Toots for account

Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-02-01 at 12:22

"Good morning agent Little. This is Raspberry Pi, a popular single board computer that is cheap, readily available, easy to use and versatile.

This is Pixelfed, a free and open-source image sharing social network service that uses the decentralized architecture known "the Fediverse"

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to introduce Pixelfed to Raspberry Pi, get them to work together and then leverage their partnership to allow 'The Agency' to host images.

Should you or any of your team become compromised the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.

Normally this message would self destruct in 10 seconds... but have you seen the price of PC's these days?!

Good Luck"

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-30 at 12:34

Me, in office. Listening to headphones.

Colleague asks what i'm listening to

"Beethoven's 7th , 2nd movement, Allegretto. it's sublime. It really makes my heart soar"

"Oh you should see your GP if your chest hurts!"


Damn these homonyms !!

[#]Funny #Music

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-29 at 22:23

Well that was, if I may say so, a complete unmitigated disaster!!

I know the age old adage of "a good worksman never blames his tools" and I wholeheartedly agree. However, while the failure was not with the tools (in this instance a new super fast induction hob) per se, but more with my not understanding how quickly it heats and what 7 means as opposed to ,say, 5 on a scale of 0 to 9.

I needed to get the sugar and milk mix to 120 degrees (soft ball stage or there abouts) . But I could get it part way and then it would froth up ridiculously fast and start to catch.. resulting in dark "burnt" flecks. (Well deeply caramelised rather than actually burnt)

Then when I thought it had enough I took it off the heat onto a cool part of the hob surface and started to beat it.

Imagine then, my surprise, when it decided to boil over!! While off the heat!! I can only surmise the induction hob heated the pan to such an extent it was still cooking with the residual heat!! And as soon as it frothed up? It decided to instantly set! So much so it set as I was attempting to pour into the tray.. and cemented the pot to the tray like some abstract sculpture!! I had to break said pot away from said tray.. giving myself a nasty burn in the process.

It tastes like tablet .. but looks like Mount Vesuvius vomited on a tray.

I'll do SOMETHING with it. Crush it up and use it as an ingredient for some home made ice cream perhaps. Or sprinkled on top of cupcakes.

But it's WRONG and my #autistic perfectionist side is beating me up.


Extra "comedy" in the alt text

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-29 at 14:03

They must think I was born yesterday... sigh

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-29 at 13:34

it sounds unlikely but the collab between Franz Ferdinand and Sparks (the appropriately entitled FFS album) is great.

Johnny Delusional is great.

but the line "Some might find me borderline attractive from afar, but afar is not where I can stay and there you are" hit me right in the feels.

watching the Sparks Brothers documentary was by far the best decision I ever made. I hadn't even realised how prolific the band were and how many ups and downs , successes and failures they had and they're still going!!

[#]Music #Sparks #FranzFerdinand

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-26 at 12:46

When you're emptying the dishwasher so you can load with breakfast/brunch dishes and your #AuDHD brain won't take things out or put them away in a logical order or fashion...

... and you inadvertently recreate THAT scene from "The Sixth Sense" XD

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-26 at 09:49

I have crashed big time. Had a fun and enjoyable but exceedingly overwhelming social thing last night.

When I got home I was barely verbal. Monosyllabic answers to my wife's questions. It's ok. She knows how I get.

Was drained when I got home and would have stayed, sat on the couch, staring into misplaced, had my wife not insisted I drink something and go to bed.

Slept.. hmm, fitfully? I mean I was sleeping but having loads of "busy" anxiety dreams and woke frequently.

Thus morning I feel like I'm a battery toy with two rechargeable AA's in need of a recharge. Everything is slower. My walking, my speaking, my interactions. Even my thinking is slow.

We have a "boiling water on demand" tap in the kitchen that also dispenses chilled filtered water. Three attempts I had to make my coffee this morning.. kept pouring cold water into my cup. I'm so not with it.

I've got a weird ... hmm... can't think of the word. My usual sesquipedalian loquaciousness fails me. I've got a strange non painful ache over my entire body. Like the feeling you get after a swim or a workout. It's not painful but like I've exerted my muscles.

I guess I'm in spoons deficit today.

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-25 at 23:42

I should add.. this isn't an A-List Hollywood blockbuster. I wasn't hanging out with Tom Cruise, Scarlett Johansson or Christopher Nolan or anything XD

No, this is the movie I went to see

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-25 at 21:54

Well , I did "The thing" an advanced screening/uk premiere of a movie. Hung out with the directors and the three main stars afterwards.

So glad I went out. I was SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE at the start. I had to travel across London to an area I was unfamiliar with and the cinema was super crowded and noisy.

I nearly turned and left when I spilled my drink but dried myself off and gave myself a talking to. "You've come this far. " etc.

Movie was great. Weird but that's my bag. Then a Q&A with the two directors and three main stars. Then hung out in the bar and had a chat with them.

However, spoons are running out. Nearly in deficit. Have just enough to get home and collapse.

Managed to snag me an autographed movie poster too.

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-25 at 14:27

[#]ADHD / #autism / #AuDHD people of the fediverse lend me thy ears.

I've been excitedly looking forward to an event for weeks. Today, when I actually have to go travel across London for it...

... well, I don't want to go! I'm making excuses. I'm too tired, I've got other things to do, my hip hurts, I don't fancy the journey, it's too cold etc etc

Every time this happens. For weeks or months I'll plan events then decide on the day I don't want to go.

For 4 years running , London ComicCon, for each of spring and autumn shows. That's 8 shows. I bought my tickets in advance. Prepared my outfit/cosplay.. would either not even leave the house or I'd travel all the way there .. only to bin my tickets at the door and immediately return home.

Is this a me thing? Or an us thing??

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-24 at 19:11

I mean, I don't actually NEED a recipe for Rumbledethumps.. I know how to make them.

No, what I need is QUANTITIES to use. Otherwise I'll end up thinking "3 potatoes? That's not enough! I best double it!!" And end up making enough to feed an army XD

I have form on this. Ask my wife about the 1ft square 8 inch high chocolate gateaux I made her for her first birthday I shared with her in London.

Admittedly that was compounded by a scaling and rounding issue XD

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-24 at 18:56

This is My bible.. it's tatty, pages falling out, taped back together, ex library book, dog-eared and food stained..

... but contains recipes from my childhood.

It's basic, non pretentious stuff. Common person food. And it takes me back to my mum's home cooking.

I'm making Rumbledethumps tonight to serve with (veggie) haggis.


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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-23 at 15:26

I have a growth (non malignant) on the base of my spine tucked in around my spinal column.

It's a nuisance but not a major problem. Occasionally (like this week for example) it "flares up" and I get shooting referred pain down my right leg and frequent leg "glitches" where it just drops away from under me. Meaning when it flares up I walk with a cane.

However that's not all it does and more annoying is the fact that my bladder and bowel are both affected by nerves in the same area.

The thing I hate the most is suddenly (and I mean SUDDENLY) feeling like you have to go RIGHT NOW. Hobbling to the toilet to stand/sit ... and then nothing.

And you'll wait, and wait, and then the feeling subsides. So you get yourself all sorted .. leave the toilet. And then suddenly get the urge again immediately.

And of course, you can't ignore it. Oh no. Just every once in a while it keeps you on your toes by saying "Yes, you DO actually need to go right now and NO if you don't hurry I'm NOT going to wait for you!"

and yes, that does imply exactly what you think it does :( 55 years old and he is thinking he needs to buy incontinence pads "just in case" because it's happened , like twice, in the last 10 years. but he never knows so every time it gives that message he thinks "Oh no not again!"

grrr. Nothing like walking with a cane and fearing for your underwear cleanliness to make you feel like an old man.

Just wanted to rant :(

[#]Illness, #Ageing #BodilyDysfunctions

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-23 at 11:07

When it comes to my listening to music I have two listening modes :

[#]ADHD me.

"I don't want to listen to an album! I just want music. Pink Floyd! No Enya! No Yes, No Queen!, No I want Mongolian Throat Singing! No I need Game Music, TV Themes! , Prog, Jazz, Classical, ... "

My #Autistic brain

"I''m in a mood. I must listen to EVERYTHING they've done!

[#]Autism #ADHD #AuDHD #Music

here's some captures of my Last.FM scrobbles. I was in a Sparks mood, I was in a Sisters of Mercy mood and I was in a "I must listen to the entire gamut of music all at once" mood :D

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-22 at 15:30

F***! My brain has been infected with a very contagious earworm.

As someone who studied (well did an #Autistic deep dive special interest) brain plasticity and brain entrainment using musical tones/phrases.

Hypnotists use repetition and repeated imagery to bypass the conscious and embed responses in the subconscious.

So, knowing that I really should have known better to listen to Sparks "My baby's taking me home" from the Lil' Beethoven album. Especially when my brain has been preconditioned by my own investigations and experimentation to be susceptible to forms of self hypnosis XD

I need to leave. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My baby's taking me home. My ....... ;)

(an earworm shared .... is an earworm that's bred successfully and infected another host !)

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-21 at 14:23

Used Google Assistant voice command to "Add Jalfrezi spice paste to shopping list" on keep notes.

It didn't QUITE hear me.

I'm now wondering who Geoffrey Spice-Paste is.?

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-21 at 11:24

getting serious amused side eye from my manager who sits next to me.

I'm listening to music on my headphones while I code. I always listen to music.

however I have a problem where I "leak" that is I'll listen to music but very quietly (and unaware of me doing it) sing along.

I wouldn't mind but I was listening to "Gonna Make you sweat (Everybody dance now) " By C+C music factory


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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-21 at 11:16

I read an (admittedly old) news article about an area in Africa suffering "The worst doughnut this Millennium"

I had to re read it..

I must be hungry!

it was the "worst DROUGHT this Millennium"

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-21 at 11:10

Pets are expensive beyond the purchasing of the pet, all it's bedding, enrichment and food etc.

People really need to take into consideration all the potential vet bills too. Luckily we're in a situation where we can absorb this without too much issue.

We'll just have no proper holiday this year instead.

but imagine if that bill arrived on the doorstep of some less fortunate people. They're looking at either putting their family pet down or going into crippling debt (or deeper into debt)

Pets are expensive. that's the take away for this and if you commit to a pet you have to factor all this in.

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Written by For Pete's Sake! on 2025-01-21 at 11:02

So, further to my toot earlier my wife has been on the phone with the vets. They can start her on chemo anytime soon. They need more info before they can put her onto piroxicam, a drug to treat carcinoma in cats and dogs.

So thus email came back from the specialists.. (edited)

"The consultation is £454.99. There is no fixed protocol of what will happen next- it will be tailored to what the owner would like to do and how well the cat is. We’ll have options of CT and biopsy (~£2500), ultrasound and biopsy (~£1500) ,possibly surgery to remove the mass and achieve a full diagnosis (~£4000) and of course it may be best to provide only medical care without further diagnostics. I hope this helps, but happy to expand further on this if needed."

Looks like an expensive period for us and an uncomfortable, unpleasant experience for Jelly. (She absolutely HATES the vets and as these drugs are intravenous drips.. she'll need to he kept in and sedated for each treatment)

She's worth every penny and then some ❤️

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