Can I see all the communities I'm banned from on Lemmy somewhere?
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Afaik, no
I just block the community whenever I get banned. I’ve been banned from less than I thought
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Why is it that I can see you when your home instance has us blocked? That’s weird lol
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Instance blocking doesn’t actually block individual users from that instance.
If they block YOU, you can still see THEM. They just don’t see YOU.
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Yeah, it must be the numerous different “nutty” mods! It’s definitely not you that’s the common denominator here!
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Right? “I’ve been banned from enough communities on different topics that I can’t keep track! Could it be that I’m an asshat? No, it’s definitely the mods…”
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Are you saying there aren’t a metric fuckton of power-tripping nutjobs in self-appointed positions of authority in the Fediverse?
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Bootlicker will always side with authority by default, it is a human condition and one of the mean reasons why we are getting fucked. The harder normie bootlicks, the harder daddy owner fucks us. It starts with basic shit like this but goes all the way up.
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Lemmy really needs an app with a de-moderation feature, like Uneddit did for Reddit.
The modlog is great, but it relies on the user going out and looking for power-tripping mods. A better option would be a client app that parses an instance’s mod log and restores and highlights moderated comments.
Censorship might be necessary on today’s platforms, but it is still an evil. Censors need to be closely monitored by the community.
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I mean, most other people here aren’t banned on so many communities that we want a way to display all the communities we’re banned on
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Ok? So?
I’d like to compare lists with a bunch of people like OP. It would be handy for average Lemmings to know which communities have moderators with sandy cracks. It would be super useful for admins looking to improve their mod teams.
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Honestly, you’re right. I also apologized to OP in another comment. I don’t know why I was so against them when I wrote these comments.
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I get it. Have a snickers.
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I mean there are some shit mods man. I got banned from a community once because I criticized that New York Post article. Said it was baseless and there was no substance to it. I guess the guy was mad that I correctly identified the source.
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But that was one case, of course there are some mods that are just shit (or maybe just interpreted things wrong, made a mistake or acted based on emotions for various reasons) but if it’s this many cases, it becomes kinda hard to believe that all of those mods are the issue and not the person getting banned by multiple mods
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you can go read OP's modlog and report back to support your claim ;)
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I actually did but in another comment
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I got banned once for saying the holocaust was one of many genocides throughout history and not unique…
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People are downvoting you, because while the Holocaust wasn’t the first nor last genocide, it still is unique. Your initial statement makes two claims, but you only refer to the one less controversial one in your “curious edit”.
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It is unique in the sense that every genocide has been unique. My statement for which I got banned was in the context of ‘nothing like this has ever happened to anybody else!’
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I looked at the modlog and while OP seems snarky, sarcastic, and opinionated, their bans seem pretty unnecessary by my standards. The stated reasons seem fairly dubious, more mid finds your opinion disagreeable than any rule-breaking.
Moderation on Lemmy is a shit show honestly.
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I mean, moderators are just people. When you put people to act as a judge, whether being in a court of law, or a internet forum, its the same problem with people having their own biases. Lemmy is new, has a small pool of users, there is a smaller selection of people to act as mods. But Lemmy is not run as a bussiness like reddit, so the instance admins that are just fediverse enthusiasts can step in and remove mods that are just powetripping, unlike reddit that doesn’t want to do anything about it
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True, I’m not saying they’re bad people, just that the system as it currently works creates bad outcomes. I’m not totally sure what would be better but I’d like to see more experimentation on this topic.
! has a limited form of automated moderation. I don’t think this particular method will solve the problem but I’d like to see more similar experiments.
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I got banned once for saying the holocaust was one of many genocides throughout history and not unique…
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reddit and lemmy are nearly homogenous in terms of humor and politics. there’s a way to speak so that your comments aren’t misunderstood and it often means prefacing what you’re about to say with some context that wouldn’t otherwise be needed, or ending with /s or something like that. if you’ve been here long enough you forget how weird this is
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In my experience, that’s just the .world instance and its associated halo of federated communities.
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that probably just means you fit into the online personality mold that exists here
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I think some Fediverse mods are more extreme and biased than their equivalent on Reddit.
For example, criticizing the anti-men stance (as in: nothing to do with feminism) promoted by admins for example got me my ban. My first ever ban despite being very active on Reddit for 10 years prior to migrating to Lemmy.
Smaller communities do feel like an echo chamber as a consequence.
PS: admins do look fine though!
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Scroll down to bottom. Click “Modlog”. There is an option to filter for your username.
You are apparantly banned for what mods are describing as “Transmedicalism”.
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From reading their posts, op is either sarcastic to a degree that does not play well on the Internet, or continually dip their toes into communities with highly charged opinions and then acts surprised when their peers take offense.
The transmesicalism claim is bothering spurious and I think the accusations is extreme given what I read (they’re more taking note of the difference between fashion expression and gender. They’re not saying who is it isn’t trans to gatekeep, they’re presenting the idea that some people might be less confused and make different life choices if more people tolerated traditionally-gendered subjects (like clothing and makeup) from anyone without judgement
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OP was helping people find meth on the dark web in the ADHD community and when their posts were removed they posted the same again.
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Are you exaggerating when you say meth? Were they helping people who couldn’t afford medication find prescription medicine at reasonable prices? Or was it literally street meth?
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No. I was helping people practice harm reduction if they do get amphetamine, e.g. explaining how to get proper purity tests, how to find reliable and semi-trustworthy sources, avoid scams etc. Just things I learned the hard way - from experience - while waiting on the NHS for a prescription that I have now.
I did the same for the trans community back in the day and I stand by it
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How can you actually think at all, and arrive at such a conclusion?
Bold claim, asserting that whoever downvoted you thought before doing it. Humans short-circuit all the time, nothing you can do about that, and getting bitter or exasperated won’t help, either. Deal with it. If you want you can start your comments with something universally agreeable, that always helps, and only then get into details. “Universally agreeable” as in “agreeable to both truth and all false notions anyone on earth has at the moment”. If you want to get idiots to listen you have to start out on a common ground that they share.
More specifically, you could’ve started your comment with a short rant about the state of availability of ADHD medication.
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I’m not bitter, ultimately none of this affects me in the selfish sense, just lightly perplexed. I appreciate your explanation.
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The opinions on the morality of harm reduction are irrelevant. The ADHD community on Lemmy is not the appropriate place to spread that knowledge for a ton of reasons that have nothing to do with the morality of harm reduction.
I’m not surprised you got banned. You were putting the administration and moderation team in a very difficult position. You should have simply stated ‘I have knowledge about X. Contact me on direct messages or Session/Signal/Matrix for details’
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If that’s not the appropriate place to spread such information, then what is? If anything to me that’s what such places should be about.
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It’s not your space to make that decision for. You are not the one who has potential problems if it draws negative attention. You aren’t the one responsible if server admins choose to block that community due to the law-breaking information you’re making available.
The appropriate place to share information that clearly instructed people on how to break the law is in private, or in a space you have created and control yourself.
It’s uncool to demand others allow you to use spaces they are in charge of like this. Have a little respect for the people who actually created these spaces.
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Idk, I think it’s just kinda cringe honestly to be this overly-cautious on a relatively unknown forum no one cares about but fair enough, it’s on the admins, it’s their decision and their space, I won’t respect them for that decision, though.
Fwiw to clarify, I did not link to DNMs and vendors and give instructions on the specifics of where and how to acquire illicit drugs, which is where for instance the issue becomes rule-breaking on places like /r/Drugs or /r/TransDIY, presumably to align with where it becomes legally troublesome.
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I don’t agree with the determination either, and I definitely wouldn’t run my own community that way
But I’m also a community admin elsewhere and have been doing that kind of stuff for like 25 years or something.
So I don’t really begrudge any admin for deciding what things are off-limits for their community. It’s up to me whether I participate there or not
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The trans whatever thing seems like something I've wondered, and now I know better than to state any such opinions online.
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Trying to talk about it online is like trying to talk about jews and Israel without being called an antisemite. You better have a lot of time to explain exactly what you mean.
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They’re not saying who is it isn’t trans to gatekeep, they’re presenting the idea that some people might be less confused and make different life choices if more people tolerated traditionally-gendered subjects (like clothing and makeup) from anyone without judgement
When an identity seems to be defined by appearance/presentation to those who don’t understand it personally, assuming the identity would occur less frequently if social norms were less restrictive does make sense. Like personally I don’t think drag would be a thing if it wasn’t a bit of a response to gender norms. I mean even if society didn’t care about which gender wears which clothes some guys would get dolled up and even do essentially the same performative thing because some people just love to perform, but it wouldn’t be the same thing that drag is now and it wouldn’t be controversial to bigots. I mean women wearing pants was a huge fucking deal for no real reason and nobody really cares anymore.
But using clothing choices as a reason someone might be trans misses the point that a lot of trans people wore jeans and t shirts before and after transitioning because there is far more to it than the superficial appearance of clothing choice.
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I think reading it as “clothing choices as a reason someone might trans” if reductive of the point being made
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That was not the point being made at all. Precisely the opposite, that being trans ***is not *** about clothing choices, but a physical characteristic of suffering from sex dysphoria over specific physical traits that goes away when those traits are corrected.
On the other hand being gender fluid and identifying with other GNC subcultures is not about such physical issues.
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OP might be a classic internet troll. Those like to stir up arguments. They're not necessarily sarcastic or surprised. That's just a means to get people agitated and react a certain way.
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NGL this is true to an extent, but it’s not to just get a reaction but to get people to think.
Fundamentally all content on the internet lives and dies by attention, and the presentation of an attention-grabbing hot take even when the underlying point is an extremely common and sensible position is just a way to get people to think.
It’s the same way YouTube video titles work too, often an absurd question that has an obvious answer is a pretext to fleshing out the details and discussing said obvious answer.
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Yeah, judging by your comments, you're not a classic troll. I couldn't judge from your original post, because you could either genuinely not know about the global modlog and the text area at the top to put your username in... Or post this for another reason. And I mean I was right and you got quite some reaction and attention specifically to you. And that'd be something a troll would feed from.
Idk. I think things like posting something out of ulterior motives, like not meaning literally what you write, but instead writing something to make people (re)think something... Or playing advicatus diaboli... Or other things like that are closely related to trolling. It's not the same. But everything is a spectrum anyways.
And in that regard idk why I got downvoted. I didn't say you are a troll. I said think about OP, they could have a hidden motive like if they were a troll...
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One is a people suffering from a horrific disorder in desperate need of effective medical care (transition) and the other is a fashion subculture.
I have no horse in this race, but I can see the transmedicalism claim
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Yeah that’s is definitely not well presented, but I’m willing to assume good intent here I think? Like, I can get behind the difference between people who are suffering due to dysphoria being fundamentally different than people who are suffering from the expectations placed by society on their gender. And I feel like that was at the heart of their statement, despite the presentation being awful
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Idk, I felt like I presented that as politely and diplomatically as possible, but perhaps my entire scale is just utterly off.
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This is jsut kind of what happens if you dip into random posts on thr global feed. There is a mix of generalist Lemmy sites that expect people to behave like they’re on Reddit, and everything’s just a free for all, and insular sites that are focused on a narrower community, operating more like independent forums.
Stepping into one of these spaces, and treating it like a big, open one is going to get you tossed on your ass like you’re DJ Jazzy Jeff in an Uncle Phil convention.
You need to be aware of what community you are engaging with around here, because it might not want your participation. That is not power tripping, that is just being unwelcoming.
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Exactly this. And some of these communities have very good reasons for being insular in order to protect specific goals they have established.
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I don’t use the global feed, only subscribed and sorting by scaled - always.
All of the communities I’ve been banned from I’m a long-time subscriber and lurker in with a genuine interest in the subject matter, or I wouldn’t look at them in the first place.
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Damn, I understand why this person was banned, looking at the removed comments. I mean, they’re not bad enough that I would remove them but I can understand why someone else would and if those are the comments that were only removed, the bans were probably for other comments (I’m just assuming banning someone would remove their comments from that community too). The comment about how gender is bullshit sounded based at first but then they said that it doesn’t exist at all (which it obviously does, even if it’s just a societal construct) and that gender dysphoria didn’t have anything to do with gender. That’s a comment I highly disagree with but IMO that’s not so bad that I would remove it. But the comment about how twitch streamers were just leeching of of the youth and how V-Tubers were just incel bait and that they should be banned just like sex work is really hateful. Entertainment is also valuable in society and using a virtual avatar instead of a face cam doesn’t suddenly make it sexual in any way.
Anyway, pretty long comment but I kinda felt like sharing my opinion on this.
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I don’t want to go off-topic but since you made a character judgement i’d like the chance to respond, I was really just drawing a line between trans people with gender dysphoria who have medical needs that I think political campaigns should focus on versus those folks without.
I have nothing against anyone either way, people are free to dress or ID however they wish, no sweat off my back, I just don’t want suffering I went through to happen to others when it’s truly needless and I think the massaging could be clearer with regards to that.
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I really wasn’t trying to attack you or anything, that was just the expression I got from the comments I saw. I guess I also had bad expectations going in because I thought if so many people banned you, then there must be a reason.
I didn’t get the expression that you had anything against trans people but I might have misunderstood your comments on the gender dysphoria thing. You can explain that if you want, I still don’t really get what you mean, honestly.
I still really disagree with the twitch streamer and especially the V-Tuber thing tho but I’m still sorry for judging based on the few things I saw.
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Out of curiosity, I looked at what I was banned from: some of them are communities I've never even interacted with like !tesseract? What is that even?
And slrpnk has an automated bot now that bans and unbans people. Again, from a community I don't even recognize (pleasant politics? huh?).
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