=> git.r.bdr.sh
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1 if has("gui_macvim") 2 " Fullscreen takes up entire screen 3 set fuoptions=maxhorz,maxvert 4 5 " Command-T for CommandT 6 macmenu &File.New\ Tab key=7 map :CommandT 8 imap :CommandT 9 10 " Command-Return for fullscreen 11 macmenu Window.Toggle\ Full\ Screen\ Mode key= 12 13 " Command-Shift-F for Ack 14 map :Ack 15 16 " Command-e for ConqueTerm 17 map :call StartTerm() 18 19 " Command-/ to toggle comments 20 map NERDCommenterToggle 21 imap NERDCommenterToggle i 22 23 24 " Command-][ to increase/decrease indentation 25 vmap >gv 26 vmap 0gt 30 imap 0gt 31 map 1gt 32 imap 1gt 33 map 2gt 34 imap 2gt 35 map 3gt 36 imap 3gt 37 map 4gt 38 imap 4gt 39 map 5gt 40 imap 5gt 41 map 6gt 42 imap 6gt 43 map 7gt 44 imap 7gt 45 map 8gt 46 imap 8gt 47 map 9gt 48 imap 9gt 49 50 " Command-Option-ArrowKey to switch viewports 51 map k 52 imap k 53 map j 54 imap j 55 map l 56 imap l 57 map h 58 imap h 59 60 " Adjust viewports to the same size 61 map = = 62 imap = = 63 endif 64 65 " Don't beep 66 set visualbell 67 68 " Start without the toolbar 69 set guioptions-=T 70 71 " Default gui color scheme 72 color ir_black 73 74 " ConqueTerm wrapper 75 function StartTerm() 76 execute 'ConqueTerm ' . $SHELL . ' --login' 77 setlocal listchars=tab:\ \ 78 endfunction 79 80 " Project Tree 81 if exists("loaded_nerd_tree") 82 autocmd VimEnter * call s:CdIfDirectory(expand(" ")) 83 autocmd FocusGained * call s:UpdateNERDTree() 84 autocmd WinEnter * call s:CloseIfOnlyNerdTreeLeft() 85 endif 86 87 " Close all open buffers on entering a window if the only 88 " buffer that's left is the NERDTree buffer 89 function s:CloseIfOnlyNerdTreeLeft() 90 if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") 91 if bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) != -1 92 if winnr("$") == 1 93 q 94 endif 95 endif 96 endif 97 endfunction 98 99 " If the parameter is a directory, cd into it 100 function s:CdIfDirectory(directory) 101 let explicitDirectory = isdirectory(a:directory) 102 let directory = explicitDirectory || empty(a:directory) 103 104 if explicitDirectory 105 exe "cd " . fnameescape(a:directory) 106 endif 107 108 " Allows reading from stdin 109 " ex: git diff | mvim -R - 110 if strlen(a:directory) == 0 111 return 112 endif 113 114 if directory 115 NERDTree 116 wincmd p 117 bd 118 endif 119 120 if explicitDirectory 121 wincmd p 122 endif 123 endfunction 124 125 " NERDTree utility function 126 function s:UpdateNERDTree(...) 127 let stay = 0 128 129 if(exists("a:1")) 130 let stay = a:1 131 end 132 133 if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") 134 let nr = bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) 135 if nr != -1 136 exe nr . "wincmd w" 137 exe substitute(mapcheck("R"), " ", "", "") 138 if !stay 139 wincmd p 140 end 141 endif 142 endif 143 144 if exists(":CommandTFlush") == 2 145 CommandTFlush 146 endif 147 endfunction 148 149 " Utility functions to create file commands 150 function s:CommandCabbr(abbreviation, expansion) 151 execute 'cabbrev ' . a:abbreviation . ' =getcmdpos() == 1 && getcmdtype() == ":" ? "' . a:expansion . '" : "' . a:abbreviation . '" ' 152 endfunction 153 154 function s:FileCommand(name, ...) 155 if exists("a:1") 156 let funcname = a:1 157 else 158 let funcname = a:name 159 endif 160 161 execute 'command -nargs=1 -complete=file ' . a:name . ' :call ' . funcname . '( )' 162 endfunction 163 164 function s:DefineCommand(name, destination) 165 call s:FileCommand(a:destination) 166 call s:CommandCabbr(a:name, a:destination) 167 endfunction 168 169 " Public NERDTree-aware versions of builtin functions 170 function ChangeDirectory(dir, ...) 171 execute "cd " . fnameescape(a:dir) 172 let stay = exists("a:1") ? a:1 : 1 173 174 NERDTree 175 176 if !stay 177 wincmd p 178 endif 179 endfunction 180 181 function Touch(file) 182 execute "!touch " . shellescape(a:file, 1) 183 call s:UpdateNERDTree() 184 endfunction 185 186 function Remove(file) 187 let current_path = expand("%") 188 let removed_path = fnamemodify(a:file, ":p") 189 190 if (current_path == removed_path) && (getbufvar("%", "&modified")) 191 echo "You are trying to remove the file you are editing. Please close the buffer first." 192 else 193 execute "!rm " . shellescape(a:file, 1) 194 endif 195 196 call s:UpdateNERDTree() 197 endfunction 198 199 function Mkdir(file) 200 execute "!mkdir " . shellescape(a:file, 1) 201 call s:UpdateNERDTree() 202 endfunction 203 204 function Edit(file) 205 if exists("b:NERDTreeRoot") 206 wincmd p 207 endif 208 209 execute "e " . fnameescape(a:file) 210 211 ruby << RUBY 212 destination = File.expand_path(VIM.evaluate(%{system("dirname " . shellescape(a:file, 1))})) 213 pwd = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) 214 home = pwd == File.expand_path("~") 215 216 if home || Regexp.new("^" + Regexp.escape(pwd)) !~ destination 217 VIM.command(%{call ChangeDirectory(fnamemodify(a:file, ":h"), 0)}) 218 end 219 RUBY 220 endfunction 221 222 " Define the NERDTree-aware aliases 223 if exists("loaded_nerd_tree") 224 call s:DefineCommand("cd", "ChangeDirectory") 225 call s:DefineCommand("touch", "Touch") 226 call s:DefineCommand("rm", "Remove") 227 call s:DefineCommand("e", "Edit") 228 call s:DefineCommand("mkdir", "Mkdir") 229 endif 230 231 " Include user's local vim config 232 if filereadable(expand("~/.gvimrc.local")) 233 source ~/.gvimrc.local 234 endif
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