20 July 2024
In a surprise move, I've picked up a fully built and populated A500++ board.
I was looking for something to do with a dead A500 Plus I got for cheap. The motherboard had been destroyed by the usual Varta battery leak, but the main (increasingly rare and expensive) Amiga chips looked to have survived and I had purchased a new Rev8A motherboard to rehome them. However, this motherboard, while functional, was also battery damaged, then a local ad for a brand new PCB popped up at a really good price and that seemed like a much better idea.
=> [IMG: Agnus has misplaced BPLMOD]
The 8375 Agnus that came with the board had a weird fault, but the builder swapped it for a new one that works fine. It's his first build of one of these boards, he tells me, and there are a couple of minor issues that are easily resolved if you know which end of a soldering iron to hold.
He lives about ten miles away from me and is planing to build more, and other boards too.
Oh no.
=> A500++ Amiga 500+ Replica PCB
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