Published at 2023-10-29T22:25:04+02:00
Once in a while, I share photos on the inter-web with either family and friends or on my The Irregular Ninja photo site. One hobby of mine is photography (even though I don't have enough time for it - so I am primarily a point-and-shoot photographer).
I'm not particularly eager to use any photo social sharing platforms such as Flickr, 500px (I used them regularly in the past), etc., anymore. I value self-hosting, DIY and privacy (nobody should data mine my photos), and no third party should have any rights to my pictures.
I value KISS (keep it simple and stupid) and simplicity. All that's required for a web photo album is some simple HTML and spice it up with CSS. No need for JavaScript, no need for a complex dynamic website.
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## Installation Installation is straightforward. All required is a recent version of GNU Bash, GNU Make, Git and ImageMagick. On Fedora, the dependencies are installed with:
% sudo dnf install -y ImageMagick make git
Now, clone, make and install the script:
% git clone
Cloning into 'photoalbum'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1624, done.
remote: Total 1624 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1624
Receiving objects: 100% (1624/1624), 193.36 KiB | 1.49 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1227/1227), done.
% cd photoalbum
% make
cut -d' ' -f2 changelog | head -n 1 | sed 's/(//;s/)//' > .version
test ! -d ./bin && mkdir ./bin || exit 0
sed "s/PHOTOALBUMVERSION/$(cat .version)/" src/ > ./bin/photoalbum
chmod 0755 ./bin/photoalbum
% sudo make install
test ! -d /usr/bin && mkdir -p /usr/bin || exit 0
cp ./bin/* /usr/bin
test ! -d /usr/share/photoalbum/templates && mkdir -p /usr/share/photoalbum/templates || exit 0
cp -R ./share/templates /usr/share/photoalbum/
test ! -d /etc/default && mkdir -p /etc/default || exit 0
cp ./src/photoalbum.default.conf /etc/default/photoalbum
You should now have the `photoalbum` command in your `$PATH`. But wait to use it! First, it needs to be set up!
% photoalbum version
This is Photoalbum Version 0.5.1
## Setting it up Now, it's time to set up the Irregular Ninja static web photo album (or any other web photo album you may be setting up!)! Create a directory (here: `` for the Irregular Ninja Photo site - or any oter sub-directory reflecting your album's name), and inside of that directory, create an `incoming` directory. The `incoming` directory. Copy all photos to be part of the album there.
% mkdir
% cd
% # cp -Rpv ~/Photos/your-photos ./incoming
In this example, I am skipping the `cp ...` part as I intend to use an alternative `incoming` directory, as you will see later in the configuration file. The general usage of `potoalbum` is as follows:
photoalbum clean|generate|version [rcfile] photoalbum
photoalbum makemake
Whereas: * `clean`: Cleans up the workspace * `generate`: Generates the static photo album * `version`: Prints out the version * `makemake`: Creates a `Makefile` and `photoalbumrc` in the current working directory. So what we will do next is to run the following inside of the `` directory; it will generate a `Makefile` and a configuration file `photoalbumrc` containing a few configurable options:
% photoalbum makemake
You may now customize ./photoalbumrc and run make
% cat Makefile
photoalbum generate photoalbumrc
photoalbum clean photoalbumrc
% cat photoalbumrc
TITLE='A simple Photoalbum'
In the case for ``, I changed the defaults to the following:
--- photoalbumrc 2023-10-29 21:42:00.894202045 +0200
+++ 2023-06-04 10:40:08.030994440 +0300
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
-TITLE='A simple Photoalbum'
-# Randomly shuffle all previews.
-# SHUFFLE=yes
+# Randomly shuffle
So I changed the album title, adjusted some image and thumbnail dimensions, and I want all images to be randomly shuffled every time the album is generated! I also have all my photos in my Nextcloud Photo directory and don't want to copy them to the local `incoming` directory. Also, a tarball containing the whole album as a download isn't provided. ## Generating the static photo album Let's generate it. Depending on the image sizes and count, the following step may take a while.
% make
photoalbum generate photoalbumrc
Processing 1055079_cool-water-wallpapers-hd-hd-desktop-wal.jpg to /home/paul/
Processing 11271242324.jpg to /home/paul/
Processing 11271306683.jpg to /home/paul/
Processing 13950707932.jpg to /home/paul/
Processing 14077406487.jpg to /home/paul/
Processing 14859380100.jpg to /home/paul/
Processing 14869239578.jpg to /home/paul/
Processing 14879132910.jpg to /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Creating thumb /home/paul/
Creating blur /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Creating thumb /home/paul/
Creating blur /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Creating thumb /home/paul/
Creating blur /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
Generating /home/paul/
The result will be in the distribution directory `./dist`. This directory is publishable to the inter-web:
% ls ./dist
blurs html index.html photos thumbs
I usually do that via rsync to my web server (I use OpenBSD with the standard `httpd` web server, btw.), which is as simple as:
% rsync --delete -av ./dist/.
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