Here's an interesting use case for the bullshit machine. You tell the LLM that it's some kind of service and then it talks to would-be scanners. I'm not sold it'd be worth the compute vs just running portspoof or some kind of recursive honeypot or other active defense / cyber deception measures, but there is something darkly funny about a hacker trying to craft payloads against a service when it's really just a bot wearing a hat that says "im a nginx server, i promise"
[#]ai #llm #infosec #cybersecurity #cyberdeception #ActiveDefense
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@ciaranmak what do you think?
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@ceresbzns This definitely gets my fuckery seal of approval. I haven't run much honey pots but when I do I'm usually trying to mimic something specific.
As a fire and forget troll I like the potential, even the idea of a help desk chat that taunts them after a number of failed attempts could get very entertaining. They trigger some event
"I'm on a horse" - new server infra appears
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