Toots for account

Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-02-03 at 18:02

Ceasefire or not - obviously Netanyahu didn't have the slightest intent to let go of his annexation plans so the IDF carries on its genocidal campaign in #WestBank, while in #Gaza organisations like Amnesty international discover what was to expect - the real number of Palestinian victims is a lot higher than already attested.

Why are news like this important in light of the upcoming federal elections in Germany? Because the far-right #AfD spearheads the support for settler #colonialism in Israel by outrunning the other political factions in the Bundestag in demanding to implement the harshest measures against Palestinians.

That again conforms with their racist stance in migration policies - non white Muslims import antisemitism into Germany while actual Nazis have nothing to do with this, they say, and people act out all the more aggressively against migrants and refugees.


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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-02-03 at 16:13

German voters would be well advised to follow the news about the rapid dismantling of state institutions that are of great importance for keeping life saving assistances working and about granting access to sensible data about US-citizens to the BigTech-fascist #ElonMusk who supports the election campaign of the far-right #AfD in Germany wholeheartedly.

German voters now have the rare chance to study the rise of a new kind of #fascism in the US that doesn't have to look like brownshirts marching through the streets hunting down Jews and communists to be as dangerous for democracy like the NSDAP of 1933.

Between January 20th - inauguration of #Trump - and February 23rd - federal election in Germany - all cards have been laid on the table for everybody to see. Whoever decides to vote for the AfD doesn't want any other outcome than what is happening right now in the US

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-02-03 at 15:30

Guess why not only the new Caesar in the White House, but the far-right in any country tramples down on vulnerable minorities of any kind - they stand in the way of #patriarchy and #ableism, of #whitesupremacy and the social darwinistic doctrine of free market #capitalism.

Just being kind to others, sheltering people with social problems from dying alone in the freezing cold or from avoidable illness, not mobbing persons with unusual gender orientations, psychiatric problems or physical impairment should be the least in any society that pretends to favor humanistic values or even compassion for all living beings.

That's why Diversity, equity and inclusion #DEI rules are eliminated by #Trump in one of the first executive orders, that's why #fascism marches on in Europe where governments are eager to copy the ethnonationalistic and social darwinistic agenda of #MAGA and #Project2005

This TV-Series reminds one of why fighting the other over some bread crumbs leads further down the death spiral instead of acting in solidarity against authoritarian class rule and the destruction of life.

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-31 at 15:35

Warum hätte diese Brandmauer keine Aufnahme in irgendeine Feuerschutzverordnung gefunden?

Warum sitzen die Brandstifter:innen nicht nur bei der #AfD, sondern findet ihr rassistischer Sozialdarwinismus in gradueller Abstufung Widerhall in allen bürgerlichen Parteien des Bundestags?

Warum sind die Ausbeutung billiger migrantischer Arbeit und der gegen Migrant:innen gerichtete #Rassismus kein Widerspruch für diejenigen, die die Abschottung Deutschlands gegen "illegale Ausländer" fordern?

Was hat das Exportmodell des deutschen #Kapitalismus damit zu tun, dass die rassistische Propaganda gegen nichtweiße Migrant:innen aus dem Globalen Süden davon ablenkt, dass die virulenten, stets zum Ausbruch tendierenden Klassengegensätze gerade nichts damit zu tun haben, dass die elend gemachten Lohnarbeiter:innen sich in Konkurrenz um schlecht bezahlte Arbeit gegenseitig das Leben schwer machen?

Und warum ist es heute noch wichtig, sich über die Ausbeutung migrantischer Arbeit im NS-Staat und im Kaiserreich schlau zu machen, um die Ablenkungsmanöver bürgerlicher Parteien zu durchschauen?

Das und mehr erklärt Fabian Lehr all denjenigen, die sich die Mühe machen wollen, die gesellschaftliche Krise nicht auf wohlfeile Sündenböcke abzuwälzen.

Übrigens ... am 23. Februar Die Linke wählen, um schlimmeres zu verhindern!

[#]DieLinke #AfD #Merz

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-30 at 11:33

Now that war is over and the nonexisting reports about Israel's genocidal attacks on #Gaza don't need to be suppressed anymore let's direct our attention to really important things.

What else is to be expected from a real estate magnate who has never learned anything else than extracting work free rent from the private ownership of land and houses

than to make a deal over the dead

bodies of ten thousands of Palestinians being buried under the rubble of a dystopic landscape

where Palestinians return to anyhow because they have no other place to go and, more important, because klinging to their destroyed belongings means not giving Israel the triumph of being able to execute its annexation plans backed by #Trump

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-29 at 16:45

It's hard to keep track of the many executive orders and presidential verdicts #Trump confronts US-citizens with on a daily basis.

One thing though is clear - they are in general repressive to vulnerable minorities especially if they don't conform to heteronormative patriarchy, they expose economically poor people to hardships unknown to them even in the market radical states, they trample down on worker's rights like never before, and they hit people worldwide with new life risks like those dependent on US-aid programs e.g. HIV-related.

The open season on non-US-citizens mostly POC low wage workers reminds me of the stories about the first months of Nazi-rule #1933 as they hunted down socialists, communists and Jews.

All this is about the greatest challenge for US- #democracy at least in my lifetime and I'm not very optimistic that constitutional barriers like the separation of powers will be resilient enough to withstand the new #fascism

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-26 at 11:12

Just putting the pieces together -

Trump wants, in the clinical language of white #racism "to clean out the whole thing" evicting Palestinians to Jordan or some place else after having shown himself excited about the real estate perspectives of this ideal location at the Mediterrenean a few days ago.

He signals to the Israelis to give them back what is theirs anyhow in the logic of settler #colonialism after they prepared the field for annexation by destroying the built environment of Gaza and created systematic famine e.g. by bombarding the agricultural spaces the people in #Gaza were relying on.

It's a textbook case of #genocide, ethnic cleansing and #imperialism, and who should care except those who cared and protested all the time.

Listen to Samaneh Moafi from Forensic Architecture about the systematic mode of destroying Palestinian livelihoods - they explore scientifically what cannot be denied later on


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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-25 at 17:58

Blast from the past - five years ago in Davos #GretaThunberg blocked the distribution of heavy doses of hopium alleviating the urgency to act against the overheating of the planet:

"I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act.

I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is."

Meanwhile the elites which she confronted with the imminence of #climatecatastrophe by setting their roof on fire

have decided not to extinguish but to fan the flames with carbon-intensive wars, the destruction of natural environments by extractivism, the pushing of capital productivity by fossilism and indulging in consumerism laying waste to remaining natural habitats.

Greta stood by her principles, didn't fall for the comfortable role of a fig leaf for ineffective climate policies and now supports people oppressed and exploited by #colonialism and #capitalism. Her solidarity with #Palestine was misused to accuse her of antisemitism hence climate activists who stay the course tend to widen their view and do the same.

Class war from above is the answer to a crisis which puts a heavy burden on all living beings who are condemned to inherit nothing but the deserts of irrationality and #fascism.

[#]climatejustice #fff #FridaysForFuture

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-23 at 21:47

With the Second Coming of Emperor Trump the probability to experience civilisatoric #collapse in our lifetimes has risen dramatically. While #climate activism dwindled down to a fringe movement and Greta Thunbergs drastic warning "I want you to panic!" five years ago fell victim to general amnesia all indicators show fast approaching tipping points erasing last chances to return to less destructive methods of production and to sustain already heavily battered livelihoods.

Being haunted by anxiety in regards what to expect from near future is as rational as the arousal economy in the filter bubbles of social networks driving the return of #fascism is obsessed with the most irrational and far-fetched assumptions. This imaginary view from a place of utter darkness in a time only a few years distant gives an impression of what could be at stake if a turnaround of the course our ship has taken into abyss will not succeed.

[#]climatecatastrophe #climatejustice #XR #FFF #LetzteGeneration #Trump

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-23 at 20:48

With a possible pandemic around the corner and a population with growing medical problems due to a privatized and profit-oriented health care system getting worse by ignoring the physical effects of climate catastrophe and environmental destruction the obstruction of administrative health management comes at a most improper time.

Does this administration really care about anything but its own advantages? The millionaire class always has best doctors and pharmaceuticals at hand, while a growing number of people is endangered to die early by preventable diseases. So public health will be a primary objective in future social and political confrontations as the life of each and everyone depends on it.

[#]birdflu #publichealth #CDC #Trump

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-21 at 18:31

The question of citizenship strikes at the heart of the question, who the subjects of a nation should be. In a world of poverty, famines and wars the answer can decide about life or death of a person. So it's by no means trivial to interfere with the tradition, that people who are born in the US are legally entitled to the citizenship of a state whose inhabitants have always been of different worldwide origins and whose only native people are the colonized First Nations who have no say in all this.

As white supremacy is the root of nationalchauvinistic ideology

US-president Trump obviously wants to strengthen the dominance of the descendants of European settlers who conquered North America and maintain the majority in the ethnic mix that constitutes US-demographics.

In denying non white immigrants born in the US citizenship Trump, himself of German-Scottish descent, bears witness of his ethnonationalistic agenda. The often cited "melting pot" has to be a dominion of white European settlers insisting on their racist and patriarchal ideology. Nonwithe people may be useful as serfs and cheap workforce, but beware that they never turn demographics to their advantage.

This is nothing else than eugenicist fascim represented in Europe by far-right parties that march to the drum beat of hating the alien who wants nothing more than to replace the white masters.

[#]migration #fascism #racism #Trump

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-20 at 21:32

Philantrocapitalism has always been a problem as the initiatives and organizations that receive grants are not legally entitled to do so but have to meet certain expectations to qualify for funding. In the end philantrophy is an excuse for class divisions that empower only those who conform with the politicial will of the donors.

If people unite in solidarity as it's often the case in the movement against the #genocide in #Gaza they might discover limitations to their caritative work even if it has nothing to do with Palestine. It's a method of preventing the agents of humanitarian work to politicise their engagement, it's a form of social control that represents class antagonism without having to acknowledge it.

So in the end effective political opposition has to be autonomous if it doesn't want to abide to the often unspoken political demands of donors That again shows that the root problem of social injustice and genocidal wars lies in the economical power of the ruling class enforced with the iron pressure of material needs - who pays the piper is entitled to decide to what melody people have to dance or suffer physically for not bowing to the powers that be.

[#]ngo #capitalism #Palestine

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-20 at 13:47

On the X-account "Vivid" - "PROUD JEWISH PROUD ZIONIST" - 257.5 K followers - a video of Palestinians celebrating the ceasefire shouting "Alluh Akbar" is published. While the ideology of political Islam should be - as any nationalistic patriarchal religious doctrine - be critizised as such - the same is valid for the comment of Vivid: "Animals."

Instead of distancing herself from this racist insult the well known German TV-Journalist Bettina Böttinger shares Vivid's post and comments:

"No, Animals have dignity, which those idiots have not."

"Nein, Tiere habe die Würde, die diese Idioten nicht haben."

So, once again, German journalism at its best.

People who show the slightest sympathy for Palestinians on X, show empathy for their plight or share the wrong posts might suffer harsh consequences for their careers and reputation. Nothing like that happens if you humiliate victims of war and oppression as long as Palestinians are in your crosshairs.

[#]Palestine #Gaza

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-18 at 20:24

The idea that a ceasefire in #Gaza in case it would turn out as durable would bring the suffering of Palestinians to an end is far too optimistic. Not being bombarded and shot at of course would be a big relief, but the small strip of land at the Mediterranean Sea is so heavily damaged, that just to clear it from the rubble of more than 70 % of buildings destroyed will last for years.

Same for arable land - as the ground water it is poisoned by munition and waste of all kind so Gazans will be even more dependent on influx of food from the outside. As Israel has strangled this support systematically to a minimum and sabotaged the work of UNRWA, the most important lifeline for Gaza, there is no guarantee that it won't use famine as a weapon again.

And look at the children and youngsters who've never been outside of Gaza, who couldn't learn in the last 15 months due to the successful Israeli effort to reduce Palestinian institutions of culture and education to rubble.

Even worse - it's hard to imagine the level of traumatization they have to endure - living in total desaster experiencing that human life is worthless to the aggressor knowing that they could die any minute losing next of kin and whole families having to undergo amputations without being given anaesthetics - what will become of children who have nothing else experienced than hell on earth?

And of course Netanyahu's genocidal work is unfinished - he had to make a concession to the incoming US-president who wants to grace himself with this achievement while he clearly is no friend of Palestinians. But without liberation from settler #colonialism there will be no end to their plight.

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-10 at 16:30

This is not the "new normal"!

While today it was made official that 2024 was the hottest year on record so we're in breach of the aim from the climate accords of 2015 to stay below the mark of 1,5 degrees,

the incoming US-president demands to "drill, drill, drill" like there's no tomorrow.

The chances that the downturn into a world where deadly heatwaves occur on a regular basis might be unstoppable not only because of climate catastrophe but a growing sense of mental irrationality and emotional disturbance particularly present in the rise of socialdarwinistic populism and outright #fascism are mounting by the day.

So I stick to the words of the great late Mike Davis who has written exensively about the dangers resulting from a flawed fire management that add to natural causes.

In an interview some weeks before his cancer-related death on October 25, 2022 he said:

"Go out of life with the red flags flying. But despair is useless."

[#]wildfire #LosAngeles #Trump #climateJustice #climate

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-08 at 15:19

Watch people in #Gaza take shelter in burrows dug into the earth beyond their tents - "we live in a grave" - to perhaps survive an attack by Israel's bombs and drones.

Meanwhile Israel blocks the UN-investigation into sexual crimes committed at the Octobre 7th massacre by Hamas

because they fear an investigation in the sexual abuse of Palestinians who are taken as political prisoners aka hostages.

Don't let the daily horror of a #genocide processing in endless pain go on unnoticed because that's what they want - mass murder getting so normalized that even if its harrowing people outside of #Palestine nobody will take notice anymore.

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-06 at 21:42

As if it's not enough to constantly feed the Israeli war machine with military equipment Made In Germany the unconditional solidarity with the rightwing Netanjahu government results in

not only cracking down on Palestinian NGOs by drying out their funds and criminalizing their work in Germany

but also suppressing the small opposition against the #genocide in #Gaza inside of Israel.

This is a decision made by a government whose coalition partner Die Grünen itself is rooted in the self organised activism of civil society. So you don't really need the ultra-right #AfD who demanded to cut the funds of #UNRWA years ago to harm the antiwar-movement in Israel and Palestine.

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-06 at 18:45

Quite instructive interview with Quinn Slobodian

not only about the eugenicist viewś of Musk and the connection of far-right US-politicians to the apartheid regime in South Africa

but also about his influence on German elections. It's the first time I heard about the AfD-Influencer Naomi Seibt being mentioned in US media:

"Naomi Seibt, the Alternative for Germany influencer, who he has done so much to boost, sort of cultivates this sort of anime-like appearance."

As it happens her prominence in Germany is massively supported by Elon Musk who promotes her on X as a kind of German voice for his agenda. She actually alleges that he only became aware of the AfD by noticing her tweets on his platform.

So already being published by Welt am Sonntag Musk gets all the credentials you need to actually influence the democratic decision process in Germany.

The argument that he is an important investor in the German economy amounts to a meritocracy where the biggest capitalists get the most power to determine the political decision process. While that seems to be already the case in the US the traditional transatlantic axis between Berlin and Washington seems to take care of enthroning US-billionaires also in this country boosting the far right marching to the drum beat of upcoming fascism.

[#]AfD #Musk #fascism #ElonMusk

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-04 at 12:19

Von nicht unerheblicher Bedeutung für die #Bundestagswahl im Februar ist die Frage, welche Partei sich am besten mit Donald Trump und seiner Gefolgschaft zu arrangieren weiß. Das wird vor allem rechten Parteien ein regelrechtes Vergnügen sein, ist doch die Agenda nationalchauvinistischer Selbstbehauptung, weißer Suprematie, die strikte Abwehr von Flüchtenden und Migrant:innen, die Leugnung des Klimawandels, die soziale Verelendung nicht mehr ausbeutungsfähiger Lohnabhängiger und eine heteronormative Geschlechterordnung, in der Frauen wieder verstärkt für unbezahlte Sorgearbeit eingespannt werden, bei der MAGA-Regierung in Washington in Reinkultur vertreten.

Wer sich Rückendeckung bei Trump und Konsorten holt, ist praktisch auf der Siegerstraße, daher hat die Afd frühzeitig in Mar-a-Lago Aufwartung gemacht und sogar einen JU-Funktionär im Gepäck gehabt. Alice Weidels geplante Schalte mit Elon Musk, der seinen erheblichen Einfluss zugunsten der AfD in die Waagschale wirft, wird ein übriges tun, um Berührungsängste mit der Trump-Regierung auch bei anderen Parteien abzubauen - schließlich ist die BRD seit jeher transatlantisch orientiert, was für die Meinungsmacher:innen bei Bild und Welt sogar in der Unternehmensverfassung des Gründers Axel Springer verewigt wurde.

[#]AfD #MAGA #Trump

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Written by Dhyan Nada :vegananarchism: on 2025-01-03 at 17:06

A solidarity tour of German parlamentarians to Israel included the former chairwoman of the Partei Die Linke, Gesine Lötzsch.

Also in December the only left party in the Bundestag threw out its member Ramsi Kilani, a well known activist of the Palestine solidarity movement, who lost family members in Gaza, because of his solidarity work.

That again was the reason for Die Linke-parlamentarian Christine Buchholz to leave the party after 20 years of active political work for this party.

This clearly shows that the chances for the Linkspartei to once again cross the barring clause of 5 percent voters in the Bundestag-elections in February are diminishing by the day.

[#]Palestine #Gaza #DieLinke

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