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text/gemini # Replies: ACDW, Flexibeast, Samsai, Drew DeVault ## ACDW > I feel like it's been going this way a long time, at all levels -- cf. the "Take All the Vacation Time You Want" policies at Silicon Valley tech giants, which leads to /less/ vacation time taken => gemini:// Vocational Awe Yes, I get the sense that as librarians or other workers are losing tangible benefits (like salary) they’re also being pressured into losing intangible benefits (free time, job security) because that depends more on personal and company-wide norms than procedures. Have they gained anything? Empty rhetoric: vocational awe. ## Flexibeast > Later, the mathematician wakes up and smells smoke. Going into the hall, seeing the fire, and then the fire hose, she thinks for a moment, exclaims, "Ah, a solution exists!", and goes back to bed. => gemini:// Beyond bivalence I had heard this joke a few times in college but only half-understood it. Read this post to get a better grasp. ## Samsai > At the moment it is entirely possible to create content silos for people to more accessibly produce content, for example by creating a WWW site that utilizes fancy Javascript-based text editors and CMS tools => gemini:// RE: Gemini and Post That’s pretty much my view too. If I had my druthers, a user-friendly gemlog would run a CMS gemapp that shows posts and a CMS webapp that exposes an HTTPS API. The author would use a native app, of course, that posts to the API. The spirit of Gemini is still upheld (IMO) in such a system. Readers of the gemlog get all the benefits of the Gemini experience because they only use Gemini. The author is not using the Gemini protocol, but they aren’t suffering the effects of the modern web so long as their HTTPS part is just an API, not (for example) a modern HTML5 Facebook page. This is essentially how an app like works. Though the blogs it supports are web-based, app users just see a native app communicating over purpose-built protocols like AtomPub. => (WWW) MarsEdit page ## Drew DeVault > I wonder if we could convert HTML to Gemtext by using the guts of Firefox's reader view to simplify it to a reasonable subset of HTML first? => gemini:// Hacker News over Gemini Hooray! I was just writing about this sort of thing (see previous post) but Drew DeVault has actually tried it out. Check his post for the details and source code. ## Footer 8 November 2020 by Sardonyx File under: reply post => ../Sardonyx/ Up to post index => ../Sardonyx/1604709835.gmi Previous post: Link Round-Up: Reader View, Zero Downtime Erlang, Postmortems (without any corpses), Running Apps on macOS Without Apple Scrutiny => ../Sardonyx/1608486647.gmi Next post: Big Software (In A Small Corner Of The Web)
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