Orchestra, DE, Germany
=> 1971 Kindersinfonie / Die Bauernhochzeit / Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt
=> 1978 Tito Manlio
=> 1984 Trompetenkonzerte
=> 1988 Brandenburg Concertos 4-5-6
=> 1988 Brandenburg Concertos 1-2-3
=> 1989 Kaffee-Kantate - Bauern-Kantate
=> 1989 Slavonic Dances / String Serenade
=> 1990 Eine kleine Nachtmusik / Serenata notturna / Divertimento KV 251
=> 1990 Grétry / Haydn / L. Mozart / Stamitz / Telemann
=> 1993 Arien aus der Berliner Operngeschichte
=> 1995 Bastien und Bastienne KV 50 & Arien KV 420 & 431
=> 1996 Friedensode & Utechter Te Deum
=> 1999 Concerti, op. 5 & 7
=> 2003 Rendezvous of Angels: Brandenburg Concertos 4-6
=> 2003 Juditha Triumphans
=> 2008 Brandenburgische Konzerte Nr. 4-6
=> 2014 Orchestral Music
1990 member of band
1990 member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
=> 🧑 Peter Damm
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
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member of band
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member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
=> 🧑 Karl Suske
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
1943-01-14 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concertino in the Classical Style: I. Allegro maestoso
1943-01-14 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concertino in the Classical Style: II. Adagio molto
1943-01-14 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concertino in the Classical Style: III. Allegretto
1943-01-14 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concertino in the Classical Style: IV. Allegro molto
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Ahi, sventurato amante
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Ben mi lusinga
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Dove, ah dove ten’vai
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Ecco l’altra palude
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Ei dorme, e la mia cetra
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Nulla impresa per uom
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. O tu, ch’innanzi morte
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Possente spirto
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Scorto da te, mio nume
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Dritter Akt. Sinfonia
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Baletto: Lasciate i monti
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Baletto: Lasciate i monti
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Ecco Orfeo, cui pur
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. In questo lieto
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Io non diro qual sia
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Ma se il nostro gioir
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Ma tu, gentil cantor
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Muse, onor di Parnasso
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Rosa del ciel
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Vieni, Imeneo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Erster Akt. Vieni, Imeneo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Fünfter Akt. Perchè a lo sdegno
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Fünfter Akt. Questi i campi di Tracia
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Fünfter Akt. Ritornello
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Fünfter Akt. Sinfonia
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Fünfter Akt. Vanne, Orfeo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Prolog. Dal mio Parnasso
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Ahi, vista troppo dolce
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Benchè severo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Dove ten’ vai
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. È la virtute un raggio
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. O degli habitator
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. O dolcissimi lumi
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Pietade, oggi, e amore
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Qual onor di te fia degno
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Quali grazie ti rendo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Signor, quell’infelice
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Torn’a l’ombre di morte
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Vierter Akt. Tue soavi parole
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Ahi, caso acerbo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Ahi, caso acerbo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Ahi, caso acerbo
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Chi ne consola, ahi lassi?
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Ecco pur ch’a voi ritorno
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. In un fiorito prato
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Ma dove, ah dove
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Ma io, che in questa
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Mira, che se n’alletta
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Sinfonia
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Sinfonia
1949-11-18 – 1949-12-16 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 L’Orfeo: Zweiter Akt. Vi ricorda
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Auf Den Rat, Den Ich Gegeben
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Befraget Mich Ein Zartes Kind
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Colas Auftritt
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Da Ist Sie.. Soll Ich Fliehen
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Das Kann Sein!
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Dein Trotz Vermehrt Sich Durch Meine Leiden!
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Dieses Liebhaberpaar Ist Ein Rechtes Wunderwerk
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Diggi Daggi
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Du Fliehst Vor Mir
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Er War Mir Sonst Treu Und Ergeben
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Es Freut Mich
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Geh Hin! Dein Trotz Soll Mich Nicht Schrecken
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Geh! Du Sagst Mir Eine Fabel!
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Geh! Herz Von Flandern!
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Gib Dich Zufrieden
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Großen Dank Dir Abzustatten
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Guten Morgen, Herr Colas!
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Ich Dachte Du Wärst Schon Über Alle Berge
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Ich Geh Jetzt Auf Die Weide
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Ich Sehe Schon, Was Idich Verdrießt
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Intrada
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Ist Die Hexerei Zu Ende
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Kinder! Seht, Nach Sturm Und Regen
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Lustig! Preist Die Zaubereien
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Mein Liebster Freund Hat Mich Verlassen
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Meiner Liebsten Schöne Wangen
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Oh, Die Edelfrau Vom Schlosse
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Sollte Ich Ein Solcher Narr Sein
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Wenn Mein Bastien Einst Im Scherze
1965-06 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Bastien und Bastienne: Würd Ich Auch Wie Manche Buhlerinnen
1968-11 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Aura, che intorno spiri, K. 431
1968-11 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Misero! Oh sogno!, K. 431
1968-11 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Per Pietà, non ricercate, K. 420
1968 performing orchestra
1968 performing orchestra
1968 performing orchestra
1968 performing orchestra
1968 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Der Schauspieldirektor, K. 486: Ouverture
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1973-11 performing orchestra
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 1. Coro: “Arma, caedes, vindictae”
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 2. Recitativo: “Felix et fausta dies” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 3. Aria: “Nil arma, nil bella” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 4. Recitativo: “Mi Dux, Domine mi” (Vagaus, Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 5. Aria: “Matrona inimica” (Vagaus)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 6. Recitativo: “Huc accedat Matrona” (Holofernes, Vagaus)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 7. Aria: “Quo cum Patriae me ducit” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 8. Recitativo “Ne timeas non” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 9. Aria: “Vultus tui vago splendori” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 10. Recitativo: “Vide, humilis prostrata” (Abra, Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 11. Coro: “O quam vaga, venusta” (Vagaus, Coro)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 12. Recitativo: “Quem vides prope” (Vagaus)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 13. Aria: “Quamvis ferro” (Vagaus)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 14. Recitativo: “Quid cerno” (Holofernes, Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 15. Aria: “Quanto magis generosa” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 16. Recitativo: “Magna, o foemina, petis” (Holofernes, Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 17. Aria: “Sede, o cara” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 18. Recitativo: “Tu Judex es” (Juditha, Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 19. Aria: “Agitata infido flatu” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 20. Recitativo: “In tentorio supernae” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 21. Aria: “O servi volate” (Vagaus, Coro)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 22. Recitativo: “Tu quoque hebraica ancilla” (Vagaus, Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 23. Aria: “Veni, veni, me sequere” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 24. Recitativo: “Venio Juditha” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 25. Aria: “Fulgeat sol frontis decorae” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 26. Recitativo: “In Urbe interim pia” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 27. Coro: “Mundi Rector de Caelo”
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 28. Recitativo: “Summi Regis in mente” (Ozias)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 29. Aria: “O Sydera, o stellae” (Ozias)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 30a. Recitativo: “Jam saevientis in hostem” (Ozias)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 30b. Recitativo: “Nox in umbra dum surgit” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 31. Aria: “Nox obscura tenebrosa” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 32. Recitativo: “Belligerae meae sorti” (Holofernes, Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 33. Aria: “Transit aetas, volant anni” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 34. Recitativo: “Haec in crastinum serva” (Holofernes, Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 35. Aria: “Noii o cara te adorantis” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 36. Recitativo: “Tibi dona salutis” (Juditha, Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 37. Coro: “Plena nectare non mero”
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 38. Recitativo: “Tormenta mentis tuae” (Holofernes)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 39. Aria: “Vivat in pace” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 40. Recitativo: “Sic in pace inter hostes” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 41. Aria: “Umbrae carae” (Vagaus)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 42. Recitativo: “Quae fortinata es” (Vagaus, Juditha, Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 43. Aria: “Non ita reducern progeniem” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 44. Recitativo: “Jam pergo, postes claudo” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 45. Recitativo accompagnato: “Summe Astrorum Creator” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 46. Aria: “In somno profundo” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 47. Recitativo accompagnato: “Impii, indigni Tiranni” (Juditha)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 48. Recitativo: “Abra, Abra, accipe munus” (Juditha, Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 49. Aria: “Si fulgida per te” (Abra)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 50. Recitativo: “Jam non procul” (Vagaus)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 51. Aria: “Armatae face” (Vagaus)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 52. Recitativo: “Quarn insolita luce” (Ozias)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 53. Aria: “Gaude felix Bethulia” (Ozias)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 54. Recitativo accompagnato: “Ita décrète aeterno” (Ozias)
1974-05 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: No. 55. Coro: “Salve invicta Juditha”
1974 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: Supplementum: No. 5. Aria: “Matrona inimica” (Vagaus)
1974 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: Supplementum: No. 21. Aria: “0 servi volate” (Vagaus, Coro)
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 1 in E, RV 269 »La primavera«: I. Allegro
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 1 in E, RV 269 »La primavera«: II. Adagio molto
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 1 in E, RV 269 »La primavera«: III. Allegro
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 2 in G minor, RV 315 »L'estate«: I. Allegro non molto
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 2 in G minor, RV 315 »L'estate«: II. Adagio - Presto - Adagio
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 2 in G minor, RV 315 »L'estate«: III. Presto
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 3 in F, RV 293 »L'autunno«: I. Allegro
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 3 in F, RV 293 »L'autunno«: II. Adagio molto
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 3 in F, RV 293 »L'autunno«: III. Allegro
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 4 in F minor, RV 297 »L'inverno«: I. Allegro non molto
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 4 in F minor, RV 297 »L'inverno«: II. Largo
1975-10 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto no. 4 in F minor, RV 297 »L'inverno«: III. Allegro
1975-12 – 1976-02 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade in E-flat major: I. Allegro
1975-12 – 1976-02 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade in E-flat major: II. Andante
1975-12 – 1976-02 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade in E-flat major: III. Scherzo: Presto
1975-12 – 1976-02 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade in E-flat major: IV. Finale: Presto
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "Das falbe Laub" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "Du Gott! Der, mir nur fern bekannt" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "Du, Gott der Höh'" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "Ein freudig Fest" (Belsazar)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "Gebeugt von unheilbarem Schmerz" (Gobrias)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "O Heil'ges Buch" (Daniel)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "O schau den Wüstling" (Gobrias)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "Still' der eitlen Tränen Flut" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Aria "Wehlage nicht im eitlem Schmerz" (Daniel)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Choir "Da seht, wie Persiens junger Held"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Choir "Die Reiche stehn in Gottes Rat"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Choir "Singt, Himmel singt"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Choir of the Jews "Allmählich steigt Jehovas Zorn"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Choir of the Jews "Verwirf', o Herr"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Duet "O meines Lebens Lust" (Nitocris, Belsazar)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Ach, unstet eitles Los" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Befremdet's dich denn so" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Das Schicksal Babylons" (Nitocris, Daniel)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Dies ist die Sitte" (Belsazar)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Ermanne dich" (Cyrus, Gobrias)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Freunde, habt Zuversicht" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Für euch, o Freunde" (Belsazar, Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Sie reden wahr" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act I. Recitativo "Uns gilt ihr Hohn" (Gobrias, Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Aria "erstarrt, so nah den Feind zu seh'n" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Aria "Kränzet den Becher rings im Kreis" (Belsazar)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Aria "O blick' auf deiner Mutter Gram" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Aria "O Gott des Heils" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Aria & Recitativo "Nein! Du behalte deinen Prunk" (Daniel)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Choir "Helft unserm Herrn"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Choir "Ihr schützenden Götter"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Choir "O Missgeschick"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Choir "O tapfrer Fürst"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Choir "Seht, wie schnell der Euphrat flieht"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Choir "Voran, voran"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Recitativo "Du Gobrias" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Recitativo "Ihr seht es, Freunde" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Recitativo "O du allzu strenger Spruch" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Recitativo "O Herr, nicht verzage" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Recitativo "Ruft meine Weisen" (Belsazar)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Recitativo & Choir "Ihr Weisen"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act II. Sinfonia
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. "Kündet überall den Heiden" (Soloist & Choir)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. "O Held, gebeugt siehst du mich nah'n" (Nitocris, Cyrus (duet))
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. "Sei von mir gepriesen" (Soloist & Choir)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Aria "Den ew'gen Mächten sei der der erste Dank" (Gobrias)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Aria "Ich danke, Sesach" (Belsazar)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Aria "Lässt denn der Löwe die Natur" (Daniel)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Aria "Vorahnend hofft und bangt" (Nitocris)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Aria "Zerstör'nder Krieg, hier ist dein Ziel" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Choir of the Jews "Baal sank dahin"
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Recitativo "Gern hofft'ich noch" (Nitocris, Daniel)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Recitativo "Ich hoff' auf's neu" (Nitocris, Arioch, messenger)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Recitativo "Ja, ich bau'deine Stadt dir" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Recitativo "Sprich, ehrwürdiger Seher" (Cyrus, Daniel)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. Recitativo "Suche nun eilig" (Cyrus)
1976 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Belsazar: Act III. War's music
1976 performing orchestra
1976 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 1. «Per le romane vergini» (Tito, Servilia, Vitellia, Lucio, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 1. Recitativo «Popoli, chi è Romano» (Tito)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 1. Sinfonia
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 2. Recitativo «Manlio!» - «Mio genitore» (Tito, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 3. Aria «Se il cor guerriero» (Tito)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 4. Recitativo «Ah, Manlio!» (Servilia, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 5. Aria «Perché t’amo, mia bella» (Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 6. Recitativo «O Dio, sento nel petto» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 7. Aria «Liquore ingrato» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 8. Recitativo «Sì, per Vitellia io lascio» (Lucio, Decio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 9. Aria «Alla caccia d’un ben adorato» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 10. Recitativo «Vanne, amante felice» (Decio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 11. Aria «È pur dolce» (Decio)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 13. Arioso «O silenzio del mio labbro» (Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 13. Recitativo «Parla, tenta e minaccia» (Tito, Lucio, Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 14. Aria «Orribile lo scempio» (Tito)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 15. Recitativo «E catene di ferro io darò» (Lucio, Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 16. Aria «Parla a me speranza amica» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 17. Recitativo «Volerò a Tito» (Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 18. Aria «Di verde ulivo» (Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 21. Recitativo «Signor!» - «Lindo!» (Lindo, Geminio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 22. Aria «L’intendo e non l’intendo» (Lindo)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 23. Recitativo «Qual di pochi Romani» (Geminio, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 24. Recitativo «Deh, che veggio?» (Servilia, Geminio, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 25. Aria «Parto, ma lascio l’alma» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 26. Recitativo «Che feci mai!» (Geminio, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto primo: No. 27. Aria «Sia con pace» (Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 28. Recitativo «Dunque l’occulta e grave reità» (Tito, Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 29. Aria «Non ti lusinghi la crudeltade» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 30. Recitativo «Padre, a te solo» (Vitellia, Tito, Servilia, Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 31. Aria «D’improvviso riede il riso» (Vitellia, Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 33. Recitativo «È queta, Manlio» (Tito, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 36. Recitative «No, fermati signore» (Lindo, Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 37. Aria «Grida quel sangue» (Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 38. Recitativo «Vitellia dov’è?» (Servilia, Vitellia, Lindo)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 39. Aria «Rabbia che accendesi» (Lindo)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 43. Arietta «Dar la morte a te, mia vita» (Servilia, Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 44. Recitativo «Tu al carcere mi guidi?» (Manlio, Decio, Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 45. Aria «Vedrà Roma e vedrà il Campidoglio» (Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 46. Recitativo «Ingrata Roma» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 47. Aria «Combatta un gentil cor» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 48. Recitativo «Già da forte catena» (Tito)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 49. Recitativo «Decio, che porti?» (Tito, Decio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 50. Aria «No che non morirà» (Decio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 51. Recitativo «Amor, su queste labbra» (Servilia, Tito)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 52. Aria «Andrò fida, e sconsolata» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 56. Recitativo «Addio» - «Consorte…» (Vitellia, Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 57. Aria «Povero amante cor» (Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 58. Recitativo «Vanne, perfida, va» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto secondo: No. 59. Aria «Fra le procelle» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 60. Aria «Sonno, se pur sei sonno» (Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 61. Recitativo «Deposta amor la benda» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 62. Aria «Tu dormi in tante pene» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 63. Recitativo «Oh! crudo indegno laccio» (Servilia, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 64. Aria «Parto contenta» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 65. Recitativo «Toglie, s’ella più resta» (Manlio, Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 66. Aria «Chi seguir vuol la costanza» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 67. Recitativo «Servilia, tu sui resti?» (Manlio, Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 68. Duetto «Non mi vuoi con te, o crudele» (Servilia, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 69. Recitativo «Signora, d’ogni intorno» (Lindo, Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 70. Aria «Brutta cosa è il far la spia» (Lindo)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 71. Recitativo «Bella Vitellia…» (Lucio, Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 72. Aria «A te sarò fedele» (Vitellia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 73. Recitativo «Manlio mi baciò in volto» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 74. Aria «Non basta al labbro» (Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 75. Recitativo «Ch’ei venga a me dinanzi» (Tito, Lucio, Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 76. Aria «No che non vedrà Roma» (Tito)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 77. Recitativo «Padre, Tito, signor» (Manlio, Tito, Servilia, Lucio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 78. Recitativo «Ingrato Manlio, ascolta» (Servilia, Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 79. Aria «Ti lascerei gl’affetti miei» (Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 80. Recitativo «O tu che per Alcide» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 81. Aria «Sempre copra notte oscura» (Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 82. Recitativo «Tu il vedesti?» (Vitellia, Lindo)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 83. Aria «Mi fa da piangere» (Lindo)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 84. Recitativo «Servilia viene» (Lindo, Vitellia, Servilia)
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 85. Sinfonia
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 88. Aria «Dopo sì rei disastri» (Manlio)
1977 performing orchestra
1977 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tito Manlio: Atto terzo: No. 90. Finale «Sparì già dal petto» (Coro)
1979 performing orchestra
1979 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 36c "Schwingt freudig euch empor": I. Coro "Schwingt freudig euch empor"
1979 performing orchestra
1979 performing orchestra
1979 performing orchestra
1979 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 36c "Schwingt freudig euch empor": IX. Coro "Wie die Jahre sich verneuen"
1979 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 36c "Schwingt freudig euch empor": V. Aria (basso) "Der Tag, der dich vordem gebar"
1979 performing orchestra
1979 performing orchestra
1983 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Oboe, Streicher und Basso Continuo F-Dur: I. Andante
1983 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Oboe, Streicher und Basso Continuo F-Dur: II. Larghetto
1983 performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Oboe, Streicher und Basso Continuo F-Dur: III. Rondeau. Allegretto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 6 Minuets for Two Violins and Violoncello WoO 9 No. 1 in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 6 Minuets for Two Violins and Violoncello WoO 9 No. 2 in G major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 6 Minuets for Two Violins and Violoncello WoO 9 No. 3 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 6 Minuets for Two Violins and Violoncello WoO 9 No. 4 in F major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 6 Minuets for Two Violins and Violoncello WoO 9 No. 5 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 6 Minuets for Two Violins and Violoncello WoO 9 No. 6 in G major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 1: Waltz in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 2: Minuet in B-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 3: Waltz in B-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 4: Minuet in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 5: Minuet in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 6: Ländler in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 7: Minuet in B-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 8: Ländler in B-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 9: Minuet in G major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 10: Waltz in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 11 Dances for Seven String and Wind Instruments WoO 17 No. 11: Waltz in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 1 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 2 in A major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 3 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 4 in B-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 5 in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 6 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 7 in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 8 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 9 in A major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 10 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 11 in G major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 1 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 2 in A major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 3 in F major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 4 in B-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 5 in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 6 in G major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 7 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 8 in A major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 9 in F major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 10 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 11 in G major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 12 German Dances for Orchestra WoO 8 No. 12 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Achille in Sciro: Del terreno, nel centro profondo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Adagio for violin & orchestra in E major, K. 261
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Air
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Artaserse: Sulle sponde del torbido lete
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F major, BWV 1046: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F major, BWV 1046: II. Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F major, BWV 1046: III. Allegro
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F major, BWV 1047: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F major, BWV 1047: II. Andante
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F major, BWV 1047: III. Allegro assai
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F major: 3. Allegro assai
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 2: III.
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048: II. Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048: III. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 4 in G major, BWV 1049: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 4 in G major, BWV 1049: II. Andante
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 4 in G major, BWV 1049: III. Presto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D major, BWV 1050: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D major, BWV 1050: II. Affettuoso
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D major, BWV 1050: III. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major: 1. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 6 in B-flat major, BWV 1051: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 6 in B-flat major, BWV 1051: II. Adagio ma non tanto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Brandenburg Concerto no. 6 in B-flat major, BWV 1051: III. Allegro
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 206 "Schleichet, spielende Wellen": I. Coro "Schleichet, spielende Wellen"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 206 "Schleichet, spielende Wellen": II. Recitativo (Basso) "O glückliche Veränderung"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 206 "Schleichet, spielende Wellen": V. Aria (Tenore) "Jede Woge meiner Wellen"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 207 "Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten": VI. Ritornello
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 209 "Non sa che sia dolore": I. Sinfonia
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 209 "Non sa che sia dolore": II. Recitativo (soprano) "Non sa che sia dolore"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 209 "Non sa che sia dolore": III. Aria (soprano) "Parti pur e con dolore"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 209 "Non sa che sia dolore": V. Aria (soprano) "Ricetti gramezza e pavento"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 211 "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht": II. Aria "Hat man nicht mit seinen Kindern"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 211 "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht": IV. Aria "Ei! wie schmeck der Coffee süße"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 211 "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht": VI. Aria: Mädchen, die von harten Sinnen
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 211 "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht": VIII. Aria: Heute noch, lieber Vater
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 211 "Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht": X. Coro: Die Katze läßt das Mausen nicht
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": I. Sinfonia
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": II. Aria "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": IV. Aria "Ach, es schmeck doch gar zu gut"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": IX. Recitativo "Er hilft uns allen, alt und jung"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": V. Recitativo "Der Herr ist gut"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": VII. Recitativo "Es bleibt dabei"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": VIII. Aria "Unser trefflicher lieber Kammerherr"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": X. Aria "Das ist galant"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XI. Recitativo "Und unsre gnäd'ge Frau"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XII. Aria "Fünfzig Taler bares Geld"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XIII. Recitativo "Im Ernst kein Wort!"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XIV. Aria "Zschocher müsse so zart und süße"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XIX. Recitativo "Du hast wohl recht"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XV. Recitativo "Das ist zu klug vor dich"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XVI. Aria "Es nehme zehntausend Dukaten"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XVII. Recitativo "Das klingt zu liederlich"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XVIII. Aria "Gib, Scöne, viel Söhne"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XXI. Recitativo "Und damit sei es auch genug"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XXII. Aria "Und daß ihr's alle wißt"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XXIII. Recitativo "Mein Schatz, erraten!"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cantata, BWV 212 "Mer hahn ein neue Oberkeet": XXIV. Coro "Wir gehn nun, wo der Tudelsack"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248, Part II: Pastoral Symphony
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Cleopatra e Cesare: Cortese il cielo non può donare
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto D-Dur für Trompete: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto D-Dur für Trompete: II. Largo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto for harpsichord, strings and continuo in, D major, BWV 1054: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto for harpsichord, strings and continuo in, D major, BWV 1054: II. Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto for harpsichord, strings and continuo in, D major, BWV 1054: III. Allegro
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto for Trumpet and 2 Horns in D major: I. Adagio II. Allegro moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto for Trumpet, 2 Horns, Strings and Continuo: I. Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto for Trumpet, 2 Horns, Strings and Continuo: II. Allegro moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto für Trompete, 3 Oboen und Fagott C-Dur - Affetuoso
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto für Trompete, 3 Oboen und Fagott C-Dur - Allegro moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto für Trompete, 3 Oboen und Fagott C-Dur - Presto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in C major for Cello and Orchestra: I. Allegro con spirito
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in C major for Cello and Orchestra: II. Andante poco moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in C major for Cello and Orchestra: III. Rondo. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in D major "Pour Potsdam" for Flute, Strings and Basso Continuo, Allegretto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in D major "Pour Potsdam" for Flute, Strings and Basso Continuo, Più tosto Andantino
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in D major "Pour Potsdam" for Flute, Strings and Basso Continuo, Presto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in E-flat major for 2 Oboes, 2 Horns and Strings: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in E-flat major for 2 Oboes, 2 Horns and Strings: II. Largo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto in E-flat major for 2 Oboes, 2 Horns and Strings: III. Vivace
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto No. 3 in C major for Flut, Strings and Basso Continuo, Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto No. 3 in C major for Flut, Strings and Basso Continuo, Allegro assai
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto No. 3 in C major for Flut, Strings and Basso Continuo, Grave
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto No. 4 in D major for Horn and Orchestra, Hob. VIId:4: I. Allegro moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto No. 4 in D major for Horn and Orchestra, Hob. VIId:4: II. Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Concerto No. 4 in D major for Horn and Orchestra, Hob. VIId:4: III. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Contredanses for Small Orchestra WoO 14 No. 12 in E-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die Bauernhochzeit: I. Marcia villanesca
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die Bauernhochzeit: II. Menuet
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die Bauernhochzeit: III. Andante
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die Bauernhochzeit: IV. Menuet
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die Bauernhochzeit: V. Finale. Molto allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 1. Ouvertüre. Resolutum - Allegro maestoso
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 2. Die Verwirrung in den Ställen. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 3. Die Schlittenfahrt. Allegretto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 4. Das Schütteln der Pferde. Largo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 5. Aufzug. Marsch
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 6. Festmusik. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 7. Aufzug. Marsch
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 8. Die Schlittenfahrt. Allegretto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 9. Das vor Kälte zitternde Frauenzimmer. Andante
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 10. Des Balles Anfang. Menuett
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 11. Der Kehraus. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Die musikalische Schlittenfahrt: Nr. 12. Die Schlittenfahrt. Allegretto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Don Giovanni: K 527 "Il mio tesoro intanto"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Eine kleine Nachtmusik: Romance
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Eine musikalische Schlittenfahrt: 6. Festmusik (Allegro)
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Eine musikalische Schlittenfahrt: 7. Aufzug. Marsch
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Eine musikalische Schlittenfahrt: 8. Die Schlittenfahrt (Allegretto)
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Eine musikalische Schlittenfahrt: 9. Das vor Kälte zitternde Frauenzimmer (Andante)
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Five Neapolitan Songs (1956) for Baritone and Chamber Orchestra: 1. Aggio saputo ca la morte vene
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Flavius Bertaridus, König der Longobarden: Lieto suono di trombe guerriere
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "Am Tag, der uns den Frieden bringt"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "Am Tag, der uns den Frieden bringt"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "Der Woge Lauf ist froh erregt"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "Gesundheit, komm auch du herbei"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "Ihr holden Sänger in der Luft"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "O ew'ger Quell von Licht und Glut"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "O Mißgunst, hier verbirg dein Haupt"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "Seid, Hirt und Herde, ohne Furcht"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Friedensode: "Vereinter Völker Stimm' erschallt"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: I. Coro: Geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: III. Aria (Momus): Patron, das macht der wind!
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: IX. Aria (Tmolus): Phoebus, deine Melodei
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: V. Aria (Phoebus): Mit Verlangen drück ich deine
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: VI. Recitativo (Momus, Pan): Pan, rücke deine Kehle nun
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: VII. Aria (Pan): Zu Tanze, zu Sprunge
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: X. Recitativo (Pan, Midas): Komm, Midas, sage du nun an
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: XI. Aria (Midas): Pan ist Meister, laßt ihn gehn!
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: XIV. Recitativo (Momus): Du guter Midas, geh nun hin
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Geschwinde, Ihr Wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201: XV. Coro: Labd das Herz, ihr holden Saiten
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Harp Concerto in A: Larghetto
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Ich Bin In Mir Vergnügt, BWV 204: I. Recitativo (Soprano): Ich bin in mir vergnügt
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Ich Bin In Mir Vergnügt, BWV 204: II. Aria (Soprano): Ruhig und in sich zufrieden
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Ich Bin In Mir Vergnügt, BWV 204: IV. Aria (Soprano): Die Schätzbarkeit der weiten Erden
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Ich Bin In Mir Vergnügt, BWV 204: VI. Aria (Soprano): Meine Seele sei vergnügt
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Ich Bin In Mir Vergnügt, BWV 204: VIII. Aria (Soprano): Himmlische Vergnügsamkeit
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Il Re Pastore, Serenata fatto per l'arrivo della Regina Madre: Sulle più belle piante
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Kantate, BWV 208, Jagd-Kantate, Arie: Schafe können sicher weiden
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Kindersinfonie: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Kindersinfonie: II. Menuetto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Kindersinfonie: III. Finale. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert C-Dur für zwei Trompeten - Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert C-Dur für zwei Trompeten - Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert C-Dur für zwei Trompeten - Largo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Trompete und Oboe C-Dur - Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Trompete und Oboe C-Dur - Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Trompete und Oboe C-Dur - Arioso
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continue Es-dur: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continue Es-dur: II. Largo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continue Es-dur: III. Vivace
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 4 G-Dur: Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 4 G-Dur: Andante
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 4 G-Dur: Presto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 5 D-Dur: Affettuoso
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 5 D-Dur: Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 5 D-Dur: Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 6 B-Dur: Adagio ma non tanto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 6 B-Dur: Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Konzert Nr. 6 B-Dur: Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Clemenza di Tito: Tardi s'avvedde d'un tradimento
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Rosière Republicaine: I. Danse légére
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Rosière Republicaine: II. Gavotte gracieuse
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Rosière Republicaine: III. Contredanse
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Rosière Republicaine: IV. Romanze
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Rosière Republicaine: V. Danse générale
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Rosière Republicaine: VI. Pas de trois
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 La Rosière Republicaine: VII. Gavotte et "La Carmagnole"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Largo
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen, BWV 213: II. Recitativo (Alto): Und wo? Wo ist die rechte Bahn
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen, BWV 213: III. Aria (Soprano): Schlafe, mein Liebster
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen, BWV 213: V. Aria (Alto): Treues Echo, treues Echo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen, BWV 213: VI. Recitativo (Tenore): Mein hoffnungsvoller Held!
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Lucio Papirio Dittatore: All'onor mio rifletti
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Messiah, HWV 56, Part I: Pastoral Symphony - “Pifa”
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Nutcracker: Waltz of the Snowflakes
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: I. Recitativo: O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: II. Aria: Spielet, ihr beseelten Lieder
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: III. Recitativo: Doch, haltet ein, ihr
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: IV. Aria: Ruhet hie, matte Töne
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: IX. Recitativo: Hochteurer Mann
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: V. Recitativo: So glaubt man denn
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: VI. Aria: Schweigt, ihr Flöten
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: VII. Recitativo: Was Luft? was Grab?
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: VIII. Aria: Großer Gönner, dein Vergnügen
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 O Holder Tag, Erwüschte Zeit, BWV 210: X. Aria: Seid beglückt, edle beide
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Oboenkonzert C-Dur RV 447: I. Allegro non molto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Oboenkonzert C-Dur RV 447: II. Larghetto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Oboenkonzert C-Dur RV 447: III. Minuetto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Orchestersuite N3. 3 D-Dur BWV 1068
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Orchestersuite Nr. 3 D-Dur, BWV 1068: 2. Air
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Orchestersuite nr.3 D-Dur BWV 1068: II. Air
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067: 7. Badinerie
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068: 2. Air
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D major, BWV 1068: V. Gigue
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Pastorale (Concerto grosso per il Santissimo Natale)
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Polifemo: Voi del ciel numi clementi
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Rodelinda, Regina de'Longobardi: Pompe vane di morte / Se a questa vita
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for String Orchestra, op. 22: I. Moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for String Orchestra, op. 22: III. Scherzo. Vivace
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for String Orchestra, op. 22: IV. Larghetto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for String Orchestra, op. 22: V. Finale. Allegro vivace
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for Strings in C major, Op. 48: I. Pezzo in forma di sonatina
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for Strings in C major, Op. 48: III. Elegia
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for Strings in C major, Op. 48: IV. Finale (Tema russo)
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade for Strings in E major, op. 22: I. Moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade für Streicher op. 48: Walzer
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade für Streicher, op. 22: Tempo di valse
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade für Streichorchester op. 22 - II. Tempo di valse
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade in E Major, Op. 22, B. 52: II. Tempo di valse
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade No. 6 in D, KV 239 "Serenata notturna": Marcia. Maestoso
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade No. 6 in D, KV 239 "Serenata notturna": Menuetto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenade No. 6 in D, KV 239 "Serenata notturna": Rondeau. Allegretto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Serenata notturna, K. 239
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Six Ländler for 2 Violins and Bass, WoO 15 No. 1 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Six Ländler for 2 Violins and Bass, WoO 15 No. 2 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Six Ländler for 2 Violins and Bass, WoO 15 No. 3 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Six Ländler for 2 Violins and Bass, WoO 15 No. 4 in D minor
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Six Ländler for 2 Violins and Bass, WoO 15 No. 5 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Six Ländler for 2 Violins and Bass, WoO 15 No. 6 in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 1 in B major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 2 in E minor
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 3 in F major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 4 in D-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 5 in B-flat minor
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 6 in B-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 7 in C major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Slavonic Dances, op. 72, no. 8 in A-flat major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonata a 7 für 6 Trompeten, Pauken & Basso continuo D-dur
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonata a 9 für 2 Trompeten, 3 Posaunen, Streicher & Basso continuo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonata für 2 Trompeten, Streicher & Basso continuo D-Dur
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonata Ittalica für 5 Trompenten, Streicher & Basso continuo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonata per chiesa et camera
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonata Sancti Leopoldi für 4 Trompeten, 5 Posaunen, Streicher & Basso continuo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate a cinque Nr. 1 D-Dur für Trompete: I. Andante
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate a cinque Nr. 1 D-Dur für Trompete: II. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate a cinque Nr. 1 D-Dur für Trompete: III. Grave
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate a cinque Nr. 1 D-Dur für Trompete: IV. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate decima D-Dur op. 3 - Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate decima D-Dur op. 3 - Grave
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate decima D-Dur op. 3 - Presto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate decima D-Dur op. 3 - Vivace
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continuo D-dur: Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continuo D-dur: Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continuo D-dur: Largo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continuo D-dur: Menuet
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Sonate für Trompete, Streicher und Basso continuo D-dur: Vivace
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Streichermusik I für vierzehn Solostreicher
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Streicherserenade - Walzer
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Streicherserenade, op. 48: Walzer
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Streicherserenade' (Walzer)
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 String Serenade, op. 22: II. Tempo di Valse
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tafelmusik 3rd: i) Allegrese
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tafelmusik 3rd: ii) Postillons
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tafelmusik 3rd: iii) Flatere
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tafelmusik 3rd: iv) Badinage
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 The Flying Dutchman: Overture
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten!, BWV 214: V. Aria (Alto): Fromme Musen!
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Trompetenkonzert C-Dur - Adagio
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Trompetenkonzert C-Dur - Allegro molto
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Trompetenkonzert D-Dur - Allegro moderato
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Trumpet Concerto in D major
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Trumpet Concerto in D major, TWV 51:D7
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Trumpet Concerto in E flat major, Hob.VIIe:1
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Utrechter Te Deum: "Als du nahmest auf dich" / "Du sitzest zur Rechten des Herrn"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Utrechter Te Deum: "Der hocherhabene Chor der Apostel" / "Du bist der Herr"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Utrechter Te Deum: "O Herr, auf dich"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Utrechter Te Deum: "Tag für Tag"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Utrechter Te Deum: "Und wir glauben, daß du kommst"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Utrechter Te Deum: "Verleih' uns Herr"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Utrechter Te Deum: "Wir preisen dich" / "Dir singen Engelscharen laut" / "Zu dir Cherubim"
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Violin Concerto No. 2: III. Rondo allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Violinkonzert a-Moll op. 3 Nr. 6: I. Allegro
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Violinkonzert a-Moll op. 3 Nr. 6: II. Largo
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Violinkonzert a-Moll op. 3 Nr. 6: III. Presto
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Was Mir Behagt, Ist Nur Die Muntre Jagd, BWV 208: II. Aria (Soprano): Jagen ist die Lost
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Was Mir Behagt, Ist Nur Die Muntre Jagd, BWV 208: III. Recitativo (Tenore): Wie, schönste Göttin
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Was Mir Behagt, Ist Nur Die Muntre Jagd, BWV 208: IX. Aria (Soprano): Schafe können sicher weiden
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Was Mir Behagt, Ist Nur Die Muntre Jagd, BWV 208: X. Recitativo (Soprano): So stimmt mit ein
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Was Mir Behagt, Ist Nur Die Muntre Jagd, BWV 208: XIV. Aria (Basso): Ihr Felder und Auen
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: I. Aria: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: II. Recitativo: Die Welt wird wieder neu
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: III. Aria: Phoebus eilt mit schnellen Pferden
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: IV. Recitativo: Drum sucht auch Amor sein Vergnügen
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: IX. Gavotte: Sehet in Zufriedenheit
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: V. Aria: Wenn die Frühlinglüfte streichen
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: VI. Recitativo: Und dieses ist das Glück
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: VII. Aria: Sich üben im Lieben
performing orchestra
=> 🎶 Weichet Nur, Betrübte Schatten, BWV 202: VIII. Recitativo: So sei das Band der keuschen Liebe
=> https://www.allmusic.com/artist/mn0002156340
=> https://www.discogs.com/artist/838040
other databases
=> https://d-nb.info/gnd/1087333-8
=> https://www.songkick.com/artists/462718
=> http://viaf.org/viaf/143211601
=> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1516751
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