=> Midnight Pub

When it's simpler, it's better

=> ~m15o

Dear reader - first, merry Christmas to you! Glad you're visiting the pub on this special day, within this special year.

You might have noticed, the pub looks a little different today than it used to. And you'd be right. After spending a long time on Gemini these last few weeks, I wanted the Midnight to look exactly the same on the web than it does over the geminispace.

The big change that I'm introducing on this iteration is removing the comments/threading system. I might re-introduce it later, but for now, I'd rather give a chance to the timeless way of interacting with one another: through reading and quoting. That's actually what inquiry was doing all along:

=> inquiry:

I feel as though I've found ways (the above being the latest example). They aren't slick. They could easily go unnoticed. But if you even just somewhat believe in fate, part of me wants to believe the right readers will chance upon such, and be smart enough to make the connection to what ever link I include.

Who needs fancy features when we had a commenting system all along... Anyway, here's how to format your messages so it looks like above:

=> URL Link title
> Quote (single '>', no need to repeat it in subsequent lines

That syntax is actually part of gemini's gemtext specification, which Midnight's text processor has now implemented.

More to come. Cheers!

=> Write a reply

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