
=> summary
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=> refs

fe337504f2fb3ded76326b1e3d4d02787a27d853 - Ben Beltran - 1370447457

Aand that's all the plugins.

=> view tree | view raw

diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index b572e5b..d9ba288 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -43,3 +43,48 @@
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-endwise"]
 	path = vim/bundle/vim-endwise
 	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-fugitive"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-fugitive
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/gist-vim"]
+	path = vim/bundle/gist-vim
+	url =
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-indent-object"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-indent-object
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-rails"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-rails
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/searchfold.vim"]
+	path = vim/bundle/searchfold.vim
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-snipmate"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-snipmate
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/tlib_vim"]
+	path = vim/bundle/tlib_vim
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/supertab"]
+	path = vim/bundle/supertab
+	url =
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-surround"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-surround
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/syntastic"]
+	path = vim/bundle/syntastic
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/tagbar"]
+	path = vim/bundle/tagbar
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/taglist"]
+	path = vim/bundle/taglist
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-unimpaired"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-unimpaired
+	url = git://
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-showmarks"]
+	path = vim/bundle/vim-showmarks
+	url = git://
diff --git a/vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim b/vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index bdbe199..0000000
--- a/vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-" These are the mappings for snipMate.vim. Putting it here ensures that it
-" will be mapped after other plugins such as supertab.vim.
-if !exists('loaded_snips') || exists('s:did_snips_mappings')
-	finish
-let s:did_snips_mappings = 1
-" This is put here in the 'after' directory in order for snipMate to override
-" other plugin mappings (e.g., supertab).
-" You can safely adjust these mappings to your preferences (as explained in
-" :help snipMate-remap).
-ino   =TriggerSnippet()
-snor   i=TriggerSnippet()
-ino   =BackwardsSnippet()
-snor   i=BackwardsSnippet()
-ino   =ShowAvailableSnips()
-" The default mappings for these are annoying & sometimes break snipMate.
-" You can change them back if you want, I've put them here for convenience.
-snor  b
-snor  a
-snor  bi
-snor ' b'
-snor ` b`
-snor % b%
-snor U bU
-snor ^ b^
-snor \ b\
-snor  b
-" By default load snippets in snippets_dir
-if empty(snippets_dir)
-	finish
-call GetSnippets(snippets_dir, '_') " Get global snippets
-au FileType * if &ft != 'help' | call GetSnippets(snippets_dir, &ft) | endif
-" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim
diff --git a/vim/autoload/conque_term.vim b/vim/autoload/conque_term.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 2780c7d..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/conque_term.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1590 +0,0 @@
-" FILE:     plugin/conque_term.vim {{{
-" AUTHOR:   Nico Raffo 
-" MODIFIED: 2010-05-27
-" VERSION:  1.1, for Vim 7.0
-" Conque - pty interaction in Vim
-" Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nico Raffo 
-" MIT License
-" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-" in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-" to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-" copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-" }}}
-" **********************************************************************************************************
-" **** VIM FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************************
-" **********************************************************************************************************
-" launch conque
-function! conque_term#open(...) "{{{
-    let command = get(a:000, 0, '')
-    let hooks   = get(a:000, 1, [])
-    " bare minimum validation
-    if has('python') != 1
-        echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Conque requires the Python interface to be installed" | echohl None
-        return 0
-    endif
-    if empty(command)
-        echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "No command found" | echohl None
-        return 0
-    else
-        let l:cargs = split(command, '\s')
-        if !executable(l:cargs[0])
-            echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Not an executable: " . l:cargs[0] | echohl None
-            return 0
-        endif
-    endif
-    " set buffer window options
-    let g:ConqueTerm_BufName = substitute(command, ' ', '\\ ', 'g') . "\\ -\\ " . g:ConqueTerm_Idx
-    call conque_term#set_buffer_settings(command, hooks)
-    let b:ConqueTerm_Var = 'ConqueTerm_' . g:ConqueTerm_Idx
-    let g:ConqueTerm_Var = 'ConqueTerm_' . g:ConqueTerm_Idx
-    let g:ConqueTerm_Idx += 1
-    " open command
-    try
-        let l:config = '{"color":' . string(g:ConqueTerm_Color) . ',"TERM":"' . g:ConqueTerm_TERM . '"}'
-        execute 'python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' = Conque()'
-        execute "python " . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".open('" . conque_term#python_escape(command) . "', " . l:config . ")"
-    catch 
-        echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Unable to open command: " . command | echohl None
-        return 0
-    endtry
-    " set buffer mappings and auto commands 
-    call conque_term#set_mappings('start')
-    startinsert!
-    return 1
-endfunction "}}}
-" set buffer options
-function! conque_term#set_buffer_settings(command, pre_hooks) "{{{
-    " optional hooks to execute, e.g. 'split'
-    for h in a:pre_hooks
-        sil exe h
-    endfor
-    sil exe "edit " . g:ConqueTerm_BufName
-    " buffer settings 
-    setlocal nocompatible      " conque won't work in compatible mode
-    setlocal nopaste           " conque won't work in paste mode
-    setlocal buftype=nofile    " this buffer is not a file, you can't save it
-    setlocal nonumber          " hide line numbers
-    setlocal foldcolumn=0      " reasonable left margin
-    setlocal nowrap            " default to no wrap (esp with MySQL)
-    setlocal noswapfile        " don't bother creating a .swp file
-    setlocal updatetime=50     " trigger cursorhold event after 50ms / XXX - global
-    setlocal scrolloff=0       " don't use buffer lines. it makes the 'clear' command not work as expected
-    setlocal sidescrolloff=0   " don't use buffer lines. it makes the 'clear' command not work as expected
-    setlocal sidescroll=1      " don't use buffer lines. it makes the 'clear' command not work as expected
-    setlocal foldmethod=manual " don't fold on {{{}}} and stuff
-    setlocal bufhidden=hide    " when buffer is no longer displayed, don't wipe it out
-    setfiletype conque_term    " useful
-    sil exe "setlocal syntax=" . g:ConqueTerm_Syntax
-endfunction " }}}
-" set key mappings and auto commands
-function! conque_term#set_mappings(action) "{{{
-    " set action
-    if a:action == 'toggle'
-        if exists('b:conque_on') && b:conque_on == 1
-            let l:action = 'stop'
-            echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Terminal is paused" | echohl None
-        else
-            let l:action = 'start'
-            echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Terminal is resumed" | echohl None
-        endif
-    else
-        let l:action = a:action
-    endif
-    " if mappings are being removed, add 'un'
-    let map_modifier = 'nore'
-    if l:action == 'stop'
-        let map_modifier = 'un'
-    endif
-    " remove all auto commands
-    if l:action == 'stop'
-        execute 'autocmd! ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var
-    else
-        execute 'augroup ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var
-        " handle unexpected closing of shell, passes HUP to parent and all child processes
-        execute 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' BufUnload  python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.proc.signal(1)'
-        " check for resized/scrolled buffer when entering buffer
-        execute 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' BufEnter  python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.update_window_size()'
-        execute 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' VimResized python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.update_window_size()'
-        " set/reset updatetime on entering/exiting buffer
-        autocmd BufEnter  set updatetime=50
-        autocmd BufLeave  set updatetime=2000
-        " check for resized/scrolled buffer when entering insert mode
-        " XXX - messed up since we enter insert mode at each updatetime
-        "execute 'autocmd InsertEnter  python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.screen.align()'
-        " read more output when this isn't the current buffer
-        if g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused == 1
-            execute 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' CursorHold * call conque_term#read_all()'
-        endif
-        " poll for more output
-        sil execute 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' CursorHoldI  python ' .  b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.auto_read()'
-    endif
-    " use F22 key to get more input
-    if l:action == 'start'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map     "\\"'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map     "\\"'
-    else
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    '
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    '
-    endif
-    " map ASCII 1-31
-    for c in range(1, 31)
-        " 
-        if c == 27
-            continue
-        endif
-        if l:action == 'start'
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(chr(' . c . '))'
-        else
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        endif
-    endfor
-    if l:action == 'start'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(chr(3))'
-    else
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-    endif
-    " leave insert mode
-    if !exists('g:ConqueTerm_EscKey') || g:ConqueTerm_EscKey == ''
-        " use  to send  to terminal
-        if l:action == 'start'
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(chr(27))'
-        else
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        endif
-    else
-        " use  to send  to terminal
-        if l:action == 'start'
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   ' . g:ConqueTerm_EscKey . ' '
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(chr(27))'
-        else
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   ' . g:ConqueTerm_EscKey
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        endif
-    endif
-    " Map  in insert mode
-    if exists('g:ConqueTerm_CWInsert') && g:ConqueTerm_CWInsert == 1
-        inoremap   j j
-        inoremap   k k
-        inoremap   h h
-        inoremap   l l
-        inoremap   w w
-    endif
-    " map ASCII 33-127
-    for i in range(33, 127)
-        " 
-        if i == 124
-            if l:action == 'start'
-                sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map    :python " . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".write(chr(124))"
-            else
-                sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map   "
-            endif
-            continue
-        endif
-        if l:action == 'start'
-            sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map   " . nr2char(i) . " :python " . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".write(chr(" . i . "))"
-        else
-            sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map   " . nr2char(i)
-        endif
-    endfor
-    " map ASCII 128-255
-    for i in range(128, 255)
-        if l:action == 'start'
-            sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map   " . nr2char(i) . " :python " . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".write('" . nr2char(i) . "')"
-        else
-            sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map   " . nr2char(i)
-        endif
-    endfor
-    " Special cases
-    if l:action == 'start'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u"\u0008")'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(" ")'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u"\u001b[A")'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u"\u001b[B")'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u"\u001b[C")'
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map    :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u"\u001b[D")'
-    else
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-        sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   '
-    endif
-    " send selected text into conque
-    if l:action == 'start'
-        sil exe 'v' . map_modifier . 'map   :call conque_term#send_selected(visualmode())'
-    else
-        sil exe 'v' . map_modifier . 'map  '
-    endif
-    " remap paste keys
-    if l:action == 'start'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   p :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(vim.eval("@@"))a'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   P :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(vim.eval("@@"))a'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   ]p :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(vim.eval("@@"))a'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   [p :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(vim.eval("@@"))a'
-    else
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   p'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   P'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   ]p'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   [p'
-    endif
-    if has('gui_running')
-        if l:action == 'start'
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map   :python ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".write(vim.eval('@+'))a"
-        else
-            sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map  '
-        endif
-    endif
-    " disable other normal mode keys which insert text
-    if l:action == 'start'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   r :echo "Replace mode disabled in shell."'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   R :echo "Replace mode disabled in shell."'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   c :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   C :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   s :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   S :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."'
-    else
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   r'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   R'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   c'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   C'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   s'
-        sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map   S'
-    endif
-    " set conque as on or off
-    if l:action == 'start'
-        let b:conque_on = 1
-    else
-        let b:conque_on = 0
-    endif
-    " map command to start stop the shell
-    if a:action == 'start'
-        nnoremap  :call conque_term#set_mappings('toggle')
-    endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" send selected text from another buffer
-function! conque_term#send_selected(type) "{{{
-    let reg_save = @@
-    " save user's sb settings
-    let sb_save = &switchbuf
-    set switchbuf=usetab
-    " yank current selection
-    sil exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>y"
-    " format yanked text
-    let @@ = substitute(@@, '^[\r\n]*', '', '')
-    let @@ = substitute(@@, '[\r\n]*$', '', '')
-    " execute yanked text
-    sil exe ":sb " . g:ConqueTerm_BufName
-    sil exe 'python ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . '.paste_selection()'
-    " reset original values
-    let @@ = reg_save
-    sil exe 'set switchbuf=' . sb_save
-    " scroll buffer left
-    startinsert!
-    normal 0zH
-endfunction "}}}
-" read from all known conque buffers
-function! conque_term#read_all() "{{{
-    " don't run this if we're in a conque buffer
-    if exists('b:ConqueTerm_Var')
-        return
-    endif
-    try
-        for i in range(1, g:ConqueTerm_Idx - 1)
-            execute 'python ConqueTerm_' . string(i) . '.read(1)'
-        endfor
-    catch
-        " probably a deleted buffer
-    endtry
-    " restart updatetime
-    call feedkeys("f\e")
-endfunction "}}}
-" util function to add enough \s to pass a string to python
-function! conque_term#python_escape(input) "{{{
-    let l:cleaned = a:input
-    let l:cleaned = substitute(l:cleaned, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
-    let l:cleaned = substitute(l:cleaned, '\n', '\\n', 'g')
-    let l:cleaned = substitute(l:cleaned, '\r', '\\r', 'g')
-    let l:cleaned = substitute(l:cleaned, "'", "\\\\'", 'g')
-    return l:cleaned
-endfunction "}}}
-" **********************************************************************************************************
-" **** PYTHON **********************************************************************************************
-" **********************************************************************************************************
-if has('python')
-python << EOF
-import vim, re, time, math
-     7:'bel', # bell
-     8:'bs',  # backspace
-     9:'tab', # tab
-    10:'nl',  # new line
-    13:'cr'   # carriage return
-#    11 : 'vt',  # vertical tab
-#    12 : 'ff',  # form feed
-#    14 : 'so',  # shift out
-#    15 : 'si'   # shift in
-# Escape sequences 
-    'm':'font',
-    'J':'clear_screen',
-    'K':'clear_line',
-    '@':'add_spaces',
-    'A':'cursor_up',
-    'B':'cursor_down',
-    'C':'cursor_right',
-    'D':'cursor_left',
-    'G':'cursor_to_column',
-    'H':'cursor',
-    'P':'delete_chars',
-    'f':'cursor',
-    'g':'tab_clear',
-    'r':'set_coords',
-    'h':'set',
-    'l':'reset'
-#    'L':'insert_lines',
-#    'M':'delete_lines',
-#    'd':'cusor_vpos',
-# Alternate escape sequences, no [
-    'D':'scroll_up',
-    'E':'next_line',
-    'H':'set_tab',
-    'M':'scroll_down'
-#    'N':'single_shift_2',
-#    'O':'single_shift_3',
-#    '=':'alternate_keypad',
-#    '>':'numeric_keypad',
-#    '7':'save_cursor',
-#    '8':'restore_cursor',
-# Uber alternate escape sequences, with # or ?
-    '1h':'new_line_mode',
-    '3h':'132_cols',
-    '4h':'smooth_scrolling',
-    '5h':'reverse_video',
-    '6h':'relative_origin',
-    '7h':'set_auto_wrap',
-    '8h':'set_auto_repeat',
-    '9h':'set_interlacing_mode',
-    '1l':'set_cursor_key',
-    '2l':'set_vt52',
-    '3l':'80_cols',
-    '4l':'set_jump_scrolling',
-    '5l':'normal_video',
-    '6l':'absolute_origin',
-    '7l':'reset_auto_wrap',
-    '8l':'reset_auto_repeat',
-    '9l':'reset_interlacing_mode'
-    '8':'screen_alignment_test'
-#    '3':'double_height_top',
-#    '4':'double_height_bottom',
-#    '5':'single_height_single_width',
-#    '6':'single_height_double_width',
-# Font codes {{{
-    0: {'description':'Normal (default)', 'attributes': {'cterm':'NONE','ctermfg':'NONE','ctermbg':'NONE','gui':'NONE','guifg':'NONE','guibg':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    1: {'description':'Bold', 'attributes': {'cterm':'BOLD','gui':'BOLD'}, 'normal':False},
-    4: {'description':'Underlined', 'attributes': {'cterm':'UNDERLINE','gui':'UNDERLINE'}, 'normal':False},
-    5: {'description':'Blink (appears as Bold)', 'attributes': {'cterm':'BOLD','gui':'BOLD'}, 'normal':False},
-    7: {'description':'Inverse', 'attributes': {'cterm':'REVERSE','gui':'REVERSE'}, 'normal':False},
-    8: {'description':'Invisible (hidden)', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'0','ctermbg':'0','guifg':'#000000','guibg':'#000000'}, 'normal':False},
-    22: {'description':'Normal (neither bold nor faint)', 'attributes': {'cterm':'NONE','gui':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    24: {'description':'Not underlined', 'attributes': {'cterm':'NONE','gui':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    25: {'description':'Steady (not blinking)', 'attributes': {'cterm':'NONE','gui':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    27: {'description':'Positive (not inverse)', 'attributes': {'cterm':'NONE','gui':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    28: {'description':'Visible (not hidden)', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'NONE','ctermbg':'NONE','guifg':'NONE','guibg':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    30: {'description':'Set foreground color to Black', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'16','guifg':'#000000'}, 'normal':False},
-    31: {'description':'Set foreground color to Red', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'1','guifg':'#ff0000'}, 'normal':False},
-    32: {'description':'Set foreground color to Green', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'2','guifg':'#00ff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    33: {'description':'Set foreground color to Yellow', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'3','guifg':'#ffff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    34: {'description':'Set foreground color to Blue', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'4','guifg':'#0000ff'}, 'normal':False},
-    35: {'description':'Set foreground color to Magenta', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'5','guifg':'#990099'}, 'normal':False},
-    36: {'description':'Set foreground color to Cyan', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'6','guifg':'#009999'}, 'normal':False},
-    37: {'description':'Set foreground color to White', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'7','guifg':'#ffffff'}, 'normal':False},
-    39: {'description':'Set foreground color to default (original)', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'NONE','guifg':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    40: {'description':'Set background color to Black', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'16','guibg':'#000000'}, 'normal':False},
-    41: {'description':'Set background color to Red', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'1','guibg':'#ff0000'}, 'normal':False},
-    42: {'description':'Set background color to Green', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'2','guibg':'#00ff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    43: {'description':'Set background color to Yellow', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'3','guibg':'#ffff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    44: {'description':'Set background color to Blue', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'4','guibg':'#0000ff'}, 'normal':False},
-    45: {'description':'Set background color to Magenta', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'5','guibg':'#990099'}, 'normal':False},
-    46: {'description':'Set background color to Cyan', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'6','guibg':'#009999'}, 'normal':False},
-    47: {'description':'Set background color to White', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'7','guibg':'#ffffff'}, 'normal':False},
-    49: {'description':'Set background color to default (original).', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'NONE','guibg':'NONE'}, 'normal':True},
-    90: {'description':'Set foreground color to Black', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'8','guifg':'#000000'}, 'normal':False},
-    91: {'description':'Set foreground color to Red', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'9','guifg':'#ff0000'}, 'normal':False},
-    92: {'description':'Set foreground color to Green', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'10','guifg':'#00ff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    93: {'description':'Set foreground color to Yellow', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'11','guifg':'#ffff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    94: {'description':'Set foreground color to Blue', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'12','guifg':'#0000ff'}, 'normal':False},
-    95: {'description':'Set foreground color to Magenta', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'13','guifg':'#990099'}, 'normal':False},
-    96: {'description':'Set foreground color to Cyan', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'14','guifg':'#009999'}, 'normal':False},
-    97: {'description':'Set foreground color to White', 'attributes': {'ctermfg':'15','guifg':'#ffffff'}, 'normal':False},
-    100: {'description':'Set background color to Black', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'8','guibg':'#000000'}, 'normal':False},
-    101: {'description':'Set background color to Red', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'9','guibg':'#ff0000'}, 'normal':False},
-    102: {'description':'Set background color to Green', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'10','guibg':'#00ff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    103: {'description':'Set background color to Yellow', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'11','guibg':'#ffff00'}, 'normal':False},
-    104: {'description':'Set background color to Blue', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'12','guibg':'#0000ff'}, 'normal':False},
-    105: {'description':'Set background color to Magenta', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'13','guibg':'#990099'}, 'normal':False},
-    106: {'description':'Set background color to Cyan', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'14','guibg':'#009999'}, 'normal':False},
-    107: {'description':'Set background color to White', 'attributes': {'ctermbg':'15','guibg':'#ffffff'}, 'normal':False}
-# }}}
-# regular expression matching (almost) all control sequences
-CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX       = re.compile(ur"(\u001b\[?\??#?[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z@]|\u001b\][0-9];.*?\u0007|[\u0007-\u000f])", re.UNICODE)
-CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_CTL   = re.compile(ur"^[\u0007-\u000f]$", re.UNICODE)
-CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_CSI   = re.compile(ur"^\u001b\[", re.UNICODE)
-CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_TITLE = re.compile(ur"^\u001b\]", re.UNICODE)
-CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_HASH  = re.compile(ur"^\u001b#", re.UNICODE)
-CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_ESC   = re.compile(ur"^\u001b", re.UNICODE)
-# match table output
-CONQUE_TABLE_OUTPUT   = re.compile("^\s*\|\s.*\s\|\s*$|^\s*\+[=+-]+\+\s*$")
-# }}}
-class Conque:
-    # screen object
-    screen          = None
-    # subprocess object
-    proc            = None
-    # terminal dimensions and scrolling region
-    columns         = 80 # same as $COLUMNS
-    lines           = 24 # same as $LINES
-    working_columns = 80 # can be changed by CSI ? 3 l/h
-    working_lines   = 24 # can be changed by CSI r
-    # top/bottom of the scroll region
-    top             = 1  # relative to top of screen
-    bottom          = 24 # relative to top of screen
-    # cursor position
-    l               = 1  # current cursor line
-    c               = 1  # current cursor column
-    # autowrap mode
-    autowrap        = True
-    # absolute coordinate mode
-    absolute_coords = True
-    # tabstop positions
-    tabstops        = []
-    # enable colors
-    enable_colors = True
-    # color changes
-    color_changes = {}
-    # color history
-    color_history = {}
-    # don't wrap table output
-    unwrap_tables = True
-    # wrap CUF/CUB around line breaks
-    wrap_cursor = False
-    # }}}
-    # constructor
-    def __init__(self): # {{{
-        self.screen = ConqueScreen()
-        # }}}
-    # start program and initialize this instance
-    def open(self, command, options): # {{{
-        # int vars
-        self.columns = vim.current.window.width
-        self.lines = vim.current.window.height
-        self.working_columns = vim.current.window.width
-        self.working_lines = vim.current.window.height
-        self.bottom = vim.current.window.height
-        # init color
-        self.enable_colors = options['color']
-        # init tabstops
-        self.init_tabstops()
-        # open command
-        self.proc = ConqueSubprocess()
-, { 'TERM' : options['TERM'], 'CONQUE' : '1', 'LINES' : str(self.lines), 'COLUMNS' : str(self.columns)})
-        # }}}
-    # write to pty
-    def write(self, input): # {{{
-        # check if window size has changed
-        self.update_window_size()
-        # write and read
-        self.proc.write(input)
-        # }}}
-    # read from pty, and update buffer
-    def read(self, timeout = 1): # {{{
-        # read from subprocess
-        output =
-        # and strip null chars
-        output = output.replace(chr(0), '')
-        if output == '':
-            return
-        chunks = CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX.split(output)
-        # don't go through all the csi regex if length is one (no matches)
-        if len(chunks) == 1:
-            self.plain_text(chunks[0])
-        else:
-            for s in chunks:
-                if s == '':
-                    continue
-                # Check for control character match {{{
-                if CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_CTL.match(s[0]):
-                    nr = ord(s[0])
-                    if nr in CONQUE_CTL:
-                        getattr(self, 'ctl_' + CONQUE_CTL[nr])()
-                    else:
-                        pass
-                    # }}}
-                # check for escape sequence match {{{
-                elif CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_CSI.match(s):
-                    if s[-1] in CONQUE_ESCAPE:
-                        csi = self.parse_csi(s[2:])
-                        getattr(self, 'csi_' + CONQUE_ESCAPE[s[-1]])(csi)
-                    else:
-                        pass
-                    # }}}
-                # check for title match {{{
-                elif CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_TITLE.match(s):
-                    self.change_title(s[2], s[4:-1])
-                    # }}}
-                # check for hash match {{{
-                elif CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_HASH.match(s):
-                    if s[-1] in CONQUE_ESCAPE_HASH:
-                        getattr(self, 'hash_' + CONQUE_ESCAPE_HASH[s[-1]])()
-                    else:
-                        pass
-                    # }}}
-                # check for other escape match {{{
-                elif CONQUE_SEQ_REGEX_ESC.match(s):
-                    if s[-1] in CONQUE_ESCAPE_PLAIN:
-                        getattr(self, 'esc_' + CONQUE_ESCAPE_PLAIN[s[-1]])()
-                    else:
-                        pass
-                    # }}}
-                # else process plain text {{{
-                else:
-                    self.plain_text(s)
-                    # }}}
-        # set cursor position
-        self.screen.set_cursor(self.l, self.c)
-        vim.command('redraw')
-    # }}}
-    # for polling
-    def auto_read(self): # {{{
-        if self.c == 1:
-            vim.command('call feedkeys("\", "t")')
-        else:
-            vim.command('call feedkeys("\", "t")')
-        self.screen.set_cursor(self.l, self.c)
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # Plain text # {{{
-    def plain_text(self, input):
-        current_line = self.screen[self.l]
-        if len(current_line) < self.working_columns:
-            current_line = current_line + ' ' * (self.c - len(current_line))
-        # if line is wider than screen
-        if self.c + len(input) - 1 > self.working_columns:
-            # Table formatting hack
-            if self.unwrap_tables and CONQUE_TABLE_OUTPUT.match(input):
-                self.screen[self.l] = current_line[ : self.c - 1] + input + current_line[ self.c + len(input) - 1 : ]
-                self.apply_color(self.c, self.c + len(input))
-                self.c += len(input)
-                return
-            diff = self.c + len(input) - self.working_columns - 1
-            # if autowrap is enabled
-            if self.autowrap:
-                self.screen[self.l] = current_line[ : self.c - 1] + input[ : -1 * diff ]
-                self.apply_color(self.c, self.working_columns)
-                self.ctl_nl()
-                self.ctl_cr()
-                remaining = input[ -1 * diff : ]
-                self.plain_text(remaining)
-            else:
-                self.screen[self.l] = current_line[ : self.c - 1] + input[ : -1 * diff - 1 ] + input[-1]
-                self.apply_color(self.c, self.working_columns)
-                self.c = self.working_columns
-        # no autowrap
-        else:
-            self.screen[self.l] = current_line[ : self.c - 1] + input + current_line[ self.c + len(input) - 1 : ]
-            self.apply_color(self.c, self.c + len(input))
-            self.c += len(input)
-    def apply_color(self, start, end):
-        # stop here if coloration is disabled
-        if not self.enable_colors:
-            return
-        real_line = self.screen.get_real_line(self.l)
-        # check for previous overlapping coloration
-        to_del = []
-        if self.color_history.has_key(real_line):
-            for i in range(len(self.color_history[real_line])):
-                syn = self.color_history[real_line][i]
-                if syn['start'] >= start and syn['start'] < end:
-                    vim.command('syn clear ' + syn['name'])
-                    to_del.append(i)
-                    # outside
-                    if syn['end'] > end:
-                        self.exec_highlight(real_line, end, syn['end'], syn['highlight'])
-                elif syn['end'] > start and syn['end'] <= end:
-                    vim.command('syn clear ' + syn['name'])
-                    to_del.append(i)
-                    # outside
-                    if syn['start'] < start:
-                        self.exec_highlight(real_line, syn['start'], start, syn['highlight'])
-        if len(to_del) > 0:
-            to_del.reverse()
-            for di in to_del:
-                del self.color_history[real_line][di]
-        # if there are no new colors
-        if len(self.color_changes) == 0:
-            return
-        highlight = ''
-        for attr in self.color_changes.keys():
-            highlight = highlight + ' ' + attr + '=' + self.color_changes[attr]
-        # execute the highlight
-        self.exec_highlight(real_line, start, end, highlight)
-    def exec_highlight(self, real_line, start, end, highlight):
-        unique_key = str(
-        syntax_name = 'EscapeSequenceAt_' + unique_key + '_' + str(self.l) + '_' + str(start) + '_' + str(len(self.color_history) + 1)
-        syntax_options = ' contains=ALLBUT,ConqueString,MySQLString,MySQLKeyword oneline'
-        syntax_region = 'syntax match ' + syntax_name + ' /\%' + str(real_line) + 'l\%>' + str(start - 1) + 'c.*\%<' + str(end + 1) + 'c/' + syntax_options
-        syntax_highlight = 'highlight ' + syntax_name + highlight
-        vim.command(syntax_region)
-        vim.command(syntax_highlight)
-        # add syntax name to history
-        if not self.color_history.has_key(real_line):
-            self.color_history[real_line] = []
-        self.color_history[real_line].append({'name':syntax_name, 'start':start, 'end':end, 'highlight':highlight})
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # Control functions {{{
-    def ctl_nl(self):
-        # if we're in a scrolling region, scroll instead of moving cursor down
-        if self.lines != self.working_lines and self.l == self.bottom:
-            del self.screen[]
-            self.screen.insert(self.bottom, '')
-        elif self.l == self.bottom:
-            self.screen.append('')
-        else:
-            self.l += 1
-        self.color_changes = {}
-    def ctl_cr(self):
-        self.c = 1
-        self.color_changes = {}
-    def ctl_bs(self):
-        if self.c > 1:
-            self.c += -1
-    def ctl_bel(self):
-        print 'BELL'
-    def ctl_tab(self):
-        # default tabstop location
-        ts = self.working_columns
-        # check set tabstops
-        for i in range(self.c, len(self.tabstops)):
-            if self.tabstops[i]:
-                ts = i + 1
-                break
-        self.c = ts
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # CSI functions {{{
-    def csi_font(self, csi): # {{{
-        if not self.enable_colors:
-            return
-        # defaults to 0
-        if len(csi['vals']) == 0:
-            csi['vals'] = [0]
-        # 256 xterm color foreground
-        if len(csi['vals']) == 3 and csi['vals'][0] == 38 and csi['vals'][1] == 5:
-            self.color_changes['ctermfg'] = str(csi['vals'][2])
-            self.color_changes['guifg'] = '#' + self.xterm_to_rgb(csi['vals'][2])
-        # 256 xterm color background
-        elif len(csi['vals']) == 3 and csi['vals'][0] == 48 and csi['vals'][1] == 5:
-            self.color_changes['ctermbg'] = str(csi['vals'][2])
-            self.color_changes['guibg'] = '#' + self.xterm_to_rgb(csi['vals'][2])
-        # 16 colors
-        else:
-            for val in csi['vals']:
-                if CONQUE_FONT.has_key(val):
-                    # ignore starting normal colors
-                    if CONQUE_FONT[val]['normal'] and len(self.color_changes) == 0:
-                        continue
-                    # clear color changes
-                    elif CONQUE_FONT[val]['normal']:
-                        self.color_changes = {}
-                    # save these color attributes for next plain_text() call
-                    else:
-                        for attr in CONQUE_FONT[val]['attributes'].keys():
-                            if self.color_changes.has_key(attr) and (attr == 'cterm' or attr == 'gui'):
-                                self.color_changes[attr] += ',' + CONQUE_FONT[val]['attributes'][attr]
-                            else:
-                                self.color_changes[attr] = CONQUE_FONT[val]['attributes'][attr]
-        # }}}
-    def csi_clear_line(self, csi): # {{{
-        # this escape defaults to 0
-        if len(csi['vals']) == 0:
-            csi['val'] = 0
-        # 0 means cursor right
-        if csi['val'] == 0:
-            self.screen[self.l] = self.screen[self.l][0 : self.c - 1]
-        # 1 means cursor left
-        elif csi['val'] == 1:
-            self.screen[self.l] = ' ' * (self.c) + self.screen[self.l][self.c : ]
-        # clear entire line
-        elif csi['val'] == 2:
-            self.screen[self.l] = ''
-        # clear colors
-        if csi['val'] == 2 or (csi['val'] == 0 and self.c == 1):
-            real_line = self.screen.get_real_line(self.l)
-            if self.color_history.has_key(real_line):
-                for syn in self.color_history[real_line]:
-                    vim.command('syn clear ' + syn['name'])
-        # }}}
-    def csi_cursor_right(self, csi): # {{{
-        # we use 1 even if escape explicitly specifies 0
-        if csi['val'] == 0:
-            csi['val'] = 1
-        if self.wrap_cursor and self.c + csi['val'] > self.working_columns:
-            self.l += int(math.floor( (self.c + csi['val']) / self.working_columns ))
-            self.c = (self.c + csi['val']) % self.working_columns
-            return
-        self.c = self.bound(self.c + csi['val'], 1, self.working_columns)
-        # }}}
-    def csi_cursor_left(self, csi): # {{{
-        # we use 1 even if escape explicitly specifies 0
-        if csi['val'] == 0:
-            csi['val'] = 1
-        if self.wrap_cursor and csi['val'] >= self.c:
-            self.l += int(math.floor( (self.c - csi['val']) / self.working_columns ))
-            self.c = self.working_columns - (csi['val'] - self.c) % self.working_columns
-            return
-        self.c = self.bound(self.c - csi['val'], 1, self.working_columns)
-        # }}}
-    def csi_cursor_to_column(self, csi): # {{{
-        self.c = self.bound(csi['val'], 1, self.working_columns)
-        # }}}
-    def csi_cursor_up(self, csi): # {{{
-        self.l = self.bound(self.l - csi['val'],, self.bottom)
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    def csi_cursor_down(self, csi): # {{{
-        self.l = self.bound(self.l + csi['val'],, self.bottom)
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    def csi_clear_screen(self, csi): # {{{
-        # default to 0
-        if len(csi['vals']) == 0:
-            csi['val'] = 0
-        # 2 == clear entire screen
-        if csi['val'] == 2:
-            self.l = 1
-            self.c = 1
-            self.screen.clear()
-        # 0 == clear down
-        elif csi['val'] == 0:
-            for l in range(self.bound(self.l + 1, 1, self.lines), self.lines + 1):
-                self.screen[l] = ''
-            # clear end of current line
-            self.csi_clear_line(self.parse_csi('K'))
-        # 1 == clear up
-        elif csi['val'] == 1:
-            for l in range(1, self.bound(self.l, 1, self.lines + 1)):
-                self.screen[l] = ''
-            # clear beginning of current line
-            self.csi_clear_line(self.parse_csi('1K'))
-        # clear coloration
-        if csi['val'] == 2 or csi['val'] == 0:
-            real_line = self.screen.get_real_line(self.l)
-            for line in self.color_history.keys():
-                if line >= real_line:
-                    for syn in self.color_history[line]:
-                        vim.command('syn clear ' + syn['name'])
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    def csi_delete_chars(self, csi): # {{{
-        self.screen[self.l] = self.screen[self.l][ : self.c ] + self.screen[self.l][ self.c + csi['val'] : ]
-        # }}}
-    def csi_add_spaces(self, csi): # {{{
-        self.screen[self.l] = self.screen[self.l][ : self.c - 1] + ' ' * csi['val'] + self.screen[self.l][self.c : ]
-        # }}}
-    def csi_cursor(self, csi): # {{{
-        if len(csi['vals']) == 2:
-            new_line = csi['vals'][0]
-            new_col = csi['vals'][1]
-        else:
-            new_line = 1
-            new_col = 1
-        if self.absolute_coords:
-            self.l = self.bound(new_line, 1, self.lines)
-        else:
-            self.l = self.bound( + new_line - 1,, self.bottom)
-        self.c = self.bound(new_col, 1, self.working_columns)
-        if self.c > len(self.screen[self.l]):
-            self.screen[self.l] = self.screen[self.l] + ' ' * (self.c - len(self.screen[self.l]))
-        # }}}
-    def csi_set_coords(self, csi): # {{{
-        if len(csi['vals']) == 2:
-            new_start = csi['vals'][0]
-            new_end = csi['vals'][1]
-        else:
-            new_start = 1
-            new_end = vim.current.window.height
- = new_start
-        self.bottom = new_end
-        self.working_lines = new_end - new_start + 1
-        # if cursor is outside scrolling region, reset it
-        if self.l <
-            self.l =
-        elif self.l > self.bottom:
-            self.l = self.bottom
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    def csi_tab_clear(self, csi): # {{{
-        # this escape defaults to 0
-        if len(csi['vals']) == 0:
-            csi['val'] = 0
-        if csi['val'] == 0:
-            self.tabstops[self.c - 1] = False
-        elif csi['val'] == 3:
-            for i in range(0, self.columns + 1):
-                self.tabstops[i] = False
-        # }}}
-    def csi_set(self, csi): # {{{
-        # 132 cols
-        if csi['val'] == 3: 
-            self.csi_clear_screen(self.parse_csi('2J'))
-            self.working_columns = 132
-        # relative_origin
-        elif csi['val'] == 6: 
-            self.absolute_coords = False
-        # set auto wrap
-        elif csi['val'] == 7: 
-            self.autowrap = True
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    def csi_reset(self, csi): # {{{
-        # 80 cols
-        if csi['val'] == 3: 
-            self.csi_clear_screen(self.parse_csi('2J'))
-            self.working_columns = 80
-        # absolute origin
-        elif csi['val'] == 6: 
-            self.absolute_coords = True
-        # reset auto wrap
-        elif csi['val'] == 7: 
-            self.autowrap = False
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # ESC functions {{{
-    def esc_scroll_up(self): # {{{
-        self.ctl_nl()
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    def esc_next_line(self): # {{{
-        self.ctl_nl()
-        self.c = 1
-        # }}}
-    def esc_set_tab(self): # {{{
-        if self.c <= len(self.tabstops):
-            self.tabstops[self.c - 1] = True
-        # }}}
-    def esc_scroll_down(self): # {{{
-        if self.l ==
-            del self.screen[self.bottom]
-            self.screen.insert(, '')
-        else:
-            self.l += -1
-        self.color_changes = {}
-        # }}}
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # HASH functions {{{
-    def hash_screen_alignment_test(self): # {{{
-        self.csi_clear_screen(self.parse_csi('2J'))
-        self.working_lines = self.lines
-        for l in range(1, self.lines + 1):
-            self.screen[l] = 'E' * self.working_columns
-        # }}}
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # Random stuff {{{
-    def change_title(self, key, val):
-        if key == '0' or key == '2':
-            vim.command('setlocal statusline=' + re.escape(val))
-    def paste(self):
-        self.write(vim.eval('@@'))
-    def paste_selection(self):
-        self.write(vim.eval('@@'))
-    def update_window_size(self):
-        # resize if needed
-        if vim.current.window.width != self.columns or vim.current.window.height != self.lines:
-            # reset all window size attributes to default
-            self.columns = vim.current.window.width
-            self.lines = vim.current.window.height
-            self.working_columns = vim.current.window.width
-            self.working_lines = vim.current.window.height
-            self.bottom = vim.current.window.height
-            # reset screen object attributes
-            self.l = self.screen.reset_size(self.l)
-            # reset tabstops
-            self.init_tabstops()
-            # signal process that screen size has changed
-            self.proc.window_resize(self.lines, self.columns)
-    def init_tabstops(self):
-        for i in range(0, self.columns + 1):
-            if i % 8 == 0:
-                self.tabstops.append(True)
-            else:
-                self.tabstops.append(False)
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # Utility {{{
-    def parse_csi(self, s): # {{{
-        attr = { 'key' : s[-1], 'flag' : '', 'val' : 1, 'vals' : [] }
-        if len(s) == 1:
-            return attr
-        full = s[0:-1]
-        if full[0] == '?':
-            full = full[1:]
-            attr['flag'] = '?'
-        if full != '':
-            vals = full.split(';')
-            for val in vals:
-                val = re.sub("\D", "", val)
-                if val != '':
-                    attr['vals'].append(int(val))
-        if len(attr['vals']) == 1:
-            attr['val'] = int(attr['vals'][0])
-        return attr
-        # }}}
-    def bound(self, val, min, max): # {{{
-        if val > max:
-            return max
-        if val < min:
-            return min
-        return val
-        # }}}
-    def xterm_to_rgb(self, color_code): # {{{
-        if color_code < 16:
-            ascii_colors = ['000000', 'CD0000', '00CD00', 'CDCD00', '0000EE', 'CD00CD', '00CDCD', 'E5E5E5', 
-                   '7F7F7F', 'FF0000', '00FF00', 'FFFF00', '5C5CFF', 'FF00FF', '00FFFF', 'FFFFFF']
-            return ascii_colors[color_code]
-        elif color_code < 232:
-            cc = int(color_code) - 16
-            p1 = "%02x" % (math.floor(cc / 36) * (255/5))
-            p2 = "%02x" % (math.floor((cc % 36) / 6) * (255/5))
-            p3 = "%02x" % (math.floor(cc % 6) * (255/5))
-            return p1 + p2 + p3
-        else:
-            grey_tone = "%02x" % math.floor((255/24) * (color_code - 232))
-            return grey_tone + grey_tone + grey_tone
-        # }}}
-    # }}}
-import os, signal, pty, tty, select, fcntl, termios, struct
-class ConqueSubprocess:
-    # process id
-    pid = 0
-    # stdout+stderr file descriptor
-    fd = None
-    # constructor
-    def __init__(self): # {{{
- = 0
-        # }}}
-    # create the pty or whatever (whatever == windows)
-    def open(self, command, env = {}): # {{{
-        command_arr  = command.split()
-        executable   = command_arr[0]
-        args         = command_arr
-        try:
-  , self.fd = pty.fork()
-        except:
-            pass
-        # child proc, replace with command after altering terminal attributes
-        if == 0:
-            # set requested environment variables
-            for k in env.keys():
-                os.environ[k] = env[k]
-            # set some attributes
-            try:
-                attrs = tty.tcgetattr(1)
-                attrs[0] = attrs[0] ^ tty.IGNBRK
-                attrs[0] = attrs[0] | tty.BRKINT | tty.IXANY | tty.IMAXBEL
-                attrs[2] = attrs[2] | tty.HUPCL
-                attrs[3] = attrs[3] | tty.ICANON | tty.ECHO | tty.ISIG | tty.ECHOKE
-                attrs[6][tty.VMIN]  = 1
-                attrs[6][tty.VTIME] = 0
-                tty.tcsetattr(1, tty.TCSANOW, attrs)
-            except:
-                pass
-            os.execvp(executable, args)
-        # else master, do nothing
-        else:
-            pass
-        # }}}
-    # read from pty
-    # XXX - select.poll() doesn't work in OS X!!!!!!!
-    def read(self, timeout = 1): # {{{
-        output = ''
-        read_timeout = float(timeout) / 1000
-        try:
-            # what, no do/while?
-            while 1:
-                s_read, s_write, s_error = [ self.fd ], [], [], read_timeout)
-                lines = ''
-                for s_fd in s_read:
-                    try:
-                        lines = self.fd, 32 )
-                    except:
-                        pass
-                    output = output + lines
-                if lines == '':
-                    break
-        except:
-            pass
-        return output
-        # }}}
-    # I guess this one's not bad
-    def write(self, input): # {{{
-        try:
-            os.write(self.fd, input)
-        except:
-            pass
-        # }}}
-    # signal process
-    def signal(self, signum): # {{{
-        try:
-            os.kill(, signum)
-        except:
-            pass
-        # }}}
-    # get process status
-    def get_status(self): #{{{
-        p_status = True
-        try:
-            if os.waitpid(, os.WNOHANG )[0]:
-                p_status = False
-        except:
-            p_status = False
-        return p_status
-        # }}}
-    # update window size in kernel, then send SIGWINCH to fg process
-    def window_resize(self, lines, columns): # {{{
-        try:
-            fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, struct.pack("HHHH", lines, columns, 0, 0))
-            os.kill(, signal.SIGWINCH)
-        except:
-            pass
-        # }}}
-# ConqueScreen is an extention of the vim.current.buffer object
-# It restricts the working indices of the buffer object to the scroll region which pty is expecting
-# It also uses 1-based indexes, to match escape sequence commands
-# E.g.:
-#   s = ConqueScreen()
-#   ...
-#   s[5] = 'Set 5th line in terminal to this line'
-#   s.append('Add new line to terminal')
-#   s[5] = 'Since previous append() command scrolled the terminal down, this is a different line than first cb[5] call'
-import vim
-class ConqueScreen(object):
-    # the buffer
-    buffer          = None
-    # screen and scrolling regions
-    screen_top      = 1
-    # screen width
-    screen_width    = 80
-    screen_height    = 80
-    # }}}
-    def __init__(self): # {{{
-        self.buffer = vim.current.buffer
-        self.screen_top = 1
-        self.screen_width = vim.current.window.width
-        self.screen_height = vim.current.window.height
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # List overload {{{
-    def __len__(self): # {{{
-        return len(self.buffer)
-    # }}}
-    def __getitem__(self, key): # {{{
-        real_line = self.get_real_idx(key)
-        # if line is past buffer end, add lines to buffer
-        if real_line >= len(self.buffer):
-            for i in range(len(self.buffer), real_line + 1):
-                self.append(' ' * self.screen_width)
-        return self.buffer[ real_line ]
-    # }}}
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value): # {{{
-        real_line = self.get_real_idx(key)
-        # if line is past end of screen, append
-        if real_line == len(self.buffer):
-            self.buffer.append(value)
-        else:
-            self.buffer[ real_line ] = value
-    # }}}
-    def __delitem__(self, key): # {{{
-        del self.buffer[ self.screen_top + key - 2 ]
-    # }}}
-    def append(self, value): # {{{
-        if len(self.buffer) > self.screen_top + self.screen_height - 1:
-            self.buffer[len(self.buffer) - 1] = value
-        else:
-            self.buffer.append(value)
-        if len(self.buffer) > self.screen_top + self.screen_height - 1:
-            self.screen_top += 1
-        if vim.current.buffer.number == self.buffer.number:
-            vim.command('normal G')
-    # }}}
-    def insert(self, line, value): # {{{
-        l = self.screen_top + line - 2
-        self.buffer[l:l] = [ value ]
-    # }}}
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    # Util {{{
-    def get_top(self): # {{{
-        return self.screen_top
-    # }}}
-    def get_real_idx(self, line): # {{{
-        return (self.screen_top + line - 2)
-    # }}}
-    def get_real_line(self, line): # {{{
-        return (self.screen_top + line - 1)
-    # }}}
-    def set_screen_width(self, width): # {{{
-        self.screen_width = width
-    # }}}
-    # }}}
-    ###############################################################################################
-    def clear(self): # {{{
-        self.buffer.append(' ')
-        vim.command('normal Gzt')
-        self.screen_top = len(self.buffer)
-    # }}}
-    def set_cursor(self, line, column): # {{{
-        # figure out line
-        real_line =  self.screen_top + line - 1
-        if real_line > len(self.buffer):
-            for l in range(len(self.buffer) - 1, real_line):
-                self.buffer.append('')
-        # figure out column
-        real_column = column
-        if len(self.buffer[real_line - 1]) < real_column:
-            self.buffer[real_line - 1] = self.buffer[real_line - 1] + ' ' * (real_column - len(self.buffer[real_line - 1]))
-        # python version is occasionally grumpy
-        try:
-            vim.current.window.cursor = (real_line, real_column - 1)
-        except:
-            vim.command('call cursor(' + str(real_line) + ', ' + str(real_column) + ')')
-    # }}}
-    def reset_size(self, line): # {{{
-        # save cursor line number
-        real_line = self.screen_top + line
-        # reset screen size
-        self.screen_width = vim.current.window.width
-        self.screen_height = vim.current.window.height
-        self.screen_top = len(self.buffer) - vim.current.window.height + 1
-        if self.screen_top < 1:
-            self.screen_top = 1
-        # align bottom of buffer to bottom of screen
-        vim.command('normal ' + str(self.screen_height) + 'kG')
-        # return new relative line number
-        return (real_line - self.screen_top)
-    # }}}
-    def scroll_to_bottom(self): # {{{
-        vim.current.window.cursor = (len(self.buffer) - 1, 1)
-    # }}}
-    def align(self): # {{{
-        # align bottom of buffer to bottom of screen
-        vim.command('normal ' + str(self.screen_height) + 'kG')
-    # }}}
diff --git a/vim/autoload/rails.vim b/vim/autoload/rails.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index ca36075..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/rails.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4560 +0,0 @@
-" autoload/rails.vim
-" Author:       Tim Pope 
-" Install this file as autoload/rails.vim.
-if exists('g:autoloaded_rails') || &cp
-  finish
-let g:autoloaded_rails = '4.4'
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" Utility Functions {{{1
-let s:app_prototype = {}
-let s:file_prototype = {}
-let s:buffer_prototype = {}
-let s:readable_prototype = {}
-function! s:add_methods(namespace, method_names)
-  for name in a:method_names
-    let s:{a:namespace}_prototype[name] = s:function('s:'.a:namespace.'_'.name)
-  endfor
-function! s:function(name)
-    return function(substitute(a:name,'^s:',matchstr(expand(''), '\d\+_'),''))
-function! s:sub(str,pat,rep)
-  return substitute(a:str,'\v\C'.a:pat,a:rep,'')
-function! s:gsub(str,pat,rep)
-  return substitute(a:str,'\v\C'.a:pat,a:rep,'g')
-function! s:startswith(string,prefix)
-  return strpart(a:string, 0, strlen(a:prefix)) ==# a:prefix
-function! s:compact(ary)
-  return s:sub(s:sub(s:gsub(a:ary,'\n\n+','\n'),'\n$',''),'^\n','')
-function! s:uniq(list)
-  let seen = {}
-  let i = 0
-  while i < len(a:list)
-    if has_key(seen,a:list[i])
-      call remove(a:list, i)
-    else
-      let seen[a:list[i]] = 1
-      let i += 1
-    endif
-  endwhile
-  return a:list
-function! s:scrub(collection,item)
-  " Removes item from a newline separated collection
-  let col = "\n" . a:collection
-  let idx = stridx(col,"\n".a:item."\n")
-  let cnt = 0
-  while idx != -1 && cnt < 100
-    let col = strpart(col,0,idx).strpart(col,idx+strlen(a:item)+1)
-    let idx = stridx(col,"\n".a:item."\n")
-    let cnt += 1
-  endwhile
-  return strpart(col,1)
-function! s:escarg(p)
-  return s:gsub(a:p,'[ !%#]','\\&')
-function! s:esccmd(p)
-  return s:gsub(a:p,'[!%#]','\\&')
-function! s:rquote(str)
-  " Imperfect but adequate for Ruby arguments
-  if a:str =~ '^[A-Za-z0-9_/.:-]\+$'
-    return a:str
-  elseif &shell =~? 'cmd'
-    return '"'.s:gsub(s:gsub(a:str,'\','\\'),'"','\\"').'"'
-  else
-    return "'".s:gsub(s:gsub(a:str,'\','\\'),"'","'\\\\''")."'"
-  endif
-function! s:sname()
-  return fnamemodify(s:file,':t:r')
-function! s:pop_command()
-  if exists("s:command_stack") && len(s:command_stack) > 0
-    exe remove(s:command_stack,-1)
-  endif
-function! s:push_chdir(...)
-  if !exists("s:command_stack") | let s:command_stack = [] | endif
-  if exists("b:rails_root") && (a:0 ? getcwd() !=# rails#app().path() : !s:startswith(getcwd(), rails#app().path()))
-    let chdir = exists("*haslocaldir") && haslocaldir() ? "lchdir " : "chdir "
-    call add(s:command_stack,chdir.s:escarg(getcwd()))
-    exe chdir.s:escarg(rails#app().path())
-  else
-    call add(s:command_stack,"")
-  endif
-function! s:app_path(...) dict
-  return join([self.root]+a:000,'/')
-function! s:app_has_file(file) dict
-  return filereadable(self.path(a:file))
-function! s:app_find_file(name, ...) dict abort
-  let trim = strlen(self.path())+1
-  if a:0
-    let path = s:pathjoin(map(s:pathsplit(a:1),'self.path(v:val)'))
-  else
-    let path = s:pathjoin([self.path()])
-  endif
-  let suffixesadd = s:pathjoin(get(a:000,1,&suffixesadd))
-  let default = get(a:000,2,'')
-  let oldsuffixesadd = &l:suffixesadd
-  try
-    let &suffixesadd = suffixesadd
-    " Versions before 7.1.256 returned directories from findfile
-    if type(default) == type(0) && (v:version < 702 || default == -1)
-      let all = findfile(a:name,path,-1)
-      if v:version < 702
-        call filter(all,'!isdirectory(v:val)')
-      endif
-      call map(all,'s:gsub(strpart(fnamemodify(v:val,":p"),trim),"\\\\","/")')
-      return default < 0 ? all : get(all,default-1,'')
-    elseif type(default) == type(0)
-      let found = findfile(a:name,path,default)
-    else
-      let i = 1
-      let found = findfile(a:name,path)
-      while v:version < 702 && found != "" && isdirectory(found)
-        let i += 1
-        let found = findfile(a:name,path,i)
-      endwhile
-    endif
-    return found == "" ? default : s:gsub(strpart(fnamemodify(found,':p'),trim),'\\','/')
-  finally
-    let &l:suffixesadd = oldsuffixesadd
-  endtry
-call s:add_methods('app',['path','has_file','find_file'])
-" Split a path into a list.  From pathogen.vim
-function! s:pathsplit(path) abort
-  if type(a:path) == type([]) | return copy(a:path) | endif
-  let split = split(a:path,'\\\@'
-  if matchstr(self.getline(a:lnum+1),'^'.spc) && !matchstr(self.getline(a:lnum+1),'^'.spc.endpat) && matchstr(cline,endpat)
-    return a:lnum
-  endif
-  let endl = a:lnum
-  while endl <= self.line_count()
-    let endl += 1
-    if self.getline(endl) =~ '^'.spc.endpat
-      return endl
-    elseif self.getline(endl) =~ '^=begin\>'
-      while self.getline(endl) !~ '^=end\>' && endl <= self.line_count()
-        let endl += 1
-      endwhile
-      let endl += 1
-    elseif self.getline(endl) !~ '^'.spc && self.getline(endl) !~ '^\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'
-      return 0
-    endif
-  endwhile
-  return 0
-function! s:endof(lnum)
-  return rails#buffer().end_of(a:lnum)
-function! s:readable_last_opening_line(start,pattern,limit) dict abort
-  let line = a:start
-  while line > a:limit && self.getline(line) !~ a:pattern
-    let line -= 1
-  endwhile
-  let lend = self.end_of(line)
-  if line > a:limit && (lend < 0 || lend >= a:start)
-    return line
-  else
-    return -1
-  endif
-function! s:lastopeningline(pattern,limit,start)
-  return rails#buffer().last_opening_line(a:start,a:pattern,a:limit)
-function! s:readable_define_pattern() dict abort
-  if =~ '\.yml$'
-    return '^\%(\h\k*:\)\@='
-  endif
-  let define = '^\s*def\s\+\(self\.\)\='
-  if =~# '\.rake$'
-    let define .= "\\\|^\\s*\\%(task\\\|file\\)\\s\\+[:'\"]"
-  endif
-  if =~# '/schema\.rb$'
-    let define .= "\\\|^\\s*create_table\\s\\+[:'\"]"
-  endif
-  if self.type_name('test')
-    let define .= '\|^\s*test\s*[''"]'
-  endif
-  return define
-function! s:readable_last_method_line(start) dict abort
-  return self.last_opening_line(a:start,self.define_pattern(),0)
-function! s:lastmethodline(start)
-  return rails#buffer().last_method_line(a:start)
-function! s:readable_last_method(start) dict abort
-  let lnum = self.last_method_line(a:start)
-  let line = self.getline(lnum)
-  if line =~# '^\s*test\s*\([''"]\).*\1'
-    let string = matchstr(line,'^\s*\w\+\s*\([''"]\)\zs.*\ze\1')
-    return 'test_'.s:gsub(string,' +','_')
-  elseif lnum
-    return s:sub(matchstr(line,'\%('.self.define_pattern().'\)\zs\h\%(\k\|[:.]\)*[?!=]\='),':$','')
-  else
-    return ""
-  endif
-function! s:lastmethod(...)
-  return rails#buffer().last_method(a:0 ? a:1 : line("."))
-function! s:readable_last_format(start) dict abort
-  if self.type_name('view')
-    let format = fnamemodify(self.path(),':r:e')
-    if format == ''
-      return get({'rhtml': 'html', 'rxml': 'xml', 'rjs': 'js', 'haml': 'html'},fnamemodify(self.path(),':e'),'')
-    else
-      return format
-    endif
-  endif
-  let rline = self.last_opening_line(a:start,'\C^\s*\%(mail\>.*\|respond_to\)\s*\%(\.*\|respond_to\)\s*\%(\ rline
-      let match = matchstr(self.getline(line),'\C^\s*'.variable.'\s*\.\s*\zs\h\k*')
-      if match != ''
-        return match
-      endif
-      let line -= 1
-    endwhile
-  endif
-  return ""
-function! s:lastformat(start)
-  return rails#buffer().last_format(a:start)
-function! s:format(...)
-  let format = rails#buffer().last_format(a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : line("."))
-  return format ==# '' && a:0 ? a:1 : format
-call s:add_methods('readable',['end_of','last_opening_line','last_method_line','last_method','last_format','define_pattern'])
-let s:view_types = split('rhtml,erb,rxml,builder,rjs,mab,liquid,haml,dryml,mn,slim',',')
-function! s:viewspattern()
-  return '\%('.join(s:view_types,'\|').'\)'
-function! s:controller(...)
-  return rails#buffer().controller_name(a:0 ? a:1 : 0)
-function! s:readable_controller_name(...) dict abort
-  let f =
-  if has_key(self,'getvar') && self.getvar('rails_controller') != ''
-    return self.getvar('rails_controller')
-  elseif f =~ '\ get(self,last_lines_ftime,0)
-    let self.last_lines = readfile(self.path())
-    let self.last_lines_ftime = ftime
-  endif
-  return get(self,'last_lines',[])
-function! s:file_getline(lnum,...) dict abort
-  if a:0
-    return self.lines[lnum-1 : a:1-1]
-  else
-    return self.lines[lnum-1]
-  endif
-function! s:buffer_lines() dict abort
-  return self.getline(1,'$')
-function! s:buffer_getline(...) dict abort
-  if a:0 == 1
-    return get(call('getbufline',[self.number()]+a:000),0,'')
-  else
-    return call('getbufline',[self.number()]+a:000)
-  endif
-function! s:readable_line_count() dict abort
-  return len(self.lines())
-function! s:environment()
-  if exists('$RAILS_ENV')
-    return $RAILS_ENV
-  else
-    return "development"
-  endif
-function! s:Complete_environments(...)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().environments(),a:0 ? a:1 : "")
-function! s:warn(str)
-  echohl WarningMsg
-  echomsg a:str
-  echohl None
-  " Sometimes required to flush output
-  echo ""
-  let v:warningmsg = a:str
-function! s:error(str)
-  echohl ErrorMsg
-  echomsg a:str
-  echohl None
-  let v:errmsg = a:str
-function! s:debug(str)
-  if exists("g:rails_debug") && g:rails_debug
-    echohl Debug
-    echomsg a:str
-    echohl None
-  endif
-function! s:buffer_getvar(varname) dict abort
-  return getbufvar(self.number(),a:varname)
-function! s:buffer_setvar(varname, val) dict abort
-  return setbufvar(self.number(),a:varname,a:val)
-call s:add_methods('buffer',['getvar','setvar'])
-" }}}1
-" "Public" Interface {{{1
-" RailsRoot() is the only official public function
-function! rails#underscore(str)
-  let str = s:gsub(a:str,'::','/')
-  let str = s:gsub(str,'(\u+)(\u\l)','\1_\2')
-  let str = s:gsub(str,'(\l|\d)(\u)','\1_\2')
-  let str = tolower(str)
-  return str
-function! rails#camelize(str)
-  let str = s:gsub(a:str,'/(.=)','::\u\1')
-  let str = s:gsub(str,'%([_-]|<)(.)','\u\1')
-  return str
-function! rails#singularize(word)
-  " Probably not worth it to be as comprehensive as Rails but we can
-  " still hit the common cases.
-  let word = a:word
-  if word =~? '\.js$' || word == ''
-    return word
-  endif
-  let word = s:sub(word,'eople$','ersons')
-  let word = s:sub(word,'%([Mm]ov|[aeio])@ 0 && getbufvar(nr,'rails_file_type') != ''
-    return getbufvar(nr,'rails_file_type')
-  elseif f =~ '_controller\.rb$' || f =~ '\'
-      let r = "controller-api"
-    else
-      let r = "controller"
-    endif
-  elseif f =~ '_api\.rb'
-    let r = "api"
-  elseif f =~ '\')
-    if class == "ActiveResource::Base"
-      let class = "ares"
-      let r = "model-ares"
-    elseif class == 'ActionMailer::Base'
-      let r = "mailer"
-    elseif class != ''
-      let class = tolower(s:gsub(class,'[^A-Z]',''))
-      let r = "model-".class
-    elseif f =~ '_mailer\.rb$'
-      let r = "mailer"
-    elseif top =~ '\<\%(validates_\w\+_of\|set_\%(table_name\|primary_key\)\|has_one\|has_many\|belongs_to\)\>'
-      let r = "model-arb"
-    else
-      let r = "model"
-    endif
-  elseif f =~ '\.*\.'
-    let r = "view-layout-" . e
-  elseif f =~ '\<\%(app/views\|components\)/.*/_\k\+\.\k\+\%(\.\k\+\)\=$'
-    let r = "view-partial-" . e
-  elseif f =~ '\.*\.' || f =~ '\'
-    if e == "yml"
-      let r = "fixtures-yaml"
-    else
-      let r = "fixtures" . (e == "" ? "" : "-" . e)
-    endif
-  elseif f =~ '\'
-    let r = "db-migration"
-  elseif f=~ '\.*\.rb$'
-    let r = "config-routes"
-  elseif f =~ '\'
-    let cmd = 'script/rails '.a:cmd
-  else
-    let cmd = 'script/'.a:cmd
-  endif
-  return self.ruby_shell_command(cmd)
-function! s:app_background_script_command(cmd) dict abort
-  let cmd = s:esccmd(self.script_shell_command(a:cmd))
-  if has_key(self,'options') && has_key(self.options,'gnu_screen')
-    let screen = self.options.gnu_screen
-  else
-    let screen = g:rails_gnu_screen
-  endif
-  if has("gui_win32")
-    if &shellcmdflag == "-c" && ($PATH . &shell) =~? 'cygwin'
-      silent exe "!cygstart -d ".s:rquote(self.path())." ruby ".a:cmd
-    else
-      exe "!start ".cmd
-    endif
-  elseif exists("$STY") && !has("gui_running") && screen && executable("screen")
-    silent exe "!screen -ln -fn -t ".s:sub(s:sub(a:cmd,'\s.*',''),'^%(script|-rcommand)/','rails-').' '.cmd
-  elseif exists("$TMUX") && !has("gui_running") && screen && executable("tmux")
-    silent exe '!tmux new-window -d -n "'.s:sub(s:sub(a:cmd,'\s.*',''),'^%(script|-rcommand)/','rails-').'" "'.cmd.'"'
-  else
-    exe "!".cmd
-  endif
-  return v:shell_error
-function! s:app_execute_script_command(cmd) dict abort
-  exe '!'.s:esccmd(self.script_shell_command(a:cmd))
-  return v:shell_error
-function! s:app_lightweight_ruby_eval(ruby,...) dict abort
-  let def = a:0 ? a:1 : ""
-  if !executable("ruby")
-    return def
-  endif
-  let args = '-e '.s:rquote('begin; require %{rubygems}; rescue LoadError; end; begin; require %{active_support}; rescue LoadError; end; '.a:ruby)
-  let cmd = self.ruby_shell_command(args)
-  " If the shell is messed up, this command could cause an error message
-  silent! let results = system(cmd)
-  return v:shell_error == 0 ? results : def
-function! s:app_eval(ruby,...) dict abort
-  let def = a:0 ? a:1 : ""
-  if !executable("ruby")
-    return def
-  endif
-  let args = "-r./config/boot -r ".s:rquote(self.path("config/environment"))." -e ".s:rquote(a:ruby)
-  let cmd = self.ruby_shell_command(args)
-  " If the shell is messed up, this command could cause an error message
-  silent! let results = system(cmd)
-  return v:shell_error == 0 ? results : def
-call s:add_methods('app', ['ruby_shell_command','script_shell_command','execute_script_command','background_script_command','lightweight_ruby_eval','eval'])
-" }}}1
-" Commands {{{1
-function! s:prephelp()
-  let fn = fnamemodify(s:file,':h:h').'/doc/'
-  if filereadable(fn.'rails.txt')
-    if !filereadable(fn.'tags') || getftime(fn.'tags') <= getftime(fn.'rails.txt')
-      silent! helptags `=fn`
-    endif
-  endif
-function! RailsHelpCommand(...)
-  call s:prephelp()
-  let topic = a:0 ? a:1 : ""
-  if topic == "" || topic == "-"
-    return "help rails"
-  elseif topic =~ '^g:'
-    return "help ".topic
-  elseif topic =~ '^-'
-    return "help rails".topic
-  else
-    return "help rails-".topic
-  endif
-function! s:BufCommands()
-  call s:BufFinderCommands()
-  call s:BufNavCommands()
-  call s:BufScriptWrappers()
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -bang -count -complete=customlist,s:Complete_rake    Rake     :call s:Rake(0,! &&  ? -1 : ,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -bang -range -complete=customlist,s:Complete_preview Rpreview :call s:Preview(0,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -bang -complete=customlist,s:Complete_environments   Rlog     :call s:Log(0,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -bang -complete=customlist,s:Complete_set            Rset     :call s:Set(0,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=0 Rtags       :call rails#app().tags_command()
-  " Embedding all this logic directly into the command makes the error
-  " messages more concise.
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -bang Rdoc  :
-        \ if 0 ||  =~ "^\\([:'-]\\|g:\\)" |
-        \   exe RailsHelpCommand() |
-        \ else | call s:Doc(0,) | endif
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=0 -bang Rrefresh :if 0|unlet! g:autoloaded_rails|source `=s:file`|endif|call s:Refresh(0)
-  if exists(":NERDTree")
-    command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:Complete_cd Rtree :NERDTree `=rails#app().path()`
-  endif
-  if exists("g:loaded_dbext")
-    command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:Complete_environments Rdbext  :call s:BufDatabase(2,)|let b:dbext_buffer_defaulted = 1
-  endif
-  let ext = expand("%:e")
-  if ext =~ s:viewspattern()
-    " TODO: complete controller names with trailing slashes here
-    command! -buffer -bar -bang -nargs=? -range -complete=customlist,s:controllerList Rextract :,call s:Extract(0,)
-  endif
-  if RailsFilePath() =~ '\0)
-  endif
-function! s:Doc(bang, string)
-  if a:string != ""
-    if exists("g:rails_search_url")
-      let query = substitute(a:string,'[^A-Za-z0-9_.~-]','\="%".printf("%02X",char2nr(submatch(0)))','g')
-      let url = printf(g:rails_search_url, query)
-    else
-      return s:error("specify a g:rails_search_url with %s for a query placeholder")
-    endif
-  elseif isdirectory(rails#app().path("doc/api/classes"))
-    let url = rails#app().path("/doc/api/index.html")
-  elseif s:getpidfor("","8808") > 0
-    let url = "http://localhost:8808"
-  else
-    let url = ""
-  endif
-  call s:initOpenURL()
-  if exists(":OpenURL")
-    exe "OpenURL ".s:escarg(url)
-  else
-    return s:error("No :OpenURL command found")
-  endif
-function! s:Log(bang,arg)
-  if a:arg == ""
-    let lf = "log/".s:environment().".log"
-  else
-    let lf = "log/".a:arg.".log"
-  endif
-  let size = getfsize(rails#app().path(lf))
-  if size >= 1048576
-    call s:warn("Log file is ".((size+512)/1024)."KB.  Consider :Rake log:clear")
-  endif
-  if a:bang
-    exe "cgetfile ".lf
-    clast
-  else
-    if exists(":Tail")
-      Tail  `=rails#app().path(lf)`
-    else
-      pedit `=rails#app().path(lf)`
-    endif
-  endif
-function! rails#new_app_command(bang,...)
-  if a:0 == 0
-    let msg = "rails.vim ".g:autoloaded_rails
-    if a:bang && exists('b:rails_root') && rails#buffer().type_name() == ''
-      echo msg." (Rails)"
-    elseif a:bang && exists('b:rails_root')
-      echo msg." (Rails-".rails#buffer().type_name().")"
-    elseif a:bang
-      echo msg
-    else
-      !rails
-    endif
-    return
-  endif
-  let args = map(copy(a:000),'expand(v:val)')
-  if a:bang
-    let args = ['--force'] + args
-  endif
-  exe '!rails '.join(map(copy(args),'s:rquote(v:val)'),' ')
-  for dir in args
-    if dir !~# '^-' && filereadable(dir.'/'.g:rails_default_file)
-      edit `=dir.'/'.g:rails_default_file`
-      return
-    endif
-  endfor
-function! s:app_tags_command() dict
-  if exists("g:Tlist_Ctags_Cmd")
-    let cmd = g:Tlist_Ctags_Cmd
-  elseif executable("exuberant-ctags")
-    let cmd = "exuberant-ctags"
-  elseif executable("ctags-exuberant")
-    let cmd = "ctags-exuberant"
-  elseif executable("ctags")
-    let cmd = "ctags"
-  elseif executable("ctags.exe")
-    let cmd = "ctags.exe"
-  else
-    return s:error("ctags not found")
-  endif
-  exe '!'.cmd.' -f '.s:escarg(self.path("tmp/tags")).' -R --langmap="ruby:+.rake.builder.rjs" '.g:rails_ctags_arguments.' '.s:escarg(self.path())
-call s:add_methods('app',['tags_command'])
-function! s:Refresh(bang)
-  if exists("g:rubycomplete_rails") && g:rubycomplete_rails && has("ruby") && exists('g:rubycomplete_completions')
-    silent! ruby ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses if defined?(ActiveRecord)
-    silent! ruby if defined?(ActiveSupport::Dependencies); ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear; elsif defined?(Dependencies); Dependencies.clear; end
-    if a:bang
-      silent! ruby ActiveRecord::Base.clear_reloadable_connections! if defined?(ActiveRecord)
-    endif
-  endif
-  call rails#app().cache.clear()
-  silent doautocmd User BufLeaveRails
-  if a:bang
-    for key in keys(s:apps)
-      if type(s:apps[key]) == type({})
-        call s:apps[key].cache.clear()
-      endif
-      call extend(s:apps[key],filter(copy(s:app_prototype),'type(v:val) == type(function("tr"))'),'force')
-    endfor
-  endif
-  let i = 1
-  let max = bufnr('$')
-  while i <= max
-    let rr = getbufvar(i,"rails_root")
-    if rr != ""
-      call setbufvar(i,"rails_refresh",1)
-    endif
-    let i += 1
-  endwhile
-  silent doautocmd User BufEnterRails
-function! s:RefreshBuffer()
-  if exists("b:rails_refresh") && b:rails_refresh
-    let oldroot = b:rails_root
-    unlet! b:rails_root
-    let b:rails_refresh = 0
-    call RailsBufInit(oldroot)
-    unlet! b:rails_refresh
-  endif
-" }}}1
-" Rake {{{1
-function! s:app_rake_tasks() dict
-  if self.cache.needs('rake_tasks')
-    call s:push_chdir()
-    try
-      let lines = split(system("rake -T"),"\n")
-    finally
-      call s:pop_command()
-    endtry
-    if v:shell_error != 0
-      return []
-    endif
-    call map(lines,'matchstr(v:val,"^rake\\s\\+\\zs\\S*")')
-    call filter(lines,'v:val != ""')
-    call self.cache.set('rake_tasks',lines)
-  endif
-  return self.cache.get('rake_tasks')
-call s:add_methods('app', ['rake_tasks'])
-let s:efm_backtrace='%D(in\ %f),'
-      \.'%\\s%#from\ %f:%l:%m,'
-      \.'%\\s%#from\ %f:%l:,'
-      \.'%\\s#{RAILS_ROOT}/%f:%l:\ %#%m,'
-      \.'%\\s%##\ %f:%l:%m,'
-      \.'%\\s%##\ %f:%l,'
-      \.'%\\s%#[%f:%l:\ %#%m,'
-      \.'%\\s%#%f:%l:\ %#%m,'
-      \.'%\\s%#%f:%l:,'
-      \.'%m\ [%f:%l]:'
-function! s:makewithruby(arg,bang,...)
-  let old_make = &makeprg
-  try
-    let &l:makeprg = rails#app().ruby_shell_command(a:arg)
-    exe 'make'.(a:bang ? '!' : '')
-    if !a:bang
-      cwindow
-    endif
-  finally
-    let &l:makeprg = old_make
-  endtry
-function! s:Rake(bang,lnum,arg)
-  let self = rails#app()
-  let lnum = a:lnum < 0 ? 0 : a:lnum
-  let old_makeprg = &l:makeprg
-  let old_errorformat = &l:errorformat
-  try
-    if exists('b:bundler_root') && b:bundler_root ==# rails#app().path()
-      let &l:makeprg = 'bundle exec rake'
-    else
-      let &l:makeprg = 'rake'
-    endif
-    let &l:errorformat = s:efm_backtrace
-    let arg = a:arg
-    if &filetype == "ruby" && arg == '' && g:rails_modelines
-      let mnum = s:lastmethodline(lnum)
-      let str = getline(mnum)."\n".getline(mnum+1)."\n".getline(mnum+2)."\n"
-      let pat = '\s\+\zs.\{-\}\ze\%(\n\|\s\s\|#{\@!\|$\)'
-      let mat = matchstr(str,'#\s*rake'.pat)
-      let mat = s:sub(mat,'\s+$','')
-      if mat != ""
-        let arg = mat
-      endif
-    endif
-    if arg == ''
-      let opt = s:getopt('task','bl')
-      if opt != ''
-        let arg = opt
-      else
-        let arg = rails#buffer().default_rake_task(lnum)
-      endif
-    endif
-    if !has_key(self,'options') | let self.options = {} | endif
-    if arg == '-'
-      let arg = get(self.options,'last_rake_task','')
-    endif
-    let self.options['last_rake_task'] = arg
-    let withrubyargs = '-r ./config/boot -r '.s:rquote(self.path('config/environment')).' -e "puts \%((in \#{Dir.getwd}))" '
-    if arg =~# '^notes\>'
-      let &l:errorformat = '%-P%f:,\ \ *\ [%*[\ ]%l]\ [%t%*[^]]] %m,\ \ *\ [%*[\ ]%l] %m,%-Q'
-      " %D to chdir is apparently incompatible with %P multiline messages
-      call s:push_chdir(1)
-      exe 'make! '.arg
-      call s:pop_command()
-      if !a:bang
-        cwindow
-      endif
-    elseif arg =~# '^\%(stats\|routes\|secret\|time:zones\|db:\%(charset\|collation\|fixtures:identify\>.*\|migrate:status\|version\)\)\%([: ]\|$\)'
-      let &l:errorformat = '%D(in\ %f),%+G%.%#'
-      exe 'make! '.arg
-      if !a:bang
-        copen
-      endif
-    elseif arg =~ '^preview\>'
-      exe (lnum == 0 ? '' : lnum).'R'.s:gsub(arg,':','/')
-    elseif arg =~ '^runner:'
-      let arg = s:sub(arg,'^runner:','')
-      let root = matchstr(arg,'%\%(:\w\)*')
-      let file = expand(root).matchstr(arg,'%\%(:\w\)*\zs.*')
-      if file =~ '#.*$'
-        let extra = " -- -n ".matchstr(file,'#\zs.*')
-        let file = s:sub(file,'#.*','')
-      else
-        let extra = ''
-      endif
-      if self.has_file(file) || self.has_file(file.'.rb')
-        call s:makewithruby(withrubyargs.'-r"'.file.'"'.extra,a:bang,file !~# '_\%(spec\|test\)\%(\.rb\)\=$')
-      else
-        call s:makewithruby(withrubyargs.'-e '.s:esccmd(s:rquote(arg)),a:bang)
-      endif
-    elseif arg == 'run' || arg == 'runner'
-      call s:makewithruby(withrubyargs.'-r"'.RailsFilePath().'"',a:bang,RailsFilePath() !~# '_\%(spec\|test\)\%(\.rb\)\=$')
-    elseif arg =~ '^run:'
-      let arg = s:sub(arg,'^run:','')
-      let arg = s:sub(arg,'^\%:h',expand('%:h'))
-      let arg = s:sub(arg,'^%(\%|$|#@=)',expand('%'))
-      let arg = s:sub(arg,'#(\w+[?!=]=)$',' -- -n\1')
-      call s:makewithruby(withrubyargs.'-r'.arg,a:bang,arg !~# '_\%(spec\|test\)\.rb$')
-    else
-      exe 'make! '.arg
-      if !a:bang
-        cwindow
-      endif
-    endif
-  finally
-    let &l:errorformat = old_errorformat
-    let &l:makeprg = old_makeprg
-  endtry
-function! s:readable_default_rake_task(lnum) dict abort
-  let app =
-  let lnum = a:lnum < 0 ? 0 : a:lnum
-  if self.getvar('&buftype') == 'quickfix'
-    return '-'
-  elseif self.getline(lnum) =~# '# rake '
-    return matchstr(self.getline(lnum),'\C# rake \zs.*')
-  elseif self.getline(self.last_method_line(lnum)-1) =~# '# rake '
-    return matchstr(self.getline(self.last_method_line(lnum)-1),'\C# rake \zs.*')
-  elseif self.getline(self.last_method_line(lnum)) =~# '# rake '
-    return matchstr(self.getline(self.last_method_line(lnum)),'\C# rake \zs.*')
-  elseif self.getline(1) =~# '# rake ' && !lnum
-    return matchstr(self.getline(1),'\C# rake \zs.*')
-  elseif self.type_name('config-routes')
-    return 'routes'
-  elseif self.type_name('fixtures-yaml') && lnum
-    return "db:fixtures:identify LABEL=".self.last_method(lnum)
-  elseif self.type_name('fixtures') && lnum == 0
-    return "db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=".s:sub(fnamemodify(,':r'),'^.{-}/fixtures/','')
-  elseif self.type_name('task')
-    let mnum = self.last_method_line(lnum)
-    let line = getline(mnum)
-    " We can't grab the namespace so only run tasks at the start of the line
-    if line =~# '^\%(task\|file\)\>'
-      return self.last_method(a:lnum)
-    else
-      return matchstr(self.getline(1),'\C# rake \zs.*')
-    endif
-  elseif self.type_name('spec')
-    if =~# '\ 0
-      return 'spec SPEC="'.self.path().'":'.lnum
-    else
-      return 'spec SPEC="'.self.path().'"'
-    endif
-  elseif self.type_name('test')
-    let meth = self.last_method(lnum)
-    if meth =~ '^test_'
-      let call = " -n".meth.""
-    else
-      let call = ""
-    endif
-    if self.type_name('test-unit','test-functional','test-integration')
-      return s:sub(s:gsub(self.type_name(),'-',':'),'unit$|functional$','&s').' TEST="'.self.path().'"'.s:sub(call,'^ ',' TESTOPTS=')
-    elseif =~# '\ 0
-      return 'cucumber FEATURE="'.self.path().'":'.lnum
-    else
-      return 'cucumber FEATURE="'.self.path().'"'
-    endif
-  elseif self.type_name('cucumber')
-    return 'cucumber'
-  else
-    return ''
-  endif
-function! s:Complete_rake(A,L,P)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().rake_tasks(),a:A)
-call s:add_methods('readable',['default_rake_task'])
-" }}}1
-" Preview {{{1
-function! s:initOpenURL()
-  if !exists(":OpenURL")
-    if has("gui_mac") || has("gui_macvim") || exists("$SECURITYSESSIONID")
-      command -bar -nargs=1 OpenURL :!open 
-    elseif has("gui_win32")
-      command -bar -nargs=1 OpenURL :!start cmd /cstart /b 
-    elseif executable("sensible-browser")
-      command -bar -nargs=1 OpenURL :!sensible-browser 
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:scanlineforuris(line)
-  let url = matchstr(a:line,"\\v\\C%(%(GET|PUT|POST|DELETE)\\s+|\\w+://[^/]*)/[^ \n\r\t<>\"]*[^] .,;\n\r\t<>\":]")
-  if url =~ '\C^\u\+\s\+'
-    let method = matchstr(url,'^\u\+')
-    let url = matchstr(url,'\s\+\zs.*')
-    if method !=? "GET"
-      let url .= (url =~ '?' ? '&' : '?') . '_method='.tolower(method)
-    endif
-  endif
-  if url != ""
-    return [url]
-  else
-    return []
-  endif
-function! s:readable_preview_urls(lnum) dict abort
-  let urls = []
-  let start = self.last_method_line(a:lnum) - 1
-  while start > 0 && self.getline(start) =~ '^\s*\%(\%(-\=\|<%\)#.*\)\=$'
-    let urls = s:scanlineforuris(self.getline(start)) + urls
-    let start -= 1
-  endwhile
-  let start = 1
-  while start < self.line_count() && self.getline(start) =~ '^\s*\%(\%(-\=\|<%\)#.*\)\=$'
-    let urls += s:scanlineforuris(self.getline(start))
-    let start += 1
-  endwhile
-  if has_key(self,'getvar') && self.getvar('rails_preview') != ''
-    let url += [self.getvar('rails_preview')]
-  end
-  if =~ '^public/stylesheets/sass/'
-    let urls = urls + [s:sub(s:sub(,'^public/stylesheets/sass/','/stylesheets/'),'\.s[ac]ss$','.css')]
-  elseif =~ '^public/'
-    let urls = urls + [s:sub(,'^public','')]
-  elseif =~ '^app/assets/stylesheets/'
-    let urls = urls + ['/assets/application.css']
-  elseif =~ '^app/assets/javascripts/'
-    let urls = urls + ['/assets/application.js']
-  elseif =~ '^app/stylesheets/'
-    let urls = urls + [s:sub(s:sub(,'^app/stylesheets/','/stylesheets/'),'\.less$','.css')]
-  elseif =~ '^app/scripts/'
-    let urls = urls + [s:sub(s:sub(,'^app/scripts/','/javascripts/'),'\.coffee$','.js')]
-  elseif self.controller_name() != '' && self.controller_name() != 'application'
-    if self.type_name('controller') && self.last_method(a:lnum) != ''
-      let urls += ['/'.self.controller_name().'/'.self.last_method(a:lnum).'/']
-    elseif self.type_name('controller','view-layout','view-partial')
-      let urls += ['/'.self.controller_name().'/']
-    elseif self.type_name('view')
-      let urls += ['/'.s:controller().'/'.fnamemodify(,':t:r:r').'/']
-    endif
-  endif
-  return urls
-call s:add_methods('readable',['preview_urls'])
-function! s:Preview(bang,lnum,arg)
-  let root = s:getopt("root_url")
-  if root == ''
-    let root = s:getopt("url")
-  endif
-  let root = s:sub(root,'/$','')
-  if a:arg =~ '://'
-    let uri = a:arg
-  elseif a:arg != ''
-    let uri = root.'/'.s:sub(a:arg,'^/','')
-  else
-    let uri = get(rails#buffer().preview_urls(a:lnum),0,'')
-    let uri = root.'/'.s:sub(s:sub(uri,'^/',''),'/$','')
-  endif
-  call s:initOpenURL()
-  if exists(':OpenURL') && !a:bang
-    exe 'OpenURL '.uri
-  else
-    " Work around bug where URLs ending in / get handled as FTP
-    let url = uri.(uri =~ '/$' ? '?' : '')
-    silent exe 'pedit '.url
-    wincmd w
-    if &filetype == ''
-      if uri =~ '\.css$'
-        setlocal filetype=css
-      elseif uri =~ '\.js$'
-        setlocal filetype=javascript
-      elseif getline(1) =~ '^\s*<'
-        setlocal filetype=xhtml
-      endif
-    endif
-    call RailsBufInit(rails#app().path())
-    map   q :bwipe
-    wincmd p
-    if !a:bang
-      call s:warn("Define a :OpenURL command to use a browser")
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:Complete_preview(A,L,P)
-  return rails#buffer().preview_urls(a:L =~ '^\d' ? matchstr(a:L,'^\d\+') : line('.'))
-" }}}1
-" Script Wrappers {{{1
-function! s:BufScriptWrappers()
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=*       -complete=customlist,s:Complete_script   Rscript       :call rails#app().script_command(0,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=*       -complete=customlist,s:Complete_generate Rgenerate     :call rails#app().generate_command(0,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=*       -complete=customlist,s:Complete_destroy  Rdestroy      :call rails#app().destroy_command(0,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -bang -complete=customlist,s:Complete_server   Rserver       :call rails#app().server_command(0,)
-  command! -buffer -bang -nargs=1 -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_ruby Rrunner       :call rails#app().runner_command(0 ? -2 : (==?:-1),)
-  command! -buffer       -nargs=1 -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_ruby Rp            :call rails#app().runner_command(==?:-1,'p begin '..' end')
-  command! -buffer       -nargs=1 -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_ruby Rpp           :call rails#app().runner_command(==?:-1,'require %{pp}; pp begin '..' end')
-  command! -buffer       -nargs=1 -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_ruby Ry            :call rails#app().runner_command(==?:-1,'y begin '..' end')
-function! s:app_generators() dict
-  if self.cache.needs('generators')
-    let generators = self.relglob("vendor/plugins/","*/generators/*")
-    let generators += self.relglob("","lib/generators/*")
-    call filter(generators,'v:val =~ "/$"')
-    let generators += split(glob(expand("~/.rails/generators")."/*"),"\n")
-    call map(generators,'s:sub(v:val,"^.*[\\\\/]generators[\\\\/]\\ze.","")')
-    call map(generators,'s:sub(v:val,"[\\\\/]$","")')
-    call self.cache.set('generators',generators)
-  endif
-  return sort(split(g:rails_generators,"\n") + self.cache.get('generators'))
-function! s:app_script_command(bang,...) dict
-  let str = ""
-  let cmd = a:0 ? a:1 : "console"
-  let c = 2
-  while c <= a:0
-    let str .= " " . s:rquote(a:{c})
-    let c += 1
-  endwhile
-  if cmd ==# "plugin"
-    call self.cache.clear('generators')
-  endif
-  if a:bang || cmd =~# 'console'
-    return self.background_script_command(cmd.str)
-  else
-    return self.execute_script_command(cmd.str)
-  endif
-function! s:app_runner_command(count,args) dict
-  if a:count == -2
-    return self.script_command(a:bang,"runner",a:args)
-  else
-    let str = self.ruby_shell_command('-r./config/boot -e "require '."'commands/runner'".'" '.s:rquote(a:args))
-    let res = s:sub(system(str),'\n$','')
-    if a:count < 0
-      echo res
-    else
-      exe a:count.'put =res'
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:getpidfor(bind,port)
-    if has("win32") || has("win64")
-      let netstat = system("netstat -anop tcp")
-      let pid = matchstr(netstat,'\<'.a:bind.':'.a:port.'\>.\{-\}LISTENING\s\+\zs\d\+')
-    elseif executable('lsof')
-      let pid = system("lsof -i 4tcp@".a:bind.':'.a:port."|grep LISTEN|awk '{print $2}'")
-      let pid = s:sub(pid,'\n','')
-    else
-      let pid = ""
-    endif
-    return pid
-function! s:app_server_command(bang,arg) dict
-  let port = matchstr(a:arg,'\%(-p\|--port=\=\)\s*\zs\d\+')
-  if port == ''
-    let port = "3000"
-  endif
-  " TODO: Extract bind argument
-  let bind = ""
-  if a:bang && executable("ruby")
-    let pid = s:getpidfor(bind,port)
-    if pid =~ '^\d\+$'
-      echo "Killing server with pid ".pid
-      if !has("win32")
-        call system("ruby -e 'Process.kill(:TERM,".pid.")'")
-        sleep 100m
-      endif
-      call system("ruby -e 'Process.kill(9,".pid.")'")
-      sleep 100m
-    endif
-    if a:arg == "-"
-      return
-    endif
-  endif
-  if has_key(self,'options') && has_key(self.options,'gnu_screen')
-    let screen = self.options.gnu_screen
-  else
-    let screen = g:rails_gnu_screen
-  endif
-  if has("win32") || has("win64") || (exists("$STY") && !has("gui_running") && screen && executable("screen")) || (exists("$TMUX") && !has("gui_running") && screen && executable("tmux"))
-    call self.background_script_command('server '.a:arg)
-  else
-    " --daemon would be more descriptive but lighttpd does not support it
-    call self.execute_script_command('server '.a:arg." -d")
-  endif
-  call s:setopt('a:root_url','http://'.(bind==''?'localhost': bind).':'.port.'/')
-function! s:app_destroy_command(bang,...) dict
-  if a:0 == 0
-    return self.execute_script_command('destroy')
-  elseif a:0 == 1
-    return self.execute_script_command('destroy '.s:rquote(a:1))
-  endif
-  let str = ""
-  let c = 1
-  while c <= a:0
-    let str .= " " . s:rquote(a:{c})
-    let c += 1
-  endwhile
-  call self.execute_script_command('destroy'.str)
-  call self.cache.clear('user_classes')
-function! s:app_generate_command(bang,...) dict
-  if a:0 == 0
-    return self.execute_script_command('generate')
-  elseif a:0 == 1
-    return self.execute_script_command('generate '.s:rquote(a:1))
-  endif
-  let cmd = join(map(copy(a:000),'s:rquote(v:val)'),' ')
-  if cmd !~ '-p\>' && cmd !~ '--pretend\>'
-    let execstr = self.script_shell_command('generate '.cmd.' -p -f')
-    let res = system(execstr)
-    let g:res = res
-    let junk = '\%(\e\[[0-9;]*m\)\='
-    let file = matchstr(res,junk.'\s\+\%(create\|force\)'.junk.'\s\+\zs\f\+\.rb\ze\n')
-    if file == ""
-      let file = matchstr(res,junk.'\s\+\%(identical\)'.junk.'\s\+\zs\f\+\.rb\ze\n')
-    endif
-  else
-    let file = ""
-  endif
-  if !self.execute_script_command('generate '.cmd) && file != ''
-    call self.cache.clear('user_classes')
-    call self.cache.clear('features')
-    if file =~ '^db/migrate/\d\d\d\d'
-      let file = get(self.relglob('',s:sub(file,'\d+','[0-9]*[0-9]')),-1,file)
-    endif
-    edit `=self.path(file)`
-  endif
-call s:add_methods('app', ['generators','script_command','runner_command','server_command','destroy_command','generate_command'])
-function! s:Complete_script(ArgLead,CmdLine,P)
-  let cmd = s:sub(a:CmdLine,'^\u\w*\s+','')
-  if cmd !~ '^[ A-Za-z0-9_=:-]*$'
-    return []
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\w*$'
-    return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob("script/","**/*"),a:ArgLead)
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\%(plugin\)\s\+'.a:ArgLead.'$'
-    return s:completion_filter(["discover","list","install","update","remove","source","unsource","sources"],a:ArgLead)
-  elseif cmd =~# '\%(plugin\)\s\+\%(install\|remove\)\s\+'.a:ArgLead.'$' || cmd =~ '\%(generate\|destroy\)\s\+plugin\s\+'.a:ArgLead.'$'
-    return s:pluginList(a:ArgLead,a:CmdLine,a:P)
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\%(generate\|destroy\)\s\+'.a:ArgLead.'$'
-    return s:completion_filter(rails#app().generators(),a:ArgLead)
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\%(generate\|destroy\)\s\+\w\+\s\+'.a:ArgLead.'$'
-    let target = matchstr(cmd,'^\w\+\s\+\%(\w\+:\)\=\zs\w\+\ze\s\+')
-    if target =~# '^\w*controller$'
-      return filter(s:controllerList(a:ArgLead,"",""),'v:val !=# "application"')
-    elseif target ==# 'generator'
-      return s:completion_filter(map(rails#app().relglob('lib/generators/','*'),'s:sub(v:val,"/$","")'))
-    elseif target ==# 'helper'
-      return s:helperList(a:ArgLead,"","")
-    elseif target ==# 'integration_test' || target ==# 'integration_spec' || target ==# 'feature'
-      return s:integrationtestList(a:ArgLead,"","")
-    elseif target ==# 'metal'
-      return s:metalList(a:ArgLead,"","")
-    elseif target ==# 'migration' || target ==# 'session_migration'
-      return s:migrationList(a:ArgLead,"","")
-    elseif target =~# '^\w*\%(model\|resource\)$' || target =~# '\w*scaffold\%(_controller\)\=$' || target ==# 'mailer'
-      return s:modelList(a:ArgLead,"","")
-    elseif target ==# 'observer'
-      let observers = s:observerList("","","")
-      let models = s:modelList("","","")
-      if cmd =~# '^destroy\>'
-        let models = []
-      endif
-      call filter(models,'index(observers,v:val) < 0')
-      return s:completion_filter(observers + models,a:ArgLead)
-    else
-      return []
-    endif
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\%(generate\|destroy\)\s\+scaffold\s\+\w\+\s\+'.a:ArgLead.'$'
-    return filter(s:controllerList(a:ArgLead,"",""),'v:val !=# "application"')
-    return s:completion_filter(rails#app().environments())
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\%(console\)\s\+\(--\=\w\+\s\+\)\='.a:ArgLead."$"
-    return s:completion_filter(rails#app().environments()+["-s","--sandbox"],a:ArgLead)
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\%(server\)\s\+.*-e\s\+'.a:ArgLead."$"
-    return s:completion_filter(rails#app().environments(),a:ArgLead)
-  elseif cmd =~# '^\%(server\)\s\+'
-    if a:ArgLead =~# '^--environment='
-      return s:completion_filter(map(copy(rails#app().environments()),'"--environment=".v:val'),a:ArgLead)
-    else
-      return filter(["-p","-b","-e","-m","-d","-u","-c","-h","--port=","--binding=","--environment=","--mime-types=","--daemon","--debugger","--charset=","--help"],'s:startswith(v:val,a:ArgLead)')
-    endif
-  endif
-  return ""
-function! s:CustomComplete(A,L,P,cmd)
-  let L = "Rscript ".a:cmd." ".s:sub(a:L,'^\h\w*\s+','')
-  let P = a:P - strlen(a:L) + strlen(L)
-  return s:Complete_script(a:A,L,P)
-function! s:Complete_server(A,L,P)
-  return s:CustomComplete(a:A,a:L,a:P,"server")
-function! s:Complete_console(A,L,P)
-  return s:CustomComplete(a:A,a:L,a:P,"console")
-function! s:Complete_generate(A,L,P)
-  return s:CustomComplete(a:A,a:L,a:P,"generate")
-function! s:Complete_destroy(A,L,P)
-  return s:CustomComplete(a:A,a:L,a:P,"destroy")
-function! s:Complete_ruby(A,L,P)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().user_classes()+["ActiveRecord::Base"],a:A)
-" }}}1
-" Navigation {{{1
-function! s:BufNavCommands()
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:Complete_cd Rcd   :cd `=rails#app().path()`
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:Complete_cd Rlcd :lcd `=rails#app().path()`
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -count=1 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_find Rfind    :call s:warn( 'Rfind has been deprecated in favor of :1R or :find' )|call s:Find(,'' ,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -count=1 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_find REfind   :call s:warn('REfind has been deprecated in favor of :1RE or :find')|call s:Find(,'E',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -count=1 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_find RSfind   :call s:warn('RSfind has been deprecated in favor of :1RS or :find')|call s:Find(,'S',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -count=1 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_find RVfind   :call s:warn('RVfind has been deprecated in favor of :1RV or :find')|call s:Find(,'V',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -count=1 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_find RTfind   :call s:warn('RTfind has been deprecated in favor of :1RT or :find')|call s:Find(,'T',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -count=1 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_find Rsfind   :call s:warn('Rsfind has been deprecated in favor of :1RS or :sfind')|RSfind 
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -count=1 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_find Rtabfind :call s:warn('Rtabfind has been deprecated in favor of :1RT or :tabfind')|RTfind 
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -bang    -complete=customlist,s:Complete_edit Redit    :call s:warn( 'Redit has been deprecated in favor of :R')|call s:Edit(,'' ,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -bang    -complete=customlist,s:Complete_edit REedit   :call s:warn('REedit has been deprecated in favor of :RE')|call s:Edit(,'E',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -bang    -complete=customlist,s:Complete_edit RSedit   :call s:warn('RSedit has been deprecated in favor of :RS')|call s:Edit(,'S',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -bang    -complete=customlist,s:Complete_edit RVedit   :call s:warn('RVedit has been deprecated in favor of :RV')|call s:Edit(,'V',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -bang    -complete=customlist,s:Complete_edit RTedit   :call s:warn('RTedit has been deprecated in favor of :RT')|call s:Edit(,'T',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_edit RDedit   :call s:warn('RDedit has been deprecated in favor of :RD')|call s:Edit(,'D',)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related A     :call s:Alternate('', ,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related AE    :call s:Alternate('E',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related AS    :call s:Alternate('S',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related AV    :call s:Alternate('V',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related AT    :call s:Alternate('T',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related AD    :call s:Alternate('D',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related AN    :call s:Related('' ,,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related R     :call s:Related('' ,,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related RE    :call s:Related('E',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related RS    :call s:Related('S',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related RV    :call s:Related('V',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related RT    :call s:Related('T',,,,)
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -range=0 -complete=customlist,s:Complete_related RD    :call s:Related('D',,,,)
-function! s:djump(def)
-  let def = s:sub(a:def,'^[#:]','')
-  if def =~ '^\d\+$'
-    exe def
-  elseif def =~ '^!'
-    if expand('%') !~ '://' && !isdirectory(expand('%:p:h'))
-      call mkdir(expand('%:p:h'),'p')
-    endif
-  elseif def != ''
-    let ext = matchstr(def,'\.\zs.*')
-    let def = matchstr(def,'[^.]*')
-    let v:errmsg = ''
-    silent! exe "djump ".def
-    if ext != '' && (v:errmsg == '' || v:errmsg =~ '^E387')
-      let rpat = '\C^\s*\%(mail\>.*\|respond_to\)\s*\%(\ 0
-        let variable = matchstr(getline(rline),rpat)
-        let success = search('\C^\s*'.variable.'\s*\.\s*\zs'.ext.'\>','',end)
-        if !success
-          silent! exe "djump ".def
-        endif
-      endif
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:Find(count,cmd,...)
-  let str = ""
-  if a:0
-    let i = 1
-    while i < a:0
-      let str .= s:escarg(a:{i}) . " "
-      let i += 1
-    endwhile
-    let file = a:{i}
-    let tail = matchstr(file,'[#!].*$\|:\d*\%(:in\>.*\)\=$')
-    if tail != ""
-      let file = s:sub(file,'[#!].*$|:\d*%(:in>.*)=$','')
-    endif
-    if file != ""
-      let file = s:RailsIncludefind(file)
-    endif
-  else
-    let file = s:RailsFind()
-    let tail = ""
-  endif
-  call s:findedit((a:count==1?'' : a:count).a:cmd,file.tail,str)
-function! s:Edit(count,cmd,...)
-  if a:0
-    let str = ""
-    let i = 1
-    while i < a:0
-      let str .= "`=a:".i."` "
-      let i += 1
-    endwhile
-    let file = a:{i}
-    call s:findedit(s:editcmdfor(a:cmd),file,str)
-  else
-    exe s:editcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  endif
-function! s:fuzzyglob(arg)
-  return s:gsub(s:gsub(a:arg,'[^/.]','[&]*'),'%(/|^)\.@!|\.','&*')
-function! s:Complete_find(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
-  let paths = s:pathsplit(&l:path)
-  let seen = {}
-  for path in paths
-    if s:startswith(path,rails#app().path()) && path !~ '[][*]'
-      let path = path[strlen(rails#app().path()) + 1 : ]
-      for file in rails#app().relglob(path == '' ? '' : path.'/',s:fuzzyglob(rails#underscore(a:ArgLead)), a:ArgLead =~# '\u' ? '.rb' : '')
-        let seen[file] = 1
-      endfor
-    endif
-  endfor
-  return s:autocamelize(sort(keys(seen)),a:ArgLead)
-function! s:Complete_edit(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob("",s:fuzzyglob(a:ArgLead)),a:ArgLead)
-function! s:Complete_cd(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
-  let all = rails#app().relglob("",a:ArgLead."*")
-  call filter(all,'v:val =~ "/$"')
-  return filter(all,'s:startswith(v:val,a:ArgLead)')
-function! RailsIncludeexpr()
-  " Is this foolproof?
-  if mode() =~ '[iR]' || expand("") != v:fname
-    return s:RailsIncludefind(v:fname)
-  else
-    return s:RailsIncludefind(v:fname,1)
-  endif
-function! s:linepeak()
-  let line = getline(line("."))
-  let line = s:sub(line,'^(.{'.col(".").'}).*','\1')
-  let line = s:sub(line,'([:"'."'".']|\%[qQ]=[[({<])=\f*$','')
-  return line
-function! s:matchcursor(pat)
-  let line = getline(".")
-  let lastend = 0
-  while lastend >= 0
-    let beg = match(line,'\C'.a:pat,lastend)
-    let end = matchend(line,'\C'.a:pat,lastend)
-    if beg < col(".") && end >= col(".")
-      return matchstr(line,'\C'.a:pat,lastend)
-    endif
-    let lastend = end
-  endwhile
-  return ""
-function! s:findit(pat,repl)
-  let res = s:matchcursor(a:pat)
-  if res != ""
-    return substitute(res,'\C'.a:pat,a:repl,'')
-  else
-    return ""
-  endif
-function! s:findamethod(func,repl)
-  return s:findit('\s*\<\%('.a:func.'\)\s*(\=\s*[@:'."'".'"]\(\f\+\)\>.\=',a:repl)
-function! s:findasymbol(sym,repl)
-  return s:findit('\s*\%(:\%('.a:sym.'\)\s*=>\|\<'.a:sym.':\)\s*(\=\s*[@:'."'".'"]\(\f\+\)\>.\=',a:repl)
-function! s:findfromview(func,repl)
-  "                     (   )            (           )                      ( \1  )                   (      )
-  return s:findit('\s*\%(<%\)\==\=\s*\<\%('.a:func.'\)\s*(\=\s*[@:'."'".'"]\(\f\+\)\>['."'".'"]\=\s*\%(%>\s*\)\=',a:repl)
-function! s:RailsFind()
-  if filereadable(expand(""))
-    return expand("")
-  endif
-  " UGH
-  let buffer = rails#buffer()
-  let format = s:format('html')
-  let res = s:findit('\v\s*.=',expand('%:h').'/\1')
-  if res != ""|return res.(fnamemodify(res,':e') == '' ? '.rb' : '')|endif
-  let res = s:findit('\v['."'".'"]=',expand('%:h').'\1')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = rails#underscore(s:findit('\v\s*<%(include|extend)\(=\s*<([[:alnum:]_:]+)>','\1'))
-  if res != ""|return res.".rb"|endif
-  let res = s:findamethod('require','\1')
-  if res != ""|return res.(fnamemodify(res,':e') == '' ? '.rb' : '')|endif
-  let res = s:findamethod('belongs_to\|has_one\|composed_of\|validates_associated\|scaffold','app/models/\1.rb')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = rails#singularize(s:findamethod('has_many\|has_and_belongs_to_many','app/models/\1'))
-  if res != ""|return res.".rb"|endif
-  let res = rails#singularize(s:findamethod('create_table\|change_table\|drop_table\|add_column\|rename_column\|remove_column\|add_index','app/models/\1'))
-  if res != ""|return res.".rb"|endif
-  let res = rails#singularize(s:findasymbol('through','app/models/\1'))
-  if res != ""|return res.".rb"|endif
-  let res = s:findamethod('fixtures','fixtures/\1')
-  if res != ""
-    return RailsFilePath() =~ '\\|\\|,\s*to:\)\s*','app/controllers/\1')
-  if res =~ '#'|return s:sub(res,'#','_controller.rb#')|endif
-  let res = s:findamethod('layout','\=s:findlayout(submatch(1))')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = s:findasymbol('layout','\=s:findlayout(submatch(1))')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = s:findamethod('helper','app/helpers/\1_helper.rb')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = s:findasymbol('controller','app/controllers/\1_controller.rb')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = s:findasymbol('action','\1')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = s:findasymbol('template','app/views/\1')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = s:sub(s:sub(s:findasymbol('partial','\1'),'^/',''),'[^/]+$','_&')
-  if res != ""|return res."\n".s:findview(res)|endif
-  let res = s:sub(s:sub(s:findfromview('render\s*(\=\s*\%(:partial\s\+=>\|partial:\)\s*','\1'),'^/',''),'[^/]+$','_&')
-  if res != ""|return res."\n".s:findview(res)|endif
-  let res = s:findamethod('render\>\s*\%(:\%(template\|action\)\s\+=>\|template:\|action:\)\s*','\1.'.format.'\n\1')
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  let res = s:sub(s:findfromview('render','\1'),'^/','')
-  if buffer.type_name('view') | let res = s:sub(res,'[^/]+$','_&') | endif
-  if res != ""|return res."\n".s:findview(res)|endif
-  let res = s:findamethod('redirect_to\s*(\=\s*\%\(:action\s\+=>\|\','/application')
-  if res != '' && fnamemodify(res, ':e') == '' " Append the default extension iff the filename doesn't already contains an extension
-    let res .= '.js'
-  end
-  if res != ""|return res|endif
-  if buffer.type_name('controller')
-    let contr = s:controller()
-    let view = s:findit('\s*\(\=','/\1')
-    let res = s:findview(contr.'/'.view)
-    if res != ""|return res|endif
-  endif
-  let old_isfname = &isfname
-  try
-    set isfname=@,48-57,/,-,_,:,#
-    " TODO: grab visual selection in visual mode
-    let cfile = expand("")
-  finally
-    let &isfname = old_isfname
-  endtry
-  let res = s:RailsIncludefind(cfile,1)
-  return res
-function! s:app_named_route_file(route) dict
-  call self.route_names()
-  if self.cache.has("named_routes") && has_key(self.cache.get("named_routes"),a:route)
-    return self.cache.get("named_routes")[a:route]
-  endif
-  return ""
-function! s:app_route_names() dict
-  if self.cache.needs("named_routes")
-    let exec = "ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.each {|n,r| puts %{#{n} app/controllers/#{r.requirements[:controller]}_controller.rb##{r.requirements[:action]}}}"
-    let string = self.eval(exec)
-    let routes = {}
-    for line in split(string,"\n")
-      let route = split(line," ")
-      let name = route[0]
-      let routes[name] = route[1]
-    endfor
-    call self.cache.set("named_routes",routes)
-  endif
-  return keys(self.cache.get("named_routes"))
-call s:add_methods('app', ['route_names','named_route_file'])
-function! RailsNamedRoutes()
-  return rails#app().route_names()
-function! s:RailsIncludefind(str,...)
-  if a:str ==# "ApplicationController"
-    return "application_controller.rb\napp/controllers/application.rb"
-  elseif a:str ==# "Test::Unit::TestCase"
-    return "test/unit/testcase.rb"
-  endif
-  let str = a:str
-  if a:0 == 1
-    " Get the text before the filename under the cursor.
-    " We'll cheat and peak at this in a bit
-    let line = s:linepeak()
-    let line = s:sub(line,'([:"'."'".']|\%[qQ]=[[({<])=\f*$','')
-  else
-    let line = ""
-  endif
-  let str = s:sub(str,'^\s*','')
-  let str = s:sub(str,'\s*$','')
-  let str = s:sub(str,'^:=[:@]','')
-  let str = s:sub(str,':0x\x+$','') " For # style output
-  let str = s:gsub(str,"[\"']",'')
-  if line =~# '\<\(require\|load\)\s*(\s*$'
-    return str
-  elseif str =~# '^\l\w*#\w\+$'
-    return 'app/controllers/'.s:sub(str,'#','_controller.rb#')
-  endif
-  let str = rails#underscore(str)
-  let fpat = '\(\s*\%("\f*"\|:\f*\|'."'\\f*'".'\)\s*,\s*\)*'
-  if a:str =~# '\u'
-    " Classes should always be in .rb files
-    let str .= '.rb'
-  elseif line =~# ':partial\s*=>\s*'
-    let str = s:sub(str,'[^/]+$','_&')
-    let str = s:findview(str)
-  elseif line =~# '\\s*'
-    let str = s:findview(s:sub(str,'^/=','layouts/'))
-  elseif line =~# ':controller\s*=>\s*'
-    let str = 'app/controllers/'.str.'_controller.rb'
-  elseif line =~# '\\s*$' && rails#buffer().type_name('config-routes'))
-    if line !~# ':as\s*=>\s*$'
-      let str = s:sub(str,'_%(path|url)$','')
-      let str = s:sub(str,'^hash_for_','')
-    endif
-    let file = rails#app().named_route_file(str)
-    if file == ""
-      let str = s:sub(str,'^formatted_','')
-      if str =~# '^\%(new\|edit\)_'
-        let str = 'app/controllers/'.s:sub(rails#pluralize(str),'^(new|edit)_(.*)','\2_controller.rb#\1')
-      elseif str ==# rails#singularize(str)
-        " If the word can't be singularized, it's probably a link to the show
-        " method.  We should verify by checking for an argument, but that's
-        " difficult the way things here are currently structured.
-        let str = 'app/controllers/'.rails#pluralize(str).'_controller.rb#show'
-      else
-        let str = 'app/controllers/'.str.'_controller.rb#index'
-      endif
-    else
-      let str = file
-    endif
-  elseif str !~ '/'
-    " If we made it this far, we'll risk making it singular.
-    let str = rails#singularize(str)
-    let str = s:sub(str,'_id$','')
-  endif
-  if str =~ '^/' && !filereadable(str)
-    let str = s:sub(str,'^/','')
-  endif
-  if str =~# '^lib/' && !filereadable(str)
-    let str = s:sub(str,'^lib/','')
-  endif
-  return str
-" }}}1
-" File Finders {{{1
-function! s:addfilecmds(type)
-  let l = s:sub(a:type,'^.','\l&')
-  let cmds = 'ESVTD '
-  let cmd = ''
-  while cmds != ''
-    let cplt = " -complete=customlist,".s:sid.l."List"
-    exe "command! -buffer -bar ".(cmd == 'D' ? '-range=0 ' : '')."-nargs=*".cplt." R".cmd.l." :call s:".l.'Edit("'.(cmd == 'D' ? '' : '').cmd.'",)'
-    let cmd = strpart(cmds,0,1)
-    let cmds = strpart(cmds,1)
-  endwhile
-function! s:BufFinderCommands()
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=+ Rnavcommand :call s:Navcommand(0,)
-  call s:addfilecmds("metal")
-  call s:addfilecmds("model")
-  call s:addfilecmds("view")
-  call s:addfilecmds("controller")
-  call s:addfilecmds("mailer")
-  call s:addfilecmds("migration")
-  call s:addfilecmds("observer")
-  call s:addfilecmds("helper")
-  call s:addfilecmds("layout")
-  call s:addfilecmds("fixtures")
-  call s:addfilecmds("locale")
-  if rails#app().has('test') || rails#app().has('spec')
-    call s:addfilecmds("unittest")
-    call s:addfilecmds("functionaltest")
-  endif
-  if rails#app().has('test') || rails#app().has('spec') || rails#app().has('cucumber')
-    call s:addfilecmds("integrationtest")
-  endif
-  if rails#app().has('spec')
-    call s:addfilecmds("spec")
-  endif
-  call s:addfilecmds("stylesheet")
-  call s:addfilecmds("javascript")
-  call s:addfilecmds("plugin")
-  call s:addfilecmds("task")
-  call s:addfilecmds("lib")
-  call s:addfilecmds("environment")
-  call s:addfilecmds("initializer")
-function! s:completion_filter(results,A)
-  let results = sort(type(a:results) == type("") ? split(a:results,"\n") : copy(a:results))
-  call filter(results,'v:val !~# "\\~$"')
-  let filtered = filter(copy(results),'s:startswith(v:val,a:A)')
-  if !empty(filtered) | return filtered | endif
-  let regex = s:gsub(a:A,'[^/]','[&].*')
-  let filtered = filter(copy(results),'v:val =~# "^".regex')
-  if !empty(filtered) | return filtered | endif
-  let regex = s:gsub(a:A,'.','[&].*')
-  let filtered = filter(copy(results),'v:val =~# regex')
-  return filtered
-function! s:autocamelize(files,test)
-  if a:test =~# '^\u'
-    return s:completion_filter(map(copy(a:files),'rails#camelize(v:val)'),a:test)
-  else
-    return s:completion_filter(a:files,a:test)
-  endif
-function! s:app_relglob(path,glob,...) dict
-  if exists("+shellslash") && ! &shellslash
-    let old_ss = &shellslash
-    let &shellslash = 1
-  endif
-  let path = a:path
-  if path !~ '^/' && path !~ '^\w:'
-    let path = self.path(path)
-  endif
-  let suffix = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
-  let full_paths = split(glob(path.a:glob.suffix),"\n")
-  let relative_paths = []
-  for entry in full_paths
-    if suffix == '' && isdirectory(entry) && entry !~ '/$'
-      let entry .= '/'
-    endif
-    let relative_paths += [entry[strlen(path) : -strlen(suffix)-1]]
-  endfor
-  if exists("old_ss")
-    let &shellslash = old_ss
-  endif
-  return relative_paths
-call s:add_methods('app', ['relglob'])
-function! s:relglob(...)
-  return join(call(rails#app().relglob,a:000,rails#app()),"\n")
-function! s:helperList(A,L,P)
-  return s:autocamelize(rails#app().relglob("app/helpers/","**/*","_helper.rb"),a:A)
-function! s:controllerList(A,L,P)
-  let con = rails#app().relglob("app/controllers/","**/*",".rb")
-  call map(con,'s:sub(v:val,"_controller$","")')
-  return s:autocamelize(con,a:A)
-function! s:mailerList(A,L,P)
-  return s:autocamelize(rails#app().relglob("app/mailers/","**/*",".rb"),a:A)
-function! s:viewList(A,L,P)
-  let c = s:controller(1)
-  let top = rails#app().relglob("app/views/",s:fuzzyglob(a:A))
-  call filter(top,'v:val !~# "\\~$"')
-  if c != '' && a:A !~ '/'
-    let local = rails#app().relglob("app/views/".c."/","*.*[^~]")
-    return s:completion_filter(local+top,a:A)
-  endif
-  return s:completion_filter(top,a:A)
-function! s:layoutList(A,L,P)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob("app/views/layouts/","*"),a:A)
-function! s:stylesheetList(A,L,P)
-  let list = rails#app().relglob('app/assets/stylesheets/','**/*.*','')
-  call map(list,'s:sub(v:val,"\\..*$","")')
-  let list += rails#app().relglob('public/stylesheets/','**/*','.css')
-  if rails#app().has('sass')
-    call extend(list,rails#app().relglob('public/stylesheets/sass/','**/*','.s?ss'))
-    call s:uniq(list)
-  endif
-  return s:completion_filter(list,a:A)
-function! s:javascriptList(A,L,P)
-  let list = rails#app().relglob('app/assets/javascripts/','**/*.*','')
-  call map(list,'s:sub(v:val,"\\..*$","")')
-  let list += rails#app().relglob("public/javascripts/","**/*",".js")
-  return s:completion_filter(list,a:A)
-function! s:metalList(A,L,P)
-  return s:autocamelize(rails#app().relglob("app/metal/","**/*",".rb"),a:A)
-function! s:modelList(A,L,P)
-  let models = rails#app().relglob("app/models/","**/*",".rb")
-  call filter(models,'v:val !~# "_observer$"')
-  return s:autocamelize(models,a:A)
-function! s:observerList(A,L,P)
-  return s:autocamelize(rails#app().relglob("app/models/","**/*","_observer.rb"),a:A)
-function! s:fixturesList(A,L,P)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob("test/fixtures/","**/*")+rails#app().relglob("spec/fixtures/","**/*"),a:A)
-function! s:localeList(A,L,P)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob("config/locales/","**/*"),a:A)
-function! s:migrationList(A,L,P)
-  if a:A =~ '^\d'
-    let migrations = rails#app().relglob("db/migrate/",a:A."[0-9_]*",".rb")
-    return map(migrations,'matchstr(v:val,"^[0-9]*")')
-  else
-    let migrations = rails#app().relglob("db/migrate/","[0-9]*[0-9]_*",".rb")
-    call map(migrations,'s:sub(v:val,"^[0-9]*_","")')
-    return s:autocamelize(migrations,a:A)
-  endif
-function! s:unittestList(A,L,P)
-  let found = []
-  if rails#app().has('test')
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("test/unit/","**/*","_test.rb")
-  endif
-  if rails#app().has('spec')
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("spec/models/","**/*","_spec.rb")
-  endif
-  return s:autocamelize(found,a:A)
-function! s:functionaltestList(A,L,P)
-  let found = []
-  if rails#app().has('test')
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("test/functional/","**/*","_test.rb")
-  endif
-  if rails#app().has('spec')
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("spec/controllers/","**/*","_spec.rb")
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("spec/mailers/","**/*","_spec.rb")
-  endif
-  return s:autocamelize(found,a:A)
-function! s:integrationtestList(A,L,P)
-  if a:A =~# '^\u'
-    return s:autocamelize(rails#app().relglob("test/integration/","**/*","_test.rb"),a:A)
-  endif
-  let found = []
-  if rails#app().has('test')
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("test/integration/","**/*","_test.rb")
-  endif
-  if rails#app().has('spec')
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("spec/requests/","**/*","_spec.rb")
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("spec/integration/","**/*","_spec.rb")
-  endif
-  if rails#app().has('cucumber')
-    let found += rails#app().relglob("features/","**/*",".feature")
-  endif
-  return s:completion_filter(found,a:A)
-function! s:specList(A,L,P)
-  return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob("spec/","**/*","_spec.rb"),a:A)
-function! s:pluginList(A,L,P)
-  if a:A =~ '/'
-    return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob('vendor/plugins/',matchstr(a:A,'.\{-\}/').'**/*'),a:A)
-  else
-    return s:completion_filter(rails#app().relglob('vendor/plugins/',"*","/init.rb"),a:A)
-  endif
-" Task files, not actual rake tasks
-function! s:taskList(A,L,P)
-  let all = rails#app().relglob("lib/tasks/","**/*",".rake")
-  if RailsFilePath() =~ '\','".name."',\"".prefix."\",".string(suffix).",".string(filter).",".string(default).",)"
-    let cmd = strpart(cmds,0,1)
-    let cmds = strpart(cmds,1)
-  endwhile
-function! s:CommandList(A,L,P)
-  let cmd = matchstr(a:L,'\CR[A-Z]\=\w\+')
-  exe cmd." &"
-  let lp = s:last_prefix . "\n"
-  let res = []
-  while lp != ""
-    let p = matchstr(lp,'.\{-\}\ze\n')
-    let lp = s:sub(lp,'.{-}\n','')
-    let res += rails#app().relglob(p,s:last_filter,s:last_suffix)
-  endwhile
-  if s:last_camelize
-    return s:autocamelize(res,a:A)
-  else
-    return s:completion_filter(res,a:A)
-  endif
-function! s:CommandEdit(cmd,name,prefix,suffix,filter,default,...)
-  if a:0 && a:1 == "&"
-    let s:last_prefix = a:prefix
-    let s:last_suffix = a:suffix
-    let s:last_filter = a:filter
-    let s:last_camelize = (a:suffix =~# '\.rb$')
-  else
-    if a:default == "both()"
-      if s:model() != ""
-        let default = s:model()
-      else
-        let default = s:controller()
-      endif
-    elseif a:default == "model()"
-      let default = s:model(1)
-    elseif a:default == "controller()"
-      let default = s:controller(1)
-    else
-      let default = a:default
-    endif
-    call s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,a:name,a:0 ? a:1 : default,a:prefix,a:suffix)
-  endif
-function! s:EditSimpleRb(cmd,name,target,prefix,suffix,...)
-  let cmd = s:findcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  if a:target == ""
-    " Good idea to emulate error numbers like this?
-    return s:error("E471: Argument required")
-  endif
-  let f = a:0 ? a:target : rails#underscore(a:target)
-  let jump = matchstr(f,'[#!].*\|:\d*\%(:in\)\=$')
-  let f = s:sub(f,'[#!].*|:\d*%(:in)=$','')
-  if jump =~ '^!'
-    let cmd = s:editcmdfor(cmd)
-  endif
-  if f == '.'
-    let f = s:sub(f,'\.$','')
-  else
-    let f .= a:suffix.jump
-  endif
-  let f = s:gsub(a:prefix,'\n',f.'\n').f
-  return s:findedit(cmd,f)
-function! s:app_migration(file) dict
-  let arg = a:file
-  if arg =~ '^0$\|^0\=[#:]'
-    let suffix = s:sub(arg,'^0*','')
-    if self.has_file('db/schema.rb')
-      return 'db/schema.rb'.suffix
-    elseif self.has_file('db/'.s:environment().'_structure.sql')
-      return 'db/'.s:environment().'_structure.sql'.suffix
-    else
-      return 'db/schema.rb'.suffix
-    endif
-  elseif arg =~ '^\d$'
-    let glob = '00'.arg.'_*.rb'
-  elseif arg =~ '^\d\d$'
-    let glob = '0'.arg.'_*.rb'
-  elseif arg =~ '^\d\d\d$'
-    let glob = ''.arg.'_*.rb'
-  elseif arg == ''
-    let glob = '*.rb'
-  else
-    let glob = '*'.rails#underscore(arg).'*rb'
-  endif
-  let files = split(glob(self.path('db/migrate/').glob),"\n")
-  if arg == ''
-    return get(files,-1,'')
-  endif
-  call map(files,'strpart(v:val,1+strlen(self.path()))')
-  let keep = get(files,0,'')
-  if glob =~# '^\*.*\*rb'
-    let pattern = glob[1:-4]
-    call filter(files,'v:val =~# ''db/migrate/\d\+_''.pattern.''\.rb''')
-    let keep = get(files,0,keep)
-  endif
-  return keep
-call s:add_methods('app', ['migration'])
-function! s:migrationEdit(cmd,...)
-  let cmd = s:findcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  let arg = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
-  let migr = arg == "." ? "db/migrate" : rails#app().migration(arg)
-  if migr != ''
-    call s:findedit(cmd,migr)
-  else
-    return s:error("Migration not found".(arg=='' ? '' : ': '.arg))
-  endif
-function! s:fixturesEdit(cmd,...)
-  if a:0
-    let c = rails#underscore(a:1)
-  else
-    let c = rails#pluralize(s:model(1))
-  endif
-  if c == ""
-    return s:error("E471: Argument required")
-  endif
-  let e = fnamemodify(c,':e')
-  let e = e == '' ? e : '.'.e
-  let c = fnamemodify(c,':r')
-  let file = get(rails#app().test_suites(),0,'test').'/fixtures/'.c.e
-  if file =~ '\.\w\+$' && rails#app().find_file(c.e,["test/fixtures","spec/fixtures"]) ==# ''
-    call s:edit(a:cmd,file)
-  else
-    call s:findedit(a:cmd,rails#app().find_file(c.e,["test/fixtures","spec/fixtures"],[".yml",".csv"],file))
-  endif
-function! s:localeEdit(cmd,...)
-  let c = a:0 ? a:1 : rails#app().default_locale()
-  if c =~# '\.'
-    call s:edit(a:cmd,rails#app().find_file(c,'config/locales',[],'config/locales/'.c))
-  else
-    call s:findedit(a:cmd,rails#app().find_file(c,'config/locales',['.yml','.rb'],'config/locales/'.c))
-  endif
-function! s:metalEdit(cmd,...)
-  if a:0
-    call s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"metal",a:1,"app/metal/",".rb")
-  else
-    call s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"metal",'config/boot',"",".rb")
-  endif
-function! s:modelEdit(cmd,...)
-  call s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"model",a:0? a:1 : s:model(1),"app/models/",".rb")
-function! s:observerEdit(cmd,...)
-  call s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"observer",a:0? a:1 : s:model(1),"app/models/","_observer.rb")
-function! s:viewEdit(cmd,...)
-  if a:0 && a:1 =~ '^[^!#:]'
-    let view = matchstr(a:1,'[^!#:]*')
-  elseif rails#buffer().type_name('controller','mailer')
-    let view = s:lastmethod(line('.'))
-  else
-    let view = ''
-  endif
-  if view == ''
-    return s:error("No view name given")
-  elseif view == '.'
-    return s:edit(a:cmd,'app/views')
-  elseif view !~ '/' && s:controller(1) != ''
-    let view = s:controller(1) . '/' . view
-  endif
-  if view !~ '/'
-    return s:error("Cannot find view without controller")
-  endif
-  let file = "app/views/".view
-  let found = s:findview(view)
-  if found != ''
-    let dir = fnamemodify(rails#app().path(found),':h')
-    if !isdirectory(dir)
-      if a:0 && a:1 =~ '!'
-        call mkdir(dir,'p')
-      else
-        return s:error('No such directory')
-      endif
-    endif
-    call s:edit(a:cmd,found)
-  elseif file =~ '\.\w\+$'
-    call s:findedit(a:cmd,file)
-  else
-    let format = s:format(rails#buffer().type_name('mailer') ? 'text' : 'html')
-    if glob(rails#app().path(file.'.'.format).'.*[^~]') != ''
-      let file .= '.' . format
-    endif
-    call s:findedit(a:cmd,file)
-  endif
-function! s:findview(name)
-  let self = rails#buffer()
-  let name = a:name
-  let pre = 'app/views/'
-  if name !~# '/'
-    let controller = self.controller_name(1)
-    if controller != ''
-      let name = controller.'/'.name
-    endif
-  endif
-  if name =~# '\.\w\+\.\w\+$' || name =~# '\.'.s:viewspattern().'$'
-    return
-  else
-    for format in ['.'.s:format('html'), '']
-      for type in s:view_types
-        if'.'.type)
-          return'.'.type
-        endif
-      endfor
-    endfor
-  endif
-  return ''
-function! s:findlayout(name)
-  return s:findview("layouts/".(a:name == '' ? 'application' : a:name))
-function! s:layoutEdit(cmd,...)
-  if a:0
-    return s:viewEdit(a:cmd,"layouts/".a:1)
-  endif
-  let file = s:findlayout(s:controller(1))
-  if file == ""
-    let file = s:findlayout("application")
-  endif
-  if file == ""
-    let file = "app/views/layouts/application.html.erb"
-  endif
-  call s:edit(a:cmd,s:sub(file,'^/',''))
-function! s:controllerEdit(cmd,...)
-  let suffix = '.rb'
-  if a:0 == 0
-    let controller = s:controller(1)
-    if rails#buffer().type_name() =~# '^view\%(-layout\|-partial\)\@!'
-      let suffix .= '#'.expand('%:t:r')
-    endif
-  else
-    let controller = a:1
-  endif
-  if rails#app().has_file("app/controllers/".controller."_controller.rb") || !rails#app().has_file("app/controllers/".controller.".rb")
-    let suffix = "_controller".suffix
-  endif
-  return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"controller",controller,"app/controllers/",suffix)
-function! s:mailerEdit(cmd,...)
-  return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"mailer",a:0? a:1 : s:controller(1),"app/mailers/\napp/models/",".rb")
-function! s:helperEdit(cmd,...)
-  return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"helper",a:0? a:1 : s:controller(1),"app/helpers/","_helper.rb")
-function! s:stylesheetEdit(cmd,...)
-  let name = a:0 ? a:1 : s:controller(1)
-  if rails#app().has('sass') && rails#app().has_file('public/stylesheets/sass/'.name.'.sass')
-    return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"stylesheet",name,"public/stylesheets/sass/",".sass",1)
-  elseif rails#app().has('sass') && rails#app().has_file('public/stylesheets/sass/'.name.'.scss')
-    return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"stylesheet",name,"public/stylesheets/sass/",".scss",1)
-  elseif rails#app().has('lesscss') && rails#app().has_file('app/stylesheets/'.name.'.less')
-    return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"stylesheet",name,"app/stylesheets/",".less",1)
-  else
-    let types = rails#app().relglob('app/assets/stylesheets/'.name,'.*','')
-    if !empty(types)
-      return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,'stylesheet',name,'app/assets/stylesheets/',types[0],1)
-    else
-      return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,'stylesheet',name,'public/stylesheets/','.css',1)
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:javascriptEdit(cmd,...)
-  let name = a:0 ? a:1 : s:controller(1)
-  if rails#app().has('coffee') && rails#app().has_file('app/scripts/'.name.'.coffee')
-    return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,'javascript',name,'app/scripts/','.coffee',1)
-  elseif rails#app().has('coffee') && rails#app().has_file('app/scripts/'.name.'.js')
-    return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,'javascript',name,'app/scripts/','.js',1)
-  else
-    let types = rails#app().relglob('app/assets/javascripts/'.name,'.*','')
-    if !empty(types)
-      return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,'javascript',name,'app/assets/javascripts/',types[0],1)
-    else
-      return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,'javascript',name,'public/javascripts/','.js',1)
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:unittestEdit(cmd,...)
-  let f = rails#underscore(a:0 ? matchstr(a:1,'[^!#:]*') : s:model(1))
-  let jump = a:0 ? matchstr(a:1,'[!#:].*') : ''
-  if jump =~ '!'
-    let cmd = s:editcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  else
-    let cmd = s:findcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  endif
-  let mapping = {'test': ['test/unit/','_test.rb'], 'spec': ['spec/models/','_spec.rb']}
-  let tests = map(filter(rails#app().test_suites(),'has_key(mapping,v:val)'),'get(mapping,v:val)')
-  if empty(tests)
-    let tests = [mapping['test']]
-  endif
-  for [prefix, suffix] in tests
-    if !a:0 && rails#buffer().type_name('model-aro') && f != '' && f !~# '_observer$'
-      if rails#app().has_file(prefix.f.'_observer'.suffix)
-        return s:findedit(cmd,prefix.f.'_observer'.suffix.jump)
-      endif
-    endif
-  endfor
-  for [prefix, suffix] in tests
-    if rails#app().has_file(prefix.f.suffix)
-      return s:findedit(cmd,prefix.f.suffix.jump)
-    endif
-  endfor
-  return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"unittest",f.jump,tests[0][0],tests[0][1],1)
-function! s:functionaltestEdit(cmd,...)
-  let f = rails#underscore(a:0 ? matchstr(a:1,'[^!#:]*') : s:controller(1))
-  let jump = a:0 ? matchstr(a:1,'[!#:].*') : ''
-  if jump =~ '!'
-    let cmd = s:editcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  else
-    let cmd = s:findcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  endif
-  let mapping = {'test': [['test/functional/'],['_test.rb','_controller_test.rb']], 'spec': [['spec/controllers/','spec/mailers/'],['_spec.rb','_controller_spec.rb']]}
-  let tests = map(filter(rails#app().test_suites(),'has_key(mapping,v:val)'),'get(mapping,v:val)')
-  if empty(tests)
-    let tests = [mapping[tests]]
-  endif
-  for [prefixes, suffixes] in tests
-    for prefix in prefixes
-      for suffix in suffixes
-        if rails#app().has_file(prefix.f.suffix)
-          return s:findedit(cmd,prefix.f.suffix.jump)
-        endif
-      endfor
-    endfor
-  endfor
-  return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"functionaltest",f.jump,tests[0][0][0],tests[0][1][0],1)
-function! s:integrationtestEdit(cmd,...)
-  if !a:0
-    return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"integrationtest","test/test_helper\nfeatures/support/env\nspec/spec_helper","",".rb")
-  endif
-  let f = rails#underscore(matchstr(a:1,'[^!#:]*'))
-  let jump = matchstr(a:1,'[!#:].*')
-  if jump =~ '!'
-    let cmd = s:editcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  else
-    let cmd = s:findcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  endif
-  let tests = [['test/integration/','_test.rb'], [ 'spec/requests/','_spec.rb'], [ 'spec/integration/','_spec.rb'], [ 'features/','.feature']]
-  call filter(tests, 'isdirectory(rails#app().path(v:val[0]))')
-  if empty(tests)
-    let tests = [['test/integration/','_test.rb']]
-  endif
-  for [prefix, suffix] in tests
-    if rails#app().has_file(prefix.f.suffix)
-      return s:findedit(cmd,prefix.f.suffix.jump)
-    elseif rails#app().has_file(prefix.rails#underscore(f).suffix)
-      return s:findedit(cmd,prefix.rails#underscore(f).suffix.jump)
-    endif
-  endfor
-  return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"integrationtest",f.jump,tests[0][0],tests[0][1],1)
-function! s:specEdit(cmd,...)
-  if a:0
-    return s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"spec",a:1,"spec/","_spec.rb")
-  else
-    call s:EditSimpleRb(a:cmd,"spec","spec_helper","spec/",".rb")
-  endif
-function! s:pluginEdit(cmd,...)
-  let cmd = s:findcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  let plugin = ""
-  let extra = ""
-  if RailsFilePath() =~ '\','split')
-  let cmd = s:sub(cmd,'find>','edit')
-  return cmd
-function! s:try(cmd) abort
-  if !exists(":try")
-    " I've seen at least one weird setup without :try
-    exe a:cmd
-  else
-    try
-      exe a:cmd
-    catch
-      call s:error(s:sub(v:exception,'^.{-}:\zeE',''))
-      return 0
-    endtry
-  endif
-  return 1
-function! s:findedit(cmd,files,...) abort
-  let cmd = s:findcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  let files = type(a:files) == type([]) ? copy(a:files) : split(a:files,"\n")
-  if len(files) == 1
-    let file = files[0]
-  else
-    let file = get(filter(copy(files),'rails#app().has_file(s:sub(v:val,"#.*|:\\d*$",""))'),0,get(files,0,''))
-  endif
-  if file =~ '[#!]\|:\d*\%(:in\)\=$'
-    let djump = matchstr(file,'!.*\|#\zs.*\|:\zs\d*\ze\%(:in\)\=$')
-    let file = s:sub(file,'[#!].*|:\d*%(:in)=$','')
-  else
-    let djump = ''
-  endif
-  if file == ''
-    let testcmd = "edit"
-  elseif isdirectory(rails#app().path(file))
-    let arg = file == "." ? rails#app().path() : rails#app().path(file)
-    let testcmd = s:editcmdfor(cmd).' '.(a:0 ? a:1 . ' ' : '').s:escarg(arg)
-    exe testcmd
-    return
-  elseif rails#app().path() =~ '://' || cmd =~ 'edit' || cmd =~ 'split'
-    if file !~ '^/' && file !~ '^\w:' && file !~ '://'
-      let file = s:escarg(rails#app().path(file))
-    endif
-    let testcmd = s:editcmdfor(cmd).' '.(a:0 ? a:1 . ' ' : '').file
-  else
-    let testcmd = cmd.' '.(a:0 ? a:1 . ' ' : '').file
-  endif
-  if s:try(testcmd)
-    call s:djump(djump)
-  endif
-function! s:edit(cmd,file,...)
-  let cmd = s:editcmdfor(a:cmd)
-  let cmd .= ' '.(a:0 ? a:1 . ' ' : '')
-  let file = a:file
-  if file !~ '^/' && file !~ '^\w:' && file !~ '://'
-    exe cmd."`=fnamemodify(rails#app().path(file),':.')`"
-  else
-    exe cmd.file
-  endif
-function! s:Alternate(cmd,line1,line2,count,...)
-  if a:0
-    if a:count && a:cmd !~# 'D'
-      return call('s:Find',[1,a:line1.a:cmd]+a:000)
-    elseif a:count
-      return call('s:Edit',[1,a:line1.a:cmd]+a:000)
-    else
-      return call('s:Edit',[1,a:cmd]+a:000)
-    endif
-  else
-    let file = s:getopt(a:count ? 'related' : 'alternate', 'bl')
-    if file == ''
-      let file = rails#buffer().related(a:count)
-    endif
-    if file != ''
-      call s:findedit(a:cmd,file)
-    else
-      call s:warn("No alternate file is defined")
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:Related(cmd,line1,line2,count,...)
-  if a:count == 0 && a:0 == 0
-    return s:Alternate(a:cmd,a:line1,a:line1,a:line1)
-  else
-    return call('s:Alternate',[a:cmd,a:line1,a:line2,a:count]+a:000)
-  endif
-function! s:Complete_related(A,L,P)
-  if a:L =~# '^[[:alpha:]]'
-    return s:Complete_edit(a:A,a:L,a:P)
-  else
-    return s:Complete_find(a:A,a:L,a:P)
-  endif
-function! s:readable_related(...) dict abort
-  let f =
-  if a:0 && a:1
-    let lastmethod = self.last_method(a:1)
-    if self.type_name('controller','mailer') && lastmethod != ""
-      let root = s:sub(s:sub(s:sub(f,'/application%(_controller)=\.rb$','/shared_controller.rb'),'/%(controllers|models|mailers)/','/views/'),'%(_controller)=\.rb$','/'.lastmethod)
-      let format = self.last_format(a:1)
-      if format == ''
-        let format = self.type_name('mailer') ? 'text' : 'html'
-      endif
-      if glob('/'.root.'.'.format.'.*[^~]') != ''
-        return root . '.' . format
-      else
-        return root
-      endif
-    elseif f =~ '\ me')
-      let migration = "db/migrate/".get(candidates,0,migrations[0]).".rb"
-    endif
-    return migration . (exists('l:lastmethod') && lastmethod != '' ? '#'.lastmethod : '')
-  elseif f =~ '\??').'/layout.'.fnamemodify(f,':e')
-      else
-        let dest = f
-      endif
-      return s:sub(s:sub(dest,' 1
-    return s:error("Incorrect number of arguments")
-  endif
-  if a:1 =~ '[^a-z0-9_/.]'
-    return s:error("Invalid partial name")
-  endif
-  let rails_root = rails#app().path()
-  let ext = expand("%:e")
-  let file = s:sub(a:1,'%(/|^)\zs_\ze[^/]*$','')
-  let first = a:firstline
-  let last = a:lastline
-  let range = first.",".last
-  if rails#buffer().type_name('view-layout')
-    if RailsFilePath() =~ '\'
-      let curdir = 'app/views/shared'
-      if file !~ '/'
-        let file = "shared/" .file
-      endif
-    else
-      let curdir = s:sub(RailsFilePath(),'.*]+)'.erub2.'\s*$'
-      let collection = s:sub(getline(first-1),'^'.fspaces.erub1.'for\s+(\k+)\s+in\s+([^ >]+)'.erub2.'\s*$','\1>\2')
-    elseif getline(first-1) =~ '\v^'.fspaces.erub1.'([^ %>]+)\.each\s+do\s+\|\s*(\k+)\s*\|'.erub2.'\s*$'
-      let collection = s:sub(getline(first-1),'^'.fspaces.erub1.'([^ %>]+)\.each\s+do\s+\|\s*(\k+)\s*\|'.erub2.'\s*$','\2>\1')
-    endif
-    if collection != ''
-      let var = matchstr(collection,'^\k\+')
-      let collection = s:sub(collection,'^\k+\>','')
-      let first -= 1
-      let last += 1
-    endif
-  else
-    let fspaces = spaces
-  endif
-  let renderstr = "render :partial => '".fnamemodify(file,":r:r")."'"
-  if collection != ""
-    let renderstr .= ", :collection => ".collection
-  elseif "@".name != var
-    let renderstr .= ", :object => ".var
-  endif
-  if ext =~? '^\%(rhtml\|erb\|dryml\)$'
-    let renderstr = "<%= ".renderstr." %>"
-  elseif ext == "rxml" || ext == "builder"
-    let renderstr = "xml << ".s:sub(renderstr,"render ","render(").")"
-  elseif ext == "rjs"
-    let renderstr = "page << ".s:sub(renderstr,"render ","render(").")"
-  elseif ext == "haml"
-    let renderstr = "= ".renderstr
-  elseif ext == "mn"
-    let renderstr = "_".renderstr
-  endif
-  let buf = @@
-  silent exe range."yank"
-  let partial = @@
-  let @@ = buf
-  let old_ai = &ai
-  try
-    let &ai = 0
-    silent exe "norm! :".first.",".last."change\".fspaces.renderstr."\.\"
-  finally
-    let &ai = old_ai
-  endtry
-  if renderstr =~ '<%'
-    norm ^6w
-  else
-    norm ^5w
-  endif
-  let ft = &ft
-  let shortout = fnamemodify(out,':.')
-  silent split `=shortout`
-  silent %delete
-  let &ft = ft
-  let @@ = partial
-  silent put
-  0delete
-  let @@ = buf
-  if spaces != ""
-    silent! exe '%substitute/^'.spaces.'//'
-  endif
-  silent! exe '%substitute?\%(\w\|[@:"'."'".'-]\)\@?'.name.'?g'
-  1
-" }}}1
-" Migration Inversion {{{1
-function! s:mkeep(str)
-  " Things to keep (like comments) from a migration statement
-  return matchstr(a:str,' #[^{].*')
-function! s:mextargs(str,num)
-  if a:str =~ '^\s*\w\+\s*('
-    return s:sub(matchstr(a:str,'^\s*\w\+\s*\zs(\%([^,)]\+[,)]\)\{,'.a:num.'\}'),',$',')')
-  else
-    return s:sub(s:sub(matchstr(a:str,'\w\+\>\zs\s*\%([^,){ ]*[, ]*\)\{,'.a:num.'\}'),'[, ]*$',''),'^\s+',' ')
-  endif
-function! s:migspc(line)
-  return matchstr(a:line,'^\s*')
-function! s:invertrange(beg,end)
-  let str = ""
-  let lnum = a:beg
-  while lnum <= a:end
-    let line = getline(lnum)
-    let add = ""
-    if line == ''
-      let add = ' '
-    elseif line =~ '^\s*\(#[^{].*\)\=$'
-      let add = line
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:migspc(line)."drop_table".s:mextargs(line,1).s:mkeep(line)
-      let lnum = s:endof(lnum)
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:sub(line,'\s*\(=\s*([^,){ ]*).*','create_table \1 do |t|'."\n".matchstr(line,'^\s*').'end').s:mkeep(line)
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:migspc(line).'remove_column'.s:mextargs(line,2).s:mkeep(line)
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:sub(line,'','add_column')
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:migspc(line).'remove_index'.s:mextargs(line,1)
-      let mat = matchstr(line,':name\s*=>\s*\zs[^ ,)]*')
-      if mat != ''
-        let add = s:sub(add,'\)=$',', :name => '.mat.'&')
-      else
-        let mat = matchstr(line,'\[^,]*,\s*\zs\%(\[[^]]*\]\|[:"'."'".']\w*["'."'".']\=\)')
-        if mat != ''
-          let add = s:sub(add,'\)=$',', :column => '.mat.'&')
-        endif
-      endif
-      let add .= s:mkeep(line)
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:sub(s:sub(line,'\s*','')
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:sub(line,''
-      let add = s:migspc(line).'change_column'.s:mextargs(line,2).s:mkeep(line)
-    elseif line =~ '\'
-      let add = s:migspc(line).'change_column_default'.s:mextargs(line,2).s:mkeep(line)
-    elseif line =~ '\.update_all(\(["'."'".']\).*\1)$' || line =~ '\.update_all \(["'."'".']\).*\1$'
-      " .update_all('a = b') => .update_all('b = a')
-      let pre = matchstr(line,'^.*\.update_all[( ][}'."'".'"]')
-      let post = matchstr(line,'["'."'".'])\=$')
-      let mat = strpart(line,strlen(pre),strlen(line)-strlen(pre)-strlen(post))
-      let mat = s:gsub(','.mat.',','%(,\s*)@<=([^ ,=]{-})(\s*\=\s*)([^,=]{-})%(\s*,)@=','\3\2\1')
-      let add = pre.s:sub(s:sub(mat,'^,',''),',$','').post
-    elseif line =~ '^s\*\%(if\|unless\|while\|until\|for\)\>'
-      let lnum = s:endof(lnum)
-    endif
-    if lnum == 0
-      return -1
-    endif
-    if add == ""
-      let add = s:sub(line,'^\s*\zs.*','raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration')
-    elseif add == " "
-      let add = ""
-    endif
-    let str = add."\n".str
-    let lnum += 1
-  endwhile
-  let str = s:gsub(str,'(\s*raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration\n)+','\1')
-  return str
-function! s:Invert(bang)
-  let err = "Could not parse method"
-  let src = "up"
-  let dst = "down"
-  let beg = search('\%('.&l:define.'\).*'.src.'\>',"w")
-  let end = s:endof(beg)
-  if beg + 1 == end
-    let src = "down"
-    let dst = "up"
-    let beg = search('\%('.&l:define.'\).*'.src.'\>',"w")
-    let end = s:endof(beg)
-  endif
-  if !beg || !end
-    return s:error(err)
-  endif
-  let str = s:invertrange(beg+1,end-1)
-  if str == -1
-    return s:error(err)
-  endif
-  let beg = search('\%('.&l:define.'\).*'.dst.'\>',"w")
-  let end = s:endof(beg)
-  if !beg || !end
-    return s:error(err)
-  endif
-  if foldclosed(beg) > 0
-    exe beg."foldopen!"
-  endif
-  if beg + 1 < end
-    exe (beg+1).",".(end-1)."delete _"
-  endif
-  if str != ''
-    exe beg.'put =str'
-    exe 1+beg
-  endif
-" }}}1
-" Cache {{{1
-let s:cache_prototype = {'dict': {}}
-function! s:cache_clear(...) dict
-  if a:0 == 0
-    let self.dict = {}
-  elseif has_key(self,'dict') && has_key(self.dict,a:1)
-    unlet! self.dict[a:1]
-  endif
-function! rails#cache_clear(...)
-  if exists('b:rails_root')
-    return call(rails#app().cache.clear,a:000,rails#app().cache)
-  endif
-function! s:cache_get(...) dict
-  if a:0 == 1
-    return self.dict[a:1]
-  else
-    return self.dict
-  endif
-function! s:cache_has(key) dict
-  return has_key(self.dict,a:key)
-function! s:cache_needs(key) dict
-  return !has_key(self.dict,a:key)
-function! s:cache_set(key,value) dict
-  let self.dict[a:key] = a:value
-call s:add_methods('cache', ['clear','needs','has','get','set'])
-let s:app_prototype.cache = s:cache_prototype
-" }}}1
-" Syntax {{{1
-function! s:resetomnicomplete()
-  if exists("+completefunc") && &completefunc == 'syntaxcomplete#Complete'
-    if exists("g:loaded_syntax_completion")
-      " Ugly but necessary, until we have our own completion
-      unlet g:loaded_syntax_completion
-      silent! delfunction syntaxcomplete#Complete
-    endif
-  endif
-function! s:helpermethods()
-  return ""
-        \."action_name atom_feed audio_path audio_tag auto_discovery_link_tag "
-        \."button_tag button_to button_to_function "
-        \."cache capture cdata_section check_box check_box_tag collection_select concat content_for content_tag content_tag_for controller controller_name controller_path convert_to_model cookies csrf_meta_tag csrf_meta_tags current_cycle cycle "
-        \."date_select datetime_select debug distance_of_time_in_words distance_of_time_in_words_to_now div_for dom_class dom_id "
-        \."email_field email_field_tag escape_javascript escape_once excerpt "
-        \."favicon_link_tag field_set_tag fields_for file_field file_field_tag flash form_for form_tag "
-        \."grouped_collection_select grouped_options_for_select "
-        \."headers hidden_field hidden_field_tag highlight "
-        \."image_alt image_path image_submit_tag image_tag "
-        \."j javascript_cdata_section javascript_include_tag javascript_path javascript_tag "
-        \."l label label_tag link_to link_to_function link_to_if link_to_unless link_to_unless_current localize logger "
-        \."mail_to "
-        \."number_field number_field_tag number_to_currency number_to_human number_to_human_size number_to_percentage number_to_phone number_with_delimiter number_with_precision "
-        \."option_groups_from_collection_for_select options_for_select options_from_collection_for_select "
-        \."params password_field password_field_tag path_to_audio path_to_image path_to_javascript path_to_stylesheet path_to_video phone_field phone_field_tag pluralize provide "
-        \."radio_button radio_button_tag range_field range_field_tag raw render request request_forgery_protection_token reset_cycle response "
-        \."safe_concat safe_join sanitize sanitize_css search_field search_field_tag select select_date select_datetime select_day select_hour select_minute select_month select_second select_tag select_time select_year session simple_format strip_links strip_tags stylesheet_link_tag stylesheet_path submit_tag "
-        \."t tag telephone_field telephone_field_tag text_area text_area_tag text_field text_field_tag time_ago_in_words time_select time_tag time_zone_options_for_select time_zone_select translate truncate "
-        \."url_field url_field_tag url_for url_options "
-        \."video_path video_tag "
-        \."word_wrap"
-function! s:app_user_classes() dict
-  if self.cache.needs("user_classes")
-    let controllers = self.relglob("app/controllers/","**/*",".rb")
-    call map(controllers,'v:val == "application" ? v:val."_controller" : v:val')
-    let classes =
-          \ self.relglob("app/models/","**/*",".rb") +
-          \ controllers +
-          \ self.relglob("app/helpers/","**/*",".rb") +
-          \ self.relglob("lib/","**/*",".rb")
-    call map(classes,'rails#camelize(v:val)')
-    call self.cache.set("user_classes",classes)
-  endif
-  return self.cache.get('user_classes')
-function! s:app_user_assertions() dict
-  if self.cache.needs("user_assertions")
-    if self.has_file("test/test_helper.rb")
-      let assertions = map(filter(s:readfile(self.path("test/test_helper.rb")),'v:val =~ "^  def assert_"'),'matchstr(v:val,"^  def \\zsassert_\\w\\+")')
-    else
-      let assertions = []
-    endif
-    call self.cache.set("user_assertions",assertions)
-  endif
-  return self.cache.get('user_assertions')
-call s:add_methods('app', ['user_classes','user_assertions'])
-function! s:BufSyntax()
-  if (!exists("g:rails_syntax") || g:rails_syntax)
-    let buffer = rails#buffer()
-    let s:javascript_functions = "$ $$ $A $F $H $R $w jQuery"
-    let classes = s:gsub(join(rails#app().user_classes(),' '),'::',' ')
-    if &syntax == 'ruby'
-      if classes != ''
-        exe "syn keyword rubyRailsUserClass ".classes." containedin=rubyClassDeclaration,rubyModuleDeclaration,rubyClass,rubyModule"
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name() == ''
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMethod params request response session headers cookies flash
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('api')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsAPIMethod api_method inflect_names
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name() ==# 'model' || buffer.type_name('model-arb')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARMethod default_scope named_scope scope serialize
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARAssociationMethod belongs_to has_one has_many has_and_belongs_to_many composed_of accepts_nested_attributes_for
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARCallbackMethod before_create before_destroy before_save before_update before_validation before_validation_on_create before_validation_on_update
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARCallbackMethod after_create after_destroy after_save after_update after_validation after_validation_on_create after_validation_on_update
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARCallbackMethod around_create around_destroy around_save around_update
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARCallbackMethod after_commit after_find after_initialize after_rollback after_touch
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARClassMethod attr_accessible attr_protected attr_readonly establish_connection set_inheritance_column set_locking_column set_primary_key set_sequence_name set_table_name
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARValidationMethod validate validates validate_on_create validate_on_update validates_acceptance_of validates_associated validates_confirmation_of validates_each validates_exclusion_of validates_format_of validates_inclusion_of validates_length_of validates_numericality_of validates_presence_of validates_size_of validates_uniqueness_of
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMethod logger
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('model-aro')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsARMethod observe
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('mailer')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMethod logger url_for polymorphic_path polymorphic_url
-        syn keyword rubyRailsRenderMethod mail render
-        syn keyword rubyRailsControllerMethod attachments default helper helper_attr helper_method
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('helper','view')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsViewMethod polymorphic_path polymorphic_url
-        exe "syn keyword rubyRailsHelperMethod ".s:gsub(s:helpermethods(),'<%(content_for|select)\s+','')
-        syn match rubyRailsHelperMethod '\\%(\s*{\|\s*do\>\|\s*(\=\s*&\)\@!'
-        syn match rubyRailsHelperMethod '\<\%(content_for?\=\|current_page?\)'
-        syn match rubyRailsViewMethod '\.\@'
-        if buffer.type_name('view-partial')
-          syn keyword rubyRailsMethod local_assigns
-        endif
-      elseif buffer.type_name('controller')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMethod params request response session headers cookies flash
-        syn keyword rubyRailsRenderMethod render
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMethod logger polymorphic_path polymorphic_url
-        syn keyword rubyRailsControllerMethod helper helper_attr helper_method filter layout url_for serialize exempt_from_layout filter_parameter_logging hide_action cache_sweeper protect_from_forgery caches_page cache_page caches_action expire_page expire_action rescue_from
-        syn keyword rubyRailsRenderMethod head redirect_to render_to_string respond_with
-        syn match   rubyRailsRenderMethod '\?\@!'
-        syn keyword rubyRailsFilterMethod before_filter append_before_filter prepend_before_filter after_filter append_after_filter prepend_after_filter around_filter append_around_filter prepend_around_filter skip_before_filter skip_after_filter
-        syn keyword rubyRailsFilterMethod verify
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('db-migration','db-schema')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMigrationMethod create_table change_table drop_table rename_table add_column rename_column change_column change_column_default remove_column add_index remove_index rename_index execute
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('test')
-        if !empty(rails#app().user_assertions())
-          exe "syn keyword rubyRailsUserMethod ".join(rails#app().user_assertions())
-        endif
-        syn keyword rubyRailsTestMethod add_assertion assert assert_block assert_equal assert_in_delta assert_instance_of assert_kind_of assert_match assert_nil assert_no_match assert_not_equal assert_not_nil assert_not_same assert_nothing_raised assert_nothing_thrown assert_operator assert_raise assert_respond_to assert_same assert_send assert_throws assert_recognizes assert_generates assert_routing flunk fixtures fixture_path use_transactional_fixtures use_instantiated_fixtures assert_difference assert_no_difference assert_valid
-        syn keyword rubyRailsTestMethod test setup teardown
-        if !buffer.type_name('test-unit')
-          syn match   rubyRailsTestControllerMethod  '\.\@'
-          syn keyword rubyRailsTestControllerMethod get_via_redirect post_via_redirect put_via_redirect delete_via_redirect request_via_redirect
-          syn keyword rubyRailsTestControllerMethod assert_response assert_redirected_to assert_template assert_recognizes assert_generates assert_routing assert_dom_equal assert_dom_not_equal assert_select assert_select_rjs assert_select_encoded assert_select_email assert_tag assert_no_tag
-        endif
-      elseif buffer.type_name('spec')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsTestMethod describe context it its specify shared_examples_for it_should_behave_like before after around subject fixtures controller_name helper_name
-        syn match rubyRailsTestMethod '\!\='
-        syn keyword rubyRailsTestMethod violated pending expect double mock mock_model stub_model
-        syn match rubyRailsTestMethod '\.\@!\@!'
-        if !buffer.type_name('spec-model')
-          syn match   rubyRailsTestControllerMethod  '\.\@'
-          syn keyword rubyRailsTestControllerMethod  integrate_views
-          syn keyword rubyRailsMethod params request response session flash
-          syn keyword rubyRailsMethod polymorphic_path polymorphic_url
-        endif
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('task')
-        syn match rubyRailsRakeMethod '^\s*\zs\%(task\|file\|namespace\|desc\|before\|after\|on\)\>\%(\s*=\)\@!'
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('model-awss')
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMethod member
-      endif
-      if buffer.type_name('config-routes')
-        syn match rubyRailsMethod '\.\zs\%(connect\|named_route\)\>'
-        syn keyword rubyRailsMethod match get put post delete redirect root resource resources collection member nested scope namespace controller constraints
-      endif
-      syn keyword rubyRailsMethod debugger
-      syn keyword rubyRailsMethod alias_attribute alias_method_chain attr_accessor_with_default attr_internal attr_internal_accessor attr_internal_reader attr_internal_writer delegate mattr_accessor mattr_reader mattr_writer superclass_delegating_accessor superclass_delegating_reader superclass_delegating_writer
-      syn keyword rubyRailsMethod cattr_accessor cattr_reader cattr_writer class_inheritable_accessor class_inheritable_array class_inheritable_array_writer class_inheritable_hash class_inheritable_hash_writer class_inheritable_option class_inheritable_reader class_inheritable_writer inheritable_attributes read_inheritable_attribute reset_inheritable_attributes write_inheritable_array write_inheritable_attribute write_inheritable_hash
-      syn keyword rubyRailsInclude require_dependency
-      syn region  rubyString   matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start=+\%(:order\s*=>\s*\)\@<="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@rubyStringSpecial,railsOrderSpecial
-      syn region  rubyString   matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start=+\%(:order\s*=>\s*\)\@<='+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=@rubyStringSpecial,railsOrderSpecial
-      syn match   railsOrderSpecial +\c\<\%(DE\|A\)SC\>+ contained
-      syn region  rubyString   matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start=+\%(:conditions\s*=>\s*\[\s*\)\@<="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@rubyStringSpecial,railsConditionsSpecial
-      syn region  rubyString   matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start=+\%(:conditions\s*=>\s*\[\s*\)\@<='+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=@rubyStringSpecial,railsConditionsSpecial
-      syn match   railsConditionsSpecial +?\|:\h\w*+ contained
-      syn cluster rubyNotTop add=railsOrderSpecial,railsConditionsSpecial
-      " XHTML highlighting inside %Q<>
-      unlet! b:current_syntax
-      let removenorend = !exists("g:html_no_rendering")
-      let g:html_no_rendering = 1
-      syn include @htmlTop syntax/xhtml.vim
-      if removenorend
-          unlet! g:html_no_rendering
-      endif
-      let b:current_syntax = "ruby"
-      " Restore syn sync, as best we can
-      if !exists("g:ruby_minlines")
-        let g:ruby_minlines = 50
-      endif
-      syn sync fromstart
-      exe "syn sync minlines=" . g:ruby_minlines
-      syn case match
-      syn region  rubyString   matchgroup=rubyStringDelimiter start=+%Q\=<+ end=+>+ contains=@htmlTop,@rubyStringSpecial
-      syn cluster htmlArgCluster add=@rubyStringSpecial
-      syn cluster htmlPreProc    add=@rubyStringSpecial
-    elseif &syntax =~# '^eruby\>' || &syntax == 'haml'
-      syn case match
-      if classes != ''
-        exe 'syn keyword '.&syntax.'RailsUserClass '.classes.' contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      endif
-      if &syntax == 'haml'
-        exe 'syn cluster hamlRailsRegions contains=hamlRubyCodeIncluded,hamlRubyCode,hamlRubyHash,@hamlEmbeddedRuby,rubyInterpolation'
-      else
-        exe 'syn cluster erubyRailsRegions contains=erubyOneLiner,erubyBlock,erubyExpression,rubyInterpolation'
-      endif
-      exe 'syn keyword '.&syntax.'RailsHelperMethod '.s:gsub(s:helpermethods(),'<%(content_for|select)\s+','').' contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      exe 'syn match '.&syntax.'RailsHelperMethod "\\%(\s*{\|\s*do\>\|\s*(\=\s*&\)\@!" contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      exe 'syn match '.&syntax.'RailsHelperMethod "\<\%(content_for?\=\|current_page?\)" contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      exe 'syn keyword '.&syntax.'RailsMethod debugger polymorphic_path polymorphic_url contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      exe 'syn match '.&syntax.'RailsViewMethod "\.\@" contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      if buffer.type_name('view-partial')
-        exe 'syn keyword '.&syntax.'RailsMethod local_assigns contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      endif
-      exe 'syn keyword '.&syntax.'RailsRenderMethod render contained containedin=@'.&syntax.'RailsRegions'
-      exe 'syn case match'
-      set isk+=$
-      exe 'syn keyword javascriptRailsFunction contained '.s:javascript_functions
-      exe 'syn cluster htmlJavaScript add=javascriptRailsFunction'
-    elseif &syntax == "yaml"
-      syn case match
-      " Modeled after syntax/eruby.vim
-      unlet! b:current_syntax
-      let g:main_syntax = 'eruby'
-      syn include @rubyTop syntax/ruby.vim
-      unlet g:main_syntax
-      syn cluster yamlRailsRegions contains=yamlRailsOneLiner,yamlRailsBlock,yamlRailsExpression
-      syn region  yamlRailsOneLiner   matchgroup=yamlRailsDelimiter start="^%%\@!" end="$"  contains=@rubyRailsTop      containedin=ALLBUT,@yamlRailsRegions,yamlRailsComment keepend oneline
-      syn region  yamlRailsBlock      matchgroup=yamlRailsDelimiter start="<%%\@!" end="%>" contains=@rubyTop           containedin=ALLBUT,@yamlRailsRegions,yamlRailsComment
-      syn region  yamlRailsExpression matchgroup=yamlRailsDelimiter start="<%="    end="%>" contains=@rubyTop           containedin=ALLBUT,@yamlRailsRegions,yamlRailsComment
-      syn region  yamlRailsComment    matchgroup=yamlRailsDelimiter start="<%#"    end="%>" contains=rubyTodo,@Spell    containedin=ALLBUT,@yamlRailsRegions,yamlRailsComment keepend
-      syn match yamlRailsMethod '\.\@' contained containedin=@yamlRailsRegions
-      if classes != ''
-        exe "syn keyword yamlRailsUserClass ".classes." contained containedin=@yamlRailsRegions"
-      endif
-      let b:current_syntax = "yaml"
-    elseif &syntax == "html"
-      syn case match
-      set isk+=$
-      exe "syn keyword javascriptRailsFunction contained ".s:javascript_functions
-      syn cluster htmlJavaScript add=javascriptRailsFunction
-    elseif &syntax == "javascript" || &syntax == "coffee"
-      " The syntax file included with Vim incorrectly sets syn case ignore.
-      syn case match
-      set isk+=$
-      exe "syn keyword javascriptRailsFunction ".s:javascript_functions
-    endif
-  endif
-  call s:HiDefaults()
-function! s:HiDefaults()
-  hi def link rubyRailsAPIMethod              rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsARAssociationMethod    rubyRailsARMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsARCallbackMethod       rubyRailsARMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsARClassMethod          rubyRailsARMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsARValidationMethod     rubyRailsARMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsARMethod               rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsRenderMethod           rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsHelperMethod           rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsViewMethod             rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsMigrationMethod        rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsControllerMethod       rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsFilterMethod           rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsTestControllerMethod   rubyRailsTestMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsTestMethod             rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsRakeMethod             rubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsMethod                 railsMethod
-  hi def link rubyRailsInclude                rubyInclude
-  hi def link rubyRailsUserClass              railsUserClass
-  hi def link rubyRailsUserMethod             railsUserMethod
-  hi def link erubyRailsHelperMethod          erubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link erubyRailsViewMethod            erubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link erubyRailsRenderMethod          erubyRailsMethod
-  hi def link erubyRailsMethod                railsMethod
-  hi def link erubyRailsUserMethod            railsUserMethod
-  hi def link erubyRailsUserClass             railsUserClass
-  hi def link hamlRailsHelperMethod           hamlRailsMethod
-  hi def link hamlRailsViewMethod             hamlRailsMethod
-  hi def link hamlRailsRenderMethod           hamlRailsMethod
-  hi def link hamlRailsMethod                 railsMethod
-  hi def link hamlRailsUserMethod             railsUserMethod
-  hi def link hamlRailsUserClass              railsUserClass
-  hi def link railsUserMethod                 railsMethod
-  hi def link yamlRailsDelimiter              Delimiter
-  hi def link yamlRailsMethod                 railsMethod
-  hi def link yamlRailsComment                Comment
-  hi def link yamlRailsUserClass              railsUserClass
-  hi def link yamlRailsUserMethod             railsUserMethod
-  hi def link javascriptRailsFunction         railsMethod
-  hi def link railsUserClass                  railsClass
-  hi def link railsMethod                     Function
-  hi def link railsClass                      Type
-  hi def link railsOrderSpecial               railsStringSpecial
-  hi def link railsConditionsSpecial          railsStringSpecial
-  hi def link railsStringSpecial              Identifier
-function! rails#log_syntax()
-  if has('conceal')
-    syn match railslogEscape      '\e\[[0-9;]*m' conceal
-    syn match railslogEscapeMN    '\e\[[0-9;]*m' conceal nextgroup=railslogModelNum,railslogEscapeMN skipwhite contained
-    syn match railslogEscapeSQL   '\e\[[0-9;]*m' conceal nextgroup=railslogSQL,railslogEscapeSQL skipwhite contained
-  else
-    syn match railslogEscape      '\e\[[0-9;]*m'
-    syn match railslogEscapeMN    '\e\[[0-9;]*m' nextgroup=railslogModelNum,railslogEscapeMN skipwhite contained
-    syn match railslogEscapeSQL   '\e\[[0-9;]*m' nextgroup=railslogSQL,railslogEscapeSQL skipwhite contained
-  endif
-  syn match   railslogRender      '\%(^\s*\%(\e\[[0-9;]*m\)\=\)\@<=\%(Processing\|Rendering\|Rendered\|Redirected\|Completed\)\>'
-  syn match   railslogComment     '^\s*# .*'
-  syn match   railslogModel       '\%(^\s*\%(\e\[[0-9;]*m\)\=\)\@<=\u\%(\w\|:\)* \%(Load\%( Including Associations\| IDs For Limited Eager Loading\)\=\|Columns\|Count\|Create\|Update\|Destroy\|Delete all\)\>' skipwhite nextgroup=railslogModelNum,railslogEscapeMN
-  syn match   railslogModel       '\%(^\s*\%(\e\[[0-9;]*m\)\=\)\@<=SQL\>' skipwhite nextgroup=railslogModelNum,railslogEscapeMN
-  syn region  railslogModelNum    start='(' end=')' contains=railslogNumber contained skipwhite nextgroup=railslogSQL,railslogEscapeSQL
-  syn match   railslogSQL         '\u[^\e]*' contained
-  " Destroy generates multiline SQL, ugh
-  syn match   railslogSQL         '\%(^ \%(\e\[[0-9;]*m\)\=\)\@<=\%(FROM\|WHERE\|ON\|AND\|OR\|ORDER\) .*$'
-  syn match   railslogNumber      '\<\d\+\>%'
-  syn match   railslogNumber      '[ (]\@<=\<\d\+\.\d\+\>\.\@!'
-  syn region  railslogString      start='"' skip='\\"' end='"' oneline contained
-  syn region  railslogHash        start='{' end='}' oneline contains=railslogHash,railslogString
-  syn match   railslogIP          '\<\d\{1,3\}\%(\.\d\{1,3}\)\{3\}\>'
-  syn match   railslogTimestamp   '\<\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\>'
-  syn match   railslogSessionID   '\<\x\{32\}\>'
-  syn match   railslogIdentifier  '^\s*\%(Session ID\|Parameters\)\ze:'
-  syn match   railslogSuccess     '\<2\d\d \u[A-Za-z0-9 ]*\>'
-  syn match   railslogRedirect    '\<3\d\d \u[A-Za-z0-9 ]*\>'
-  syn match   railslogError       '\<[45]\d\d \u[A-Za-z0-9 ]*\>'
-  syn match   railslogError       '^DEPRECATION WARNING\>'
-  syn region  railslogStackTrace  start=":\d\+:in `\w\+'$" end="^\s*$" keepend fold
-  hi def link railslogEscapeMN    railslogEscape
-  hi def link railslogEscapeSQL   railslogEscape
-  hi def link railslogEscape      Ignore
-  hi def link railslogComment     Comment
-  hi def link railslogRender      Keyword
-  hi def link railslogModel       Type
-  hi def link railslogSQL         PreProc
-  hi def link railslogNumber      Number
-  hi def link railslogString      String
-  hi def link railslogSessionID   Constant
-  hi def link railslogIdentifier  Identifier
-  hi def link railslogRedirect    railslogSuccess
-  hi def link railslogSuccess     Special
-  hi def link railslogError       Error
-  hi def link railslogHTTP        Special
-" }}}1
-" Mappings {{{1
-function! s:BufMappings()
-  nnoremap   RailsFind       :call Find(v:count1,'E')
-  nnoremap   RailsSplitFind  :call Find(v:count1,'S')
-  nnoremap   RailsVSplitFind :call Find(v:count1,'V')
-  nnoremap   RailsTabFind    :call Find(v:count1,'T')
-  if g:rails_mappings
-    if !hasmapto("RailsFind")
-      nmap  gf              RailsFind
-    endif
-    if !hasmapto("RailsSplitFind")
-      nmap  f          RailsSplitFind
-    endif
-    if !hasmapto("RailsTabFind")
-      nmap  gf         RailsTabFind
-    endif
-    if exists("$CREAM")
-      imap   RailsFind
-      imap    RailsAlternate
-      imap    RailsRelated
-    endif
-  endif
-  " SelectBuf you're a dirty hack
-  let v:errmsg = ""
-" }}}1
-" Database {{{1
-function! s:extractdbvar(str,arg)
-  return matchstr("\n".a:str."\n",'\n'.a:arg.'=\zs.\{-\}\ze\n')
-function! s:app_dbext_settings(environment) dict
-  if self.cache.needs('dbext_settings')
-    call self.cache.set('dbext_settings',{})
-  endif
-  let cache = self.cache.get('dbext_settings')
-  if !has_key(cache,a:environment)
-    let dict = {}
-    if self.has_file("config/database.yml")
-      let cmdb = 'require %{yaml};{'.self.path().'/config/database.yml}) {|f| y = YAML::load(f); e = y[%{'
-      let cmde = '}]; i=0; e=y[e] while e.respond_to?(:to_str) && (i+=1)<16; e.each{|k,v|puts k.to_s+%{=}+v.to_s}}'
-      let out = self.lightweight_ruby_eval(cmdb.a:environment.cmde)
-      let adapter = s:extractdbvar(out,'adapter')
-      let adapter = get({'mysql2': 'mysql', 'postgresql': 'pgsql', 'sqlite3': 'sqlite', 'sqlserver': 'sqlsrv', 'sybase': 'asa', 'oracle': 'ora'},adapter,adapter)
-      let dict['type'] = toupper(adapter)
-      let dict['user'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'username')
-      let dict['passwd'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'password')
-      if dict['passwd'] == '' && adapter == 'mysql'
-        " Hack to override password from .my.cnf
-        let dict['extra'] = ' --password='
-      else
-        let dict['extra'] = ''
-      endif
-      let dict['dbname'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'database')
-      if dict['dbname'] == ''
-        let dict['dbname'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'dbfile')
-      endif
-      if dict['dbname'] != '' && dict['dbname'] !~ '^:' && adapter =~? '^sqlite'
-        let dict['dbname'] = self.path(dict['dbname'])
-      endif
-      let dict['profile'] = ''
-      if adapter == 'ora'
-        let dict['srvname'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'database')
-      else
-        let dict['srvname'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'host')
-      endif
-      let dict['host'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'host')
-      let dict['port'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'port')
-      let dict['dsnname'] = s:extractdbvar(out,'dsn')
-      if dict['host'] =~? '^\cDBI:'
-        if dict['host'] =~? '\c\'
-          let dict['integratedlogin'] = 1
-        endif
-        let dict['host'] = matchstr(dict['host'],'\c\<\%(Server\|Data Source\)\s*=\s*\zs[^;]*')
-      endif
-      call filter(dict,'v:val != ""')
-    endif
-    let cache[a:environment] = dict
-  endif
-  return cache[a:environment]
-function! s:BufDatabase(...)
-  if exists("s:lock_database") || !exists('g:loaded_dbext') || !exists('b:rails_root')
-    return
-  endif
-  let self = rails#app()
-  let s:lock_database = 1
-  if (a:0 && a:1 > 1)
-    call self.cache.clear('dbext_settings')
-  endif
-  if (a:0 > 1 && a:2 != '')
-    let env = a:2
-  else
-    let env = s:environment()
-  endif
-  if (!self.cache.has('dbext_settings') || !has_key(self.cache.get('dbext_settings'),env)) && (a:0 ? a:1 : 0) <= 0
-    unlet! s:lock_database
-    return
-  endif
-  let dict = self.dbext_settings(env)
-  for key in ['type', 'profile', 'bin', 'user', 'passwd', 'dbname', 'srvname', 'host', 'port', 'dsnname', 'extra', 'integratedlogin']
-    let b:dbext_{key} = get(dict,key,'')
-  endfor
-  if b:dbext_type == 'PGSQL'
-    let $PGPASSWORD = b:dbext_passwd
-  elseif exists('$PGPASSWORD')
-    let $PGPASSWORD = ''
-  endif
-  unlet! s:lock_database
-call s:add_methods('app', ['dbext_settings'])
-" }}}1
-" Abbreviations {{{1
-function! s:selectiveexpand(pat,good,default,...)
-  if a:0 > 0
-    let nd = a:1
-  else
-    let nd = ""
-  endif
-  let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
-  let good = a:good
-  if c == "" " ^]
-    return s:sub(good.(a:0 ? " ".a:1 : ''),'\s+$','')
-  elseif c == "\t"
-    return good.(a:0 ? " ".a:1 : '')
-  elseif c =~ a:pat
-    return good.c.(a:0 ? a:1 : '')
-  else
-    return a:default.c
-  endif
-function! s:TheCWord()
-  let l = s:linepeak()
-  if l =~ '\<\%(find\|first\|last\|all\|paginate\)\>'
-    return s:selectiveexpand('..',':conditions => ',':c')
-  elseif l =~ '\\s*'
-    return s:selectiveexpand('..',':collection => ',':c')
-  elseif l =~ '\<\%(url_for\|link_to\|form_tag\)\>' || l =~ ':url\s*=>\s*{\s*'
-    return s:selectiveexpand('..',':controller => ',':c')
-  else
-    return s:selectiveexpand('..',':conditions => ',':c')
-  endif
-function! s:AddSelectiveExpand(abbr,pat,expn,...)
-  let expn  = s:gsub(s:gsub(a:expn        ,'[\"|]','\\&'),'\<','\\')
-  let expn2 = s:gsub(s:gsub(a:0 ? a:1 : '','[\"|]','\\&'),'\<','\\')
-  if a:0
-    exe "inoreabbrev   ".a:abbr." =selectiveexpand(".string(a:pat).",\"".expn."\",".string(a:abbr).",\"".expn2."\")"
-  else
-    exe "inoreabbrev   ".a:abbr." =selectiveexpand(".string(a:pat).",\"".expn."\",".string(a:abbr).")"
-  endif
-function! s:AddTabExpand(abbr,expn)
-  call s:AddSelectiveExpand(a:abbr,'..',a:expn)
-function! s:AddBracketExpand(abbr,expn)
-  call s:AddSelectiveExpand(a:abbr,'[[.]',a:expn)
-function! s:AddColonExpand(abbr,expn)
-  call s:AddSelectiveExpand(a:abbr,'[:.]',a:expn)
-function! s:AddParenExpand(abbr,expn,...)
-  if a:0
-    call s:AddSelectiveExpand(a:abbr,'(',a:expn,a:1)
-  else
-    call s:AddSelectiveExpand(a:abbr,'(',a:expn,'')
-  endif
-function! s:BufAbbreviations()
-  command! -buffer -bar -nargs=* -bang Rabbrev :call s:Abbrev(0,)
-  " Some of these were cherry picked from the TextMate snippets
-  if g:rails_abbreviations
-    let buffer = rails#buffer()
-    " Limit to the right filetypes.  But error on the liberal side
-    if buffer.type_name('controller','view','helper','test-functional','test-integration')
-      Rabbrev pa[ params
-      Rabbrev rq[ request
-      Rabbrev rs[ response
-      Rabbrev se[ session
-      Rabbrev hd[ headers
-      Rabbrev coo[ cookies
-      Rabbrev fl[ flash
-      Rabbrev rr( render
-      Rabbrev ra( render :action\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rc( render :controller\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rf( render :file\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev ri( render :inline\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rj( render :json\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rl( render :layout\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rp( render :partial\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rt( render :text\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rx( render :xml\ =>\ 
-    endif
-    if buffer.type_name('view','helper')
-      Rabbrev dotiw distance_of_time_in_words
-      Rabbrev taiw  time_ago_in_words
-    endif
-    if buffer.type_name('controller')
-      Rabbrev re(  redirect_to
-      Rabbrev rea( redirect_to :action\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rec( redirect_to :controller\ =>\ 
-      Rabbrev rst( respond_to
-    endif
-    if buffer.type_name() ==# 'model' || buffer.type_name('model-arb')
-      Rabbrev bt(    belongs_to
-      Rabbrev ho(    has_one
-      Rabbrev hm(    has_many
-      Rabbrev habtm( has_and_belongs_to_many
-      Rabbrev co(    composed_of
-      Rabbrev va(    validates_associated
-      Rabbrev vb(    validates_acceptance_of
-      Rabbrev vc(    validates_confirmation_of
-      Rabbrev ve(    validates_exclusion_of
-      Rabbrev vf(    validates_format_of
-      Rabbrev vi(    validates_inclusion_of
-      Rabbrev vl(    validates_length_of
-      Rabbrev vn(    validates_numericality_of
-      Rabbrev vp(    validates_presence_of
-      Rabbrev vu(    validates_uniqueness_of
-    endif
-    if buffer.type_name('db-migration','db-schema')
-      Rabbrev mac(  add_column
-      Rabbrev mrnc( rename_column
-      Rabbrev mrc(  remove_column
-      Rabbrev mct(  create_table
-      Rabbrev mcht( change_table
-      Rabbrev mrnt( rename_table
-      Rabbrev mdt(  drop_table
-      Rabbrev mcc(  t.column
-    endif
-    if buffer.type_name('test')
-      Rabbrev ase(  assert_equal
-      Rabbrev asko( assert_kind_of
-      Rabbrev asnn( assert_not_nil
-      Rabbrev asr(  assert_raise
-      Rabbrev asre( assert_response
-      Rabbrev art(  assert_redirected_to
-    endif
-    Rabbrev :a    :action\ =>\ 
-    " hax
-    Rabbrev :c    :co________\ =>\ 
-    inoreabbrev   :c =TheCWord()
-    Rabbrev :i    :id\ =>\ 
-    Rabbrev :o    :object\ =>\ 
-    Rabbrev :p    :partial\ =>\ 
-    Rabbrev logd( logger.debug
-    Rabbrev logi(
-    Rabbrev logw( logger.warn
-    Rabbrev loge( logger.error
-    Rabbrev logf( logger.fatal
-    Rabbrev fi(   find
-    Rabbrev AR::  ActiveRecord
-    Rabbrev AV::  ActionView
-    Rabbrev AC::  ActionController
-    Rabbrev AD::  ActionDispatch
-    Rabbrev AS::  ActiveSupport
-    Rabbrev AM::  ActionMailer
-    Rabbrev AO::  ActiveModel
-    Rabbrev AE::  ActiveResource
-  endif
-function! s:Abbrev(bang,...) abort
-  if !exists("b:rails_abbreviations")
-    let b:rails_abbreviations = {}
-  endif
-  if a:0 > 3 || (a:bang && (a:0 != 1))
-    return s:error("Rabbrev: invalid arguments")
-  endif
-  if a:0 == 0
-    for key in sort(keys(b:rails_abbreviations))
-      echo key . join(b:rails_abbreviations[key],"\t")
-    endfor
-    return
-  endif
-  let lhs = a:1
-  let root = s:sub(lhs,'%(::|\(|\[)$','')
-  if a:bang
-    if has_key(b:rails_abbreviations,root)
-      call remove(b:rails_abbreviations,root)
-    endif
-    exe "iunabbrev  ".root
-    return
-  endif
-  if a:0 > 3 || a:0 < 2
-    return s:error("Rabbrev: invalid arguments")
-  endif
-  let rhs = a:2
-  if has_key(b:rails_abbreviations,root)
-    call remove(b:rails_abbreviations,root)
-  endif
-  if lhs =~ '($'
-    let b:rails_abbreviations[root] = ["(", rhs . (a:0 > 2 ? "\t".a:3 : "")]
-    if a:0 > 2
-      call s:AddParenExpand(root,rhs,a:3)
-    else
-      call s:AddParenExpand(root,rhs)
-    endif
-    return
-  endif
-  if a:0 > 2
-    return s:error("Rabbrev: invalid arguments")
-  endif
-  if lhs =~ ':$'
-    call s:AddColonExpand(root,rhs)
-  elseif lhs =~ '\[$'
-    call s:AddBracketExpand(root,rhs)
-  elseif lhs =~ '\w$'
-    call s:AddTabExpand(lhs,rhs)
-  else
-    return s:error("Rabbrev: unimplemented")
-  endif
-  let b:rails_abbreviations[root] = [matchstr(lhs,'\W*$'),rhs]
-" }}}1
-" Settings {{{1
-function! s:Set(bang,...)
-  let c = 1
-  let defscope = ''
-  for arg in a:000
-    if arg =~? '^<[abgl]\=>$'
-      let defscope = (matchstr(arg,'<\zs.*\ze>'))
-    elseif arg !~ '='
-      if defscope != '' && arg !~ '^\w:'
-        let arg = defscope.':'.opt
-      endif
-      let val = s:getopt(arg)
-      if val == '' && !has_key(s:opts(),arg)
-        call s:error("No such rails.vim option: ".arg)
-      else
-        echo arg."=".val
-      endif
-    else
-      let opt = matchstr(arg,'[^=]*')
-      let val = s:sub(arg,'^[^=]*\=','')
-      if defscope != '' && opt !~ '^\w:'
-        let opt = defscope.':'.opt
-      endif
-      call s:setopt(opt,val)
-    endif
-  endfor
-function! s:getopt(opt,...)
-  let app = rails#app()
-  let opt = a:opt
-  if a:0
-    let scope = a:1
-  elseif opt =~ '^[abgl]:'
-    let scope = tolower(matchstr(opt,'^\w'))
-    let opt = s:sub(opt,'^\w:','')
-  else
-    let scope = 'abgl'
-  endif
-  let lnum = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : line('.')
-  if scope =~ 'l' && &filetype != 'ruby'
-    let scope = s:sub(scope,'l','b')
-  endif
-  if scope =~ 'l'
-    call s:LocalModelines(lnum)
-  endif
-  let var = s:sname().'_'.opt
-  let lastmethod = s:lastmethod(lnum)
-  if lastmethod == '' | let lastmethod = ' ' | endif
-  " Get buffer option
-  if scope =~ 'l' && exists('b:_'.var) && has_key(b:_{var},lastmethod)
-    return b:_{var}[lastmethod]
-  elseif exists('b:'.var) && (scope =~ 'b' || (scope =~ 'l' && lastmethod == ' '))
-    return b:{var}
-  elseif scope =~ 'a' && has_key(app,'options') && has_key(app.options,opt)
-    return app.options[opt]
-  elseif scope =~ 'g' && exists("g:".s:sname()."_".opt)
-    return g:{var}
-  else
-    return ""
-  endif
-function! s:setopt(opt,val)
-  let app = rails#app()
-  if a:opt =~? '[abgl]:'
-    let scope = matchstr(a:opt,'^\w')
-    let opt = s:sub(a:opt,'^\w:','')
-  else
-    let scope = ''
-    let opt = a:opt
-  endif
-  let defscope = get(s:opts(),opt,'a')
-  if scope == ''
-    let scope = defscope
-  endif
-  if &filetype != 'ruby' && (scope ==# 'B' || scope ==# 'l')
-    let scope = 'b'
-  endif
-  let var = s:sname().'_'.opt
-  if opt =~ '\W'
-    return s:error("Invalid option ".a:opt)
-  elseif scope ==# 'B' && defscope == 'l'
-    if !exists('b:_'.var) | let b:_{var} = {} | endif
-    let b:_{var}[' '] = a:val
-  elseif scope =~? 'b'
-    let b:{var} = a:val
-  elseif scope =~? 'a'
-    if !has_key(app,'options') | let app.options = {} | endif
-    let app.options[opt] = a:val
-  elseif scope =~? 'g'
-    let g:{var} = a:val
-  elseif scope =~? 'l'
-    if !exists('b:_'.var) | let b:_{var} = {} | endif
-    let lastmethod = s:lastmethod(lnum)
-    let b:_{var}[lastmethod == '' ? ' ' : lastmethod] = a:val
-  else
-    return s:error("Invalid scope for ".a:opt)
-  endif
-function! s:opts()
-  return {'alternate': 'b', 'controller': 'b', 'gnu_screen': 'a', 'model': 'b', 'preview': 'l', 'task': 'b', 'related': 'l', 'root_url': 'a'}
-function! s:Complete_set(A,L,P)
-  if a:A =~ '='
-    let opt = matchstr(a:A,'[^=]*')
-    return [opt."=".s:getopt(opt)]
-  else
-    let extra = matchstr(a:A,'^[abgl]:')
-    return filter(sort(map(keys(s:opts()),'extra.v:val')),'s:startswith(v:val,a:A)')
-  endif
-  return []
-function! s:BufModelines()
-  if !g:rails_modelines
-    return
-  endif
-  let lines = getline("$")."\n".getline(line("$")-1)."\n".getline(1)."\n".getline(2)."\n".getline(3)."\n"
-  let pat = '\s\+\zs.\{-\}\ze\%(\n\|\s\s\|#{\@!\|%>\|-->\|$\)'
-  let cnt = 1
-  let mat    = matchstr(lines,'\C\ ".mat
-    endif
-    let mat    = matchstr(lines,'\C\ ".mat
-    endif
-    let mat    = matchstr(lines,'\C\ 0
-    if !exists("g:RAILS_HISTORY")
-      let g:RAILS_HISTORY = ""
-    endif
-    let path = a:path
-    let g:RAILS_HISTORY = s:scrub(g:RAILS_HISTORY,path)
-    if has("win32")
-      let g:RAILS_HISTORY = s:scrub(g:RAILS_HISTORY,s:gsub(path,'\\','/'))
-    endif
-    let path = fnamemodify(path,':p:~:h')
-    let g:RAILS_HISTORY = s:scrub(g:RAILS_HISTORY,path)
-    if has("win32")
-      let g:RAILS_HISTORY = s:scrub(g:RAILS_HISTORY,s:gsub(path,'\\','/'))
-    endif
-    let g:RAILS_HISTORY = path."\n".g:RAILS_HISTORY
-    let g:RAILS_HISTORY = s:sub(g:RAILS_HISTORY,'%(.{-}\n){,'.g:rails_history_size.'}\zs.*','')
-  endif
-  call app.source_callback("config/syntax.vim")
-  if expand('%:t') =~ '\.yml\.example$'
-    setlocal filetype=yaml
-  elseif expand('%:e') =~ '^\%(rjs\|rxml\|builder\)$'
-    setlocal filetype=ruby
-  elseif firsttime
-    " Activate custom syntax
-    let &syntax = &syntax
-  endif
-  if expand('%:e') == 'log'
-    nnoremap   R :checktime
-    nnoremap   G :checktime$
-    nnoremap   q :bwipe
-    setlocal modifiable filetype=railslog noswapfile autoread foldmethod=syntax
-    if exists('+concealcursor')
-      setlocal concealcursor=nc conceallevel=2
-    else
-      silent %s/\%(\e\[[0-9;]*m\|\r$\)//ge
-    endif
-    setlocal readonly nomodifiable
-    $
-  endif
-  call s:BufSettings()
-  call s:BufCommands()
-  call s:BufAbbreviations()
-  " snippetsEmu.vim
-  if exists('g:loaded_snippet')
-    silent! runtime! ftplugin/rails_snippets.vim
-    " filetype snippets need to come last for higher priority
-    exe "silent! runtime! ftplugin/".&filetype."_snippets.vim"
-  endif
-  let t = rails#buffer().type_name()
-  let t = "-".t
-  let f = '/'.RailsFilePath()
-  if f =~ '[ !#$%\,]'
-    let f = ''
-  endif
-  runtime! macros/rails.vim
-  silent doautocmd User Rails
-  if t != '-'
-    exe "silent doautocmd User Rails".s:gsub(t,'-','.')
-  endif
-  if f != ''
-    exe "silent doautocmd User Rails".f
-  endif
-  call app.source_callback("config/rails.vim")
-  call s:BufModelines()
-  call s:BufMappings()
-  return b:rails_root
-function! s:SetBasePath()
-  let self = rails#buffer()
-  if =~ '://'
-    return
-  endif
-  let transformed_path = s:pathsplit(s:pathjoin([]))[0]
-  let add_dot = self.getvar('&path') =~# '^\.\%(,\|$\)'
-  let old_path = s:pathsplit(s:sub(self.getvar('&path'),'^\.%(,|$)',''))
-  call filter(old_path,'!s:startswith(v:val,transformed_path)')
-  let path = ['app', 'app/models', 'app/controllers', 'app/helpers', 'config', 'lib', 'app/views']
-  if self.controller_name() != ''
-    let path += ['app/views/'.self.controller_name(), 'public']
-  endif
-  if'test')
-    let path += ['test', 'test/unit', 'test/functional', 'test/integration']
-  endif
-  if'spec')
-    let path += ['spec', 'spec/models', 'spec/controllers', 'spec/helpers', 'spec/views', 'spec/lib', 'spec/requests', 'spec/integration']
-  endif
-  let path += ['app/*', 'vendor', 'vendor/plugins/*/lib', 'vendor/plugins/*/test', 'vendor/rails/*/lib', 'vendor/rails/*/test']
-  call map(path,'')
-  call self.setvar('&path',(add_dot ? '.,' : '').s:pathjoin([],path,old_path))
-function! s:BufSettings()
-  if !exists('b:rails_root')
-    return ''
-  endif
-  let self = rails#buffer()
-  call s:SetBasePath()
-  let rp = s:gsub(,'[ ,]','\\&')
-  if stridx(&tags,rp.'/tmp/tags') == -1
-    let &l:tags = rp . '/tmp/tags,' . &tags . ',' . rp . '/tags'
-  endif
-  if has("gui_win32") || has("gui_running")
-    let code      = '*.rb;*.rake;Rakefile'
-    let templates = '*.'.join(s:view_types,';*.')
-    let fixtures  = '*.yml;*.csv'
-    let statics   = '*.html;*.css;*.js;*.xml;*.xsd;*.sql;.htaccess;README;README_FOR_APP'
-    let b:browsefilter = ""
-          \."All Rails Files\t".code.';'.templates.';'.fixtures.';'.statics."\n"
-          \."Source Code (*.rb, *.rake)\t".code."\n"
-          \."Templates (*.rhtml, *.rxml, *.rjs)\t".templates."\n"
-          \."Fixtures (*.yml, *.csv)\t".fixtures."\n"
-          \."Static Files (*.html, *.css, *.js)\t".statics."\n"
-          \."All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
-  endif
-  call self.setvar('&includeexpr','RailsIncludeexpr()')
-  call self.setvar('&suffixesadd', ".rb,.".join(s:view_types,',.'))
-  let ft = self.getvar('&filetype')
-  if ft =~ '^\%(e\=ruby\|[yh]aml\|coffee\|css\|s[ac]ss\|lesscss\)$'
-    call self.setvar('&shiftwidth',2)
-    call self.setvar('&softtabstop',2)
-    call self.setvar('&expandtab',1)
-    if exists('+completefunc') && self.getvar('&completefunc') == ''
-      call self.setvar('&completefunc','syntaxcomplete#Complete')
-    endif
-  endif
-  if ft == 'ruby'
-    call self.setvar('&define',self.define_pattern())
-    " This really belongs in after/ftplugin/ruby.vim but we'll be nice
-    if exists('g:loaded_surround') && self.getvar('surround_101') == ''
-      call self.setvar('surround_5',   "\r\nend")
-      call self.setvar('surround_69',  "\1expr: \1\rend")
-      call self.setvar('surround_101', "\r\nend")
-    endif
-  elseif ft == 'yaml' || fnamemodify(,':e') == 'yml'
-    call self.setvar('&define',self.define_pattern())
-  elseif ft =~# '^eruby\>'
-    if exists("g:loaded_allml")
-      call self.setvar('allml_stylesheet_link_tag', "<%= stylesheet_link_tag '\r' %>")
-      call self.setvar('allml_javascript_include_tag', "<%= javascript_include_tag '\r' %>")
-      call self.setvar('allml_doctype_index', 10)
-    endif
-    if exists("g:loaded_ragtag")
-      call self.setvar('ragtag_stylesheet_link_tag', "<%= stylesheet_link_tag '\r' %>")
-      call self.setvar('ragtag_javascript_include_tag', "<%= javascript_include_tag '\r' %>")
-      call self.setvar('ragtag_doctype_index', 10)
-    endif
-  elseif ft == 'haml'
-    if exists("g:loaded_allml")
-      call self.setvar('allml_stylesheet_link_tag', "= stylesheet_link_tag '\r'")
-      call self.setvar('allml_javascript_include_tag', "= javascript_include_tag '\r'")
-      call self.setvar('allml_doctype_index', 10)
-    endif
-    if exists("g:loaded_ragtag")
-      call self.setvar('ragtag_stylesheet_link_tag', "= stylesheet_link_tag '\r'")
-      call self.setvar('ragtag_javascript_include_tag', "= javascript_include_tag '\r'")
-      call self.setvar('ragtag_doctype_index', 10)
-    endif
-  endif
-  if ft =~# '^eruby\>' || ft ==# 'yaml'
-    " surround.vim
-    if exists("g:loaded_surround")
-      " The idea behind the || part here is that one can normally define the
-      " surrounding to omit the hyphen (since standard ERuby does not use it)
-      " but have it added in Rails ERuby files.  Unfortunately, this makes it
-      " difficult if you really don't want a hyphen in Rails ERuby files.  If
-      " this is your desire, you will need to accomplish it via a rails.vim
-      " autocommand.
-      if self.getvar('surround_45') == '' || self.getvar('surround_45') == "<% \r %>" " -
-        call self.setvar('surround_45', "<% \r -%>")
-      endif
-      if self.getvar('surround_61') == '' " =
-        call self.setvar('surround_61', "<%= \r %>")
-      endif
-      if self.getvar("surround_35") == '' " #
-        call self.setvar('surround_35', "<%# \r %>")
-      endif
-      if self.getvar('surround_101') == '' || self.getvar('surround_101')== "<% \r %>\n<% end %>" "e
-        call self.setvar('surround_5',   "<% \r -%>\n<% end -%>")
-        call self.setvar('surround_69',  "<% \1expr: \1 -%>\r<% end -%>")
-        call self.setvar('surround_101', "<% \r -%>\n<% end -%>")
-      endif
-    endif
-  endif
-" }}}1
-" Autocommands {{{1
-augroup railsPluginAuto
-  autocmd!
-  autocmd User BufEnterRails call s:RefreshBuffer()
-  autocmd User BufEnterRails call s:resetomnicomplete()
-  autocmd User BufEnterRails call s:BufDatabase(-1)
-  autocmd User dbextPreConnection call s:BufDatabase(1)
-  autocmd BufWritePost */config/database.yml      call rails#cache_clear("dbext_settings")
-  autocmd BufWritePost */test/test_helper.rb      call rails#cache_clear("user_assertions")
-  autocmd BufWritePost */config/routes.rb         call rails#cache_clear("named_routes")
-  autocmd BufWritePost */config/environment.rb    call rails#cache_clear("default_locale")
-  autocmd BufWritePost */config/environments/*.rb call rails#cache_clear("environments")
-  autocmd BufWritePost */tasks/**.rake            call rails#cache_clear("rake_tasks")
-  autocmd BufWritePost */generators/**            call rails#cache_clear("generators")
-  autocmd FileType * if exists("b:rails_root") | call s:BufSettings() | endif
-  autocmd Syntax ruby,eruby,yaml,haml,javascript,coffee,railslog if exists("b:rails_root") | call s:BufSyntax() | endif
-  autocmd QuickFixCmdPre  *make* call s:push_chdir()
-  autocmd QuickFixCmdPost *make* call s:pop_command()
-augroup END
-" }}}1
-" Initialization {{{1
-map xx xx
-let s:sid = s:sub(maparg("xx"),'xx$','')
-unmap xx
-let s:file = expand(':p')
-if !exists('s:apps')
-  let s:apps = {}
-" }}}1
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-" vim:set sw=2 sts=2:
diff --git a/vim/autoload/snipMate.vim b/vim/autoload/snipMate.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ad5a58..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/snipMate.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-fun! Filename(...)
-	let filename = expand('%:t:r')
-	if filename == '' | return a:0 == 2 ? a:2 : '' | endif
-	return !a:0 || a:1 == '' ? filename : substitute(a:1, '$1', filename, 'g')
-fun s:RemoveSnippet()
-	unl! g:snipPos s:curPos s:snipLen s:endCol s:endLine s:prevLen
-	     \ s:lastBuf s:oldWord
-	if exists('s:update')
-		unl s:startCol s:origWordLen s:update
-		if exists('s:oldVars') | unl s:oldVars s:oldEndCol | endif
-	endif
-	aug! snipMateAutocmds
-fun snipMate#expandSnip(snip, col)
-	let lnum = line('.') | let col = a:col
-	let snippet = s:ProcessSnippet(a:snip)
-	" Avoid error if eval evaluates to nothing
-	if snippet == '' | return '' | endif
-	" Expand snippet onto current position with the tab stops removed
-	let snipLines = split(substitute(snippet, '$\d\+\|${\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g'), "\n", 1)
-	let line = getline(lnum)
-	let afterCursor = strpart(line, col - 1)
-	" Keep text after the cursor
-	if afterCursor != "\t" && afterCursor != ' '
-		let line = strpart(line, 0, col - 1)
-		let snipLines[-1] .= afterCursor
-	else
-		let afterCursor = ''
-		" For some reason the cursor needs to move one right after this
-		if line != '' && col == 1 && &ve != 'all' && &ve != 'onemore'
-			let col += 1
-		endif
-	endif
-	call setline(lnum, line.snipLines[0])
-	" Autoindent snippet according to previous indentation
-	let indent = matchend(line, '^.\{-}\ze\(\S\|$\)') + 1
-	call append(lnum, map(snipLines[1:], "'".strpart(line, 0, indent - 1)."'.v:val"))
-	" Open any folds snippet expands into
-	if &fen | sil! exe lnum.','.(lnum + len(snipLines) - 1).'foldopen' | endif
-	let [g:snipPos, s:snipLen] = s:BuildTabStops(snippet, lnum, col - indent, indent)
-	if s:snipLen
-		aug snipMateAutocmds
-			au CursorMovedI * call s:UpdateChangedSnip(0)
-			au InsertEnter * call s:UpdateChangedSnip(1)
-		aug END
-		let s:lastBuf = bufnr(0) " Only expand snippet while in current buffer
-		let s:curPos = 0
-		let s:endCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
-		let s:endLine = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
-		call cursor(g:snipPos[s:curPos][0], g:snipPos[s:curPos][1])
-		let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')]
-		if g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1 | return s:SelectWord() | endif
-	else
-		unl g:snipPos s:snipLen
-		" Place cursor at end of snippet if no tab stop is given
-		let newlines = len(snipLines) - 1
-		call cursor(lnum + newlines, indent + len(snipLines[-1]) - len(afterCursor)
-					\ + (newlines ? 0: col - 1))
-	endif
-	return ''
-" Prepare snippet to be processed by s:BuildTabStops
-fun s:ProcessSnippet(snip)
-	let snippet = a:snip
-	" Evaluate eval (`...`) expressions.
-	" Backquotes prefixed with a backslash "\" are ignored.
-	" Using a loop here instead of a regex fixes a bug with nested "\=".
-	if stridx(snippet, '`') != -1
-		while match(snippet, '\(^\|[^\\]\)`.\{-}[^\\]`') != -1
-			let snippet = substitute(snippet, '\(^\|[^\\]\)\zs`.\{-}[^\\]`\ze',
-		                \ substitute(eval(matchstr(snippet, '\(^\|[^\\]\)`\zs.\{-}[^\\]\ze`')),
-		                \ "\n\\%$", '', ''), '')
-		endw
-		let snippet = substitute(snippet, "\r", "\n", 'g')
-		let snippet = substitute(snippet, '\\`', '`', 'g')
-	endif
-	" Place all text after a colon in a tab stop after the tab stop
-	" (e.g. "${#:foo}" becomes "${:foo}foo").
-	" This helps tell the position of the tab stops later.
-	let snippet = substitute(snippet, '${\d\+:\(.\{-}\)}', '&\1', 'g')
-	" Update the a:snip so that all the $# become the text after
-	" the colon in their associated ${#}.
-	" (e.g. "${1:foo}" turns all "$1"'s into "foo")
-	let i = 1
-	while stridx(snippet, '${'.i) != -1
-		let s = matchstr(snippet, '${'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}')
-		if s != ''
-			let snippet = substitute(snippet, '$'.i, s.'&', 'g')
-		endif
-		let i += 1
-	endw
-	if &et " Expand tabs to spaces if 'expandtab' is set.
-		return substitute(snippet, '\t', repeat(' ', &sts ? &sts : &sw), 'g')
-	endif
-	return snippet
-" Counts occurences of haystack in needle
-fun s:Count(haystack, needle)
-	let counter = 0
-	let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle)
-	while index != -1
-		let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
-		let counter += 1
-	endw
-	return counter
-" Builds a list of a list of each tab stop in the snippet containing:
-" 1.) The tab stop's line number.
-" 2.) The tab stop's column number
-"     (by getting the length of the string between the last "\n" and the
-"     tab stop).
-" 3.) The length of the text after the colon for the current tab stop
-"     (e.g. "${1:foo}" would return 3). If there is no text, -1 is returned.
-" 4.) If the "${#:}" construct is given, another list containing all
-"     the matches of "$#", to be replaced with the placeholder. This list is
-"     composed the same way as the parent; the first item is the line number,
-"     and the second is the column.
-fun s:BuildTabStops(snip, lnum, col, indent)
-	let snipPos = []
-	let i = 1
-	let withoutVars = substitute(a:snip, '$\d\+', '', 'g')
-	while stridx(a:snip, '${'.i) != -1
-		let beforeTabStop = matchstr(withoutVars, '^.*\ze${'.i.'\D')
-		let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutVars, '${\('.i.'\D\)\@!\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g')
-		let j = i - 1
-		call add(snipPos, [0, 0, -1])
-		let snipPos[j][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeTabStop, "\n")
-		let snipPos[j][1] = a:indent + len(matchstr(withoutOthers, '.*\(\n\|^\)\zs.*\ze${'.i.'\D'))
-		if snipPos[j][0] == a:lnum | let snipPos[j][1] += a:col | endif
-		" Get all $# matches in another list, if ${#:name} is given
-		if stridx(withoutVars, '${'.i.':') != -1
-			let snipPos[j][2] = len(matchstr(withoutVars, '${'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}'))
-			let dots = repeat('.', snipPos[j][2])
-			call add(snipPos[j], [])
-			let withoutOthers = substitute(a:snip, '${\d\+.\{-}}\|$'.i.'\@!\d\+', '', 'g')
-			while match(withoutOthers, '$'.i.'\(\D\|$\)') != -1
-				let beforeMark = matchstr(withoutOthers, '^.\{-}\ze'.dots.'$'.i.'\(\D\|$\)')
-				call add(snipPos[j][3], [0, 0])
-				let snipPos[j][3][-1][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeMark, "\n")
-				let snipPos[j][3][-1][1] = a:indent + (snipPos[j][3][-1][0] > a:lnum
-				                           \ ? len(matchstr(beforeMark, '.*\n\zs.*'))
-				                           \ : a:col + len(beforeMark))
-				let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutOthers, '$'.i.'\ze\(\D\|$\)', '', '')
-			endw
-		endif
-		let i += 1
-	endw
-	return [snipPos, i - 1]
-fun snipMate#jumpTabStop(backwards)
-	let leftPlaceholder = exists('s:origWordLen')
-	                      \ && s:origWordLen != g:snipPos[s:curPos][2]
-	if leftPlaceholder && exists('s:oldEndCol')
-		let startPlaceholder = s:oldEndCol + 1
-	endif
-	if exists('s:update')
-		call s:UpdatePlaceholderTabStops()
-	else
-		call s:UpdateTabStops()
-	endif
-	" Don't reselect placeholder if it has been modified
-	if leftPlaceholder && g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1
-		if exists('startPlaceholder')
-			let g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] = startPlaceholder
-		else
-			let g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] = col('.')
-			let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = 0
-		endif
-	endif
-	let s:curPos += a:backwards ? -1 : 1
-	" Loop over the snippet when going backwards from the beginning
-	if s:curPos < 0 | let s:curPos = s:snipLen - 1 | endif
-	if s:curPos == s:snipLen
-		let sMode = s:endCol == g:snipPos[s:curPos-1][1]+g:snipPos[s:curPos-1][2]
-		call s:RemoveSnippet()
-		return sMode ? "\" : TriggerSnippet()
-	endif
-	call cursor(g:snipPos[s:curPos][0], g:snipPos[s:curPos][1])
-	let s:endLine = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
-	let s:endCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
-	let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')]
-	return g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] == -1 ? '' : s:SelectWord()
-fun s:UpdatePlaceholderTabStops()
-	let changeLen = s:origWordLen - g:snipPos[s:curPos][2]
-	unl s:startCol s:origWordLen s:update
-	if !exists('s:oldVars') | return | endif
-	" Update tab stops in snippet if text has been added via "$#"
-	" (e.g., in "${1:foo}bar$1${2}").
-	if changeLen != 0
-		let curLine = line('.')
-		for pos in g:snipPos
-			if pos == g:snipPos[s:curPos] | continue | endif
-			let changed = pos[0] == curLine && pos[1] > s:oldEndCol
-			let changedVars = 0
-			let endPlaceholder = pos[2] - 1 + pos[1]
-			" Subtract changeLen from each tab stop that was after any of
-			" the current tab stop's placeholders.
-			for [lnum, col] in s:oldVars
-				if lnum > pos[0] | break | endif
-				if pos[0] == lnum
-					if pos[1] > col || (pos[2] == -1 && pos[1] == col)
-						let changed += 1
-					elseif col < endPlaceholder
-						let changedVars += 1
-					endif
-				endif
-			endfor
-			let pos[1] -= changeLen * changed
-			let pos[2] -= changeLen * changedVars " Parse variables within placeholders
-                                                  " e.g., "${1:foo} ${2:$1bar}"
-			if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif
-			" Do the same to any placeholders in the other tab stops.
-			for nPos in pos[3]
-				let changed = nPos[0] == curLine && nPos[1] > s:oldEndCol
-				for [lnum, col] in s:oldVars
-					if lnum > nPos[0] | break | endif
-					if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col
-						let changed += 1
-					endif
-				endfor
-				let nPos[1] -= changeLen * changed
-			endfor
-		endfor
-	endif
-	unl s:endCol s:oldVars s:oldEndCol
-fun s:UpdateTabStops()
-	let changeLine = s:endLine - g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
-	let changeCol = s:endCol - g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
-	if exists('s:origWordLen')
-		let changeCol -= s:origWordLen
-		unl s:origWordLen
-	endif
-	let lnum = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
-	let col = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
-	" Update the line number of all proceeding tab stops if  has
-	" been inserted.
-	if changeLine != 0
-		let changeLine -= 1
-		for pos in g:snipPos
-			if pos[0] >= lnum
-				if pos[0] == lnum | let pos[1] += changeCol | endif
-				let pos[0] += changeLine
-			endif
-			if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif
-			for nPos in pos[3]
-				if nPos[0] >= lnum
-					if nPos[0] == lnum | let nPos[1] += changeCol | endif
-					let nPos[0] += changeLine
-				endif
-			endfor
-		endfor
-	elseif changeCol != 0
-		" Update the column of all proceeding tab stops if text has
-		" been inserted/deleted in the current line.
-		for pos in g:snipPos
-			if pos[1] >= col && pos[0] == lnum
-				let pos[1] += changeCol
-			endif
-			if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif
-			for nPos in pos[3]
-				if nPos[0] > lnum | break | endif
-				if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] >= col
-					let nPos[1] += changeCol
-				endif
-			endfor
-		endfor
-	endif
-fun s:SelectWord()
-	let s:origWordLen = g:snipPos[s:curPos][2]
-	let s:oldWord = strpart(getline('.'), g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - 1,
-				\ s:origWordLen)
-	let s:prevLen[1] -= s:origWordLen
-	if !empty(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3])
-		let s:update = 1
-		let s:endCol = -1
-		let s:startCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - 1
-	endif
-	if !s:origWordLen | return '' | endif
-	let l = col('.') != 1 ? 'l' : ''
-	if &sel == 'exclusive'
-		return "\".l.'v'.s:origWordLen."l\"
-	endif
-	return s:origWordLen == 1 ? "\".l.'gh'
-							\ : "\".l.'v'.(s:origWordLen - 1)."l\"
-" This updates the snippet as you type when text needs to be inserted
-" into multiple places (e.g. in "${1:default text}foo$1bar$1",
-" "default text" would be highlighted, and if the user types something,
-" UpdateChangedSnip() would be called so that the text after "foo" & "bar"
-" are updated accordingly)
-" It also automatically quits the snippet if the cursor is moved out of it
-" while in insert mode.
-fun s:UpdateChangedSnip(entering)
-	if exists('g:snipPos') && bufnr(0) != s:lastBuf
-		call s:RemoveSnippet()
-	elseif exists('s:update') " If modifying a placeholder
-		if !exists('s:oldVars') && s:curPos + 1 < s:snipLen
-			" Save the old snippet & word length before it's updated
-			" s:startCol must be saved too, in case text is added
-			" before the snippet (e.g. in "foo$1${2}bar${1:foo}").
-			let s:oldEndCol = s:startCol
-			let s:oldVars = deepcopy(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3])
-		endif
-		let col = col('.') - 1
-		if s:endCol != -1
-			let changeLen = col('$') - s:prevLen[1]
-			let s:endCol += changeLen
-		else " When being updated the first time, after leaving select mode
-			if a:entering | return | endif
-			let s:endCol = col - 1
-		endif
-		" If the cursor moves outside the snippet, quit it
-		if line('.') != g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] || col < s:startCol ||
-					\ col - 1 > s:endCol
-			unl! s:startCol s:origWordLen s:oldVars s:update
-			return s:RemoveSnippet()
-		endif
-		call s:UpdateVars()
-		let s:prevLen[1] = col('$')
-	elseif exists('g:snipPos')
-		if !a:entering && g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1
-			let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = -2
-		endif
-		let col = col('.')
-		let lnum = line('.')
-		let changeLine = line('$') - s:prevLen[0]
-		if lnum == s:endLine
-			let s:endCol += col('$') - s:prevLen[1]
-			let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')]
-		endif
-		if changeLine != 0
-			let s:endLine += changeLine
-			let s:endCol = col
-		endif
-		" Delete snippet if cursor moves out of it in insert mode
-		if (lnum == s:endLine && (col > s:endCol || col < g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]))
-			\ || lnum > s:endLine || lnum < g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
-			call s:RemoveSnippet()
-		endif
-	endif
-" This updates the variables in a snippet when a placeholder has been edited.
-" (e.g., each "$1" in "${1:foo} $1bar $1bar")
-fun s:UpdateVars()
-	let newWordLen = s:endCol - s:startCol + 1
-	let newWord = strpart(getline('.'), s:startCol, newWordLen)
-	if newWord == s:oldWord || empty(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3])
-		return
-	endif
-	let changeLen = g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] - newWordLen
-	let curLine = line('.')
-	let startCol = col('.')
-	let oldStartSnip = s:startCol
-	let updateTabStops = changeLen != 0
-	let i = 0
-	for [lnum, col] in g:snipPos[s:curPos][3]
-		if updateTabStops
-			let start = s:startCol
-			if lnum == curLine && col <= start
-				let s:startCol -= changeLen
-				let s:endCol -= changeLen
-			endif
-			for nPos in g:snipPos[s:curPos][3][(i):]
-				" This list is in ascending order, so quit if we've gone too far.
-				if nPos[0] > lnum | break | endif
-				if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col
-					let nPos[1] -= changeLen
-				endif
-			endfor
-			if lnum == curLine && col > start
-				let col -= changeLen
-				let g:snipPos[s:curPos][3][i][1] = col
-			endif
-			let i += 1
-		endif
-		" "Very nomagic" is used here to allow special characters.
-		call setline(lnum, substitute(getline(lnum), '\%'.col.'c\V'.
-						\ escape(s:oldWord, '\'), escape(newWord, '\&'), ''))
-	endfor
-	if oldStartSnip != s:startCol
-		call cursor(0, startCol + s:startCol - oldStartSnip)
-	endif
-	let s:oldWord = newWord
-	let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = newWordLen
-" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim
diff --git a/vim/autoload/syntastic.vim b/vim/autoload/syntastic.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a477736..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/syntastic.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-function! syntastic#ErrorBalloonExpr()
-    if !exists('b:syntastic_balloons') | return '' | endif
-    return get(b:syntastic_balloons, v:beval_lnum, '')
-function! syntastic#HighlightErrors(errors, termfunc, ...)
-    call clearmatches()
-    let forcecb = a:0 && a:1
-    for item in a:errors
-        let group = item['type'] == 'E' ? 'SpellBad' : 'SpellCap'
-        if item['col'] && !forcecb
-            let lastcol = col([item['lnum'], '$'])
-            let lcol = min([lastcol, item['col']])
-            call matchadd(group, '\%'.item['lnum'].'l\%'.lcol.'c')
-        else
-            let term = a:termfunc(item)
-            if len(term) > 0
-                call matchadd(group, '\%' . item['lnum'] . 'l' . term)
-            endif
-        endif
-    endfor
diff --git a/vim/autoload/syntastic/c.vim b/vim/autoload/syntastic/c.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index c7232df..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/syntastic/c.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_c_autoload")
-    finish
-let g:loaded_syntastic_c_autoload = 1
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" initialize c/cpp syntax checker handlers
-function! s:Init()
-    let s:handlers = []
-    let s:cflags = {}
-    call s:RegHandler('gtk', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['gtk', 'gtk+-2.0', 'gtk+', 'glib-2.0', 'glib'])
-    call s:RegHandler('glib', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['glib', 'glib-2.0', 'glib'])
-    call s:RegHandler('glade', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['glade', 'libglade-2.0', 'libglade'])
-    call s:RegHandler('libsoup', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['libsoup', 'libsoup-2.4', 'libsoup-2.2'])
-    call s:RegHandler('webkit', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['webkit', 'webkit-1.0'])
-    call s:RegHandler('cairo', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['cairo', 'cairo'])
-    call s:RegHandler('pango', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['pango', 'pango'])
-    call s:RegHandler('libxml', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['libxml', 'libxml-2.0', 'libxml'])
-    call s:RegHandler('freetype', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['freetype', 'freetype2', 'freetype'])
-    call s:RegHandler('SDL', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['sdl', 'sdl'])
-    call s:RegHandler('opengl', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
-                \ ['opengl', 'gl'])
-    call s:RegHandler('ruby', 'syntastic#c#CheckRuby', [])
-    call s:RegHandler('Python\.h', 'syntastic#c#CheckPython', [])
-    call s:RegHandler('php\.h', 'syntastic#c#CheckPhp', [])
-" search the first 100 lines for include statements that are
-" given in the handlers dictionary
-function! syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
-    let includes = ''
-    let files = []
-    let found = []
-    let lines = filter(getline(1, 100), 'v:val =~# "#\s*include"')
-    " search current buffer
-    for line in lines
-        let file = matchstr(line, '"\zs\S\+\ze"')
-        if file != ''
-            call add(files, file)
-            continue
-        endif
-        for handler in s:handlers
-            if line =~# handler["regex"]
-                let includes .= call(handler["func"], handler["args"])
-                call add(found, handler["regex"])
-                break
-            endif
-        endfor
-    endfor
-    " search included headers
-    for hfile in files
-        if hfile != ''
-            let filename = expand('%:p:h') . ((has('win32') || has('win64')) ?
-                        \ '\' : '/') . hfile
-            try
-                let lines = readfile(filename, '', 100)
-            catch /E484/
-                continue
-            endtry
-            let lines = filter(lines, 'v:val =~# "#\s*include"')
-            for handler in s:handlers
-                if index(found, handler["regex"]) != -1
-                    continue
-                endif
-                for line in lines
-                    if line =~# handler["regex"]
-                        let includes .= call(handler["func"], handler["args"])
-                        call add(found, handler["regex"])
-                        break
-                    endif
-                endfor
-            endfor
-        endif
-    endfor
-    return includes
-" try to find library with 'pkg-config'
-" search possible libraries from first to last given
-" argument until one is found
-function! syntastic#c#CheckPKG(name, ...)
-    if executable('pkg-config')
-        if !has_key(s:cflags, a:name)
-            for i in range(a:0)
-                let l:cflags = system('pkg-config --cflags '.a:000[i])
-                " since we cannot necessarily trust the pkg-config exit code
-                " we have to check for an error output as well
-                if v:shell_error == 0 && l:cflags !~? 'not found'
-                    let l:cflags = ' '.substitute(l:cflags, "\n", '', '')
-                    let s:cflags[a:name] = l:cflags
-                    return l:cflags
-                endif
-            endfor
-        else
-            return s:cflags[a:name]
-        endif
-    endif
-    return ''
-" try to find PHP includes with 'php-config'
-function! syntastic#c#CheckPhp()
-    if executable('php-config')
-        if !exists('s:php_flags')
-            let s:php_flags = system('php-config --includes')
-            let s:php_flags = ' ' . substitute(s:php_flags, "\n", '', '')
-        endif
-        return s:php_flags
-    endif
-    return ''
-" try to find the ruby headers with 'rbconfig'
-function! syntastic#c#CheckRuby()
-    if executable('ruby')
-        if !exists('s:ruby_flags')
-            let s:ruby_flags = system('ruby -r rbconfig -e '
-                        \ . '''puts Config::CONFIG["archdir"]''')
-            let s:ruby_flags = substitute(s:ruby_flags, "\n", '', '')
-            let s:ruby_flags = ' -I' . s:ruby_flags
-        endif
-        return s:ruby_flags
-    endif
-    return ''
-" try to find the python headers with distutils
-function! syntastic#c#CheckPython()
-    if executable('python')
-        if !exists('s:python_flags')
-            let s:python_flags = system('python -c ''from distutils import '
-                        \ . 'sysconfig; import sys; sys.stdout.write(sysconfig.get_python_inc())''')
-            let s:python_flags = substitute(s:python_flags, "\n", '', '')
-            let s:python_flags = ' -I' . s:python_flags
-        endif
-        return s:python_flags
-    endif
-    return ''
-" return a handler dictionary object
-function! s:RegHandler(regex, function, args)
-    let handler = {}
-    let handler["regex"] = a:regex
-    let handler["func"] = function(a:function)
-    let handler["args"] = a:args
-    call add(s:handlers, handler)
-call s:Init()
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
-unlet s:save_cpo
-" vim: set et sts=4 sw=4:
diff --git a/vim/autoload/tagbar.vim b/vim/autoload/tagbar.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 48ad320..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/tagbar.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3099 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" File:        tagbar.vim
-" Description: List the current file's tags in a sidebar, ordered by class etc
-" Author:      Jan Larres 
-" Licence:     Vim licence
-" Website:
-" Version:     2.3
-" Note:        This plugin was heavily inspired by the 'Taglist' plugin by
-"              Yegappan Lakshmanan and uses a small amount of code from it.
-" Original taglist copyright notice:
-"              Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
-"              with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
-"              notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
-"              taglist.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty of
-"              any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the
-"              copyright holder be liable for any damamges resulting from the
-"              use of this software.
-" ============================================================================
-scriptencoding utf-8
-" Initialization {{{1
-" Basic init {{{2
-if !exists('g:tagbar_ctags_bin')
-    if executable('ctags-exuberant')
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = 'ctags-exuberant'
-    elseif executable('exuberant-ctags')
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = 'exuberant-ctags'
-    elseif executable('exctags')
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = 'exctags'
-    elseif has('macunix') && executable('/usr/local/bin/ctags')
-        " Homebrew default location
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = '/usr/local/bin/ctags'
-    elseif has('macunix') && executable('/opt/local/bin/ctags')
-        " Macports default location
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = '/opt/local/bin/ctags'
-    elseif executable('ctags')
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = 'ctags'
-    elseif executable('ctags.exe')
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = 'ctags.exe'
-    elseif executable('tags')
-        let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = 'tags'
-    else
-        echomsg 'Tagbar: Exuberant ctags not found, skipping plugin'
-        finish
-    endif
-    " reset 'wildignore' temporarily in case *.exe is included in it
-    let wildignore_save = &wildignore
-    set wildignore&
-    let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = expand(g:tagbar_ctags_bin)
-    let &wildignore = wildignore_save
-    if !executable(g:tagbar_ctags_bin)
-        echomsg 'Tagbar: Exuberant ctags not found in specified place,'
-              \ 'skipping plugin'
-        finish
-    endif
-redir => s:ftype_out
-silent filetype
-redir END
-if s:ftype_out !~# 'detection:ON'
-    echomsg 'Tagbar: Filetype detection is turned off, skipping plugin'
-    unlet s:ftype_out
-    finish
-unlet s:ftype_out
-let s:icon_closed = g:tagbar_iconchars[0]
-let s:icon_open   = g:tagbar_iconchars[1]
-let s:type_init_done    = 0
-let s:autocommands_done = 0
-let s:checked_ctags     = 0
-let s:window_expanded   = 0
-let s:access_symbols = {
-    \ 'public'    : '+',
-    \ 'protected' : '#',
-    \ 'private'   : '-'
-\ }
-let g:loaded_tagbar = 1
-let s:last_highlight_tline = 0
-let s:debug = 0
-let s:debug_file = ''
-" s:Init() {{{2
-function! s:Init()
-    if !s:type_init_done
-        call s:InitTypes()
-    endif
-    if !s:checked_ctags
-        if !s:CheckForExCtags()
-            return
-        endif
-    endif
-" s:InitTypes() {{{2
-function! s:InitTypes()
-    call s:LogDebugMessage('Initializing types')
-    let s:known_types = {}
-    " Ant {{{3
-    let type_ant = {}
-    let type_ant.ctagstype = 'ant'
-    let type_ant.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'projects', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'targets',  'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.ant = type_ant
-    " Asm {{{3
-    let type_asm = {}
-    let type_asm.ctagstype = 'asm'
-    let type_asm.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'macros',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'types',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'defines', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels',  'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.asm = type_asm
-    " ASP {{{3
-    let type_aspvbs = {}
-    let type_aspvbs.ctagstype = 'asp'
-    let type_aspvbs.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'constants',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',   'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.aspvbs = type_aspvbs
-    " Awk {{{3
-    let type_awk = {}
-    let type_awk.ctagstype = 'awk'
-    let type_awk.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.awk = type_awk
-    " Basic {{{3
-    let type_basic = {}
-    let type_basic.ctagstype = 'basic'
-    let type_basic.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enumerations', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'types',        'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',    'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.basic = type_basic
-    " BETA {{{3
-    let type_beta = {}
-    let type_beta.ctagstype = 'beta'
-    let type_beta.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'fragments', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'slots',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'patterns',  'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.beta = type_beta
-    " C {{{3
-    let type_c = {}
-    let type_c.ctagstype = 'c'
-    let type_c.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros',      'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'prototypes',  'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'typedefs',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'structs',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'u', 'long' : 'unions',      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',   'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_c.sro        = '::'
-    let type_c.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'g' : 'enum',
-        \ 's' : 'struct',
-        \ 'u' : 'union'
-    \ }
-    let type_c.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'enum'   : 'g',
-        \ 'struct' : 's',
-        \ 'union'  : 'u'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.c = type_c
-    " C++ {{{3
-    let type_cpp = {}
-    let type_cpp.ctagstype = 'c++'
-    let type_cpp.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros',      'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'prototypes',  'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'typedefs',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namespaces',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'structs',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'u', 'long' : 'unions',      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',   'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_cpp.sro        = '::'
-    let type_cpp.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'g' : 'enum',
-        \ 'n' : 'namespace',
-        \ 'c' : 'class',
-        \ 's' : 'struct',
-        \ 'u' : 'union'
-    \ }
-    let type_cpp.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'enum'      : 'g',
-        \ 'namespace' : 'n',
-        \ 'class'     : 'c',
-        \ 'struct'    : 's',
-        \ 'union'     : 'u'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.cpp = type_cpp
-    " C# {{{3
-    let type_cs = {}
-    let type_cs.ctagstype = 'c#'
-    let type_cs.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros',      'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'fields',      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'typedefs',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namespaces',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'interfaces',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'structs',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'E', 'long' : 'events',      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'properties',  'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_cs.sro        = '.'
-    let type_cs.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'n' : 'namespace',
-        \ 'i' : 'interface',
-        \ 'c' : 'class',
-        \ 's' : 'struct',
-        \ 'g' : 'enum'
-    \ }
-    let type_cs.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'namespace' : 'n',
-        \ 'interface' : 'i',
-        \ 'class'     : 'c',
-        \ 'struct'    : 's',
-        \ 'enum'      : 'g'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.cs = type_cs
-    " COBOL {{{3
-    let type_cobol = {}
-    let type_cobol.ctagstype = 'cobol'
-    let type_cobol.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'data items',        'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'file descriptions', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'group items',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'paragraphs',        'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'program ids',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'sections',          'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.cobol = type_cobol
-    " DOS Batch {{{3
-    let type_dosbatch = {}
-    let type_dosbatch.ctagstype = 'dosbatch'
-    let type_dosbatch.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.dosbatch = type_dosbatch
-    " Eiffel {{{3
-    let type_eiffel = {}
-    let type_eiffel.ctagstype = 'eiffel'
-    let type_eiffel.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'features', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_eiffel.sro        = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
-    let type_eiffel.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'c' : 'class',
-        \ 'f' : 'feature'
-    \ }
-    let type_eiffel.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'class'   : 'c',
-        \ 'feature' : 'f'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.eiffel = type_eiffel
-    " Erlang {{{3
-    let type_erlang = {}
-    let type_erlang.ctagstype = 'erlang'
-    let type_erlang.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules',            'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macro definitions',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'record definitions', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_erlang.sro        = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
-    let type_erlang.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'm' : 'module'
-    \ }
-    let type_erlang.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'module' : 'm'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.erlang = type_erlang
-    " Flex {{{3
-    " Vim doesn't support Flex out of the box, this is based on rough
-    " guesses and probably requires
-    "
-    " Improvements welcome!
-    let type_mxml = {}
-    let type_mxml.ctagstype = 'flex'
-    let type_mxml.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'global variables', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'properties',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',        'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'x', 'long' : 'mxtags',           'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_mxml.sro        = '.'
-    let type_mxml.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'c' : 'class'
-    \ }
-    let type_mxml.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'class' : 'c'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.mxml = type_mxml
-    " Fortran {{{3
-    let type_fortran = {}
-    let type_fortran.ctagstype = 'fortran'
-    let type_fortran.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules',                      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'programs',                     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'k', 'long' : 'components',                   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'derived types and structures', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'common blocks',                'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'b', 'long' : 'block data',                   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'entry points',                 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',                    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines',                  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels',                       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namelists',                    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',                    'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_fortran.sro        = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
-    let type_fortran.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'm' : 'module',
-        \ 'p' : 'program',
-        \ 'f' : 'function',
-        \ 's' : 'subroutine'
-    \ }
-    let type_fortran.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'module'     : 'm',
-        \ 'program'    : 'p',
-        \ 'function'   : 'f',
-        \ 'subroutine' : 's'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.fortran = type_fortran
-    " HTML {{{3
-    let type_html = {}
-    let type_html.ctagstype = 'html'
-    let type_html.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'JavaScript funtions', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'a', 'long' : 'named anchors',       'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.html = type_html
-    " Java {{{3
-    let type_java = {}
-    let type_java.ctagstype = 'java'
-    let type_java.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'packages',       'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'fields',         'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enum types',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enum constants', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'interfaces',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',        'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods',        'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_java.sro        = '.'
-    let type_java.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'g' : 'enum',
-        \ 'i' : 'interface',
-        \ 'c' : 'class'
-    \ }
-    let type_java.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'enum'      : 'g',
-        \ 'interface' : 'i',
-        \ 'class'     : 'c'
-    \ }
-    let = type_java
-    " JavaScript {{{3
-    " JavaScript is weird -- it does have scopes, but ctags doesn't seem to
-    " properly generate the information for them, instead it simply uses the
-    " complete name. So ctags has to be fixed before I can do anything here.
-    " Alternatively jsctags/doctorjs will be used if available.
-    let type_javascript = {}
-    let type_javascript.ctagstype = 'javascript'
-    let jsctags = s:CheckFTCtags('jsctags', 'javascript')
-    if jsctags != ''
-        let type_javascript.kinds = [
-            \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0},
-            \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0}
-        \ ]
-        let type_javascript.sro        = '.'
-        let type_javascript.kind2scope = {
-            \ 'v' : 'namespace',
-            \ 'f' : 'namespace'
-        \ }
-        let type_javascript.scope2kind = {
-            \ 'namespace' : 'v'
-        \ }
-        let type_javascript.ctagsbin   = jsctags
-        let type_javascript.ctagsargs  = '-f -'
-    else
-        let type_javascript.kinds = [
-            \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'global variables', 'fold' : 0},
-            \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',          'fold' : 0},
-            \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'properties',       'fold' : 0},
-            \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods',          'fold' : 0},
-            \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',        'fold' : 0}
-        \ ]
-    endif
-    let s:known_types.javascript = type_javascript
-    " Lisp {{{3
-    let type_lisp = {}
-    let type_lisp.ctagstype = 'lisp'
-    let type_lisp.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.lisp = type_lisp
-    " Lua {{{3
-    let type_lua = {}
-    let type_lua.ctagstype = 'lua'
-    let type_lua.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.lua = type_lua
-    " Make {{{3
-    let type_make = {}
-    let type_make.ctagstype = 'make'
-    let type_make.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'macros', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.make = type_make
-    " Matlab {{{3
-    let type_matlab = {}
-    let type_matlab.ctagstype = 'matlab'
-    let type_matlab.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.matlab = type_matlab
-    " Ocaml {{{3
-    let type_ocaml = {}
-    let type_ocaml.ctagstype = 'ocaml'
-    let type_ocaml.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'M', 'long' : 'modules or functors', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'global variables',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',             'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'C', 'long' : 'constructors',        'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods',             'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'exceptions',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'type names',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'structure fields',    'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_ocaml.sro        = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
-    let type_ocaml.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'M' : 'Module',
-        \ 'c' : 'class',
-        \ 't' : 'type'
-    \ }
-    let type_ocaml.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'Module' : 'M',
-        \ 'class'  : 'c',
-        \ 'type'   : 't'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.ocaml = type_ocaml
-    " Pascal {{{3
-    let type_pascal = {}
-    let type_pascal.ctagstype = 'pascal'
-    let type_pascal.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.pascal = type_pascal
-    " Perl {{{3
-    let type_perl = {}
-    let type_perl.ctagstype = 'perl'
-    let type_perl.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'packages',    'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'formats',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels',      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.perl = type_perl
-    " PHP {{{3
-    let type_php = {}
-    let type_php.ctagstype = 'php'
-    let type_php.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'interfaces',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',              'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'constant definitions', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',            'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',            'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'j', 'long' : 'javascript functions', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.php = type_php
-    " Python {{{3
-    let type_python = {}
-    let type_python.ctagstype = 'python'
-    let type_python.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'imports',   'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_python.sro        = '.'
-    let type_python.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'c' : 'class',
-        \ 'f' : 'function',
-        \ 'm' : 'function'
-    \ }
-    let type_python.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'class'    : 'c',
-        \ 'function' : 'f'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.python = type_python
-    " REXX {{{3
-    let type_rexx = {}
-    let type_rexx.ctagstype = 'rexx'
-    let type_rexx.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.rexx = type_rexx
-    " Ruby {{{3
-    let type_ruby = {}
-    let type_ruby.ctagstype = 'ruby'
-    let type_ruby.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'methods',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'F', 'long' : 'singleton methods', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_ruby.sro        = '.'
-    let type_ruby.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'c' : 'class',
-        \ 'm' : 'class'
-    \ }
-    let type_ruby.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'class' : 'c'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.ruby = type_ruby
-    " Scheme {{{3
-    let type_scheme = {}
-    let type_scheme.ctagstype = 'scheme'
-    let type_scheme.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'sets',      'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.scheme = type_scheme
-    " Shell script {{{3
-    let type_sh = {}
-    let type_sh.ctagstype = 'sh'
-    let type_sh.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let = type_sh
-    let s:known_types.csh = type_sh
-    let s:known_types.zsh = type_sh
-    " SLang {{{3
-    let type_slang = {}
-    let type_slang.ctagstype = 'slang'
-    let type_slang.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namespaces', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',  'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.slang = type_slang
-    " SML {{{3
-    let type_sml = {}
-    let type_sml.ctagstype = 'sml'
-    let type_sml.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'exception declarations', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'function definitions',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'functor definitions',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'signature declarations', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'structure declarations', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'type definitions',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'value bindings',         'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.sml = type_sml
-    " SQL {{{3
-    " The SQL ctags parser seems to be buggy for me, so this just uses the
-    " normal kinds even though scopes should be available. Improvements
-    " welcome!
-    let type_sql = {}
-    let type_sql.ctagstype = 'sql'
-    let type_sql.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'packages',               'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'cursors',                'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',              'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'F', 'long' : 'record fields',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'L', 'long' : 'block label',            'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures',             'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subtypes',               'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'tables',                 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'T', 'long' : 'triggers',               'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',              'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'indexes',                'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'events',                 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'U', 'long' : 'publications',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'R', 'long' : 'services',               'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'D', 'long' : 'domains',                'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'V', 'long' : 'views',                  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'synonyms',               'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'x', 'long' : 'MobiLink Table Scripts', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'y', 'long' : 'MobiLink Conn Scripts',  'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.sql = type_sql
-    " Tcl {{{3
-    let type_tcl = {}
-    let type_tcl.ctagstype = 'tcl'
-    let type_tcl.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.tcl = type_tcl
-    " LaTeX {{{3
-    let type_tex = {}
-    let type_tex.ctagstype = 'tex'
-    let type_tex.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'parts',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'chapters',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'sections',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'u', 'long' : 'subsections',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'b', 'long' : 'subsubsections', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'paragraphs',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'G', 'long' : 'subparagraphs',  'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.tex = type_tex
-    " Vera {{{3
-    " Why are variables 'virtual'?
-    let type_vera = {}
-    let type_vera.ctagstype = 'vera'
-    let type_vera.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros',      'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'T', 'long' : 'typedefs',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members',     'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'tasks',       'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'programs',    'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let type_vera.sro        = '.' " Nesting doesn't seem to be possible
-    let type_vera.kind2scope = {
-        \ 'g' : 'enum',
-        \ 'c' : 'class',
-        \ 'v' : 'virtual'
-    \ }
-    let type_vera.scope2kind = {
-        \ 'enum'      : 'g',
-        \ 'class'     : 'c',
-        \ 'virtual'   : 'v'
-    \ }
-    let s:known_types.vera = type_vera
-    " Verilog {{{3
-    let type_verilog = {}
-    let type_verilog.ctagstype = 'verilog'
-    let type_verilog.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'events',              'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules',             'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'net data types',      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'ports',               'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'register data types', 'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'tasks',               'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.verilog = type_verilog
-    " VHDL {{{3
-    " The VHDL ctags parser unfortunately doesn't generate proper scopes
-    let type_vhdl = {}
-    let type_vhdl.ctagstype = 'vhdl'
-    let type_vhdl.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'packages',   'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'types',      'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'T', 'long' : 'subtypes',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'records',    'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'entities',   'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',  'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.vhdl = type_vhdl
-    " Vim {{{3
-    let type_vim = {}
-    let type_vim.ctagstype = 'vim'
-    let type_vim.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables',          'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions',          'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'a', 'long' : 'autocommand groups', 'fold' : 1},
-        \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'commands',           'fold' : 0},
-        \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'maps',               'fold' : 1}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.vim = type_vim
-    " YACC {{{3
-    let type_yacc = {}
-    let type_yacc.ctagstype = 'yacc'
-    let type_yacc.kinds     = [
-        \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0}
-    \ ]
-    let s:known_types.yacc = type_yacc
-    " }}}3
-    let user_defs = s:GetUserTypeDefs()
-    for [key, value] in items(user_defs)
-        if !has_key(s:known_types, key) ||
-         \ (has_key(value, 'replace') && value.replace)
-            let s:known_types[key] = value
-        else
-            call extend(s:known_types[key], value)
-        endif
-    endfor
-    " Create a dictionary of the kind order for fast
-    " access in sorting functions
-    for type in values(s:known_types)
-        let i = 0
-        let type.kinddict = {}
-        for kind in type.kinds
-            let type.kinddict[kind.short] = i
-            let i += 1
-        endfor
-    endfor
-    let s:type_init_done = 1
-" s:GetUserTypeDefs() {{{2
-function! s:GetUserTypeDefs()
-    call s:LogDebugMessage('Initializing user types')
-    redir => defs
-    silent execute 'let g:'
-    redir END
-    let deflist = split(defs, '\n')
-    call map(deflist, 'substitute(v:val, ''^\S\+\zs.*'', "", "")')
-    call filter(deflist, 'v:val =~ "^tagbar_type_"')
-    let defdict = {}
-    for defstr in deflist
-        let type = substitute(defstr, '^tagbar_type_', '', '')
-        execute 'let defdict["' . type . '"] = g:' . defstr
-    endfor
-    " If the user only specified one of kind2scope and scope2kind use it to
-    " generate the other one
-    " Also, transform the 'kind' definitions into dictionary format
-    for def in values(defdict)
-        if has_key(def, 'kinds')
-            let kinds = def.kinds
-            let def.kinds = []
-            for kind in kinds
-                let kindlist = split(kind, ':')
-                let kinddict = {'short' : kindlist[0], 'long' : kindlist[1]}
-                if len(kindlist) == 3
-                    let kinddict.fold = kindlist[2]
-                else
-                    let kinddict.fold = 0
-                endif
-                call add(def.kinds, kinddict)
-            endfor
-        endif
-        if has_key(def, 'kind2scope') && !has_key(def, 'scope2kind')
-            let def.scope2kind = {}
-            for [key, value] in items(def.kind2scope)
-                let def.scope2kind[value] = key
-            endfor
-        elseif has_key(def, 'scope2kind') && !has_key(def, 'kind2scope')
-            let def.kind2scope = {}
-            for [key, value] in items(def.scope2kind)
-                let def.kind2scope[value] = key
-            endfor
-        endif
-    endfor
-    return defdict
-" s:RestoreSession() {{{2
-" Properly restore Tagbar after a session got loaded
-function! s:RestoreSession()
-    call s:LogDebugMessage('Restoring session')
-    let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
-    if tagbarwinnr == -1
-        " Tagbar wasn't open in the saved session, nothing to do
-        return
-    else
-        let in_tagbar = 1
-        if winnr() != tagbarwinnr
-            execute tagbarwinnr . 'wincmd w'
-            let in_tagbar = 0
-        endif
-    endif
-    call s:Init()
-    call s:InitWindow(g:tagbar_autoclose)
-    " Leave the Tagbar window and come back so the update event gets triggered
-    wincmd p
-    execute tagbarwinnr . 'wincmd w'
-    if !in_tagbar
-        wincmd p
-    endif
-" s:MapKeys() {{{2
-function! s:MapKeys()
-    call s:LogDebugMessage('Mapping keys')
-    nnoremap