The Final Score

Release by Bert Brac

Track list

Digital Media 1

=> 1 Cloudy Powder Gulch (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:07)
=> 2 ??? Titelthema I (Perry Rhodan, Part 1) (DDF 29 mix) (1:06)
=> 3 ??? Titelthema III (Die Arnoldskinder, 3. Folge, Teil 1) (DDF 29 mix) (1:00)
=> 4 Der alte Schrottplatz (Die Arnoldskinder reißen aus, Teil 2) (DDF 29 mix) (1:05)
=> 5 Der Fluch des Rubins (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:17)
=> 6 Java‐Jim’s Thema (Der Stahlelefant) (DDF 29 mix) (0:42)
=> 7 Ciavo’s Thema (Frankenstein & Dracula, Part 2) (DDF 29 mix) (1:11)
=> 8 Rocky Beach Nighttime (Perry Rhodan, Part 2B) (DDF 29 mix) (1:04)
=> 9 Verfolgung durch Hollywood (Notlandung in Bali, Teil 1) (DDF 29 mix) (0:56)
=> 10 Gunn’s Tagebuch (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:39)
=> 11 Marsch der Phantome (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:42)
=> 12 Stadtarchiv Santa Barbara (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:33)
=> 13 Gunn’s Insel (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:43)
=> 14 Jensen’s Thema (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:33)
=> 15 Dox Cox Pix Ex Rex Box (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:29)
=> 16 Zum Verdant House (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:28)
=> 17 Die Geisterperlen (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:34)
=> 18 Im Verdant Valley (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:34)
=> 19 Flucht aus dem alten Bergwerk (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:06)
=> 20 Abfahrt vom Freund (Die Arnoldskinder reißen aus, Teil 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:50)
=> 21 Der Schatz der Cumash (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:01)
=> 22 Himmelsauge (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:09)
=> 23 Der lachende Schatten (Perry Rhodan, Part 2A) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:02)
=> 24 ??? Titelthema IV (Die Arnoldskinder bewähren sich, Teil 2) (DDF 29 mix) (1:14)
=> 25 Abzweigung in die Berge (It’s a Nice Day, Isn’t It? Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:53)
=> 26 Sally Farrington’s Thema (Another One of Those Ups & Downs) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:15)
=> 27 Der Teufelsberg (Guitarrero Comedown, Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:52)
=> 28 Tal der Wehklagen (Guitarrero Comedown, Part 2) (Matthau87 reconstruction) (2:06)
=> 29 Condor Castle (Flaggio, Let Me Be Like I Am, Part 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:43)
=> 30 Sturm auf der Bohrinsel (Hot Rod Standby) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:25)
=> 31 Die Windrose (Walking Stick) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:07)
=> 32 Der Haifänger („Banküberfall“) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:52)
=> 33 Das Riff der Haie (Slap, Clap, Trap – Say Bye, Bye) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:23)
=> 34 Rattlesnake Road (Anymore Questions?) (Matthau87 reconstruction) (1:26)
=> 35 Der tanzende Teufel (Minor Majority) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:57)
=> 36 Djanga’s Stätte (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:24)
=> 37 Der Super‐Papagei (Perry Rhodan, Part 3B) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:25)
=> 38 ??? Titelthema II (Die Arnoldskinder reißen aus, Teil 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction, DDF 29 mix) (1:33)
=> 39 Mandala (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:10)
=> 40 Der schwarze Ranger (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (2:53)
=> 41 Die schwarze Katze (TheNoiseTracker reconstruction) (1:09)
=> 42 Der Phantomsee (Momme, der Kobold, Teil 2) (DDF 29 mix) (1:04)
=> 43 Sunny Powder Gulch (Pete, der Cowboy, Teil 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:42)
=> 44 HFI Rocky Beach (Notlandung in Bali, Teil 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:53)
=> 45 Meadow Fresh (Frankenstein & Dracula, Part 3) (DDF 29 mix) (1:05)
=> 46 Crest View Drive (Jenseits, Teil 1) (DDF 29 mix) (1:09)
=> 47 Bakerstreet 150 (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:46)
=> 48 Die Telefonlawine (Die Arnoldskinder bewähren sich, Teil 1) (DDF 29 mix) (1:10)
=> 49 Rocky Beach Sunset (Jenseits, Teil 2) (DDF 29 mix) (0:54)
=> 50 Der Monsterberg (Jenseits, Teil 3A) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:52)
=> 51 Die flüsternde Mumie (Notlandung in Bali, Teil 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:31)
=> 52 Ra Orkon (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:48)
=> 53 Hamid’s Jingle (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:10)
=> 54 Funkstille (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:36)
=> 55 GS (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:12)
=> 56 Der schwarze Canyon (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:23)
=> 57 Obere Talstraße (Die Arnoldskinder bewähren sich, Teil 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:51)
=> 58 A. Felix (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:07)
=> 59 Der seltsame Wecker (Die Arnoldskinder, 3. Folge, Teil 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:42)
=> 60 Dschungel‐Land (Die Arnoldskinder, 3. Folge, Teil 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:13)
=> 61 King Street 311 (Jenseits, Teil 3B) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:52)
=> 62 Spike Neely’s Brief (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:55)
=> 63 Der große Gulliver (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:01)
=> 64 [Musik aus »Trixie Belden« u.a., Nr. 5: Der Schatz der Chumash] (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:12)
=> 65 An der Küste (The Lonely Monk) (DDF 29 mix) (1:13)
=> 66 Skeleton Island (Flaggio, Let Me Be Like I Am, Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (2:04)
=> 67 Nach Santa Clara (Eva’s Decision, Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:37)
=> 68 Twin Lakes Theme (Berlin Sequence) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:04)
=> 69 Indian Queen (It’s a Nice Day, Isn’t It? Part 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:26)
=> 70 Bill’s Taverne (Eva’s Decision, Part 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:12)
=> 71 Abschied (Eva’s Decision, Part 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:30)
=> 72 Willkommen in Magnusstad (Simple Rhythm, Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:54)
=> 73 Die silberne Spinne (Kinda Sad and Sometimes Too) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (1:23)
=> 74 Ocean World (Guitarrero Comedown, Part 3) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (1:40)
=> 75 Jagd nach dem goldenen Gürtel (Function Proof) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (1:04)
=> 76 Hacienda in Flammen (Release Theme) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (1:35)
=> 77 Santa Ynez Creek (Areacode 212) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (1:26)
=> 78 Frankie Bender’s Thema (Simple Rhythm, Part 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:53)
=> 79 Hummer’s Thema (Simple Rhythm, Part 2) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (1:46)
=> 80 Villa Redford (It’s a Nice Day, Isn’t It? Part 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:00)
=> 81 Der verschwundene Schatz (S.O.B.) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:54)
=> 82 Wann geht’s los? (Alone at Last) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (2:16)
=> 83 Pension Seabreeze (Flaggio, Let Me Be Like I Am, Part 3) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:50)
=> 84 Zum Roten Löwen (Theme for More or Less Musicians, Part 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:01)
=> 85 Ian Carrew’s Thema (Kurabaya Sunset) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:20)
=> 86 Das Gold der Wikinger (Theme for More or Less Musicians, Part 3) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (0:59)
=> 87 Flammende Spuren (Miles Smiles Ahead) (Horror Pop Sounds mix) (1:44)
=> 88 Twin Lakes, 12:30 p.m. (Brandnew Oldie) (DDF 29 mix) (1:27)
=> 89 Thurgood’s Thema (Tripling) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:46)
=> 90 Brandstiftung (No, No, No) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:53)
=> 91 Puck (Jazzy Mrs Massy) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:57)
=> 92 Der magische Kreis (China, Beware the Beauty) (DDF 29 mix) (0:50)
=> 93 Madeleine Bainbridge’s Thema (Theme for Prophet No. 3, Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:20)
=> 94 Im Torrent Canyon (Choralistics, Part 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:46)
=> 95 Asmodi’s Thema (Grace for All Or a Few) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:19)
=> 96 Die singende Schlange (Theme for More or Less Musicians, Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:33)
=> 97 Larry Conklin’s Thema (Long Is Alone Tonight, Part 2) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:57)
=> 98 Malz’ Thema (Swing Thing) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:23)
=> 99 Mosby Museum (No More Hot Sauce, Please) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:50)
=> 100 Dr. Wooley’s Thema (Circus Who) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:00)
=> 101 Rancho Valverde (Taco Taco Taco Bell) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:45)
=> 102 Sie sind an unserer Seite (Choralistics, Part 1) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:33)
=> 103 Die wandelnde Vogelscheuche (Intro to Shuttle No. 5) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:51)
=> 104 Der Singkreis von Sunset Hills (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:20)
=> 105 Der blinde Bettler (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (2:11)
=> 106 Das Narbengesicht (Watchout on Purpose) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:21)
=> 107 Cypress Canyon Drive, Malibu (Too Late Back) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:50)
=> 108 Mesa d’Oro (Soundtrack) (2004 mix) (1:34)
=> 109 Bonestell’s Thema (European Influenca) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:54)
=> 110 Tuckerman’s Thema (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:17)
=> 111 Citrus Groove (Nasty Neighbours) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:14)
=> 112 Ein neuer Morgen (New Morning) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:13)
=> 113 Die Falle schnappt zu (Alright, Ok, It Goes!) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:53)
=> 114 Eleonor’s Thema (After All This Time) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:59)
=> 115 Der Höhlenmensch (Same Old Feelin’) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:37)
=> 116 Die Piratenbucht (Mystery Spot) (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (1:11)
=> 117 Finale (Perry Rhodan, Part 3A) (DDF 29 mix) (1:07)
=> 118 [Musik aus »Trixie Belden« u.a., Nr. 10: Abfahrt vom Freund] (Laszlo Vector reconstruction) (0:08)


=> [no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)

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2014-12-11 [Worldwide]


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