GmCapsule [main]

Refactoring to isolate workers better (trying multiprocessing)

=> 28d6cb61487854a146a5573523712ebe77cb6e9e

diff --git a/gmcapsule/ b/gmcapsule/
index ce52024..decc1d8 100644
--- a/gmcapsule/
+++ b/gmcapsule/
@@ -485,9 +485,9 @@ from .gemini import Server, Cache
 from .markdown import to_gemtext as markdown_to_gemtext
-__version__ = '0.4.1'
+__version__ = '0.5.0'
 __all__ = [
-    'Config', 'Capsule', 'Cache',
+    'Config', 'Cache',
     'get_mime_type', 'markdown_to_gemtext'
@@ -508,7 +508,6 @@ class Config:
     def __init__(self, config_path):
-        self.debug_memtrace = False
         self.ini = configparser.ConfigParser()
         if os.path.exists(config_path):
@@ -556,6 +555,9 @@ class Config:
     def max_upload_size(self):
         return self.ini.getint('titan', 'upload_limit', fallback=10 * 1024 * 1024)
+    def require_upload_identity(self):
+        return self.ini.getboolean('titan', 'require_identity', fallback=True)
     def section(self, name):
         Find a section in the config INI file.
@@ -607,137 +609,16 @@ class Capsule:
         cfg (Config): Server configuration.
-    _capsule = None
     def __init__(self, cfg):
-        Capsule._capsule = self
         self.cfg = cfg
- = Server(
-            cfg.hostnames(),
-            cfg.certs_dir() / 'cert.pem',
-            cfg.certs_dir() / 'key.pem',
-            address=cfg.address(),
-            port=cfg.port(),
-            session_id=f'GmCapsule:{cfg.port()}'.encode('utf-8'),
-            max_upload_size=cfg.max_upload_size(),
-            num_threads=cfg.num_threads()
-        )
-        # Modules define the entrypoints.
-        self.load_modules()
-    @staticmethod
-    def config():
-        """
-        Returns:
-            Config: Server configuration.
-        """
-        return Capsule._capsule.cfg
-    def add(self, path, entrypoint, hostname=None, protocol='gemini'):
-        """
-        Register a URL entry point.
-        Extension modules must call this to become visible in the server's
-        path hierarchy. Entry points are looked up in the order the modules
-        were loaded, with earlier modules getting precedence.
-        Args:
-            path (str): URL path. Must begin with a slash (``/``). Asterisk
-                wildcards (``*``) are supported. Note that if the path
-                ``/*`` is registered, it will match any requested URL.
-            entrypoint (callable): Function or other callable object that
-                gets called when a request is processed with a matching
-                URL path. A :class:`~gmcapsule.gemini.Request` is passed in as the
-                only argument.
-            hostname (str): Hostname for the entry point. If omitted,
-                the entry point applies to all configured hostnames.
-            protocol (str): Protocol for the entry point.
-        """
-        if hostname:
-  , hostname, path, entrypoint)
-        else:
-            for hostname in self.cfg.hostnames():
-                if not hostname:
-                    raise Exception(f'invalid hostname: "{hostname}"')
-      , hostname, path, entrypoint)
-    def add_cache(self, cache):
-        """
-        Install a cache.
-        All installed caches will attempt to save and load content until one
-        succeeds. The caches installed first get precedence.
-        Args:
-            cache (Cache): Cache instance.
-        """
-    def load_modules(self):
-        # The configuration can override default priorities.
-        mod_priority = {}
-        if 'priority' in self.cfg.ini:
-            for name, priority in self.cfg.section('priority').items():
-                mod_priority[name] = int(priority)
-        # We will load all recognized modules.
-        name_pattern = re.compile(r'([0-9][0-9])_(.*)\.py')
-        dirs = []
-        for user_dir in self.cfg.mod_dirs():
-            if user_dir not in dirs:
-                dirs.append(user_dir)
-        dirs += [Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / 'modules']
-        mods = []
-        for mdir in dirs:
-            for mod_file in sorted(os.listdir(mdir)):
-                m = name_pattern.match(mod_file)
-                if m:
-                    path = (mdir / mod_file).resolve()
-                    name =
-                    loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, str(path))
-                    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(name, loader)
-                    mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
-                    loader.exec_module(mod)
-                    if name in mod_priority:
-                        priority = mod_priority[name]
-                    else:
-                        priority = int(
-                    mods.append((priority, name, mod))
-        # Initialize in priority order.
-        for _, _, mod in sorted(mods):
-            print(f'Init:', mod.__doc__)
-            mod.init(self)
-    def shutdown_event(self):
-        """
-        Returns:
-            threading.Event: Event that is set when the server is
-            shutting down. Background workers must wait on this and stop
-            when the event is set.
-        """
-        return
-    def call_entrypoint(self, request):
-        """
-        Calls the registered entry point for a request.
-        Args:
-            request (Request): Request object.
-        Returns:
-            Tuple with (response, cache). The response can be binary data, text,
-            tuple with status and meta string, or tuple with status, meta, and body.
-            The cache is None if the data was not read from a cache.
-        """
-        return
+ = Server(cfg)
     def run(self):
         Start worker threads and begin accepting incoming connections. The
         server will run until stopped with a KeyboardInterrupt (^C).
 def get_mime_type(path):
@@ -795,8 +676,6 @@ def run_server():
     args = argp.parse_args()
     cfg = Config(args.config_file)
-    cfg.debug_memtrace = args.trace_malloc
         capsule = Capsule(cfg)
diff --git a/gmcapsule/ b/gmcapsule/
index 26ded98..dcb17d9 100644
--- a/gmcapsule/
+++ b/gmcapsule/
@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
 # License: BSD-2-Clause
 import fnmatch
-import gc
 import hashlib
-import queue
+import importlib
 import os.path
 import select
 import socket
-import threading
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import re
 import time
+from pathlib import Path
 from urllib.parse import urlparse
 import OpenSSL.crypto
@@ -144,56 +145,6 @@ def report_error(stream, code, msg):
-memtrace_lock = threading.Lock()
-def display_memtop(snapshot, prev_snapshot, key_type='lineno', limit=1000):
-    import tracemalloc
-    import linecache
-    filters = (
-        tracemalloc.Filter(False, ""),
-        tracemalloc.Filter(False, ""),
-        tracemalloc.Filter(False, "*/"),
-        tracemalloc.Filter(False, "*/")
-    )
-    snapshot = snapshot.filter_traces(filters)
-    if prev_snapshot:
-        prev_snapshot = prev_snapshot.filter_traces(filters)
-        top_stats = snapshot.compare_to(prev_snapshot, key_type)
-        top_type = 'delta'
-        limit = 200
-    else:
-        top_stats = snapshot.statistics('traceback') #key_type)
-        top_type = 'malloc'
-    with memtrace_lock:
-        print("\n\nTop %s %s" % (limit, top_type))
-        for index, stat in enumerate(top_stats[:limit], 1):
-            if prev_snapshot:
-                frame = stat.traceback[0]
-                if stat.size_diff <= 0:
-                    continue
-                print("#%s: \x1b[1m%.1f\x1b[0m KiB (%+.1f KiB) count=%d (%+d)"
-                    % (index,
-                       stat.size / 1024, stat.size_diff / 1024, stat.count, stat.count_diff))
-            else:
-                print("#%s: \x1b[1m%.1f\x1b[0m KiB count=%d"
-                      % (index, stat.size / 1024, stat.count))
-            for frame in stat.traceback:
-                line = linecache.getline(frame.filename, frame.lineno).strip()
-                if 'python3.' in frame.filename: continue
-                if line:
-                    print('\x1b[0;31m  %35s:%-5s ' % (frame.filename[-35:], str(frame.lineno) + ':'))
-                    print('\x1b[0;36m    %s\x1b[0m' % line)
-        other = top_stats[limit:]
-        if other:
-            size = sum(stat.size for stat in other)
-            print("%s other: %.1f KiB" % (len(other), size / 1024))
-        total = sum(stat.size for stat in top_stats)
-        print("Total size: %.1f KiB\n\n" % (total / 1024))
 class Identity:
     Client certificate.
@@ -339,39 +290,204 @@ class Cache:
         return None, None
-class Worker(threading.Thread):
-    """Thread that processes incoming requests from clients."""
+class WorkerContext:
+    def __init__(self, cfg, shutdown_event):
+        self.cfg = cfg
+        self.shutdown = shutdown_event
+        self.hostnames = cfg.hostnames()
+        self.entrypoints = {'gemini': {}, 'titan': {}}
+        for proto in ['gemini', 'titan']:
+            self.entrypoints[proto] = {}
+            for hostname in self.hostnames:
+                self.entrypoints[proto][hostname] = []
+        self.caches = []
+        self.is_quiet = False
+    def set_quiet(self, is_quiet):
+        self.is_quiet = is_quiet
-    def __init__(self, id, server):
-        super().__init__()
- = id
-        self.server = server
- = server.work_queue
+    def config(self):
+        return self.cfg
-    def run(self):
-        while True:
-            stream, from_addr =
-            if stream is None:
-                break
+    def print(self, *args):
+        if not self.is_quiet:
+            print(*args)
-            try:
-                self.process_request(stream, from_addr)
-            except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as error:
-                self.log(f'OpenSSL error: ' + str(error))
-            except AbortedIOError as error:
-                self.log(f'Send aborted: ' + str(error))
-            except Exception as error:
-                self.log(f'Problem: ' + str(error))
-                # Some unexpected problem...
-                #import traceback
-                #traceback.print_exc()
-                # try:
-                #     report_error(stream, 42, str(error))
-                # except:
-                #     pass
+    def add_entrypoint(self, protocol, hostname, path_pattern, entrypoint):
+        self.entrypoints[protocol][hostname].append((path_pattern, entrypoint))
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        for hostname in self.hostnames:
+            self.add_entrypoint('gemini', hostname, key, value)
+    def add_cache(self, cache):
+        """
+        Install a cache.
+        All installed caches will attempt to save and load content until one
+        succeeds. The caches installed first get precedence.
+        Args:
+            cache (Cache): Cache instance.
+        """
+        self.caches.append(cache)
+    def add(self, path, entrypoint, hostname=None, protocol='gemini'):
+        """
+        Register a URL entry point.
+        Extension modules must call this to become visible in the server's
+        path hierarchy. Entry points are looked up in the order the modules
+        were loaded, with earlier modules getting precedence.
+        Args:
+            path (str): URL path. Must begin with a slash (``/``). Asterisk
+                wildcards (``*``) are supported. Note that if the path
+                ``/*`` is registered, it will match any requested URL.
+            entrypoint (callable): Function or other callable object that
+                gets called when a request is processed with a matching
+                URL path. A :class:`~gmcapsule.gemini.Request` is passed in as the
+                only argument.
+            hostname (str): Hostname for the entry point. If omitted,
+                the entry point applies to all configured hostnames.
+            protocol (str): Protocol for the entry point.
+        """
+        if hostname:
+            self.add_entrypoint(protocol, hostname, path, entrypoint)
+        else:
+            for hostname in self.cfg.hostnames():
+                if not hostname:
+                    raise Exception(f'invalid hostname: "{hostname}"')
+                self.add_entrypoint(protocol, hostname, path, entrypoint)
+    def load_modules(self):
+        # The configuration can override default priorities.
+        mod_priority = {}
+        if 'priority' in self.cfg.ini:
+            for name, priority in self.cfg.section('priority').items():
+                mod_priority[name] = int(priority)
+        # We will load all recognized modules.
+        name_pattern = re.compile(r'([0-9][0-9])_(.*)\.py')
+        dirs = []
+        for user_dir in self.cfg.mod_dirs():
+            if user_dir not in dirs:
+                dirs.append(user_dir)
+        dirs += [Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / 'modules']
+        mods = []
+        for mdir in dirs:
+            for mod_file in sorted(os.listdir(mdir)):
+                m = name_pattern.match(mod_file)
+                if m:
+                    path = (mdir / mod_file).resolve()
+                    name =
+                    loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, str(path))
+                    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(name, loader)
+                    mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+                    loader.exec_module(mod)
+                    if name in mod_priority:
+                        priority = mod_priority[name]
+                    else:
+                        priority = int(
+                    mods.append((priority, name, mod))
+        # Initialize in priority order.
+        for _, name, mod in sorted(mods):
+            self.print(f'Init:', mod.__doc__ if mod.__doc__ else name)
+            mod.init(self)
+    def shutdown_event(self):
+        """
+        Returns:
+            threading.Event: Event that is set when the server is
+            shutting down. Background workers must wait on this and stop
+            when the event is set.
+        """
+        return self.shutdown
+    def call_entrypoint(self, request):
+        """
+        Calls the registered entry point for a request.
+        Args:
+            request (Request): Request object.
+        Returns:
+            Tuple with (response, cache). The response can be binary data, text,
+            tuple with status and meta string, or tuple with status, meta, and body.
+            The cache is None if the data was not read from a cache.
+        """
+        entrypoint = self.find_entrypoint(request.scheme, request.hostname, request.path)
+        caches = self.caches if (request.scheme == 'gemini' and
+                                 not request.identity and
+                                 not request.query) else []
+        from_cache = None
+        if entrypoint:
+            # Check the caches first.
+            for cache in caches:
+                media, content = cache.try_load(request.hostname + request.path)
+                if not media is None:
+                    response = 20, media, content
+                    if hasattr(content, '__len__'):
+                        self.print('%d bytes from cache, %s' % (len(content), media))
+                    else:
+                        self.print('stream from cache,', media)
+                    return response, cache
-            safe_close(stream)
-            stream, from_addr = None, None
+            # Process the request normally if there is nothing cached.
+            if not from_cache:
+                try:
+                    return entrypoint(request), None
+                except Exception as x:
+                    import traceback
+                    traceback.print_exception(x)
+                    raise GeminiError(40, 'Temporary failure')
+        raise GeminiError(50, 'Permanent failure')
+class Worker(mp.Process):
+    """Process that handles incoming requests from clients."""
+    def __init__(self, id, cfg, work_queue, shutdown_event):
+        super().__init__(target=Worker._run, args=(self,))
+ = id
+        self.cfg = cfg
+        self.port = cfg.port()
+        self.context = WorkerContext(self.cfg, shutdown_event)
+        self.context.set_quiet(id > 0)
+ = work_queue
+    def _run(self):
+        try:
+            # Extensions are initialized in the worker process.
+            self.context.load_modules()
+            self.context.set_quiet(False)
+            while True:
+                stream, from_addr =
+                if stream is None:
+                    break
+                try:
+                    self.process_request(stream, from_addr)
+                except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as error:
+                    self.log(f'OpenSSL error: ' + str(error))
+                except AbortedIOError as error:
+                    self.log(f'Send aborted: ' + str(error))
+                except Exception as error:
+                    self.log(f'Problem: ' + str(error))
+                    # Some unexpected problem...
+                    #import traceback
+                    #traceback.print_exc()
+                    # try:
+                    #     report_error(stream, 42, str(error))
+                    # except:
+                    #     pass
+                safe_close(stream)
+                stream, from_addr = None, None
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            pass
     def log(self, *args):
         print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), f'[{}]', '--', *args)
@@ -418,7 +534,7 @@ class Worker(threading.Thread):
         identity = Identity(cl_cert) if cl_cert else None
         if request.startswith('titan:'):
-            if identity is None and self.server.require_upload_identity:
+            if identity is None and self.cfg.require_upload_identity():
                 report_error(stream, 60, "Client certificate required for upload")
@@ -433,7 +549,8 @@ class Worker(threading.Thread):
                 elif p.startswith('mime='):
                     req_mime = p[5:]
             self.log(f'Receiving Titan content: {expected_size}')
-            if expected_size > self.server.max_upload_size and self.server.max_upload_size > 0:
+            max_upload_size = self.cfg.max_upload_size()
+            if expected_size > max_upload_size and max_upload_size > 0:
                 report_error(stream, 59, "Maximum content length exceeded")
             while len(data) < expected_size:
@@ -458,7 +575,7 @@ class Worker(threading.Thread):
             path = '/'
         hostname = url.hostname
-        if url.port != None and url.port != self.server.port:
+        if url.port != None and url.port != self.port:
             report_error(stream, 59, "Invalid port number")
         if not stream.get_servername():
@@ -481,7 +598,7 @@ class Worker(threading.Thread):
                 content=data if len(data) else None
-            response, from_cache = self.server.call_entrypoint(request)
+            response, from_cache = self.context.call_entrypoint(request)
             # Determine status code, meta line, and body content.
             if type(response) == tuple:
@@ -521,24 +638,25 @@ class Worker(threading.Thread):
 class Server:
-    def __init__(self, hostname_or_hostnames, cert_path, key_path,
-                 address='localhost', port=1965,
-                 cache=None, session_id=None, max_upload_size=0, num_threads=1,
-                 require_upload_identity=True):
+    def __init__(self, cfg):
+        mp.set_start_method('spawn')
+        hostname_or_hostnames = cfg.hostnames()
+        cert_path = cfg.certs_dir() / 'cert.pem'
+        key_path = cfg.certs_dir() / 'key.pem'
+        address = cfg.address()
+        port = cfg.port()
+        session_id = f'GmCapsule:{cfg.port()}'.encode('utf-8')
+        num_threads = cfg.num_threads()
         self.hostnames = [hostname_or_hostnames] \
             if type(hostname_or_hostnames) == str else hostname_or_hostnames
         self.address = address
         self.port = port
-        self.entrypoints = {'gemini': {}, 'titan': {}}
-        for proto in ['gemini', 'titan']:
-            self.entrypoints[proto] = {}
-            for hostname in self.hostnames:
-                self.entrypoints[proto][hostname] = []
-        self.caches = []
-        if cache:
-            self.caches.append(cache)
-        self.max_upload_size = max_upload_size
-        self.require_upload_identity = require_upload_identity
+        #if cache:
+        #    self.caches.append(cache)
+        #self.max_upload_size = max_upload_size
+        #self.require_upload_identity = require_upload_identity
         if not os.path.exists(cert_path):
             raise Exception("certificate file not found: " + str(cert_path))
@@ -555,32 +673,17 @@ class Server:
         # Spawn the worker threads.
-        self.shutdown_event = threading.Event()
+        self.shutdown_event = mp.Event()
         self.workers = []
-        self.work_queue = queue.Queue()
+        self.work_queue = mp.Queue()
         for worker_id in range(max(num_threads, 1)):
-            worker = Worker(worker_id, self)
+            worker = Worker(worker_id, cfg, self.work_queue, self.shutdown_event)
         self.sock = None
         self.sv_conn = None
-    def add_cache(self, cache):
-        self.caches.append(cache)
-    def add_entrypoint(self, protocol, hostname, path_pattern, entrypoint):
-        self.entrypoints[protocol][hostname].append((path_pattern, entrypoint))
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        for hostname in self.hostnames:
-            self.add_entrypoint('gemini', hostname, key, value)
-    def run(self, memtrace=False):
-        self.memtrace = memtrace
-        if self.memtrace:
-            import tracemalloc
-            tracemalloc.start(10)
+    def run(self):
         attempts = 60
         print(f'Opening port {self.port}...')
         while True:
@@ -599,9 +702,9 @@ class Server:
         print(f'Server started on port {self.port}')
-        MULTITHREAD = True
+        MULTIPROCESS = True
-        if MULTITHREAD:
+        if MULTIPROCESS:
             for worker in self.workers:
             print(len(self.workers), 'worker(s) started')
@@ -615,7 +718,7 @@ class Server:
                 self.work_queue.put((stream, from_addr))
-                if not MULTITHREAD:
+                if not MULTIPROCESS:
                     self.work_queue.put((None, None)) # single iteration only
@@ -629,22 +732,6 @@ class Server:
-            if self.memtrace:
-                old_snapshot = snapshot
-                gc.collect()
-                snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
-                filters = (
-                    tracemalloc.Filter(False, ""),
-                    tracemalloc.Filter(False, ""),
-                    tracemalloc.Filter(False, "*/"),
-                    tracemalloc.Filter(False, "*/"),
-                    tracemalloc.Filter(False, "*/"),
-                    tracemalloc.Filter(False, "*/")
-                )
-                snapshot = snapshot.filter_traces(filters)
-                top_stats = snapshot.statistics('lineno')
-                display_memtop(snapshot, None) #old_snapshot)
         # Close the server socket.
         self.sv_conn = None
@@ -652,7 +739,7 @@ class Server:
         # Stop all workers.
-        if MULTITHREAD:
+        if MULTIPROCESS:
             for i in range(len(self.workers)):
                 self.work_queue.put((None, None))
             for worker in self.workers:
@@ -678,34 +765,3 @@ class Server:
             return None
         return None
-    def call_entrypoint(self, request):
-        entrypoint = self.find_entrypoint(request.scheme, request.hostname, request.path)
-        caches = self.caches if (request.scheme == 'gemini' and
-                                 not request.identity and
-                                 not request.query) else []
-        from_cache = None
-        if entrypoint:
-            # Check the caches first.
-            for cache in caches:
-                media, content = cache.try_load(request.hostname + request.path)
-                if not media is None:
-                    response = 20, media, content
-                    if hasattr(content, '__len__'):
-                        print('%d bytes from cache, %s' % (len(content), media))
-                    else:
-                        print('stream from cache,', media)
-                    return response, cache
-            # Process the request normally if there is nothing cached.
-            if not from_cache:
-                try:
-                    return entrypoint(request), None
-                except Exception as x:
-                    import traceback
-                    traceback.print_exception(x)
-                    raise GeminiError(40, 'Temporary failure')
-        raise GeminiError(50, 'Permanent failure')
diff --git a/gmcapsule/modules/ b/gmcapsule/modules/
index b0ce05d..313c6e8 100644
--- a/gmcapsule/modules/
+++ b/gmcapsule/modules/
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import re
 class PathRewriteHandler:
-    def __init__(self, capsule, rewritten_path):
-        self.capsule = capsule
+    def __init__(self, context, rewritten_path):
+        self.context = context
         self.rewritten_path = rewritten_path
     def __call__(self, req):
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ class PathRewriteHandler:
         if req.num_rewrites == 100:
             return 40, "Stuck in rewrite loop: " + req.url()
-        print("[rewrite]", old_path, "->", req.path)
-        return self.capsule.call_entrypoint(req)[0]
+        self.context.print("[rewrite]", old_path, "->", req.path)
+        return self.context.call_entrypoint(req)[0]
 class Responder:
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class Responder:
 class Rewriter:
-    def __init__(self, capsule, protocol, host, src_path, dst_path, status):
-        self.capsule = capsule
+    def __init__(self, context, protocol, host, src_path, dst_path, status):
+        self.context = context
         self.protocol = protocol = host
         self.src_path = src_path
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class Rewriter:
         if self.dst_path:
             new_path = self.src_path.sub(self.dst_path, path)
             if new_path != path:
-                return PathRewriteHandler(self.capsule, new_path)
+                return PathRewriteHandler(self.context, new_path)
         elif self.status:
             m = self.src_path.match(path)
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ class Rewriter:
                     if cap:
                         status = status.replace(f'\\{i}', cap)
                 code, meta = status.split()
-                print("[rewrite]", code, meta)
+                self.context.print("[rewrite]", code, meta)
                 return Responder(int(code), meta)
         return None
-def init(capsule):
-    cfg = capsule.config()
+def init(context):
+    cfg = context.config()
     for section in cfg.prefixed_sections('rewrite.').values():
         protocol = section.get('protocol', None)
         host = section.get('host', cfg.hostnames()[0])
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def init(capsule):
         dst_path = section.get('repl', None)
         status = section.get('status', None)
         for proto in [protocol] if protocol else ['gemini', 'titan']:
-            capsule.add(Rewriter(capsule, proto, host, src_path, dst_path, status),
+            context.add(Rewriter(context, proto, host, src_path, dst_path, status),
                         None, # `Rewriter` will return a suitable handler callback.
diff --git a/gmcapsule/modules/ b/gmcapsule/modules/
index fc22de0..d3b20f1 100755
--- a/gmcapsule/modules/
+++ b/gmcapsule/modules/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import time
 import urllib
 from pathlib import Path
-from gmcapsule import Cache, Capsule, markdown_to_gemtext
+from gmcapsule import Cache, markdown_to_gemtext
 pjoin = os.path.join
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class GitViewCache(Cache):
         return True
+CONFIG = None
 GIT = '/usr/bin/git'
 HOSTNAME = 'localhost'
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ def preformat(raw, alt_text=''):
 def repositories():
     roots = []
-    for name, cfg in Capsule.config().prefixed_sections('gitview.').items():
+    for name, cfg in CONFIG.prefixed_sections('gitview.').items():
         url = cfg['url_root']
         if not url.startswith('/'): url = '/' + url
         if not url.endswith('/'): url += '/'
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ def handle_request(gemini_request):
         email_subject = urllib.parse.quote(f"{req.cfg['title']} commit {hash}")
         email_body = urllib.parse.quote("=> gemini://%s:%d%scommits/%s" %
-            Capsule.config().port(),
+            CONFIG.port(),
             req.url_root + req.ubranch,
@@ -465,8 +466,12 @@ def main_page(req):
     return page
-def init(capsule):
-    cfg = capsule.config()
+def init(context):
+    cfg = context.config()
+    global CONFIG
+    CONFIG = cfg
         mod_cfg = cfg.section('gitview')
@@ -479,13 +484,13 @@ def init(capsule):
             HOSTNAME = cfg.hostnames()[0]
         if 'cache_path' in mod_cfg:
-            capsule.add_cache(GitViewCache(HOSTNAME, mod_cfg['cache_path']))
+            context.add_cache(GitViewCache(HOSTNAME, mod_cfg['cache_path']))
         for name, url_root, _ in repositories():
-            print(f'  Adding repository "{name}"...')
-            capsule.add('/', main_page, hostname=HOSTNAME)
-            capsule.add(url_root[:-1], redirect_to_default, hostname=HOSTNAME)
-            capsule.add(url_root + '*', handle_request, hostname=HOSTNAME)
+            context.print(f'  Adding repository "{name}"...')
+            context.add('/', main_page, hostname=HOSTNAME)
+            context.add(url_root[:-1], redirect_to_default, hostname=HOSTNAME)
+            context.add(url_root + '*', handle_request, hostname=HOSTNAME)
     except KeyError:
         # GitView not configured.
diff --git a/gmcapsule/modules/ b/gmcapsule/modules/
index a533163..9839c18 100644
--- a/gmcapsule/modules/
+++ b/gmcapsule/modules/
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ import subprocess
 import urllib.parse
 import gmcapsule
-from gmcapsule import Capsule
 class CgiContext:
-    def __init__(self, url_path, args, work_dir=None):
+    def __init__(self, port, url_path, args, work_dir=None):
+        self.port = port
         self.args = args
         self.base_path = url_path
         if self.base_path.endswith('/*'):
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class CgiContext:
             env_vars['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = 'GmCapsule/' + gmcapsule.__version__
             env_vars['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = req.scheme.upper()
             env_vars['SERVER_NAME'] = req.hostname
-            env_vars['SERVER_PORT'] = str(Capsule.config().port())
+            env_vars['SERVER_PORT'] = str(self.port)
             env_vars[req.scheme.upper() + '_URL'] = f"{req.scheme}://{req.hostname}{req.path}" + (
                 '?' + req.query if req.query != None else '')
             env_vars[req.scheme.upper() + '_URL_PATH'] = req.path
@@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ class CgiContext:
 class CgiTreeMapper:
-    def __init__(self, protocol, host, root_dir):
+    def __init__(self, protocol, host, port, root_dir):
         self.protocol = protocol = host
+        self.port = port
         self.root_dir = pathlib.Path(root_dir)
     def __call__(self, url_path):
@@ -103,18 +104,18 @@ class CgiTreeMapper:
         if os.path.isdir(fn):
             return None
         if os.access(fn, os.X_OK):
-            return CgiContext(url_path, [fn], work_dir=os.path.dirname(fn))
+            return CgiContext(self.port, url_path, [fn], work_dir=os.path.dirname(fn))
         return None
 # # NOTE: This require restarting the server when binaries are added/removed.
-# def add_cgibin_entrypoints_recursively(capsule, host, base, cur_dir=None):
+# def add_cgibin_entrypoints_recursively(context, host, base, cur_dir=None):
 #     if cur_dir is None:
 #         cur_dir = base
 #     for name in os.listdir(cur_dir):
 #         fn = cur_dir / name
 #         if os.path.isdir(fn):
-#             add_cgibin_entrypoints_recursively(capsule, host, base, fn)
+#             add_cgibin_entrypoints_recursively(context, host, base, fn)
 #         elif os.access(fn, os.X_OK):
 #             protocol = 'gemini'
 #             if name.endswith(',titan'):
@@ -125,31 +126,31 @@ class CgiTreeMapper:
 #             if protocol == 'titan':
 #                 path = path[:-6]
 #             print(f'  {protocol}://{host}{path} ->', args)
-#             capsule.add(path, CgiContext(path, args, work_dir=cur_dir), host, protocol)
+#             context.add(path, CgiContext(path, args, work_dir=cur_dir), host, protocol)
-def init(capsule):
-    cfg = Capsule.config()
+def init(context):
+    cfg = context.config()
     default_host = cfg.hostnames()[0]
     # Custom entrypoints for specific URLs.
-    for section in Capsule.config().prefixed_sections('cgi.').values():
+    for section in cfg.prefixed_sections('cgi.').values():
         protocol = section.get('protocol', fallback='gemini')
         host = section.get('host', fallback=default_host)
         work_dir = section.get('cwd', fallback=None)
         args = shlex.split(section.get('command'))
         for path in shlex.split(section.get('path', fallback='/*')):
-            print(f'  {protocol}://{host}{path} ->', args)
-            capsule.add(path, CgiContext(path, args, work_dir),
+            context.print(f'  {protocol}://{host}{path} ->', args)
+            context.add(path, CgiContext(cfg.port(), path, args, work_dir),
                         host, protocol)
     # Automatic entrypoints for all executables.
-    bin_root = Capsule.config().ini.get('cgi', 'bin_root', fallback=None)
+    bin_root = cfg.ini.get('cgi', 'bin_root', fallback=None)
     if bin_root != None:
         bin_root = pathlib.Path(bin_root).resolve()
-        for host in Capsule.config().hostnames():
+        for host in cfg.hostnames():
             host_bin_root = bin_root / host
             for protocol in ['gemini', 'titan']:
-                capsule.add(
-                    CgiTreeMapper(protocol, host, host_bin_root), None,
+                context.add(
+                    CgiTreeMapper(protocol, host, cfg.port(), host_bin_root), None,
                     host, protocol)
diff --git a/gmcapsule/modules/ b/gmcapsule/modules/
index e30f332..05c74cf 100644
--- a/gmcapsule/modules/
+++ b/gmcapsule/modules/
@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ import fnmatch
 import os.path
 import string
-from gmcapsule import Capsule, get_mime_type
+from gmcapsule import get_mime_type
 from pathlib import Path
 META = '.meta'
+CONFIG = None
 def check_meta_rules(path, hostname):
-    cfg = Capsule.config()
-    root = cfg.root_dir() / hostname
+    root = CONFIG.root_dir() / hostname
     dir = Path(path).parent
     while True:
-        if not str(dir).startswith(str(cfg.root_dir())):
+        if not str(dir).startswith(str(CONFIG.root_dir())):
         if (dir / META).exists():
             for rule in open(dir / META, 'rt').readlines():
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def serve_file(req):
     if req.scheme != 'gemini':
         return 59, "Only Gemini requests allowed"
-    cfg = Capsule.config()
+    cfg = CONFIG
     if req.path == '':
         return 31, '/'
@@ -71,8 +71,10 @@ def serve_file(req):
     return status, meta, (open(path, 'rb') if status == 20 else None)
-def init(capsule):
-    cfg = capsule.config()
+def init(context):
+    cfg = context.config()
+    global CONFIG
+    CONFIG = cfg
     if 'static' in cfg.ini and 'root' in cfg.section('static'):
-        print('  Content directory:', cfg.root_dir() / '{hostname}')
-        capsule.add('/*', serve_file)
+        context.print('  Content directory:', cfg.root_dir() / '{hostname}')
+        context.add('/*', serve_file)
diff --git a/gmcapsuled b/gmcapsuled
index 48f1b44..6f82d33 100755
--- a/gmcapsuled
+++ b/gmcapsuled
@@ -5,25 +5,21 @@
 # License: BSD-2-Clause
 import argparse
 import gmcapsule
 from pathlib import Path
 VERSION = gmcapsule.__version__
-print(f"GmCapsule v{VERSION}")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print(f"GmCapsule v{VERSION}")
-argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GmCapsule is an extensible server for Gemini and Titan.')
-argp.add_argument('-c', '--config',
-                  dest='config_file',
-                  default=Path.home() / '.gmcapsulerc',
-                  help='Configuration file to load at startup')
-                  action='store_true',
-                  help='Enable memory allocation tracing (for debugging)')
-args = argp.parse_args()
+    argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GmCapsule is an extensible server for Gemini and Titan.')
+    argp.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+                    dest='config_file',
+                    default=Path.home() / '.gmcapsulerc',
+                    help='Configuration file to load at startup')
+    args = argp.parse_args()
-cfg = gmcapsule.Config(args.config_file)
-cfg.debug_memtrace = args.trace_malloc
-capsule = gmcapsule.Capsule(cfg)
+    cfg = gmcapsule.Config(args.config_file)
+    capsule = gmcapsule.Capsule(cfg)
Proxy Information
Original URL
Status Code
Success (20)
text/gemini; charset=utf-8
Capsule Response Time
260.870039 milliseconds
Gemini-to-HTML Time
1.354572 milliseconds

This content has been proxied by September (ba2dc).