






Position voyelle

La boucle formée par une voyelle suit 4 règles :

=> manual, unit 2, paragraphs 14-17
=> https://greggshorthand.github.io/anunit01.html

Anki decks

Theban/TokiPona (MaKiKulupu) : Learning through making

-> Elsa

Earth rental

Housepets : Time/Attention economy

Verticality furniture

Home cocoon

Decentralization leads to commercialization (CC-NC)

ActivityPub layers

DeadmanSwitch Password

Powerful > Powerconsuming

Gemini workflow



Casanier : Limites ? Volonté de vivre en ville ? Habitudes/Blind living ?

Vecteurs sous-jacents


Consommation de contenu exclusivement. Outil spécialisé, fonction de consommation depuis l’ordinateur (+ édition) vers le téléphone (+ communication) avec gain en portabilité et perte de déconnexion.

Progammation languages

LaTeX :

Cyclic trends

Batterie wear ou usage évolué ?

ACCA (C1904) : 300 mA out 700 mA 4V in

J710F 150 mA out

Charger A value : 3 max for magnetics

Écrire à la poursuite des pensées ?

Motorisation/Analogique ?

MOLE/Alice Backpack


Hébergement Vinishor


Copie locale (> dualsync)

Hotwater sparkling

Umbrella physics M.Poppins

Contrast from greyscale furniture

Vivre et ranger sont des exercices de futilité contre l’entropie

Threshold allergies character perks

Spicy sinuses

Employement: leader to minions ratio

Chef d'orcheste

Emplacement brosse à dents

Sink > Glass Sink > Glass sink's cabinet.


Gluten à partir de farine de blé.

Farine usuelle à 10 % de protéine soit un faible rendement.

Fécule de blé lors des lavages.

200:120 > 76 g

Eau de lavage = Fécule

Fécule = tendre ≠ caoutchouc

Bouilli, four ou vapeur. Temps selon volume ≃ 1 h

Repos de 8 h pour fermeté structure

Encombrement du canapé

Écono-Spatialité du « leisure »

Japon : Espaces multifonction ≠ plurifonction (-> Cellules souches) avec des éléments à fonctions uniques (modularité ?)

Le canapé est au salon ce qu’est l’automobile à l’espace public, un encombrant. Utilisation limitée dans le temps et/ou promotion de comportements déconseillés. Coût spatial important notamment sur la circulation (FengShui) mais également sur la perception (ombres, hauteurs, profondeurs). Sans parler de l’entretien/durabilité (Tissu ou sky) en particulier en présence d’enfants ou animaux, et des possibles déménagement.

Beanbag, chaises, sofas.

-> Hamac

Luminosité intérieure

Full reflective mirrors > White glossy paint > Glass walls

Load bearing walls if glass bricks

Intimité : « Interne »






Apnée du sommeil

Obstruction des voies aériennes

Dormir sur le dos favorise l’apnée via la gravité sur les tissus comme la langue

=> Hamac

Outils et besoins

Création de nouveaux usages, comportements, besoins (offre-demande)

Substitution d’usages (Transport) et distribution de charge

Dépendance au numérique

l’école se dématérialise. C’est moderne. Mais est-ce mieux ? Ce serait pourtant la seule question à poser. L’école accomplit-elle mieux ses missions ? Nos enfants apprennent-ils mieux ? Sont-ils plus performants, plus épanouis ?


Droit à la déconnexion

Alternative au papier

=> rot

Éduquer au numérique, éduquer par le numérique (Création de consommateurs numériques dépendants).

Ségrégation usage et outil cause une déconnexion limitant les retours et les adaptations

Création de bullshit jobs en refusant de mettre la main à la pâte.

SlowWeb > StillWeb

Modular origami


=> https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/origami.html
=> https://www.paperkawaii.com/origami-photo-tutorials/sonobe-units/
=> https://theconversation.com/learn-how-to-make-a-sonobe-unit-in-origami-and-unlock-a-world-of-mathematical-wonder-171390
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonobe

=> https://gearjail.neocities.org/privmod_base

Hiérarchie des besoins

En 1943, Abraham Maslow a construit une pyramide des besoins d’une personne avec, du plus au moins important :

Dev Patnaik décrit en 2004[pat] une autre hiérarchie mettant en évidence les différents niveaux d’abstraction des besoins :

De fait, le modèle de Patnaik se veut orienté sur la résolution des besoins via des solutions adaptées :

=> [pat] System Logics: Organizing Your Offerings to Solve People's Big Needs, Patnaik 2010



Sound Pavucontrol

Brightness Brightnessctl (sudo usermod -aG lejun)

Bluelight Gammasteps

Notification Mako

Systembar Swaybar

Lockscreen Swayidle && Swaylock (Debian sid)

File Manager


=> https://superuser.com/questions/1478223/nemo-use-keyboard-to-switch-to-different-parts-of-the-window


=> rant about GNOME's file manager (aka Nautilus), ee0ee760 2022


Bépo Océane



for_window [shell=".*"] inhibit_idle fullscreen

JOSM dmenu niols


Le .bashrc, c'est vraiment juste pour le terminal. Là, il semblerait que tu veuilles que ces variables d'environement soient accessibles de partout, en gros. En gros, je verrais trois endroits où tu peux intervenir pour assigner ces variables :

Homo socialis




=> https://drsamanthaboardman.substack.com/p/maybe-you-dont-need-to-talk-to-someone


OSM Indoor nodes sharing doors, wall, intersections

Verticality <-> Low heigh furniture for space

Honest storage: Transparency // multiple faceted space

Physical distance as a communication barrier due to less information being transmitted

Excess ressource if capable of hosting guests without discomfort

Crafting tool / Supplies storage


Maturity: Psyche mold in process, morality of tweaking it

Letting go

Shadow reflection


Embracing the night



Beautiful/Barbaric power CLI

Bad CD mistake

Birthday meaningful date

Big migration

B grade ugly execution

Pictures as fragments of life, of death, and its representation not a whole true meaning

Fragment size

20 ko

Refresh rate eInk sh


Love is watching someone die

Don't feel a bit owable to them

Nothing moves, as if fixated in the past

Everything changes

Old neighbours die, others go mad

The world is on fire, I'm stuck in place

Feeling trapped while the door is unlocked


La société comme prison

Dilemme du prisonnier



=> https://wiki.restarters.net/Carbon-based_gadgets

Terminal ANSI color

Tableau variables (colorX)

Personnalisation relatif au thème


=> https://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/talk-to-me-about-the-honda-jazz/
=> https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qNMwJj6k_Sk
=> https://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/honda-jazz-owners-ok-as-a-bike-lugger-and-other-questions/
=> http://www.blayleys.com/articles/cars/


=> https://www.sheldonbrown.com/gain.html
=> https://cyclingtips.com/2017/11/understanding-bicycle-gear-ratios-why-they-matter/
=> https://www.trackcyclingacademy.com/blog/understanding-gear-ratios-for-performance


=> https://www.reddit.com/r/vosfinances/wiki/index/conseilsstandards
=> http://earlyretirementextreme.com/how-to-live-out-of-a-suitcas.html
=> http://earlyretirementextreme.com/pancake-recipe.html
=> http://earlyretirementextreme.com/cash-flow-diagrams-for-the-poor-the-middle-class-and-the-investor-class.html
=> http://earlyretirementextreme.com/the-minimalist-kitchen.html


=> https://www.gear-calculator.com/
=> https://teddit.pussthecat.org/r/AdvancedFitness/comments/12ad8f/respiratory_training_some_articles_as_well_as_a/
=> https://cycle.travel/map
=> https://forumviesmobiles.org/en/videos/15737/thinking-and-mobilities-through-notion-dwelling
=> https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/31/23579510/car-brain-motornormativity-study-ian-walker


=> https://thetinylife.com/how-to-start-a-bullet-journal-and-master-your-productivity/
=> https://littlecoffeefox.com/ultimate-bullet-journal-cheat-sheet/
=> https://thetinylife.com/200-stunning-bullet-journal-page-ideas-to-organize-your-life-for-good/
=> https://uglyjournal.com/how-to-keep-a-recipe-journal/
=> https://herman.bearblog.dev/why-i-journal/
=> https://ratfactor.com/notes
=> https://zerowastechef.com/2022/12/23/how-to-make-rice-glue-for-paper-tape/
=> https://bulletjournal.com/blogs/bulletjournalist/begin-again


=> https://yewtu.be/watch?v=c1mobJuOx9k
=> https://kotaku.com/kawaii-pastel-room-gaming-design-tips-gamer-girl-gear-1849328714
=> https://switchandclick.com/best-ortholinear-keyboards/
=> https://www.daskeyboard.com/blog/what-is-an-ortholinear-keyboard/
=> http://xahlee.info/kbd/planck_keyboard.html
=> http://xahlee.info/kbd/40percent_keyboard_bad.html
=> https://texteditors.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TiedToQwerty
=> https://ruudvanasseldonk.com/2014/07/17/one-year-with-colemak


=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat%27s_cradle
=> The neural bases for timing of durations, Tsao 2022
=> https://mousebehavior.org/ethogram-comparison/
=> How to build a cognitive map, Whittington 2022
=> https://minimalism.com/journal/in-pursuit-of-space
=> https://minimalism.com/journal/stimulate-the-economy
=> https://minimalism.com/journal/the-three-points-system
=> https://github.com/Lakens/statistical_inferences
=> https://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=pour_vos_yeux
=> https://www.vabeginningfarmer.alce.vt.edu/TasteofFarming/TOFSeason1/IntrotoBusiness3.html
=> https://earlyretirementextreme.com/the-minimalist-kitchen.html
=> https://desertheureuses.noblogs.org/ressources/
=> https://feltmagnet.com/photography/DIY-Photography-How-to-Make-a-Light-Box-with-Paper
=> https://vincent-valentin.name/articles/l-espace-insecable
=> https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexique_des_r%C3%A8gles_typographiques_en_usage_%C3%A0_l%27Imprimerie_nationale
=> https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_typographique_(livre)
=> https://pudding.cool/2022/11/upward-mobility/

Normalize leaving academia

=> https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles
=> https://nanoblogger.sourceforge.net/index.html
=> https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signe_de_correction
=> https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/how-to-echolocate
=> https://cookingonabootstrap.com/

=> https://www.gitkraken.com/gitkon/git-for-writers | https://gersande.com/blogue/le-privilege-des-petits-inconforts-parfaitement-ordinaires/ | https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-thoughts-of-a-spiderweb-20170523/ | https://kittygiraudel.com/2020/01/13/lets-talk-about-your-resume/ | https://kittygiraudel.com/2020/01/23/technical-documentation-for-everyone/ | https://www.apexsk.com/blogs/japan-lifestyle/ramen-bowl-shapes-sizes-and-material-how-to-find-the-perfect-one-for-you | https://jsomers.net/i-should-have-loved-biology/ | https://mw.lojban.org/papri/Lojban_Wave_Lessons/Single_page | https://mw.lojban.org/papri/la_karda


=> https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/15291006211051956?journalCode=psia
=> https://disic.github.io/guides-documents_bureautiques_accessibles/html/
=> https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/eJcYxpwESvMRYGiyo/a-pattern-language-for-rationality
=> https://speakingfluently.com/blog/
=> https://csdaw.github.io/ggprism/
=> https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/12710/13-little-known-punctuation-marks-we-should-be-using
=> https://www.khstats.com/blog/forest-plots/


=> https://www.seriouseats.com/best-fresh-lemonade-recipe
=> https://www.seriouseats.com/best-easiest-frozen-yogurt-recipe
=> https://www.google.com/search?q=communication+through+food&ved=0ahUKEwiQnYLS-oT7AhVBYxoKHZJUAXgQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=communication+through+food&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
=> https://reputationtoday.in/food-as-a-form-of-communication/
=> https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342523348_Is_Food_a_Cross-culturalInterpersonal_Communication_Medium
=> https://nchschant.com/18765/investigative/serving-foods-role-in-communication/
=> https://writetheworld.org/groups/1/shared/7286/version/15968
=> https://papers.iafor.org/submission61752/
=> https://en.ritsumei.ac.jp/news/detail/?id=12
=> https://foodisstupid.substack.com/p/stirum-damn-near-killed-him?r=1s5u89
=> https://suberic.net/~dmm/food/alchemical_food.html


=> https://verygoodcook.com/recipes/easy-savory-healthy-oatmeal-breakfast-bars#tasty-recipes-2442
=> https://www.alpecincycling.com/en/nutrition/energy-food-5-best-natural-cycling-snack-recipes/
=> https://www.quakeroats.com/cooking-and-recipes/oatmeal-flatbread
=> https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/3-ingredient-peanut-butter-cookies/
=> https://proteinpow.com/2013/08/three-ingredient-caramel-toffee-fudge.html
=> https://proteinpow.com/2016/03/cookie-dough-protein-bars.html
=> https://tasty.co/recipe/3-ingredient-peanut-butter-cookies
=> https://www.mysportscience.com/post/preventing-and-treating-iron-deficiency
=> http://www.cookingforengineers.com/


=> https://damaged.bleu255.com/
=> https://emreed.net/LowTech_Directory.html
=> https://limited.systems/articles/frugal-computing/
=> https://gadgeteer.co.za/keyoxide-is-a-privacy-friendly-open-source-tool-to-create-and-verify-decentralized-online-identities-using-a-cryptography-based-approach-to-bidirectional-linking/
=> https://paulbutler.org/2009/do-we-really-need-another-programming-language/
=> https://paulbutler.org/2022/what-does-it-mean-to-listen-on-a-port/
=> https://paulbutler.org/2021/play-to-earn-and-bullshit-jobs/
=> https://paulbutler.org/2012/make-for-data-scientists/
=> https://blog.cjeller.site/to-make-truly-digital-gardens
=> https://chreke.com/little-languages.html
=> https://rohanrd.xyz/posts/a-different-approach-to-social-media/
=> https://systemstack.dev/2021/08/writing-is-bad/
=> https://systemstack.dev/2021/04/9front/
=> https://sethrobertson.github.io/GitBestPractices/
=> https://criticaledtech.com/2022/04/08/what-might-degrowth-computing-look-like/
=> https://bringback.blog/
=> https://alvin.codes/writing/learning-to-code
=> https://startafuckingblog.com/
=> https://www.codejam.info/2015/02/evening-music.html
=> https://danq.me/2023/01/26/2fa-in-password-safe/
=> https://rustdesk.com/
=> https://www.quaternum.net/2023/01/29/compter-les-mots-et-les-signes-avec-git/
=> https://lord.io/text-editing-hates-you-too/
=> https://www.educative.io/blog/object-oriented-programming
=> https://santaclaraprinciples.org/
=> Determining Ergonomic Smartphone Forms With High Grip Comfort and Attractive Design, Lee 2018
=> https://qz.com/268433/how-to-design-for-thumbs-in-the-era-of-huge-screens


=> https://anarc.at/software/desktop/wayland/
=> https://www.linuxembedded.fr/2022/11/wayland-vulgarise
=> https://www.codejam.info/2022/05/migrating-x11-wayland-i3-sway.html
=> https://blog.freesources.org/posts/2019/12/switch_to_sway/
=> https://blog.aktsbot.in/swaywm-on-debian-11.html
=> https://curiouscoding.nl/linux/wayland/


Pegboard > Cork

=> https://www.littlehouseonthecorner.com/diy-corkboard-wall/
=> https://craftnectar.com/2009/11/10/adding-a-cork-wall/
=> https://yewtu.be/watch?v=u-MFGPYGWqs
=> https://www.archdaily.com/979946/osb-panels-in-interiors-from-a-humble-material-to-a-design-feature
=> https://100r.co/site/winter_insulation.html
=> https://www.insulation-info.co.uk/insulation-material/cork-insulation
=> https://www.buildwithrise.com/stories/cork-insulation
=> https://gharpedia.com/blog/cork-board-sustainable-material-for-interiors/


=> https://www.stchris.net/tiny-ci-system.html
=> https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkb4ng/meet-the-self-hosters-taking-back-the-internet-one-server-at-a-time
=> https://www.kubii.fr/cartes-raspberry-pi/3455-raspberry-pi-zero-2-w-5056561800004.html?src=raspberrypi
=> https://www.kubii.fr/les-officiels-raspberry-pi-kubii/1845-boitier-officiel-pour-pi-zero-kubii-3272496006966.html?src=raspberrypi
=> https://lokan.jp/2021/03/15/installer-pi-hole-publicites-reseau/
=> https://raspberrytips.fr/installer-pihole-raspberry-pi/
=> https://www.it-connect.fr/pi-hole-un-bloqueur-de-pubs-pour-tout-votre-reseau/
=> https://www.maison-et-domotique.com/85543-installer-pi-hole-machine-virtuelle-synology/
=> https://raspberrytips.fr/adguard-home-sur-raspberry-pi/
=> https://thesmashy.medium.com/building-a-pihole-for-privacy-and-performance-f762dbcb66e5
=> https://medium.com/codex/building-a-tor-bridge-relay-on-raspberry-pi-e78a2e4eed77


=> https://coygeek.com/docs/pihole-raspberry/
=> https://oisux.org/index.php/brique
=> https://www.oisux.org/index.php/doc/97-la-brique-internet-de-l-association
=> https://blog.zwindler.fr/2016/04/09/internet-barbu-vie-privee-brique-internet-ffdn-aquilenet/
=> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/creation-de-a-a-z-brique-internet-rpi4/13515
=> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/pi-hole-sur-yunohost-brique-internet/8033
=> https://atelier.aquilenet.fr/projects/aquilenet/wiki/Bo%C3%AEtier_VPN_-_La_Brique_Internet
=> https://blog.matlink.fr/brique-internet-faite-maison-2/
=> https://www.abyssproject.net/2015/05/creer-sa-propre-brique-internet/
=> https://monnaielibreoccitanie.org/2017/01/30/install-party-brique-internet/
=> https://www.developpez.com/actu/93049/La-Brique-Internet-un-simple-boitier-VPN-couple-a-un-serveur-peut-il-resoudre-les-problemes-lies-a-l-internet/
=> https://docplayer.fr/33647527-Introduction-yunohost-la-brique-internet-c-est-quoi-exemples-d-utilisation-license-yunohost-la-brique-internet-dave-null.html
=> https://blog.frd.mn/raspberry-pi-vpn-gateway/
=> https://medium.com/@nem25/ipfs-node-on-raspberry-pi-3-7f5945f021c4
=> https://gist.github.com/peterVG/92c03ebef00575f14b2c051942d8ea09
=> https://opensource.com/article/21/1/minimal-server-raspberry-pi
=> https://www.linux.com/news/turn-your-raspberry-pi-tor-relay-node/
=> https://yunohost.org/en/app_pihole
=> https://www.arn-fai.net/brique
=> https://sr.ht/~int80h/gemserv/
=> https://wiki.chatons.org/doku.php/heberger/administration_systeme
=> https://wiki.chatons.org/doku.php/heberger/administration_systeme/yunohost
=> https://landchad.net/
=> https://freedombone.net/index.html
=> https://privacyinternational.org/guide-step/4341/raspberry-pi-setup-and-run-pi-hole
=> https://mtlynch.io/budget-nas/
=> https://noelle.dev/meta/about/
=> https://tiuraniemi.org/blog/site-setup
=> https://runyourown.social/
=> https://petermolnar.net/article/home-server-downsizing/index.html
=> https://zone-anime.me/episodes/12146/links
=> https://www.turris.com/en/mox/overview/
=> https://vivqu.com/blog/2020/10/18/digital-gardens/#appendix
=> https://gofoss.net/ubuntu-server/
=> http://solarprotocol.net/
=> https://interconnected.org/home/2022/10/10/servers
=> https://fuckoffgoogle.de/
=> https://www.numerama.com/tech/161911-faire-routeur-wifi-connecte-reseau-tor-raspberry-pi.html
=> https://yarmo.eu/blog/pihole/
=> https://beta.arn-fai.net/fr/h%C3%A9bergement-alternatif/brique-internet
=> https://jache.re/notes/jachere-publishing.html
=> https://rohanrd.xyz/posts/getting-started-with-self-hosting/
=> https://github.com/MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners
=> https://guzey.com/personal/why-have-a-blog/
=> https://teddit.pussthecat.org/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1jk4jo/eli5_why_are_there_so_many_programming_languages/cbfgg89/#c
=> https://forum.yunohost.org/t/futur-de-lautohebergement-un-equipement-du-foyer/22831/3
=> https://hacktivis.me/articles/self-hosting
=> https://www.codejam.info/2014/10/low-consumption-home-server.html
=> https://cri.dev/posts/2020-09-12-Raspberry-Pi-as-a-local-server-for-self-hosting-applications/
=> https://smalldata.tech/blog/2019/07/12/setting-up-a-raspberry-pi-4-home-server
=> https://scott.ee/project/solar-hosting-raspberry-pi/
=> https://scott.ee/project/the-perfect-pi/
=> https://www.americastestkitchen.com/cooksillustrated/articles/2279-how-to-season-carbon-steel-cookware
=> https://lord.re/fast-posts/66-retour-sur-blocky/
=> https://lord.re/posts/204-profiter-de-dns-over-httpstls-sur-linux/
=> https://www.minimachines.net/actu/terrapi-un-chassis-original-pour-raspberry-pi-4-95725
=> https://pine64.com/product/pine-h64-model-b-3gb-single-board-computer/


=> https://prudentreviews.com/carbon-steel-vs-stainless-steel/
=> https://universityhealthnews.com/daily/energy-fatigue/use-cast-iron-cookware-as-an-iron-deficiency-treatment/
=> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8266402/
=> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12859709/
=> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6719866/
=> http://www.riverlight.co.jp/en/story.php


=> https://probablydance.com/2017/09/02/collected-advice-for-doing-scientific-research/
=> https://marcfbellemare.com/wordpress/12797
=> https://marcfbellemare.com/wordpress/12060
=> https://blogs.ubc.ca/khead/research/research-advice/formula
=> https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-04504-8
=> https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02428-3

=> https://www.bikeforums.net/2354499-post7.html | https://www.mysportscience.com/post/2015/05/27/recommendations-for-carb-intake-during-exercise

Hotdog hold

mpv ncurses

unified media player keymap

monica Personal Manager

No contact phone

Food dressing


The Better Block Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that educates, equips, and empowers communities and their leaders to reshape and reactivate built environments to promote the growth of healthy and vibrant neighborhoods.

=> https://www.betterblock.org/
=> Mozilla factory open source furniture, Nosigner 2013
=> Wikiseat
=> https://www.simplifiedbuilding.com/
=> Anthropometrie
=> https://www.vitsoe.com/gb/606

Containers as furniture

Needs flat top

=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_container

There're no accidents

GPS device

Memory défaut-avantage

UX Acquis


Road lenient design


cli use

=> https://www.annahavron.com/blog/how-does-your-community-help-you-live-out-your-values


=> https://lehollandaisvolant.net/?d=2017/03/21/17/16/34-pourquoi-les-disques-ssd-ont-une-duree-de-vie-limitee
=> https://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=linux-ssd


=> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Fstab

Fstab commit

=> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/155784/advantages-disadvantages-of-increasing-commit-in-fstab

mount -fav

Liveboot alternative

=> https://www.navit-project.org/


We don't use refrigeration at all, so the way we manage to eat fresh greens is by sprouting, which is a habit that we've kept up for a few years now. Each day we have a cup of sprouted legumes ready to cook with. Dried legumes keep for a long time, and sprouting them reduces our usage of fuel to cook them.

=> Sprouting, Grimgrains 2023

Office energy

Easier to format on computer than on paper: Computer work then physical storage

Lower power consumption on paper: Drafting on paper before sharing

=> https://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2016/11/why-the-office-needs-a-typewriter-revolution.html


[Dot matrix printer] Cheapest printing technology available

=> https://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2016/11/why-the-office-needs-a-typewriter-revolution.html

Can be human powered unlike laser technology

=> https://www.notechmagazine.com/2023/04/human-powered-dot-matrix-printer.html

Honest architecture

Bauhaus: when you look at it, it should be obvious what it does

Logo / Branding

The whole design has to breath the brand. When the design still needs a logo to be recognisable, it’s probably not good enough.

=> https://vasilis.nl/nerd/unfinished-designs-need-logo/


=> https://vasilis.nl/nerd/trail-urge-create/


=> https://vasilis.nl/nerd/trail-need-use-things/

=> https://vasilis.nl/nerd/storing-written-stuff-is-hard/


=> https://vasilis.nl/nerd/bye-bye-blackboard-car/
=> https://beforeidieproject.com/participate/


=> https://quantifiedself.com/
=> https://jplattel.nl/post/2011-03-31-what-am-i-tracking/





=> Acide méthanoïque


=> Ac faible


=> Bieeen. (60 % coton, 37 % polyamide, 3 % élasthanne)
=> Moins bieeen. (76 % coton, 22 % polyamide, 2 % élasthanne)

The urge to breathe, in normal humans, is mainly controlled by blood carbon dioxide concentration and the acidity that it causes.
sense of suffocation and struggling before unconsciousness, known as the hypercapnic alarm response

Package bloat

=> [1] Package Installation Hygiene (for Babies & Older Ones), Batischev 2012

=> https://privsec.dev/posts/linux/desktop-linux-hardening/

=> https://jvns.ca/blog/brag-documents/ | https://aashni.me/blog/hype-yourself-youre-worth-it/


be careful what job you take, because your job will change you

=> https://moxie.org/2013/01/07/career-advice.html


Outil ncurses, développé en Zig (C).

=> [ncd] NCurses Disk Usage, Heling 2007
=> [nc2] Ncdu 2, Heling 2021

Outil par défaut sur Gnome, développé en Vala (C).

=> [bao] Disk Usage Analyzer, Marzocca 2005


=> https://hbr.org/2016/05/write-a-failure-resume-to-learn-what-makes-you-succeed
=> https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/03/smarter-living/failure-resume.html
=> https://www.nature.com/articles/nj7322-467a

=> https://usbeketrica.com/fr/article/mon-livre-s-adresse-aux-ingenieurs-souffrant-de-dissonance-cognitive

Serialization Format

=> The downsides of JSON for config files, Tournoij 2019
=> YAML: probably not so great after all, Tournoij 2019
=> Nobody wants to write YAML, Huntley 2018
=> Extensible Markup Language 1.0 (Fifth Edition), W3C 2008
=> https://learnosm.org/fr/osm-data/file-formats/
=> https://learnosm.org/fr/intermediate/creating-custom-preset/

=> https://digitalcuration.blogspot.com/2009/04/semantically-richer-pdf.html

Direct light, motion detector

=> https://sleeplessbeastie.eu/2014/11/25/how-to-create-simple-bar-charts-in-terminal-using-awk/


=> https://github.com/SeaDve/Mousai
=> https://github.com/marin-m/SongRec


=> https://github.com/mchehab/zbar
=> https://sleeplessbeastie.eu/2022/06/15/how-to-generate-qr-code-to-access-the-wi-fi-network/

Do Not Track

=> https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/

Ordre de grandeur

1 hamburger = 232 douches (4000 gal = 17,2 × 232 gal)

=> https://www.thewaterscrooge.com/blog/how-many-gallons-of-water-does-a-shower-use
=> https://www.deseret.com/2012/7/12/20504393/water-footprints-and-how-much-water-is-in-your-hamburger

Pourquoi… ? / Altitude

L'air chaud est moins dense que l'air froid, il « monte » et se rapproche du Soleil.

Au fur et à mesure qu'on s'éloigne de la planète, la matière se raréfie. La température se résume à une vibration de la matière. À défaut de matière alors la température est plus faible.

À l'inverse, l'air en se rapprochant de la planète est soumis à de plus fortes pressions. Ce gain naturel en densité, autrement dit une compression, se traduit par une température plus élevée.


NetworkManager tracability

Random MAC address


Bland static hostname

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "localhost"

=> https://privsec.dev/posts/linux/networkmanager-trackability-reduction/


For one thing, it is about not using a fuel that does not exist.

=> https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2018/01/bedazzled-by-energy-efficiency/

Purification versus entanglement

=> https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09613218.2017.1361746

=> Rice Paper Flower Chips Recipe :: Better Than Buying Snacks, delicious day 2023


=> gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/yargo/glog/t17559-dab.txt


=> gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/yargo/glog/t17561-obsolescence-batteries.txt


=> https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/06/on-the-usability-of-number-pads/
=> https://99percentinvisible.org/article/squaring-circle-seventen-telephone-keypad-layouts/
=> https://uxdesign.cc/a-brief-history-of-the-numeric-keypad-59112cbf4c49


At first it may seems paradoxical to connect permaculture and computation. Indeed, an extractive technology that depends on a wasteful use of finite resources can hardly be permanent. Therefore, by making this connection, what we are truly asking is whether or not there can be a place for computer and network technology in a world where humans contribute to the well-being of the biosphere rather than destroy it? And if yes, how?

=> https://permacomputing.net/permacomputing/

Possession temporaire

Quoi qu'on l'en dise, le moment venu qu'emportons-nous ? Pas grand chose, pour ne pas dire rien.

Relation avec le monde

En fin de compte, que sommes-nous ?

Développement personnel

Forme ultime d'égoisme, de capitalisme



The glass is placed on a raised surface above some newspaper and a thin layer of paint sprayed on in a series of wide sweeps that overlap the edges to get good even coverage. This is good practice for using spray paint in general. The reason for the raised surface is to try and minimise the amount of spray paint that manages to find its way onto the underside of the glass.

=> https://www.bigclive.com/scry.htm

En physique, on définit un miroir comme étant une surface lisse réflechissant une quantité importante de lumière, une partie négligeable de celle-ci est absorbée.

La surface étant lisse et brillante induit une réflection spéculaire, unidirectionnelle, à opposer à la réflection diffuse.


=> Waterproofing solar lights

DIY Solar-String light

=> https://www.bigclive.com/string.htm
=> Lower battery draw through additionnal serial LED (Ampère)

LED Lava lamp

=> Mecanism
=> Cloud lamp
=> Salted water

Book scanning

=> https://www.diybookscanner.org/en/intro.html
=> https://diybookscanner.org/archivist/index4379.html?page_id=900
=> https://www.notechmagazine.com/2011/03/diy-book-scanning.html


=> https://insteading.com/blog/diy-bat-house-plans/
=> https://feltmagnet.com/crafts/How-to-Make-Skeleton-Leaves
=> Beach towel bleach print
=> Snap pergola shade (-> Vertical balcony railing)
=> Shower capsule retro fit
=> mirror's string light
=> sliding door
=> mirrors
=> room dividers (Light)
=> https://www.superbrightleds.com/blog/the-essential-guide-to-led-bathroom-lighting.html
=> https://www.superbrightleds.com/blog/residential-recommended-lighting-levels.html
=> https://www.superbrightleds.com/blog/ultimate-led-strip-lighting-guide.html

Isolation phonique

Isolation sonore performante (35 dB) à très performante (40 dB)

=> Ademe
=> https://www.izi-by-edf-renov.fr/blog/aeration-vmc-fenetre

Plantes et humidité

Les plantes stockées à l’intérieur

=> https://www.soigner-l-habitat.com/vmc-vmi-renouvellement-dair-permanent-ou-non/

Installer des plantes d'intérieur


=> https://www.effy.fr/renovation-energetique/humidite-maison


=> http://www.builditsolarblog.com/2015/03/the-kume-shade-simple-homemade-low-cost.html

Window box

=> Shutters and Shades, by Dr. William Shurcliff

Blackout curtains can have an R value of up to 5

=> https://dfarq.homeip.net/do-blackout-curtains-help-with-heat/

Inside storm window

Each air layer have an R-value of 1

=> https://mistersustainable.blogspot.com/2015/01/staying-warm-with-interior-storm-windows.html
=> https://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Conservation/AcrylicStorms.htm
=> https://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Conservation/PCWindowCvr/PCStormWindow.htm
=> https://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Conservation/acrylicstormwindow.htm
=> https://www.arttec.net/Thermal-Windows/index.html
=> https://www.econogics.com/busys/shadecl.htm
=> https://www.greenfret.com/Storms/storms.html

Low tech everything

=> https://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Conservation/conservation.htm
=> https://simplifier.neocities.org/


=> Sliding door and payback calculator
=> https://www.greenfret.com/calculators/insulation.html


In this document 'South' should be taken as 'towards the equator', in the southern hemisphere, it should be substituted with 'North'.

=> https://www.greenfret.com/cheap.html

Building dimensions

optimum ratio of long side to short as follows:

Cool climates: 1.1:1

Temperate climates: 1.6:1

hot-arid climates: 1.3:1

hot-humid climates: 1.7:1

=> with Climate by Victor Olgyay: Princeton University Press, 1963, p.89

Radiator reflector

=> https://www.thegreenage.co.uk/do-radiator-reflectors-work/

-> Cork backed reflector

=> https://stone-soup.ghost.io/making-a-home-of-each-other/

Phones modes are obfuscation bloat, prefer fine tuning through automations

Relationship as tech-commodities (upgrades toward more efficient ones)


Woob bank ledger export from pem

Ledger PEM

Financial conversion design consideration

The percent economy

Transporation cost fixed

Food cost fixed 200

Rent (30 %)

Tensiomètre calibration

=> Justesse

Besoin d'étalons publics





Life as a foodplate, one must manage good and bad timings using different strategies.

Sacrifice - Scarifice

Hot-Cold body response

Hot food in hot weather

Conditions standard

=> Condensation
=> undercut pressure

Air density

Portable app

Portable command line tools

Besoin anthropique

Faux besoin, besoin artificiel

=> occultants

Moralité de la négociation physique

CT Vélo

Check list

Anthro issue levels

Honest architecture and electric work

La question

Qui est le Docteur ?

Pourquoi ?

=> What do we need to live?, Mueller 2019

Frigo et Masse thermique

=> https://mistersustainable.blogspot.com/2017/04/improving-refrigerator-efficiency.html
=> Plastiques et quantités

Web app should be designed for mobile first instead of a complete PC version.

=> Mobile first, Wroblewski 2009

Content-out rather than canvas-in, modular opt-in content rather not the other way.

=> Content first, Keith 2011

Structure your content according to schemes for a semantic web, leading to content accessible for future devices

=> Future-ready content, Wachter-Boettcher 2012

“This spot next to you needs to be filled!” The person won’t just come, but it reminds you to look for them!

Make the environment work for you

“Clearing clutter is not just hiding everything away, it’s about using a logical system.”

=> Feng shui the modern way, Tan 2020

Information overload research group

=> https://iorgforum.org/

computers are doing to communication what fences did to pastures and cars did to streets
Henceforth the access to the microphone would determine whose voice shall be magnified. Silence now ceased to be in the commons; it became a resource for which loudspeakers compete. Language itself was transformed thereby from a local commons into a national resource for communication.

=> Silence is a commons, Illich 1983 | Ivan Illich and Silence as a Commons, Bollier 2006


=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confabulation
=> in the mall" study and reiteration

Onebag/Nomad living

Nomad != Digital

When you live out of one bag, every item is an individual value judgement.
The apartment contains furniture that will have to be moved at least twice (once into the apartment, and some day, out of it)

=> Living like a nomad when you're living in one place, Victoria 2019

Simpler construction, sturdy, efficient breakdown (modular parts)

=> furniture
=> suicide furniture

Le plus proche de mon setup actuel

=> EDC
=> 20170126, Victoria 2017

All of our stuff, from electronics to clothes and everything in between, fit into a 36 litter backpack with between 15-20 pounds of total weight for each of us! This meant going from an entire wardrobe down to two pairs of pants, a couple of skorts/shorts and 4-5 days’ worth of undergarments

=> We planned to be homeless, Screw The Average 2016

I consider my home to be wherever I am

=> https://lifeedited.com/what-its-like-to-live-in-a-micro-apartment/



Routeurs et modems sont des équipements auxquels il est possible de connecter des appareils, et accéder à des services Internet. C'est le modem qui apporte l'information tandis que le routeur la redistribue. Leur fonctionnement allant de paire, les « boxs » fournies par les entreprises usuelles intègrent les deux fonctions.

Le rôle indispensable du routeur souligne le besoin de sa neutralité ; Toutes les informations y transitant, l'absence de liberté est un risque de sécurité important.

Restrictions d'utilisation

Malgré l'existence de lois européennes sur la liberté de rotueur[1], leur application laisse à désirer. Parmi les restrictions usuelles, on retrouve :

=> [1] Router freedom, Free Software Foundation Europe 2023
=> Mes clés, mes données

There are lots of competing demands for both your time, and your money. Everybody wants your money, and everybody wants your time
The Currency of Time is Your Attention

=> Prioritize Your Time By Pretending It Is Money, Havron 2023

Garbage liner

=> https://improvisedlife.com/2015/05/05/audrey-hepburns-newspaper-garbage-can-liner/

Seed pocket-like

Montre automatique

=> https://thetruthaboutwatches.com/2020/02/self-winding-watches-dont-do-it/

Rythme circadien

=> https://www.waveformlighting.com/human-centric/blue-light-melatonin-and-circadian-rhythms
=> https://phys.org/news/2022-09-dark-side-suppression-melatonin-blue.html
=> https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side
=> https://www.real-world-physics-problems.com/homemade-blue-light-filter.html
=> https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=AU1d4Nsxe7M


=> https://www.houzz.com/magazine/how-to-use-mirrors-for-more-light-and-style-stsetivw-vs~18775985
=> https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=EFPn77C0IuQ

Balance hydrique humaine

Le seuil d'alerte de la vessie est entre 300 et 500 mL.

Le volume maximal étant à 6 L.

Contrôler son niveau d'hydratation via un apport hydrique inférieur à ce qui est éliminé ?

KeypassXC Keyring

=> https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues/6274
=> https://www.chucknemeth.com/linux/security/keyring/keepassxc-keyring
=> https://www.cogitri.dev/posts/03-keepassxc-freedesktop-secret/
=> https://isamert.net/2018/05/04/automatize-your-logins-with-gnome-keyring-and-optionally-with-keepassxc-.html

Chariots de course

Les chariots de course sont des armes contre l'environnement, incitant à la surconsommation, le stockage de biens, les déplacements individuels en véhicules motorisés à gabarit important, et l'habitation individuelle – et ainsi l'étalement urbain qui lui même entretient l'autosolisme au quotidien.

Cycle de vie matériel

En France, il faut donc utiliser 48 ans cette unité centrale (écran non inclus) pour émettre autant de gaz à effet de serre que les phases de fabrication, transport et fin de vie réunies

=> [] Quelle est l’empreinte carbone d’un ordinateur ? Bordage 2011

À mon avis le bilan écologique de l'auto-hébergement n'est pas pire qu'en datacenter et pourrait même être meilleur…

=> https://guide.deuxfleurs.fr/infrastructures/energie/

The connection is also rated for at least 10,000 connect-disconnect cycles, which is much higher than the original USB specification of 1,500 cycles, and 5,000 for the Mini specification

=> [] USB Type-C Connector Specifications Finalized, Howse 2014
  Durability or Insertion/Extraction Cycles (EIA 364-09)
  The durability ratings listed in Table 5-16 are specified for the USB 3.1 connectors.
  Table 5-16. Durability Ratings
  Connector   Standard Durability Class               High Durability Class
  USB 3.1     Standard-A connector 1500 cycles min    5000 cycles min
  USB 3.1     Standard-B connector 1500 cycles min    5000 cycles min
  USB 3.1     Micro connector family                  10000 cycles min
  The durability test shall be done at a maximum rate of 200 cycles per hour and no physical damage to any part of the connector or cable assembly shall occur.

=> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12198483

he only defense against built-in obsolescence is an informed consumer

=> [] Computer built-in obsolescence, Cheapskate 2019

Keep Your Computer [CPU] Cool

=> [] Making Your Computer Last Longer, Cheapskate 2018

un langage n’est qu’une façon de formaliser de la logique, il faut encore traduire cette logique en instructions pour le CPU via un compilateur ou un interpréteur

=> [] Impasse idéologique #1 : les langages de programmation vert, Goldoin 2023

DC stands for DeCentralization of power

=> https://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2016/04/slow-electricity-the-return-of-low-voltage-dc-power.html

Sustainable energy storage sizing

=> https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2018/12/keeping-some-of-the-lights-on-redefining-energy-security

De la condensation se forme lorsqu'un corps gazeux d'une certaine humidité relative entre en contact avec une surface à la température de rosée correspondante.

Le verre étant un mauvais isolant thermique (R ~ 0.15), les fenêtes posent des risques de condensation, particulièrement sensible aux fluctuations de températures extérieures.

À l'inverse, la condensation sur une surface à température donnée peut être provoquée par augmentation de l'humidité relative. C'est notamment le cas en fermant les rideaux, limitant le contact de l'air chaud avec la vitre, rapprochant effectivement le niveau de la barrière thermique vers l'intérieur du logement, et la condensation associée.

=> [] Causes of condensation in the home, Stormclad 2014 | [] How to Stop Damp Mould & Condensation, Charlie DIYte 2020

Baignoire surface rénovation

Mort de passe

=> Cercles
=> Gfsecret et Adi Shamir
=> https://brainbaking.com/post/2022/09/what-happens-to-my-digital-identity-when-i-die/
=> https://brainbaking.com/post/2023/03/creating-journals-that-last/


=> Sarcasm about journaling

Android requestSync

=> Tasker

=> Backpack loops

Sphérification culinaire

Bille de lactate comme by-product d'alginate de sodium et lactate calcique

=> https://www.chinasichuanfood.com/how-to-make-popping-boba-at-home/

Thé glacé (Fée thé)

6 heures au frigo

Café cold brew

12 heures au frigo


Ex : Logement



-> Physical Nomadism

Saddle width

=> https://www.singletracks.com/mtb-gear/how-to-measure-your-sit-bones-for-the-perfect-saddle-fit-its-easy/

S'asseoir sur un carton pour déterminer la distance séparant les deux tubérosités ischiales. Lesquelles doivent être supportées par la selle. Une attention particulière doit être apportée à la position en pédalage, les tubérosités formant une pointe vers l'avant – on peut réduire la distance dans une position plus horizontale.

Trois neiges


Fondant routier

Chlorure de sodium


Traitement neige

Traitement verglas

Wildlife service station

=> https://www.flocktogether.world/latest/your-windowsill-is-bird-nirvana

Dissociative identity disorder

=> https://xn--gckvb8fzb.com/gemini-is-solutionism-at-its-worst/

=> https://ploum.net/le-silence-au-milieu-du-bruit/index.html

Inputrc ignore-case

=> https://leon_plickat.srht.site/writing/use-bash-configure-readline/article.html

=> Pisser debout, GiedRé 2011

tee links to vrac

=> https://momomori-eki.net/2021/07/16/an-example-workflow-for-people-who-are-interested-in-everything/


Décote de la valeur du travail. Heures sup' et efficacité

Fonction publique. OpenSource, sauf que personne le fera à part moi

Microblogging (Wordpress), shareable RSS

Louez des appartements une fois plus petits que ceux auxquels vous ont habitués vos parents. Songez à l'économie de vos gestes, de vos ordres et de vos pensées.

=> Vers une architecture, LeCorbusier 1927


If want to stop sending energy to the universe, slow the airflow down by having smaller living spaces (you can use curtains to section off smaller areas in a large open-plan home).

=> https://permaculturevisions.com/making_rental_home_cozy/


To maximize direct heat gain during winter, south-facing surfaces are constructed with thermal storage material

=> https://faircompanies.com/videos/passive-solar-glass-home-beauty-of-watching-the-sun-move/

Trombe wall requires some sun-facing encasing for airflow

Murs intérieurs peints en noir comme récepteurs durant l'hiver, accumulateurs selon la capacité thermique, et diffuseurs selon leur coefficient de diffusion

Apparence addendum



gtk-font-name=Luciole 11


=> ~/.config/sway/config
=> https://www.dwarmstrong.org/sway/

=> https://gitlab.com/dwarmstrong/dotfiles/-/blob/master/.config/swaylock/config

Typically, the entire [sprout] plant is eaten including the shoots, the roots, and the seed

=> What Are Microgreens?, Snyder 2023 | https://old.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/sz1cqo/microgreens_and_sprouts_explanation_in_comments/

Hand pedal forward with your right hand while manually pushing the rear derailer inward until the chain engages the 3rd smallest sprocket. Stop pedaling, then let go of the derailer. The derailer spring will try to move the derailer outward toward the smallest sprocket, but the stopped chain won't let it go all the way. Pull fairly firmly on the end of the cable to take up the slack and secure it with the anchor bolt. Then you can pedal and check the indexing adjustment. I find that this usually gets me quite close, with only a minimal amount of fine tuning needed to the indexing adjustment.

=> https://www.sheldonbrown.com/cable-installation.html

A main benefit provided by mulch to gardeners and their plants is its ability to reduce the loss of water from the soil. The way mulches do this is much the same as the way a blanket keeps us warm at night. The layer of still air within the blanket slows down the movement of warmth from our body to the general atmosphere. The layer of still air within a mulch slows down the movement of water vapour from the soil surface to the air above.

=> handreck gardenLessWater

=> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/pipewire/-/issues/2669#note_2252423

You’ll find nothing plumb or level in the Lofts. Instead you’re compelled to traverse bumpy irregular floors, ceilings that imperceptibly slope, bowl shaped rooms and deliberately awkward passageways. Arakawa and Gins’ notion was that life in such a space would make you stronger in order to, in their words, “learn how not to die.”

=> https://www.rootsimple.com/2024/03/a-visit-to-the-reversible-destiny-lofts/




=> 2023-01-06 Abondance et limitations
=> https://blog.whoz.me/zerowaste/en-finir-avec-le-zero-dechet/


=> https://couleur-science.eu/?d=4844c8--comment-fonctionnent-les-revetements-ceramiques-hydrophobes


Semantic line breaks

=> https://sembr.org/

L'argument du « one sentence per line », d'être plus simple à évaluer en diff est un paralogisme qui repose sur le manque de structure du contenu. Un paragraphe supporte une idée, articulée en plusieurs phrases. Si la modification d'une de celles-ci n'impacte pas les autres c'est qu'elle était à l'origine soit inutile, soit qu'elle mérite son propre paragraphe.

À l'inverse, si l'outil de diff n'est pas capable de détecter l'emplacement des modifications au sein d'une même ligne, c'est bien l'outil qui est en faute et non le contenu.

=> https://mtsknn.fi/blog/4-1-wrapping-styles-for-markdown-prose-and-code-comments/
=> https://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2012/one-sentence-per-line/
=> https://jamesg.blog/2024/02/29/linux-manual-pages/
=> https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2021/04/22/moby-diff/

Fin de « Ligne »

=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline

Line number

=> https://niemannross.com/2024/04/10/rain-evapotranspiration-mm-water/

Où est la frontière entre mise en forme et contenu ?

=> TexteBrut
=> FormesDeContenu


=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roff_(software)
=> https://linux.die.net/man/7/roff

=> https://solarpunkdruid.com/solarpunk-article/the-solarpunk-phone/

N’allez pas non plus croire que les super riches (millionnaires) en le sont par le mérite et la valeur créée pour la collectivité.

=> https://n.survol.fr/n/densite-de-richesse

Patrimoine brut médian 177200 €

=> https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2388851

=> https://bjhess.com/posts/you-re-a-blogger-not-an-essayist


Surfaces en étages anthropo-fonctionnels


Rue voiture-vélo

Hammer, everything is a nail


Intégrité (Copie, Version) : Hash

Authenticité (Source) : Signature

Confidentialité (Anonymat) : Chiffrement

=> PGP
=> https://www.cnil.fr/fr/comprendre-les-grands-principes-de-la-cryptologie-et-du-chiffrement






=> Konosube
=> http://www.origami-instructions.com/divide-paper-into-fifths.html
=> https://www.reddit.com/r/origami/comments/r22o3e/a_gude_on_how_to_fold_a_square_into_fifths_with/
=> https://gatheringfolds.com/blogs/news/odd-grid-method
=> Miura
=> fold


=> https://ploum.net/le-courriel-avec-vim-ou-avec-emacs/index.html
=> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vimium-ff/
=> https://www.openvim.com/
=> https://danielmiessler.com/p/vim/
=> https://vim-adventures.com/
=> https://vimways.org/2018/
=> https://gist.github.com/nifl/1178878
=> https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=hraHAZ1-RaM&feature=youtu.be
=> http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/2012/03/21/why-vim/
=> https://vimways.org/2019/personal-notetaking-in-vim/
=> https://vimways.org/2018/opening-non-vim-file-formats/
=> https://vimways.org/2018/death-by-a-thousand-files/


7 rainbow

Cycle de vie

3 phases

% et absolu | individuel et collectif

Référence standard



=> https://ladybird.org/
=> https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/6814
=> Servo
=> Mozilla



OctopusEnergy 3/6 kVA


(Red ?)SFRBox



Insta360 ?

=> https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/matheusgomesms/diary/402722

GoProMax ?

Le champ de vision d'une GoPro Hero 11 est assez restreint, ce qui fait que la qualité des photos est bien meilleure, mais on loupe des informations, sur les côtés, ou vers l'arrière. Il faut noter que si une Hero 11 permet de prendre 2 photos par seconde, la Max est limitée à 1 photo toutes les 2 secondes, ce qui la rend moyennement adaptée à des vitesses de déplacement élevées (plus de 30 km/h) Pour capter le maximum d'information, une GoPro Max est plus adaptée

Pour de la qualité, au dépend du champs de vision : Hero 11. Dans tous les cas, oui, il est question d'une nouvelle GoPro Max d'ici la fin de l'année. Mais ce n'est pas sûr à 100%. Nous sommes nombreux à s'impatienter :-)

-> GoPro Hero

Hero12 pas de GPS

-> Hero11 mini

Batterie non amovible

-> Hero11


Home you don't live in = House


=> https://chavanniclass.wordpress.com/2024/03/11/misunderstanding-slow-failing-to-live/ | Apathie

=> https://kokorobot.ca/site/spellbook.html


Une seule adresse mail suffit, le PlusAdressing pouvant servir de whitelist selon le pseudo[] choisi

This is why governments exist... to pool tax dollars and apply them in ways beneficial to society.

to make software we must start with assumptions about the world and about the problem we are attempting to solve. Maintenance is the continuous and ongoing discovery that our assumptions are wrong


Some people —wealthy and mostly white—glide through borders, moving from place to place without ever encountering the slightest friction, while others are left to drown in the Mediterranean. This is not the result of a hypocritical worldview but an entirely consistent one which ascribes people value only according to their earning potential.

=> https://www.thrillist.com/travel/nation/digital-nomads-criticism-locals-exploitation


The "X" in XMPP stands for "Extensible"

Ou X.org…

=> https://compost.party/

=> https://kratky.weebly.com/bigger-plants.html


I fucking hate the very concept of insurance.
If I had just saved all of the money I’ve been legally obliged to spend on car insurance over the years, I could have more than repaired anything that actually happened to my car in this time. Meanwhile I have a “pre existing condition” so I will never be profitable to medically insure (just like most humans). Insurance is an absurd capitalist shell game.

Unix philosophy ~ Atomicité

GUI > Config autofill open

if you go back to early publications about Unix. The important stated goals are composability of software, and being able to easily discard software that is no longer fit for purpose. Those goals permit small single-function programs, but do not draw strict boundaries or require strict structure.

Un slip, descendant jusqu'aux chevilles, avec des poches, une braguette à l'avant, et en jean. Voilà comment je vois tous les logiciels qui ne suivent pas la philosophie UNIX.

In bash, writing ${var?} instead of just ${var} or $var means if var isn't defined then bash will throw an error and not execute your command, instead of expanding it to "" and carrying on.
mv file1 file2 $subdir # oops, I overwrote file2
mv file1 file2 ${subdir?} # error message instead of disaster
borg check --verify data
If cool URIs don't change, maybe they shouldn't be managed by landlords and rented on a year-to-year basis.

Empreinte carbone

Eating one Fortune500 CEO would do more to prevent climate change than going vegan or never driving for the rest of your life

Selon Oxfam 2020, les 1 % (soit 680 000) les plus riches en France émettent 40 t de CO2 par an. Soit dix fois plus que la moitié la plus pauvre.

Avec mon empreinte actuelle à 2 t, chaque riche que je tuerais me rendrais carbon neutral pour 20 ans. Pour 3 d'entre eux je le serais à vie. Sur l'hypothèse — erronée — que le mode de vie médian implique une empreinte de 4 t (Global carbon budget, Our world in data 2023), alors effectivement devenir végétalien et se débarasser de sa voiture ne permet qu'un gain de 2 t. Il faudrait ainsi que 20 personnes fassent la transition pour compenser l'empreinte de la 680 000e personne la plus riche de France. Imaginons que ces 680 000 personnes aient toutes une empreinte individuelle de 40 t — faux, puisque Bernard Arnault serait à 8000 t —, éliminer leur empreinte collective reviendrait à 27 Mt d'économisés sur les quelques 370 Mt annuels du pays (Bilan 2023, HautConseilClimat 2024) soit 7 %.

À noter que la Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone vise à un développement des solutions de capture augmentant les capacités de 25 à 82 Mt d'ici 2050. « Crâmer les [1% les plus] riches » ne suffirait pas à atteindre la neutralité carbone. De même, avec l'objectif individuel de 2 t, cela ne permettrait de compenser que 41 millions de personnes contre les 68 millions actuels… Soit une loi de distribution normale alors ce n'est pas 1 % de la population à assassiner pour maintenir la consommation sociétale actuelle mais 50 %. De quoi alimenter les théories sur la surpopulation humaine.

CEOs are hugely expensive. Why not automate them? If a single role is as expensive as thousands of workers it is surely the prime candidate for robot induced redudancy. (Will Dun)

=> https://lockwoodonlinejournals.com/index.php/jaos/article/view/796 | https://nabataea.net/cinema/navigation-and-the-qibla/navigation-and-the-qibla-5-the-indian-circle/

RSX A410

Hmm... I'm looking at an old QBP catalog from 2000. Seems like the RSX hoods are interchangable with...105SC and RX100 levers? ST-1055, A550, A410 and A416.
From what I've read, the hoods for Ultegra 6400 STI, RSX STI A410 & A416, and RX100 STI 7-speed are all the same.
RX100 STI, RSX. 105 STI, and Ultegra STI 7 and 8 speed brifters all use the same hoods, are much harder to find and much more expensive at about $55 a pair on eBay.


=> https://www.disk91.com/2024/technology/lora/critical-analysis-of-the-meshtastic-protocol/
=> https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2024/realizing-meshtastics-promise-t-deck
=> https://meshtastic.au/wp/
=> https://hackaday.com/2023/06/26/meshtastic-for-the-greater-good/
=> https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/
=> https://changelog.complete.org/archives/10356-tools-for-communicating-offline-and-in-difficult-circumstances

=> https://danluu.com/impossible-agree/


Une certaine forme de hoard, d'accumulation, mais également de bien commun dans la publication, le partage, et la mise en commun de données. Il n'est pas tant question de savoir ce qu'autrui peut en faire (quid des données dites sensibles ?), que de réduire là encore le travail et valoriser la réutilisation et l'innovation. Peu importe à quel point le jeu de données répond à une problématique de niche, celle-ci peut potentiellement aider d'autre pairs dans la même situation, voire être détourné pour un usage encore non soupçonné. À cela s'ajoutant évidemment l'aspect de [reproductibilité]


The best way to help those who are or will be under a dangerous political regime is to normalize the tools that protect them.

=> https://sembr.org/

Minimalisme comme méthode de découvrir ses limites

=> Sport | Transhumanisme

Don't put it down, put it away

Patrimoine net médian en France : 117 k€


=> Signes

Au-delà des seules perspectives de carrières, l’image d’une fonction publique vecteur d’ascension sociale ne paraît pas – ou plus – faire consensus. Pourtant, pour certains profils – mais pas tous – une carrière dans la fonction publique peut accompagner des parcours de mobilité ascendante intergénérationnelle et/ou offrir la promesse d’une plus grande égalité des chances que dans le secteur privé

=> Travailler dans la fonction publique, France Stratégie 2024

=> score

=> https://toutcequibouge.net/blog/2024/01/faut-il-justifier-le-texte-sur-internet-non-mais/

=> https://www.gnu.org/software/shepherd/

Friends aren’t made they are found. It’s weird but the sociological aspect of friendship is commonality not effort. Things you enjoy doing or along those lines should be a commonality. With effort you’re seeking a commonality of seeking friendship which isn’t wrong but shouldn’t be an enjoyment of everyday.


=> https://brainbaking.com/post/2024/12/how-bad-is-link-rot-at-brain-baking/
=> https://github.com/lycheeverse/lychee

Système organisation




Config EnvVar







le taux d’épargne des Français atteint en moyenne 18% du revenu disponible, c’est-à-dire que, sur l'année, les foyers qui le peuvent placent 18% de leurs revenus

=> https://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/le-brief-eco/pouvoir-d-achat-pourquoi-les-francais-vont-encore-epargner-en-2025_6957374.html#xtor=RSS-3-%5Blestitres









Empreinte carbone

Many carbon cutting measures are best done on a governmental level, e.g. build out the rail network not the airports, but a few things are totally in the hands of each individual, like what you eat and how many Things you buy. This article has some of both.

=> Indicateur






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