Here's an updated picture of my Commodore VIC-20 running my bulletin board system (DeepSkies BBS).
In the back of the VIC is a VIC-1011A RS-232 card that connects the VIC via a null modem cable to a Mac mini that's in behind the VIC (on the right). The Mac is running tcpser that connects the VIC to the Internet.
There's also an SD2IEC drive plugged into the datasette port with a 32GB micro SD card in it that holds all the files for the BBS.
In the cartridge port is a VIC-2407 cartridge that supplies the VIC with 35KB of RAM expansion and a real time clock chip. The VIC also has a JiffyDOS ROM in it, and I added a toggle switch to the back so I can turn it off and use the stock ROM when I want (for compatibility with some stuff).
The VIC-2407 is a bespoke cartridge made for me by JaystoniansRetroShop on Etsy! He is fantastic to work with!
Over to the left, you can see my Ray Carlsen power supply with cold-war spec toggle switch that goes "KA-CHUNK!" when you flip it. It's awesome!
You can fire up your VIC-20 and dial into my BBS 24hrs a day, 7 days a week:
[#]RetroComputing #Commodore #BBS #BulletinBoardSystem #Astronomy #Modem #Telnet #JiffyDOS #VIC20 #CommodoreVIC20 #Apple #Macintosh #tcpser #Linux #Debian #OpenSource
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[#]Poll Heads up VIC-20 owners (past and present)! Please let me know which logo your VIC-20 had/has (see image in previous post). Thank you!
[#]RetroComputing #Commodore #VIC20 #VIC #RetroGaming #RetroProgramming #80s #80sComputers #Computers
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Heads up VIC-20 owners (past and present)! I'm about to start a poll regarding the type of logo you had on your childhood VIC-20. For the record, my VICs have always had the silver and black logo (I've owned four VIC-20's in my life so far!).
[#]RetroComputing #Commodore #VIC20 #VIC #RetroGaming #RetroProgramming #80s #80sComputers #Computers
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Out in the backyard earlier this evening observing the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter. I love using my Celestron Omni AZ 102!
Here's a picture of my telescope from earlier this summer when I was doing some solar observing (the Sun is at it's 11-year maximum of sunspot activity right now!).
[#]Astronomy #Moon #Jupiter #Saturn #Celestron #CelestronOmni #Sun #Solar #Observing #Backyard #Garden #SolarMaximum
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Beautiful auroras visible tonight - even from our suburban backyard in Canada! This iPhone shot my wife took is awesome, but doesn't do the actual view justice! Going back outside...
[#]Aurora #Astronomy #NorthernLights
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