Person, FR, France
=> 2005 The Passion of Musick
=> 2011 Lute Songs
=> 2012 Cantates, BWV 170 & 35
=> 2016 J.S. Bach: Psalm 51 BWV 1083; A. Vivaldi: Nisi Dominus RV 608
=> 2018 Affetti Amorosi
=> 2018 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo
=> 2019 Cantatas, BWV 169 & 82
=> 2019 Messiah, HWV 56
=> 2020 San Giovanni Battista
=> 2020 Lamento
=> 2021 Lieder
=> 2022 Royal Odes
=> 2023 Trinitatis: Bach Cantatas
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Amen: Allegro
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Beatus vir qui implevit: Andante
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum: Largo
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Gloria Patri: Larghetto
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Nisi Dominus: Allegro
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Sicut erat in principio: Allegro
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Sicut sagitae in manu potentis: Allegro
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Surgite postquam sederitis: Presto
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Vanum est vobis: Largo
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Amen: Alla breve
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Denn du willst kein Opfer haben: Largo
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Dich erzürnt mein Tun und Lassen: Andante
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Ist mein Herz in Missetaten: Andante
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Lass dein Zion blühend dauern: Allegro
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Lass mich Freud und Wonne spüren: Alla breve
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Missetaten, die mich drücken: Larghetto
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Öffne Lippen, Mund und Seele: Adagio spirituoso
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Schaue nicht auf meine Sünden: Andante
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Sieh, du willst die Wahrheit haben
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Sieh, ich bin in Sünd empfangen
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden: Largo
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Wasche mich doch rein: Andantino
2015-10 conductor
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Wer wird seine Schuld verneinen: Largo
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima Recitativo “Cieli, Che mai risolvo ?”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “Diletti, non più vanto”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “Dormi, O cara, E formi il sonno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “Fin che danzan le grazie sul viso”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “La ragione, S’un’ alma conseglia”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “Offran lagrime gl’occhi”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “pompe inutili, Che il fasto animate”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “Se nel ciel splendon le stelle”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “Sospira, Piangi”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “Vattene, Corri, Vola”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Duo “Alle vittorie del celeste / Terreno amore”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Duo “La mia virtude, Il mio valor è forte”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “A tuo dispetto, Amor terreno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Così godea la mente”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Così sciolta da’ lacci”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Del sonno lusinghiero”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Dell’anima tua grande”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “E cristo il vero tempio”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “E voi, Dorati crini”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Germana, Al ciel, Deh, Volgi”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Ma queste tante mie”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Maddalena, Coraggio !”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Maddalena, Nel cielo”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Marta, Ho risolto”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Oimè, Troppo importuno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Omai spezza quel nodo”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Troppo dura è la legge”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Ritornello / Aria “Deh librate”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Ritornello / Aria “Dove il re sapiente eresse”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Ritornello / Aria “In un bivio è il mio volere”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Ritornello / Aria “Non sdegna il ciel le lacrime”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Ritornello / Aria “Spera, Consolati”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Ritornello / Aria “Voglio piangere”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Sinfonia
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Chi con sua cetra”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Da quel strale, che stilla veleno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “In lagrime stemprato”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Me ne rido di tue glorie”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Orribili,Terribili”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Parti, Che di virtù”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Per il mar del pianto mio”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Questi sono arcani ignoti”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Voi del tartaro”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “A tuo dispetto, Amor terreno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Cingan pure quest’alma”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Cittadini del ciel, Spirti beati”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “D’esser costante, O mio giesù”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “De’ miei dardi possenti”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Donna grande, E fastosa”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “L’atto intenso, Che uscito”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “L’ottenuto perdono”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Ma se quest’huom”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Maddalena, Costanza”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Mio dio, Mio redentor”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Oh ciel, Chi vide mai”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Se non ho forza a superar costei”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Sempre da gl’astri scende”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Tu, Che qual cerva dalla sete oppressa”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Va dunque, Maddalena”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Ritornello
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Ritornello / Aria “Chi drizzar di pianta adulta”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Ritornello / Aria “Chi serva la beltà”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Ritornello / Aria “Del senso soggiogar”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Ritornello / Aria “O fortunate lacrime”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Ritornello / Aria “Ride il ciel e gl’astri brillano”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 conductor
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Sinfonia
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Adagio assai & Net seren de’ miei contenti
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Amichi selve, addio
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Anco il sol, fuor dell’usato
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Anco in cielo
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Bramo sol, che Battista
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Cadesti al fine
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Che gioire, che contento
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Chi nel commun gioire
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Deh, che più tardi
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Di cieco carcere
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Dove, Battista, dove
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Dove, Battista, dove II
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Figlia se un gran tesoro
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Freni l’orgoglio
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Giorno sì lieto
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Il castigo d’un empio
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: In questa de’ miei affeti
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Invitto Erode
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Io per me non cangerei
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Ma poi lasciando
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Morirai, morirai
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Non fia ver che mai si sciolga
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Non pic, cedo non più
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Non più, ferma, non più
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: O, di questi occhi miei
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Proi pur le miei vendette
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Proverà se questo scettro
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Quando mai fia che morte
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Queste lagrime e sospiri
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Restate, O mai, restate
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: S’uccida il reo
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: S’uccida il reo II
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Se pegno gradito
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Si, si de tuo devoti
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Sinfonia
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Sinfonia II
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Soffin pur, rabbiosi fremiti
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Sorde dive
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Sù, coronatemi
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Tuonera tra mille turbini
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Vaghe ninfe del giordano
2019-05 conductor
=> 🎶 San Giovanni Batista: Volin pure lontano dal sen
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Auf des Kreuzes Finsternis, folgt die Sonne ganz gewiss
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Des Tadlers Stich, Verlache ich
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Die Zeit verkehret, Was uns beschweret
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Ich finde schlechte Freud, bei Unempfindlichkeit
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Liebe in Abwesenheit, Grünet durch Beständigkeit
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Seine Not recht überlegen, Wird manch Tränen-bad erregen
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Sonata quinta: Adagio – Allegro – Adagio
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Sonata quinta: Sarabande – Variatio
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Sonata seconda: Allemande
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
2020-09 conductor
=> 🎶 Sonata seconda: Sarabande – Variatio
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Be Welcome Then, Great Sir
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: But Heaven Has Now Dispelled Those Fears
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: But Kings, Like the Sun
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: But With Heart and With Voice
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Come Then, Change Your Notes
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Fly, Bold Rebellion
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: For Majesty Moves
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: If Then We’ve Found the Want of His Rays
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Rivers From Their Channels Turned
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Symphony
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: The Plot is Displayed
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Then With Heart and With Voice
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Welcome To All Those Wishes Fulfilled
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Allegro vivace
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Behold the Indulgent Prince is Come
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Nor Does the Sun More Comfort Bring
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Not with an Helmet or a Glittering Spear
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Symphony
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Welcome as Soft Refreshing Showers
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Welcome Home
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Welcome Home
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z 326: Welcome, More Welcome Does he Come
2021-02 conductor
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: Accursed Rebellion Reared His Head
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: Britain, Thou Now Art Great
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: But When for Caesar’s Welcome We Prepare?
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: Caesar for Milder Virtues Honour’d More
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: Great Caesar’s Reign With Conquest Did Begin
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: In the Equal Balance Laid
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: Look up, and to Our Isle Returning See
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: So Jove, Scarce Settled in His Sky
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: Symphony
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: The Glory of Earth and the Darling of Heaven!
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: The Many-Headed Beast is Quelled at Home
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: When Should Each Soul Exalted Be
2021-02 conductor
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: I. Chorus. Jesu, der du meine Seele
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: II. Aria. Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: III. Recitativo. Ach! ich bin ein Kind der Sünden
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: IV. Aria. Das Blut, so meine Schuld durchstreicht
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: V. Recitativo. Die Wunden, Nägel, Kron und Grab
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: VI. Aria. Nur du wirst mein Gewissen stillen
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: VII. Chorale. Herr, ich glaube, hilf mir Schwachen
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: I. Chorale & Aria. O Ewigkiet, du Donnerwort
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: II. Recitativo. O schwerer Gang zum letzen Kampf und Streite!
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: III. Aria (Duetto). Mein letztes Lager will mich schrecken
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: V. Chorale. Es ist genung
2000-02 vocal
=> 🎶 Stabat Mater (Manuscrit des Menus Plaisirs du Roy) : Fac, ut portem Christi mortem
2000-02 vocal
=> 🎶 Stabat Mater (Manuscrit des Menus Plaisirs du Roy) : Inflammatus et accensus
2000-02 vocal
=> 🎶 Stabat Mater (Manuscrit des Menus Plaisirs du Roy) : Quis est homo
2001-06 vocal
=> 🎶 Madrigal : O dolorosa sorte
2002-04 vocal
2009-04 vocal
=> 🎶 Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244: "Arie (Alt): Erbame dich, mein Gott (Chorus I)"
2009-04 vocal
=> 🎶 Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244: "Arie (Alt): Können Tränen meiner Wangen (Chorus II)"
2009-04 vocal
2009-04 vocal
=> 🎶 Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244: "Rezitativ (Alt): Erbam es Gott (Chorus II)"
2009-04 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Away With These Self-Loving Lads
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Come Away, Come Sweet Love
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Now, o Now I Needs Must Part
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Say Love If Ever Thou Didst Find
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
2009-05-03 – 2009-05-07 vocal
=> 🎶 What Then Is Love but Mourning
2010-01 vocal
=> 🎶 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, Cantata, BWV 177: Aria: Ich bitt noch mehr, o Herre Gott
2011-05-14 – 2011-05-17 vocal
=> 🎶 Missa in h-moll, BWV 232: Gloria, Aria : Alto, Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris
2011-05-14 – 2011-05-17 vocal
=> 🎶 Missa in h-moll, BWV 232: Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei & Dona nobis pacem, Aria : Alto, Agnus Dei
2011-05-14 – 2011-05-17 vocal
=> 🎶 Missa in h-moll, BWV 232: Symbolum nicenum, Duetto : Soprano I, Alto, Et in unum Dominum
2011-06 vocal
2011-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a: I. Recitativo: Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht
2011-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a: III. Recitativo: So bald, als dir die Sternen hold
2011-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a: IV. Aria: Es streiten, es siegen die künftigen Zeiten
2011-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a: V. Recitativo: Bedenke nur, beglücktes Land
2011-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a: VI. Aria: Der Zeiten Herr hat viel vergnügte Stunden
2011-07 vocal
=> 🎶 Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a: VII. Recitativo: Hilf, Höchster, hilf
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Geist und Seele Wird Verwirret», BWV 35: II. Aria
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Geist und Seele Wird Verwirret», BWV 35: III. Recitativo
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Geist und Seele Wird Verwirret», BWV 35: IV. Aria
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Geist und Seele Wird Verwirret», BWV 35: VI. Recitativo
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Geist und Seele Wird Verwirret», BWV 35: VII. Aria
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Vergnügte Ruh', Beliebte Seelenlust», BWV 170: I. Aria
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Vergnügte Ruh', Beliebte Seelenlust», BWV 170: II. Recitativo
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Vergnügte Ruh', Beliebte Seelenlust», BWV 170: III. Aria
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Vergnügte Ruh', Beliebte Seelenlust», BWV 170: IV. Recitativo
2011-11-23 – 2011-11-27 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantate «Vergnügte Ruh', Beliebte Seelenlust», BWV 170: V. Aria
2012-01-27 – 2012-01-29 vocal
2012-01-27 – 2012-01-29 vocal
2012-01-27 – 2012-01-29 vocal
2012-01-27 – 2012-01-29 vocal
2012-01-27 – 2012-01-29 vocal
2012-01-27 – 2012-01-29 vocal
2012-01-27 – 2012-01-29 vocal
2012-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe, BWV 197a (fragment): 4. Aria (Alto). O! du angenehmer Schatz…
2012-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Gott ist unsre Zuversicht, BWV 197: 3. Aria (Alto). Schläfert allen Sorgenkummer…
2012-09 vocal
2012-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 100: Versus 5 [Aria] (Alto). Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan…
2013-06-28 – 2013-06-29 vocal
=> 🎶 Magnificat en ré majeur, BWV 243: IX. Esurientes implevit bonis
2013-06-28 – 2013-06-29 vocal
=> 🎶 Magnificat en ré majeur, BWV 243: VI. Et misericordia
2013-06-28 – 2013-06-29 vocal
=> 🎶 Magnificat en sol mineur, RV 610: II. Et exultavit
2013-06-28 – 2013-06-29 vocal
=> 🎶 Magnificat en sol mineur, RV 610: VIII. Sicut locutus est
2014-05 vocal
=> 🎶 Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a: II. O Land! Bestürztes Land! (Recitativo)
2014-05 vocal
=> 🎶 Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a: III. Weh und Ach (Aria)
2014-05 vocal
=> 🎶 Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a: IX. Betrübter Anblick voll Erschrecken (Recitativo)
2014-05 vocal
=> 🎶 Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a: X. Erhalte mich (Aria)
2014-05 vocal
=> 🎶 Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a: XVI. Wie könnt es möglich sein (Recitativo)
2014-05 vocal
=> 🎶 Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a: XVII. Wird auch gleich nach tausend Zähren (Aria)
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Amen: Allegro
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Beatus vir qui implevit: Andante
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum: Largo
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Gloria Patri: Larghetto
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Nisi Dominus: Allegro
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Sicut erat in principio: Allegro
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Sicut sagitae in manu potentis: Allegro
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Surgite postquam sederitis: Presto
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Nisi Dominus, RV 608: Vanum est vobis: Largo
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Amen: Alla breve
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Denn du willst kein Opfer haben: Largo
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Dich erzürnt mein Tun und Lassen: Andante
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Lass dein Zion blühend dauern: Allegro
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Lass mich Freud und Wonne spüren: Alla breve
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Missetaten, die mich drücken: Larghetto
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Öffne Lippen, Mund und Seele: Adagio spirituoso
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Schaue nicht auf meine Sünden: Andante
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Sieh, ich bin in Sünd empfangen
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden: Largo
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Wasche mich doch rein: Andantino
2015-10 vocal
=> 🎶 Psalm 51: Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden, BWV 1083: Wer wird seine Schuld verneinen: Largo
2016-01-29 – 2016-01-31 vocal
=> 🎶 Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, BWV 103: Aria: Kein Arzt ist außer dir zu finden
2016-01-29 – 2016-01-31 vocal
2016-01-29 – 2016-01-31 vocal
=> 🎶 Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit, BWV 115: Aria: Ach schläfrige Seele, wie ruhest du noch?
2016-01-29 – 2016-01-31 vocal
=> 🎶 Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott, BWV 101: Aria: Gedenk an Jesu bittern Tod
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 1, F 7: No. 3, Ardo, e taccio il mio mal
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 1, F 7: No. 6, Maddalena alla croce
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 1, F 7: No. 12, Non mi negate ohimè
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 1, F 7: No. 22, Corilla danzando
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 1, F 7: No. 23, Con dolcezza, e pietate
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 2, F 7: No. 3, Oscure selve
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 2, F 7: No. 6, Ti lascio anima mia
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 2, F 7: No. 19, Doloroso mio core
2017-06-24 – 2017-06-28 vocal
=> 🎶 Arie musicali, Book 2, F 7: No. 20, Oh dolore
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Aria “La ragione, S’un’ alma conseglia”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Duo “Alle vittorie del celeste / Terreno amore”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Duo “La mia virtude, Il mio valor è forte”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “A tuo dispetto, Amor terreno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Così sciolta da’ lacci”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Del sonno lusinghiero”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “E voi, Dorati crini”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Recitativo “Maddalena, Nel cielo”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte prima: Ritornello / Aria “Spera, Consolati”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Da quel strale, che stilla veleno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Aria “Me ne rido di tue glorie”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “A tuo dispetto, Amor terreno”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Cittadini del ciel, Spirti beati”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “De’ miei dardi possenti”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
=> 🎶 Maddalena ai piedi di Christo, Parte seconda: Recitativo “Oh ciel, Chi vide mai”
2017-10-02 – 2017-10-03 vocal
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part I: Air "But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part I: Air "He Shall Feed His Flock"
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part I: Air & Chorus "O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion"
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part I: Recitative "Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive"
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part I: Recitative "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind"
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part II: Air "He Was Despised"
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part II: Air "Thou Art Gone Up on High"
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part III: Duet "O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?"
2017-12-18 – 2017-12-19 vocal
=> 🎶 The Messiah, HWV 56, Part III: Recitative "Then Shall Be Bought to Pass"
2018-11 vocal
2018-11 vocal
2018-11 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantata “Gott soll allein mein Herze haben”, BWV 169: IV. Recitative “Was ist die Liebe Gottes”
2018-11 vocal
2018-11 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantata “Gott soll allein mein Herze haben”, BWV 169: VI. Recitative “Doch meint es auch dabei”
2018-11 vocal
2018-11 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantata “Ich habe genug”, BWV 82: I. Aria “Ich habe genug”
2018-11 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantata “Ich habe genug”, BWV 82: II. Recitative “Ich habe genug”
2018-11 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantata “Ich habe genug”, BWV 82: III. Aria “Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen”
2018-11 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantata “Ich habe genug”, BWV 82: IV. Recitative “Mein Gott! Wenn kömmt das schöne: Nun”
2018-11 vocal
=> 🎶 Cantata “Ich habe genug”, BWV 82: V. Aria “Ich freue mich auf meinen Tod”
2019-05-20 – 2019-05-23 vocal
=> 🎶 Ach, dass ich Wassers gnug hätte
2019-05-20 – 2019-05-23 vocal
=> 🎶 Ach, wie sehnlich wart ich der Zeit
2019-05-20 – 2019-05-23 vocal
2019-05-20 – 2019-05-23 vocal
2020-09 vocal
2020-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Auf des Kreuzes Finsternis, folgt die Sonne ganz gewiss
2020-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Des Tadlers Stich, Verlache ich
2020-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Die Zeit verkehret, Was uns beschweret
2020-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Ich finde schlechte Freud, bei Unempfindlichkeit
2020-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Liebe in Abwesenheit, Grünet durch Beständigkeit
2020-09 vocal
=> 🎶 Harmonische Freude musicalischer Freunde: Seine Not recht überlegen, Wird manch Tränen-bad erregen
2020-09 vocal
2021-02 vocal
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Be Welcome Then, Great Sir
2021-02 vocal
=> 🎶 Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z 324: Fly, Bold Rebellion
2021-02 vocal
=> 🎶 Why Are All the Muses Mute, Z 343: The Glory of Earth and the Darling of Heaven!
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: I. Chorus. Jesu, der du meine Seele
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: II. Aria. Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten
=> 🎶 Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78: VII. Chorale. Herr, ich glaube, hilf mir Schwachen
=> 🎶 Kantate BWV 44: III. Aria : "Christen müssen auf der Erden" (Alto)
=> 🎶 Kantate BWV 48: II. Recitativo : "O Schmerz, o elend, so mich trifft" (Alto)
=> 🎶 Kantate BWV 48: IV. Aria : "Ach, lege das Sodom der sündlichen Glieder" (Alto)
=> 🎶 Kantate BWV 109: IV. Recitativo : "O fasse dich, du zweifelhafter Mut" (Alto)
=> 🎶 Kantate BWV 109: V. Aria : "Der Heiland kennet ja die Seinen" (Alto)
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: I. Chorale & Aria. O Ewigkiet, du Donnerwort
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: II. Recitativo. O schwerer Gang zum letzen Kampf und Streite!
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: III. Aria (Duetto). Mein letztes Lager will mich schrecken
=> 🎶 O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60: V. Chorale. Es ist genung
=> 🎶 Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29
2009-06 vocal
=> 💿 Motets
=> 💿 Motets pour le culte catholique et psaumes protestants
=> 💿 Motets pour le culte catholique et psaumes protestants
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