This morning I'm working on something I've been wanting to do for a long, long time: I'm refactoring Antenna to enable direct ingestion of feeds. When this is done feeds will no longer be submitted to a queue to be ingested every five minutes. Instead Antenna will attempt to ingest them at once and give feedback via return codes!
A preliminary solution is now working well, but there is some more refactoring and testing to be done. Very exciting none the less! It's the first time I do something big with Antenna in a long time.
Further changes will come, which will eventually simplify installation greatly.
I have sysrq/CyberTailor to thank for whole lot of fixes. They've submitted a really big PR to the project, which I unfortunately haven't merged because of our different approaches to the architecture. The PR includes a lot of things that I'm about to add here and there, however. Things like proper path resolution to make block rules harder to circumvent, for example.
Our end goal is common: installation of Antenna via pip. They've come a lot further towards that goal than I have, via another path than I'm taking. I can highly recommend testing their version as I haven't taken time to do that properly myself despite an increasingly bad conscience about that.
I'll return with more news about the refactoring as I progress towards a better and more efficient solution.
-- CC0 ew0k, 2022-05-02
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