Group, DE, Germany
=> Dein edles Herz, Der Liebe Thron
=> 1993 Arie e Duetti
=> 2004 La Diavolessa
=> 2005 Chirping of the Nightingale
=> 2007 Der Messias
=> 2010 Love Songs
=> 2010 Timeless
=> 2012 die Motetten
=> 2013 Bacharkaden
=> 2013 Wie schรถn leuchtet der Morgenstern: Deutsche Weihnachtsmusik des 17. Jahrhunderts
=> 2015 Rinaldo
=> 2016 Weihnachten Aus Dem Berliner Dom
=> 2018 War & Peace 1618:1918
=> 2018 Misterio
=> 2019 Baroque Gender Stories
=> 2020 Redemption
=> 2021 Time Travel
=> 2022 New Vivaldi
=> 2023 Winter Journeys
=> 2024 Dancing Queen: Rameau meets ABBA
=> 2009 Renaissance Treasuries
1984 member of band
1984 member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
member of band
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Alemana
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Che nove arti son queste
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Facades from Glassworks
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ La mia Filli รจ fugace
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Melody for Saxophone no. 5
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Melody for Saxophone no. 10
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Melody for Saxophone no. 12
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Opening from Glassworks
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
2008-10-31 โ 2008-11-03 instrument
=> ๐ถ Video Dream from the Powaqqatsi Soundtrack
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Harmonia Artificiosa Ariosa Diversimode accordata, Partia V, C. 67
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Histoire du Tango: Cafe 1930
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Rosary Sonata no. 1, C. 90 โThe Annunciationโ
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Rosary Sonata no. 2, C. 91 โMaryโs Visit to Elizabethโ
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Rosary Sonata no. 3, C. 92 โThe Nativityโ
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Rosary Sonata no. 9, C. 98 โCarrying the Crossโ
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Rosary Sonata no. 10, C. 99 โThe Crucifixionโ
2015-10-11 โ 2015-10-13 instrument
=> ๐ถ Rosary Sonata no. 14, C. 103 โThe Assumption of Maryโ
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Bete aber auch dabei, BWV 115/IV
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Bete aber auch dabei, BWV 115/IV (lounge version)
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorale: Ehr sei ins Himmels Throne, BWV 135/VI (instrumental)
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorale: Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 105/VI (instrumental)
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorale: Wenn mein Stรผndlein vorhanden ist, BWV 430/I (instrumental)
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorale: Wenn mein Stรผndlein vorhanden ist, BWV 430/II (instrumental)
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorus: Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe, BWV 25/I
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorus: Leite mich in deiner Wahrheit, BWV 150/IV
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorus: Meine Tage in dem Leide, BWV 150/VII
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Chorus: Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150/II
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Die Seele ruht in Jesu Hรคnden, BWV 127/III
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Es ist und bleibt der Christen Trost, BWV 44/VI
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Ich ende behende mein irdisches Leben, BWV 57/VII
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Ich freue mich auf meinen Tod, BWV 82a/V
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Ich habe genug, BWV 82a/I
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Letzte Stunde, brich herein, BWV 31/VIII
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Liebster Gott, erbarme dich, BWV 179/V
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Schafe kรถnnen sicher weiden, BWV 208/IX (instrumental)
2020-06 instrument
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Weichet nur, betrรผbte Schatten, BWV 202/I
2020-06 instrument
=> ๐ถ Wie zittern und wanken, BWV 105/III
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Dann wird erfรผllet sein das Wort
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Denn durch Einen kam der Tod
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Drum Dank sei Gott!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Es schallt die Trommet'
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Ich weiร, dass mein Erlรถser lebet
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. O Tod, wo ist dein Pfeil?
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Vernehmet! Ich versprech' ein Geheimnis
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Wenn Gott ist mit uns, wer ist entgegen?
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Dritter Teil. Wรผrdig ist das Lamm, das da starb / Amen
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Alle Thale werden erhaben!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Als schnell der Engel des Herrn zu ihnen trat
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Dann wird das Auge des Blinden
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Denn die Hoheit des Herrn wird offenbart
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Denn es ist uns ein Kind gebor'n
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Die Vรถlker, die wandeln im Dunkel
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Doch wer mag ertragen den Tag, wenn er kommet?
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Ehre sei Gott! Ehre sei Gott in den Hรถhen!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Er wird Hirte sein
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Erfreu dich mรคchtig, o Tochter Zion
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Es waren Hirten beisammen
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Friede!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. O du, der bringet Frohlocken
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Pifa
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Schau umher! Dunkel bedecket
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Sein Joch ist selig
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Sieh da! Eine Jungfrau empfรคngt!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Sinfonie
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. So spricht der Herr, Gott Zebaoth
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Trรถstet, trรถstet mein Zion
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Und alsobald war da bei dem Engel
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Erster Teil. Und er wird reinigen die Sรถhne Levi
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Deine Schmach zerbrach sein Herz
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Denn zu welchem Engel sprach
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Der Herr gab sein Wort
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Doch du lieรest nicht seine Seel' in der Hรถll'
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Du bist gestiegen hoch!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Durch seine Wunden sind wir geheilet
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Er trauete Gott! dass der kรถnn' erlรถsen ihn
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Er war verschmรคhet und verworfen
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Er, der wohnet im Himmerl
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Hallelujah!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Hebet das Haupt, o ihr Tore!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Ihr Ruf erging in alles Land!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Lasst alle Engel des Herrn feiern ihn!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Lasst uns brechen ihre Bande
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Man riss ihn aus dem Lande der Lebenden
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Schau an und sieh!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Sie zerberechen soll dein Eisenpanzer
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Sieh da ist Gottes Lamm!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Und die ihn sahen, spotteten sein
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Wahrlich, wahrlich! Er trug unser Leid
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Wie lieblich ist der Boten Tritt!
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Wie, dass die Vรถlker so wรผtend
=> ๐ถ Der Messias, HWV 56: Zweiter Teil. Wir gingen all' in Irren umher
=> ๐ถ I love and I must, Z. 382
=> ๐ถ If music be the food of love, Z. 379
=> ๐ถ King Arthur, Z. 628, "The British Worthy": Act III: Hornpipe
=> ๐ถ King Arthur, Z. 628, "The British Worthy": Act IV: For love ev'ry creature
=> ๐ถ King Arthur, Z. 628, "The British Worthy": Boree
=> ๐ถ Pausanius, the Betrayer of his Country, Z. 585: Sweeter than roses
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act II: Hush, no more, be silent all
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act II: One charming night
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act II: See, even Night herself is here
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act III: If love's a sweet passion
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act III: Ye gentle spirits of the air, appear!
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act V: Chaconne
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act V: Hark! The echoing air a triumph sings
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act V: O let me weep
=> ๐ถ The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater, Z. 632: But ah!
=> ๐ถ The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater, Z. 632: Come all to me
=> ๐ถ The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater, Z. 632: Curtain Tune on a Ground
=> ๐ถ The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater, Z. 632: Hark! how the songsters
=> ๐ถ The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater, Z. 632: Love in their little veins inspires
=> ๐ถ The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater, Z. 632: Overture
=> ๐ถ The History of Timon of Athens, The Man-Hater, Z. 632: The cares of lovers
=> ๐ถ The Mock Marriage, Z. 605: No. 3. Man is for the woman made
=> ๐ถ The Prophetess, Z. 627, "The History of Dioclesian": Act III: Chaconne
=> ๐ถ The Prophetess, Z. 627, "The History of Dioclesian": Act III: The Chair Dance
=> ๐ถ The Prophetess, Z. 627, "The History of Dioclesian": Act IV: Butterfly Dance
=> ๐ถ The Prophetess, Z. 627, "The History of Dioclesian": Act V: Let us dance
=> ๐ถ The Prophetess, Z. 627, "The History of Dioclesian": First Music
=> ๐ถ The Prophetess, Z. 627, "The History of Dioclesian": Prelude
=> ๐ถ The Prophetess, Z. 627, "The History of Dioclesian": Since from my dear Astrea's sight
=> ๐ถ The Windcatcher - La lusignola
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Abbruccio, avvampo e fremo"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Andante, o forti"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Augelletti, che cantate"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Basta che sol tu chieda"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Col valor, colla virtรน"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Combatti da forte"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Furie terribili"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Il vostro maggio"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Lascia chโio pianga"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "No, no, che questโalma"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Sibillar gli angui dโ Aletto"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria "Voโ far guerra"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Coro "Vinto รจ sol dalla virtรน"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Duetto "Al trionfo del nostro furore"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Duetto "Scherzano sul tuo volto"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ March
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ March
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Prelude
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitative "Ciรฒ, che solo mi resta"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Adorata Almirena"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Adorato mio sposo"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Al trionfo sโaffretti"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Al valor del mio brando"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Chโinsolito stupore"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Cingetemi dโallori"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Crudel, tu chโinvolasti"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Delle nostre fatiche"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Di quei strani accidenti"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Ecco, german, la cruda"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Goffredo, ecco il superbo"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Goffredo, se tโarrise"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "In quel bosco di strali"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Infra dubbi di Marte"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "La causa che vi spinge"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Magnanimi campioni"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Miei fidi, ecco lร un campo"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Mori svenata!"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Nella guardata soglia"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Oscura questo pianto"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Per fomentar lo sdegno"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Per raccor dโAlmirena"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Perfida, un cor illustre"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Questi saggi consigli"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Qui vomita Cocito"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Rinaldo, affreta i passi!"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Riprendiam dโAlmirena"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Se ciรฒ tโรจ in grado, o Prence"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Signor, lโoste nemica"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Signor, strano ardimento!"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Tu a cui vien concesso"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo "Un mio giusto dolor"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo accompagnato "Dunque i lacci dโun volto"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Recitativo ed Accompagnato "Signor, se ben confusi"
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2014-05-22 โ 2014-05-25 performing orchestra
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ An den kleinen Radioapparat (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Die Kunst des Kรผssens
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Elegie I (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Erbarm dich mein, Swv 447
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Es geht ein dunkle Wolk herein
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Galliard Battaglia, Sswv 59
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Gnossienne No. 3 (Arr. for Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Gymnopedie No. 1 (Arr. for Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Ich steh in Angst und Pein
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ In illo tempore (Die Gans)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Krieges-Angst-Seufftzer: Ach! Herr! Du Erbarmer der Menschen
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Krieges-Angst-Seufftzer: Nun, Herr, du bist ja ein Allmรคchtiger
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Lieder eines armen Mรคdchens: Currende (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Lieder eines armen Mรคdchens: Die Hungerkรผnstlerin (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Lieder eines armen Mรคdchens: Wenn ick mal tot bin (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Lieder eines armen Mรคdchens: Wiegenlied an eine Mutter (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Ludi Musici I: No. 5, Paduan A 4, Sswv 43
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Psalmen Davids, Op. 2: Lobe Den Herren, Swv 39
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ รber den Selbstmord (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Und es sind die finstren Zeiten (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Und ich werde nicht mehr sehen das Land (Arr. for Soprano and Baroque Ensemble)
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Vanitas! Vanitatum Vanitas! Die Herrlichkeit der Erden
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Verleih uns Frieden gnรคdiglich, Swv 372
2018-03-01 โ 2018-07-11 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Von Gott woll ich nicht lassen
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Achille in Sciro: Risponderti vorrei
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Deidamia: Nellโarmi e nellโamar
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Orlando furioso: Insolito coraggio
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Orlando furioso: Nel profondo cieco mondo
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Orlando furioso: Orlando, allora il ciel
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Semiramide riconosciuta: Crudel morir mi vedi
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Semiramide riconosciuta: Il Pastor se torna aprile
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Semiramide riconosciuta: Tu mi disprezzi
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Serse: Gran pena รจ gelosia
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Serse: Se bramate dโamar chi vi sdegna
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Ah non fuggirmi, ingrato
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Che furia, che mostro
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Deggio morire, o stelle
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Esci, crudel, dโaffanno
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: La sorte mia tiranna
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Overture: Grave โ Allegro
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Rendimi lโidol mio
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Sinfonia: Allegro
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Sinfonia: Allegro assai
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Sinfonia: Lento
2019-02-01 โ 2019-02-06 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe: Son stanco, ingiusti numi
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Abdelazer, Z. 570: Air IX
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Abdelazer, Z. 570: Air VI
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Abdelazer, Z. 570: Jig & Hornpipe
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Abdelazer, Z. 570: Rondeau
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aureng-Zebe, Z. 573: I See, She Flies Me
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Because
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626: Ah! Belinda
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Distressed Innocence, Z. 577: Air II
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Girl
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Hail, Bright Cecilia!, Z. 328: Hark! Hark! Each Tree
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ King Arthur, Z. 628: Cold Song
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ King Arthur, Z. 628: Ye Blustโring Brethren of the Skies
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary, Z. 860: March
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Norwegian Wood / Greensleeves
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: One Charming Night
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Rondeau
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: The Plaint โO Let Me Weepโ
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Thrice Happy Lovers
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Thus the Gloomy World
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Indian Queen, Z. 630: Ah! How Happy Are We
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Indian Queen, Z. 630: They Tell Us
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
2021-04-06 โ 2021-04-09 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Canto dรจ glโuccelli
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Concerto for 4 Violins and Cello in B minor, op. 3 no. 10, RV 580: III. Larghetto
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Il Bajazet, RV 703: Dovโรจ la figlia
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Il Bajazet, RV 703: Sposa son disprezzata
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ In Furore Giustissimae Irae, RV 626: Tunc meus fletus
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Juditha Triumphans, RV 644: Veni, veni me sequere
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Veritร in Cimento, RV 739: Dopo i nembi, e le procelle
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Trio Sonata in G minor, RV 85: II. Larghetto
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Violin Concerto in G minor, op. 12 no. 1, RV 317: II. Largo
2022-03-16 โ 2022-03-18 performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ 'Tis Woman Make Us Love
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ A Forsaken Lover's Complaint
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Ach wie flรผchtig, ach wie nichtig; Chorale prelude BWV 644
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Ach wie flรผchtig, ach wie nichtig; Fragment from BWV 26
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Admeto, Re di Tessaglia, HWV22: "Io ti bacio"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Alemana
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Alessandro, HWV 21: Act I. "No, piรน soffrir non voglio"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats - BWV 42 Sinfonia
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria (instrumental); from BWV 56
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aria (instrumental); from BWV 56
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr zu dir - BWV 131 Sinfonia
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Beneath A Poplar's Shadow
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Charon The Peaceful Shade
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Che nove arti son queste
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Chorale prelude BWV 610
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Curtain Tune In The Tempest
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Dance Of The Bachanals
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf - BWV 226
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf - BWV 226 Choral - Du heilige Brunst
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf - BWV 226 Der aber die Herzen forschet
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Du, o schรถnes Weltgebรคude; Chorale from BWV 56
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Facades from Glassworks
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Fantazia Upon One Note
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Flavio, re di Longobardi, HWV 16, Act I. "Amante stravagante"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Fratres
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ From Silent Shades; Boss Of Bedlam
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Fรผrchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir - BWV 228
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17: Act II. "Se pieta di me non senti"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17: Act II. Aria "V'adoro, pupille"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17: Act III. "Piangero la sorte mia"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Grim King Of The Ghosts
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Gute Nacht, o Wesen; from BWV 227
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Herr, wenn ich nur dich hab (instrumental); from BuxWV 38
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ I'll Sail Upon The Dog Star
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn - BWV Anh 159
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ In dir ist Freude; Chorale prelude BWV 615 and An hellen Tagen
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Choral - Jesu, meine Freude
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Choral - Unter deinen Schirmen
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Choral - Weg mit allen Schรคtzen
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Choral - Weicht, ihr Trauergeister
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Denn das Gesetz
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Es ist nun nichts Verdammliches
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Gute Nacht, o Wesen
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Ihr aber seid nicht fleischlich
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 So aber Christus in euch ist
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 So nun der Geist... in euch wohnet
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude - BWV 227 Trotz dem alten Drachen
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Jesu, meine Freude; Chorale from BWV 227
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Dein edles Herz, der Liebe Thron", BuxWV 14: I. Sonata
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Dein edles Herz, der Liebe Thron", BuxWV 14: IV. Versus 3. "Durch deinen Tod"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Dein edles Herz, der Liebe Thron", BuxWV 14: V. Versus 4. "O wertes Herz"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: I. Sonatina
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: II. Coro "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: III. Versus 1. Aria "Liebster Herr Jesu"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: IV. Versus 2. Coro "Es ist genug"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: IX. Versus 7. Coro "Allbereit schmรผcke dich"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: V. Versus 3. Aria "Ich mag nicht wohnen"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: VI. Versus 4. Coro "Mit der Welt"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: VII. Versus 5. Aria "Wenn ich in Nรถten"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: VIII. Versus 6. Coro "Alles ist eitel"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn", BuxWV 24: X. Coro repetatur "Eins bitte ich vom Herrn"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort", BuxWV 27
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Jesu, meine Freude", BuxWV 60: I. Sonata
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Jesu, meine Freude", BuxWV 60: II. Coro "Jesu, meine Freude"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Jesu, meine Freude", BuxWV 60: III. Aria "Unter deinem Schirmen"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Jesu, meine Freude", BuxWV 60: IV. Aria "Trotz dem alten Drachen"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Jesu, meine Freude", BuxWV 60: V. Coro "Weg mit allen Schรคtzen"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Jesu, meine Freude", BuxWV 60: VI. Aria "Gute Nacht"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Jesu, meine Freude", BuxWV 60: VII. Coro "Weicht, ihr Trauergeister"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: I. Sinfonia
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: II. "Wo soll ich fliehen hin"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: III. "Kommt her zu mir alle"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: IV. "O Jesu voller Gnad"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: IX. "Stรคrk mich mit deinem Gnadengeist"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: V. "So wahr ich lebe"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: VI. Adagio
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: VII. Aria "Klopfet an die Himmelspforte"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantata "Wo soll ich fliehen hin", BuxWV 112: VIII. "So komm ich nun"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantate "Befiehl dem Engel, dass er kommt", BuxWV 10
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Kantate "Nun danket alle Gott", BuxWV 79
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Komm, Jesu, komm - BWV 229
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Komm, Jesu, komm - BWV 229 Aria - Drum schlieร ich mich in deine Hรคnde
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Komm, o Tod, du Schlafes Bruder; Chorale from BWV 56
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ L'incoronazione di Poppea: Act II: Adagiati, Poppea
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ L'incoronazione di Poppea: Act III: Pur ti miro
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Aria: Chi v'ha detto del tesoro (Don Poppone)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Aria: Colle dame, colle dame (Giannino)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Aria: Il cielo vi precipiti (Falco)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Aria: S'inganna chi crede (La Contessa)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Aria: Si distingue dal nobil il vile (Dorina)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Aria: Tenta invan co' suoi vapori (Il Conte)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Aria: Una donna che aprezza il decoro (Ghiandina)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Cavatina a 3: Se non fossi maritato (Doruna, Falco e Giannino)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Duetto: Ho rissolto, voglio andar (Doruna e Giannino)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Finale I: Conte mio, per tutti i titoli
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Che c'e, che c'e di nuovo
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Eh ben Signor Consorte
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Il signor Don Poppone
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: In questo mi rimetto
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Io non lo so capire
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Messer Falco gentil
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Non vorrei che Giannino
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Oh! Ci mancava adesso
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Pretendono i mariti
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Riverente m'inchino!
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Saprebbe dirmi
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Serva di Don Poppone
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Si puo venir?
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Recitativo: Un simil trattamento
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 1: Sinfonia
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Aria: Chi son io, pensate prima (La Contessa)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Aria: Donna belle, che bramate (Ghiandina)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Aria: Falco mio, Falco mio (Don Poppone)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Aria: M'han lasciato in testamento (Giannino)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Aria: Se con quell'occhio moro (Falco)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Aria: Sior como generoso (Dorina)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Aria: Un tenero affetto (Il Conte)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Finale II: Spiriti erranti...
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: A me doppia fortuna
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Che diavolo ha con me
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Che tremore รจ mai questo?
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Chi son questi superbi?
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Come s'e innamorato
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: La testa non so piu dove
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Per esempio
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Pur mi lusingo e spero
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Ritiratevi pur con questo lume
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Siete qui?
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Signor, la sposa mia
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 2: Recitativo: Strepiti, precipizi?
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Aria: Com'e stato dir non so (Don Poppone)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Aria: Piu bel diletto (La Contessa)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Aria: Si Signori, cosi e (Ghiandina)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Aria: Veleggiar secondo il vento (Falco)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Duetto: Oh povero mio padre (Dorina e Giannino)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Finale III: Spiriti buoni, qua comparite
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: III. Recitativo: Offerirmi denari!
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Recitativo: Che bell'amore!
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Recitativo: Dunque sperar possiamo
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Recitativo: Il misero e ingannato
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Recitativo: Maledetti stregoni
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Recitativo: No, non credo mai piu
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Recitativo: Siete qui?
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La Diavolessa, Act 3: Recitativo: Tant'e, signori miei
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ La mia Filli รจ fugace
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Lobet den Herren, alle Heiden - BWV 230
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Melody for Saxophone no. 5
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Melody for Saxophone no. 10
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Melody for Saxophone no. 12
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Menuett; from the Notenbรผchlein fรผr Anna Magdalena Bach
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Nun lob, mein Seel den Herren; Choir from BWV 28
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren; Aria from BWV 225
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ O bone Jesu, o piissime Jesu
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ O rosetta che rossetta - Non cosi tost'io miro
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Oft Sha Visits This Lov'd Mountain
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Oh, The Sweet Delights Of Love
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Opening from Glassworks
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Quel sguardo sdegnosetto
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Riccardo Primo, HWV 23: Act III. "Morte vieni"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Rinaldo: Lascia ch'io pianga
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Rodelinda, HWV 19, Act I. "Ombre piante, urne funeste"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Rodelinda, HWV 19, Act III. "Ahi perche, giusto ciel"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Rondeau
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Sancta Maria succurre miseris
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Scipione, HWV 20: "Scoglio d'immota fronte"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siciliano; from BWV 227
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied - BWV 225 I.
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied - BWV 225 II. Aria - Wie sich ein Vater erbarmet
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied - BWV 225 III. Lobet den Herrn in seinen Taten
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe, re di Persia, HWV 24, Act III. "Torrente cresciuto"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe, re di Persia, HWV 24: Act II. "Mi lagnero tacendo"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Siroe, re di Persia, HWV 24: Act II. "Or mi perdo di speranza"
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Then Mad, Very Mad Let Us Be
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Tolomeo, HWV 25: Act I. "Fonti amiche"
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Venite sitientes ad aquas
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Video Dream from the Powaqqatsi Soundtrack
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Vivat Carolus (instrumental)
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Vorrei baciarti, o Filli
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme; Arrangement of the Chorale prelude BWV 645
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen; from BWV 12
performing orchestra
=> ๐ถ When I am laid; from Dido and Aeneas
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
performing orchestra
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