content:

Title: [USER] Weird Title Rendering on Various Clients
Body: Hi Geminauts,
I am trying to understand what got wrong with the document below, the very first title is not rendered:
The "bug01.gmi" was started in Micro and finalized in Mousepad (Debian, XFCE4).
Than I copied all the content into Geany (Debian, XFCE4), removed some white spaces, and saved it as "bug02.gmi", and the title was formatted properly.
A diff made to both files shows there is actually a difference a the very first line, but what is that?
diff -bZ bug01.gmi bug02.gmi
< # Title 1

Title 1


After an exchange of emails requesting more info from me, I received this reply from Alexis:

Title: Re: [USER] Weird Title Rendering on Various Clients
Body: The Gnuserland writes:
Thank for the suggestion, something came out, but not sure what does
it mean:
< 00000000: efbb bf23 2054 6974 6c65 2031 0d0a 0d0a ...# Title 1....

00000000: 2320 5469 746c 6520 310d 0a0d 0a23 2054 # Title 1....# T
Byte Order Mark at the start of the first file.


I am the sole responsible that generated, from nowhere, the BOM issue just by mistake… 🤦

Even Skyjake complained about the BOM issue… 😅

Title: Re: [USER] Weird Title Rendering on Various Clients
Body: On 6. Jul 21, at 7.52, The Gnuserland wrote:
Thank for the suggestion, something came out, but not sure what does it mean:
< 00000000: efbb bf23 2054 6974 6c65 2031 0d0a 0d0a ...# Title 1....

00000000: 2320 5469 746c 6520 310d 0a0d 0a23 2054 # Title 1....# T
I checked how Lagrange handles the Byte Order Mark (BOM), and sure enough it breaks the first line's type detection.
Fixed for future releases!

That was one of the peak of my pebcak power, but I am not sure if I should be proud of it… 😏


⚔️ The quest for the definitive editor ⚔️

After one year and a half I can say that I finished my first and biggest "coding" project, now what is left are details, which are important because details make the difference, but the inner structure and general behavior have been finished, and in many cases even refactored!

So far I have been using VSCode/Codium as editor but I am really unsatisfied with both, I would like to have an editor that I can use seamlessly on Linux x86, Linux aarch64 and FreeBSD x86. Apparently VSCode/Codium is the only one that is actually multi-platform; but while it is a nice product with a soft learning-curve and all the tools I need to work, unfortunately it is also an electron app, and unless you don't have a beast machine it works very poorly on low-end hardware like my Linux laptop and my daily-drive LibreComputer "Renegade" board, and worst it doesn't go along very well with FreeBSD, with electron kicked off from the ports very frequently.

Unfortunately I can't use whatever editor, I need editors that support "Language Server Protocol", because I need to use a XML schema. So far the only multi-platform alternative I used that support XML Schema/Rleax-NG was Emacs, but my brain is not wired to understand Emacs so I gave up with it very quickly.

There is not a huge selection of editors that fit my needs to fish from; below a list of editors that support LSP + XML Schema:

There are other editors actually that I would like to use and that support LSP, and are:

Helix & Geany have been under my radar for a while, both are available on each of my systems, but unfortunately the only XML server I know — which is called Lemminix — it is available exclusively as x86 binary unless you don't want to use the java version and consequently installing java, that I would prefer to avoid for many reasons.

When I need to code on the board I usually use Micro or Geany, this is not a great choice because you don't realize if you are following the schema or not, however it is impressive how little Geany weighs on the board hardware, on the contrary VSCode fills RAM & CPU offering a very poor experience.

Without a XML server available for any architecture and operative system I am left with only VSCode/Codium & Emacs as multi-platform editors with XML schema and therefore «the quest for the definitive editor» still continues…



📢 Certificate renewed!

Dear fellow Geminauts and Capsule Captains, I renewed the certificate for OMG [dot] PEBCAK [dot] CLUB! 👍

Please ask to your favorite client to accepted the new issued certificate!

Thanks for your patience! 🙏


Gopher & Spartan: internet for the very old computers

These days my interest for Gopher spikes consistently, reading and learning more about Gopher let me understood why other dudes came out with Spartan… Now, even though, at least my content, are mainly Gemini focused, I'd like to serve "Pebcak [dot] Club" for all the very low end computers that can't afford TLS.

I haven't talked with Cage about this yet, but I know that he's going to appreciate the idea! 👍

Don't get me wrong, my next goal is exclusively to make "Pebcak [dot] Club" accessible to any vintage computer, to make this happening I have some of options:

I'd like to serve both, but I believe that I am going to implement Spartan before because I don't need to redesign "Pebcak [dot] Club" structure since Spartan can read Gemini's capsules.

A Gopher hole, on the other hand, requires a gophermap in order to be accessible since the content is strictly organized and therefore a complete alteration of "Pebcak [dot] Club" is necessary. It would be nice if a script was able to convert a capsule into a well structured Gopher hole, unfortunately I haven't seen any gemini-to-gopher utility so far… 😟

Here some links:

=> spartan:// | gopher:// |


Pebcak compositor — FreeBSD vs XFCE ⚔️

Since the recent upgrade to FreeBSD 14 I have been afflicted by a nasty issue that prevented XFCE to be properly loaded after the login. 😩

It is just recently that I decided to dig more into this issue and to find a solution, but eventually I found it! 💪

In many years using XFCE with different class of GPUs (and operative systems) this is the first time I hit this problem, as a matter of fact I would ever thought the culprit was nonetheless the compositor! 🤔

I could solve this issue because I was helped by ToZ from the XFCE official forum, he was really dedicated to me — thank you very much ToZ! 🙏

For the ones who may have weird issues with XFCE the culprit might be the very compositor. Luckily ToZ wrote a general recommendation to troubleshoot XFWM4 compositor issues. The knob to change is the VBLANK mode, I solved mine selecting this mode:

xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/vblank_mode -t string -s "off" --create

Finally I can re-enjoy FreeBSD + XFCE4 💕


GMID 2.0.5 updated! 🦾

Apparently OP discovered a nasty bug on GMID 2 series that can cause a DoS… ☣️

From his words:

I've just released gmid 2.0.5 which fixes a logic error that can cause a DoS.
I do not believe this is exploitable. It is "just" an infinite loop.
It is a safe update for anyone running gmid 2.0.x since there were no breaking changes in the 2.0 series.
I'm not disclosing yet how to reproduce the DoS and under which circumstances (even if it should be pretty evident by reading the diff with 2.0.4).

I updated GMID so on our end we are just fine! 😉


Pebbugs 🐛

GMID is running on version 2.0.4 now; it looks like when I updated to GMID 2.0 I spotted accidentally a bunch of minor bugs, for the joy of OP which released three version on a row on the same day… 😇

Now I had better to update the documentation instead… 😅


Pebmacs 🐗

Electron is broken again on FreeBSD, this makes working on VSCode as multi-platform editor unfeasible, and the only alternative to work with XML schema is Emacs.

I try to learn it, but it is so convoluted that I believe it is easier, for me, if I spin up a VM to use VSCodium rather than try learning it…

Also the documentation regarding Emacs is convoluted, anytime I approach Emacs I feel only frustration. I don't know why it is so appreciated!

I do not have any sympathy for M$, Electron or Chromium, but an editor that you grasp in 5 minutes I believe is a good editor, I can't say the same for Emacs… There is a difference between a steep learning curve and being convoluted, perhaps you need an higher IQ to learn it which I evidently lack.

Nobody should learn anything that make you feel miserable and really Emacs makes feel that way… 😩


Pebcak upgrade: FreeBSD 14.1 - GMID 2.0 🩹

Also this upgrade/update has been full of PEBCAK which made the capsule unaivable for a couple of hours…

As usual the problem was myself… PEBCAK! 🪑 🤦 💻


Pebcak T.O.C. 📖

Today I had to bring the car to the repair shop and what a wonderful occasion to work on my secret project? Exactly! 😎

Thus, after have been hitting the head, hard… but very very hard! Today I was finally able to achieve most of the features I need to my Table Of Content:

Unfortunately the last point wasn't totally successful, it loops across the sections because it creates all the section entries but all of them show only the last record. I am pretty sure it is a trivial syntax error I am totally unaware of… 😅

I hope anyone on the forum can help with this fixing… 🙏


Retro-Pebcak 🕹️

This title really sucks…

For months I have been tempted to buy a Nintendo DS or a GBA, but it has been really frustrating following and losing all those auctions… Therefore I have been looking for some cool retro-alternative and through Friendica on the Fediverse I got to know a this hand-held retro console from Anbernic:


Eventually I bought one, which is basically a Linux OS running LibRetro, I hope to have fun with it, the cool thing is that it can be connected to a TV and paired with BT gamepads, therefore it might be used as portable console as well… 🎮


Pebcak Resurrection 👼

I am still alive, even though I have been a very hard time at my $JOB, and I was almost close to resign from it. After 3 people resigning, although one eventually came back, the situation has slightly improved. As a matter of fact I am completely left alone and isolated like a renegade… 👹 But is much better than the last four months!?!

The truth is this situation plus my pebcakness really forced me to take a hiatus… 😔

Luckily I recovered my focus and I've started working again on my Speedata Publisher project, I also published a new gemlog recently, I really hope to keep the pace and dedicate more time to my capsule. 🙏

See you around! 👍


Pebcak Fixing 🔨

A recent security Devuan update of dropbear and dropbear-initramfs compromised the ability to unlock the StealthBox from SSH during the boot time. Pebcakly, the documentation I made wasn't helping at all until I realized I missed to add an essential information.

There is a script that allows to unlock the board from SSH during the boot, and it is:

The initial script block didn't give me any issue with my Debian tests:

if [ ! -f "$TABFILE" ] || [ "$TABFILE" -ot "/proc/1" ]; then
	# Too early, init-top/cryptroot hasn't finished yet
	echo "Try again later" >&2
	exit 1

But with Devuan/OpenRC wasn't working, eventually, after countless attempts, and with the help of OP (GMID & Telescope author), a solution was found modifying the script:

if [ ! -f "$TABFILE" ] ; then
	# Too early, init-top/cryptroot hasn't finished yet
	echo "Try again later" >&2
	exit 1

OP suggestion was to remove this portion of the first line:

|| [ "$TABFILE" -ot "/proc/1" ]

Its intuition was right, this change allows to reach the board just right after GRUB and unlock it from an SSH connection!

Anytime Dropbear gets updates that script must be modified again!

=> StealthBox Settings… ⌨️


Being a MonkeyNerd 🐒

I am a MonkeyNerd… 😔

This means that 99% of the time I do not understand what I read nor what I do. The only miserable method I developed to learn Computer Sciences stuff is copying something and start making simple changes and see what pebcak happens… Undoubtedly an awful method… 😔

I don't like being a MonkeyNerd… 😖


Quick News 📢

This is a quick and great news!

OP recently added the initial support for certificates on Telescope:

=> gemini://

To test it out, you must download the development version and compile it by yourself:

=> My Pebcak Guide to Telescope, old but still good! 👍

Only PEM certificates are accepted, you must store them in:


You can activate the certificates with: ALT+X (M-x) or typing "use-certificate" into the "mini-buffer".

Wrapping this up, I had the honor to post the absolute first public post with Telescope! 😁

=> very first post made with Telescope 😎


Happy 2024 of pebcak 🎊

2024 here we are! 🎆

Sweet… I archived another year of pebcak(s) and I am ready to make new ones although I made stunning progress as well!

Do you remember my journey with "Speedata Publisher"?

I am still actively learning and working on it, and for the first time in my life time I actually tasted a bit of the opensource development, since my incessant stream of pebcak helped the main developer to improve — a bit — this magnificent opensource project.

As a matter of fact I contributed to spot out a couple of bugs on almost every platform since I constantly jump from Windows to Linux and FreeBSD. This uncommon behavior has revealed to be very useful for the main developer since he works mainly on MacOS and doesn't have much chances to test its project on the other platforms.

Honestly I am very satisfied and I hope to finalize my first layout very soon since I have very few blocking points left to address!

Speaking about the past the end of 2023 ended up with something very amazing, and I am referring to a project called Tootik:

=> tootik: Gemini+fediverse=❤️

What is tootik? 🤷

Tootik is something I have been (day)dreaming a lot, it is a GeminiUI for the ActivityPub Protocol! Long-story-short is the bridge that connects Gemini to the Fediverse, so, beside owning your capsule you can now own also your ActivityPub server and connect the Fediverse without leaving the Geminispace using your own domain.

Curious can try it just subscribing to the server provided by the same author:

=> is an instance of tootik, a federated nanoblogging service.

My next thus goal is trying to implement it on "Pebcak [dot] Club" and let Cage and I to be able to use the our domain to entering the Fediverse; but the the good news is that you don't even need to change your Mastodon account if you want browse the Fediverse while into the Geminispace! In fact Cage, author of Tinmop Gemini Client, has just recently released a new version that supports both Mastodon and Pleroma APIs. That's just amazing! 👏👏👏

=> Tinmop: An opinionated client for Gemini, gopher, kami and Mastodon/Pleroma

This 2024 starts with the Geminispace jumping directly into the Fediverse!

Enjoy Gemini and enjoy the Fediverse! 🚀 🌐 ❤️

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