Tallinna Kammerorkester (contemporary orchestra, since 1989)

Orchestra, EE, Estonia



=> 1996 Crystallisatio
=> 2001 Neenia
=> 2002 Musica triste: Estonian Flute Concertos
=> 2003 Harmony of the Spheres
=> 2003 Celestials
=> 2005 Mushroom Cantata & Other Choral Works
=> 2007 Concertatus celatus
=> 2008 Kreek: Requiem / Kõrvits: Kreegi vihik
=> 2010 Enter denter
=> 2013 Symphony no. 3 "For the Victims of Communism" / Lamento for Solo Viola and Strings / Sextet for Strings
=> 2015 Piano Concertos 11-13
=> 2015 Gesualdo
=> 2016 Mirror
=> 2017 Moorland Elegies
=> 2018 Requiems
=> 2020 You Are Light and Morning
=> 2023 The Sound of Wings
=> 2023 From Sappho’s Lyre
=> 2023 Reminiscentiae
=> 2024 Awakening


1993 – 1995 conductor position

=> 🧑 Tõnu Kaljuste

1995 – 1996 conductor position

=> 🧑 Juha Kangas

1996 – 2001 conductor position

=> 🧑 Tõnu Kaljuste

conductor position

=> 🧑 Eri Klas

1959 – 1965 member of band

=> 🧑 Aleksis Avasalu

1962 – 1977 member of band

=> 🧑 Lemmo Erendy

1993 – 1997 member of band

=> 🧑 Lasse Joamets

1998 member of band

=> 🧑 Anu Gehlert

member of band

=> 🧑 Laur Eensalu

member of band

=> 🧑 Jüri Gerretz

member of band

=> 🧑 Anne Ilves

member of band

=> 🧑 Leho Karin

member of band

=> 🧑 Egert Leinsaar

member of band

=> 🧑 Jüri Lepp

member of band

=> 🧑 Eva-Maarja Mägila

member of band

=> 🧑 Yana Mägila

member of band

=> 🧑 Katrin Matveus

member of band

=> 🧑 Kristiina Pähno

member of band

=> 🧑 Elo Tepp

member of band

=> 🧑 Harry Traksmann

member of band

=> 🧑 Henry-David Varema

member of band

=> 🧑 Helen Västrik

member of band

=> 🧑 Olga Voronova


=> 🎶 Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt II


=> 🎶 Nonett, op. 29

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: I. Kyrie

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: II. Gloria

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: III. Erster Alleluiavers

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: IV. Zweiter Alleluiavers

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: V. Veni Sancte Spiritus

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: VI. Credo

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: VII. Sanctus

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Berliner Messe: VIII. Agnus Dei

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Silouans Song

1993 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Te Deum

1994-11-24 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Illusion

1994 – 1995 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Architectonics VI

1994 – 1995 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Crystallisatio

1994 – 1995 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Illusion

1994 – 1995 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Passion

1994 – 1995 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem

1995-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Litany (Prayers of St. John Chrysostom for each hour of the day and night)

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Eleegia

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Lüüriline süit: I. Andante con moto

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Lüüriline süit: II. Allegro con passione

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Lüüriline süit: III. Andantino meditativo

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Lüüriline süit: IV. Allegretto grazioso

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Lüüriline süit: V. Adagio elegiaco

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Lüüriline süit: VI. Allegro moderato, un poco maestoso

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Neenia

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Sümfoniett: I. Allegro ma non troppo

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Sümfoniett: II. Lento espressivo

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Sümfoniett: III. Allegro

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viis pala keelpilliorkestrile: I. Romanss

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viis pala keelpilliorkestrile: II. Tants

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viis pala keelpilliorkestrile: III. Tants II

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viis pala keelpilliorkestrile: IV. Hällilaul

1999-08 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viis pala keelpilliorkestrile: V. Kodumaine viis

2002-09-02 – 2002-09-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Harmony of the Spheres: Movement III A

2002-09-02 – 2002-09-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Harmony of the Spheres: Movement III B

2004-01 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 2 für Flöte und Kammerorchester

2004-05 – 2004-06 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto per voci e strumenti: I. Furioso

2004-05 – 2004-06 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto per voci e strumenti: II. Moderato

2004-05 – 2004-06 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto per voci e strumenti: III. Allegro misterioso

2004 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Display III: Vivaldi portree

2005-11 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Cantus für Kammerorchester

2005-11 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concertatus celatus für Violoncello und Kammerorchester

2005-11 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Konzert für Klarinette und Kammerorchester

2005 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Olematu laul

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Epigram I for tenor and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Epigram II for tenor and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Epigram III for baritone and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Epigram IV for soprano and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Epigram V for soprano and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Epigram VI for soprano and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Epigram VII for baritone and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Invocatio for baritone, mixed choir and chamber orchestra

2006 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Mater rosae for mixed choir and chamber orchestra

2007-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Christmas Lullaby

2007-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Da pacem Domine

2007-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Estonian Lullaby

2007-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Für Lennart in memoriam

2007-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Mein Weg

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: I. Nüüd ole, Jeesus, kiidetud

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: II. Nüüd on see päev ju lõppenud

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: III. Ma kiitlen ükspäinis neist verisist haavust

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: IV. Oh võta, armas Jeesus, vastu mult

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: V. Su hooleks ennast annan ma

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: VI. Lenda üles kurbtusest

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: VII. Minu hind, oh ole rõõmus

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kreegi vihik: VIII. Ma vaatan üles mäele

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: I. Introitus

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: II. Dies Irae

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: III. Recordare

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: IV. Oro supplex

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: V. Domine Jesu

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: VI. Hostias

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: VII. Sanctus

2008-04 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c–moll: VIII. Agnus Dei

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Encore: Igaühel oma klaver ja orkester

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Hiirejaht

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Karumõmmi unelaul

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nach dem Anfang vom Ende: Der Weg weg

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nach dem Anfang vom Ende: Eine Ahnung in der Vergangenheit

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nach dem Anfang vom Ende: Regenbogen

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nach dem Anfang vom Ende: Spielchen und Rechenschaft

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nuku hällilaul

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Pipi Pikksukk

2009-07-19 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Vöilill

2010-03-05 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Autumn Whispers

2010-06-03 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Birds and Shadows

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Agnus Dei

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Benedictus

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Credo

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Domine Salvam

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Gloria

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Kyrie

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Offertore

2010 – 2011 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Missa Solemnis: Sanctus

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Klaverikontsert A-duur, KV 414: I. Allegro

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert oboele, keelpillidele ja basso continuole d-moll: II. Adagio

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert oboele, keelpillidele ja basso continuole d-moll: III. Presto

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kumisev kild

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Meenutus

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Süit viiulile ja vioolale, op. 19 nr. 1: I. Prelude

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Süit viiulile ja vioolale, op. 19 nr. 1: II. Pantomim

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Süit viiulile ja vioolale, op. 19 nr. 1: III. Vision

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Talv tsüklist „Neli aastaaega Buenos Aireses”

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Variatsioonid klaverile, klarnetile ja keelpilliorkestrile

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert G-duur, RV 310: I. Allegro

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert h-moll, RV 386: I. Allegro ma poco

2011-02-10 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert nr. 2 G-duur, op. 13: I. Allegro non troppo

2011-05-27 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nonett, op. 29

2011-11 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 L’Abbé Agathon

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Capriccio

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert C-duur, FWV L:C2: II. Largo e sforzato

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert C-duur, FWV L:C2: III. Allegro

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert C-duur, RV 554: II. Adagio

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert C-duur, RV 554: III. Allegro

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert f-moll, BWV 1056: II. Largo - III. Presto

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert flöödile ja keelpilliorkestrile: III. Largo - IV. Allegro risoluto

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert kahele viiulile d-moll, BWV 1043: II. Largo ma non tanto

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert kahele viiulile d-moll, BWV 1043: III. Allegro

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert marimbale ja keelpillidele: IV. Despedida

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsertiino viiulile ja orkestrile, op. 45 nr. 8: II. Cavatina

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Täielik päikesevarjutus, op. 136

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert B-duur: I. Allegro

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert G-duur, RV 310: I. Allegro

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert g-moll, RV 315 „Suvi” tsüklist „Aastaajad”: I. Allegro non moto

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert g-moll, RV 315 „Suvi” tsüklist „Aastaajad”: II. Adagio - Presto

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viiulikontsert g-moll, RV 315 „Suvi” tsüklist „Aastaajad”: III. Presto

2012-02-09 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Vioolakontsert G-duur, TWV 51:G9: IV. Presto

2012-02-29 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Lamento for Solo Viola and String Orchestra

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Labürindid: I. Esimene labürint

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Labürindid: II. Teine labürint

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Labürindid: III. Kolmas labürint

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Labürindid: IV. Neljas labürint

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Labürindid: V. Viies labürint

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Labürindid: VI. Kuues labürint

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Labürindid: VII. Seitsmes labürint

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Laul

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Seitsme linnu seitse und: I. Esimene uni

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Seitsme linnu seitse und: II. Teine uni

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Seitsme linnu seitse und: III. Kolmas uni. Tšello cadenza

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Seitsme linnu seitse und: IV. Neljas uni

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Seitsme linnu seitse und: V. Viies uni

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Seitsme linnu seitse und: VI. Kuues uni

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Seitsme linnu seitse und: VII. Seitsmes uni

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Tasase maa laul

2013-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Viimane laev

2013-04-07 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nostra culpa

2014-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Carlo

2014-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 L’ombra della croce

2014-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moro lasso from Il Sesto Libro di Madrigali

2014-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 O crux benedicta

2014-02 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Psalmody

2015-05-23 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Adam's Lament

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: Fade In

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: Fade Out

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: I. Tu sei come una terra

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: II. To C. From C.

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: III. Paesaggio

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: IV. La casa

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: Postludium. Landscape

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: V. Anche tu sei l’amore

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: VI. Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: VII. Last Blues, to Be Read Some Day

2019-06-18 – 2019-06-21 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 You Are Light and Morning: VIII. In the Morning You Always Come Back

2023-01-12 – 2023-01-13 performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Voyage IX ‘Awakening’

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 "A Chant of Bamboo"

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 "Cantus"

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Aga kui mul õigus on

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Algusesse tagasi

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Andres ja Krõõt

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Ärkamise aeg

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, K. 191: I. Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, K. 191: II. Andante ma adagio

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, K. 191: III. Rondo. Tempo di menuetto

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Bassoon Concerto in F major, S. 63, WoO 23: I. Allegro moderato

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Bassoon Concerto in F major, S. 63, WoO 23: II. Romanza. Andantino e cantabile

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Bassoon Concerto in F major, S. 63, WoO 23: III. Rondo. Vivace

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Cantique des degrés

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Chant of the Celestial Lake: I. Con anima

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Chant of the Celestial Lake: II. Rubato

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Chant of the Celestial Lake: III. Adagio

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Chant of the Celestial Lake: IV. Più mosso

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Chant of the Celestial Lake: V. Sostenuto

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Choreographic scene “Whitelight” (excerpt)

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concertino for flute, strings and percussion: I. Andante. Allegro energico

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concertino for flute, strings and percussion: II. Andante tranquillo

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concertino for flute, strings and percussion: III. Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto for flute and orchestra: I. Animato

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto for flute and orchestra: II. Commodo

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto for flute and orchestra: III. Vivace

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto for flute and string orchestra: I. Allegro moderato

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto for flute and string orchestra: II. Vivace

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Concerto for flute and string orchestra: III. Larghetto

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Dona nobis pacem

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Dona nobis pacem (5.1 mix)

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Flute Concerto No. 2

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Greater Antiphons: I. O Wisdom

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Greater Antiphons: II. O Adonai

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Greater Antiphons: III. O Root of Jesse

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Greater Antiphons: IV. O Key of David

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Greater Antiphons: V. O Morning Star

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Greater Antiphons: VI. O King of all People

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Greater Antiphons: VII. O Emmanuel

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Hamlet's Song I

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Herding Calls – Childhood Memories

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Homme

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Jumala ingel kutsub

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kaks kuuske

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kol Nidrei for Cello and Orchestra

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert viiulile ja kammerorkestrile, op. 21

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert viiulile ja kammerorkestrile, op. 21: Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert viiulile ja kammerorkestrile, op. 21: Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert viiulile ja kammerorkestrile, op. 21: Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsert viiulile ja kammerorkestrile, op. 21: Andante

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kontsertiino flöödile ja kammerorkestrile

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kraavil tamm ees

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Kroonu saatmine

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 L'abbé Agathon

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Leonides, op. 78: I. Tempo ad libitum

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Leonides, op. 78: II. Moderato. Alla breve

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Leonides, op. 78: III. Tutti. A tempo

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Liisi lahkumine

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Littlemore Tractus

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Melancholy Songs: No. 1. The Singer's Childhood

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Melancholy Songs: No. 2. Maidens' Sorrow

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Melancholy Songs: No. 3. Orphan's Lament

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: Come, Walk With Me

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: Fall, Leaves, Fall

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: Month After Month

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: Moonlight, Summer Moonlight

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: She Dried Her Tears

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: Silent in the House

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: The Night is Darkening Round Me

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: The Starry Night Shall Tidings Bring

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Moorland Elegies: The Sun Has Set

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Musica triste per flauto, vibrafono ed archi

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Naljakas mees

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Nelgid

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Odrakarask ja saepuru

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Õigus

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 11 in F major, K. 413: I. Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 11 in F major, K. 413: II. Larghetto

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 11 in F major, K. 413: III. Tempo di menuetto

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 12 in A major, K. 414: I. Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 12 in A major, K. 414: II. Andante

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 12 in A major, K. 414: III. Rondo. Allegretto

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 13 in C major, K. 415: I. Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 13 in C major, K. 415: II. Andante

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Piano Concerto no. 13 in C major, K. 415: III. Rondo. Allegro

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Pojad kasvavad soos kraavikallastel

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Raibe

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Autumn Landscapes: I. It Is Late Summer

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Autumn Landscapes: II. Clouds Racing Across the Sky

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Autumn Landscapes: III. Pale Light

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Autumn Landscapes: IV. Painfully Red Leaves

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Autumn Landscapes: V. Wind Along the Heath

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Autumn Landscapes: VI. Cold Autumn Night

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Autumn Landscapes: VII. Sad Purple Heather

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Spring Sketches: I. Spring Wind

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Spring Sketches: II. Buds Leafing Out

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Spring Sketches: III. Evening Sky

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Spring Sketches: IV. Under the Bird-cherry Tree

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Spring Sketches: V. Yellow Flame

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Spring Sketches: VI. In Late Spring

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Summer Motifs: I. Dry Weather

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Summer Motifs: II. Thunderstorm

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Summer Motifs: III. Summer Night

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Three I Had These Words of Beauty

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Winter Patterns: I. Winter Morning

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Winter Patterns: II. Cold

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Winter Patterns: III. Blizzard

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Reminiscentia: Winter Patterns: IV. Northern Lights

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Requiem c-moll: Dies irae

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Sequentia

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Silouans Song

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Sina ja sinu soo

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Süit kammerorkestrile

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Surnud hobune

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Tema kraav, tema maa sees

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 The Detached Bridge

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 These Words…

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Tõde

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Töö

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Uus ajastu

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Uus päev

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Vale

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Vallakohtu otsus

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Vanker rukkis

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Vari soosillal

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Vater unser

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Veni creator

performing orchestra

=> 🎶 Worry Breaks the Spirit


=> https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0001858978


=> https://www.discogs.com/artist/2497180


=> https://www.discogs.com/artist/564753

free streaming

=> https://open.spotify.com/artist/5FQKNAnsx5gogBNKeTek5u

official homepage

=> http://tko.ee/

official homepage

=> http://www.filharmoonia.ee/kammerorkester/

social network

=> https://www.facebook.com/TallinnaKammerorkester


=> http://viaf.org/viaf/143244199


=> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3355276

=> Return to start page

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