the days are finally getting a bit lighter - I'm leaving work at dusk now, a little sunset hanging around on the horizon. I'm finding snowdrops and crocuses around. last weekend it was surprisingly warm and I took a walk in the park without even a jumper. I can't really overstate how much this helps my mood.
I think I might put some of my music mixes on here. I have them all up on mixcloud, but they recently implemented a 10-mix limit for free accounts, and it reminded me that I do find it annoying that the mixes are not downloadable, and I think you have to be logged in to see the tracklisting or something like that. I really think people should be able to listen to audio, watch video, or read things in downloadable, drm-free formats and it's a little embarrassing that I'm not living up to my own ideals there. but that's mostly because my web hosting, for some reason, has a 100mb limit on file sizes. but I don't think gemini, or the VPS I host my capsule on, has any such limitation, so I might give that a try.
during downtime at work I've been redesigning my website. it's not live yet but I'm pretty happy with my design so far, it's quite playful. I used some :nth-child()
selectors with different transform: rotate()
values to give a semi-random rotation for each section, like cards scattered on a table. each "card" has a different low-res tiled background image that I drew in Pinta, and an accompanying colour scheme.
the main thing I'm struggling with is talking about myself, though. how do I write a short bio when I don't know what other people would find notable/interesting about me? I don't really know if other people struggle with this, either. maybe it's an autistic thing.
(update: I've updated my site now! take a look:)
I heard a really good mix on NTS Radio last week, but I don't think the recording is available anywhere. I'll update if it shows up, but but basically it reminded me of this truly amazing mix:
=> american sunset: an hour of cosmic americana
which I happened across when it aired three years ago, but keep coming back to it, and some of my friends love it now too. maddeningly, I still have no idea who recorded it, but today I noticed that it's featured in a collection of other mixes:
and listened to a few of them, really nice stuff.
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