

<title>dead hand sounds</title>



<content type="text/plain"># dead hand sounds&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m not sure if I wrote about this here previously, but last year dead hand (my band w/Nathan Bissette) were contacted by brilliant artists Sasha Litvintseva and Beny Wagner to work on some sounds for their latest film, Constant.&#xA;&#xA;It was a really inspiring process and fascinating window into the practices of Sasha and Beny.&#xA;&#xA;Anyway, the film is screening now at a bunch of festivals, some of which are online. I think Transmediale is this week and International Film Festival Rotterdam very soon.&#xA;&#xA;&#34;&#34;Constant&#34; is a journey through the social and political histories of measurement. For most of recorded history, the human body was the measure of all things. “Constant” asks what led measurement to depart from the body and become a science unto itself. The film explores three shifts in the history of measurement standardization, from the land surveying that drove Early Modern European land privatization, to the French Revolution that drove the Metric Revolution, to the conceptual dematerialisation of measurement in the contemporary era of Big Science. Each chapter traces the relationship of measurement standardization to ideas of egalitarianism, agency, justice, and power. Cinematic and technical images that begin as products of measurement systems are stretched beyond their functions to describe the resistance of lived experience to symbolic abstractions.&#34;&#xA;&#xA;More here:&#xA;=&gt;https://www.sashalitvintseva.com/constant&#xA;&#xA;</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2022-01-26.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<title>checking in</title>



<content type="text/plain"># checking in&#xA;&#xA;I haven&#39;t been writing here (or any place) much in the last few weeks.&#xA;&#xA;The world outside of the screen was moving and pulling more.&#xA;&#xA;I had that familiar feeling of having reached the end of some really nice things - and am still feeling out what comes next. These things were projects or meetings with artists and friends, doing really good things. They had all been developing for a while, and suddenly there was a time of busy excitement and doing. It would be nice if that was enough, to have experienced that at all, but I sure miss it.&#xA;&#xA;One of the things was a group exhibition with a local space. I printed a stack of loose pages from a collection of poems and drawings I&#39;d been working on. Visitors were invited to take a page or as many pages as they liked. It&#39;s documented and available to download here:&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/poems-collected&#xA;&#xA;Since the exhibition closed I&#39;ve retrieved the remaining pages and assembled a couple of copies of the book. If you&#39;ve happened to click to this gemlog and would like one of the copies, I&#39;d love to post some out. Email me ghostglyph@gmail.com and let me know.&#xA;&#xA;Laurie Anderson&#39;s series of lectures Spending the War Without You wrapped up yesterday. It has been such a wonderful companion over this last year. The punctuation of these lectures, thoughts and digressions across the months has given things shape. I think it was in the first of the lectures that Laurie described the concept of the Jewel Tree and I finally implemented a tiny tool to help me think about my own. I&#39;ve posted the link below - it&#39;s on Glitch, so easy enough to remix/adapt if it&#39;s useful to you.&#xA;&#xA;Lecture playlist on Youtube:&#xA;=&gt; https://youtu.be/6LuKgGn5e2g&#xA;&#xA;Jewel Deck&#xA;=&gt; http://jewel-deck.glitch.me/</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-12-09.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># things&#xA;&#xA;As part of the Parallel Library Services workshop series I installed Bibliotecha&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://bibliotecha.info/&#xA;&#xA;onto a Raspberry Pi that I usually use for different experiments. It is nice, that on each return to an experiment with the Pi there is some small incremental progress. I&#39;m able to set it up headless(?) now and configure SSH access.&#xA;&#xA;There is a gyre of knowledge accumulating from these small steps into other protocols (Gemini, Hyper) systems (Tilde) and things (Pi, Arduino) along with the overlapping communities that create the dialog around each of these.&#xA;&#xA;I always enjoy reading the gemlogs that imagine new protocols or examine parts of existing ones.&#xA;&#xA;I have a bunch of Wemos D1 mini boards from a project that fell apart a while back. They&#39;re tiny boards that can be used in IoT type projects and can run as a miniature web server. I reinstalled the Arduino IDE and have been playing with a few sketches. Attempting to make the board do things. &#xA;&#xA;An offline/online hub. A hardware text. The text is on the chip. It isn&#39;t useful like the library. It isn&#39;t read/write. It&#39;s store/read. It is storied. Huh. It is a prompt.&#xA;&#xA;The example code is a few steps away from being something like text that is stored in a very specific space and accessible from close proximity. The login details could be shared with friends and when nearby they could open it up and see. Messages could pass along.&#xA;&#xA;Like the Bibliotecha setup it introduces its own constraints and methods of access, modes of community, that must be worked out and created.&#xA;&#xA;## connected&#xA;&#xA;Careful Networks opened last week. It was very encouraging to post about the project on Mastodon and be engaged with different conversations and discussions. It seems to be mirrored fairly consistently at the moment and you can visit via:&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://carefulnetworks.net&#xA;&#xA;Tom who is my friend and built the site has been talking about co-ops for a long time and we&#39;ve finally started finding space to make a few things happen. He&#39;s documenting stuff at:&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://sansome.hopto.org</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-11-02.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># IRL&#xA;&#xA;I picked an odd time to disconnect.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m in the final days of prep for launching a p2p exhibition with a brilliant group of artists and I no longer have the spaces I&#39;d go to tell folks about it -to amplify, signal-boost... generate noise.&#xA;&#xA;Throughout the project I&#39;ve tried to resist some of our more casual ways of doing things i.e. (we&#39;ve been able to use a greener web host, different analytics)&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://greenhost.net&#xA;=&gt; https://plausible.io&#xA;&#xA;-which is mostly knowledge and strategies I&#39;ve gleaned from the work of others on the LURK servers... so leaning into a different kind of promotion feels appropriate.&#xA;&#xA;So here is where I&#39;ll whisper it,&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://carefulnetworks.net&#xA;&#xA;The details are there now, but the exhibition will launch next week and can be accessed through Beaker or Agregore.&#xA;&#xA;If you&#39;ve somehow found this gemlog then I&#39;m very optimistic that a p2p exhibition exploring the idea of a careful network is something you wouldn&#39;t consider a waste of time to check out.&#xA;&#xA;If you don&#39;t want to user the hyper protocol, it will also launch as an &#39;archived&#39; html version on 12th November.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;ll no doubt gemlog about it again.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m also working on some drawings and annotating some poems for an IRL show with my local artist group, for their annual members show. It&#39;s probably the only time of the year I set out to make some work that can actually exist in a gallery space and I love doing it. I love being part of this group of people making things, making a space, holding a space, caring for a space.</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-10-20.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># drifting&#xA;&#xA;just checked back and noticed that I&#39;ve already been here 5 months.&#xA;&#xA;this odd journey into different protocols, resisting smoothness, critical.&#xA;&#xA;after following discussions about tilde servers for a while and trying to understand the processes for setting one up, I requested access at tilde.institute. I haven&#39;t got the hang of it yet. I do have a small gopher phlog running there - which is roughly the same half-thoughts as posted here.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt;gopher://tilde.institute:70/1/~ghostglyph/&#xA;&#xA;i&#39;m adjusting to the space left without scrolling. When I logged in to flounder initially, I had hoped that gemini might provide space for a change in thinking about my internet habits, and it has done. I&#39;ve made changes to those habits as well. The part I am finding most difficult is a connection to local IRL folks, and participation in those spaces.&#xA;&#xA;in this city, life has mostly returned to a cautious openness. I have to visit the venue I work in most days now - often to sit alone in a room tending emails, at the end of a corridor of half-demolished offices. The building is expanding.&#xA;&#xA;i cross the city on my bike. &#xA;fifteen minutes of interaction, bike-body-traffic-crowd interfacing.&#xA;alert.&#xA;tired.&#xA;blank</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-10-01.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># process&#xA;&#xA;rhythms change. &#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m drifting somewhere between spaces. Caught in the pull.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;ve published a collection of poems that is something I&#39;ve been working on steadily for a while. The idea is that the epub will be versioned, and can receive updates. If someone downloads the text via Itch, they should be notified of any future updates and able to receive them.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/poems-collected&#xA;&#xA;Soft text, software.&#xA;&#xA;Anyway, it&#39;s out there, so I can think about it in a different way now. It exists.&#xA;&#xA;Updating the website involved the usual process of re-learning/remembering the steps required for rolling the .md sections into .html. I haven&#39;t solved a few puzzles around the way pandoc generates documents yet, which means there are far more steps than should really be necessary. However, it does provide a pretty good challenge each time, and is perhaps getting smoother. I&#39;ve updated the site to v1.4 now.&#xA;&#xA;After publishing the texts I opened a browser see what I might have messed up and was greeted by a page not found error. I think my experimenting earlier in the week, attempting to get a gemini capsule running had messed up my domain records. It&#39;s repaired now, and perhaps something to wonder about the next time I&#39;m trying to get a capsule going again.&#xA;&#xA;I love this space (flounder), but do think I need to get my own capsule running. I&#39;ve been trying to use my own pi and configure through my home router, but maybe it&#39;s time to look at some remote hosting.&#xA;&#xA;The Facebook Files series from Wall Street Journal, is good listening. Challenging me to move from uneasy lurking to deleting accounts.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://www.wsj.com/podcasts/the-journal?mod=podcasts_tile</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-09-18.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># codex_io&#xA;&#xA;A few years ago I created a typeface/alphabet system that could easily be written at small scales. I was trying to figure out ways of 3d printing text onto jewellery.&#xA;&#xA;This idea developed into a system that worked for 3d printing, but also became a script that I enjoyed writing/drawing in and used to print several texts.&#xA;&#xA;I also expanded it to include a base-4 number system which came in useful for a music notation.&#xA;&#xA;I still use the typeface occasionally, usually making rings for friends, or drawing.&#xA;&#xA;I thought I&#39;d share it on itch before it got lost on an old drive.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/codex-io</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-09-09.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<title>Graffiti 3/3</title>



<content type="text/plain"># Graffiti 3/3&#xA;&#xA;# Locality &#xA;&#xA;A loose trilogy of novels taking place in fictional apparitions of Leicester, UK and Nice, France.&#xA;&#xA;They are about places and the way communities are formed, the way individuals enter new places, build community and observe being and belonging.&#xA;&#xA;They each have a degree of paranoiac experience, which increases in each subsequent book.&#xA;&#xA;None of them have endings that resolve. The characters are left within the spaces.&#xA;&#xA;I wanted to write a couple of posts, exploring a little bit about each of the texts. Or at least the memory of them now.&#xA;&#xA;## Graffiti&#xA;&#xA;A city in fragments, in the grips of a synthetic drug, Wrench. Paranoiac fragments relating to depression, suicide, murder, frequent drug use, homelessness.&#xA;&#xA;A Portuguese man named Elvis, works as a car park attendant. He is accused of stealing a bicycle and loses his job. Whilst trying to find the bicycle he meets different people who occupy the city, including a ghost.&#xA;&#xA;This text, like the previous, combined a couple of different ideas or fragments of character.&#xA;&#xA;It also revisited some ideas that had been fairly well along to being something filmed, a collaboration with an incredibly talented friend, that I screwed up. I wasn&#39;t good enough and the thing fell apart. It fucked up everything between us. I don&#39;t carry around too many regrets, but that one stings. But anyway, that had been an exploration of this city we were both living in and had lots of feelings about. I moved away, and then when I came back I picked up those feelings and the ghosts we&#39;d spoken about. A couple of the characters in Graffiti, directly echo the other thing. They attempt to be in the same world. When we worked on that, we thought we were exploring the psyche of the city.&#xA;&#xA;I was working a job that involved a lot of walking around the streets, picking up the histories, observing what was happening and the different seams of folk that make the place home.&#xA;&#xA;Different agendas and structures of power, control this, shape it and force things.&#xA;&#xA;People get tangled up in the systems and with each other.&#xA;&#xA;The main character, Elvis, is a fragile shell - observer, observed, mostly alone. There isn&#39;t a sense of things moving forward. They just happen. He does make decisions, but they don&#39;t come to much. They pass.&#xA;&#xA;Like A Moiré and perhaps Monument also, much of what happens translate for me to real people, moments and places. The experience of transforming it into something else, a slim narrative, allows it to press back into the real. My memories of the place are shattered. I&#39;ll glimpse people and think first perhaps, of a description that could have been them.&#xA;&#xA;I thought the moment described in Graffiti had passed and that the city was changing more now - but I don&#39;t think it has so much. The world is getting harder for almost everyone. We&#39;re all more bruised than we were before. There is desperation in the seeking out of community.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/graffiti&#xA;&#xA;* post to be continued&#xA;</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-08-20.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># hinge&#xA;&#xA;Actively lurking in my tentacular corner of the fediverse and a series of Discord servers in which the same avatars appear, it begins to feel like a movement between the places, like choosing a bar or a park, a space.&#xA;&#xA;There is a palimpsest, an overlaying, tracing, interruption, interplay that can be tended to. &#xA;&#xA;I&#39;ve been reading Ursula K. Le Guin&#39;s Always Coming Home. It&#39;s stunning. The text is always returning to this idea of the hinge and the gyre. A joining of spaces, a working together and a coming apart.&#xA;&#xA;Everest Pipkin&#39;s piece here, talks beautifully to online and offline spaces in which to be, the discarded concrete slabs&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://pioneerworks.org/broadcast/i-know-a-place-pipkin&#xA;&#xA;which feels kin to this wandering.&#xA;&#xA;lettuce, whose work and writing I seem to be encountering and thinking about a lot, posted this really thoughtful account of their time with different art collectives&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~lettuce/collectives.gmi&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;ve been trying to think about the collectives I&#39;ve moved through, and the moments of togetherness and action they created. Here, where I am, things are opening up and gatherings are slowly returning. I&#39;m not sure what my place is. I do know that it still feels necessary to show up. I&#39;m building new nets now as well (part of my day job) putting together the elements for potential collectives. I often think that these online only spaces can act in the same way - and I&#39;m sure they do in fact. Knowledge circulates, discussions happen, new things are made. Time is spent together. It&#39;s perhaps harder to see to the edges of the participants and where this circle of their life bleeds into others. (e.g. my parents or siblings often show up to local art shows - so folks there know multiple me&#39;s)&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m re-reading, Donna Haraway&#39;s Staying with the Trouble which feels grounding.&#xA;&#xA;Also, Viznut updated their text on permacomputing&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; http://viznut.fi/texts-en/permacomputing_update_2021.html&#xA;&#xA;which I think makes a gyre with Le Guin&#39;s Always Coming Home - in which networked knowledge and communications survive through a tilde-like community and shared terminals.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m trying to find a route back to writing.&#xA;</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-08-13.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<title>endless nothing</title>



<content type="text/plain"># endless nothing&#xA;&#xA;I built a tiny poem generator over the last weekend.&#xA;&#xA;I was thinking about cards, decks and random generation.&#xA;&#xA;It started with a huge word set but I realised I quite enjoyed creating a more focused set.&#xA;&#xA;This current set is earth-related. I might try adding in some additional sets, and do plan on building up this one.&#xA;&#xA;You can try it here:&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://endless-nothing.glitch.me&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m sure using Tracery might have been a better way to go - but maybe that&#39;s an update for the future.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;ve used Tracery previously, with Cheapbotsdonequick, to create a couple of Twitter bots that are still tweeting. @glyphcave is closely related to this, and much of the language is very similar.&#xA;</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-08-03.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<title>A Moiré (2/3)</title>



<content type="text/plain"># A Moiré (2/3)&#xA;&#xA;## Locality 2&#xA;&#xA;A loose trilogy of novels taking place in fictional apparitions of Leicester, UK and Nice, France.&#xA;&#xA;They are about places and the way communities are formed, the way individuals enter new places, build community and observe being and belonging.&#xA;&#xA;They each have a degree of paranoiac experience, which increases in each subsequent book.&#xA;&#xA;None of them have endings that resolve. The characters are left within the spaces.&#xA;&#xA;I wanted to write a couple of posts, exploring a little bit about each of the texts. Or at least the memory of them now.&#xA;&#xA;## Monument (II) Folly&#xA;&#xA;A Moiré is a book about the city and the manipulation of power within that space.&#xA;&#xA;The novel centers around a part-time private detective named Morris. He is attempting to discover the location of a missing musician. As he follows various leads, he meets a range of characters and glimpses the different organisations influencing the city.&#xA;&#xA;This text developed out of my experience moving to Nice after a stint in London.&#xA;&#xA;It is an unraveling of place.&#xA;&#xA;As happens in the third text Graffiti, the reality of the place experiences specific trauma that if left out completely felt like they would change the meaning of the place too much. In A Moiré it&#39;s, Bastille Day, 2016. Initially I intended to finish writing the text about the place it had started out as - but as I continued I think I realised that I had changed too, and there was no way back. So, a similar event happens in A Moiré.&#xA;&#xA;It is also about finding friends, and a place within place.&#xA;&#xA;The conspiracies that seem to run beneath everything were part of a joyful exploration of the reconciliation of the story of a place, its history, its folktales, its celebrity with the reality as experienced within it (by an outsider) as someone who is apart from it. Does the city absorb this person, or spit them out.&#xA;&#xA;Celebrity is another theme within the text. The main case revolves around a famous Auteur, and the glitz of Cannes. It&#39;s something that Morris is running from as well. It emerges eventually that he was a photographer for a while. Through a series of coincidences he had become obsessed with a particular celebrity. He had started writing about this. Somehow this writing follows him to Nice, and is used by the forces working against him. This text was actually started before A Moiré but didn&#39;t resolve to anything finished. It was exciting to fold different texts together, and something that happens again in Graffiti.&#xA;&#xA;* post to be continued&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/a-moire</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-08-02.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<title>Monument (II) Folly (1/3)</title>



<content type="text/plain"># Monument (II) Folly (1/3)&#xA;&#xA;## Locality 1&#xA;&#xA;A loose trilogy of novels taking place in fictional apparitions of Leicester, UK and Nice, France.&#xA;&#xA;They are about places and the way communities are formed, the way individuals enter new places, build community and observe being and belonging.&#xA;&#xA;They each have a degree of paranoiac experience, which increases in each subsequent book.&#xA;&#xA;None of them have endings that resolve. The characters are left within the spaces.&#xA;&#xA;I wanted to write a couple of posts, exploring a little bit about each of the texts. Or at least the memory of them now.&#xA;&#xA;## Monument (II) Folly&#xA;&#xA;This text focuses on a couple of young artists trying to navigate relationships, balancing desire and dreams with a rapidly shifting reality.&#xA;&#xA;It imagines different artistic practices and methods of research and production.&#xA;&#xA;This was largely informed by my own relationship and experience as an artist in a collective, trying to discover how we might continue to exist as artists.&#xA;&#xA;The story had a strange element of foreshadowing as the characters lived in a flat that I eventually lived in and follow a journey, to Nice, which I eventually took as well.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m fascinated by the closeness of these kind of fictions, to lived reality. When tied to specific places they alter and affect the way you encounter those spaces and people (or their avatars). As soon as things are described in the story, it becomes possible that they might come to pass in the equivalent reality.&#xA;&#xA;The friction of the fiction.&#xA;&#xA;This text expanded on some ideas I&#39;d developed at Art School around the description of artwork vs the reality of artwork. It was a lot of fun to describe works and imagine them.&#xA;&#xA;* post to be continued&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/monument-ii-folly</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-07-27.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># Tools&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m planning to write a couple of posts this week, describing the three texts that I recently published.&#xA;&#xA;Firstly though, I felt like sharing this little tool I&#39;ve been building.&#xA;&#xA;# Flat Sketch&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/flat-sketch&#xA;&#xA;This is a tiny drawing tool, built with p5.&#xA;&#xA;It started as a way of creating some drawings to overlay on some video I was experimenting with.&#xA;&#xA;I have always liked the particular, scratchy, flat drawing of the basic p5 line. But I&#39;ve never really completed anything using p5. I&#39;ve always used small snippets.&#xA;&#xA;There is a really interesting tool community on Itch, and I&#39;ve been trying to think about ways I can add to that. It&#39;s exciting to share these small tools that you might have created in a very specific way for a very specific task as people will probably use them completely differently.&#xA;&#xA;And people do use them. Well a couple do anyway. Itch seems to be at about the right size to float things to peoples attention. It encourages discovery.&#xA;&#xA;I was enjoying using Flat Sketch as a testing ground for different ideas and questions about what p5 can do and how it works. It has developed into a half filled keyboard of brush variables. These can mostly be toggled through a couple of states and all combined and mixed differently.&#xA;&#xA;A while back I was using Processing to run a cellular automata that I was using to create prints. Some of the cellular automata code has now made its way into Flat Sketch as well.&#xA;&#xA;It&#39;s funny to share this, here, where to most this will probably look extremely naive and technically terrible. I know it is terrible. I&#39;m still enjoying learning about this side of making things that people use, build and change, rather than things that go out silently into the world. Anyway I&#39;ll write more about those next time.</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-07-26.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># Sketch&#xA;&#xA;Trying to define the need for behavioral change.&#xA;Trying to define the terms of a break.&#xA;This networked being - that turns soft-body into binary node.&#xA;&#xA;A more active participation.&#xA;Thoughtful lurking.&#xA;&#xA;Browsing the big feeds, the story I tell myself is that it is like casting a net and catching ideas (in a selected pool). Trying to re-think these processes and the ever present experience of distraction, waste, excitement, confusion- it is perhaps more accurate that I am the fish and caught by countless hooks and nets that pull in different directions.&#xA;&#xA;It doesn&#39;t make me want to speak, and finding again a place that does reveals that starkly. In the places where I also speak, I also take more out. The speaking is part of it.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m describing spaces that don&#39;t feel good. I&#39;m there because people speak there that I wish to hear. I&#39;m also hoping to encounter perspectives and ideas that counter my own. There is a potential for dialogue, ever 1-1, but this is in fact reduced by the kind of hierarchy of authenticity; verified, pseudonym, follower count etc. An illusion of presence, which mainly serves to fulfill the aims of orgs trying to snare my attention - at best my presence can amplify this process slightly, and ensnare those few who are closest to me.&#xA;&#xA;Other networks piped in. The ones it is easier to avoid due to their relative newness, just reposted to the old, for the old.&#xA;&#xA;Context is loose.&#xA;&#xA;Nothing can be known.&#xA;&#xA;We feed these patterns of being so easily. Distracted. Together there we feel trapped - they have our family held hostage.&#xA;&#xA;So maybe I&#39;ll leave them after all.&#xA;Try being true to the ideas that hold me at the expense of what? Continued failure to earn my way. Non-academic. Reluctant amateur.&#xA;&#xA;I see this other space, one that compels me to write- and wonder if it could be home and yet I remember again that I don&#39;t know this space to call it home and What it knows of me is even less.&#xA;&#xA;Turn off notifications.&#xA;Set a schedule. Break the pattern.&#xA;Slow down the cycle.&#xA;Write a list of those voices you need to check in with. If possible, prepare the list with urls directly to those users. Do that in an allotted time.&#xA;&#xA;Part of a larger rejectionist, pessimist mentality - the terms of competition within the field are so weighted against success, with the costs often including; distortion of ideas to reflect theme, loss of agency, conforming to industry standards/norms, accepting less the living wage pay. It&#39;s the conception of a space as being abusive (perhaps only to my particular ideas about art), and navigating out of that. Psychologically, it shifts the practice. It started as a rejection of applying to things that charged a submission fee. It is remodeled now as a drive to define my own path, that builds a life with humans and art.&#xA;&#xA;&#xA;## alt&#xA;&#xA;fraidyc.at built by Kicks Condor, crossed my feed whilst I was thinking about this over the last few days. This is like an aggregator that can pull in from lots of different networks. It could be a useful tool. It reveals part of the problem though, for me, which is that these things are posted in specific places, a specific context. If you&#39;re going to engage with them it is perhaps necessary to journey to that place and do so.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://fraidyc.at &#xA;&#xA;I think I saw this via Pixel&#39;s Toot. They have a great site too.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://pixouls.xyz/&#xA;</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-07-21.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># routine&#xA;&#xA;pushed some small updates to the bruise.in site.&#xA;&#xA;ovrs had stumbled across the site and shared their own SSG after reading about my difficulties in finding one that I could use.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://github.com/ovrs/aplos&#xA;&#xA;it looks very close to what I need. Getting it running also led me to solve an issue I&#39;ve had with Homebrew, where my ISP seemed to be blocking certain updates.&#xA;&#xA;by solve, I mean, that I eventually had enough context words to hit upon the right answer in a forum somewhere.&#xA;&#xA;rebuilding the bruise.in site today it took a while for me to remember the process that worked, and then several attempts to undo new bugs.&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;m imagining updating like this maybe once a month, so I&#39;ll perhaps take another look at SSG options. Maybe I could reduce a few steps just using Pandoc?&#xA;&#xA;## restless&#xA;&#xA;a few weeks back I wanted to make some simple drawings to overlay on some video. I&#39;ve always like the processing/p5 drawing &#39;feel&#39; and so it was a nice excuse to think about building a small tool to do just that. I&#39;ve published the tool, flat sketch to itch.&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://ghostglyph.itch.io/flat-sketch&#xA;&#xA;I&#39;ve continued to add different options as a way of getting a bit more familiar with p5. Today I added in a cellular automata generator. Like the rest of the tool, it works, kind of.</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-07-17.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># Play&#xA;&#xA;Thinking about the playful spaces for being and passing through capsules.&#xA;&#xA;The tending of gardens in&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; gemini://astrobotany.mozz.us/app&#xA;&#xA;Conversations in a bar&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; gemini://midnight.pub/&#xA;&#xA;The logs of a space relay station&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; gopher://cosmic.voyage:70/&#xA;&#xA;all ostensibly places that anyone who has learned the rules of the space, found the tools to access it can become a participant in. &#xA;&#xA;shared storytelling, world building.&#xA;&#xA;emergent dwelling in space.&#xA;&#xA;thoughts about a space in which visitors would tell the story of a rock. The passing of skies above, seasons, civilizations, steady tectonic crawl. The thoughts of the rock. Each visitor advances time by seconds or millennia. </content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-07-15.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># drifter&#xA;&#xA;a feeling of being &#39;out here&#39;.&#xA;&#xA;a feeling of having left the place of familiar faces, friends, the noise of lives together.&#xA;&#xA;a conscious wandering.&#xA;&#xA;a story to tell upon return, perhaps.</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-07-12.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># Bruise&#xA;&#xA;Everything now live for the BRUISE page.&#xA;&#xA;It&#39;s at:&#xA;&#xA;=&gt; https://bruise.in&#xA;&#xA;I haven&#39;t started sharing that loudly yet.&#xA;I&#39;m still finding mistakes and odd things.&#xA;&#xA;I ended up with everything prepared in Markdown, but without a static site generator that I could use to pull everything together - so, stitched it by hand. I&#39;m more familiar with the processes now though, so perhaps another attempt at Hugo/Jekyll/Eleventy is in order.&#xA;&#xA;As much as I&#39;m excited to be sharing the Bruise stuff - it is clearly, in part, an elaborate distraction against writing anything new. Now that it is almost released, I&#39;m beginning to think about building back in some good habits for creating space to write in.&#xA;&#xA;The BRUISE page is still missing a Gemini mirror or home. I guess for now, the Ghost Glyph page will suffice!</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-06-28.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain"># Ambling&#xA;&#xA;texts nearly converted/formalised as markdown.&#xA;&#xA;noticing space for more additional resources that could be built in to BRUISE, as a kind of tour guide for these strange journeys into e-pub, fictions, networks.&#xA;&#xA;obviously there is a balance though as discovering these spaces is part of what makes them feel good.</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-06-17.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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<content type="text/plain">## Bruise&#xA;&#xA;Continuing development of a project that will bring together some texts I&#39;ve written over the last few years as well as formulations of some research ideas and strategies.&#xA;&#xA;The project principles are,&#xA;&#xA;### Hard principles&#xA;&#xA;- Open (availability and construction)&#xA;- Accessible&#xA;- Experimental (DIY, low-energy)&#xA;- Adaptable&#xA;- Hand-coded&#xA;- Fungible&#xA;- Primarily electronic text (how do fictions exist in the screen)&#xA;&#xA;### Soft principles&#xA;- Burn-in&#xA;- Networked writing&#xA;- Networked reading&#xA;- Parasitic fictions that occupy the screen&#xA;- Persistent fictions that burn in&#xA;- Fictions unbound with open-source hardware&#xA;- Within Text (bruise)&#xA;</content>

<link href="//ghostglyph.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-06-12.gmi" rel="alternate"></link>

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