Choir of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh

Choir, GB, United Kingdom



=> 1991 Famous Hymns of Praise
=> 2001 Requiem
=> 2002 A Gaelic Blessing
=> 2003 Ascension
=> 2004 Stabat Mater / Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis / Zwei Sonatinen for Piano, Op. 1 / Spiegel im Spiegel
=> 2005 Sacred Choral Works
=> 2007 Angelus ad Virginem: Music for Advent and Christmas
=> 2008 Sir Peter Maxwell Davies: Sacred Choral Works
=> 2010 Sacred Choral Music
=> 2010 John Taverner: Sacred Choral Music
=> 2011 Motets
=> 2012 Sacred Choral Works, Volume II: Beyond the Stars
=> 2014 Sacred Choral Music
=> 2016 Choral Works
=> 2018 Sacred Choral Music
=> 2019 Hear My Words, Ye People
=> 2019 Sacred Choral Works


member of band

=> πŸ§‘ Donald Thomson

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Ave Maria

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Cantique de Jean Racine

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Maria, Mater Gratiae

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Messe Basse: Agnus Dei

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Messe Basse: Benedictus

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Messe Basse: Kyrie

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Messe Basse: Sanctus

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Requiem: Agnus Dei

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Requiem: In Paradisum

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Requiem: Introit & Kyrie

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Requiem: Libera Me

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Requiem: Offertory

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Requiem: Pie Jesu

2001-02-04 – 2001-02-07 vocal

=> 🎢 Requiem: Sanctus

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 A Prayer of King Henry VI

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Ane Sang of the Birth of Christ

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Creator of the Stars of Night

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Dismissal

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Edinburgh Mass: Agnus Dei

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Edinburgh Mass: Gloria

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Edinburgh Mass: Kyrie

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Edinburgh Mass: Sanctus & Benedictus

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Magnificat (Truro Service)

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Nunc dimittis (Truro Service)

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 O Sacrum Convivium

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Preces

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Responses

2004-02-23 – 2004-03-02 vocal

=> 🎢 Salve Regina

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 Dum transisset sabbatum

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 Dum transisset sabbatum (II)

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 Leroy Kyrie

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Corona spinea: Agnus Dei

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Corona spinea: Credo

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Corona spinea: Gloria

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Corona spinea: Sanctus

2009-09-14 – 2009-09-17 vocal

=> 🎢 O splendor glorie

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Afferentur regi

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Ave Maria

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Christus factus est

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Ecce sacerdos

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Inveni David

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Jam lucius orto sidere dignare

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Libera me (F minor)

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Locus iste

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Os justi

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Pange lingua

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Tota pulchra es, Maria

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Vexilla regis

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Virga Jesse

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Zwei Totenlieder I

2010-05-31 – 2010-06-04 vocal

=> 🎢 Zwei Totenlieder II

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Ah, Mine Heart

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Ecce venio cito

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Hymn to St. Margaret of Scotland

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 In All His Works

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Jesu, Rex admirabilis

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Justorum animae

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Let Us All Rejoice in the Lord

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sanctae Margaretae: Agnus Dei

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sanctae Margaretae: Gloria

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sanctae Margaretae: Kyrie

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sanctae Margaretae: Sanctus & Benedictus

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 The Christ‐Child

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 The Glory of the Lord

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 The Land of Spices

2011 vocal

=> 🎢 Vidi aquam

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Adesto sancta Trinitas II

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Gaude virgo Christiphera

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Hodie nobis caelorum rex

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Kyrie lux et origo (Kyrie Paschale)

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Libera nos, salva nos I

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Cantate: Agnus Dei

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Cantate: Credo

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Cantate: Gloria

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Cantate: Sanctus & Benedictus

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Reges Tharsis et insulae

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Sacris solemniis

2013 vocal

=> 🎢 Verbum caro

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Ave Maria

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Cantata: A Lyke‐wake Dirge (Versus I: Prelude)

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Cantata: A Lyke‐wake Dirge (Versus II: 1st Interlude)

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Cantata: A Lyke‐wake Dirge (Versus III: 2nd: Interlude)

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Cantata: A Lyke‐wake Dirge (Versus IV: Postlude)

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Cantata: Ricercar I (The Maidens Came…)

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Cantata: Westron Wind

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Credo

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Mass: Agnus Dei

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Mass: Credo

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Mass: Gloria

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Mass: Kyrie

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Mass: Sanctus

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Pater Noster

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Tres Sacrae Cantiones: I. Da pacem Domine

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Tres Sacrae Cantiones: II. Assumpta est Maria

2016-02 – 2016-03 vocal

=> 🎢 Tres Sacrae Cantiones: III. Illumina nos

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Awake My Glory

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Crucifixus pro nobis: 2. Christ in the Garden

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Crucifixus pro nobis: 3. Christ in His Passion

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Crucifixus pro nobis: 4. Hymn (Drop, Drop Slow Tears)

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sancti Petri: Agnus Dei

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sancti Petri: Gloria in excelsis Deo

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sancti Petri: Kyrie eleison

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Missa Sancti Petri: Sanctus & Benedictus

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 O sacrum convivium

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Of a Rose Is All My Song

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 Wassail All Over the Town

2019-03-11 – 2019-03-15 vocal

=> 🎢 What Love Is This of Thine?


=> 🎢 Adolescentulus sum ego


=> 🎢 Alleluia: Per te dei genetrix I


=> 🎢 Alleluia: Per te dei genitrix II


=> 🎢 Beatus et sanctus


=> 🎢 In exitu Israel


=> 🎢 Magnificat


=> 🎢 Maria virgo sanctissima


=> 🎢 Nunc Dimittis


=> 🎢 Office Hymn "Eternal monarch, King most high"


=> 🎢 Preces & Responses I


=> 🎢 Preces & Responses II


=> 🎢 Psalm 47


=> 🎢 Psalm 108


=> 🎢 Recessional Hymn "Hail the day that sees him rise"


=> 🎢 Requiem "The Beloved": "Did anyone see what happened?"


=> 🎢 Requiem "The Beloved": "He chose me"


=> 🎢 Requiem "The Beloved": "Ich hatt einen Herzallerlibsten..."


=> 🎢 Sive vigilem


=> 🎢 The Exon Service: Magnificat


=> 🎢 The Exon Service: Nunc dimittis


=> 🎢 Tremunt videntes angeli


=> 🎢 Viri Galilaei


=> 🎢 Vox Patris caelestis





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