Stimmung, Nr. 24



=> Stimmung: Einnstimmen und 1. Kombination B [uᴜᴏɔɒɑa…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ãʅæ̃ʅ…fɹãʅdæʅ] “Freitag” Ahura‐Mazda by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ɛaɛaɒ…zalɛmalaekᴜm…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [hinine:nɛnanɛ…] Isis by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ijijɨjyjʏ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [mɒɔaɔ…] Vishnu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ɷʏɷʏ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ᴜʅᴜʅᴜʅ…vʅ∫nᴜ:] Varuna by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ʊəa…ʊziafʉ:] “Ruseralkrusel” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [ɑ→um…kɑlɑ] “Nimm’ dich in Acht…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [hyiyɷ…hɔtahy:] (Pferdewiehern) by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [ieãe…] Nut by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [jijyjyjøjy…] Hera by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [jᴜjᴜjᴜ…] “Meine Hände…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [mʉlɷgʊ…ʉvolɷvʊ] Atum‐Ra by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [œ:iuɛ̃ãɔ:oɑɛ̃eiœ:] Usi‐Neno, Aeolus, Abassi‐Abumo, Geb, Hina‐a‐tuatua‐a‐kakai by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [oɔoɔ…] Tlaloc by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [aæaɒɔ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [ɛlɛl…] “The Male Is Basically…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [hɔ̃œɔœ…hɔœlaʅhɔhɔ:] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [huoɒoɒ…] [:kɔmʅt:] Usi‐afu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [ieɛæaɑoɔ…] Elyon by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [nininyny…] “Niemals” Uwoluwu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [tjʊɷʊʉ…ti:ʊ:stɑ:k] “Dienstag” Sedna by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [ʏuhʊwəøni…] Tamosei by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [həœəœəœ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [hʅeɛæ…wɛnsde‐ʅ:] “Mittwoch / Wednesday” Viracocha by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [jøœʏøœʏ…] Tamoi by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔ→ejɑoɑea…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔnɒnɒnanɛ…ge:gɛ:ga:gɑ:gɔt] “Gott noch mal…” Grogoragally by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɹɨɒ̃ɨɒ̃…mɑʀɨ] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [uᴜoɔɒɑ̃ã…] Munganagana by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ᴜɔæʅ…] “Moon’s Day” / “Mond‐Tag” Tangaroa by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [hæ̃ɛeɛa…hɛlena] Rangi, Uitzilopochtli, Yahweh by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [hɒnahɒahɛa…] Rhea by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [hoᴜoɔ…zɔntɑk] “Sonntag” Mulugu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [mʉndəʊgɷɾʊ…] “Guru‐muku‐mu‐” Sussistinako by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [œɷɛʅ…θœɹzdæʅ] “Thorstag — Donnerstag” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [øɨ…fønɨks] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [øœɑɒɔouʉʊɷœø] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [ɷʊə …] (Obertöne flüsternd pfeifen) by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [yiyiyi…tʏʀʀ] “Difffff‐dafffff…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [aæɛeʅi…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [æaæa…sɛ:tɹnsdɛ→ʅ:] “Samstag” Venus by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɑᴜ…hɑlɛlᴜjɑ:] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [heɛieɛi…nemɛzʅsartemʅs] Uranos by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [hʊɷə…] Elohim by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ieɔou…ʏonɨ] “Piperipipi:…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɔoɔo…hɑ:tɔ:ʀʀ] “Mein Hahn ist meine Seele…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ᴜɑᴜɛᴜeᴜiᴜœᴜoᴜ:…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ʊwəœʏjiy…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Einnstimmen und 1. Kombination B [uᴜᴏɔɒɑa…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ãʅæ̃ʅ…fɹãʅdæʅ] “Freitag” Ahura‐Mazda by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ɛaɛaɒ…zalɛmalaekᴜm…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [hinine:nɛnanɛ…] Isis by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ijijɨjyjʏ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [mɒɔaɔ…] Vishnu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ɷʏɷʏ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ᴜʅᴜʅᴜʅ…vʅ∫nᴜ:] Varuna by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination A [ʊəa…ʊziafʉ:] “Ruseralkrusel” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [ɑ→um…kɑlɑ] “Nimm’ dich in Acht…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [hyiyɷ…hɔtahy:] (Pferdewiehern) by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [ieãe…] Nut by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [jijyjyjøjy…] Hera by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [jᴜjᴜjᴜ…] “Meine Hände…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [mʉlɷgʊ…ʉvolɷvʊ] Atum‐Ra by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [œ:iuɛ̃ãɔ:oɑɛ̃eiœ:] Usi‐Neno, Aeolus, Abassi‐Abumo, Geb, Hina‐a‐tuatua‐a‐kakai by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination B [oɔoɔ…] Tlaloc by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [aæaɒɔ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [ɛlɛl…] “The Male Is Basically…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [hɔ̃œɔœ…hɔœlaʅhɔhɔ:] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [huoɒoɒ…] [:kɔmʅt:] Usi‐afu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [ieɛæaɑoɔ…] Elyon by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [nininyny…] “Niemals” Uwoluwu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [tjʊɷʊʉ…ti:ʊ:stɑ:k] “Dienstag” Sedna by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S I [ʏuhʊwəøni…] Tamosei by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [həœəœəœ…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [hʅeɛæ…wɛnsde‐ʅ:] “Mittwoch / Wednesday” Viracocha by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [jøœʏøœʏ…] Tamoi by Karlheinz Stockhausen
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔ→ejɑoɑea…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔnɒnɒnanɛ…ge:gɛ:ga:gɑ:gɔt] “Gott noch mal…” Grogoragally by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɹɨɒ̃ɨɒ̃…mɑʀɨ] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [uᴜoɔɒɑ̃ã…] Munganagana by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination S II [ᴜɔæʅ…] “Moon’s Day” / “Mond‐Tag” Tangaroa by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [hæ̃ɛeɛa…hɛlena] Rangi, Uitzilopochtli, Yahweh by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [hɒnahɒahɛa…] Rhea by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [hoᴜoɔ…zɔntɑk] “Sonntag” Mulugu by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [mʉndəʊgɷɾʊ…] “Guru‐muku‐mu‐” Sussistinako by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [œɷɛʅ…θœɹzdæʅ] “Thorstag — Donnerstag” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [øɨ…fønɨks] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [øœɑɒɔouʉʊɷœø] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [ɷʊə …] (Obertöne flüsternd pfeifen) by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T I [yiyiyi…tʏʀʀ] “Difffff‐dafffff…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [aæɛeʅi…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [æaæa…sɛ:tɹnsdɛ→ʅ:] “Samstag” Venus by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɑᴜ…hɑlɛlᴜjɑ:] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [heɛieɛi…nemɛzʅsartemʅs] Uranos by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [hʊɷə…] Elohim by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ieɔou…ʏonɨ] “Piperipipi:…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɔoɔo…hɑ:tɔ:ʀʀ] “Mein Hahn ist meine Seele…” by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ᴜɑᴜɛᴜeᴜiᴜœᴜoᴜ:…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Kombination T II [ʊwəœʏjiy…] by Collegium Vocale Köln
=> Stimmung: Model 1 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 2 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 3 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 4 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 5 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 6 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 7 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 8 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 9 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 10 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 11 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 12 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 13 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 14 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 15 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 16 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 17 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 18 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 19 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 20 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 21 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 22 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 23 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 24 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 25 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 26 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 27 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 28 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 29 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 30 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 31 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 32 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 33 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 34 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 35 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 36 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 37 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 38 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 39 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 40 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 41 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 42 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 43 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 44 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 45 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 46 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 47 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 48 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 49 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 50 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Model 51 by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Nos Contemporains (après 1945) : Stimmung (extrait de la version de Copenhague) by [unknown]
=> Stimmung by Collegium Vocale Köln, Karlheinz Stockhausen
=> Stimmung by Collegium Vocale Köln, Karlheinz Stockhausen
=> Stimmung: Mezzo. "Gott Nochmal" / Soprano 2. Gregoragally, Sun God (Australian Aboriginal) by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Soprano 1. Tenor. Usi-Afu, God of the Earth (Timor, Indonesia) by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Soprano 2. "Vishnu" / Baritone. Elyon, God of Storms (Hebrew) by Singcircle, Gregory Rose
=> Stimmung: Warming Up, Leading to Model 1, Bass by Singcircle, Gregory Rose


1968 composer

=> 🧑 Karlheinz Stockhausen

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Einnstimmen und 1. Kombination B [uᴜᴏɔɒɑa…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ãʅæ̃ʅ…fɹãʅdæʅ] “Freitag” Ahura‐Mazda

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ɛaɛaɒ…zalɛmalaekᴜm…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [hinine:nɛnanɛ…] Isis

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ijijɨjyjʏ…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [mɒɔaɔ…] Vishnu

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ɷʏɷʏ…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ᴜʅᴜʅᴜʅ…vʅ∫nᴜ:] Varuna

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ʊəa…ʊziafʉ:] “Ruseralkrusel”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [ɑ→um…kɑlɑ] “Nimm’ dich in Acht…”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [hyiyɷ…hɔtahy:] (Pferdewiehern)

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [ieãe…] Nut

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [jijyjyjøjy…] Hera

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [jᴜjᴜjᴜ…] “Meine Hände…”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [mʉlɷgʊ…ʉvolɷvʊ] Atum‐Ra

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [œ:iuɛ̃ãɔ:oɑɛ̃eiœ:] Usi‐Neno, Aeolus, Abassi‐Abumo, Geb, Hina‐a‐tuatua‐a‐kakai

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [oɔoɔ…] Tlaloc

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [aæaɒɔ…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [ɛlɛl…] “The Male Is Basically…”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [hɔ̃œɔœ…hɔœlaʅhɔhɔ:]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [huoɒoɒ…] [:kɔmʅt:] Usi‐afu

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [ieɛæaɑoɔ…] Elyon

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [nininyny…] “Niemals” Uwoluwu

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [tjʊɷʊʉ…ti:ʊ:stɑ:k] “Dienstag” Sedna

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [ʏuhʊwəøni…] Tamosei

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [həœəœəœ…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [hʅeɛæ…wɛnsde‐ʅ:] “Mittwoch / Wednesday” Viracocha

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [jøœʏøœʏ…] Tamoi

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔ→ejɑoɑea…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔnɒnɒnanɛ…ge:gɛ:ga:gɑ:gɔt] “Gott noch mal…” Grogoragally

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɹɨɒ̃ɨɒ̃…mɑʀɨ]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [uᴜoɔɒɑ̃ã…] Munganagana

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ᴜɔæʅ…] “Moon’s Day” / “Mond‐Tag” Tangaroa

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [hæ̃ɛeɛa…hɛlena] Rangi, Uitzilopochtli, Yahweh

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [hɒnahɒahɛa…] Rhea

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [hoᴜoɔ…zɔntɑk] “Sonntag” Mulugu

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [mʉndəʊgɷɾʊ…] “Guru‐muku‐mu‐” Sussistinako

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [œɷɛʅ…θœɹzdæʅ] “Thorstag — Donnerstag”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [øɨ…fønɨks]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [øœɑɒɔouʉʊɷœø]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [ɷʊə …] (Obertöne flüsternd pfeifen)

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [yiyiyi…tʏʀʀ] “Difffff‐dafffff…”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [aæɛeʅi…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [æaæa…sɛ:tɹnsdɛ→ʅ:] “Samstag” Venus

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɑᴜ…hɑlɛlᴜjɑ:]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [heɛieɛi…nemɛzʅsartemʅs] Uranos

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [hʊɷə…] Elohim

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ieɔou…ʏonɨ] “Piperipipi:…”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɔoɔo…hɑ:tɔ:ʀʀ] “Mein Hahn ist meine Seele…”

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ᴜɑᴜɛᴜeᴜiᴜœᴜoᴜ:…]

1969-10-30 – 1969-10-31 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ʊwəœʏjiy…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Einnstimmen und 1. Kombination B [uᴜᴏɔɒɑa…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ãʅæ̃ʅ…fɹãʅdæʅ] “Freitag” Ahura‐Mazda

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ɛaɛaɒ…zalɛmalaekᴜm…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [hinine:nɛnanɛ…] Isis

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ijijɨjyjʏ…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [mɒɔaɔ…] Vishnu

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ɷʏɷʏ…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ᴜʅᴜʅᴜʅ…vʅ∫nᴜ:] Varuna

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination A [ʊəa…ʊziafʉ:] “Ruseralkrusel”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [ɑ→um…kɑlɑ] “Nimm’ dich in Acht…”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [hyiyɷ…hɔtahy:] (Pferdewiehern)

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [ieãe…] Nut

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [jijyjyjøjy…] Hera

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [jᴜjᴜjᴜ…] “Meine Hände…”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [mʉlɷgʊ…ʉvolɷvʊ] Atum‐Ra

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [œ:iuɛ̃ãɔ:oɑɛ̃eiœ:] Usi‐Neno, Aeolus, Abassi‐Abumo, Geb, Hina‐a‐tuatua‐a‐kakai

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination B [oɔoɔ…] Tlaloc

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [aæaɒɔ…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [ɛlɛl…] “The Male Is Basically…”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [hɔ̃œɔœ…hɔœlaʅhɔhɔ:]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [huoɒoɒ…] [:kɔmʅt:] Usi‐afu

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [ieɛæaɑoɔ…] Elyon

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [nininyny…] “Niemals” Uwoluwu

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [tjʊɷʊʉ…ti:ʊ:stɑ:k] “Dienstag” Sedna

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S I [ʏuhʊwəøni…] Tamosei

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [həœəœəœ…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [hʅeɛæ…wɛnsde‐ʅ:] “Mittwoch / Wednesday” Viracocha

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [jøœʏøœʏ…] Tamoi

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔ→ejɑoɑea…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɔnɒnɒnanɛ…ge:gɛ:ga:gɑ:gɔt] “Gott noch mal…” Grogoragally

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ɹɨɒ̃ɨɒ̃…mɑʀɨ]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [uᴜoɔɒɑ̃ã…] Munganagana

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination S II [ᴜɔæʅ…] “Moon’s Day” / “Mond‐Tag” Tangaroa

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [hæ̃ɛeɛa…hɛlena] Rangi, Uitzilopochtli, Yahweh

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [hɒnahɒahɛa…] Rhea

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [hoᴜoɔ…zɔntɑk] “Sonntag” Mulugu

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [mʉndəʊgɷɾʊ…] “Guru‐muku‐mu‐” Sussistinako

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [œɷɛʅ…θœɹzdæʅ] “Thorstag — Donnerstag”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [øɨ…fønɨks]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [øœɑɒɔouʉʊɷœø]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [ɷʊə …] (Obertöne flüsternd pfeifen)

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T I [yiyiyi…tʏʀʀ] “Difffff‐dafffff…”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [aæɛeʅi…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [æaæa…sɛ:tɹnsdɛ→ʅ:] “Samstag” Venus

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɑᴜ…hɑlɛlᴜjɑ:]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [heɛieɛi…nemɛzʅsartemʅs] Uranos

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [hʊɷə…] Elohim

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ieɔou…ʏonɨ] “Piperipipi:…”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ɔoɔo…hɑ:tɔ:ʀʀ] “Mein Hahn ist meine Seele…”

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ᴜɑᴜɛᴜeᴜiᴜœᴜoᴜ:…]

1982-09-13 – 1982-09-15 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Kombination T II [ʊwəœʏjiy…]

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 1

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 2

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 3

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 4

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 5

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 6

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 7

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 8

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 9

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 10

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 11

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 12

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 13

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 14

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 15

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 16

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 17

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 18

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 19

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 20

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 21

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 22

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 23

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 24

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 25

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 26

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 27

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 28

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 29

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 30

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 31

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 32

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 33

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 34

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 35

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 36

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 37

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 38

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 39

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 40

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 41

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 42

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 43

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 44

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 45

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 46

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 47

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 48

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 49

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 50

1983-01-27 – 1983-01-28 performance

=> 🎶 Stimmung: Model 51


=> 🎶 Nos Contemporains (après 1945) : Stimmung (extrait de la version de Copenhague)


=> 🎶 Stimmung


=> 🎶 Stimmung


=> 🎶 Stimmung: Mezzo. "Gott Nochmal" / Soprano 2. Gregoragally, Sun God (Australian Aboriginal)


=> 🎶 Stimmung: Soprano 1. Tenor. Usi-Afu, God of the Earth (Timor, Indonesia)


=> 🎶 Stimmung: Soprano 2. "Vishnu" / Baritone. Elyon, God of Storms (Hebrew)


=> 🎶 Stimmung: Warming Up, Leading to Model 1, Bass



=> Return to start page

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