diff --git a/model.py b/model.py

index 306a97b..2ddf23b 100644

--- a/model.py

+++ b/model.py

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import re

import shutil

import time

from typing import Union

-from utils import ago_text, clean_title, parse_at_names, shorten_text, \

+from utils import ago_text, clean_title, parse_at_names, shorten_text, strip_links, \


@@ -149,8 +149,9 @@ class Notification:

         event = f'removed you as moderator of s/{self.subname}'

     if with_title:

- vis_title = self.post_title if self.post_title else \

- shorten_text(clean_title(self.post_summary), 50) if self.post_summary else None

+ vis_title = shorten_text(self.post_title, 50) if self.post_title \

+ else shorten_text(strip_links(clean_title(self.post_summary)), 50) if self.post_summary \

+ else None

         if vis_title:

             if self.type == Notification.MENTION:

                 event += ' in'

@@ -455,7 +456,11 @@ class Database:


         ts_comment  TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,    -- time of latest comment

         summary     TEXT DEFAULT '',

- UNIQUE KEY (subspace, issueid)

+ UNIQUE KEY (subspace, issueid),

+ INDEX (subspace),

+ INDEX (parent),

+ INDEX (user),

+ INDEX (issueid)


     db.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags (

@@ -864,6 +869,22 @@ class Database:

                           url, label, post))

     return files

+ def get_time_files(self, ts_range):

+ cur = self.conn.cursor()

+ cur.execute("""


+ f.id, f.segment, f.name, f.mimetype, f.data, s.url, s.content, s.post, p.user

+ FROM files f

+ JOIN segments s ON s.id=f.segment

+ JOIN posts p ON s.post=p.id

+ WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.ts_edited)>=? AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.ts_edited)<?

+ """, ts_range)

+ files = []

+ for (file_id, segment, name, mimetype, data, url, label, post, post_user) in cur:

+ files.append(File(file_id, segment, post_user, name, mimetype, data,

+ url, label, post))

+ return files


 def set_file_segment(self, file_id, segment_id):

     cur = self.conn.cursor()

     cur.execute("UPDATE files SET segment=? WHERE id=?", (segment_id, file_id))

@@ -1092,8 +1113,6 @@ class Database:

     segments = self.get_segments(post)

     render = ''

- uri_pattern = re.compile(r'(gemini|finger|gopher|mailto|data|file|https?|fdroidrepos?:):(//)?[^ ]+')


     # Use only the first link/attachment.

     for seg in filter(lambda s: s.type in [Segment.LINK,

                                            Segment.ATTACHMENT], segments):

@@ -1116,8 +1135,7 @@ class Database:

     first = True

     for text in filter(lambda s: s.type == Segment.TEXT, segments):

- str = clean_title(text.content)

- str = uri_pattern.sub(r'[\1 link]', str)

+ str = strip_links(clean_title(text.content))

         if len(str) == 0: continue

         if with_title and first:

             # Separate title from the body text.

@@ -1462,7 +1480,7 @@ class Database:

               parent=None, sort_descending=True, sort_hotness=False,

               filter_by_followed=None, filter_issue_status=None, filter_tag=None,

               gemini_feed=False, notifs_for_user_id=0, muted_by_user_id=0,

- limit=None, page=0):

+ ts_range=None, limit=None, page=0):

     cur = self.conn.cursor()

     where_stm = []

     values = [notifs_for_user_id]

@@ -1492,11 +1510,16 @@ class Database:

     if subspace != None:



- PIN_ORDER = 'p.is_pinned DESC'

+ PIN_ORDER = 'p.is_pinned DESC, '

+ elif ts_range != None:

+ where_stm.append('(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.ts_edited)>=? AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(p.ts_edited)<?)')

+ values.append(ts_range[0])

+ values.append(ts_range[1])

+ PIN_ORDER = ''


         if id is None and user is None and parent is None:

             where_stm.append(f'((sub1.flags & {Subspace.OMIT_FROM_ALL_FLAG})=0 AND (p.flags & {Post.OMIT_FROM_ALL_FLAG})=0)')

- PIN_ORDER = 'p.is_pinned=2 DESC'

+ PIN_ORDER = 'p.is_pinned=2 DESC, '

     if draft != None:


@@ -1553,7 +1576,7 @@ class Database:

             LEFT JOIN subspaces sub2 ON p.subspace=sub2.id AND p.user=sub2.owner


         WHERE {' AND '.join(where_stm)}

- ORDER BY {PIN_ORDER}, {order_by}

+ ORDER BY {PIN_ORDER}{order_by}


     """, tuple(values))

@@ -1593,12 +1616,16 @@ class Database:

 def count_posts(self,



+ parent_id=None,






- cond = ['p.parent=0'] # no comments

+ if not parent_id:

+ cond = ['p.parent=0'] # no comments

+ else:

+ cond = []

     values = []

     filter = ''

     if filter_by_followed:

@@ -1615,6 +1642,9 @@ class Database:

     if user != None:



+ if parent_id != None:

+ cond.append('p.parent=?')

+ values.append(parent_id)

     if subspace != None:



@@ -1820,11 +1850,15 @@ class Database:


         cond = ''

         values = tuple()

+ subspace_cond = ''

+ if not subspace:

+ # Issue tracker tags should not be included in the All Posts tags.

+ subspace_cond = f' AND (s.flags & {Subspace.ISSUE_TRACKER})=0'


         SELECT t.tag, COUNT(t.tag)

         FROM tags t

             JOIN posts p ON p.id=t.post

- JOIN subspaces s ON s.id=p.subspace

+ JOIN subspaces s ON s.id=p.subspace {subspace_cond}


         GROUP BY t.tag

         ORDER BY COUNT(t.tag) DESC

diff --git a/subspace.py b/subspace.py

index 9bfb631..9afc67a 100644

--- a/subspace.py

+++ b/subspace.py

@@ -360,10 +360,16 @@ class GempubArchive:

         self.ts = post.ts_created

         self.dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.ts, UTC)

         self.post_id = post.id

+ self.issueid = post.issueid

+ self.title = post.title

         self.subspace_id = post.subspace

+ self.user_id = post.user

         self.label = label

         self.page = page

         self.file = file

+ self.tags = post.tags

+ self.num_cmts = post.num_cmts

+ self.num_likes = post.num_likes

         self.referenced_from_posts = []

     def ymd(self):

@@ -373,43 +379,62 @@ class GempubArchive:

         if self.file:

             pos = self.file.segment_url.rfind('/') + 1

             return f'file{self.file.id}_{self.file.segment_url[pos:]}'

- fn = re.sub(r'[^\w\d-]', '', self.label.replace(' ', '-')).strip() # clean it up

- if len(fn) == 0:

- fn = f'{self.dt.day}_post{self.post_id}.gmi'

- return f'{self.dt.year:04d}-{self.dt.month:02d}/{self.post_id}_{fn}.gmi'


- def init(self, session, user, subspace):

+ fn = re.sub(r'[^\w\d-]', '', self.title.replace(' ', '-')).lower().strip() # clean it up

+ if len(fn) > 0:

+ fn = '_' + fn

+ #if len(fn) == 0:

+ # fn = f'{self.dt.day}_post{self.post_id}.gmi'

+ return f'{self.dt.year:04d}-{self.dt.month:02d}/{self.post_id}{fn}.gmi'


+ def init(self, session, user=None, subspace=None, month_range=None):

     self.session = session

     self.db = session.db

+ self.ts_range = None

+ if month_range:

+ year, month = month_range

+ end_month = month + 1 if month < 12 else 1

+ end_year = year if month < 12 else year + 1

+ self.ts_range = (

+ datetime.datetime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC).timestamp(),

+ datetime.datetime(end_year, end_month, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=UTC).timestamp()

+ )

     self.user = user

     self.subspace = subspace

- self.is_user = subspace.owner != 0

+ self.is_user = self.ts_range is None and subspace.owner != 0

     assert self.is_user and self.user or not self.is_user and not self.user

- assert self.subspace is not None

+ assert self.ts_range or self.subspace is not None

     # Modify settion so rendered pages appear to be not logged in.

     session.user = None

     self.site_link = session.server_root()


- generator = f'Generated with 💬 Bubble v{session.bubble.version}.'

+ if month_range:

+ archive_title = f'{datetime.datetime(year, month, 1).strftime("%B %Y")}'

+ archive_description = f'All posts and comments made on {session.bubble.site_name}. '

+ else:

+ archive_title = f'{"s/" if not self.is_user else ""}{subspace.name} on {session.bubble.site_name}'

+ archive_description = \

+ (f'All posts and comments made in the subspace {subspace.title()} on {session.bubble.site_name}. ' if not self.is_user else f'All posts and comments made by {user.name} on {session.bubble.site_name}. ')

     self.metadata = {

         'gpubVersion': '1.0.0',

- 'title': f'{"s/" if not self.is_user else ""}{subspace.name} on {session.bubble.site_name}',

- 'author': 'Bubble Archiver' if not self.is_user else user.name,

+ 'title': archive_title,

+ 'description': archive_description,

+ 'author': f'Bubble v{session.bubble.version}',

         'publishDate': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),

- 'index': 'index.gmi',

- 'description': (f'All posts and comments made in the subspace {subspace.title()} on {session.bubble.site_name}. ' if not self.is_user else f'All posts and comments made by {user.name} on {session.bubble.site_name}. ') + generator

+ 'index': 'index.gmi'


     self.local_entries = []     # posts in the archive's subspace

     self.foreign_entries = []   # posts in other subspaces

+ self.subspace_entries = {} # subspace name => list of entries

     self.comment_entries = []   # posts where user has commented

     self.file_entries = []      # files

     self.entry_index = {}       # indexed by post ID

     self.file_index = {}        # indexed by file ID

     self.referenced_users = {}  # info about posters

+ self.total_count = [0, 0]

+ self.subspace_count = {} # [posts, comments]

     self.subspaces = {}

     self.users = {}

@@ -452,15 +477,18 @@ class GempubArchive:

     self.session.context = self.get_subspace(post.subspace)

     self.session.is_context_tracker = (self.session.context.flags & Subspace.ISSUE_TRACKER) != 0

- is_local = post.subspace == self.subspace.id

- where = self.session.context.title() if not is_local and (

- not self.is_user or is_comment) else None

- label_sub = ' · ' + where if where else ''

+ is_local = (post.subspace == self.subspace.id) if self.subspace else False

+ if not self.ts_range:

+ where = self.session.context.title() if not is_local and (

+ not self.is_user or is_comment) else None

+ label_sub = ' · ' + where if where else ''

     page = make_post_page(self.session, post)

- entry = GempubArchive.Entry(post,

- (post.title if post.title else shorten_text(clean_title(post.summary), 100)) + label_sub,

- page)

+ if self.ts_range:

+ label = shorten_text(clean_title(strip_links(post.summary)), 150)

+ else:

+ label = (post.title if post.title else shorten_text(clean_title(strip_links(post.summary)), 100)) + label_sub

+ entry = GempubArchive.Entry(post, label, page)

     # Check for referenced users.

     for username in re.findall(r'=> /u/([\w-]+)\s', page):

@@ -475,16 +503,40 @@ class GempubArchive:



+ skey = self.session.context.name

+ if skey in self.subspace_entries:

+ self.subspace_entries[skey].append(entry)

+ else:

+ self.subspace_entries[skey] = [entry]


+ if not post.id in self.entry_index:

+ if not is_comment:

+ self.add_count(post.subspace,

+ (1, self.db.count_posts(parent_id=post.id, draft=False)))


     self.entry_index[post.id] = entry

+ def add_count(self, subspace_id, count):

+ self.total_count[0] += count[0]

+ self.total_count[1] += count[1]

+ if not subspace_id in self.subspace_count:

+ self.subspace_count[subspace_id] = [count[0], count[1]]

+ else:

+ self.subspace_count[subspace_id][0] += count[0]

+ self.subspace_count[subspace_id][1] += count[1]


 def render_post_entries(self):

     db = self.db

     # Entries for the user/subspace posts.

     if self.is_user:

         posts = db.get_posts(user=self.user, comment=False, draft=False)

+ elif self.ts_range:

+ posts = db.get_posts(ts_range=self.ts_range, comment=False, draft=False,

+ sort_descending=False)


         posts = db.get_posts(subspace=self.subspace, comment=False, draft=False)


     for post in posts:


@@ -492,7 +544,8 @@ class GempubArchive:

         # Make entries for posts where user has commented in.

         # TODO: Add a proper database query for this.

         commented_in = set()

- for cmt in db.get_posts(user=self.user, comment=True, draft=False):

+ for cmt in db.get_posts(user=self.user, comment=True, draft=False,

+ sort_descending=False):


         for post in [db.get_post(id=post_id) for post_id in commented_in]:

             if post and post.user != self.user.id:

@@ -501,7 +554,8 @@ class GempubArchive:

 def render_file_entries(self):

     db = self.db

     for file in  db.get_user_files(self.user) if self.user \

- else db.get_subspace_files(self.subspace):

+ else db.get_subspace_files(self.subspace) if self.subspace \

+ else db.get_time_files(self.ts_range):

         post = db.get_post(id=file.segment_post)

         filesize = len(file.data)

         entry = GempubArchive.Entry(post,

@@ -516,7 +570,10 @@ class GempubArchive:

     src_post_id = entry.post_id

     user_pattern = re.compile(r'^=>\s*/u/([\w%-]+)\s')

- post_pattern = re.compile(r'^=>\s*/([us])/' + self.subspace.name + r'/(\d+)\s')

+ if self.subspace:

+ post_pattern = re.compile(r'^=>\s*/([us])/' + self.subspace.name + r'/(\d+)\s')

+ else:

+ post_pattern = re.compile(r'^=>\s*/([us])/[\w%-]+/(\d+)\s')

     file_pattern = re.compile(r'^=>\s*/([us])/[\w%-]+/(image|file)/(\d+)[^ ]*\s')

     root_pattern = re.compile(r'^=>\s*/([^ ]*)\s')

     rewritten = []

@@ -561,6 +618,14 @@ class GempubArchive:

     buffer = io.BytesIO()

     zip = zipfile.ZipFile(buffer, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=9)

+ def counter_text(count):

+ parts = []

+ if count[0]:

+ parts.append(f'{count[0]} post{plural_s(count[0])}')

+ if count[1]:

+ parts.append(f'{count[1]} comment{plural_s(count[1])}')

+ return ' and '.join(parts)


     with zip.open('metadata.txt', 'w') as f:

         for entry in self.metadata:

             f.write(f"{entry}: {self.metadata[entry]}\n".encode('utf-8'))

@@ -568,7 +633,7 @@ class GempubArchive:

     with zip.open('title.gmi', 'w') as f:


-# {self.user.name if self.is_user else self.subspace.name}

+# {self.user.name if self.is_user else self.subspace.name if self.subspace else self.metadata['title']}

Gempub Archive

@@ -583,7 +648,7 @@ Exported on {self.metadata['publishDate']}.

         index_page += '\n=> title.gmi Title page\n'

         profile_path = 'users/' + self.user.name + '.gmi'

         index_page += f'=> {profile_path} {self.user.avatar} {self.user.name}\n'

- else:

+ elif self.subspace:

         index_page = f'# s/{self.subspace.name}\n\nTable of Contents:\n'

         index_page += '\n=> title.gmi Title page\n'

         profile_path = self.subspace.name + '.gmi'

@@ -597,20 +662,73 @@ Exported on {self.metadata['publishDate']}.

             src += '\nThe subspace was created on ' + \

                 make_timestamp(self.subspace.ts_created, '%Y-%m-%d') + '.\n'


+ else:

+ index_page = '# ' + self.metadata['title'] + '\n\nTable of Contents:\n\n'


+ if self.local_entries:

+ index_page += f'\n=> posts/index.gmi Posts in {self.subspace.title()}\n'

+ local_index_page = f'# Posts in {self.subspace.title()}\n\n'

+ for entry in self.local_entries:

+ entry_path = 'posts/' + entry.path()

+ local_index_page += f'=> {entry.path()} {entry.ymd()} {entry.label}\n'

+ with zip.open(entry_path, 'w') as content:

+ content.write(self.rewrite_internal_urls(entry).encode('utf-8'))

+ with zip.open('posts/index.gmi', 'w') as content:

+ content.write(local_index_page.encode('utf-8'))


+ if self.ts_range:

+ sub_links = []

+ for sub_name in sorted(self.subspace_entries.keys(), key=str.lower):

+ first_entry = self.subspace_entries[sub_name][0]

+ sub = self.get_subspace(first_entry.subspace_id)

+ entry_path = f'{sub.title()[0]}_{sub.name}.gmi'

+ sub_links.append(f'=> {entry_path} {sub.title()}\n')


+ title_icon = ''

+ if sub.owner:

+ title_icon = f'{self.get_user(first_entry.user_id).avatar} '

+ sub_page = f'# {title_icon}{sub.title()}\n'

+ sub_page += f'{counter_text(self.subspace_count[sub.id])} in this subspace.\n'


+ for entry in self.subspace_entries[sub_name]:

+ entry_user = self.get_user(entry.user_id)

+ author = f'{entry_user.avatar} {entry_user.name}'

+ meta = []

+ top = None

+ if entry.issueid:

+ top = f'[#{entry.issueid}] {entry.title}'

+ meta.append(author)

+ if entry.tags:

+ top += f' · {entry.tags}'

+ elif not sub.owner:

+ meta.append(author)

+ meta.append(entry.dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))

+ if entry.num_cmts > 0:

+ meta.append(f'{entry.num_cmts} comment{plural_s(entry.num_cmts)}')

+ if entry.num_likes > 0:

+ meta.append(f'{entry.num_likes} like{plural_s(entry.num_likes)}')

+ if entry.tags and not entry.issueid:

+ meta.append(entry.tags)

+ link = f'=> posts/{entry.path()}'

+ if top:

+ sub_page += f'\n{link} {top}\n{entry.label}\n{" · ".join(meta)}\n'

+ else:

+ sub_page += f'\n{entry.label}\n{link} {" · ".join(meta)}\n'

+ # Write to the archive.

+ with zip.open('posts/' + entry.path(), 'w') as content:

+ content.write(self.rewrite_internal_urls(entry).encode('utf-8'))

+ with zip.open(entry_path, 'w') as content:

+ content.write(sub_page.encode('utf-8'))

- # TODO: Rewrite user/page/file/image links to point to locations inside the archive.


- index_page += f'\n=> posts/index.gmi Posts in {self.subspace.title()}\n'

- local_index_page = f'# Posts in {self.subspace.title()}\n\n'

- for entry in self.local_entries:

- entry_path = 'posts/' + entry.path()

- local_index_page += f'=> {entry.path()} {entry.ymd()} {entry.label}\n'

- with zip.open(entry_path, 'w') as content:

- content.write(self.rewrite_internal_urls(entry).encode('utf-8'))

- with zip.open('posts/index.gmi', 'w') as content:

- content.write(local_index_page.encode('utf-8'))

+ prev_type = None

+ for link in sorted(sub_links, key=str.lower):

+ if prev_type and prev_type != link[3]:

+ index_page += '\n'

+ index_page += link

+ prev_type = link[3] # u or s

+ index_page += '\n'

- if self.foreign_entries:

+ elif self.foreign_entries:

         index_page += f'=> other/index.gmi Posts in Other Subspaces\n'

         foreign_index_page = '# Posts in Other Subspaces\n'

         last_sub = None

@@ -627,7 +745,6 @@ Exported on {self.metadata['publishDate']}.

         with zip.open('other/index.gmi', 'w') as content:


- # Comments.

     if self.comment_entries:

         index_page += f'=> comments/index.gmi Commented Posts\n'

         comment_index_page = '# Commented Posts\n'

@@ -639,7 +756,6 @@ Exported on {self.metadata['publishDate']}.

         with zip.open('comments/index.gmi', 'w') as content:


- # File attachments.

     if self.file_entries:

         index_page += '=> files/index.gmi File attachments\n'

         file_index_page = '# File Attachments\n'

@@ -688,24 +804,33 @@ def export_gempub_archive(session):

     return 60, 'Login required'

 # Determine subspace to export.

- m = re.search(r'/export/(s/)?([\w%-]+).gpub$', req.path)

+ m = re.search(r'/export/(s/|month/)?([\w%-]+).gpub$', req.path)

 if not m or not m[2]:

     return 59, 'Bad request'

 name = urlparse.unquote(m[2])

- subspace = db.get_subspace(name=name)

+ if m[1] == 'month/':

+ month_range = map(int, m[2].split('-'))

+ subspace = None

+ else:

+ month_range = None

+ subspace = db.get_subspace(name=name)

 is_user = m[1] is None

 # Check access rights. At the moment, exporting is only possible via user

 # settings and subspace admin pages, so the user must have moderation

 # rights in the exported subspace.

- if is_user:

+ if month_range:

+ if not user:

+ # Have to be logged in.

+ return 61, 'Not authorized'

+ elif is_user:

     if subspace.owner != user.id:

         return 61, 'Not authorized'


     if user.id not in map(lambda u: u.id, db.get_mods(subspace)):

         return 61, 'Not authorized'

- archive = GempubArchive(session, user if is_user else None, subspace)

+ archive = GempubArchive(session, user if is_user else None, subspace, month_range)



 data = archive.compress()

diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py

index 32549ed..8b53673 100644

--- a/utils.py

+++ b/utils.py

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import urllib.parse as urlparse

UTC = datetime.timezone.utc

GEMTEXT_MARKUP = re.compile(r'^(\s*=>\s*|* |>\s*|##?#?)')

+URI_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(gemini|finger|gopher|mailto|data|file|https?|fdroidrepos?:):(//)?[^`" ]+')


@@ -79,6 +80,10 @@ def clean_text(text):

 return text.rstrip()

+def strip_links(text):

+ return URI_PATTERN.sub(r'[\1 link]', text)



def clean_title(title):

 # Strip `=>` and other Gemini syntax.

 cleaned = []

Proxy Information
Original URL
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Success (20)
Capsule Response Time
34.034048 milliseconds
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33.64854 milliseconds

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