=> Midnight Pub
“The pa (R.) ty told you to |||R /Ej/eCt/|| the --> E V I D E N C E <-- of {Y O U R] eyes and ears. It was their [F i nAL] <<>> /command.” \\\sZzK%$$kkhcKkk*%$h---/// -> "tHis jUst iN: HUmAn wOrTh and diGniTy -> iS aN iLLuSiOn -> tHis yoUtUber hAs tHe tRuTH: -> sEcRet cAbaLs aRe tRyInG t0 eNsLaVe yOu wiTh coMmOn dEcEnCy!" l i b e r a t is o p p n r e s s i o n ///w ha t /// is /// fAkE iS tHe TrUlY rEaL wElcoMe tO tHe neW ???R/eA/Li/Ty\\ ??? #$32344$##@#3 #$ #$ reSisTaNcE is SuBmiSSion dOn't bEliEve wHat cOmeS fRom hIs mOutH thE --->>fAkE nEwS maDe hIm --->> --->>sAy FakE wOrdS << >> /deny /deny /deny the unreal is all that is r e a l the truth doesn't matter only what you f e e l
.d$$b .' TO$;\ / : TP._; / _.; :Tb| / / ;j$j _.-" d$$$$ .' .. d$$$$; / /P' d$$$$P. |\ / " .d$$$P' |\^"l .' `T$P^""""" : ._.' _.' ; `-.-".-'-' ._. _.-" .-" `.-" _____ ._ .-" -(.g$$$$$$$b. .' ""^^T$$$P^) .(: _/ -" /.' /:/; ._.'-'`-' ")/ /;/; `-.-"..--"" " / / ; .-" ..--"" -' : ..--""--.-" (\ .-(\ ..--"" `-\(\/;` _. : ;`- :\ ;
=> ~theoddballphilosopher wrote:
The unreal never is. The real never ceases to be.
too bad that
is subjective and
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