[#]Meshtastic #meshtasticmap #meshtasticcommunity
(Ongoing blog about my Meshtastic experiences!)
Ive been tracking this project a few years now. Been curious about it, but was a decent amount of coin to start into it.
I decided to buy the needed hardware and to take the plunge.
I bought the following equipment:
RAKwireless WisBlock Meshtastic Starter Kit - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CHKZJK9C
Waterproof 5.8dBi Lora 915MHz Fiberglass Antenna - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09N2H166D
10W Solar Panel Charger for Outdoor Security Cameras - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJ5C2QY5
(update: I didnt get this, unneeded!) 900mA MPPT Solar Panel Controller - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MML4YJV
Waterproof Enclosure - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CNQMSMD3 (the 8.7 x 6.7 x 4.3)
I already have:
18650 holders
Li batt charger
I made a choice to NOT get the GPS module at this time, as this is a fixed unit. I may have to revisit this choice.
Probably wont have an update until I get the equipment.
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First part in, is the waterproof project case.
Feels solid, has appropriate parts for weatherization for outside, and good price.
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So I got the rest of my parts! #meshtastic
Antenna: exceptionally well packed. All connectors have plastic ends for protection. Antenna feels very well constructed.
Solar panel: exceptionally well packed. Everything is properly padded and secured. Boxes contain various parts for mounting. Feels durable for outside.
WisBlock meshtastic: not great. Is in a esd bag, but they put screws and USB cable in normal plastic bags. The WisBlock and Lora board are just shoved in there with no further ESD protection.
Also, is a weirdness of part numbers. The Lora module states "RAK4630" but the Amazon link says "RAK4631". That's because the bare LoRa module is 4630, but when mounted on the carrier board, is 4631.
I did NOT get the Dfrobot solar charging board, since these RAK meshtastic boards already have it integrated. (I cancelled that part once I realized it was redundant)
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So I have my node constructed! It's got the antenna and solar panel mounted on the roof of my workshop, and the box at 5 foot level for easy access!
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Had a problem, once I got my phone to connect, and set to US frequency allocation (902-928MHz).
I couldn't see any other nodes, and I know from meshmap.net that there's a nearby node.
I open up my BladeRF A4 in 112MHz mode, and center on 915MHz.
And what do I see? Chatter from 902-928MHz? Nope!
Instead, the node's chattering at 884-ish MHz. This is the European band plan! Nooooope!!!
After probably 4 chirps, I initiated a shutdown of the node until I can understand why it's stuck in EU mode, and set it correctly to US bandplan.
My next step is to update firmware, and verify all RF settings in LoRa, and verify compliance with my BladeRF.
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Turns out, weird things can happen when you run older firmware with a newer Android app.
Not sure WHY this radio was talking at 882MHz, but it was.
After firmware update (which is easy-peasy), came right up with the correct frequency TX!
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And now it's daytime here, here's what my node looks like.
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So now I'm configuring stuff. It's kind of weird, but I have to learn their specific nomenclature.
I've got another node showing on meshmap.
I'm this node: https://meshmap.net/#3448671501
This node is 2 miles away, but no line-of-sight: https://meshmap.net/#808592264
I've got on #mqtt but it was weird. There's 3 different areas to set up MQTT. They're notated on each image.
I would prefer an actual server application to handle this, rather than my phone. But the Linux and docker tools don't seem to work with BTLE connections. Again, this is a knowledge cliff. I'm sure it can be done.
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[#]Meshtastic #meshtastic
And I'm now also seeing some communications now. I'm unsure if they can see me.
Looks like the first 2 test comms were from Australia and Scotland.
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[#]Meshtastic #meshtastic
So I'm already noticing a problem with my WisBlock node.
It's currently paired to my android phone. But since it doesn't have GPS (intentional), and no wifi, it has to use my phone's GPS and internet to get out to MQTT.
A solution offered in the Meshtastic discord was to get a cheap USB node (Heltec v3), and plug it into a computer in my workshop, and put it into hidden client mode.
Doing that would give me an IP on my network that I can further integrate.
BTLE seems to not really work at all with anything other than phones. That's definitely a bummer.
I bought 2 Heltec V3's. One is for my workshop as a bridge-node for online. The other is for my car. Since I travel with my phone, I'll just keep the car node using phone's IP and GPS.
(I'll set my home node to static GPS cause it doesn't move!)
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[#]Meshtastic #meshtastic
My node died overnight, due to a defective 18650 battery. Voltage measured 2.0v when removed.
Not entirely sure if solar panel is properly charging either. And I haven't found a function or report for solar quality.
And seriously, why does the WisBlock use JST 2.0 instead of better JST-2.54 ? Having to get different crimps and connector housing is ridiculous... Especially so since there's PCB real estate for another .54mm
Swapped battery but had to head out for personal reasons. Nodes still on, but disconnected since there's no computer/IP gateway.
(Waiting on tomorrow's delivery for the Heltec v3's to permanently get it an online gateway.)
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I got in 2 Heltec V3's. They came in disassembled but are super easy to put together.
I did NOT get batteries, since I plan on one of these to be in the car with me. And my car has power..
I flashed the firmware, set up RX/TX for LoRa for my region. I also set it up to use topic msh/US/IN/monroecounty , and it comes right up and sees my static node!
Direct messaging is also as expected. I can see both sides talking with a DM, as seen with this waterfall chart from a BladeRF A4.
Also included are pictures on both sides of the Heltec v3's. Existing pictures are kinda bad since it never shows the backside. And I was wondering which battery would fit. The answer is "no battery will fit in that case".
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My next goal is to make my static basenode connected to a server in my workshop, instead of my phone.
That way, the server can provide a data connection to #MQTT and serve as a wider area node.
The general idea here is:
Proxmox - Linux VM - Bluetooth dongle - WisBlock BTLE
I already have the USB dongle, and created the VM in Proxmox. Im installing a simple Linux distro for the requisite tooling. I'm still a bit confused what exactly to use, but I think its meshtasticd
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So I have 3 nodes.
A repeater. Set to "REPEATER"
An internet gateway. Set to "Client_hidden".
A car node for myself. Set to "CLIENT".
The repeater is the one I've been documenting and writing about here. (WisBlock)
The client_hidden is plugged into the wall in my workshop. It's connected to LoRa and my local network. It bridges MQTT. (Heltec v3)
My "car node" is just one that comes with me. This is probably the most normal of nodes. (Heltec v3)
Thanks to Bitflip in the Meshtastic Discord, I now have a great testing client for MQTT!
Aaaaand the test is a resounding success!
I verified that I'm bridging MQTT and did my initial mesh correctly!
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[#]Meshtastic #wardrive #CQ
So after work, I went around #bloomingtonin driving with my "CLU Car" node, hooked up to my phone.
I made 3 messages, of which I hope turn into contacts! My message is as follows:
"Hey hey, its KC9JEF. I've got a topic on MQTT msh/US/IN/monroecounty . I live just north of Ellettsville, and have a repeater there. 73!"
Now, after having used the Android Meshtastic app, I do have some feature suggestions.
Feature Req 1. Allow saving the trace of the map where I go, along with time. Either NMEA, GPX, or CSV. An awesome would be if signal strength reports with node names were also saved in conjunction, to allow trilateration later on.
Feature Req 2. When a contact is identified over LoRa, on the map screen, show the contact but with a large bubble of "inaccuracy" to indicate there's a new contact. If it provides position, use it! (This provides feedback when driving into new coverage areas.)
Feature Req 3. Add a "Request Distance- LoRa" to determine connectivity without using MQTT. This isn't the same as a range test module, as that chirps at X second intervals.
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So, overnight around 4:30am EST , I made contact with a node "Low Orbit" and hexid !da574ef4. Like, is that a satellite? WOW.
I mentioned it in a few areas, including the Meshtastic Discord.
I then figured, sure I'll load up the Meshtastic Reddit. Lo and behold, multiple others saw it too!
We're not sure if it's a node on an aircraft, a high altitude balloon, or actually a Low Orbit Satellite (as the name suggests).
We know its last location is east of Denton TX at 11.3km UP.
I know it's a LoRa connection since it came across that radio. I also monitor the MQTT topic on my computer, and never showed up there. It only showed up on LoRa.
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@crankylinuxuser unless aliens are now using #meshtastic. I look forward to hearing what more you learn about this mysterious contact! 👽
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So no new flyover nodes last night!
However, I'm testing actual real range of my repeater and its position versus modeled position and reception.
There's a plugin built into Meshtastic firmware called "Range Test", which does that. You turn it on between 2 different nodes, and can derive telemetry from driving around.
Turns out, setting a node to "Repeater" disables every module other than routing and admin!
I'm going to switch my repeater node to client.
=> More informations about this toot | More toots from crankylinuxuser@infosec.exchange
@crankylinuxuser you could also switch it to CLIENT_ROUTER, and have some of the advantages of repeater (mostly, iirc, related to power output -- also CLIENT_ROUTER (and ROUTER) can enable the Store + Forward module if that's a thing you're interested in).
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[#]Meshtastic And that's the gotcha! I just set it to CLIENT_ROUTER , which is what I thought was best initially.
However, and its a big however...
"Only ESP32 based devices with onboard PSRAM like the T-Beam and T3S3 can be a Store & Forward Router. "
My solar node in this blog-thread is a RAS WisBlock. Doesnt qualify for StoreNForward!
Now, I do have node "CLU server" which is a Heltec v3. Now it is a ESP32 based node, and SaF is turned on there!
I'm still not 100% sure that my topology is completely correct.
Part of the problem is the Role page doesnt have which modules are enabled/disabled. Looks like its from Github pages, so I could build it and submit as a pull request!
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We now know who "Low Orbit" is!!!
From Facebook: "I, too, am seeing LO in my node list here in NW Arkansas! Yes, he is in flight. I got a message from him. He calls himself @rustycoon."
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So I'm deciding to upgrade 1 of my Heltec v3 modules. Its decent, but the problems are with the case and the ill performing antenna on the default unit.
Ive decided to use the Heltec V3 board in conjunction with https://www.printables.com/model/466818-heltec-v3-mini-case-for-meshtastic
I want to be able to keep my travel node at the house on USB, be able to unplug and move it without disconnecting power, and as my travel node. And the default antenna is kinda trash.
I've got most of the parts for this, with exception of the batteries.
Antennas and pigtails: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1C7DM4G
Switches: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0799R529Z
GPS boards: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MZ2CBP7
Batteries: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0867KDMY7
Now I just need to complete the prints.
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[#]Meshtastic #ham #amateurradio #Daytonahamfest #lora
Wew so a BUSY weekend. I took my Meshtastic node to Dayton Hamfest, and looking for filters and equipment. Had some good and bad. But first, Meshtastic!
I arrive on Friday around 9am, bad rain. Wew. I get to site, and I start seeing dozens, then hundreds of contacts over LoRa. I made a mistake, and I didn't even know I did: I had MQTT on, and channel upload/download enabled.
I inadvertently caused a packet storm and 30% LoRa utilization for everyone on msh/US/IN !
I was alerted a fellow user who is also on the Meshtastic discord what was happening, and was able to turn off MQTT and up/downloads.
That was the first problem, averted.
Second problem is with the Android app. Frankly, the display of messaging is not good. The attached image is a good explanation why:
The screen shows the 4 character short code INSTEAD of the node name. Using the short name only is completely unintelligible especially when talking with a crowd that's basically a simplex frequency. Half of the overall convos was "who are you?"
The chat interface sorely needs to be able to provide longname, shortname, and/or nodeID ,user selectable.
It's also clear that there's also little parity with Apple Meshtastic and Android Meshtastic apps. Apple supports emojis, and Android shows the Unicode junk, but it's inconsistent.
I thought Meshtastic would be useful there in the large group, but it kinda wasn't.
I could easily see this being absolutely useful if I had went with friends and we communicated with it. But, we all also have cell phones and have to use it anyways.
I still think it's very useful. Part of the problem is with the Android app. It's also something I've never done, so I'd be more a hindrance than a help until I get up to snuff on it.
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@crankylinuxuser Yes. The alert messages, that one can pull down from top of screen of phone, do list full node name - that might help somehow. My device is Sony Xperia 5 V running Android 14. Emojis are available on that.
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