Release by Dan Gibson
=> 1 Introduction (0:53)
=> 2 Common Loon (3:18)
=> 3 Common Merganser (1:09)
=> 4 Herring Gull (0:45)
=> 5 Common Yellowthroat (0:45)
=> 6 Song Sparrow (0:48)
=> 7 Catbird (1:23)
=> 8 Mourning Warbler (0:46)
=> 9 Ruby-crowned Kinglet (0:46)
=> 10 Belted Kingfisher (0:36)
=> 11 Northern Waterthrush (0:49)
=> 12 Wood Thrush (0:53)
=> 13 Veery (0:57)
=> 14 Swainson's Thrush (1:09)
=> 15 Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1:01)
=> 16 American Robin (0:35)
=> 17 Scarlet Tanager (0:52)
=> 18 Ovenbird (0:51)
=> 19 Ruffed Grouse (0:26)
=> 20 Pileated Woodpecker (0:56)
=> 21 Purple Finch (0:49)
=> 22 Chipping Sparrow (0:56)
=> 23 Chestnut-sided Warbler (0:49)
=> 24 Black-throated Blue Warbler (0:50)
=> 25 Black-throated Green Warbler (0:40)
=> 26 Red Squirrel (0:48)
=> 27 Common Raven (1:11)
=> 28 Red-eyed Vireo (0:54)
=> 29 Winter Wren (0:45)
=> 30 White-throated Sparrow (1:32)
=> 31 Hermit Thrush (0:47)
=> 32 Northern Flicker (0:52)
=> 33 Brown Thrasher (0:51)
=> 34 Indigo Bunting (0:39)
=> 35 Dark-eyed Junco (0:49)
=> 36 Kirtland's Warbler (0:55)
=> 37 Whippoorwill (0:56)
=> 38 Barred Owl (0:58)
=> 39 Great Horned Owl (0:33)
=> 40 Wolf (2:56)
=> 41 Spring Peeper Frog (1:41)
=> 42 Wood Frog (0:48)
=> 43 Western Chorus Frog (1:40)
=> 44 American Toad (1:38)
=> 45 Northern Leopard Frog (0:53)
=> 46 Gray Treefrog (0:59)
=> 47 Bullfrog & Green Frog (1:16)
=> 48 Red-winged Blackbird (0:37)
=> 49 American Bittern (0:45)
=> 50 Marsh Wren (0:44)
=> 51 Common Moorhen (0:45)
=> 52 Swamp Sparrow (0:38)
=> 53 Olive-sided Flycatcher (0:41)
=> 54 Mallard Duck, female (0:37)
=> 55 Mallard Duck, male (0:24)
=> 56 Black Duck (0:25)
=> 1 Eastern Meadowlark (0:44)
=> 2 Bobolink (0:57)
=> 3 Vesper Sparrow (0:52)
=> 4 Common Crow (0:54)
=> 5 Killdeer (0:45)
=> 6 American Goldfinch (0:54)
=> 7 Red-tailed Hawk (0:35)
=> 8 Eastern Bluebird (0:59)
=> 9 American Robin (0:55)
=> 10 Mourning Dove (0:53)
=> 11 House Wren (0:50)
=> 12 Eastern Phoebe (0:52)
=> 13 Yellow Warbler (0:51)
=> 14 Baltimore Oriole (1:00)
=> 15 Warbling Vireo (0:50)
=> 16 Ruby-throated Hummingbird (0:48)
=> 17 Raccoon (0:48)
=> 18 Ring-billed Gull (0:40)
=> 19 Common Tern (0:47)
=> 20 Cicada (0:49)
=> 21 Canada Goose (0:50)
=> 22 Black-capped Chickadee (1:12)
=> 23 Northern Cardinal (1:00)
=> 24 Blue Jay (0:27)
=> 25 Red-breasted Nuthatch (0:46)
=> 26 White-breasted Nuthatch (0:44)
=> 27 House Finch (0:55)
=> 28 House Sparrow (0:51)
=> 29 European Starling (0:49)
=> 30 Old Squaw Duck (0:45)
=> 31 Introduction to South (0:33)
=> 32 Tufted Titmouse (0:33)
=> 33 Carolina Wren (0:48)
=> 34 Northern Parula (0:50)
=> 35 Prairie Warbler (0:48)
=> 36 Northern Mockingbird (0:51)
=> 37 Carolina Chickadee (0:45)
=> 38 Red-bellied Woodpecker (0:38)
=> 39 Red-headed Woodpecker (0:38)
=> 40 Bachman's Sparrow (0:47)
=> 41 White-eyed Vireo (0:49)
=> 42 Fish Crow (0:30)
=> 43 Loggerhead Shrike (0:44)
=> 44 Great Crested Flycatcher (0:45)
=> 45 Grey Squirrel (0:55)
=> 46 Yellow-billed Cuckoo (0:50)
=> 47 Northern Bobwhite Quail (0:41)
=> 48 Snowy Egret (0:39)
=> 49 Great Egret (0:40)
=> 50 Osprey (0:38)
=> 51 Wood Stork (0:51)
=> 52 Wood Duck (0:37)
=> 53 Screech Owl (0:47)
=> 54 Chuck-will's-widow (0:45)
=> 55 Barking Tree Frog (1:51)
=> 56 Southern Cricket Frog (0:53)
=> 57 Pine Woods Treefrog (1:06)
=> 58 Little Grass Frog (0:56)
=> 59 Pig Frog (0:52)
=> 60 American Alligator (1:26)
=> 1 Introduction (1:08)
=> 2 Pacific Coast Rainforest (1:38)
=> 3 Sooty Fox Sparrow (0:56)
=> 4 Varied Thrush (0:57)
=> 5 Winter Wren (0:56)
=> 6 Pacific Tree Frog (1:45)
=> 7 Common Loon and Pacific Tree Frog (0:58)
=> 8 Red-throated Loon (0:52)
=> 9 White-crowned Sparrow (0:58)
=> 10 Orange-crowned Warbler (1:01)
=> 11 Hermit Thrush (0:56)
=> 12 MacGillivary's Warbler (0:43)
=> 13 Bewick's Wren (0:57)
=> 14 Trumpeter Swan (0:48)
=> 15 Elk (0:55)
=> 16 Common Raven and Bald Eagle (1:04)
=> 17 Spotted Owl (0:58)
=> 18 Saw-whet Owl (0:59)
=> 19 California Gull (1:11)
=> 20 Elephant Seal (0:54)
=> 21 Steller's Sea Lion (0:59)
=> 22 Old Faithful Geyser (1:44)
=> 23 American Robin (1:01)
=> 24 Mountain Chickadee (1:00)
=> 25 Lincoln's Sparrow and Western Chorus Frog (1:02)
=> 26 Sora Rail (0:57)
=> 27 Western Chorus Frog (0:53)
=> 28 Steller's Jay (0:50)
=> 29 Cassin's Vireo (Solitary Vireo) (0:54)
=> 30 Saguaro National Monument (1:48)
=> 31 Cactus Wren (1:00)
=> 32 Gambel's Quail (0:53)
=> 33 White-winged Dove (1:03)
=> 34 Gilded Flicker (0:58)
=> 35 Curve-billed Thrasher (1:00)
=> 36 Verdin (0:57)
=> 37 Gila Woodpecker (0:54)
=> 38 Elegant Trogan (0:55)
=> 39 Mexican Jay (0:52)
=> 40 Scott's Oriole (0:57)
=> 41 Acorn Woodpecker (0:54)
=> 42 Northern Mockingbird (1:06)
=> 43 Whippoorwill (1:03)
=> 44 Coyote (0:56)
=> 45 Spotted Towhee (0:49)
=> 46 House Finch (0:59)
=> 47 Black-throated Sparrow (0:57)
=> 48 Canyon Wren (0:55)
=> 49 Canyon Tree Frog (0:58)
=> 50 Laughing Gull (1:00)
=> 51 Black-bellied Whistling Duck (1:00)
=> 52 Carolina Wren (0:58)
=> 53 White-eyed Vireo (1:03)
=> 54 Inca Dove (1:01)
=> 55 Northern Cardinal (0:51)
=> 56 Eastern Narrowmouth Toad (1:01)
=> 57 Sandhill Crane 1 (0:45)
=> 58 Sandhill Crane 2 (1:13)
=> 59 Canada Goose (1:10)
=> 60 Killdeer (0:43)
=> 61 Yellow-headed Blackbird (0:46)
=> 62 Marbled Godwit (0:54)
=> 63 Vesper Sparrow (0:59)
=> 64 Western Meadowlark (0:41)
=> 65 Prairie Slough (2:09)
=> Solitudes (Dan Gibson’s record label)
2000 Canada
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