Over the past weeks my time spent on fiddling with random linux stuff has increased. And 3 days ago it completely went overboard. I decided that voidlinux needed to be my go-to linux now. Cranked up my second rpi3b+ and on it went. The fbturbo didn't work, and it still doesn't despite me investing 7 hours into it. I have no 2d acceleration, which sucks. Today I realized that I don't have fbturbo on my archlinux-arm either, but somehow I felt the need to make it work. My basic goal was to move away from archlinux, because I had another run-in with AUR starting to outdate compared to the main repositories. void was supposed to fix that. But they do have other issues...
I dreamt up this amazing setup: autologin and boot dvtm (that replaces lightdm and i3wm), and put almost everything into the shell. Except some wiki stuff I need on the web. Searching for linux help on cli is tough. Firefox was supposed to run inside x. Just firefox. That seemed feasible.
Until I realized switching ttys takes a few seconds and is very little responsive. In addition, irssi uses the alt-<left/right arrow keys> to switch channels. alt- somehow doesn't work in i3. Now put irssi into tmux on a remote server, and therefore connect from dvtm through ssh into tmux, suddenly no alt- work no more. Granted, these are a bunch of multiplexers nested inside another.
All of these things keep me busy. Meanwhile I don't paint any miniatures. I don't work on my lisp server. I don't do anything except try to figure out why certain combinations of things just don't work. And this starts to drain me. And keeps me on edge, because nothing seems to work all of a sudden. That assessment is plain wrong, because I managed to migrate to an rpi3 and run it rather well, too. The fbturbo I don't even need because I don't watch videos on it. I could, but I don't. Somehow I need to find focus. On what I want to do, instead of trying to figure out how to make random things work that I don't exactly need. Why do I need a dvtm now when I used i3. They solve the same thing (except multiplex mode, which I have no use for).
I will setup my second pi with a 64bit archlinux-arm to replace my vps. I'll run my capsule there. Saves me some money. This is the plan. And after that I'll think about a geocities-like capsule that provides discovery. Similar to antenna or nightfall.city (which is awesome by the way!). After that I'll look into twtxt. It's an interesting concept, but if you can't post from your phone it feels a little off. I dunno. I'll come up with something useful for a change, instead of fiddling with random shit. Damn, I spent too much time on fiddling with stuff. I really need to stop and focus...
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