Angela East (cellist)

Person, GB, United Kingdom


member of band

=> 🧑 Academy of Ancient Music

member of band

=> 🧑 Red Priest

member of band

=> 🧑 The Hanover Band

member of band

=> 🧑 The Revolutionary Drawing Room


=> 🧑 André Navarra


=> 🧑 Derek Simpson


=> 🎶 Air Trompette


=> 🎶 Air Trompette

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Chorus (da capo): "The many rend the skies with loud applause"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Chorus: "Behold Darius great and good"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 3 Accompagnato: "The song began from Jove"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 4 Chorus: "The listening crowd admired the lofty sound"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 5 Air: "With ravish'd ears"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 6 Air: "Bacchus, ever fair and young"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 7 Accompagnato: "He chose a mournful Muse"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 8 Air: "He sung Darius, great and good"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 9 Accompagnato: "With downcast looks the joyless victor sate"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 10 Recitative: "The mighty master smiled to see"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 11 Arioso: "Softly sweet in Lydian measures"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 12 Air: "War, he sung, is toil and trouble"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 13 Chorus: "The many rend the skies with loud applause"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 14 Air: "The prince, unable to conceal his pain"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Nos. 1 & 2: Air and Chorus: "Happy, happy, happy pair!"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Overture: Larghetto e staccato - Allegro - Adagio - Andante

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "Soothed with the sound, the king grew vain"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "T'was at the royal feast"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "The praise of Bacchus then"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "Timotheus placed on high"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. "Let old Timotheus yield the prize"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Chorus: "At last divine Cecilia came"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Duet: "Let's imitate her notes above!"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 15 Accompagnato and Chorus: "Now strike the golden lyre again" / "Break his bonds of sleep asunder" / "Hark, hark! The horrid sound"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 16a Air: "Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries" / Part 2. No. 16b Accompagnato: "Behold, a ghastly band"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 17 Accompagnato: "Give the vengeance due"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 18 Air: "The princes applaud with a furious joy"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 19 Air and Chorus: Air: "Thaïs led the way" / Chorus: "The princes applaud with furious joy"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 20 Accompagnato and Chorus: Accompagnato: "Thus, long ago"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Recitative: "Let old Timotheus yield the prize"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Recitative: "Your voices tune, and raise them high"

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": I. Allegro

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": II. Largo - Adagio

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": III. Allegro - Adagio

1987-06-13 – 1987-06-14 instrument

=> 🎶 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": IV. Andante non presto

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act I, No. 6 aria "Vedrommi intorno" / Recitativo : "Cieli ! Che veggo ?" / Recitativo : "Spiagge romite"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act I, No.3 coro "Godiam la pace" / Rec "Tutta la Grecia oltraggi" / Rec "Ma quel pianto che annunzia ? / Rec : Estinto è idomeneo ? / No.4 aria : Tutte nel cor vi sento / No.5 coro : Pietá ! Numi, pietá ! / Rec : Eccoci salvi alfin / Rec : Voi di Marte e di Nettuno"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act I, Recitativo "Ecco il mesero resto de Troiani" / Recitativo "Scingete le catene"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act I, Scene I. Recitativo "Quando avran fine omai" (Ilia) / No. 1 Aria "Padre, germani, addio!" (Ilia) / "Ecco Idamante, ahimé!" (Ilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act I, Scene II. Recitativo "Radunate i Troiani, ite" (Ilia, Idamante) / No. 2 Aria "Non ho colpa" (Idamante)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act II, No. 12 aria "Fuor del mar ho un mar in seno"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act II, No. 15 coro "Placido è il mar / Soavi zeffiri" / Recitativo "Vattene prence" / No. 16 terzetto : "Pria di partir, oh dio !" / No. 17 coro : "Qual nuovo terrore !" / Recitativo : "Eccoti in me, barbaro nume !" / No. 18 coro : "Corriamo, fuggiamo"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act II, Recitativo "Frettolosa e Guiliva Elettra Vien" / Recitativo "Chi mai del Mio Provò"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act III, "Principessa, a' tuoi sguardi" / No. 20 duetto "S'io non moro a questi accenti" / Recitativo : "Cieli ! Che vedo ?"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act III, No. 26 cavatina con coro "Accogli, oh re del mar"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Act III, Recitativo "Dunque io me n'andrò" / No. 21 quartetto "Andrò ramingo e solo"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Appendix , Recitativo "Frettolosa e giuliva Elettra vien" / Recitativo "Sire, da arbace intensi" / Recitativo : "Chi ma del mio provò"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta K. 366: Ouverture

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene X. No. 7 Aria "Il padre adorato" (Idamante)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene XI. No. 8 Marcia

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene XI. No. 9 Coro "Nettuno s'onori!" (Coro)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene I. No. 10a Aria. Allegro "Se il tuo duol, se il mio desio" (Arbace)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene I. No. 10a Recitativo "Tutto m'è noto" (Arbace, Idomeneo)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene II. No. 11 Aria "Se il padre perdei" (Ilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene II. Recitativo "Se mai pomposo" (Ilia, Idomeneo)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene III. Recitativo "Qual mi conturba i sensi" (Idomeneo)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene V. Marcia / No. 14 Recitavio "Odo da lunge" (Elettra)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene V. No. 13 Aria "Idol mio, se ritroso" (Elettra)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene V. Recitativo "Sidonie sponde!" (Elettra)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Coro "Stupenda vittoria!" / Recitativo "Sire, il prence"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, No. 32 Ballet K. 367(Chaconne / Larghetto / La Chaconne, qui reprend / Largo / Allegretto, sempre Piano / Più Allegro)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Recitativo "Oh ciel pietoso !" / Recitativo "Oh, smania ! Oh furie !" / No. 29 aria : "D'oreste, d'aiace"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Recitativo "Padre, mio caro padre"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene I. No. 19 Aria "Zeffiretti lusinghieri" (Ilia) / Act III, Scene II. Recitativo "Ei stesso vien" (Ilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene I. Recitativo "Solitudini amiche" (Ilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene IV. Recitativo "Sire, alla reggia tua immensa turba" (Arbace, Ilia,Idomeneo, Elettra)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene IX. No. 27a Aria "No, la morte io non pavento" (Idamante)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene V. No. 22 Aria "Se colà ne' fati è scritto" (Arbace)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene V. Recitativo "Sventurata Sidon!" (Arbace)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene VI. No. 23 Recitativo "Volgi intorno lo sguardo" (Gran Sacerdote, Idomeneo)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene VI. No. 24 Coro "O voto tremendo" (Coro, Gran Sacerdote)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene VII. No. 25 Marcia

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene X. Dialogue "Ferma, oh sire, che fai?" (Ilia,Idomeneo, Idomante, Ilia, Gran Sacerdote)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene X. No. 28 La Voce "Ha vinto Amore" (La Voce)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene X. Recitativo "Ma, che più tardi?" (Idamante, Idomeneo, Ilia, Gran Sacerdote)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene XI. No. 30 Recitativo "Popoli, a voi l'ultima legge" (Idomeneo)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene XI. No. 30a Aria "Torna la pace al core" (Idomeneo)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene XI. No. 31 Coro "Scenda Amor, scenda Imeneo" (Coro)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Appendix No. 28 "Ha vinto amore" (Versione più estesa per ottoni / Brass : Longer version)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Appendix, No. 28 "A Idomeneo perdona" (Versione per legni / Woodwind version)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Appendix, Recitativo "Ferma, oh sire, che fai ?"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366: Appendix, Recitativo "Oh ciel pietoso!" / Recitativo "Oh, smania! Oh, furie!"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena I. No 1 Duetto "Come ti piace imponi" (Sesto, Vitellia) - "Fan mille affetti insieme" (Sesto, Vitellia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena I. Recitativo "Ma ché? sempre l'istesso" (Vitellia, Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena II. No 2 Aria "Deh, se piacer mi vuoi" (Vitellia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena II. Recitativo "Amico, il passo affreta" (Annio, Vitellia, Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena III. No 3 Duettino "Deh, prendi un dolce amplesso" (Annio, Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena III. Recitativo "Amico, ecco il momento" (Annio, Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IV. No 4 Marcia

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IV. No 5 Coro "Serbate, oh Dei custodi"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IV. No 5 Coro da capo "Serbate, oh Dei custodi"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IV. No 6 Aria "Del più sublime soglio" (Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IV. Recitativo "Adesso, oh Sesto, parla per me" (Annio, Sesto, Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IV. Recitativo "Te della patria il Padre" (Publio, Annio, Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IX. No 10 Terzetto "Vengo...aspettate...Sesto!" (Vitellia, Annio, Publio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena IX. Recitativo "Vedrai, Tito, vedrai" (Vitellia, Publio, Annio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena V. No 7 Duetto "Ah, perdona al primo affetto" (Annio, Servilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena V. Recitativo "Non ci pentiam" (Annio, Servilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena VI. No 8 Aria "Ah, se fosse intorno al trono" (Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena VI. Recitativo "Servilia! Augusta!" (Tito, Servilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena VII. Recitativo "Felice me!" (Servilia, Vitellia) - Scena VIII. Recitativo "Ancor mi schernisce?" (Vitellia, Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena VIII. No 9 Aria "Parto, ma tu ben mio" (Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena X. No 11 Recitativo accompagnato "Oh Dei, che smania è questa" (Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto I, Scena X. No 12 Quintetto con Coro "Deh, conservate, oh Dei" (Sesto, Annio, Servilia, Coro, Publio, Vitellia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena I. No 13 Aria "Torna di Tito a lato" (Annio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena I. Recitativo "Sesto, come tu credi" (Annio, Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena II. Recitativo "Partir deggio, o restar?" (Sesto, Vitellia) - Scena III. Recitativo "Sesto!" / "Che chiedi?" (Publio, Sesto, Vitellia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena IV. No 14 Terzetto: "Se al volto mai ti senti" (Sesto, Vitellia, Publio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena IX. No 18 Terzetto "Quello di Tito è il volto!" (Sesto, Tito, Publio) - Recitativo "Odimi, oh Sesto" (Tito, Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena IX. No 19 Rondo "Deh, per questo istante solo" (Sesto)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena V. No 15 Coro "Ah, grazie si rendano" (Coro, Tito) - Recitativo "È tutto colà d'intorno" (Publio, Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena V. No 16 Aria "Tardi s'avvede d'un tradimento" (Publio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena VI. Recitativo "No, così scellerato" (Tito, Annio) - Scena VII. "Cesare, nol diss'io" (Publio, Tito, Annio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena VII. No 17 Aria "Tu fosti tradito" (Annio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena VIII. Recitativo accompagnato "Che orror! che tradimento!" (Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena X. Recitativo "Ove s'intese mai più contumace infedeltà?" (Tito) - Scena XI. Recitativo "Publio." / "Cesare." (Tito, Publio)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XI. No 20 Aria "Se all'impero, amici Dei" (Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XII. No 21 Aria "S'altro che lacrime per lui non tenti" (Servilia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XII. Recitativo "Ah, Vitellia!" (Servilia, Annio, Vitellia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XIII. No 22 Recitativo accompagnato "Ecco il punto, oh Vitellia" (Vitellia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XIII. No 23 Rondo "Non più di fiori vaghe catene" (Vitellia)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XIV. No 24 Coro "Che del ciel, che degli Dei"

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XV. No 26 Sestetto con Coro "Tu, è ver, m'assolvi, Augusto" (Sesto, Tito, Vitellia, Servilia, Annio, Publio, Coro)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Atto II, Scena XV. Recitativo "Sesto, de' tuoi delitti" (Tito, Vitellia, Sesto, Servilia, Annio, Publio) - No 25 Recitativo accompagnato "Ma che giorno è mai questo?" (Tito)

1990-06 instrument

=> 🎶 La clemenza di Tito: Ouverture

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Du bist so großmütig, so gut / Ha, Triumph, Triumph, Herr! / Wohin? ... Hinein!

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Herr, geschwind auf die Seite / Nr. 5a Marsch

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Konstanze, dich wiederzusehen / Nr. 4: O wie ängstlich, o wie feurig

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Nun, wie steht's, Osmin?

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene I. No. 1 Aria "Hier soll ich Dich denn sehen" (Belmonte) / Act I, Scene I. Dialog "Aber wie soll ich in den Palast kommen?" (Belmonte)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene II. No. 2 Lied und Duetto "Wer ein Liebchen hat gefunden" (Osmin, Belmonte)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene III. No. 3 Aria "Solche hergelauf'ne Laffen" (Osmin)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene IV. Dialog "Geh nur, verwünschter Aufpasser!" (Pedrillo, Belmonte)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene VI. No. 5b Chor "Singt dem grossen Bassa Lieder" (Chor und Solisten der Janitscharen)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene VII. Dialog "Immer noch traurig, geliebte Konstanze?" (Selim, Konstanze)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene VII. No. 6 Aria "Ach ich liebte" (Konstanze)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act I, Scene X. No. 7 Trio "Marsch, marsch, marsch! Trollt euch fort" (Osmin, Belmonte, Pedrillo)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Ach mein bestes Fräulein / Nun, Konstanze, denkst du meinem Begehren nach?

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Ah, dass es schon vorbei wäre! / Act II, Scene VII. No. 13 Aria "Frisch zum Kampfe!" (Pedrillo)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Bst, bst! Blondchen!

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Gift und Dolch / O, des Zankens, Befehlens und Murrens / Nr. 8: Durch Zärtlichkeit und Schmeicheln

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Ist das ein Traum?

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, No. 15: Wenn der Freude Tränen fließen / Ich hab hier ein Schiff in Bereitschaft

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, No. 16: Ach, Belmonte! Ach, mein Leben

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Pedrillo! Pedrillo!

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Scene I. Dialog "Zärtlichkeit? Schmeicheln? Es ist mir wie pure Zärtlichkeit!" (Osmin, Blonde)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Scene I. No. 9 Duetto "Ich gehe, doch rate ich dir" (Osmin, Blonde)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Scene II. No. 10 Aria "Traurigkeit ward mir zum Lose" (Konstanze)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Scene III. No. 11 Aria "Martern aller Arten" (Konstanze)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Scene VI. No. 12 Aria "Welche Wonne, welche Lust" (Blonde)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Scene VIII. Dialog "Ha! Geht's hier so lustig zu?" (Osmin, Pedrillo)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Scene VIII. No. 14 Duetto "Vivat Bacchus! Bacchus lebe!" (Pedrillo, Osmin)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act II, Wein - das ist wahr - Wein / Pedrillo, ist Konstanze noch nicht hier?

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, Alles liegt auf dem Ohr / Nr. 18: In Mohrenland gefangen war

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, No. 21a. Finale. Vaudeville: "Nie werd' ich deine Huld verkennen" (Tutti)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, Nun, Sklave! Erwartest du dein Urteil?

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, Scene III. No. 17 Aria "Ich baue ganz auf deine Stärke" (Belmonte)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, Scene V. No. 19 Aria "O, wie will ich triumphieren" (Osmin)

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, Scene VII. Recitativo "Welch ein Geschick!" (Belmonte, Konstanze) / No. 20 Duetto "Meinetwegen sollst du sterben!"

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, Sie macht auf, Herr! / Gift und Dolch! Was ist das?

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Act III, Was gibt's, Osmin, was gibt's?

1991-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384: Ouvertüre

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 1, G 242: I. Allegro

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 1, G 242: II. Larghetto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 1, G 242: III. Allegro vivo assai

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 2, G 243: I. Allegretto lento

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 2, G 243: II. Menuetto. Allegro

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 2, G 243: III. Larghetto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 2, G 243: IV. Finale. Allegro vivo assai

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 3, G 244: I. Larghetto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 3, G 244: II. Allegro vivo assai

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 3, G 244: III. Allegro giusto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 4, G 245: I. Allegro molto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 4, G 245: II. Andantino lento

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 4, G 245: III. Rondeau. Allegro ma non presto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 5, G 246: I. Andante sostenuto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 5, G 246: II. Allegretto gaio

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 5, G 246: III. Andante sostenuto come prima

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 5, G 246: IV. Presto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 6, G 247: I. Allegretto moderato

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 6, G 247: II. Larghetto

1992-10-05 – 1992-10-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Quartet, op. 58 no. 6, G 247: III. Allegro giusto e sostenuto

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 1: Prelude

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 3: Chorus "He put on righteousness"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 4: Quartet "When the ear heard him" (soprano I, alto I, tenor, bass I)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 5: Chorus "How is the might fall'n"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 6: Chorus "He deliver'd the poor"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 7: Chorus "How is the might fall'n"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 8: Quartet - Chorus "The righteous shall be had" (soprano I, alto I, tenor, bass I)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 9: Chorus "Their bodies are buried in peace"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 10: Chorus "The people will tell of their wisdom"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 11: Quartet "They shall receive a glorious kingdom" (soprano I, alto I, tenor, bass I)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 12: Chorus "The merciful goodness of the Lord"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 1: Recitative "Now these arose a new king over Egypt" (tenor)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 2: Chorus "And the children of Israel sighed" (with alto II)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 3: Recitative "Then sent he Moses" (tenor)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 4: Chorus "They loathed to drink of the river"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 5: Air "Their land brought forth frogs" (alto I)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 6: Chorus "He spake the word"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 7: Chorus "He gave them hailstones for rain"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 8: Chorus "He sent a thick darkness"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 9: Chorus "He smote all the first-born of Egypt"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 10: Chorus "But as for his people"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 11: Chorus "Egypt was glad"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 12: Chorus "He rebuked the Red Sea"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 13: Chorus "He led them through the deep"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 14: Chorus "But the waters overwhelmed their enemies"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 15: Chorus "And Israel saw that great work"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 16: Chorus "And believed the Lord"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 17: Introitus (Chorus) "Moses and the children of Israel"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 18: Chorus "I will sing unto the lord"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 19: Duet "The Lord is my strength" (sopranos I & II)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 20: Chorus "He is my god" / no. 21: Chorus "And I will exalt him"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 22: Duet "The Lord is a man of war" (basses I & II)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 23: Chorus "The depths have covered them"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 24: Chorus "Thy right hand, o Lord" / no. 25: Chorus "And in the greatness"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 27: Chorus "And with the blast of thy nostrils"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 28: Air "The enemy said" (tenor)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 29: Air "Thou didst blow with the wind" (soprano I)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 30: Chorus "Who is like unto thee, o Lord" / no. 31: Chorus "The earth swallowed them"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 32: Duet "Thou in thy mercy" (alto I, tenor)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 33: Chorus "The people shall hear"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 34: Air "Thou shalt bring them" (alto I)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 35: Chorus "The Lord shall reign for ever and ever"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 36: Recitative "For the horse of Pharaoh" (tenor)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 37: Chorus "The Lord shall reign for ever and ever"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 38: Recitative "And Miriam the prophetess (tenor)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 39: Chorus "Sing ye to the Lord" (with soprano)

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-07 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III: no. 26: Chorus "Thou sentest forth thy wrath"

1995-07-04 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 2: Chorus "The sons of Israel do mourn"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 1: Prelude

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 3: Chorus "He put on righteousness"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 4: Quartet "When the ear heard him" (soprano I, alto I, tenor, bass I)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 5: Chorus "How is the might fall'n"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 6: Chorus "He deliver'd the poor"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 7: Chorus "How is the might fall'n"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 8: Quartet - Chorus "The righteous shall be had" (soprano I, alto I, tenor, bass I)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 9: Chorus "Their bodies are buried in peace"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 10: Chorus "The people will tell of their wisdom"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 11: Quartet "They shall receive a glorious kingdom" (soprano I, alto I, tenor, bass I)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part I, no. 12: Chorus "The merciful goodness of the Lord"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 1: Recitative "Now these arose a new king over Egypt" (tenor)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 2: Chorus "And the children of Israel sighed" (with alto II)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 3: Recitative "Then sent he Moses" (tenor)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 4: Chorus "They loathed to drink of the river"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 5: Air "Their land brought forth frogs" (alto I)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 6: Chorus "He spake the word"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 7: Chorus "He gave them hailstones for rain"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 8: Chorus "He sent a thick darkness"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 9: Chorus "He smote all the first-born of Egypt"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 10: Chorus "But as for his people"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 11: Chorus "Egypt was glad"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 12: Chorus "He rebuked the Red Sea"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 13: Chorus "He led them through the deep"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 14: Chorus "But the waters overwhelmed their enemies"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 15: Chorus "And Israel saw that great work"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part II, no. 16: Chorus "And believed the Lord"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 17: Introitus (Chorus) "Moses and the children of Israel"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 18: Chorus "I will sing unto the lord"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 19: Duet "The Lord is my strength" (sopranos I & II)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 20: Chorus "He is my god" / no. 21: Chorus "And I will exalt him"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 22: Duet "The Lord is a man of war" (basses I & II)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 23: Chorus "The depths have covered them"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 24: Chorus "Thy right hand, o Lord" / no. 25: Chorus "And in the greatness"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 27: Chorus "And with the blast of thy nostrils"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 28: Air "The enemy said" (tenor)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 29: Air "Thou didst blow with the wind" (soprano I)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 30: Chorus "Who is like unto thee, o Lord" / no. 31: Chorus "The earth swallowed them"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 32: Duet "Thou in thy mercy" (alto I, tenor)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 33: Chorus "The people shall hear"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 34: Air "Thou shalt bring them" (alto I)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 35: Chorus "The Lord shall reign for ever and ever"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 36: Recitative "For the horse of Pharaoh" (tenor)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 37: Chorus "The Lord shall reign for ever and ever"

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 38: Recitative "And Miriam the prophetess (tenor)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 39: Chorus "Sing ye to the Lord" (with soprano)

1995-07-18 – 1995-07-20 instrument

=> 🎶 Israel in Egypt: Part III: no. 26: Chorus "Thou sentest forth thy wrath"


=> 🎶 Concerto in B minor for Four Violins, op. 3 no. 10, RV 580: I. Allegro


=> 🎶 Concerto in B minor for Four Violins, op. 3 no. 10, RV 580: II. Largo


=> 🎶 Concerto in B minor for Four Violins, op. 3 no. 10, RV 580: III.Larghetto – Adagio – Larghetto


=> 🎶 Concerto in B minor for Four Violins, op. 3 no. 10, RV 580: IV. Allegro


=> 🎶 Ein langer und schoner Aufzug


=> 🎶 Psalm 150 “Or soit loué l’Eternel”

1991-02-12 – 1991-02-14 instrument

=> 💿 Symphony no. 6 in D “Le Matin” / Symphony no. 7 in C “Le Midi” / Symphony no. 8 in G “Le Soir”


=> 💿 Happy in Hollywood


=> 💿 Red Priest's Vivaldi: The 4 Seasons


=> 💿 Symphony no. 6 in D "Le Matin" / Symphony no. 7 in C "Le Midi" / Symphony no. 8 in G "Le Soir"



official homepage








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