Introducing OOP in a Python game 2


My previous post about a text adventure game is probably a better introduction than this one, but some youngsters’d rather write graphical action games so let’s make one of those too.

Again I assume Python 3, and this time you’ll need the Pygame library installed. I recommend Thonny 3 if you don’t already have a Python setup (you could use Thonny 4 but it contains a pro-Ukraine message that might get you in trouble in some countries).

Simple bat-and-ball game


Let’s write a simple bat-and-ball game for multiple players. To be a bit different, as our rectangular screen has 4 edges, we might as well make it a 4-player version (if you don’t have 4 players, the computer can play some of them), with paddles (bats) on the left, right, top and bottom of the screen. The power of object-oriented programming will let us be flexible enough to do that. We can even have more than one ball on the screen if we want.


Before we put anything on the screen, we need to know a little bit about how screens do place (X-Y coordinates) and colour (RGB). Don’t worry, it’s not too hard.




We need to know about the Cartesian coordinate system (the UK National Curriculum currently introduces this in Year 4 i.e. age 9)—”x” is the horizontal distance from the left edge, and “y” is the vertical distance up from the bottom edge. We can put something at any place on a page or screen by setting the “x” and the “y” and finding where they meet. But Pygame is naughty—instead of following what mathematics normally does, its idea of “y” is the vertical distance down from the top edge. My personal opinion is this was an incredibly bad decision by the Pygame designers because it means Pygame graphics are done “backwards” from normal maths, confusing our young potential programmers. (The BBC Micro in the 1980s got this right: its graphics started at bottom left.)


And here’s another thing I don’t like about the Pygame coordinate design: the number in the “x” or the “y” is the number of screen dots (called “picture elements” or pixels), but that depends on your screen: some screens have smaller dots than others, so if you write a game on one computer, you might find it looks way too small on another—no good if you want to send it to a friend! So we have to make the game check how many dots there are on the screen before it can work out how many dots to use. (Again the BBC Micro in the 1980s was more helpful: its numbers were always fixed fractions of the distance across the screen, no matter what dot size was being used.)


We don’t have to worry too much about these things, because we have object orientation. Once we tell the computer how the objects work, it can calculate some of the details itself. Some people think teaching object orientation to children is too complicated, and it’s better to write simple code that just says which dot on the screen to light up. It’s true their way might be quicker at the beginning, but it will get harder to adjust the code when we want to do things like add more players. This way will be easier in the long run.


Now, some people might think we’re about to say “every rectangular object has an ‘x’ and a ‘y’ and a height and a width” but hold on! Later on we’ll have to do collision detection between objects (so they can bounce off of each other instead of going right through each other, sometimes known as “clipping”), and doing collision detection in two dimensions (or even three dimensions later) looks a bit hard. But we have object orientation: we just need to write how to do collision detection in one dimension, and then say have two of them (or maybe three of them later).

有些人以为我们即将说“每个长方形对象都有x和y和高度和宽度”但慢下来!后来我们得做碰撞侦测(避免裁剪),2D或3D碰撞侦测可能看来一点难,不过,面向对象程序设计能这里帮我们: 我们只应该写如何做1D的碰撞侦测,然后说有两个尺寸(后来能说有三个)。

The May Bumps


Every June, Cambridge has a rowing-boat race on the River Cam called the May Bumps. It’s called May because it used to be in May: maybe they forgot to change its name when it became June. (That’s a common bad habit of programmers: they have a variable that stores one thing, so they give it a good name for that thing, but then they change the thing that’s in it, but they’re too lazy to change the name, and later programmers get confused because you have to remember the name is wrong. Please don’t do this: if you’re changing what it is, change its name. It’s less confusing.) But what I want to focus on here is, why it’s called Bumps.


The River Cam gets a bit narrow, and the rowing boats with their oars get a bit wide, so it’s difficult for one boat to overtake another. So they have a rule that if the front of the boat behind you bumps into the back of your boat, then your boat must drop out and let that one pass.


Let’s write some code that works out if one boat is about to bump into another boat. We need to know where each boat-front is (each of which requires only one number: the distance from the starting line to where the boat-front is now), and we need to know where each boat-back is. (They have words like “bows” and “stern” but let’s not get too worried about that now.) Then we can work out whether one boat-front is bumping into another boat-back.


class Boat:
    def __init__(self):
        # This is how to make a new Boat 这是如何建造新船
        self.front = 10
        self.back = 0
    def is_bumping(self, otherBoat):
        if otherBoat is self: # if they're the same Boat as us 如果我们和他们是同一个船,
            return False # we're not bumping them (we ARE them) 我们不碰撞他们(我们就是他们)
        else: return otherBoat.front >= self.front >= otherBoat.back

Hint: If you’re slow at typing, you can get Thonny to help you. When you’re about to type otherBoat for the second time, hold down Ctrl while pressing Space and a menu pops up: you can then start typing the first few letters, and you’ll find it there (because Thonny finds where you typed it the first time). You can use the same method to type other things for the second time, which also reduces the chance of spelling it differently by mistake.

暗示: 如果您打字是比较慢,你可以求Thonny的帮助。比如,第二次打otherBoat就压制控制键(Ctrl)而打空格键一次,然后在选项单可以开始打otherBoat的头几个字母,Thonny就自动找而拷贝。这也能减少错别字的或然率。



  1. Explain the else: part of the above, or draw a picture. Why did we need to check otherBoat.front as well as otherBoat.back?


  1. If we don’t just touch the boat in front but push slightly into it, will the code still say we’re bumping them? Why might this be useful in a program? (Hint: the computer is digital and we might have to move in steps.)


  1. Not all boats will have their fronts 10 units away from the starting line and their backs 0 units away from the starting line. If the init line is changed to def init(self, start, length): how do the 2 lines after it need to change to use start and length? (Hint: the line that sets back needs to use both of these new things.)

不是每一个船都有前端离开始线10单位而后端离开始线0单位。如果__init__行被修改为def init(self, start, length):(start是开始,length是长度),此后两行怎么修改使用这些?(暗示:船后端是从船前端和船长度计算的)

  1. What does this code calculate: self.is_bumping(otherBoat) or otherBoat.is_bumping(self)


Let’s give each boat a speed (units travelled per unit of time), and change the rules so that if it bumps into anything it reverses.


class Boat:
    def __init__(self, start, length, speed):
        self.front = start
        self.back = start - length
        self.speed = speed
    def touching(self, otherBoat):
        if otherBoat is self: return False
        return otherBoat.front >= self.front >= otherBoat.back or self.front >= otherBoat.front >= self.back
    def move(self, allBoats):
        self.front += self.speed
        self.back += self.speed
        if any(self.touching(b) for b in allBoats):
            self.front -= self.speed # bounce back
            self.back -= self.speed
            self.speed = - self.speed # and turn around
boats = [
    Boat(10, 5, 0.2),
    Boat(20, 7, -0.3)]
for timeUnit in range(100):
    for b in boats: b.move(boats)
    print (boats[0].front, boats[1].back)



  1. What does touching do?


  1. Why does move need a list of all the boats? Can you now see why we checked id before?


  1. Try out the above code, including the test lines at the end. We’re not using Pygame yet: it’s showing boat positions as just numbers. Can you explain from the numbers what happened to the two boats?


Now let’s rename our boats into “object dimensions” (and delete the test lines) and do 2D collision checking:


class GameObject:
    def __init__(self, x, y, height, width, speedX=0, speedY=0):
        self.xDim = ObjectDimension(x, width, speedX)
        self.yDim = ObjectDimension(y, height, speedY)
    def move(self, allObjects):
          o.xDim for o in allObjects if self.yDim.touching(o.yDim))
          o.yDim for o in allObjects if self.xDim.touching(o.xDim))



  1. Why are the if parts required in GameObject’s move? (Hint: we’re not on the narrow river anymore.)


  1. At the moment, the x,y position points to the bottom right-hand corner of the object. Why? How should the ObjectDimension class change if we want to make it the bottom left, the top left, or (harder) the middle?


  1. What does the =0 do here? (The fancy wording for it is “default value” but can you work out what that means? Hint: what happens if we don’t set a speed when we make a GameObject?)




We are now very close to drawing our objects on the screen, but before we do so, we need to know how to say which colour they are.


(Sorry I’ve not finished translating this yet)


Visible light is made up of extremely tiny particles that behave like waves. To give you some idea how small those waves are, look at a ruler. It probably has centimetres (1/100 of a metre) and perhaps millimetres (1/1,000 of a metre). You may think a millimetre is small, but a light wave is between 1,500 and 2,500 times smaller—if you blew up a light wave to the size of a whole millimetre, your 30-centimetre ruler could stretch past the top of the Shanghai Tower, which is more than twice the height of the London Shard. And yet, most people’s eyes can tell that not all light is the same wavelength (that’s why I said it’s “between” two numbers)—we see different wavelengths as different colours.

Every TV or monitor I ever saw can make no more than three different wavelengths—red, green and blue. You might remember last time you watched TV you saw many more colours than just red, green and blue—if it can make only three, why do we see more?

The answer is in the back of our eyes. Humans have 3 different types of colour-sensitive cells called cone cells. (Dogs have 2 types, some fish have 4 types, and some scientists think pigeons have 5 types but they’re still working to prove it.) The 3 cones in humans can each start working for any light, but they work more for light close to a specific wavelength: one is most sensitive to red, another is most sensitive to green, and another is most sensitive to blue.

When a normally-sighted human sees orange light, both their red-sensitive cone cells and their green-sensitive cone cells start working, but because orange is closer to red than to green, the green-sensitive cones are working only about 64% as hard as the red-sensitive cones. So we can trick the person into thinking they are seeing orange if we give them 100% red light plus 64% green light, because this makes the cones work in the same proportion as they would with real orange. That’s how a TV or monitor “makes” orange: it mixes 100% red with 64% green to make a “fake” orange that looks like the real thing to most people’s eyes.

Now I put quotes around “makes” because it’s not really true. Some people do say 100% red plus 64% green “makes orange”, but that happens only in the brain of a normally-sighted human. Cats, dogs and fish see differently, and people with colour blindness see differently. And if you use a prism to break the TV’s “orange” into parts, you’ll see that in reality it’s still red and green, unlike light from other sources. Your TV is tricking you into thinking you’re seeing colours that aren’t there!

To set a colour in Pygame, we need to tell Pygame what mixture of red, green and blue we need to fake the colour on a TV or monitor. We do this by giving Pygame three numbers, with 0 meaning “none of this colour” and 255 meaning “as much as possible of this colour”—the highest is 255 because that’s the biggest number that can fit into 8 digits of the binary code that the computer uses to tell its graphics circuit what mixture to use. Pygame also uses American English spelling, so we have to write “colour” without the U (as a Brit I stubbornly continue to add the U in normal writing and drop it only when I have to for an American computer system). Here are some colour mixtures to get you started—you can experiment to find others:

import pygame
red    = pygame.Color(255,   0,   0)
orange = pygame.Color(255, 163,   0)
yellow = pygame.Color(255, 255,   0)
green  = pygame.Color(  0, 255,   0)
blue   = pygame.Color(  0,   0, 255)
cyan   = pygame.Color(  0, 255, 255)
pink   = pygame.Color(255, 200, 220)
white  = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
black  = pygame.Color(  0,   0,   0)


  1. Change the init part of the GameObject class, adding an extra parameter called colour, and say it’s set to red if not given. Make it set self.colour = colour to keep it for later.

  1. Add a new method to the GameObject class called draw which will actually draw it on the screen. It can start with def draw(self): and one way to do it is pygame.draw.rect(display, colour, pygame.Rect(self.xDim.back, self.yDim.back, self.xDim.front-self.xDim.back, self.yDim.front-self.yDim.back)) but if you’re clever you can make this a bit shorter (hint: can we set a temporary x and y first?)

  1. Add a new method to the GameObject class called erase which is like draw but erases the object by drawing over it in black (we’ll need to do this before moving if we’re not clearing the whole screen every time unit). Can you combine erase and draw so they both call a common service method with only the “colour or black” part changed?

Setting up the screen

We are now very close to putting something on screen. Here’s how to get Pygame to open a nearly full-screen window and read off its height and width in dots: we will use * which means multiply (times, usually written × but that’s hard to type so we use * in most programming languages), and we’ll multiply by a decimal fraction less than 1 to make it smaller, but not too much less than 1.0 because we still want the window to take most of the screen (we just want to leave some space for desktop things around the edges so it’s easier to quit if we get something wrong):

screenW, screenH = pygame.display.get_desktop_sizes()[0]
screenW,screenH = screenW*0.9, screenH*0.8
display = pygame.display.set_mode((screenW,screenH))

Then, after putting in the ObjectDimension class (renamed from Boat), and the GameObject class (with the extra draw and erase methods from the above question), we can set the starting positions:

players = [
    GameObject(screenW*0.06, screenH*0.5,
               screenH*0.15, screenW*0.02,
               0, 0, yellow),
    GameObject(screenW*0.97, screenH*0.5,
               screenH*0.15, screenW*0.02,
               0, 0, blue),
    GameObject(screenW*0.5, screenH*0.97,
               screenH*0.02, screenW*0.15,
               0, 0, green)]
balls = [
    GameObject(screenW*0.5, screenH*0.5,
               screenH*0.02, screenH*0.02,
               screenW*0.001, screenH*0.0007)]
walls = [
    GameObject(1, screenH, screenH, 1), # left
    GameObject(screenW, 1, 1, screenW), # top
    GameObject(screenW, screenH, screenH, 1), # right
    GameObject(screenW, screenH, 1, screenW)] # bottom
everything = players + balls + walls
while True:
    for obj in everything:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            pygame.quit() ; break


  1. Can you make the ball white instead of red just by adding ,white somewhere?

  1. Add a fourth player. (Which side has not yet been used? Can we base the fourth player on the third player but with a different starting place?)

  1. Add a second ball (start it in a different place)—look carefully at how commas work in lists

  1. Why do we need the walls? (If you’re not sure, try taking them out and see what happens)

  1. If you fancy it, make an extra obstacle in the middle of the playing area by adding to walls

Moving the players’ bats

We now have one or more balls bouncing off the walls of the screen and bouncing off the bats (and even perhaps bouncing off each other)—we didn’t have to code for each of these bounces separately, because we have object orientation: we just wrote out how to handle one object and then had the computer do the same for all of them. But the bats still aren’t moving—we’ve not yet added any code to let the players control them.

There are ways of asking the computer to tell us when someone types something on the keyboard, but “typing” something is not what we’re interested in here. For one thing, some computers are set to different keyboard layouts—I often set mine to a layout called Dvorak that’s easier on my wrists when I’m typing fast, and you might be using a computer that can be switched into a Chinese input method where several keys have to be pressed to get one character: imagine what could happen if that gets accidentally switched on during a game. And for another thing, if this game is going to be for 2, 3 or even 4 players all crowding around one keyboard, they won’t manage to take it in turns to press one key at a time. So, this isn’t normal typing: we need to go to the more basic level of “which actual keys are being held down” (possibly several at once).

Pygame sends us “events” to tell us what’s happening. At the moment, we just check if event.type == pygame.QUIT to see if someone closed our window (which is very important to act on), but we can also check for pygame.KEYDOWN and pygame.KEYUP to find out when keys start to be pressed down, and when they spring back up (not being pressed down anymore).

When we get one of those, we need to find out which key it is, using special “key codes” or “scan codes” which can be different on different types of computer—but thankfully Pygame gives us some pre-set variables we can check against if we want to make sure our game will work on all the kinds of computer Pygame can work on.

(Scan codes are very flexible: you can even respond to keys like Ctrl and Shift, with the left-hand one being different from the right-hand one, if you want. Just remember to use the pre-set variables if you want to make sure your game works on other types of computer.)

When we set up the players, right now we’re just setting the starting position, height, width, speed (all 0) and colour. Let’s add four more things to each player: the keys to go up, down, left and right. Except two of the players can go only left and right, and the other two can go only up and down, so some of these things will be None. And we’re getting rather a lot of things in the settings list for each player, so it’ll be more readable if we add more thing= before each one to label what it is, which also helps us miss out stuff we don’t want (like the starting speed, or the keys to move in directions we can’t go):

players = [
    Player(x=screenW*0.06, y=screenH*0.5,
           height=screenH*0.15, width=screenW*0.02,
           up=pygame.KSCAN_W, down=pygame.KSCAN_S),
    Player(x=screenW*0.97, y=screenH*0.5,
           height=screenH*0.15, width=screenW*0.02,
           up=pygame.KSCAN_UP, down=pygame.KSCAN_DOWN),
    Player(x=screenW*0.5, y=screenH*0.97,
           height=screenH*0.02, width=screenW*0.15,
           left=pygame.KSCAN_J, right=pygame.KSCAN_K),
    Player(x=screenW*0.5, y=screenH*0.06,
           height=screenH*0.02, width=screenW*0.15,
           left=pygame.KSCAN_F1, right=pygame.KSCAN_F2)]

The player on the right uses the up and down arrow keys, the player on the left uses W and S, the player at the bottom uses J and K and pity the player at the top who has to crowd around and use F1 and F2—feel free to change these if you have better suggestions: you can get a list of all Pygame scan codes by saying print('\n'.join(sorted(k for k,v in pygame.dict.items() if k.startswith("KSCAN"))))

If you run the above now, you’ll get an error, because we changed GameObject into Player but we haven’t yet said what a Player is. We need to say that a Player is a special kind of GameObject that doesn’t just sit there like a wall or bounce around by itself like a ball—it gets controlled by the keyboard:

class Player(GameObject):
    def __init__(self, x, y, height, width, colour,
                 up=None, down=None, left=None, right=None):
        GameObject.__init__(self, x, y, height, width, 0, 0, colour)
        self.up, self.down = up, down
        self.left, self.right = left, right
    def check_keydown(self, scancode):
        if scancode==self.up:
            self.yDim.speed = -screenH*0.002
        if scancode==self.down:
            self.yDim.speed = +screenH*0.002
        if scancode==self.left:
            self.xDim.speed = -screenW*0.002
        if scancode==self.right:
            self.xDim.speed = +screenW*0.002
    def check_keyup(self, scancode):
        if scancode in [self.up, self.down, self.left, self.right]:
            self.xDim.speed = self.yDim.speed = 0


  1. Will these bats move faster or slower than the ball? What do you need to change to change that?

  1. I don’t like having to change the same number in 4 different places. Please fix the code so that it uses a variable that would need to be changed only once if we want to change the player speed.

  1. The last line has two equals signs in different places: what does that do?

It’s not quite working yet because we still need to actually call our new check_keydown and check_keyup methods. Let’s change the event handler so it looks like this:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            for p in players:
        if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
            for p in players:
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            pygame.quit() ; break

and you probably want to go and play it now so I won’t put more questions here. Don’t be surprised though if, when you try to run your bat into a wall, or even the ball or another bat, your bat might bounce off and start moving in the other direction until you release the key and press it again—that’s because we gave every GameObject the “bounce” logic, even the players, so your bats will bounce off of things as well. If this isn’t what we want, we can override the move method of Player (so it doesn’t just take the one from GameObject but does something different) but that can be for later.

You might like to try adding a basic “computer player” that just keeps moving its bat from end to end—you can do that by putting the right speedX or speedY value into the GameObject.init call and letting the bounce logic do the rest. You probably want to have a class ComputerPlayer that’s a special type of Player (hint: check how we made Player a special type of GameObject—can we do that kind of thing again?) and just give it a new version of init that puts in the speed. Doing it this way, you can even assign keys to the computer player so that it starts off being controlled by the computer but then a real person can take over by pressing its keys. Hopefully you’re starting to see the power of object orientation now—just imagine how much more complicated it would have been if we’d had to write separate code for each player, wall and ball!

Keeping score

I wasn’t sure how score was supposed to work in a 4-player bat-and-ball game, so I asked a 10-year-old and his suggestion was “the last player to hit a ball scores whenever it hits any wall” so let’s code that.

(You see I get it that different people are well-practised at different things. I may have coded a network translator used by two enormous phone companies plus some stuff for the weather forecasts, but if the task is thinking up game rules, children are probably better than me at it.)

So we’ll want to keep track of which player last hit the ball. As there might be more than one ball, let’s say a ball can have a hidden label saying which player hit it.

Now, this might get slightly tricky because currently our actual “bounce” logic is in the move method of ObjectDimension (our old Boat class), and that thing doesn’t even “know” which GameObject it’s working for, let alone what thing it hit—it responds only to hitting something. But we can change it:

  1. Change the constructor (the init) of ObjectDimension to add an extra item after speed called controller. (Don’t forget to say self.controller = controller below so it’s kept for later.)

  1. In the init of GameObject, add ,self after the speedX and speedY when constructing self.xDim and self.yDim. That’ll make sure the X and the Y dimensions of a GameObject are able to refer back to their ‘parent’ GameObject via their self.controller.

  1. The line that starts if any(self.touching needs changing, because now we no longer just want to say “are we touching anything” but we want to know what things are being touched. Try writing it like this:

        touching = [b for b in allObjectDimensions
                    if self.touching(b)]
        if touching:
            for t in touching:

and then the self.front -= self.speed as before (don’t change the indentation of that part: it still goes inside the if touching block, not inside the for t in touching block).

  1. In class GameObject add a method def touched(self, otherObject): pass (the pass means do nothing for now—we just want to make sure everything has a touched method, to stop Python from saying there’s no such method as touched when the ObjectDimension tries to call it on something).

  1. Run the game to check it still works. (It still won’t do scoring, but we can at least check we didn’t just make a mistake that’s bad enough to crash it.)

  1. In class Player, write:

    def touched(self, otherObject):
        otherObject.last_played_by = self

—this will set last_played_by on any object a player touches (even another player or a wall), but that won’t really matter because we’ll check it only when it’s on a ball.

  1. In the constructor (init) of class Player, put self.score = 0 (that’ll make each player start with 0 points)

  1. Before the class Player, write class Goal(GameObject): pass and nothing else. That just says we want Goal to be a special type of GameObject, but we don’t yet want to change any of the behaviour—we just want to be able to recognise if something is a goal when we hit it.

  1. Go to the part that sets up walls and change the four main GameObjects (top, bottom, left and right) into Goals. (If you added any extra walls in the middle, don’t change those into Goals, just leave them as normal objects. And if you only want to play against one opponent, you might want to leave the top and bottom walls as normal objects so nobody scores by hitting those. Remember, a Goal is a special object that will cause the last person who hit the ball to score a point when the ball hits it—choose which objects are Goals carefully.)

10. Make balls special—let me help you out with this one:

class Ball(GameObject):
    def __init__(self,*a,**k):
        self.last_played_by = None
    def touched(self, otherObject):
        if self.last_played_by and type(otherObject)==Goal:
            self.last_played_by.score += 1
                "-".join(f"{p.score}" for p in players))

—don’t worry about the *a,**k stuff: it’s a Python shorthand that lets us pass all the details about the new ball back up to the underlying GameObject without our having to fret about what those details are. And the set_caption part takes the score from each player and joins them together to put onto the window title—which is easier than putting them onto the game screen, because to do that we’d first need to learn about fonts, and I’m trying to get you up and running quickly so let’s just use the window title as score for now. The window title does have the slight advantage that screen-reading software for blind people can read it out—we haven’t yet made this game actually playable by blind people without assistance, but at least you can start a reader for a blind friend to know the score if you want.

11. Don’t forget to go to the balls setup and change the GameObject there into a Ball (if you have more than one ball, do this for all of them)

Extra challenge: by adding just one more line of code in the right place, make it so that, whenever a player hits a ball, the colour of that ball changes to the colour of the player’s bat. (But do check that the other object really is a ball—we don’t want to paint the walls or the other players here! Look at how we used type().)

Can you also add another one line to change a goal into the colour of the ball whenever a point is scored? (You might want to make the goals a bit thicker than 1 to see this more easily.)


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