Release by Various Artists
=> 1 Introitus: Adorate Deum (4:05)
=> 2 Introitus: Da pacem (4:37)
=> 3 Introitus: Dominus illuminatio mea (5:48)
=> 4 Introitus: Laetetur cor (4:08)
=> 5 Gradualia: Dirigatur (3:13)
=> 6 Gradualia: Domine, Dominus noster (3:25)
=> 7 Gradualia: Iacta cogitatum tuum (3:57)
=> 8 Gradualia: Laetatus sum (3:18)
=> 9 Versus Alleluiatici: Adorabo (2:20)
=> 10 Versus Alleluiatici: De profundis (3:20)
=> 11 Versus Alleluiatici: Deus, iudex iustus (2:53)
=> 12 Versus Alleluiatici: Laudate Deum (1:53)
=> 13 Offertoria: De profundis (3:31)
=> 14 Offertoria: Domine, convertere (2:22)
=> 15 Offertoria: Iubilate Deo universa terra (7:50)
=> 16 Offertoria: Iustitiae Domini (4:18)
=> 17 Communiones: Circuibo (2:08)
=> 18 Communiones: Dicit Dominus: Implete hydrias (3:55)
=> 19 Communiones: Dominus firmamentum meum (2:28)
=> 20 Communiones: Qui manducat (2:19)
=> 21 Communiones: Gustate et videte (Psalmus 33) (3:29)
=> 1 O Euchari (8:56)
=> 2 Alleluia - O virga mediatrix (3:37)
=> 3 Ave generosa (6:32)
=> 4 Laus Trinitati (1:30)
=> 5 Kyrie (4:32)
=> 6 O presul vere (8:22)
=> 7 O ignis spiritus (5:53)
=> 8 Procession from ‘Ordo Virtutum’ (4:30)
=> 9 O pastor animarum (1:29)
=> 10 O viridissima virga (5:28)
=> 11 O virga ac diadema (7:59)
=> 1 Tant m'abelis (4:55)
=> 2 Domna, pos vps ay chausida (2:24)
=> 3 Non puesc sofrir / Contrafactum: Ar me puesc (8:21)
=> 4 Bujo (2:43)
=> 5 Bel 'es qu'ieu chant (6:06)
=> 6 Cantaben els osells (5:54)
=> 7 Ai tal domna (3:26)
=> 8 Reis glorios (2:40)
=> 9 Ara lausatz, lausat, lausat (2:19)
=> 10 Humils forfaitz (7:00)
=> 11 Quan vei la lauzeta mover (6:05)
=> 12 Lanquan li jorn (17:30)
=> 1 cantilena ‘Der han’ (‘The cock’) (2:34)
=> 2 Mir ist ummaten leyde (I am grieved beyond all measure) (5:27)
=> 3 Summer unde winder (Summer and winter) (7:45)
=> 4 clausula (3:54)
=> 5 Sinc eyn gulden hoen (Sing, you golden hen) / stantipes ‘Der munich’ (‘The monk’) (7:38)
=> 6 Willekome eyn sommerweter suze (Welcome the sweet summer weather) (5:54)
=> 7 Guoten wib wol üch der eren (Gracious ladies, you deserve honour) (5:48)
=> 8 muteta ‘Non veul mari’ (‘I do not want a husband’) (1:47)
=> 9 Ich claghe de blomen (I mourn for the flowers) (9:28)
=> 10 stantipes ‘Der hedamerschol’ (‘The hedamerschol’) (2:30)
=> 11 Allez daz den sumer (Everything that all summer long) (7:03)
=> 12 Vil wol gelopter got (God, so highly extolled) (3:12)
=> 13 Je muir, je muir (I die, I die) (1:36)
=> 1 Bache, bene venies (5:57)
=> 2 Axe Phebus aureo (5:49)
=> 3 Clauso Cronos (3:10)
=> 4 Katerine collaudemus (3:30)
=> 5 Fas et nefas (3:39)
=> 6 Tempus transit gelidum (5:07)
=> 7 Ich was ein Chint so wolgetan (3:16)
=> 8 Ecce torpet probitas (6:06)
=> 9 Exiit diluculo (2:48)
=> 10 Vite perdite (5:42)
=> 11 Procurans odium (5:32)
=> 12 Celum, non animum (3:01)
=> 13 Tempus est iocundum (5:58)
=> 1 La Messe de Nostre Dame: Kyrie (8:39)
=> 2 La Messe de Nostre Dame: Gloria (4:44)
=> 3 La Messe de Nostre Dame: Credo (6:34)
=> 4 La Messe de Nostre Dame: Sanctus (4:55)
=> 5 La Messe de Nostre Dame: Agnus Dei (3:44)
=> 6 La Messe de Nostre Dame: Ite missa est (1:43)
=> 7 Songs from Le Voir Dit: Ballade 32: Plourez dames (8:55)
=> 8 Songs from Le Voir Dit: Ballade 33: Nes qu'on porroit (8:19)
=> 9 Songs from Le Voir Dit: Rondeau 4: Sans cuer dolens (4:15)
=> 10 Songs from Le Voir Dit: Lai 13: Le lay de bonne esperance (19:30)
=> 11 Songs from Le Voir Dit: Rondeau 18: Puis qu'en oubli (1:51)
=> 12 Songs from Le Voir Dit: Rondeau 17: Dis et sept cinq (4:32)
=> 1 Argentum et aurum (3:10)
=> 2 Vyol - Urlaub hab der wintter (6:35)
=> 3 Ich fragt ain wachter (6:13)
=> 4 Das kchúhorn - Untarnslaf (1:38)
=> 5 Skak - Frölich geschrai so well wir machen (1:13)
=> 6 Soyt tar tempre (1:32)
=> 7 Or sus vous dormes trop (5:56)
=> 8 Durch Barbarei, Arabia (2:31)
=> 9 Der sunnen glanst (4:47)
=> 10 Do man den gumpel gampel sank (8:13)
=> 11 Freu dich, du weltlich creatúr (2:19)
=> 12 Zergangen ist meins herzen maria (4:59)
=> 13 Gegrusset seistu maria (5:35)
=> 14 [instrumental] (2:57)
=> 15 Von osterreich - Sig, säid und heil (1:01)
=> 16 So stee ich hie auff diser erd (0:59)
=> 17 Alle dei filius (2:16)
=> 18 My ladi, my ladi, myn happ (1:27)
=> 19 Seigneur Leon (1:22)
=> 20 Gespile, liebe gespile gút (0:47)
=> 21 Es sassen höld in ainer stuben (0:51)
=> 22 Ich sachs ains mals (1:11)
=> 23 Heýa, heýa nun wie si grollen (0:58)
=> 24 La Martinella (2:04)
=> 25 Pavane (1:29)
=> 26 Mantúaner dantz (1:23)
=> 27 Gottes namen faren wir (1:47)
=> 28 Maria zart, von edler art (3:08)
=> 1 J'ay mis mon cuer (3:31)
=> 2 Par droit je puis bien complaindre (3:46)
=> 3 Quel fronte signorille / La dolce vista (6:04)
=> 4 Puisque vous estez campieur (3:32)
=> 5 Belle, que vous ay je mesfait (3:37)
=> 6 Vergene bella (4:20)
=> 7 Se la face ay pale (2:36)
=> 8 Donnes l'assault à la fortresse (4:37)
=> 9 Par le regard de vos beaux yeux (4:03)
=> 10 Resvelons nous (2:26)
=> 11 Ce jour d l'an (2:20)
=> 12 Mon chier amy (2:23)
=> 13 Pour l'amour de ma doulce amye (3:41)
=> 14 Helas mon dueil (4:04)
=> 15 Bon jour, bon mois (2:59)
=> 16 Resvelliés vous et faites chiere lye (2:47)
=> 17 Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys (5:32)
=> 1 Intemerata Dei Mater (7:43)
=> 2 Requiem: Introitus (4:26)
=> 3 Requiem: Kyrie (4:33)
=> 4 Requiem: Graduale (4:38)
=> 5 Requiem: Tractus (7:42)
=> 6 Requiem: Offertorium (9:08)
=> 7 Missa prolationum: Kyrie (3:48)
=> 8 Missa prolationum: Gloria (5:57)
=> 9 Missa prolationum: Credo (7:29)
=> 10 Missa prolationum: Sanctus (3:14)
=> 11 Missa prolationum: Benedictus (3:39)
=> 12 Missa prolationum: Agnus Dei (5:20)
=> 1 Mesciens mater a 5 (6:02)
=> 2 Magnificat a 4 (14:43)
=> 3 Nesciens mater (0:46)
=> 4 St. Matthew Passion [27:11-56] a 4 (21:21)
=> 5 Stabat mater a 6 (16:17)
=> 6 Magnificat a 5 (13:53)
=> 7 Jesus autem transiens / Credo in Deum canon a 13 (5:53)
=> 1 O Antiphons: O Sapientia (with Magnificat) (5:28)
=> 2 O Antiphons: O Adonai (1:02)
=> 3 O Antiphons: O Radix lesse (1:03)
=> 4 O Antiphons: O Clavis David (1:11)
=> 5 O Antiphons: O Oriens (0:52)
=> 6 O Antiphons: O Rex Gentium (0:55)
=> 7 O Antiphons: O Emmanuel (0:55)
=> 8 Missa Conceptio lua: Kyrie (3:30)
=> 9 Missa Conceptio lua: Gloria (5:45)
=> 10 Missa Conceptio lua: Credo (8:54)
=> 11 Missa Conceptio lua: Sanctus (8:40)
=> 12 Missa Conceptio lua: Agnus Dei (4:12)
=> 13 Alma Redemptoris Mater (2:22)
=> 14 There is no rose of swych vertu (5:19)
=> 15 Hail Mary, full of grace (5:14)
=> 16 Nova, nova! (1:58)
=> 1 Missa Myn hert: Kyrie (3:46)
=> 2 Celeste beneficium / Adiutorium nostrum (6:15)
=> 3 Proch dolor / Pie Jhesu (2:52)
=> 4 Mater floreat (5:31)
=> 5 Missa super Benedicta es: Agnus Dei (4:04)
=> 6 Salve Regina (on Myn Hert) (7:38)
=> 7 Maudit soyt (1:22)
=> 8 Autant en emporte (1:17)
=> 9 Myn hert altyt heeft verlanghen I (2:22)
=> 10 Celle que j'ay (2:33)
=> 11 Myn hert altyt heeft verlanghen II (3:39)
=> 12 Plus oultre (2:40)
=> 13 Plaine de duel (5:43)
=> 14 Soubz ce tumbel (5:03)
=> 15 Dulces exuviae (2:46)
=> 16 Jam sauche (1:16)
=> 17 Tandernaken op den Rijn (3:09)
=> 1 L'homme armé (1:09)
=> 2 Introitus: Salve Sancta Parens (4:41)
=> 3 Missa sine nomine: Kyrie eleison / Christe eleison / Kyrie eleison (4:18)
=> 4 Kyrie I (1:28)
=> 5 Missa sine nomine: Gloria in excelsis Deo (6:08)
=> 6 Graduale: Benedicta et venerabilis es (2:44)
=> 7 Reyna muy esclareçida (2:42)
=> 8 Missa sine nomine: Credo (9:27)
=> 9 Sancta mater istud agas (2:43)
=> 10 Offertorium: Ave maria, gratia plena (2:02)
=> 11 Ave Sanctissima Maria (3:28)
=> 12 Missa sine nomine: Sanctus / Benedictus (6:05)
=> 13 Hymn: Pange lingua (2:51)
=> 14 Virgo et Mater (3:03)
=> 15 Missa sine nomine: Agnus Dei (3:54)
=> 16 Communio: Beata viscera (0:56)
=> 17 Salve Regina (Antiphon) (9:35)
=> 1 La vida de Culin (2:24)
=> 2 L'amor, dona ch'io te porto (3:10)
=> 3 Vecchie letrose (2:15)
=> 4 Che faralla, che diralla (3:39)
=> 5 Occhi miei, al pianger nati (4:41)
=> 6 Poi che volse la mia stella (1:36)
=> 7 L'ultimo dì di maggio (2:01)
=> 8 Zephiro spira e 'l bel tempo rimena (4:49)
=> 9 Alle stamegne, donne (2:26)
=> 10 Su, su, leva, alza le ciglia (5:05)
=> 11 Ahimè sospiri (3:07)
=> 12 Per dolor me bagno el viso (5:55)
=> 13 Ricercar Ottavo (1:45)
=> 14 Un cavalier di Spagna (1:25)
=> 15 Virgine bella (4:02)
=> 16 Non è tempo d'aspettare (3:25)
=> 17 D'un bel matin d'amore (2:11)
=> 18 Lirum bililirum (6:00)
=> 1 Ave Maria (5:39)
=> 2 Missa L'homme armé: L'Homme armé (Mode 6) (0:42)
=> 3 Missa L'homme armé: Kyrie (4:26)
=> 4 Missa L'homme armé: Gloria (7:35)
=> 5 Missa L'homme armé: Credo (10:40)
=> 6 Missa L'homme armé: Laeta Dies (Mode 6) (2:25)
=> 7 Missa L'homme armé: Sanctus (6:17)
=> 8 Missa L'homme armé: Agnus Dei (9:15)
=> 9 Absalon fili mi (4:31)
=> 10 Lament on the death of Josquin (Vinders) (4:24)
=> 1 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia X (2:07)
=> 2 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia III (1:57)
=> 3 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia V (2:08)
=> 4 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia XVIII (3:11)
=> 5 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia VII (2:18)
=> 6 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia XXVI (3:41)
=> 7 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia XXXV (3:11)
=> 8 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Fantasia XXI (3:00)
=> 9 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Pavana V (1:20)
=> 10 Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro: Tiento I (5:55)
=> 11 Music for Vihuela: Fantasia del quinto tono (2:13)
=> 12 Music for Vihuela: Fantasia del tercer tono (2:30)
=> 13 Music for Vihuela: Fantasia del segundo tono (3:19)
=> 14 Music for Vihuela: Fantasia del quinto tono (2:05)
=> 15 Music for Vihuela: Cum sancto spiritu (2:14)
=> 16 Music for Vihuela: Ya se asienta el Ramiro (1:58)
=> 17 Music for Vihuela: Paseavase el rey Moro (1:57)
=> 18 Music for Vihuela: Fantasia del primer tono (1:44)
=> 19 Music for Vihuela: O gloriosa domina (6:38)
=> 20 Music for Vihuela: Conde Claros (3:09)
=> 1 Spem in alium (40-voice Motet) (12:19)
=> 2 Salve intemerata (Motet) (23:09)
=> 3 Missa Salve intemerata: Gloria (6:36)
=> 4 Missa Salve intemerata: Credo (7:55)
=> 5 Missa Salve intemerata: Sanctus (7:47)
=> 6 Missa Salve intemerata: Agnus Dei (5:31)
=> 7 With all our heart (3:11)
=> 8 Discomfort them, O Lord (6:36)
=> 9 I call and cry to thee, O Lord (4:09)
=> 1 Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie (4:37)
=> 2 Missa Papae Marcelli: Gloria (5:37)
=> 3 Missa Papae Marcelli: Credo (8:33)
=> 4 Missa Papae Marcelli: Sanctus (8:55)
=> 5 Missa Papae Marcelli: Agnus Dei (8:03)
=> 6 Missa Aeterna Christi munera: Kyrie (2:14)
=> 7 Missa Aeterna Christi munera: Gloria (2:58)
=> 8 Missa Aeterna Christi munera: Credo (5:11)
=> 9 Missa Aeterna Christi munera: Sanctus (5:06)
=> 10 Missa Aeterna Christi munera: Agnus Dei (5:00)
=> 1 Lagrime di San Pietro: Il magnanimo Pietro (2:20)
=> 2 Lagrime di San Pietro: Ma gli archi (2:32)
=> 3 Lagrime di San Pietro: Tre volte haveva à l'importuna e audace (2:19)
=> 4 Lagrime di San Pietro: Qual' à l'incontro di quegli occhi santi (2:36)
=> 5 Lagrime di San Pietro: Giovane donna il suo bel volto in specchio (2:27)
=> 6 Lagrime di San Pietro: Così tal'hor (2:09)
=> 7 Lagrime di San Pietro: Ogni occhio del Signor lingua veloce (2:18)
=> 8 Lagrime di San Pietro: Nessun fedel trovai, nessun cortese (2:57)
=> 9 Lagrime di San Pietro: Chi ad una ad una raccontar potesse (2:21)
=> 10 Lagrime di San Pietro: Come falda di neve (2:47)
=> 11 Lagrime di San Pietro: E non fu il pianto suo rivo ó Torrente (2:16)
=> 12 Lagrime di San Pietro: Quel volto (2:46)
=> 13 Lagrime di San Pietro: Veduto il miser quanto differente (3:00)
=> 14 Lagrime di San Pietro: E vago d'incontrar chi giusta pena (2:56)
=> 15 Lagrime di San Pietro: Vattene vitav và (2:16)
=> 16 Lagrime di San Pietro: O vita troppo rea (2:33)
=> 17 Lagrime di San Pietro: À quanti già felici in giovinezza (2:40)
=> 18 Lagrime di San Pietro: Non trovava mia fe sì duro intoppo (2:25)
=> 19 Lagrime di San Pietro: Queste opre e piu (2:22)
=> 20 Lagrime di San Pietro: Negando il mio Signor (2:24)
=> 21 Lagrime di San Pietro: Vide homo (4:11)
=> 1 Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 117: Praeludium (1:23)
=> 2 Musica Britannica, vol. 28, no. 62 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 261: Fantasia in G major, no. 2 (9:19)
=> 3 Musica Britannica, vol. 27, no. 12 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 100: Praeludium to the Fancie in A minor (0:49)
=> 4 Musica Britannica, vol. 27, no. 13 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 52: Fantasiain A minor (8:11)
=> 5 Musica Britannica, vol. 27, no. 24 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 24 / Parthenia, no. 4: Praeludium in C major (1:01)
=> 6 Musica Britannica, vol. 27, no. 25 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 103 / My Ladye Nevells Book, 36: Fantasia in C major (6:14)
=> 7 Musica Britannica, vol. 55, no. 55: Fantasia in G minor (4:15)
=> 8 Musica Britannica, vol. 28, no. 64 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 101 / My Ladye Nevells Book, 9: Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la in G major (9:22)
=> 9 Musica Britannica, vol. 28, no. 65 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 102: Ut, mi, re (8:03)
=> 10 Musica Britannica, vol. 14, no. 59: Prelude: Doric Music (1:54)
=> 11 Musica Britannica, vol. 28, no. 46 / My Ladye Nevells Book, 41: Fantasia in D minor (5:39)
=> 12 Musica Britannica, vol. 55, no. 3: Praeludium (1:13)
=> 13 Musica Britannica, vol. 28, no. 58: Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la in F major (4:33)
=> 14 Musica Britannica, vol. 27, no. 1 / Parthenia, no. 1: Praeludium in G minor (0:40)
=> 15 Musica Britannica, vol. 28, no. 63 / The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, no. 8: Fantasia in G major (5:07)
=> 16 Musica Britannica, vol. 27, no. 26 / My Ladye Nevells Book, 29: Fantasia in C major, no. 1 (9:35)
=> 1 Canzon à 12 (Kassel Library) (3:38)
=> 2 Canzon V (1615) (2:56)
=> 3 Sonata XVIII (1615) (6:29)
=> 4 Canzon Seconda à 4 (1608) (2:45)
=> 5 Canzon Primi Toni à 8 (1597) (4:12)
=> 6 Sonata XIX (1615) (5:16)
=> 7 Canzon II (1615) (3:34)
=> 8 Sonata Octavi Toni à 12 (1597) (5:10)
=> 9 Canzon Terza à 4 (1608) (2:05)
=> 10 Canzon XII (1615) (3:12)
=> 11 Canzon III (1615) (2:59)
=> 12 Canzon VI (1615) (3:12)
=> 13 Canzon ‘La Spiritata’ à 4 (1608) (2:42)
=> 14 Canzon XVI à 12 (1615) (3:44)
=> 1 Fantasia (4:02)
=> 2 Ah, alas you salt sea gods (3:16)
=> 3 A Song of Mr. Robert Parsons (1:55)
=> 4 The Song called Trumpets (2:15)
=> 5 O Death, rock me asleep (4:23)
=> 6 In Nomine (2:25)
=> 7 In Nomine (3:50)
=> 8 Pour down, you pow'rs divine (5:14)
=> 9 Ut re mi (6:09)
=> 10 Quis me statim (2:34)
=> 11 In Nomine no. 14, ‘Reporte’ (2:15)
=> 12 Penelope that longed (3:20)
=> 13 In Nomine no. 20, ‘Crye’ (1:54)
=> 14 Send forth thy sighs (2:57)
=> 15 Climb not too high (3:06)
=> 16 De la court (5:51)
=> 17 Eliza, her name gives honour (1:47)
=> 18 Pavin of Albarti (1:16)
=> 19 Gallyard (0:51)
=> 20 O Jove, from stately throne (2:14)
=> 21 A Solfing Song (2:52)
=> 22 Ah, silly poor Joas (1:32)
=> 23 In Nomine (2:45)
=> 24 Ye sacred Muses (3:52)
=> 1 Toccata in C (4:37)
=> 2 Ballo del granduca (5:03)
=> 3 Ricercar (11:26)
=> 4 Malle Sijmen (1:40)
=> 5 Mein junges Leben hat ein End' (6:25)
=> 6 Echo Fantasia in A minor (4:15)
=> 7 Onder een linde groen (5:34)
=> 8 Toccata in A minor (6:00)
=> 9 Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott (11:26)
=> 10 Poolsche Dans (7:47)
=> 1 Pavan ‘Solus cum sola’ (4:37)
=> 2 Melancholy Galliard (2:36)
=> 3 Sir John Smith, his Almain (2:38)
=> 4 The Lady Russell's Pavan (4:52)
=> 5 Lady Rich, her Galliard (1:55)
=> 6 The Lady Laiton's Almain (1:21)
=> 7 Pavan ‘Solus sine sola’ (5:48)
=> 8 Mr Knight's Galliard (1:51)
=> 9 Mrs Clifton's Almain (1:25)
=> 10 Dr Case's Pavan (4:17)
=> 11 Sir Robert Sidney, his Galliard (2:38)
=> 12 Sir Henry Guilforde, his Almain (2:11)
=> 13 ‘Pavana Doulant’ (pub. Mylius, Frankfurt 1622) (3:24)
=> 14 The Earl of Derby, his Galliard (2:30)
=> 15 Almain, P. 51 (2:39)
=> 16 Pavan ‘La mia Barbara’ (5:48)
=> 17 The Battle Galliard (2:49)
=> 18 Almain, P. 49 (1:24)
=> 19 ‘Pavana Johan Douland’ (Schele ms.) (7:00)
=> 20 Galliard on a Galliard of Bachelar (2:50)
=> 21 Almain (Margaret Board Lute ms.) (1:36)
=> 1 Baci soavi e cari (part 1) (3:33)
=> 2 Quanto ha di dolce amore (part 2) (3:19)
=> 3 Madonna, io ben vorrei (3:35)
=> 4 Come esser può ch'io viva? (2:40)
=> 5 Gelo ha madonna il seno (2:39)
=> 6 Mentre madonna (part 1) (2:34)
=> 7 Ahi, troppo saggia (part 2) (2:59)
=> 8 Se da si nobil mano (2:24)
=> 9 Amor, pace non chero (2:03)
=> 10 Sì gioioso mi fanno i dolor miel (3:31)
=> 11 O dolce mio martire (2:39)
=> 12 Tirsi morir volea (part 1) (3:16)
=> 13 Frenò Tirsi il desio (part 2) (2:51)
=> 14 Mentre, mia stella, miri (2:54)
=> 15 Non mirar, non mirare (3:08)
=> 16 Questi leggiadri odorosetti fiori (3:37)
=> 17 Felice primavera! (part 1) (2:05)
=> 18 Danzan le ninfe (part 2) (1:37)
=> 19 Son sì belle le rose (2:31)
=> 20 Bella angioletta (2:08)
=> 1 Come let us sound with melody (2:51)
=> 2 Tune thy Musicke to thy hart (1:37)
=> 3 Come you pretty false-ey'd wanton (1:39)
=> 4 There is none, O none but you (2:08)
=> 5 Sweet exclude mee not (3:15)
=> 6 I care not for these Ladies (2:34)
=> 7 Though you are yoong and I am olde (3:07)
=> 8 Fire, fire, fire, fire! (1:58)
=> 9 What then is love but mourning? (2:44)
=> 10 Shall I come, sweet love, to thee? (2:29)
=> 11 Beauty, since you so much desire (1:45)
=> 12 What is it all that men possesse? (1:44)
=> 13 The Sypres curten of the night (5:18)
=> 14 Jacke and Jone they think no ill (2:32)
=> 15 It fell on a sommers daie (2:38)
=> 16 When to her lute Corrina sings (1:46)
=> 17 My sweetest Lesbia (4:41)
=> 18 Her rosie cheekes, her ever smiling eyes (2:28)
=> 19 Faire, if you expect admiring (1:18)
=> 20 There is a Garden in her face (2:43)
=> 21 Author of light (2:58)
=> 22 Never weather-beaten Saile (2:14)
=> 23 Most sweet and pleasing are thy wayes (2:42)
=> 24 To musicke bent is my retyred minde (2:25)
=> 25 Thou joy'st, fond boy (2:01)
=> 26 Turne all thy thoughts to eyes (1:31)
=> 27 Vaile, love mine eyes (2:13)
=> 28 Miserere my Maker (5:16)
=> 1 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Cruda Amarilli (3:40)
=> 2 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: O Mirtillo (3:33)
=> 3 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Era l'anima mia (4:23)
=> 4 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Ecco, Silvio, colei (4:13)
=> 5 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Ma, se, con la pietà (3:34)
=> 6 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Dorinda, ah, dirò mia (2:41)
=> 7 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Ecco, piegando le genocchie (3:18)
=> 8 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Ferir quel petto, Silvio? (5:10)
=> 9 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Ch'io t'ami (2:19)
=> 10 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Deh, bella e cara (3:10)
=> 11 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Ma tu, più che mai dura (4:28)
=> 12 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Che dar più vi poss'io? (3:44)
=> 13 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: M'è più dolce il penar (4:09)
=> 14 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Ahi, come a un vago sol (6:13)
=> 15 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Troppo ben può (3:27)
=> 16 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Amor, se giusto sei (4:14)
=> 17 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: T'amo, mia vita (3:30)
=> 18 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: E così, a poco a poco (3:29)
=> 19 Il Quinto Libro de' Madrigali, 1605: Questi vaghi concenti (9:08)
=> 1 Pavan in F minor (4 viols) (3:22)
=> 2 Almain in F major (4 viols) (1:35)
=> 3 In Nomine (Organ) (2:50)
=> 4 Above the stars (Verse Anthem: 5 viols, 6 voices) (3:52)
=> 5 Fantasia XIV (3 viols) (3:31)
=> 6 Fantasia I (3 viols) (2:05)
=> 7 A Fancy: For two to play (Harpsichord) (2:21)
=> 8 Ut re mi (Hexachord Fantasia: 4 viols) (6:46)
=> 9 O Lord, let me know mind end (Verse Anthem: 5 viols, 5 voices) (5:34)
=> 10 Fantasia XII (3 viols) (2:50)
=> 11 In Nomine II (3 viols) (2:33)
=> 12 Paven and galliard: Earl Strafford (Harpsichord) (7:21)
=> 13 Fantasia (6 viols) (3:38)
=> 14 Miserere (Organ) (3:01)
=> 15 Voluntary (Organ) (2:59)
=> 16 Pavan in A minor (5 viols, Organ) (4:34)
=> 17 Galliard (Thomas Simpson: 5 viols, Organ) (2:01)
=> 18 Thou art my King, O God (Verse Anthem: 5 viols, 5 voices) (4:00)
=> 1 Guerra Manuscript: Introduction (solo harp) (2:24)
=> 2 Guerra Manuscript: Oyeme, escuchame (4:53)
=> 3 Guerra Manuscript: ¿Quien es amor? (3:43)
=> 4 Guerra Manuscript: Mayor es mi dolor (3:34)
=> 5 Guerra Manuscript: Que corriendo y volando (2:51)
=> 6 Guerra Manuscript: Que obstinarse en las sombras (2:11)
=> 7 Guerra Manuscript: No parezca rigor el desden (2:50)
=> 8 Guerra Manuscript: Cansada imaginación (4:00)
=> 9 Guerra Manuscript: Cuidado, descuido (3:41)
=> 10 Guerra Manuscript: Peces, fiera, aves (4:15)
=> 11 Guerra Manuscript: Si la gloria de adorar (3:29)
=> 12 Guerra Manuscript: ¿Quien son aquellos? (2:34)
=> 13 Guerra Manuscript: Rompe amor las flechas (2:18)
=> 14 Guerra Manuscript: Credito es de mi decoro (3:51)
=> 15 Guerra Manuscript: Que pues muero y me matas (4:00)
=> 1 Set a 4 in G minor (for 2 Theorbos): Paven (5:43)
=> 2 Set a 4 in G minor (for 2 Theorbos): Aire (2:05)
=> 3 Set a 4 in G minor (for 2 Theorbos): Aire (2:00)
=> 4 Consort Set a 5 in C major: Fantazy (2:21)
=> 5 Consort Set a 5 in C major: Paven (4:48)
=> 6 Consort Set a 5 in C major: Aire (2:43)
=> 7 Royal Consort in D minor (for 2 Theorbos): Fantazy (3:41)
=> 8 Royal Consort in D minor (for 2 Theorbos): Aire (1:45)
=> 9 Royal Consort in D minor (for 2 Theorbos): Alman (1:54)
=> 10 Royal Consort in D minor (for 2 Theorbos): Corant I (1:51)
=> 11 Royal Consort in D minor (for 2 Theorbos): Corant II (1:05)
=> 12 Royal Consort in D minor (for 2 Theorbos): Saraband (0:45)
=> 13 Royal Consort in D minor (for 2 Theorbos): Ecco (3:01)
=> 14 Pieces for Two Lutes: Alman (2:40)
=> 15 Pieces for Two Lutes: Corant (2:07)
=> 16 Pieces for Two Lutes: Corant (1:54)
=> 17 Divisions on a Pavan in G minor (6:09)
=> 18 Consort Set a 5 in A minor: Fantazy (4:18)
=> 19 Consort Set a 5 in A minor: Fantazy (2:59)
=> 20 Consort Set a 5 in A minor: Aire (1:48)
=> 21 Royal Consort in D major (for 2 Theorbos): Fantazy (3:06)
=> 22 Royal Consort in D major (for 2 Theorbos): Aire (2:01)
=> 23 Royal Consort in D major (for 2 Theorbos): Corant (1:57)
=> 24 Royal Consort in D major (for 2 Theorbos): Alman (1:28)
=> 25 Royal Consort in D major (for 2 Theorbos): Ecco (2:54)
=> 26 Royal Consort in D major (for 2 Theorbos): Aire - Morris (1:14)
=> Naxos
2019-06 [Worldwide]
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