𝕿𝖊𝖈𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 Bulletin for Friday, February 03, 2023


Generated Sat 4 Feb 02:41:28 GMT 2023

Created by Dr. Roy Schestowitz (𝚛𝚘𝚢 (at) 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚣 (dot) 𝚌𝚘𝚖)

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Gemini index for the day: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/02/03/

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Previous bulletins in IPFS (past 21 days, in chronological order):






















╒═══════════════════ 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐗 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╕

⦿ The Collapse of Sirius in a Nutshell: How to Identify the Symptoms and Decide When to Leave | Techrights

⦿ Sirius Finished | Techrights

䷼ Bulletin articles (as HTML) to comment on (requires login):



䷞ Followed by Daily Links (assorted news picks curated and categorised):




                ䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 52

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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/02/03/collapse-of-sirius/#comments

Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/02/03/collapse-of-sirius/

⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 02.03.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧


✐ The_Collapse_of_Sirius_in_a_Nutshell:_How_to_Identify_the_Symptoms_and_Decide


Posted in Deception, Free/Libre_Software at 1:49 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


      From Rianne’s_departure_message about Sirius_‘Open_Source’

Summary: Sirius is finished, but it’s important to share the lessons learned

with other people; there might be other “pretenders” out there and they need to

be abandoned

THIS is by no means a complete summary; the Sirius_‘Open_Source’_wiki contains

a more complete overview. However, this is an abbreviated summary focusing on

the issues at hand, rewriting them for an audience that might think about

leaving a toxic employer but isn’t sure why or how. Some readers have asked for

such a summary as they consider doing the same.

We’ve decided to use the existing articles’ index to make this grand summary of

the issues, split suitably for quicker digestion (covering unions, staff health

etc.) and omitting more employer-specific scandals, e.g. illegal contract-

signing (we included a response to my initial refusal/declination and others’),

E-mail clippings as evidence and so on.

“Do not attempt to rationalise staying.”The short story is: do_not_participate

in_lying_and_in_illegal_acts. If you feel like your employer is heading in this

direction, prepare to leave.

Don’t wait too long. Do not attempt to rationalise staying. Your morality is

more important than short-term conveniences like “paying the mortgage” or

“staying with colleagues”.

I joined Sirius 12 years ago (in February of 2011). The CEO was kind to me at

the time. We’ve shared a screenshot from the Internet Archive of the company’s

old site (back when it was a sponsor of the Free Software Foundation). The CEO,

as I found out much later, was hopping from one woman to the next, saddling

them with daughters whom he failed to take care of. He was getting married when

I spoke about joining, marrying a manager in the company — a manager whom he

had already had a child with. It was maybe too late for me to properly

understand the chronology of it, but it seemed benign at the time. It smacked

of nepotism already, but at least the spouse had actual experience as a

manager. Similarly, my wife had a degree in Computer Science. The CEO, as I

recently found out, was also allegedly cheating on his second wife. We’re still

investigating the nature of that as it impacts the company directly. The CEO is

not a good person. I was warned about him being a chronic liar some time around

2006, but I did not fully heed this warning.

“My ‘tenure’ at the company was generally good; nobody complained and I was

“Star of the Week” (10-pound voucher award) about a decade ago. I also have

some other physical certificates that they sent me in recognition (e.g.

laminated finish on paper for my 5-year anniversary).”The company was in

disarray in (or by) 2022. Heck, it was standing on one foot for several years

already (maybe since 2019). In 2021 they sent me a bogus message about

“disciplinary note”, simply because I’d not say “hi, it’s Roy” or something

inane like this over the phone. The management failed to prepare staff and then

tried to blame the staff, which was assigned to handle clerical work using a

truly defective product with impossible demands (answering within 3 rings).

My ‘tenure’ at the company was generally good; nobody complained and I was

“Star of the Week” (10-pound voucher award) about a decade ago. I also have

some other physical certificates that they sent me in recognition (e.g.

laminated finish on paper for my 5-year anniversary).

So what compelled me to leave?

A lot of things.

Above all, the ethics associated with the job became far too problematic. I

wrote about this in my blog last summer and again when I left this past

December. Some clients were truly awful and immoral. I don’t want to name them,

and thankfully I’ve avoided working with/for them. By this point Sirius kept

announcing clients that later turned out to ‘pre’ announcements (or truly

premature as nothing ever came out of it). The managers were desperate to give

a false impression (illusion) of getting business and some of the actual

“business” they attracted is worse than nothing. Some past clients did not wish

to associate with Sirius and at least one past client (telephony sector

company) asked to be removed from the fake “clients” page of Sirius.

I can’t blame those clients. Being associated with Sirius was becoming a

liability to them. Search for ‘The Liar’ in the headlines here; you’ll see what

I mean… don’t tolerate any bosses who keep saying they’re too busy to reply to

E-mail from staff; so what are they doing all day? If they don’t even respond

to staff, then it’s not clear if they’re busy at all; they could just as well

pretend to be “busy” by not doing anything at all, then use that as an excuse

or “evidence” of the busy-ness.

The Liar (nickname) later resorted to using flimsy ‘evidence’. He said, without

any evidence, that I had uttered something “defamatory”; it took two weeks to

actually show something and what they then showed was some side IRC channel

(that nobody reads) stating perfectly factual information about my experiences,

without naming people or any company. It was a chat between just two people and

didn’t reveal anyone’s identity. It was factual and necessary; it was moral to

object to bad ideas. Blind obedience and unquestionable docility should not be

seen as a merit.

“Blind obedience and unquestionable docility should not be seen as a merit.”The

company was, at this point, not even an attractive employer. Set aside the

ethical deficit. It had no actual office (Sirius used to host for clients, not

outsource for them) and had some technical workers compared to “monkeys” (even

treated as such). In recent years it became trivial to show, using documents_in

the_public_domain, that the company was operating like a shell. It was simple

to show it’s getting worse over time and unbearable debt was growing. The

company was going to go under (just a matter of time) and the staff had no

prospects of progression (well, no chance at progression except through

nepotism (like family) or sex); the company was no longer “open source”, except

in name, bragging about ISO certification (see The Inside Story of ISO

‘Certification’ Mill) while gaslighting people who actually value security/


If you work in a company such as this, don’t expect it to improve. The people

with greater skills and integrity likely left already. They won’t be coming


Not only did the company ignore the warnings from me (about security problems),

it didn’t even change passwords, alter providers, or self-host an actual “Open

Source” alternative that doesn’t lie about security breaches. Sirius kept

paying huge bills for “clown computing” (instances that were idle almost all

the time) and my suggestion of self-hosting, like we did before, were dismissed

as “hobbyist” by the CEO. So what is to be sold as a service? Outsourcing?

For more information about these things, revisit the parts about “How Carbon

Accounting Became a Cover for Sirius Open Source Ltd.” and “How Sirius Open

Source Ltd. Felt Deep Into Debt” (super dodgy).

“For projects to be done (e.g. programming) one needs a proper daytime job

without distraction and with decent pay.”By the time we left (in 2022) the

company was quite frankly broke and not worth suing for severance. It had

likely plundered some older pensions already (still the subject of an ongoing

probe; photographs_of_letters_from_the_current_pension_provider suggest they

might try this again). This became a cultural, chronic problem. For instance,

the management lied about providing recordings of meetings in 2019, so I

started making my own recordings of such meetings. I could not trust managers’

words. Such chronic lying and false promises are a sign it’s time to leave (or

prepare to leave). I already prepared in 2019, but then COVID-19 happened. The

managers like to tell themselves they did us a favour. But people who are idle

a lot of the time because they work overnight, devoted to complex tasks of

monitoring many things and responding, can never sleep well. This impacts their

physical and mental health. They make personal compromises while getting paid

laughably little. For projects to be done (e.g. programming) one needs a proper

daytime job without distraction and with decent pay.

Sirius Open Wash Ltd. (maybe a suggested name for another — likely third —

shell entity) would be letting Windows users who adore surveillance get

involved in decision-making, grabbing Gates Foundation money to pretend they

have a future (Gates never needed a British company to handle something

thousands of American firms can easily handle). Seeing that the CEO’s and the

company’s Twitter accounts (all of them) have not tweeted anything since last

summer, we suppose no other shell will be created. Sirius is finished. Jobs

were advertised by the company’s account in Twitter last year, but only on

short-term contractual basis. It now says the company is also US-based and says

laughable things like Sirius being American leaders in the area (Sirius has

almost no clients and staff there), simply because the chief absconded,

escaping responsibilities for his family which he ditched (so he can have sex

with another woman, apparently some American he met).


So he’s likely running away to dodge litigation and maybe dodge payments to the

two former wives and 4 daughters, especially the young ones (early teens at

this time).

This series has attempted to be impersonal (no names), but at some point it can

get trickier. We still try to work around the secrecy of the NDA and figure out

what exactly happened in 2019. █
















































                ䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 303

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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/02/03/to-quote-final-letter/#comments

Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/02/03/to-quote-final-letter/

⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 02.03.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧


✐ Sirius_Finished⠀✐

Posted in Deception, Free/Libre_Software at 1:57 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Video_download_link | md5sum b8720fc3b41aaa603c06b9b81ba9921c

Sirius Closure and Steps Ahead

Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0


Summary: Yesterday I was sent a letter approving my resignation from Sirius

‘Open_Source’, two months after I had already announced that I was resigning

with immediate effect; they sent an identical letter to my wife (this time,

unlike before, they remembered to also change the names!!)

THIS is just an update regarding Sirius, as it sent the following yesterday; it

was sent one day after the actual date of the letter (“Acceptance of your

Resignation [...] Please see the attached letter.”) and to quote:

 Re: Your resignation has been accepted

 Dear Roy,

 I write further to my letter of 9th Dec 2022 in which I asked you to

 reconsider your resignation and gave you a cooling off period to 16th

 Dec 2022. Given that I did not hear from you before the end of the

 cooling off period, I could only therefore assume that you did not

 wish to retract your resignation.

 I am disappointed that you decided not to allow us the opportunity to

 attempt to resolve any concerns that led to your resignation, however

 I have to respect your decision and it is therefore with regret that

 your resignation was accepted, with your final day of employment

 being Friday 16th December.

 Any accrued holidays you ha not taken will be paid in your final pay,

 which should have been processed in the January payment run. Your P45

 will be issued as soon as possible after your final pay has been


 We wish you every success in the future.

 Yours sincerely,


 CEO, Sirius UK

As I explain in the video above, it seems like a face-saving publicity stunt

from them, pretending all was amicable. We’re meanwhile investigating what

happened to the pensions of all past staff; the Standard Life management is

being super-evasive about it. One might assume it got plundered by Sirius

management, but we’re still trying to find verifiable evidence of that. Now

that British and French workers are staging massive strikes (the latter over

pensions in particular) we urge people all around the world to check that their

pensions haven’t been rendered scams. It seems like a trend. █

                ䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 386

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⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 02.03.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧


✐ Links_03/02/2023:_GNU_C_Library_2.37⠀✐

Posted in News_Roundup at 9:31 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


§ Contents⠀➾

* GNU/Linux

      o Server

      o Applications

      o Instructionals/Technical

      o Desktop_Environments/WMs

            # K_Desktop_Environment/KDE_SC/Qt

* Distributions_and_Operating_Systems

      o New_Releases

      o BSD

      o Gentoo_Family

      o Red_Hat_/_IBM

      o Devices/Embedded

      o Mobile_Systems/Mobile_Applications

* Free,_Libre,_and_Open_Source_Software

      o Events

      o Web_Browsers/Web_Servers

            # Mozilla

      o Productivity_Software/LibreOffice/Calligra

      o GNU_Projects

      o Programming/Development

            # Rust

* Leftovers

      o Science

      o Education

      o Hardware

      o Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      o Proprietary

      o Security

            # Privacy/Surveillance

      o Defence/Aggression

      o Environment

            # Energy/Transportation

            # Wildlife/Nature

            # Overpopulation

      o Finance

      o AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      o Censorship/Free_Speech

      o Freedom_of_Information_/_Freedom_of_the_Press

      o Civil_Rights/Policing

      o Internet_Policy/Net_Neutrality

      o Monopolies

            # Patents

* Gemini*_and_Gopher

      o Personal

      o Politics

      o Technical

            # Internet/Gemini

* § GNU/Linux⠀➾

      o § Server⠀➾

            # ⚓ Silicon Angle ☛ Cloud_growth_doesn’t_stop_economy_from

              biting_Amazon_and_Alphabet [Ed: Clown computing is a bubble;

              people get tired]⠀⇛

                   The sky is no longer the limit for cloud computing

                   giants, as the slowing economy strikes at one of

                   tech’s biggest growth stories of the past decade.

§ Applications⠀➾

* ⚓ Linux Links ☛ 8_Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Terminal-Based_Music


       All music libraries are different, and the right open source

       music player can make a world of difference – especially if

       you’ve a large collection. We recommend the best terminal-based

       music players.

* ⚓ 9to5Linux ☛ OBS_Studio_29.0.1_Is_Out_to_Fix_Linux_Crash_on_Wayland,_X11


       OBS Studio 29.0.1 open-source and free software for live

       streaming and screen recording is now available for download as

       a “hotfix” release that addresses several issues discovered in

       OBS Studio 29.0.

       There are several Linux-specific fixes in OBS Studio 29.0.1,

       including a crash when using Wayland and trying to use the

       automatic scene switcher, an issue where screen capturing

       wouldn’t work correctly on X11, a bug where overriding the

       theme could cause OBS Studio to fail to start, as well as a

       software rendering issue.

* ⚓ Linux Links ☛ Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Alternatives_to_Corel_Pinnacle


       Corel has dabbled with Linux over the years. For example they

       produced Corel Linux, a Debian-based distribution which bundled

       Corel WordPerfect Office for Linux. While Corel effectively

       abandoned its Linux business in 2001 they are not completely

       Linux-phobic. For example, AfterShot Pro has an up to date

       Linux version albeit its proprietary software.

       This series looks at the best free and open source alternatives

       to products offered by Corel.

§ Instructionals/Technical⠀➾

* ⚓ DebugPoint ☛ How_to_Enable_‘Dark_Mode’_in_LibreOffice⠀⇛

       Tutorial for you on how to enable dark mode in LibreOffice in

       Ubuntu, Linux and Windows systems. LibreOffice, the free and

       open-source office productivity software, is used by millions

       worldwide. This cross-platform software runs on Windows, Linux,

       and other distributions. Millions of users around the world use


* ⚓ Creating_a_multi-node_cluster_with_KinD⠀⇛

       Introduction Kubernetes is an open-source platform that

       automates the deployment, scaling, and management of

       containerized applications. KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) is a

       tool that can be used to create a local Kubernetes cluster for

       testing and development purposes.

* ⚓ Creating_a_single-node_cluster_with_Minikube⠀⇛

       Kubernetes is an open-source platform that provides container

       orchestration services, making it easier to manage containers,

       networks, and storage.

* ⚓ Kubernetes_Clusters_Overview⠀⇛

       Kubernetes is an open-source platform that automates the

       deployment, scaling, and management of containerized

       applications. It has become the de facto standard for managing

       containers and has been widely adopted by organizations around

       the world.

* ⚓ ID Root ☛ How_To_Install_GRV_on_Ubuntu_22.04_LTS⠀⇛

       In this tutorial, we will show you how to install GRV on Ubuntu

       22.04 LTS.

* ⚓ Linux Shell Tips ☛ The_Ultimate_Docker_Commands_Cheat_Sheet_for_Linux⠀⇛

       Do you want a containerized application? Get Docker, which is

       the most preferred platform that helps you design, deploy, and

       execute programs as lightweight

* ⚓ Linux Capable ☛ How_to_Install_Rust_on_Linux_Mint_21_or_20⠀⇛

       Rust is a modern and highly efficient systems programming

       language that has been gaining popularity among developers for

       its performance, security, and ability to handle complex

       programming tasks. It has quickly become one of the most

       sought-after languages in the development and programming


* ⚓ TecMint ☛ How_to_List_and_Extract_tar.xz_File_in_Linux⠀⇛

       A tar.xz file extension shows that the file is a tar archive

       file compressed using the XZ compression tool. In this guide,

       we will cover various examples of how to list contests of a

* ⚓ Displaying_routing_information_in_Linux⠀⇛

       As a Linux user, you may come across a scenario where you need

       to access information about your network routing. This

       information can be very useful for troubleshooting, monitoring,

       and security purposes. In this article, we will learn how to

       display routing information in Linux and understand the output.

* ⚓ Displaying_interface_IP_information_in_Linux⠀⇛

       Linux is a popular open-source operating system that is widely

       used by developers, system administrators, and home users. One

       of the many advantages of using Linux is the availability of

       powerful command-line tools that can be used to perform various

       tasks, including managing network interfaces.

* ⚓ DebugPoint ☛ 10_Things_to_Do_After_Installing_elementary_OS_7_“Horus”⠀⇛

       After much rumour and speculation, elementary OS 7 “Horus” is

       finally released, based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS “Jammy Jellyfish”.

       This release is moderate in terms of features and updates. In a

       nutshell, it’s more of a stepping stone for future releases as

       per as the core features go.

       That said, if you have already finished installing elementary

       OS 7, then you might consider the following tips to customize

       and explore this beautiful Linux distribution.

§ Desktop Environments/WMs⠀➾

* § K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt⠀➾

      o ⚓ KDE_Gear_22.12.2_available_on_Fedora_37⠀⇛

             After theannouncementupstream, Fedora’s@kde-sigfollows up

             by making KDE Gear 22.12.2 available on Fedora 37.

             As per Fedora’s policy, the software will first land

             onupdates-testingand after receiving feedback and karma

             it will land on theupdatesrepository.

             If you want to help, make sure to follow the instructions

             on theupdate. You only need to run:

             sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing --refresh -


             Feel free to join us at ourMatrix_room!.

      o ⚓ Volker Krause ☛ December/January_in_KDE_Itinerary⠀⇛

             There has been plenty of activity aroundKDE

             Itinerarysince thelast_summary_posttwo month ago,

             including work to leverage train onboard APIs and

             improved event support.

§ Distributions and Operating Systems⠀➾

* § New Releases⠀➾

      o ⚓ Linuxiac ☛ elementary_OS_7_Takes_Its_Place_Among_the_Best_Linux


             The anticipated elementary OS 7 “Horus” release is here,

             continuing to compete for the prize of best Linux

             desktop. Here’s our review!

             Hundreds of distributions compete to become the preferred

             choice for Linux users in the desktop segment. Each has a

             different vision and approach for achieving this, which

             is wonderful because diversity and choice are two major

             aspects that make Linux attractive to all of us.

             Elementary OS is a bright star in this constellation. It

             is a Ubuntu-based Linux distro designed to provide a

             visually appealing and user-friendly experience for

             desktop and laptop computers. It has its desktop

             environment named Pantheon, its own set of applications,

             and third-party software compatible with Ubuntu.

      o ⚓ Make Use Of ☛ elementary_OS_7_Is_Now_Available:_Here’s_What’s


             After over a year since the previous release, elementary

             OS 7 “Horus” has arrived. Much has changed in that time,

             and the Linux landscape looks quite a bit different.

             On the surface, version 7.0 isn’t a substantial release.

             So let’s dive into what’s new and see what stands out.

* § BSD⠀➾

      o ⚓ Benny Siegert ☛ pkgsrc_and_a_Call_for_Action⠀⇛

             I have been a pkgsrc developer for several years. For

             what it’s worth, I think pkgsrc is wonderful: a large

             selection of third-party software, packaged so that it is

             easy to install with a single command — either building

             everything from source, or relying on binary packages.

             pkgsrc supports dozens of OSes — not just NetBSD but also

             other BSDs, macOS, Linux, Illumos and more.

             On the other hand, unfortunately, pkgsrc and NetBSD in

             general are suffering from what I would call a loss of


* § Gentoo Family⠀➾

      o ⚓ It’s FOSS ☛ 7_Best_Gentoo-Based_Linux_Distributions⠀⇛

             Gentoo Linux is one of the best Linux distributions for

             advanced users. Want something similar but maybe easier?

             Gentoo-based distros are your solution.

             Gentoo Linux is famous for its package manager, Portage,

             which allows you to customize every package per your

             requirements and build/configure things from the ground

             up. This way, you get to optimize your system experience

             in the best possible way.

             However, it is understandable that not everyone prefers

             using Gentoo Linux because of its learning curve or the

             effort required to set it up…

* § Red Hat / IBM⠀➾

      o ⚓ Enterprisers Project ☛ 6_sustainability_strategies_that_help


      o ⚓ Red Hat Official ☛ Customer_success_stories:_How_Red_Hat_products



      o ⚓ Ericsson,_Red_Hat_support_Spark’s_5G_SA_trial_in_New_Zealand⠀⇛

      o ⚓ Red Hat Official ☛ Red_Hat_Launches_Ansible_Automation_Platform


      o ⚓ Silicon Angle ☛ SAP_endorses_Red_Hat_Linux_as_strategic_cloud


      o ⚓ Red Hat Official ☛ Red_Hat_and_Oracle_Expand_Collaboration_to


* § Devices/Embedded⠀➾

      o ⚓ Linux Gizmos ☛ AtomS3_Lite_ESP32S3_Dev_Kit_introduced_at_$7.50⠀⇛

             M5Stack just launched a miniature embedded device based

             on the ESP32-S4FN3 Microcontroller.

      o ⚓ Linux Gizmos ☛ Pixhawk_V6X_flight_controller_integrates_3


             The Pixhawk V6X is a flight controller platform designed

             in collaboration with CUAV and the PX4 team. This device

             follows the Pixhawk FMUv6X standard, Bus standard and

             Connector standard.

      o ⚓ Hackaday ☛ A_Disposable_Dumper_For_ROM_Chips_With_A_Pi_Pico⠀⇛

             ROM dumping is vital for preserving old hardware, and

             we’ve seen many hacks dedicated to letting someone dump a

             ROM and send its contents to some hacker stuck…

      o ⚓ CNX Software ☛ Nordic_Semi_nRF7002_DK_low-power_dual-band_WiFi_6


             Nordic Semi nRF7002 DK is an IoT development kit based on

             the nRF5340 dual-core Cortex-M33 multi-protocol wireless

             SoC and nRF7002 companion chip adding low-power dual-band

             (2.4GHz and 5.0 GHz) WiFi 6 connectivity.

      o ⚓ CNX Software ☛ Beken_BK7256_320_MHz_dual-core_RISC-V_IoT_MCU


             Until now, I had only heard about Beken Bluetooth audio

             chips, but I’ve just been informed the company is also

             making WiFi chips such as the BK7256 that are notably

             found in some Tuya Smart Home modules.

* § Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications⠀➾

      o ⚓ Computer World ☛ 5_more_out-of-sight_options_to_supercharge


      o ⚓ Gizmo China ☛ OnePlus_11_Will_Get_4_Years_of_Android_&_5_Years_of


      o ⚓ Phone Arena ☛ Your_Android_phone_may_become_able_to_act_as_USB


      o ⚓ Dignited ☛ How_to_use_Android_Apps_on_Chromebook_–_Dignited⠀⇛

      o ⚓ Finally!_Fairphone_2_comes_to_play_with_Android_12_–_Phandroid⠀⇛

      o ⚓ 9to5Google ☛ Custom_ROM_brings_Android_13_to_Galaxy_S9_and_Note


      o ⚓ Gizmo China ☛ Realme_GT_Neo2_Gets_Stable_Android_13_Update_in


      o ⚓ SamMobile ☛ Samsung_Galaxy_XCover_6_Pro_gets_Android_13_update_in


      o ⚓ India Times ☛ Google_may_introduce_Apple’s_Continuity_Camera


      o ⚓ XDA ☛ Noble_ROM_3.0_brings_One_UI_5_with_Android_13_to_the


      o ⚓ India Today ☛ Android_14_to_let_you_use_your_smartphone_as


      o ⚓ TechTarget ☛ How_long_should_you_support_Android_phones_in_the


      o ⚓ Online Tech Tips ☛ How_to_Lock_Apps_on_Your_Android_Smartphone⠀⇛

      o ⚓ CNET ☛ Delete_Your_Android_Web_Browser’s_Cookies,_Cache_to


      o ⚓ Android Police ☛ Android’s_working_on_its_own_Continuity_Camera


      o ⚓ 8_Best_Fixes_for_‘No_SIM_Card’_Error_on_Android_–_Guiding_Tech⠀⇛

§ Free, Libre, and Open Source Software⠀➾

* ⚓ OpenSource.com ☛ How_I_apply_open_source_principles_to_filmmaking⠀⇛

       On the other hand, film productions often record hours of

       footage and audio but only use a small percentage of those in

       the film. Footage that might not have an immediate use for a

       film’s production house can be useful for others. In my case,

       many interviewed marginalized communities have a moral

       ownership over the footage. But researchers and others who

       interview them do not always provide communities with direct

       and open access. For these ethical and practical reasons, it is

       a good idea to share footage and the film under an open license

       and inform the communities interviewed or featured.

       There are many reasons filmmakers cannot release films under an

       open license, but this post is for those who somehow can. I

       often imagined what the open source equivalent would be for

       films that adhere to the Openness philosophy. Enter “Open

       Filmmaking,” a framework that encourages releasing the source

       code of a film, i.e., footage under open licenses, and actively

       uses other practices such as open source software and open

       multimedia resources.

       In my two recent documentary film projects, “The Volunteer

       Archivists” and “Nani Ma,” I utilized media with open licenses

       and various open source software (FLOSS). The films explore the

       areas of citizen science, archiving public domain text,

       documentation of oral history, and the use of open licenses and

       open source, as well as volunteerism.

* ⚓ It’s FOSS ☛ FOSS_Weekly_#23.05:_LibreOffice_7.5,_New_Fedora_Spin,


       This edition is focused on solving common annoyances in Ubuntu

       these days.

* ⚓ Jon Udell ☛ Mapping_the_wider_Fediverse⠀⇛

       I began this journey convinced that Steampipe could help the

       Fediverse evolve, but not sure exactly how. My first thought

       was to use Steampipe’s API-wrangling superpower to study

       patterns of communication (and conflict) across the Fediverse.

* ⚓ Venture Beat ☛ Bringing_order_to_data_lakehouses,_Onehouse_is_expanding


       Managed data lakehouse vendor Onehouse has raised $25M in a

       series A to advance its technology efforts based on Apache


* § Events⠀➾

      o ⚓ Linux Journal ☛ SoCal_Linux_Expo_Back_For_20th_Anniversary⠀⇛

             This 4-day annual event brings together the vibrant Open

             Source user community, tech industry leaders, developers,

             users and many more.  Session track themes have included

             security, developer, embedded, medical and legal to name

             a few.  The expert speakers have never failed to impress

             and inform.  Your biggest challenge will likely be trying

             to pick which session to attend.  One certainty:

             Saturday’s keynote by Arun Gupta will be standing room


* § Web Browsers/Web Servers⠀➾

      o § Mozilla⠀➾

            # ⚓ Mozilla ☛ Mozilla:About:Community:_Meet_us_at_FOSDEM_2023⠀⇛

                   Hello everyone,

                   It is that time of the year, and we are off to

                   Brussels for  FOSDEM 2023!

                   FOSDEM is a central appointment for the Open Source


            # ⚓ Karl_Dubost:_Blade_Runner_2023⠀⇛

                   Webcompat engineers will never be over their craft.

                   I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Large

                   websites broken off the shoulder of developer

                   tools. I watched Compat-beams glitter in the dark

                   near the Interoperability Gate. All those moments

                   will be lost in time, like tears in rain.Time_to


                   In other news:Pushing_Interop_Forward_in_2023

            # ⚓ The_Servo_Blog:_Servo_2023_Roadmap⠀⇛

                   As we move forward with ourrenewed_project

                   activity, we would like to share more details about

                   our plans for 2023.

* § Productivity Software/LibreOffice/Calligra⠀➾

      o ⚓ DebugPoint ☛ LibreOffice_7.5:_Top_New_Features_&_Release_Info⠀⇛

             Feature highlights of LibreOffice 7.5 across Calc,

             Writer, Impress and common updates. The LibreOffice 7.5

             release is loaded with features and improvements across

             modules. The changes include feature updates, bug fixes,

             Microsoft Office compatibility, export features, macro

             programming improvements and many more.

      o ⚓ Ubuntu Handbook ☛ LibreOffice_7.5_Released_with_New_App_Icons,


             LibreOffice, the default office suite in most Linux,

             announced the new 7.5 feature release today! The new

             release has greatly improved the dark mode support. It

             now has fully dark appearance, instead of leaving the

             document background white in dark mode.

      o ⚓ Video:_New_Features_in_LibreOffice_7.5⠀⇛

             A quick look at some of the new features in LibreOffice

             7.5, which we announced yesterday!

* § GNU Projects⠀➾

      o ⚓ GNU ☛ libc_@_Savannah:_The_GNU_C_Library_version_2.37_is_now


             The GNU C Library


             The GNU C Library version 2.37 is now available.

             The GNU C Library is used astheC library in the GNU

             system and

             in GNU/Linux systems, as well as many other systems that

             use Linux

             as the kernel.

             The GNU C Library is primarily designed to be a portable

             and high performance C library.  It follows all relevant

             standards including ISO C11 and POSIX.1-2017.  It is also

             internationalized and has one of the most complete

             internationalization interfaces known.

             The GNU C Library webpage is athttp://www.gnu.org/


             Packages for the 2.37 release may be downloaded from:



             The mirror list is athttp://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html

             Distributions are encouraged to track the release/

             * branches

             corresponding to the releases they are using.  The


             branches will be updated with conservative bug fixes and


             features while retaining backwards compatibility.

             NEWS for version 2.37


             Major new features:

                 # The getent tool now supports the –no-addrconfig

                   option. The output of

             getent with –no-addrconfig may contain addresses of

             families not

             configured on the current host i.e. as-if you had not


             AI_ADDRCONFIG to getaddrinfo calls.

             Deprecated and removed features, and other changes

             affecting compatibility:

                 # The dynamic linker no longer loads shared objects

                   from the “tls”

             subdirectories on the library search path or the

             subdirectory that

             corresponds to the AT_PLATFORM system name, or employs

             the legacy AT_HWCAP

             search mechanism, which was deprecated in version 2.33.

             Security related changes:

             CVE-2022-39046: When the syslog function is passed a

             crafted input

             string larger than 1024 bytes, it reads uninitialized

             memory from the

             heap and prints it to the target log file, potentially

             revealing a

             portion of the contents of the heap.

             The following bugs are resolved with this release:

             [12154] network: Cannot resolve hosts which have wildcard


             [12165] libc: readdir: Do not skip entries with zero

             d_ino values

             [19444] build: build failures with -O1 due to -Wmaybe-


             [24774] nptl: pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock stalls on ARM

             [24816] nss: nss/tst-nss-files-hosts-long fails when no

             interface has

             AF_INET6 address (ie docker)

             [27087] stdio: PowerPC: Redefinition error with Clang

             from IEEE

             redirection headers

             [28846] network: CMSG_NXTHDR may trigger -Wstrict-

             overflow warning

             [28937] dynamic-link: New DSO dependency sorter does not

             put new map

             first if in a cycle

             [29249] libc: csu/libc-tls.c:202: undefined reference to


             [29305] network: Inefficient buffer space usage in

             nss_dns for

             gethostbyname and other functions

             [29375] libc: don’t hide MAP_ANONYMOUS behind _GNU_SOURCE

             [29402] nscd: nscd: No such file or directory

             [29415] nscd: getaddrinfo with AI_ADDRCONFIG returns

             addresses with

             wrong family

             [29427] dynamic-link: Inconsistency detected by ld.so:


             200: _dl_debug_vdprintf: Assertion `! “invalid format



             [29463] math: math/test-float128-y1 fails on x86_64

             [29485] build: Make hangs when the test misc/tst-pidfile



             [29490] dynamic-link: [bisected] new __brk_call causes

             dynamic loader

             segfault on alpha

             [29499] build: Check failed on misc/tst-glibcsyscalls

             while building

             for RISCV64 on a unmatched hardware

             [29501] build: Check failed on stdlib/tst-strfrom while

             building for

             RISCV64 on a unmatched hardware

             [29502] libc: alpha sys/acct.h out of date

             [29514] build: Need to use -fPIE not -fpie

             [29528] dynamic-link: __libc_early_init not called after

             dlmopen that

             reuses namespace

             [29536] libc: syslog fail to create large messages (CVE-


             [29537] libc: [2.34 regression]: Alignment issue on m68k

             when using

             futexes on qemu-user

             [29539] libc: LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS changed how vDSO

             library are


             [29544] libc: Regression in syslog(3) calls breaks RFC

             due to extra


             [29564] build: Incorrect way to change MAKEFLAGS in


             [29576] build: librtld.os: in function


             (.text+0×9444): undefined reference to `strcpy’

             [29578] libc: Definition of SUN_LEN() is wrong

             [29583] build: iconv failures on 32bit platform due to

             missing large

             file support

             [29600] dynamic-link: dlmopen hangs after loading certain


             [29604] localedata: Update locale data to Unicode 15.0.0

             [29605] nscd: Regression in NSCD backend of getaddrinfo

             [29607] nscd: nscd repeatably crashes calling

             __strlen_avx2 when hosts

             cache is enabled

             [29611] string: Optimized AVX2 string functions

             unconditionally use

             BMI2 instructions

             [29624] malloc: errno is not cleared when entering main

             [29638] libc: stdlib: arc4random fallback is never used

             [29657] libc: Incorrect struct stat for 64-bit time on



             [29698] build: Configuring for AArch32 on ARMv8+ disables


             [29727] locale: __strtol_internal out-of-bounds read when


             thousands grouping

             [29730] libc: broken y2038 support in fstatat on MIPS N64

             [29746] libc: ppoll() does not switch to __ppoll64 when

             -D_TIME_BITS=64 and -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 is given on 32bit

             [29771] libc: Restore IPC_64 support in sysvipc *ctl


             [29780] build: possible parallel make issue in glibc-2.36


             aux.S: No such file or directory)

             [29864] libc: __libc_start_main() should obtain program


             address (_dl_phdr) from the auxv, not the ELF header.

             [29951] time: daylight variable not set correctly if last

             DST change

             coincides with offset change

             [30039] stdio: __vsprintf_internal does not handle

             unspecified buffer

             length in fortify mode

             Release Notes





             This release was made possible by the contributions of

             many people.

             The maintainers are grateful to everyone who has


             changes or bug reports.  These include:

             Adhemerval Zanella

             Adhemerval Zanella Netto

             Alan Modra

             Alistair Francis

             Andreas K. Hüttel

             Andreas Schwab

             Arjun Shankar

             Aurelien Jarno

             Carlos Eduardo Seo

             Carlos O’Donell

             Chenghua Xu

             Cristian Rodríguez

             Damien Zammit

             Fabian Vogt

             Fangrui Song

             Felix Riemann

             Flavio Cruz

             Florian Weimer

             H.J. Lu

             Jakub Wilk

             Javier Pello

             John David Anglin

             Joseph Myers

             Jörg Sonnenberger

             Kito Cheng

             Letu Ren

             Lucas A. M. Magalhaes

             Ludovic Courtès

             Martin Jansa

             Martin Joerg

             Michael Hudson-Doyle

             Mike FABIAN

             Noah Goldstein

             Paul Eggert

             Paul Pluzhnikov

             Qingqing Li

             Rajalakshmi Srinivasaraghavan

             Raphael Moreira Zinsly

             Richard Henderson

             Sajan Karumanchi

             Samuel Thibault

             Sergei Trofimovich

             Sergey Bugaev

             Shahab Vahedi

             Siddhesh Poyarekar

             Stefan Liebler

             Sunil K Pandey

             Szabolcs Nagy

             Tom Honermann

             Tulio Magno Quites Machado Filho

             Vladislav Khmelevsky

             Wilco Dijkstra

             Xi Ruoyao

             Xiaolin Tang

             Xiaoming Ni

             Xing Li

             Yu Chien Peter Lin

             YunQiang Su

             Zong Li



             Łukasz Stelmach


             We would like to call out the following and thank them

             for their

             tireless patch review:

             Adhemerval Zanella

             Arjun Shankar

             Aurelien Jarno

             Carlos O’Donell

             Cristian Rodríguez

             DJ Delorie

             Fangrui Song

             Florian Weimer

             H.J. Lu

             Noah Goldstein

             Palmer Dabbelt

             Paul E. Murphy

             Philippe Mathieu-Daudé

             Premachandra Mallappa

             Sam James

             Siddhesh Poyarekar

             Sunil K Pandey

             Szabolcs Nagy

             Tulio Magno Quites Machado Filho

             Wilco Dijkstra

             Yann Droneaud

* § Programming/Development⠀➾

      o ⚓ Remi Collet ☛ Remi_Collet:_PHP_version_8.1.15_and_8.2.2⠀⇛

             RPMs ofPHP version 8.2.2are available inremi-

             modularrepository forFedora≥ 35 andEnterprise Linux≥ 8

             (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky…) and inremi-php82repository

             for EL 7.

      o ⚓ Fedora Magazine ☛ Fedora_Magazine:_Announcing_the_Display/HDR


             This is Carlos Soriano, Engineering Manager at the GPU

             team at Red Hat. I’m here together with Sebastian Wick,

             primary HDR developer at Red Hat, and Niels de Graef, GPU

             team Product Owner at Red Hat, to announce that we’re

             organizing theDisplay/HDR_hackfestin Brno in the Czech

             Replublic, April 24-26! The focus will be on planning and

             development of the technical infrastructure needed for

             various display technologies, specifically those that

             need GNOME Shell to work in tandem with the GPU stack.

             One of the main examples of this is HDR support, which we

             know you have all been waiting for!

      o § Rust⠀➾

            # ⚓ Hubert Figuière ☛ Hubert_Figuière:_Niepce_January_2023


                   This is the January 2023 update.

                   We start the year by a Rust implementation of the

                   file import. It landed very early as the final

                   stretch of work in 2022.

§ Leftovers⠀➾

* ⚓ Axios ☛ Fully_autonomous_passenger_planes_are_inching_closer_to


       The world’s biggest commercial aircraft makers seem

       increasingly convinced that autonomous passenger flight is a

       question of when, not if.

* ⚓ The Strategist ☛ Making_the_most_of_AUKUS’s_second_pillar⠀⇛

       From its inception, the AUKUS pact has been wrapped in

       expectations. Fundamentally, it is a technology and capability

       agreement—an accelerator.

* ⚓ Matt_Brown:_2023_Writing_Plan⠀⇛

       To achieve mygoalof publishing one high-quality piece of

       writing per week this year, I’ve put together a draft writing

       plan and a few organisational notes.

* § Science⠀➾

      o ⚓ Science Alert ☛ Bar_Graphs_Induce_a_Hidden_Bias_in


             Looks can be deceiving.

* § Education⠀➾

      o ⚓ The Age AU ☛ How_to_improve_education:_just_ask_the_teachers⠀⇛

             Readers discuss the shortage of teachers in schools.

      o ⚓ The Age AU ☛ I_was_a_school_refuser_for_years_–_now_I_have_five


             School refusal is complex and each child’s reasons are

             different. My experience only makes sense to me decades

             later. Shaming parents is cheap and counter-productive.

* § Hardware⠀➾

      o ⚓ Tom’s Hardware ☛ China’s_Origin_Quantum_Delivers_a_Commercial_24-


             Origin Quantum develops China’s first quantum computer,

             ships it with OS, software, and cloud computing platform.

* § Health/Nutrition/Agriculture⠀➾

      o ⚓ The Straits Times ☛ Pacific_nation_of_Micronesia_drops_protest


             Japan is due to release water from the destroyed

             Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea as soon as this


      o ⚓ The Straits Times ☛ Australia_to_legalise_Ecstasy,_magic


             The substances will be lawful from July.

      o ⚓ US News And World Report ☛ Safe_Injection_Sites_Gain_a_Foothold


             The path to supervised drug use in the U.S. has been

             marked with fits and starts, but momentum may be growing.

      o ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ Healthcare_system_on_national_cabinet’s_new


             Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will meet with state and

             territory leaders to consider a plan to solve challenges

             within Australia’s healthcare system.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ The_Teenager_Leading_the_Smartphone_Liberation


             Logan Lane gave up her smartphone. That changed her life.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ The_Unlikely_New_TikTok_Influencers:_Old-School


             Their rapid-fire haggling in Manhattan’s diamond district

             teases the fantasy of making a market, rather than just

             being subject to it.

      o ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ Businesses_progress_suit_over_Vic_COVID-19


             Thousands of Victorian businesses who are continuing to

             suffer the financial impact of COVID-19 lockdowns are one

             step closer to having their class action case against the

             state heard.

      o ⚓ Engadget ☛ Columbia_researchers_bioprint_seamless_3D_skin_grafts


             The science of grafting skin has come a long way from the

             days of scraping it off one part of a patient’s body and

             slapping it back on somewhere else to cover a nasty burn

             or injury.

      o ⚓ Engadget ☛ Amazon_told_lawmakers_it_wouldn’t_build_warehouse


             Amazon told lawmakers it wouldn’t build storm shelters in

             its warehouses after a December 2021 tornadokilled_six

             employeesat an Illinois location. Although the company

             changed its severe-weather response strategy after the

             incident, it essentially told the elected officials that

             since building storm shelters isn’t required by law, it

             won’t do that.

             The company responded to lawmakers Senator Elizabeth

             Warren (D-MA) and Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-

             Cortez (D-NY) and Cori Bush (D-MO), whosent_a_letteron

             December 15th, questioning the company’s lack of storm

             shelters or safe rooms at its warehouses.

      o ⚓ Hong Kong Free Press ☛ Covid-19:_Hong_Kong_drops_vaccination


             Hong Kong has dropped its Covid-19 vaccination

             requirement for non-residents, meaning that unvaccinated

             tourists can enter the city again from Monday.

      o ⚓ Hong Kong Free Press ☛ Covid_PCR_test_requirement_for_cross-



             Travellers crossing the border between Hong Kong and

             mainland China will no longer be required to produce a

             negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Covid-19 test

             result from Monday.

      o ⚓ teleSUR ☛ WHO_Reports_Exponential_Increase_in_Deaths_From_COVID-


             According to the agency, in the last 28 days of the

             current year, the number of deaths has increased by 65

             percent compared to the previous 28 days.

* § Proprietary⠀➾

      o ⚓ DaemonFC (Ryan Farmer) ☛ ChatGPT_can’t_answer_simple_math




             ChatGPT can’t answer simple math questions for NPR while

             another “AI” builds “rocket engines” with unnecessary

             parts, which would explode. OpenAI didn’t respond to NPR,

             but released a new version with “improved math accuracy”

             that was only marginally better.

      o ⚓ DaemonFC (Ryan Farmer) ☛ ChatGPT_apologizes_for_being_wrong_when


             ChatGPT apologizes for being wrong when it wasn’t wrong.

             Me: What is the Mandela Effect? The Mandela Effect refers

             to a phenomenon where a significant number of people

             believe an event or fact occurred differently from how it

             is recorded in history.

* § Security⠀➾

      o § Privacy/Surveillance⠀➾

            # ⚓ New York Times ☛ GoodRx_Leaked_User_Health_Data_to_Facebook


                   The popular drug discount app deceptively shared

                   details on users’ illnesses and medicines with ad

                   firms, regulators said in a legal complaint.

            # ⚓ Engadget ☛ Documents_show_Meta_paid_for_data_scraping


                   Meta has routinelyfought_data_scrapers, but it also

                   participated in that practice itself — if not

                   necessarily for the same reasons.

* § Defence/Aggression⠀➾

      o ⚓ Federal News Network ☛ Biden,_Black_caucus_agree_on_path_forward


             Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have left a

             meeting with President Joe Biden and Vice President

             Kamala Harris with an agreement on how to address the

             issue of policing in America after the recent killing of

             Tyre Nichols. Rep. Steven Horsford, the chairman of the

             Black Caucus, told reporters “the focus will always be on

             public safety.” The group of Black lawmakers did not

             disclose details about the agreement made in the room but

             said there will be more information about the legislative

             package in the days ahead. Horsford says, “This is going

             to require all of us, including Republicans, to get

             across the finish line.”

      o ⚓ AntiWar ☛ Fact_Checking_Zelensky_on_Non-Alignment⠀⇛

      o ⚓ Gizmodo ☛ China_Says_It’s_Checking_Whether_It_Sent_Spy_Balloon_to


             It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…Chinese_spy

             balloon?According to China, the answer could be “maybe.”

      o ⚓ New Yorker ☛ The_Ukraine_Crackup_in_the_G.O.P.⠀⇛

             Republicans aren’t united with one another, never mind

             with Joe Biden.

      o ⚓ US News And World Report ☛ China_Objects_to_More_Nuclear_Sub


             BEIJING (Reuters) – China “firmly objects” to further

             cooperation between Britain, U.S. and Australia on

             nuclear submarines, its foreign ministry…

      o ⚓ New Yorker ☛ How_the_Memphis_Police_Controlled_the_Narrative_of


             Doreen St. Félix, a writer and critic, discusses the

             public’s relationship to police brutality videos, and law

             enforcement’s illusion of transparency.

      o ⚓ Atlantic Council ☛ In_2022,_the_war_in_Ukraine_awakened_Europe.


             How will the EU continue to bolster its security? Can

             Brussels forge a new path toward better relations with

             its partners? Our experts give their recommendations on

             how to get there.

      o ⚓ Atlantic Council ☛ Implementing_NATO’s_Strategic_Concept_on


             Allies made it clear that they consider Russia their most

             immediate and direct threat. Yet they also made headlines

             by addressing challenges emanating from the People’s

             Republic of China (PRC).

      o ⚓ RFERL ☛ Netanyahu_Open_To_Providing_Military_Aid_To_Ukraine,


             Israel does not reject sending military aid to Ukraine,

             Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on February 1.

      o ⚓ RFA ☛ Myanmar_navy_arrests_36_Rohingya_in_Rakhine_state⠀⇛

             They were caught at a port as they boarded a boat to try

             to reach Malaysia, locals say.

      o ⚓ RFA ☛ China’s_coast_guard_‘monitors’_Philippine_navy_ship_in


             A US aircraft carrier is also in the region as the

             country’s defense secretary visits Manila.

      o ⚓ LRT ☛ Baltics,_Poland_call_on_IOC_to_bar_Russian_and_Belarusian


             The Baltic and Polish sports ministers on Thursday called

             on international sports federations and the International

             Olympic Committee (IOC) to bar Russian and Belarusian

             athletes from international competitions.

      o ⚓ RFA ☛ North_Korean_young_people_ordered_to_serve_3_years_in


             As so-called ‘stormtroopers’ they will provide labor for

             mining, construction work, and other government projects.

      o ⚓ RFA ☛ Former_Vietnamese_Coast_Guard_commander_convicted_of


             Nguyen Van Son is accused of stealing more than US$2


      o ⚓ RFERL ☛ Ukraine’s_Allies_Push_IMF_To_Approve_$14_Billion-$16


             Ukraine’s allies are pushing the International Monetary

             Fund (IMF) to finalize plans for a multibillion-dollar

             lending program.

      o ⚓ RFERL ☛ Russians_Pressing_In_Multiple_Directions_In_Donetsk_Amid


             Russian troops are not slowing their push in several

             areas of the Donetsk region despite suffering heavy

             losses, the Ukrainian military said on February 3, amid

             indications that Moscow is preparing for a major push in

             the east to break months of stalemate.

      o ⚓ RFERL ☛ Special_Kosovo_Court_Upholds_Most_Convictions_Of_Two


             Appeals judges at a European Union-backed court have

             upheld most of the convictions of two leaders of a Kosovo

             war veterans’ association who were found guilty last year

             of witness intimidation and obstructing justice.

      o ⚓ teleSUR ☛ Japan_Records_First_Increase_in_Crime_in_Two_Decades⠀⇛

             “One of the factors would be street crime,” said Japanese

             Executive spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno.

      o ⚓ CNN ☛ Video_shows_scene_in_the_‘eye_of_the_storm’_of_Russia’s


             CNN’s Frederick Pleitgen reports from Kramatorsk,

             Ukraine, where civilians are facing missile strikes from


      o ⚓ CNN ☛ China_and_Russia_are_as_close_as_ever,_and_that’s_a_problem


             When Antony Blinken touches down in Beijing in the coming

             days for the first visit to China by a US secretary of

             state since 2018, he will be cutting a stark contrast to

             the scene in the Chinese capital one year earlier.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ Soaring_Russian_Death_Toll_in_Ukraine_Gives_Grim


             Moscow is sending poorly trained recruits, including

             convicts, to the front lines in eastern Ukraine to pave

             the way for more seasoned fighters, U.S. and allied

             officials say.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ China_and_the_U.S._Are_Wooing_Indonesia,

        and Beijing_Has_the_Edge⠀⇛

             The resource-laden nation of nearly 300 million is a big

             prize in the strategic battle between the United States

             and China for influence in Asia.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ Symbolic_Support_Is_Likely_as_Zelensky_Meets


             President Volodymyr Zelensky wants commitments for

             Ukraine’s membership in the bloc, but diplomats and

             officials say that concrete announcements are unlikely.

* § Environment⠀➾

      o ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ NZ_floods_add_to_PM’s_inflation_challenge


             The worst flooding in New Zealand’s biggest city Auckland

             has increased inflationary pressure and posed a fresh

             cost-of-living headache for Prime Minister Chris Hipkins

             as he tries to win back support for his party ahead of an


      o ⚓ The Kent Stater ☛ The_coldest_wind_chills_in_decades_will_thrash



             CNN— Dangerous wind chills as cold as 50 degrees

             Fahrenheit below zero are set to blast the Northeast as

             the number of deaths linked to an ice storm in the South

             rose to eight.

      o § Energy/Transportation⠀➾

            # ⚓ Latvia ☛ Latvia_gets_another_new_electric_train⠀⇛

                   The seventh new electric train has been delivered

                   to Latvia, the head of ‘Passenger Train’ (Pasažieru

                   vilciens, PV) corporate relations department Sigita

                   Zviedre told LETA on February 3.

            # ⚓ US News And World Report ☛ U.S._Prosecutors_Probe


                   (Reuters) – Federal prosecutors in Washington are

                   probing Silvergate Capital Corp and its dealings

                   with bankrupt crypto exchange FTX and Alameda…

            # ⚓ US News And World Report ☛ Sam_Bankman-Fried_in_Talks_to


                   Sam Bankman-Fried is in talks with U.S. prosecutors

                   to resolve a dispute over the FTX cryptocurrency


            # ⚓ LRT ☛ Lithuanian_court_refuses_to_hear_Rosneft’s_lawsuit


                   A Lithuanian court has dismissed a case in which

                   the Russian oil group Rosneft sought restitution

                   for real estate transactions of Mogita, a Kaunas-

                   based oil wholesaler undergoing bankruptcy


            # ⚓ Copenhagen Post ☛ Denmark_and_UN_team_up_to_heat_Ukrainian


                   The embattled city of Mykolaiv a recipient of some

                   much-needed relief through a Danish partnership

                   with UNOPS

            # ⚓ Quartz ☛ International_air_travel_to_Africa_is_rebounding

              [Ed: A source of pollution for no practical purposes would

              only be celebrated by unbridled capitalism]⠀⇛

                   The return of Chinese tourists to Africa and a full

                   resumption of operations on international routes by

                   African airlines are the latest indicators of a

                   rebounding tourism industry, badly hit by the

                   covid-19 pandemic two years ago.

      o § Wildlife/Nature⠀➾

            # ⚓ Science Alert ☛ This_Small_Australian_Marsupial_Is_Quite


                   An uncontrollable urge.

            # ⚓ Gizmodo ☛ Dallas_Zoo_Is_Offering_a_$25,000_Reward_for


            # ⚓ IDA ☛ City_of_Rocks_National_Reserve_Achieves_International


            # ⚓ New York Times ☛ Window_Stickers_to_Prevent_Bird_Strikes


                   Every year, hundreds of millions of birds die in

                   the United States from flying into glass. New

                   research shows how to prevent some of those deaths.

            # ⚓ Brazil_to_sink_São_Paulo_aircraft_carrier_in_Atlantic [Ed:

              Massive human pollution, treating the planet as a garage


                   A company in Türkiye had got the contract to

                   dismantle the ship containing tons of asbestos.

                   After months of protests from environmental groups,

                   the government revoked permission for the ship to

                   enter Türkiye’s territorial waters.

      o § Overpopulation⠀➾

            # ⚓ Science Alert ☛ Astronomers_Find_What_May_Be_a_Habitable


                   Could it be?

* § Finance⠀➾

      o ⚓ NYPost ☛ Landlord_more_than_doubles_tenant’s_rent_to_$2.2K,


             Bolufe informs the woman if she doesn’t want to stay at

             the property for the new price, he’ll have to put in a

             “30-day notice,” and she can “leave peacefully, on time.”

      o ⚓ Axios ☛ Tech_earnings_reveal_a_powerful_industry_taking_some


             This week’s earnings reports confirmed that Big Tech

             companies are taking a hit from a slowing economy — but

             also that they’re still raking in tons of money.

      o ⚓ US News And World Report ☛ Apple_Suffers_1st_Quarterly_Sales


             Apple has posted its first quarterly revenue drop in

             nearly four years

      o ⚓ Helsinki Times ☛ Finland_suspends_visa_issuance_to_Thai_berry


             THE MINISTRY for Foreign Affairs on Thursday revealed the

             issuance of visas for wild berry pickers has been

             suspended indefinitely at the Finnish Embassy in Bangkok,


             The decision was made on grounds of numerous ambiguities

             related to wild-berry picking, including the extent of

             unreliable information in visa applications, risk of

             human trafficking, ongoing criminal investigation and

             possible revisions to the status of berry pickers.

      o ⚓ Danish_bank_posts_loss_after_US_money_laundering_fine⠀⇛

             Danske Bank reported heavy losses for 2022 on Thursday as

             Denmark’s biggest lender was hit by huge fines in the


             States and at home over money laundering.

      o ⚓ Copenhagen_Municipality_to_trial_four-day_working_week⠀⇛

             Selected municipal staff in Copenhagen will soon be able

             to choose to distribute their weekly working hours over

             four days in a new trial scheme.

      o ⚓ Helsinki Times ☛ OP:_Finland_to_tip_into_a_mild_recession_in


             THE FINNISH ECONOMYwill slide into a recession this year

             despite the alleviation of concerns about the energy

             crisis, predicts OP Financial Group.

             The Finnish financial group revealed yesterday that it

             expects the national economy to contract by half a per

             cent in 2023 and grow by half a per cent in 2024.

             Although the forecast has only undergone minor tweaks

             since last summer, it should not be read as an indication

             that the economic outlook is clear, toldReijo Heiskanen,

             the chief economist at OP.

      o ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ Post-pandemic_bounce_temporary_as_rate_rises


             The investment outlook has darkened as further rate rises

             threaten to tip Australia into an unnecessary recession,

             according to a leading forecaster.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ Ford_Lost_$2_Billion_in_2022_as_Some_Investments


             The company’s financial performance was hurt by its stake

             in Rivian, an electric truck company, and an autonomous

             car business.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ Apple_Revenue_and_Profit_Down_as_iPhone_Sales


             The iPhone maker said sales of its flagship product were

             down 8 percent as it dealt with a factory shutdown and

             worries about rising inflation.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ Tech’s_Biggest_Companies_Discover_Austerity,_to


             After years of expansion and billions in profits, Big

             Tech is pulling back from its famously lavish spending as

             a long boom finally ends.

      o ⚓ Modern Diplomacy ☛ The_Crippled_Economy⠀⇛

             Lack of money is the root of all evils. Facts do not

             seize to exist because they’re ignored.

      o ⚓ France24 ☛ Alphabet,_Amazon_and_Apple_results:_Tech_earnings_hit


             Google and Apple on Thursday reported downbeat results

             for the last quarter of 2022 as Amazon beat expectations,

             but warned that the coming months would be uncertain in a

             difficult moment for Big Tech.

      o ⚓ Quartz ☛ Apple_and_Starbucks_couldn’t_rise_above_China’s_zero-


* § AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics⠀➾

      o ⚓ Hackaday ☛ End_Of_An_Automation_Era_As_Twitter_Closes_Its_Doors


             Over the last few months since Elon Musk bought Twitter

             there has been a lot of comment and reaction, but not

             much with relevance to Hackaday readers.

      o ⚓ Gizmodo ☛ Kiss_Some_of_Your_Favorite_Twitter_Bots_Goodbye⠀⇛

             Elon Musk’sTwitter_has_debts_to_pay. And in the

             billionaire’s quest to monetize everything about his

             recently acquired social media site, Twitter is set to

             start charging for access to its Application Program

             Interface (API).

      o ⚓ France24 ☛ EU_parliament_lifts_protective_immunity_of_two_MPs


             The European Union’s parliament on Thursday removed the

             protective immunity of two lawmakers linked to one of the

             bloc’s biggest-ever corruption scandals, paving the way

             for them to be questioned by Belgian investigators.

      o ⚓ The Straits Times ☛ Disgraced_ex-South_Korea_minister_gets_two


             The former justice minister had forged documents to help

             his children gain admission into prestigious high schools

      o ⚓ JURIST ☛ European_Parliament_lifts_immunity_of_two_additional


             The European Parliament Thursday stripped two additional

             European lawmakers of their immunity from prosecution.

             Belgian authorities may now question the lawmakers in

             their investigation into a cash-for-influence bribery

             scandal linked to Qatar and Morocco.

      o ⚓ New York Times ☛ A_U.S._Ambassador_Finds_Himself_on_Hostile


             David Pressman, a gay human rights lawyer, has been

             accused by pro-government media in Hungary of undermining

             traditional values, violating diplomatic conventions and

             meddling in the judiciary.

      o ⚓ RFERL ☛ Bulgarian_President_Dissolves_Parliament,_Sets_Early


             Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has signed a decree

             dissolving the parliament and setting April 2 as the date

             for early elections — the country’s fifth in two years —

             after an inconclusive October vote failed to produce a


      o ⚓ Federal News Network ☛ Ally_claims_Bolsonaro_plotted_coup_to


             A Brazilian magazine has released audio of a senator

             claiming then President Jair Bolsonaro sought help in a

             plot to annul the October elections and keep himself in


      o ⚓ Quartz ☛ Uruguay_has_the_strongest_democracy_in_the_Americas,


      o § Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda⠀➾

            # ⚓ Modern Diplomacy ☛ Misinformation_Backfire_on_the_COVID-19


                   The Government of Canada continues a relentless

                   effort to denigrate opposition to COVID-19 vaccines

                   by sourcing The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA)

                   to report on misinformation or supposed ‘bad

                   actors’ contributing to a lack of adherence to

                   public health measures and to vaccine hesitancy.

            # ⚓ Reason ☛ Getting_Trump_Was_More_Important_to_Some


                   The botched pursuit of the Russiagate story

                   illustrates how the media shed credibility.

* § Censorship/Free Speech⠀➾

      o ⚓ Reason ☛ Gag_Order_Bans_Political_Tweeter_from_Naming_Man_Who


             Plaintiff, a Republican political operative, had sued the

             ACU president for allegedly groping him: In his time

             involved with the Republican Party, plaintiff “has served

             political campaigns and political committees as a field

             coordinator, field director, grassroots director, and

             political director, among others.”

      o ⚓ Ankara_prosecutors_investigate_Quran-burning_incidents_in_Sweden,


             Diplomatic missions of several countries in Türkiye have

             warned their citizens against possible retaliatory


      o ⚓ CNN ☛ Tom_Jones_hit_‘Delilah’_banned_from_Wales_rugby_matches_due


             Choirs have been banned from performing Tom Jones’ hit

             “Delilah” during Wales’ international rugby matches at

             the Principality Stadium in Cardiff due to the song’s

             “problematic” nature, the UK’s PA Media reported.

* § Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press⠀➾

      o ⚓ HRW ☛ Burundi:_Journalist’s_Conviction_Violates_Free_Speech


* § Civil Rights/Policing⠀➾

      o ⚓ Reason ☛ Don’t_Expect_Government_To_Save_You_From_the


             As artificial intelligence advances, how worried should

             we be about the rise of the machines?

      o ⚓ France24 ☛ Iran:_‘Sham’_courts_hand_out_severe_sentences_for


             After months of strikes and protests in Iran, thousands

             of people have been arrested and now face harsh sentences

             by the courts, including death. Activists, journalists

             and lawyers have received long prison terms for

             supporting the demonstrations or expressing their

             opposition to the regime, even passively. Activists and

             NGOs say that the Iranian judiciary is increasing the

             pressure on those arrested, handing out absurd charges,

             forcing confessions through extortion and torturing


      o ⚓ Mexico News Daily ☛ Human_rights_commission_proposes_structural


             The human rights NGO Centro Prodh criticized the

             initiative, saying focusing on militarization,

             disappearances and impunity is more important.

* § Internet Policy/Net Neutrality⠀➾

      o ⚓ Internet Freedom Foundation ☛ Previously_under-utilised_budgets


             This blog post includes the analyse of the 2023-24 Budget

             as well as its comparison with the 2022-2023 budget and

             revised estimates. While Increased allocations in the

             2023-24 Budget is a positive sign, there are some

             disappointing lows as well.

* § Monopolies⠀➾

      o ⚓ Reason ☛ More_Cracks_in_the_FTC’s_Aggressive_Antitrust_Plans,_as


      o ⚓ Gizmodo ☛ Judge_Rebukes_FTC_and_Greenlights_Meta’s_$400_Million


             A federal judge in California has rejected the Federal

             Trade Commission’s attempt to block Meta from acquiring

             virtual reality startup Within for an estimated $400


      o ⚓ Gizmodo ☛ An_FTC_Power_Grab_Could_Save_Your_Medical_Secrets⠀⇛

             Want to save money on drugs? You could head to

             GoodRx.com. Type in the name of a medication, and the

             company will give you a coupon to use at a pharmacy. But

             there’s a little problem, one that GoodRxforgot_to_tell


      o § Patents⠀➾

            # ⚓ Kluwer Patent Blog ☛ ‘My_main_regret_is_that_the_Unitary

              Patent_Package_will_not_cover_all_European_countries’ [Ed:

              Another propaganda headline from Kluwer, with a loaded

              statement. There is no UPC. UPC is illegal. Brexit alone

              means that UPC is already dead. This is 'lobbyism' disguised

              as journalism.]⠀⇛

§ Gemini* and Gopher⠀➾

* § Personal⠀➾

      o ⚓ 🔤SpellBinding:_WEFKLUA_Wordo:_FLING⠀⇛

      o ⚓ I_have_credit_card_nostalgia._WTF?⠀⇛

             I’m aware that cards with no (visible) number exist, but

             mine still have embossed numbers. The embossing was

             actually useful to me twice in the last couple of years.

             Once I went with someone to a pub in a small village for

             dinner. At first I thought it was closed because the

             lights were out. Then I saw the candles. There was a

             power cut, but the pub was still open. So we went inside

             and ordered some food and drink. The landlady was very

             cross with the power company, but also determined that

             she should stay open. And she had a plan. Instead of

             regular card payments, she had the mechanical card

             printing device that used to copy the embossed card

             details onto a paper payment slip. It worked, and I had

             to sign a credit card slip for the first time in many


* § Politics⠀➾

      o ⚓ The_progression_to_numberless_credit/debit_cards⠀⇛

             on them (like Wise’s Eco card) are part of a wider trend

             in the credit/debit card industry and are more generally

             called “numberless cards” (with the Apple Card, Curve

             Investor and Chase [UK] cards being other well known

             examples). While they clearly do have an account number

             associated with them it is not visible on the card itself

             (unlike traditional cards).

             Cards have gone through three quick phrases in recent

             years: removal of embossing, numbers moved to the back,

             no numbers. These are all sort of linked, with each step

             leading to the next one making more sense. In my own

             wallet I have cards that are embossed, not embossed with

             numbers on the front, and not embossed with numbers on

             the back. How long before I too have a numberless card

             and will I have all four forms at the same time?

* § Technical⠀➾

      o § Internet/Gemini⠀➾

            # ⚓ Back_or_Front_End?⠀⇛

                   My current projects, my job search, and a

                   conversation I had today all have got me thinking

                   about this question lately. Which part of a project

                   do I like to work on the most? What kind of team

                   can I best contribute to?

                   I get enjoyment out of both but lean towards back

                   end where all the server and database stuff lives.

                   I guess one part is the correctness of it. You can

                   pretty easily quantify whether something works and

                   how well. Does it pass all the tests? Does it fit

                   the requirements and constraints? Is performance

                   good enough? It’s all generally clear-cut yes or no

                   where a yes means an instant dopamine hit for the


=> =============================================================================

World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

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✐ Links_03/02/2023:_OpenSSH_9.2_and_OBS_Studio_29.0.1⠀✐

Posted in News_Roundup at 1:02 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


§ Contents⠀➾

* GNU/Linux

      o Applications

      o Instructionals/Technical

      o WINE_or_Emulation

      o Games

* Distributions_and_Operating_Systems

      o BSD

      o Open_Hardware/Modding

* Free,_Libre,_and_Open_Source_Software

      o Openness/Sharing/Collaboration

            # Open_Access/Content

      o Programming/Development

            # Python

* Leftovers

      o Education

      o Hardware

      o Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      o Proprietary

      o Security

            # Integrity/Availability/Authenticity

            # Privacy/Surveillance

      o Defence/Aggression

      o Transparency/Investigative_Reporting

      o Environment

            # Energy/Transportation

      o Finance

      o AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      o Censorship/Free_Speech

      o Freedom_of_Information_/_Freedom_of_the_Press

      o Civil_Rights/Policing

      o Monopolies

            # Patents

            # Copyrights

* § GNU/Linux⠀➾

      o § Applications⠀➾

            # ⚓ GamingOnLinux ☛ OBS_Studio_29.0.1_rolls_out_with_many_bug


                   OBS Studio 29.0.1 is out now and a worthwhile

                   upgrade for any of you doing video content on

                   Linux, as it fixes many problems from the previous


            # ⚓ Gajim_1.7.0_–_Gajim⠀⇛

      o § Instructionals/Technical⠀➾

            # ⚓ HowTo Forge ☛ How_to_Install_Java_OpenJDK_and_Oracle_JDK_on


                   Java is one of the most powerful programming

                   languages. This post will show you how to install

                   OpenJDK and Oracle JDK on Ubuntu 22.04.

            # ⚓ TecAdmin ☛ How_to_Automate_Journalctl_Log_Cleanup_on


                   Journalctl is a command-line utility for viewing

                   system logs in Linux distributions that use

                   Systemd. It’s an essential tool for system

                   administrators to diagnose problems, monitor system

                   performance, and track changes to the system.

            # ⚓ HowTo Forge ☛ Install_and_Use_nmon_Tool_To_Monitor_Linux


                   Nmon is a simple, lightweight, and handy tool that

                   lets you see what’s going on in your server. Nmon

                   provides a simple ncurses interface to display the

                   Linux system resources usage like CPU, memory,

                   network, disks, file system, NFS, top processes,

                   resources, and more.

            # ⚓ HowTo Forge ☛ How_to_Install_GlusterFS_Scalable_Network


                   GlusterFS or Gluster File System is a free and

                   open-source distributed file system developed by

                   RedHat. In this tutorial, you will install

                   GlusterFS – distributed and scalable network

                   filesystem – on Debian 11 servers.

            # ⚓ HowTo Forge ☛ How_to_install_PHP_5.6_and_7.0_–_8.2_with



                   When using ISPConfig, by default, you only have the

                   main PHP version for your distribution. This guide

                   will take you through installing additional PHP

                   versions (5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, and

                   8.2) on a Ubuntu server with ISPConfig.

            # ⚓ Manuel Matuzovic ☛ Day_95:_the_color-mix()_function⠀⇛

                   The color-mix() function takes two colors and

                   returns the result of mixing them, in a given color

                   space, by a specified amount.

            # ⚓ Manuel Matuzovic ☛ Day_94:_the_accent-color_property⠀⇛

                   The accent-color CSS property allows us to specify

                   the accent color for user-interface controls

                   generated by an element.

            # ⚓ Manuel Matuzovic ☛ Day_93:_the_lch()_color_function⠀⇛

                   The lch() color function allows you to pick colors

                   from the CIELAB color space, which is device-

                   independant and covers the entire gamut (range) of

                   human color perception.

            # ⚓ Yoshua Wuyts ☛ Using_HTML_As_A_Compile_Target⠀⇛

      o § WINE or Emulation⠀➾

            # ⚓ GamingOnLinux ☛ Wine_8.1_released_starting_another_year_of


                   The Wine 8.1 development release is now available,

                   starting off another year of new features landing

                   usually bi-weekly for the Windows translation layer

                   used in Proton.

      o § Games⠀➾

            # ⚓ GamingOnLinux ☛ Handshakes_is_a_free_sokoban_puzzler_about


                   Sometimes a good firm handshake is what’s needed

                   and someone decided to turn that idea into a free

                   puzzle game with Handshakes.

            # ⚓ GamingOnLinux ☛ Prison_Architect:_Jungle_Pack_releases_soon


                   Paradox continue the DLC train here with Prison

                   Architect: Jungle Pack announced for release on

                   February 7th along with a free update for all


            # ⚓ GamingOnLinux ☛ Inspired_by_the_classic_SimTower,_build_up


                   Property Pro is an upcoming game from SimDevs, with

                   an aim to capture the classic feel of SimTower from

                   the 90s. With a hint of the character styling from

                   Prison Architect and RimWorld, the idea sounds


            # ⚓ GamingOnLinux ☛ Going_to_live_my_dream_of_Fifth_Element


                   Remember the classic sci-fi movie Fifth Element? I

                   sure do and I only watched it again recently, where

                   memories came flowing back of how I used to want

                   those flying cars. Well, one game developer clearly

                   loved it too and they’re soon releasing MiLE HiGH


            # ⚓ GamingOnLinux ☛ Nordic_Ashes:_Survivors_of_Ragnarok_is_a


                   Nordic Ashes: Survivors of Ragnarok is yet another

                   survivor game in the spirit of Vampire Survivors,

                   except this has a Nordic theme to it and it’s now

                   on Steam with Native Linux support. It’s also Steam

                   Deck Verified.

* § Distributions and Operating Systems⠀➾

      o ⚓ Martijn Braam ☛ Alpine_Linux_is_pretty_neat⠀⇛

             I’ve used various Linux distributions in the past,

             starting with a Knoppix live CD a long time ago. For a

             long time I was an Ubuntu user (with compiz-fusion

             ofcourse), then I used Arch Linux for years thinking it

             was the perfect distribution. Due to postmarketOS I found

             out about Alpine Linux and now after using that for some

             years I think I should write a post about it.

      o § BSD⠀➾

            # ⚓ Undeadly ☛ OpenSSH_9.2/9.2p1_released!⠀⇛

                   As should be of no surprise to undeadly readers,

                   OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol 2.0

                   implementation and includes sftp client and server


            # ⚓ OpenSSH ☛ OpenSSH_9.2_was_released_on_2023-02-02⠀⇛

                   This release contains fixes for two security

                   problems and a memory safety problem. The memory

                   safety problem is not believed to be exploitable,

                   but we report most network-reachable memory faults

                   as security bugs.

      o § Open Hardware/Modding⠀➾

            # ⚓ Eta ☛ Reversing_UK_mobile_rail_tickets⠀⇛

                   But what data is inside the barcode of a mobile

                   ticket, and how do they work? Could people who

                   aren’t ticket inspectors get the data out of them?

                   It turns out that the answer is a bit more

                   interesting than I initially expected!

            # ⚓ Hackaday ☛ Building_An_All-in-One_Desktop_Out_Of_Framework


                   The Framework laptop prides itself on having

                   reusable parts, and hackers all around routinely

                   challenge the claims by building projects reusing

                   them. Yet again, [whatthefilament] puts the

                   Framework hardware to the test, by taking all the

                   laptop internals and building an AiO (All-in-One)

                   desktop computer with it. Hot on the heels of his

                   Framework tablet project we covered a few months

                   ago, this desktop reuses as much as possible – the

                   mainboard, the display and the expansion cards in

                   particular, and even one of the hinges is reused

                   for adjusting the monitor’s angle.

* § Free, Libre, and Open Source Software⠀➾

      o ⚓ OpenSource.com ☛ How_upstream_contributions_power_scientific


             Horizon Europe emphasizes open science and open source

             technology. The program evolved from Horizon 2020, which

             provided financial support for research projects that

             promoted industrial competitiveness, advanced scientific

             excellence, or solved social challenges through the

             process of “open science.”

             Open science is an approach to the scientific process

             based on open cooperative work, tools, and diffusing

             knowledge found in the Horizon Europe Regulation and

             Model Grant Agreement. This open science approach aligns

             with open source principles that provide a structure for

             such cooperation.

      o ⚓ Techdirt ☛ Elon’s_New_API_Pricing_Plan_Seems_Perfectly_Designed…


             Huh. It had actually felt like quite some time since Elon

             Musk had last done something so stupid as to send a new

             bunch of users to Mastodon. But, apparently he can’t go

             that long without helping to do so. Last night, I had

             actually started working on a story about how developers

             were increasingly moving from Twitter to Mastodon,

             following the ridiculously, poorly communicated decision

             to shutdown API access for companies building Twitter

             clients (from which many original Twitter innovations


      o § Openness/Sharing/Collaboration⠀➾

            # § Open Access/Content⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Times Higher Education ☛ Scottish_university_press


                         The new academic press, which is already

                         assessing pitches for books nearing

                         completion that will be ready for publication

                         in 2023-24, will also create opportunities

                         for scholars to publish their work in a

                         longer form, added Ms Walker.

                         “As a not-for-profit, we don’t have the same

                         limitations on what we can publish – we can

                         publish things that might not be as

                         commercially viable [with a traditional

                         publisher] or we think about helping early

                         career researchers to find an audience,” she


      o § Programming/Development⠀➾

            # ⚓ Diziet ☛ derive-adhoc:_powerful_pattern-based_derive_macros


                   Have you ever wished that you could that could

                   write a new derive macro without having to mess

                   with procedural macros?

            # ⚓ University of Toronto ☛ C_was_not_created_as_an_abstract


                   This is simultaneously true and false. It’s

                   absolutely true that the semantics of formal

                   standard C are defined in terms of an abstract

                   (virtual) machine, instead of any physical machine.

                   The determined refusal of the specification to tie

                   this abstract machine in concrete CPUs is the

                   source of a significant amount of frustration in

                   people who would like, for example, for there to be

                   some semantics attached to what happens when you

                   dereference an invalid pointer. They note that

                   actual CPUs running C code all have defined

                   semantics, so why can’t C? But, well, as is

                   frequently said, C Is Not a Low-level Language

                   (via) and the semantics of C don’t correspond

                   exactly to CPU semantics. So I agree with nytpu’s

                   overall sentiments, as I understand them.

            # § Python⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Python Speed ☛ Don’t_bother_trying_to_estimate_Pandas


* § Leftovers⠀➾

      o ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ SDS_Redux…No,_the_BOOK⠀⇛

             The 50th anniversary edition of SDS, the classic story of

             the 1960s Students for a Democratic Society, has just

             been published, with a new introduction by me, and an

             enlarged index in which many modern-day politicos will

             find their names.  A handsome paperbound edition, a hefty

             769 pages for only $24.95, it was published as an act of

             love by the New York City-based Autonomedia, which had

             also earlier published my No More Mushrooms: Thoughts on

             Life Without Government.

             In retrospect, we can see that, although the organization

             collapsed after just ten years of existence, it did make

             a mark.  As I say in the introduction, it was “a major

             factor in the creation of a New Left in America,” which

             was no small thing given that the only left politics up

             until then was a moldy Marxism, a kind of Maoism, and an

             anti-Soviet socialism, none of which took hold in this

             country or was likely to. This was a homegrown politics,

             taking its impulses not from Europe but from

             dissatisfactions and distortions in the American


      o ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ William_Anthony_(1934-2022)_RIP⠀⇛

             Many years ago, so I remember as if it were yesterday, I

             went to one of those small Chelsea galleries on an upper

             floor off of tenth avenue, looked at an image parodying

             Andy Warhol’s Brillo Box and laughed aloud. And was

             jokingly rebuked: ’Don’t you know that this is an art

             gallery?’, the person at the desk asked me. That’s how I

             came to meet Bill Anthony, who became a friend. And

             that’s why, to the right above the computer on which I am

             writing, I have his drawing after Jean Auguste Dominique

             Ingres, Gianciotto Discovers Paolo and Francesca, (1819).

             But where Ingres’ two doomed Italian lovers are

             impossibly elegant, Anthony shows the most awkward two

             people imaginable making out. For reasons that I don’t

             claim to fully understand, humor in visual art is a

             surprisingly neglected topic. Now and then, I see a

             painting that is unintentionally funny, but I cannot

             think of another artist who like Anthony made a career

             from presenting visual humor.

             Always mischievous, but never malicious, Anthony got the

             ideas for his art from teaching beginning drawing

             students. They drew heads too large, arms and legs too

             small, and so he appropriated their style for his

             parodies of old master, modernist and contemporary art.

             Thus in his Men of Avignon (1997) Picasso’s women are

             replaced by five skinny naked man. In his Just What is

             it? (2021), Richard Hamilton’s famous pop image Just What

             is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, so

             Appealing? (1956) is redone with a female body builder

             replacing Hamilton’s male weight lifter, and Anthony’s

             own art on the walls replacing Hamilton’s examples. The

             Red Studio (1994) redoes Matisse’s The Red Studio (1911),

             with the pictures within the picture done, naturally!, in

             Anthony’s inimitable style. And in Dance (2016), six

             happily moronic looking pink dancers take the pose of

             Matisse graceful figures in Dance (1909-1910). The

             ungainly Giorgione Girl (2008) satirizes Giorgione’s

             great The Sleeping Venus (1510); Balthus Baby (2000)

             turns that painter’s pubescent femme fatale into a

             simpleton; and Laocoon (2011) redoes the very famous

             ancient Greek sculpture, Laocoön, with the three

             emaciated men struggling with a skinny blue snake. These

             examples all come from a recent book, Deviant

             Draftsmanship. And Anthony also did political history, in

             his earlier books War is Swell: A kids Idiotic Vision of

             WWII (2000) and Biblical Stories (1978), a book that

             impressed Warhol. And he presented politics, as in his

             politically incorrect Requiem for a Retard (2019), in

             which a man about to be electrocuted who is eating his

             last meal asks, ‘What’s for dessert?’ And I love his

             three drawings (1996), The Effects of Masturbation on

             Boys (blindness, hairy palms, insanity). Anthony also did

             caricatures of well known images by Caravaggio, Giorgio

             de Chirico, Degas, Ensor, Eric Fischl, Gainsborough,

             David Hockney, Magritte, Sigmar Polke and Tom of Finland.

             No artist, however famous or dignified, was beyond his

             reach. Like one of the great old masters, he thus created

             in his art a whole parallel universe, with everyone

             ungainly. All of his figures, male or female, look silly;

             every one of them appears to be a complete idiot.

      o ⚓ Hackaday ☛ Build_A_Circuit_Sculpture-Style_VU_Meter_For_Music⠀⇛

             One of the coolest things any sound system can have is

             some kind of musical visualization. Thumping level meters

             that pump with the volume are a great example, and were

             particularly popular in the 1980s. Now, you can build a

             rainbow set with great response, thanks to this guide

             from [Invexlab World].

      o ⚓ Hackaday ☛ Brass_Hardware_Makes_For_Pretty_Potentiometer_Knobs⠀⇛

             Knobs and switches can make or break the aesthetic and

             tactile appeal of a project. Fine hi-fi hardware goes

             hard on these details, while cheap knock-off guitar

             pedals often go the other way. If you’re looking for a

             unique, cheap, and compelling solution for potentiometer

             knobs, you might like to consider using converted brass

             hardware for the job.

      o § Education⠀➾

            # ⚓ ACM ☛ Combining_Augmented_and_Virtual_Reality_Experiences


                   This paper presented a training application that

                   combines the strengths of AR and VR for realistic

                   fire suppression and evacuation training.

                   Specifically, the fire-training environment was

                   constructed by accurately detecting the 3D

                   information of real objects to improve the

                   immersive experience of the training. By applying

                   the actually used fire training tool to the

                   tangible interface, the training effect was

                   increased and this was verified. Finally, a method

                   for freely switching between AR and VR experiences

                   in one device as presented. The proposed system

                   still has limitations that can only be used on a

                   few devices. In the future, we plan to develop

                   human-like AI agents that can respond to various

                   training scenarios alongside the trainee, further

                   reducing risk and reducing the cost of human


            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Sanders_Vows_to_Work_on_Raising_“Pathetically


            # ⚓ Democracy Now ☛ Keeanga-Yamahtta_Taylor,_Khalil_Gibran



                   We host a roundtable with three leading Black

                   scholars about the College Board’s decision to

                   revise its curriculum for an Advanced Placement

                   course in African American studies after criticism

                   from Republicans like Florida Governor Ron

                   DeSantis. The revised curriculum removes Black

                   Lives Matter, slavery reparations and queer theory

                   as required topics, while it adds a section on

                   Black conservatism. The College Board, the

                   nonprofit organization that administers Advanced

                   Placement courses across the country, denies that

                   it buckled to political pressure. “Florida is a

                   laboratory of fascism at this point,” says Khalil

                   Gibran Muhammad, professor of history, race and

                   public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School. We

                   also speak with two scholars whose writings are

                   among those purged from the revised curriculum:

                   Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, professor of African

                   American studies at Northwestern University, and E.

                   Patrick Johnson, dean of Northwestern’s School of

                   Communication and a pioneer in the formation of

                   Black sexuality studies as a field of scholarship.

            # ⚓ Scheerpost ☛ New_Advanced_Placement_African_American


                   On February 1, 2023– the first day of Black History

                   Month – the College Board released the framework

                   for its new Advanced Placement African American

                   Studies course. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a

                   Republican, has criticized the pilot version of the

                   African American studies course as lacking

                   educational […]

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Teach_Black_History…Don’t_Ban_It⠀⇛

                   When Republican President Gerald Ford officially

                   recognized Black History Month in 1976, he called

                   on Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the

                   too-often neglected accomplishments of Black


                   He also acknowledged that Black Americans had shown

                   “courage and perseverance” when our country had

                   failed to live up to its own ideals.

      o § Hardware⠀➾

            # ⚓ Hackaday ☛ The_Struggle_Of_Keeping_A_1950s_Candlepin


                   When we hear the term ‘bowling’, most of us think

                   of what is known as ten-pin bowling, yet this is

                   only one of the many variations. Candlepin bowling

                   — so called because of the distinctive pin shape —

                   has been around since 1880, yet is mostly played

                   within the US New England and Canadian Maritime

                   provinces. Because of how relatively uncommon it

                   is, candlepin bowling alleys such as the one that

                   [Autumn Mowery]’s family runs is struggling to keep

                   the system working, much of it due to a lack of

                   spare parts.

      o § Health/Nutrition/Agriculture⠀➾

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Forever_Chemicals,_Everywhere⠀⇛

                   Forever Chemicals are found everywhere from the

                   depths of the Mariana Trench to the mountaintop of

                   Mt. Everest. Following 80 years of manufacturing

                   various PFAS chemicals, the world is swimming in

                   chemical permanence. And yes, it is a toxic price

                   society pays for modern-day conveniences — made


                   But maybe it would be better if “products made easy

                   by PFASs” were made the old-fashioned way, pre-1940

                   sans dangerous chemicals. After all, several

                   civilizations of the world got along just fine over

                   thousands of years without PFAS chemicals. For

                   example, the BBC documentary: The Story of India by

                   Michael Wood: Archeological discoveries have

                   revealed advanced technological artifacts found at

                   Rakhigarhi, an Indus Valley site 8,000 years old.

                   Indus cities had elaborate planning for drainage

                   systems, housebuilding, and street construction

                   with plentiful evidence of transcendent cultural


            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Our_Planet_Versus_Plastic_Bags:_a_Tale_of


                   With oceans, countries, populations, and

                   governments inundated by a plague of plastic

                   worldwide, it may be useful to focus on the single-

                   use plastic bag choices made by two cities, in the

                   same U.S. state, located at a distance of only 64

                   miles (104 km) from each other. Both Santa Fe and

                   Albuquerque share many qualities and conditions,

                   foremost among them a distinctive cultural mix of

                   American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American

                   citizens. But the two communities are also

                   dissimilar, and this is reflected in the way they

                   have dealt with the plastic bag dilemma.

                   Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in the United

                   States. It is the seat of the New Mexico government

                   and is home to the country’s third-largest art

                   market. It calls itself “the City Different” and

                   has more than 250 art galleries and dealers, a

                   dozenstate and private museums, and a world-class

                   opera, for its more than 88,000residents.

            # ⚓ VOA News ☛ Australia_to_Legalize_MDMA_And_Magic_Mushrooms


                   Psychedelics have been used by Indigenous peoples

                   for millennia, but Western researchers only started

                   seriously looking into their potential uses in the

                   middle of the last century.

                   The drugs became symbols of the counterculture

                   movement of the 1960s and were banned.

            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ Can_Psychedelics_Solve_the_Youth_Mental_Health


                   As a high school freshman, Aiden McDonnell began

                   exploring dissociative drugs with the help of well-

                   connected friends: first with DMX, a cough

                   suppressant often found in over-the-counter

                   medicine, and later with magic mushrooms and LSD.

                   His initial experiences with these

                   substances—typically labeled “psychedelic” for

                   their visual or illusory effects—were “not fun” and

                   spawned regrets over losing “the innocence of

                   childhood,” said McDonnell. “That’s probably not

                   the best when you haven’t even started figuring

                   stuff out.”

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ ‘People_Are_Dying’:_Nearly_14,000_Nigerians


                   More than 13,650 Nigerians have filed claims

                   against Shell for years of unremedied oil spills

                   that are causing ecological destruction, disease,

                   and death.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ GOP_AGs_Threaten_Pharmacies_If_They


                   A month after the two largest pharmacy chains in

                   the United States announced their efforts to become

                   certified to dispense abortion pills by mail, in

                   accordance with a new Food and Drug Administration

                   rule, the Republican attorneys general of 20 states

                   on Wednesday warned the companies that providing

                   the medications by mail in their states could

                   result in legal action against them.

            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ 20_GOP_Attorneys_General_Threaten_Pharmacies_If


            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Abortion_Clinic_Sues_West_Virginia_Over_Anti-


            # ⚓ The Revelator ☛ United_States_Includes_Dam_Emissions_in_UN


            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ Russian_dairy_producers_start_labeling_milk_in


                   Russian dairy producers have begun labeling

                   containers of milk by their mass rather than by

                   their volume, RBC has reported.

            # ⚓ Scheerpost ☛ ‘We’re_Still_Gonna_Say_No’:_Inside



                   After a college student finally found a treatment

                   that worked, the insurance giant decided it

                   wouldn’t pay for the costly drugs. His fight to get

                   coverage exposed the insurer’s hidden procedures

                   for rejecting claims.

      o § Proprietary⠀➾

            # ⚓ Techdirt ☛ OpenAI_Wants_To_Help_You_Figure_Out_If_Text_Was


                   With the rise of ChatGPT over the past few months,

                   the inevitable moral panics have begun. We’ve seen

                   a bunch of people freaking out about how ChatGPT

                   will be used by students to do their homework, how

                   it will replace certain jobs, and other claims.

                   Most of these are totally overblown. While some

                   cooler heads have prevailed, and argued (correctly)

                   that schools need to learn to teach with ChatGPT,

                   rather than against it, the screaming about ChatGPT

                   in schools is likely to continue.

            # ⚓ Techdirt ☛ It_Took_Months_For_Anker_To_Finally_Admit_Its


                   Last November, The Verge discovered that Anker, the

                   maker of popular USB chargers and the Eufy line of

                   “smart” cameras, had a bit of a security issue.

                   Despite the fact the company advertised its Eufy

                   cameras as having “end-to-end” military-grade

                   encryption, security researcher Paul Moore and a

                   hacker named Wasabi found it was pretty easy to

                   intercept user video streams.

            # ⚓ Hackaday ☛ This_Week_In_Security:_Github,_Google,_And


                   GitHub Desktop may have stopped working for you

                   yesterday, Febuary 2nd. The reason was an

                   unauthorized access to some decidedly non-public

                   repositories. The most serious bit of information

                   that escaped was code signing certificates, notably

                   used for GitHub Desktop and Atom. Those

                   certificates were password protected, so it’s

                   unlikely they’ve been abused yet. Even so, Github

                   is taking the proper steps of revoking those


            # ⚓ IT Wire ☛ Red_Hat_Launches_Ansible_Automation_Platform_on


                   Red Hat says organisations can deploy Red Hat’s

                   self-managed offering directly from the Google

                   Cloud Marketplace to quickly start automating the

                   management of their Google Cloud resources.

            # ⚓ Jan Schaumann ☛ AWS_IAM_and_Cost_Explorer_CLI_Setup⠀⇛

                   While using Amazon EC2 for my class on System

                   Administration, students often leave resources

                   running unchecked, leading to an unexpectedly high

                   bill. In order to help them keep track of their

                   costs, I put together a simple shell function to

                   display the current usage.

                   While the command itself (shown at the end of this

                   post) is trivial by itself, creating the required

                   AWS resources to allow for access via the command-

                   line — our preferred mandated AWS access method —

                   is not completely obvious for novice or even only

                   occasional AWS users, so I figured I’d document

                   this here, both for my students as well as for


            # ⚓ Tim Bray ☛ Amazon_Q4_2022_Financials⠀⇛

                   “Profit” is an accounting abstraction, what

                   concerns me more would be the negative free cash

                   flow of $19.8B over the course of 2022. Perhaps

                   someone more finance-literate could offer a good

                   reason why this shouldn’t be a worry?

      o § Security⠀➾

            # ⚓ Scoop News Group ☛ Sanctioned_Iranian_hackers_behind

              Charlie_Hebdo_breach,_Microsoft_says [Ed: Microsoft is to

              blame for loads of security breaches, not the expert to be

              approached for blame-shifting explanations (blaming nations

              rather than the holes)]⠀⇛

                   U.S. officials sanctioned members of the hacking

                   group after they attempted to interfere in the 2020

                   U.S. presidential election.

            # § Integrity/Availability/Authenticity⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Devever ☛ Against_risk-based_authentication_(or,_why


                         Fundamentally, the issue here comes down to

                         the fact that an accounts system for critical

                         infrastructure needs to fulfill two


                         It must be possible for authorized users to

                         gain access.

                         It must not be possible for unauthorized

                         users to gain access.

                         “Risk-based” authentication essentially tries

                         too hard to fulfil the second objective in a

                         way that compromises on the former.

                  # ⚓ William ☛ How_Hype_Will_Turn_Your_Security_Key_Into


                         To understand the problem, we need to

                         understand what a discoverable/resident key


                         You have probably seen that most keys support

                         an ‘unlimited’ number of accounts. This is

                         achieved by sending a “key wrapped key” to

                         the security key. When the Relying Party

                         (Authentication Server) wants to authenticate

                         your security key, it will provide you a

                         “credential id”. That credential ID is an

                         encrypted blob that only your security key

                         can decrypt. If your security key can decrypt

                         that blob it yields a private key that is

                         specific to that single RP that you can use

                         for signatures.

            # § Privacy/Surveillance⠀➾

                  # ⚓ NBC ☛ Patrons_of_NYC_gay_bar_incapacitated_and_robbed


                         Police believe the criminals used facial

                         recognition to access the victims’ phones and

                         funds once they were incapacitated, according

                         to Capt. Robert Gault of the city’s 10th

                         Precinct, who spoke about the incidents at a

                         police community council meeting last week.

                  # ⚓ Idiomdrottning ☛ When_the_EU_wanted_to_own_all


                         Their desire to monitor 100% of all

                         communication is understandable, it’s for a

                         good cause, but the only way to do that

                         technically is if the are the admin user on

                         every single computer (because otherwise

                         people can still chat over Omemo, PGP,

                         Matrix, or SSH+talk).

                         So no more passwords, SSL certs, bank login,

                         no more free operating systems, no more Jitsi

                         or SSH or HTTPS. This law literally breaks

                         all computing and the entire Internet. Which,

                         if that’s what they really intend to do, they

                         should just say so explicitly. The EU

                         anti–all-computers-ever law. I can kind of

                         see the appeal but I doubt business &

                         politicians would, if they really understood

                         that that was the ramifications.

      o § Defence/Aggression⠀➾

            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Trump_Shares_Post_Urging_Followers_to_Physically


            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Noam_Chomsky:_Right-Wing_Insurrection_in_Brazil


            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ ‘My_pebble_on_the_scale’:_A_former_Team_Navalny



            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ ‘Death_Sentence_for_Women_and_Families’:_US


                   The right-wing 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on

                   Thursday struck down a federal law barring people

                   with domestic violence restraining orders from

                   owning firearms, a ruling that gun control

                   advocates said will cost lives.

            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ January_6_Report_Obscured_the_Role_of_Racism_in


            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Atlanta’s_“Cop_City”_Moves_Forward_as_19_People


            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ To_the_Viktor_goes_the_oil_Hungary’s_government



            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ ‘A_lunar_landscape_with_residents_who_hate_us’



                   Russia is preparing to launch a new offensive in

                   Ukraine, Novaya Gazeta Europe reported on Friday,

                   citing a source from the Russian military.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Democrats_Introduce_Bill_to_Ban_‘Grotesque’


                   U.S. Sen. Ed Markey on Thursday introduced

                   legislation to outlaw the marketing of firearms to

                   children amid growing outrage from federal

                   lawmakers, gun violence prevention advocates, and

                   parents over a weapon for kids inspired by the AR-


            # ⚓ Techdirt ☛ Charter’s_$7_Billion_Penalty_For_Murdering_An


                   Last August, cable giant Charter Communications

                   (Spectrum) was slapped with a $7 billion lawsuit

                   after one of the company’s cable technicians

                   murdered an 83-year-old customer after hours.

                   The lawsuit (pdf) claims that Charter had

                   eliminated a more rigorous screening process when

                   they merged with Time Warner Cable, letting the

                   employee and his history slip through the cracks.

            # ⚓ Wired ☛ The_Kremlin_Has_Entered_the_Chat⠀⇛

            # ⚓ RTL ☛ Pentagon_tracking_Chinese_spy_balloon_over_US⠀⇛

                   The official added that the balloon had flown over

                   the northwest United States, where there are

                   sensitive airbases and nuclear missiles in

                   underground silos, but that the Pentagon did not

                   believe it constituted a particularly dangerous

                   intelligence threat.

            # ⚓ VOA News ☛ Suspected_Chinese_Spy_Balloon_Spotted_Over


                   The balloon above Montana was not the first Chinese

                   balloon spotted in the U.S, but this one seems to

                   be hovering over locations longer than before,

                   according to a military official.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ How_the_U.S._Border_Arrived_in_Kenya⠀⇛

                   When I got in the car in Nairobi to go to the

                   Maasai Mara in the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands, it

                   was hard to imagine that I was going to a place

                   touched by U.S. border operations, but it was true.

                   The United States, as I learned when I was

                   researching my 2019 book Empire of Borders: The

                   Expansion of the U.S. Border Around the World, has

                   a Customs and Border Protection attaché at its

                   Kenya embassy. This is one of 23 such attachés that

                   the U.S. has across the world, in various places,

                   including Bogotá, Mexico City, and New Delhi. The

                   border, in other words, has far more reach than you

                   might think.

                   The U.S. has long been pushing its borders out to

                   places across the globe. Perhaps the most well-

                   known cases are the Mexico-Guatemala and the

                   Dominican Republic-Haiti frontiers (as The Border

                   Chronicle detailed last year), along with others in

                   Latin America and the Caribbean. As former DHS

                   secretary John Kelly put it in 2017, “Border

                   security cannot be attempted as an endless series

                   of ‘goal line stands’ on the one-foot line at the

                   ports of entry or along the thousands of miles of

                   border between this country and Mexico. … I believe

                   the defense of the Southwest border starts 1,500

                   miles to the south, with Peru.”

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Philanthropic_Violence_in_Nigeria⠀⇛

                   Murder is something that comes easily to

                   capitalists, and their political system is caked

                   with the blood of ordinary workers whose lives fall

                   apart under the hammer blows of oppression. In the

                   eternal quest for cheap oil and colossal profits,

                   power-hungry elites drain our planet of its living

                   sap, justifying their destruction of our

                   environment and our lives with a brazen cynicism

                   that remains foreign to the ranks of the working-

                   class. Nigeria is one such country whose immense

                   mineral wealth has meant that the lives of its 200

                   million people are held back by the violence of

                   capitalism. Yet amidst a country of deep hardship,

                   the heroic resistance of ordinary people continues


                   The peoples’ struggle continues

            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ Ukraine_opens_criminal_case_against_Wagner_Group


                   The Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office has filed

                   criminal charges against Evgeny Prigozhin, the

                   founder of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group,

                   according to the agency’s press service. Prigozhin

                   stands accused of encroaching on Ukraine’s

                   territorial integrity and waging an aggressive war.

            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ Duma_deputies_submit_draft_legislation_that_would



                   State Duma deputies Andrey Kartopolov and Andrey

                   Krasov introduced a draft bill that would, if it

                   passes, allow military personnel to be jailed

                   without a court ruling.

            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ Tolstoy,_Pushkin,_and_Marshak_briefly_labeled



                   Multiple Russian writers, including Leo Tolstoy,

                   Samuil Marshak, and Alexander Pushkin, were

                   reportedly labeled as “foreign agents” on the

                   website of Labyrinth, one of Russia’s largest

                   online bookstores, on Friday.

            # ⚓ Defence Web ☛ Nigeria_orders_more_vessels_from_France’s


                   France’s Ocea has received another order from

                   Nigeria, this time for nine vessels for the

                   Nigerian Navy.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Tyre_Nichols_and_the_Need_for_a_Cultural


                   The death of Tyre Nichols will be added to a long

                   list of Black, Brown and White U.S. citizens

                   innocently subjected to overwhelming force by those

                   entrusted to protect them. The video of the young

                   man being beaten by five Black policemen will lead

                   to renewed cries of “Enough, enough.” Calls for

                   local, state, and federal laws will be heard, and

                   maybe some legislation will be passed. But the

                   fundamental issues behind the excessive use of

                   force by police officers in the United States will

                   go unheeded. That would involve a cultural

                   revolution, a fundamental change in the nature of

                   law enforcement.

                   We are familiar with different types of

                   revolutions. Political revolutions, like the French

                   Revolution or a coup d’état, are easy to observe.

                   People are in power one day and gone the next.

                   Scientific revolutions may also be dramatic. The

                   discovery and mapping of DNA would be another

                   example as would the work of Copernicus, Newton,

                   and Einstein.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Goodbye,_Tyre⠀⇛

                   When Tyre Nichols woke up the morning of the last

                   day of his life, I feel certain that he wasn’t

                   thinking about racism or the chance that it might

                   be his end, though he’d likely had “the talk” from

                   his parents at an early age. He’d pushed it back,

                   seeking peace and joy in a life he shared with

                   friends, family, and his community. To do otherwise

                   would create a constant state of fear, precluding

                   any quality of life, the ability to just get

                   through it all and grow up.

                   I feel this as a Black mother.

            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ The_Crisis_Killing_Black_Women⠀⇛

                   For as long as the CDC and other health

                   organizations have collected data on suicide,

                   they’ve reported that suicide rates among Black

                   people are the lowest among any racial category,

                   and Black women and girls, more specifically, are

                   least likely to end their lives of all demographic

                   groups. It’s a statistical finding so

                   counterintuitive that researchers dubbed it the

                   racial/gender “suicide paradox”—that despite

                   enduring more simultaneous marginalizing

                   oppressions than any other group, Black women,

                   instead of taking their lives at rates that

                   surpass, or even equal, more privileged identities,

                   just keep on keepin’ on. This idea—that suicide is

                   correlated with whiteness, negatively correlated

                   with Blackness, and irrelevant to Black

                   femaleness—crept out of the sociology and mental

                   health realms to establish itself within the

                   broader American cultural psyche. Black women’s

                   purported immunity to suicide has been regarded as

                   such an open-and-shut case that studies on Black

                   female suicidality are extremely scant. Corrections

                   to that dangerous oversight have been slow to take

                   hold, even in recent years, as Black teenage girls

                   and young women have begun killing themselves at

                   unprecedented rates.

            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ Deadly_Violence_Against_Protesters_Is_the_New


                   On the morning of January 18, agents from nine

                   agencies, including the FBI and its local

                   counterpart, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation,

                   descended on a section of Atlanta’s South River

                   Forest occupied by activists. For the past two

                   years, hundreds had lived in the section of the

                   Weelaunee forest, in tents and treehouses, in order

                   to block its planned conversion into a police

                   training facility—a “Cop City” complete with a mock

                   village, firing ranges, and a Black Hawk landing

                   pad. That morning, the agents were under orders to

                   “eliminate the future Atlanta Public Safety

                   Training Center of criminal activity.”

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Rage_Against_the_War_Machine:_A_Call_for_a


                   As many others probably are, I’m very much

                   concerned that the current trajectory of the war in

                   Ukraine is leading us toward thermo nuclear war.

                   Global nuclear holocaust followed by nuclear winter

                   is a terrifying prospect for the future of

                   humanity, threatening its very existence, future

                   generations, and the existence of all life on this

                   planet.  And the thing is, even though I know that

                   this prospect is increasingly becoming the reality,

                   I just don’t want to accept it. Yet, at the same

                   time, I feel so paralyzed, so helpless to do

                   anything about it. Who am I? I’m just one person.

                   What can I do?

                   Well, I’m not just one person, am I? So, what are

                   “we” going to do about it? How can “we” stop this

                   war machine from its destructive path? Once the

                   automated systems are initiated, it’s almost

                   impossible to stop the sequences that will follow.

                   It will all happen very quickly. In around half an

                   hour or so, much of the world will be completely

                   destroyed. It has been estimated, that, if any,

                   only 1% of humanity will survive, but then there’s

                   the follow up of nuclear winter, which will last

                   for a year afterwards. I don’t think I need to go

                   on to describe the horrors of that, but we need to

                   understand the incredibly foolish risk these madmen

                   are taking now with their war machine. It’s not a

                   game! These scoundrels and devils, who are of a

                   similar mentality as that of Nazis, are risking our

                   lives and the lives of our children and their

                   children, our friends and families, future

                   generations, and all life on the planet. And for

                   what? So that the filthy rich war pigs of the MIC

                   can get filthier, more corrupt, and fantastically

                   wealthy?  So, why are “we” the people even in this

                   game? How does this benefit the American people? It

                   doesn’t! None of it does!

            # ⚓ Atlantic Council ☛ #BritainDebrief_–_How_grave_is_Britain’s


                   Ben Judah spoke with Professor Adam Tooze, Director

                   of the European Institute and Kathryn and Shelby

                   Cullom Davis Professor of History at Columbia

                   University on how Britain’s economic crisis looks

                   from a historical perspective.

            # ⚓ Atlantic Council ☛ #BritainDebrief_–_How_does_the_Western


                   Ben Judah spoke with Eddie Fishman, Senior Policy

                   Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at

                   Columbia University, to discuss the price cap.

            # ⚓ France24 ☛ Live:_Ukraine’s_Zelensky_vows_to_hasten_EU


                   Ukraine will not waste “a single day” bringing EU

                   membership closer, President Volodymyr Zelensky

                   told a joint press conference with EU leaders on

                   Friday after a summit in Kyiv. Earlier, EU Council

                   President Charles Michel said the Russian invasion

                   of Ukraine was a decisive moment for the European

                   bloc in an exclusive interview with FRANCE

                   24. Follow our live blog for all the latest

                   developments. All times are Paris time (GMT+1).

            # ⚓ France24 ☛ US_pressures_allies_to_expel_Russia’s_Wagner


                   The United States has stepped up pressure on Middle

                   East allies to expel the Wagner Group, a military

                   contractor with close ties to Russia’s president,

                   from chaos-stricken Libya and Sudan where it

                   expanded in recent years, regional officials told

                   The Associated Press.

            # ⚓ FAIR ☛ You_Don’t_Stop_Police_Killings_by_Calling_them


                   It’s hard to find words after yet another brutal

                   police killing of a Black person, this time of 29-

                   year-old Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee,

                   captured in horrifying detail on video footage

                   released last week. But the words we use—and in

                   that “we,” the journalists who frame these stories

                   figure critically—if we actually want to not just

                   be sad about, but  end state-sanctioned racist

                   murders, those words must not downplay or soften

                   the hard reality with euphemism and vaguery.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Brazil_Set_to_Sink_‘Toxic’_Aircraft_Carrier


                   The former flagship of Brazil’s navy—an ex-French

                   aircraft carrier built in the late 1950s that

                   environmentalists estimate contains hundreds of

                   tons of highly carcinogenic chemicals—will be

                   scuttled at sea after being denied permission to be

                   scrapped in Turkey, Brazilian naval officials said

                   on Wednesday.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Diplomatic_Cables_Prove_Top_U.S._Officials



            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Ukraine’s_Reckless_Nuclear_Response⠀⇛

                   The ongoing war in Ukraine is not exactly a

                   conducive environment to building new nuclear power

                   plants. (Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine/

                   Wikimedia Commons)

                   Obviously, if your country has been invaded by a

                   foreign power, putting your 15 commercial nuclear

                   reactors at risk of destruction that could lead to

                   a massive radioactive release, rendering your

                   country and others beyond uninhabitable, there is

                   only one clear solution: load up with more new

                   nuclear power plants.

            # ⚓ Scheerpost ☛ Nuclear_War_Imminent?⠀⇛

                   Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel William J.

                   Astore who served in the nuclear missile command

                   fears the end of human life through nuclear war is

                   more likely than in the Cold War era.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Eric_Draitser’s_Disturbing_Review_of_“War


                   I generally admire Eric Draitser’s knowledgeable,

                   sharp-edged commentaries on international affairs,

                   which are equally critical of U.S. imperialism and

                   other forms of colonial and neocolonial oppression.

                   Nevertheless, something bizarre happens in Eric’s

                   review of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a

                   Senseless Conflict by Medea Benjamin and Nicholas

                   Davies. Having criticized those authors, with some

                   justification, for oversimplifying a complex

                   conflict, he then produces a radically

                   oversimplified response which amounts, in effect,

                   to joining the U.S./NATO camp and underwriting the

                   Zelensky regime’s drive for “victory.”

                   The review begins by accusing Benjamin and Davies

                   of presenting a one-dimensional view of the war

                   that is too close to the official Russian narrative

                   used to justify the invasion of Ukraine in February

                   2022.  Draitser scores some points here; this

                   history, strongly influenced by the authors’

                   opposition to the role of the U.S. and NATO in

                   helping create the conditions for the conflict and

                   then escalating it, ignores certain complexifying

                   facts and tends to relieve Putin of all

                   responsibility for the invasion. But he does not

                   advocate a shared responsibility for the conflict

                   and a shared duty to end it.  His conclusion (which

                   he labels a “sound leftist position”) is that

                   Ukraine needs to win the war and the Russians need

                   to lose it.

      o § Transparency/Investigative Reporting⠀➾

            # ⚓ EFF ☛ EFF,_ACLU_Seek_to_Protect_the_Public’s_Right_to


                   The SCA authorizes the government to access, among

                   other things, the content of a subscriber’s

                   electronic communications by obtaining a warrant.

                   SCA warrants and related court records, including

                   dockets, are routinely filed and maintained under

                   seal in federal district courts around the country

                   without any reason as to why such secrecy is

                   necessary. In October 2022, the Minnesota District

                   Court denied RCFP’s request to unseal this

                   information, stating that RCFP “does not allege

                   that it has any intent, much less an imminent

                   intent, to access or inspect any of the materials

                   that it seeks to unseal.”

                   As the ACLU and EFF’s brief to the U.S. Court of

                   Appeals for the Eighth Circuit explains, the lower

                   court’s decision wrongfully cuts off court access

                   in cases where, historically, access has proved

                   important. “The Reporters Committee’s unsealing

                   petition is a prime example of how secrecy can

                   frustrate the public’s ability to even learn about

                   the existence of certain judicial records, in this

                   case, law enforcement requests for court

                   authorization to engage in surveillance or to

                   obtain people’s private data,” the brief reads.

                   Keeping this information under seal implicates

                   “people’s free speech and privacy rights, both in

                   the physical world and digitally.”

                   In most places, the press and public have no way of

                   knowing how many SCA warrants the government

                   applies for, what kinds of records it’s seeking,

                   what information the government presented to

                   support its warrant applications, and how many of

                   the applications are granted or denied.

            # ⚓ The Dissenter ☛ Swedish_Prosecutors_Destroyed_Assange


      o § Environment⠀➾

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Because_1.5C_Goal_‘Not_Plausible,’_Study


                   Scientists at the University of Hamburg in Germany

                   argued Wednesday that meeting the 2015 Paris

                   climate agreement’s goal of limiting planetary

                   heating to 1.5°C is “currently not plausible”—but

                   warned that despairing over climate “tipping

                   points” risks taking attention away from “the best

                   hope for shaping a positive climate future… the

                   ability of society to make fundamental changes.”

            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ Should_We_Start_Preparing_for_the_Evacuation


                   The Miami-Dade County government has some clever

                   mapping tools to help people visualize the

                   impending climate risks—rising seas, swelling

                   groundwater, flooded buildings. But too much detail

                   can distract from the bigger picture: Miami is


            # § Energy/Transportation⠀➾

                  # ⚓ DeSmog ☛ Carbon_Capture_Project_Is_‘Band-Aid’_to


                         This story is a collaboration between

                         Floodlight and DeSmog

                         As the Mexican Día de los Muertos, or Day of

                         the Dead, festivities drew to a close, Dina

                         Nuñez called to order a meeting of women

                         grassroots activists in a modest home in the

                         heart of Port Isabel, Texas. Top of her

                         agenda: how to stop a Houston-based oil and

                         gas company from building a $10 billion

                         project to export liquefied natural gas on a

                         nearby stretch of coast.

      o § Finance⠀➾

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ The_‘Soft_Landing_&_No_Recession’_Spin_Is


                   The spin by mainstream economists and business

                   pundits is in: ‘soft landing’ & no recession 2023.

                   But consider this: after the 2020 US economy crash

                   and the US $8 trillion fiscal-monetary stimulus

                   ($4T by Fed and $4T in Covid relief programs and

                   Investment subsidies for corporations by Congress),

                   the US economy grew only 5.4% YoY in 2021 (YoY=from

                   Dec. 31, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2021).

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ One_Against_All⠀⇛

                   A few weeks after Emmanuel Macron became president,

                   one of his supporters, the current chairman of the

                   National Assembly foreign affairs committee, summed

                   up the economic and social orientation to come:

                   ‘Objectively, the problems of this country require

                   solutions favourable to high earners’ (1). Since

                   then, the privileged have shown their gratitude to

                   their benefactor: between the first round of the

                   2017 presidential election and the first round in

                   2022, Macron saw his support among the richest go

                   from 34% to 48%. When in power, the left has rarely

                   demonstrated such bravura in satisfying its voters.

                   As Macron has also increased his popularity among

                   the over-65s during his presidency, it’s easy to

                   gauge the extent of the ‘courage’ he boasts about

                   as he attempts to convince the country to accept a

                   pension ‘reform’ whose main victims will be the

                   working classes, who overwhelmingly voted against

                   him. While his challenge to welfare benefits will

                   spare the wealthy, and pensioners (even the best-

                   off), it will force workers, whose healthy life

                   expectancy is ten years less than that of senior

                   executives, to work for an additional two years 

                   (2). The finishing line for those who are so often

                   left worn out, exhausted and broken by work is once

                   again being pushed further away. Compulsory labour

                   will eat up the time for rest, personal projects,

                   or simply deciding what to commit to.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Don’t_Let_Politicians_Cut_Housing_Aid⠀⇛

                   We all need physical safety before we can do

                   anything else. Without a roof over our heads, that

                   sense of security is impossible. And with two small

                   children in tow, things get scary.

                   And after fleeing a dangerous domestic situation

                   with my baby and 9-year-old son, with no home but

                   the small moving truck I had rented to escape, I

                   still felt unsafe and terrified.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Egalitarian_Paradise_Lost:_David_Graeber


                   The search across the globe and in history for

                   egalitarian societies turns up some strange finds.

                   One anthropologist, the well-known, radical,

                   recently deceased, best-selling author and a

                   founder of the Occupy movement at Zuccotti Park,

                   David Graeber, discovered such a world in

                   Madagascar, in the settlements of seventeenth- and

                   eighteenth-century pirates, recording his

                   observations in a posthumous book, Pirate

                   Enlightenment, Or the Real Libertalia. This

                   portrait of a vanished almost-utopia is no

                   idealization; Graeber lays it out in detail, but

                   the conclusion is unavoidable: citizens of these

                   pirate port towns had far more freedom than your

                   average twenty-first century American prole moiling

                   long hours for monopoly corporations. They also

                   appear to have enjoyed a lot more happiness, you

                   know, that thing we Americans are supposedly free

                   to pursue.

                   They had more democracy as well: decisions were

                   debated and the majority ruled, unlike this

                   country, where citizens express their preference

                   through the franchise, but somehow when their

                   representatives arrive in the capital the only

                   people they listen to are their donors, and only

                   the richest ones, at that. The pirates off the

                   coast of Africa had no such problems. Had any such

                   tyrannical oligarch of the sort who rule the world

                   from Washington appeared in Madagascar, the pirates

                   would have cut his throat. When they made a choice

                   democratically, it was carried out.

            # ⚓ Engadget ☛ The_Morning_After:_Apple’s_record_service


                   After the last few years of nonstop growth, Apple

                   reported revenue of $117.2 billion for its first

                   fiscal quarter, which is five percent down year

                   over year, marking the first time Apple’s revenue

                   has dipped since 2019.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ If_It’s_“Not_a_Negotiation,”_Don’t_Treat_It


                   On Wednesday afternoon, President Joe Biden met

                   with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the debt


            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ 60_Years_of_No_Progress_on_Black-White


                   Regardless of whether economic conditions are good

                   or bad, Black jobseekers are less likely to find

                   work. From 1963 to 2022, the Black unemployment

                   rate has been roughly twice the White unemployment

                   rate. There have been times when the Black-to-White

                   unemployment-rate ratio was somewhat higher and

                   times when it was somewhat lower, but the average

                   of the ratios over this period is 2.1. This means

                   that, if one looks at the unemployment-rate ratio

                   alone, there has been no progress in providing

                   equal employment opportunity for African Americans

                   over the last 59 years. The last Congress did

                   nothing to directly address this disparity, so

                   there is no reason to expect it to narrow this


                   Anti-Black discrimination in hiring plays a major

                   role in this permanent inequality. The strongest

                   evidence for discrimination can be found in field

                   experiments where researchers have Black and White

                   “testers” apply for jobs presenting similar

                   qualifications or where they send out similar

                   resumes with stereotypically “Black” and “White”

                   names. A meta-analysis of 28 of these experiments

                   over a 25-year period found consistent

                   discrimination against Black applicants. There need

                   to be stronger anti-discrimination policies and

                   enforcement if the United States hopes to have

                   equal opportunity in employment for all.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ How_Corporations_Hope_to_Eviscerate


                   Joe Oliveira and his coworkers relied greatly on

                   donations of food and gift cards after going on an

                   unfair labor practice strike against multibillion-

                   dollar specialty steelmaker ATI in 2021.

                   They cut household expenses to the bone, burned

                   through their savings despite the public’s generous

                   support of their cause, and held fundraisers to

                   help one another cover mortgages and car payments

                   during three and a half months on the picket line.

      o § AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics⠀➾

            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Gaetz_Wants_Reading_of_Pledge_of_Allegiance


            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Barbara_Lee_Runnng_for_Feinstein’s_Senate


                   Rep. Barbara Lee, 76, announced Jan. 11 that she’s

                   running for the Democratic Party nomination to

                   succeed 89-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein (whose

                   memory is but a memory). Southern California

                   Congresswoman Katie Porter, 40, had previously

                   announced, and pompous, sanctimonious Rep. Adam

                   Schiff 62, entered the race soon after Lee.

                    Schiff, a closeted neo-con, will be the best-

                   funded candidate and be seen as a ”centrist.” Lee

                   and Porter are both members of the Congressional

                   Progressive Caucus and likely to split the lib-lab

                   vote, enabling Schiff to slide into the nomination.

                   It feels like the fix is already in.

                   Joe Garofoli, who covers electoral politics for the

                   SF Chronicle, expects Lee to be age-baited, albeit

                   discreetly. Porter described herself as the

                   candidate best-suited for “fighting the battles of

                   tomorrow” during a recent speech to the 500-member

                   Democrats of Rossmoor (an upscale retirement

                   community in Walnut Creek).

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ ‘Woke’_is_Not_Awake:_to_Confound_the_Great


                   My friends Pete, Ellen and Mark have been fighting

                   a plan by Stewart’s Shops to build a gas station/

                   convenience store in the midst of their (desirable,

                   mostly white) South Utica neighborhoods. The matter

                   came to a vote before the city’s Planning Board

                   last week, in front of a fairly big turnout of

                   opposition. Stewart’s won 3-2. Ellen told me the

                   chair of the planning board, a neighbor of theirs

                   who lives a bit further from the Stewart’s proposed

                   location, said to them a couple of weeks ago in

                   honest consternation, “I don’t see the problem.”

                   Apparently, even after 21 people explained the

                   problem last week, he still didn’t.

                   Pete and Ellen have told me more than once how hard

                   it’s been to enlist their neighbors in the

                   opposition effort. The time of day for which

                   important meetings are scheduled is generally

                   prohibitive for working people (except for the

                   Stewart’s rep!) But my conclusion is the middle

                   class, riding the American Dream, has caved in to

                   inevitability (yes, because they could afford to).

                   The resulting spiritlessness has cost them their

                   political clout which will only return if people on

                   the left regain the kind of “underdog,” chip-on-

                   the-shoulder spirit that keeps a skeptical eye on

                   corporate, big-moneyed interests that favor the few

                   over the many, including, prominently, the war-

                   making interests of Empire.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ The_Colonization_of_Deserts_from_Arabia_to


                   The first time I remember seeing a desert and

                   beholding its stillness and vastness was in 1963

                   through a window at the airport in Riyadh, Saudi

                   Arabia. Our family was on its way to Peshawar,

                   Pakistan (then West Pakistan). I was eight years

                   old and was actually more impressed with the

                   scimitars and machine guns the security in the

                   airport were armed with. However, it is the miles

                   and miles of snow-white sand I remember more

                   vividly today. I think the next time I saw the

                   desert was when a friend and I hitchhiked across

                   Arizona to Palm Springs in December 1977. Over the

                   next few years I would cross parts of the desert in

                   the US southwest at least a half dozen more times.

                   Some of those times I would be the only human

                   around for hundreds of miles. The heat of the day

                   was replaced by a relative coolness but the absence

                   of warm-blooded life remained. I’m certain there

                   were birds and perhaps even mammals out and about

                   in the darkness, but I never saw nor heard them

                   despite the quietude I was temporarily existing in.

                   Now, on the rare occasion I watch old Western films

                   and television shows, I find the feeling of

                   aloneness I experienced in the desert tickling my


                   The desert is a part of earth that resists

                   colonization. Yet, humans continue to attempt just

                   that. The advance of technology feeds these

                   attempts, adding to a hubris that not only has

                   destroyed human civilizations in the desert, but

                   has also destroyed the ecological systems that

                   support its unique ecology. Sometimes the impetus

                   for these so-called improvements to the desert are

                   part of a desire to benefit humanity, but most

                   often they are intentionally designed to benefit

                   only certain strata of human society. As in most

                   other scenarios with similar intentions, those

                   beneficiaries are the rich and powerful.

            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Bernie_Sanders_Urges_DNC_to_Stop_Allowing_Super


            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ On_Targeting_an_Arab_Woman⠀⇛

                   On the evening of January 11, 2023, I checked my

                   university email to find The Washington Free Beacon

                   asking me to “comment on” a Title VI complaint that

                   they had knowledge was to be filed against the

                   George Washington University (GW) by pro-Israel

                   advocacy group StandWithUs the following day. The

                   complaint alleges that GW “discriminated against

                   first-year Jewish and Israeli students in its

                   professional psychology program” (sic). As an Arab

                   woman professor teaching in the United States, I am

                   accustomed to demands to prove that I am not

                   antisemitic as a precondition to engaging

                   relationally. Similarly, as someone who has been

                   involved in abolitionist and anti-oppressive

                   movements in the field of psychology for years, I

                   immediately recognized that I was the next target

                   of choice. In recent years, right-wing advocacy

                   groups have intensified their harassment, red-

                   baiting and attack campaigns, vilifying academics

                   (and clinicians) who critically engage settler-

                   colonialism, white supremacy, anti-blackness,

                   gender (especially trans issues), sexuality,

                   disability, reproductive rights.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ “There’s_Always_Hope”:_On_Biden,_Crump,_and


                   Few things in the insipid dark comedy of US

                   bourgeois politics are more sickening than the

                   recurrent invocation of hope for change within the

                   killing confines of the reigning oppression system.

                   “We Just Might be Able to Get Police Reform”

            # ⚓ Insight Hungary ☛ Hungary_is_the_most_corrupt_country_in


                   Hungary is perceived as the most corrupt country in

                   the European Union, according to Transparency

                   International’s latest report. Hungary dropped four

                   places over the past year to 77th, according to the

                   organization’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)

                   replacing Bulgaria. On a global scale, with an

                   average score of 66, Western Europe and the EU is

                   the top-scoring region in the CPI.

                   According to the report, evidence is “mounting

                   against the Hungarian political elites for

                   their misuse of both state and EU funds”. Following

                   a recent agreement with the EU, conditions for

                   Hungary to access €5.8 billion in recovery funds

                   include institutional reforms to strengthen

                   judicial independence and the fight against

                   corruption. Part of EU funds has been suspended due

                   to corruption concerns.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ America_and_the_Occupying_Police_Army⠀⇛

                   America, America . . . God kicks thee in the head.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Uh_Oh,_Here_Comes_the_Occupying_Army⠀⇛

                   The twisted irony here — the irony of the brutal

                   murder of Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee last

                   month — is that his killers were the ones hired and

                   trained to keep the city safe. Instead, they

                   created half an hour of hell for the young man,

                   kicking and beating and tasing him to death a short

                   distance away from his mother’s house, after a

                   random, and perhaps unjustified, traffic stop.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Inconvenient_Truths_2.0⠀⇛

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Ilhan_Omar_Vows_to_Continue_Speaking_Out


                   Rep. Ilhan Omar vowed Thursday that the House GOP’s

                   vote to remove her from the chamber’s foreign

                   affairs panel would not stop her from criticizing

                   Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, a pledge that

                   came after the Israeli government carried out its

                   latest bombing campaign in the occupied Gaza Strip.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ The_GOP’s_Bigoted_Attack_on_Ilhan_Omar_Is


                   Ilhan Omar is again in the news, a convenient

                   target for reactionary Republicans, i.e., virtually

                   all Republicans, seeking to discredit the left. The

                   current Republican effort links her with two other

                   Congressional liberal Democrats, Adam Schiff and

                   Eric Swalwell who, like her, are being removed from

                   their committee assignments by MAGA House Speaker

                   Kevin McCarthy, in retaliation for Nancy Pelosi’s

                   2021 removals of Republicans Marjorie Taylor Greene

                   and Paul Gosar. McCarthy’s act of retribution comes

                   as no surprise, since he promised this back in

                   November 2021. It is no less dangerous for this.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ ‘I_Didn’t_Come_to_Congress_to_Be_Silent,’


                   House Republicans on Thursday voted to remove Rep.

                   Ilhan Omar from the chamber’s foreign affairs

                   committee, a step that prompted fury from

                   Democratic lawmakers who called the GOP’s

                   resolution an act of “unbelievable bigotry.”

            # ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Republicans_Vote_to_Remove_Ilhan_Omar_From


            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ Kari_Lake_May_Have_Committed_a_Felony⠀⇛

                   Kari Lake just might be the election-denying gift

                   who keeps on giving. For nearly three months, Lake

                   has spun one wild conspiracy theory after another

                   to explain how and why she lost the Arizona

                   gubernatorial race. Earlier this week, she tweeted

                   out a series of images of voters’ signatures—a

                   “BOMBSHELL DISCOVERY,” the failed candidate

                   announced—claiming that they showed a mismatch

                   between the signatures Arizona has on file and

                   those that ended up on ballots. Lake claimed that

                   40,000 people had voted illegally, using signatures

                   that didn’t match those on file.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ The_Migrant_“Crisis”_and_10_Misperceptions


                   For years, there has been much consternation and

                   news coverage over the southern border. The former

                   president—Biden’s predecessor—and his inane and

                   racist “Build the wall” campaign had his supporters

                   in a state of disquiet. He actually and openly

                   admitted that he used it at a rally and the crowd

                   loved it, so he just kept saying it.

                   Even if you take a cursory look at the news, it’s a

                   sure bet that you have seen headlines about an

                   “unprecedented migrant crisis.” On social media,

                   memes about “invasions” from countries south of the

                   border by those who refuse to “wait in line” are

                   also common.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ I_Am_Muslim._I_Am_an_Immigrant._I_Am_From


                   The following are the remarks, as prepared for

                   delivery on the floor of the U.S. House of

                   Representatives, of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) in

                   opposition to a Republican resolution barring her

                   appointment to the House Foreign Affairs Committee

                   on February 2, 2023.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Manchin_Joins_With_Cruz_on_‘Absurd’_Bill_to


                   Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and right-wing

                   Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia on

                   Thursday introduced legislation that would prevent

                   a federal agency from banning gas stoves.

            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Climate_Movement_‘Ready_to_Kill’_Dirty_Deal


                   The U.S. climate movement this week vowed to keep

                   fighting against Sen. Joe Manchin’s thrice-defeated

                   “dirty deal” after the West Virginia Democrat

                   indicated he intends to work with House Republicans

                   to force through fossil fuel-friendly permitting


            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Rights_Groups_Gear_Up_for_Fight_as_Oklahoma


                   Civil rights advocates on Thursday sharpened their

                   focus on the Republican-controlled Oklahoma

                   Legislature as lawmakers prepare to convene on

                   February 6, beginning a session during which

                   they’re set to consider no fewer than 15 proposals

                   attacking transgender people’s right to obtain


            # ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Progressives_Warn_Anti-Socialism_Resolution


                   More than 100 U.S. House Democrats—including some

                   of the wealthiest members of Congress—joined with

                   Republican lawmakers on Thursday in passing a

                   resolution “denouncing the horrors of socialism,” a

                   largely symbolic gesture that opponents warned is

                   nonetheless a step toward slashing Social Security,

                   Medicare, and other safety net programs.

            # ⚓ Lee Yingtong Li ☛ Simulating_plausible_ballot_paper


                   The key assumption in this model, which enables

                   plausible ballot paper preference data to be

                   simulated, is that the probability of a candidate A

                   being followed by a candidate B in a voter’s

                   preferences is approximately equal to the

                   probability of a ballot paper being transferred

                   from candidate A to candidate B.

                   We can then imagine a Markov chain, where the nodes

                   are candidates in the election, and the transition

                   probabilities are the probabilities identified

                   above. We can then simulate ballot paper preference

                   data by repeatedly executing random walks on the

                   Markov chain.

            # ⚓ Computer World ☛ PayPal_to_lay_off_2,000_employees⠀⇛

                   In a message shared with PayPal employees and since

                   posted on the company’s online newsroom, President

                   and CEO Dan Schulman said while PayPal had made

                   “significant progress…to address the challenging

                   macro-economic environment” over the past year, “we

                   have more work to do.”

            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ Ilhan_Omar_Will_Not_Be_Silenced⠀⇛

                   After Ilhan Omar was elected to Congress in 2018,

                   she explained why one of her first priorities as a

                   member of the U.S. House of Representatives was to

                   serve on the Committee on Foreign Affairs. While

                   the Minnesota Democrat was intent on representing

                   her constituents in Minneapolis, and on addressing

                   all the pressing domestic policy concerns that tend

                   to dominate coverage of Congress, she told me that

                   “you can’t really speak to domestic policy without

                   first having a conversation about our foreign


            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ Forced_Migration_Thanks_to_Industrialized


            # ⚓ Telex (Hungary) ☛ Orbán:_The_development_of_the_armed


            # § Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Telex (Hungary) ☛ Fact-check:_One_million_Ukrainian



                  # ⚓ Meduza ☛ Russia’s_Higher_Education_Ministry_preparing



                         Russia’s Science and Higher Education

                         Ministry has approved a plan to introduce a

                         new history course for non-history majors in

                         colleges and universities.

      o § Censorship/Free Speech⠀➾

            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ ‘If_the_wrong_person_finds_out,_they_might_kill



                   Late last year, just one month after Russia banned

                   “propaganda of non-traditional sexual

                   relationships,” Uzbekistan’s presidential

                   administration put up a bill for public discussion

                   that would do the same. The copycat legislation

                   threatens to further complicate the lives of LGBTQ+

                   people in a country where “sodomy” is still

                   classified as a criminal offense. To learn how

                   Uzbekistan’s existing anti-gay laws affect people

                   on the ground, the independent outlet Mediazona

                   Central Asia spoke with gay men there about the

                   discrimination they face, the danger that coming

                   out to friends entails, and their expectations for

                   their country’s future.

            # ⚓ Techdirt ☛ Moving_Company_That_Threatened_People_With



                   If you’re a good company, you try to make customers

                   happy and deal honestly with their complaints. If

                   you’re Liberty Bell Moving and Storage, Inc., you

                   threaten unhappy customers with lawsuits and

                   steadily escalating fees for expressing their

                   displeasure with your service.

            # ⚓ Techdirt ☛ Trump_Files_Ridiculous_Copyright_Lawsuit_Over


                   Believe it or not, there are some interesting, if

                   confusing, unsettled copyright law questions

                   regarding interviews. A few times in the past we’ve

                   written about the subjects of interviews claiming

                   copyright over those interviews (or the estate’s of

                   deceased individuals making such claims). There was

                   even a law journal article a few years back

                   exploring this topic. As that piece notes, because

                   courts have been a bit all over the map in looking

                   at the issue, it has allowed interviewees to “chill

                   journalistic speech.”

            # ⚓ GigaZine ☛ There_is_a_high_possibility_that_open_source_OS



                   The chat regulation law is a bill submitted to the

                   European Parliament in May 2022, and aims to oblige

                   providers of email and chat services to “constantly

                   monitor communication content” and “implement age

                   verification”. . Since this bill requires the

                   monitoring of communication content regardless of

                   whether communication is encrypted, there are many

                   voices who oppose the bill on the grounds that it

                   “infringes on privacy” and “increases the risk of

                   misjudgment due to false reports.” has been


            # ⚓ Mullvad VPN ☛ EU_chat_control_law_will_ban_open_source

              operating_systems [iophk: Most of the legislators certainly

              didn't think about it or even know enough to have thoughts on

              the topic. However, those few that did were mostly in the

              pocket of Microsoft.]⠀⇛

                   The proposed Chat control EU law will not only

                   seize totalitarian control of all private

                   communication. It will also ban open source

                   operating systems as an unintended consequence.

                   The EU is currently in the process of enacting the

                   chat control law. It has been criticized for

                   creating an EU-wide centralized mass surveillance

                   and censorship system and enabling government

                   eavesdropping on all private communication. But one

                   little talked about consequence of the proposed law

                   is that it makes practically all existing open

                   source operating systems illegal, including all

                   major Linux distributions. It would also

                   effectively ban the F-Droid open source Android app


                   Article 6 of the law requires all “software

                   application stores” to: [...]

            # ⚓ Student Free Press Association ☛ MIT_faculty_‘increasingly


                   The Massachusetts Institute of Technology continues

                   to support a campus community that stymies academic

                   freedom and free speech, a newly released

                   Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression

                   survey report states.

            # ⚓ Andre Franca ☛ Using_Cloudflare_for_Dynamic_URL_Redirects⠀⇛

                   My blog is already hosted on Cloudflare, so it made

                   sense to me to use it for the redirects too. I

                   checked their documentation to see if somenthing

                   similiar could be achieved. And it is, in fact,

                   really simple and free. [sic]

      o § Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press⠀➾

            # ⚓ Meduza ☛ Former_Meduza_correspondent_Ilya_Azar_suspected_of



                   The Russian journalist Ilya Azar has come under

                   scrutiny from the Investigative Committee, in

                   connection with what he wrote on Facebook last

                   June, 100 days into the Ukraine invasion:

            # ⚓ Hong Kong Free Press ☛ Sedition_trial_against_Hong_Kong



                   The sedition trial against shuttered Hong Kong

                   media outlet Stand News was adjourned again on

                   Friday after the prosecution submitted four new

                   boxes of materials, a move that was criticised by

                   the defence.

      o § Civil Rights/Policing⠀➾

            # ⚓ The Nation ☛ What_We_Can_Do_Right_Now_to_Stop_Anti-Asian


                   In March 2021, I attended a community vigil in the

                   majority-Asian city of Monterey Park, Calif., for

                   the Asian massage workers who had been murdered in

                   Atlanta. Last month, I returned to the same site

                   for another vigil honoring Asians who had been

                   killed in a mass shooting—but this time, the

                   massacre had taken place just blocks from where I


            # ⚓ Pro Publica ☛ How_to_Report_on_the_Repatriation_of_Native


                   In 1990, Congress passed the Native American Graves

                   Protection and Repatriation Act, which pushed for

                   museums, universities and other organizations that

                   possessed Native American human remains to return

                   them to Indigenous communities. But our reporting

                   shows that many institutions still hold many of

                   those remains in their collections. Last month,

                   ProPublica published a database that allows you to

                   search the repatriation records of these hundreds

                   of institutions.

                   But the full story of repatriation goes beyond the

                   numbers, as illustrated by our story about a state

                   museum in Illinois that was built on Native

                   American burial mounds.​​​​ This guide is for

                   reporters who want to take a deeper dive on

                   repatriation at institutions in their area.

            # ⚓ Pro Publica ☛ Native_Hawaiians_Say_They_Can’t_Get_Home


                   Can the federal government underwrite mortgages for

                   homes in Hawaii on a spot where there may be buried

                   bombs from World War II?

                   The answer depends on which federal program insures

                   the loans. When it comes to the one for Native

                   Hawaiians, the answer has been an emphatic no. But

                   when it comes to more traditional mortgages for the

                   general public, a different federal program has

                   been saying yes.

            # ⚓ HRW ☛ Allegations_of_Bangladesh_Police_Torture,_Illegal


            # ⚓ Scheerpost ☛ John_Kiriakou:_Silencing_Another_Jailed


                   The U.S. prison system has put Marty Gottesfeld in

                   one of their modern-day dungeons and cut off his

                   email. But this whistleblower is a fierce fighter

                   for his rights and one day he’ll be doing the same

                   for others.

            # ⚓ Craig Murray ☛ Propaganda_and_Belief⠀⇛

                   It is nearly 20 years since I blew the whistle on

                   British Government complicity in torture and the

                   extraordinary rendition programme, under which

                   thousands of people were deliberately tortured as a

                   systematic act of government policy.

            # ⚓ Counter Punch ☛ Racial_Justice,_Voting_Rights,_and


                   The fundamental right to vote has been a core value

                   of Black politics since the colonial era — and so

                   has the effort to suppress that vote right up to

                   the present moment. In fact, the history of the

                   suppression of Black voters is a first-rate horror

                   story that as yet shows no sign of ending.

                   While Democrats and progressives justifiably

                   celebrated the humbling defeat of some of the most

                   notorious election-denying Republican candidates in

                   the 2022 midterms, the GOP campaign to quell and

                   marginalize Black voters has only continued with an

                   all-too-striking vigor. In 2023, attacks on voting

                   rights are melding with the increasingly

                   authoritarian thrust of a Republican Party ever

                   more aligned with far-right extremists and outright

                   white supremacists.

            # ⚓ JURIST ☛ US_federal_court:_law_prohibiting_individuals



                   A US Circuit Court Thursday declared the law

                   preventing those subject to a domestic violence

                   restraining order from owning a gun,

                   unconstitutional. In the case of United States v.

                   Rahimi, the US Appeals Court for the Fifth Circuit

                   found that the law was an unconstitutional

                   restraint on Americans’ Second Amendment rights to

                   own a firearm.

            # ⚓ Democracy Now ☛ “We_Want_to_Be_Treated_Like_Human_Beings”:


                   This week, New York City police evicted an

                   encampment of asylum seekers outside the Watson

                   Hotel who were protesting plans to house them in a

                   remote, crowded and cold facility. Mayor Eric Adams

                   suggested the protesters were “agitators,” not

                   migrants themselves. We speak to a Venezuelan

                   asylum seeker named Ruben, who was evicted from the

                   hotel, and Desiree Joy Frías, a community organizer

                   with South Bronx Mutual Aid, which has been deeply

                   involved in supporting the asylum seekers arriving

                   in the city.

      o § Monopolies⠀➾

            # § Patents⠀➾

                  # ⚓ JUVE ☛ Patent_judge_David_Kitchin_announces

                    retirement_from_Supreme_Court [Ed: Meanwhile JUVE

                    promotes an illegal and unconstitutional kangaroo

                    courts for patents -- one that is tightly controlled by

                    criminals and industry moles at the EPO]⠀⇛

                         David Kitchin (67) is set to retire from his

                         role as a UK Supreme Court judge on 29

                         September 2023, the court has announced on

                         its website. He says, “It has been an

                         enormous privilege and pleasure to serve as a

                         full time Justice of the Court.

                  # ⚓ JUVE ☛ Advanced_Bionics_and_De_Brauw_successful

                    against_MED-EL_over_cochlear_implant [Ed: Another fine

                    example of a totally frivolous patent lawsuit, based on

                    one of hundreds of thousands of fake European Patents

                    (that should never have been granted)]⠀⇛

                         Advanced Bionics’ important hearing aid

                         product “HiRes™ Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant”

                         does not infringe competitor MED-EL’s

                         European patent EP 31 38 605.

            # § Copyrights⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Techdirt ☛ Why_The_Failure_By_Funders_To_Require



                         Back in August last year, Techdirt covered a

                         major announcement by the US government that

                         all taxpayer-supported research should be

                         immediately available to the public at no

                         cost. As Mike wrote at the time, this is

                         really big, not least for the following key

                         element mentioned in the press release:

                  # ⚓ Digital Music News ☛ CAA_Is_Now_Repping_Virtual


                         CAA aims to create opportunities for Hume’s

                         roster of virtual artists with top brands.

                         Are broader audiences ready for this? Virtual

                         artist experiment FN Meka went down in

                         flames, a new cast of unreal musicians is

                         rising. Now, web3 entertainment company Hume

                         has signed with leading entertainment and

                         sports agency Creative Artists Agency (CAA).

                  # ⚓ Torrent Freak ☛ ACE_Delivers_Major_Blow_to_Spanish


                         With the rise of pirate streaming sites,

                         illegal IPTV services, and legal platforms

                         such as Netflix, even torrent sites have been

                         feeling the pinch. In Spain, two private

                         trackers took the decision to merge and

                         reappear as one under fresh branding. Action

                         by the Alliance for Creativity and

                         Entertainment means that Spain’s leading

                         private torrent community has permanently


                  # ⚓ Torrent Freak ☛ Omi_in_a_Hellcat_“Said_He’d_Kill_Me”


                         After the FBI shut down his Gears pirate IPTV

                         empire, YouTuber Bill Omar Carrasquillo, aka

                         Omi in a Hellcat, pleaded guilty along with

                         two co-defendants. One was hired by

                         Carrasquillo to work on the service from

                         home. His sentencing memorandum claims that

                         when he tried to quit, gunmen threatened him

                         on two occasions after Carrasquillo said he

                         would kill him.

=> =============================================================================

World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

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✐ Links_03/02/2023:_Proton_7.0-6_Released,_ScummVM_2.7_Testing⠀✐

Posted in News_Roundup at 9:36 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


§ Contents⠀➾

* GNU/Linux

      o Applications

      o Instructionals/Technical

      o Games

      o Desktop_Environments/WMs

            # K_Desktop_Environment/KDE_SC/Qt

            # GNOME_Desktop/GTK

* Distributions_and_Operating_Systems

      o New_Releases

      o Fedora_Family_/_IBM

      o Canonical/Ubuntu_Family

      o Mobile_Systems/Mobile_Applications

* Free,_Libre,_and_Open_Source_Software

      o Web_Browsers/Web_Servers

* Leftovers

      o Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      o Security

            # Privacy/Surveillance

      o Defence/Aggression

      o Transparency/Investigative_Reporting

      o Environment

            # Energy/Transportation

            # Wildlife/Nature

      o Finance

      o AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      o Censorship/Free_Speech

      o Civil_Rights/Policing

      o Internet_Policy/Net_Neutrality

      o Monopolies

            # Trademarks

            # Copyrights

* Gemini*_and_Gopher

      o Personal

      o Technical

            # Internet/Gemini

* § GNU/Linux⠀➾

      o § Applications⠀➾

            # ⚓ CTparental:_Linux_Parental_Control_Software_With_Category-



                   CTparental is a free and open-source parental

                   control software for Linux. It helps parents

                   control their children’s online activities, such as

                   the websites they visit, and the amount of time

                   they spend on the computer.

                   The tool uses a web UI to control its various

                   settings, and it features blacklist / whitelist

                   website filtering, computer access time, the

                   ability to force safesearch for websites such as

                   Google, YouTube, DuckDuckGo and Bing, and more.

      o § Instructionals/Technical⠀➾

            # ⚓ DebugPoint ☛ How_to_Install_elementary_Tweaks_Tool⠀⇛

                   This quick tutorial demonstrates the steps to

                   install elementary Tweaks tool/Pantheon Tweaks

                   Tool. The elementary Tweaks tool is a handy utility

                   specially designed for elementary OS. It gives you

                   various options to change certain settings for


            # ⚓ Citizix ☛ How_to_install_and_configure_Redpanda_on_Ubuntu


                   Redpanda is a Kafka®-compatible streaming data

                   platform that boasts of being 10x faster and 6x

                   more cost efficient. It is also JVM-free,

                   ZooKeeper-free, Jepsen-tested and source available.

                   It is distributed as a single binary with

                   everything thus allowing you to deploy in minutes.

                   It works natively with Kafka tools.

      o § Games⠀➾

            # ⚓ ScummVM ☛ ScummVM_2.7.0:_Call_for_testing!⠀⇛

                   A few months have passed since we released ScummVM

                   2.6.1. It’s time to prepare for a new release!

                   Our lovely developers added support, yet again, for

                   a bunch of new ancient games that require testing:

                       # Soldier Boyz

                       # GLK Scott Adams Interactive Fiction games

                         (C64 and ZX Spectrum)

                       # GLK Scott Adams adventures 1-12 (TI99/4A


                       # Obsidian

                       # Pink Panther: Passport to Peril

                       # Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus Pink

                       # Driller/Space Station Oblivion

                       # Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure II

            # ⚓ 9to5Linux ☛ Proton_7.0-6_Released_with_Support_for


                   Proton 7.0-6 is here with support for new games,

                   including the critically acclaimed UNCHARTED:

                   Legacy of Thieves Collection, as well as Gotham

                   Knights, Heroes of the Dark, King under the

                   Mountain, NinNinDays2, Super Arcade Racing, 雀姬

                   (Mahjong ladies), and Crazy Machines 3.

                   This new Proton release also brings improvements to

                   video games that were already supported, such as

                   Septerra Core, Persona 5 Royal, Vampire Survivors,

                   Super House of Dead Ninjas, Enemy Mind, Out There

                   Somewhere, Zeepkist, Overcooked! All You Can Eat,

                   Quake III: Arena, Quake III: Team Arena, Marvel

                   Snap, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, and Spyro Reignited


      o § Desktop Environments/WMs⠀➾

            # § K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Scarlett_Gately_Moore:_KDE_Snaps,_snapcraft,_Debian


                         In the snap world, I have been busy trying to

                         solve the problem of core20 snaps needing

                         security updates and focal is no longer

                         supported in KDE Neon.

            # § GNOME Desktop/GTK⠀➾

                  # ⚓ This Week in GNOME ☛ Felix_Häcker:_#81_FOSDEM


                         Update on what happened across the GNOME

                         project in the week from January 27 to

                         February 03.

                  # ⚓ Daniel_García_Moreno:_Hackweek_2023⠀⇛

                         Hack_Weekis the time SUSE employees

                         experiment, innovate & learn interruption-

                         free for a whole week! Across teams or alone,

                         but always without limits.

* § Distributions and Operating Systems⠀➾

      o ⚓ It’s FOSS ☛ Escuelas_Linux_8.0:_A_Major_Upgrade_for_the_25th


             Escuelas Linux is a unique distribution that focuses on

             the educational side of things, with the likes of Bodhi

             Linux, Ubuntu, and Debian powering it.

             It features a comprehensive set of educational software

             and resources that are of use to schools, colleges, and

             even universities.

             In a recent announcement, they introduced the 25th-

             anniversary edition of Escuelas Linux and also thanked

             the many people who contribute to the Linux ecosystem.

      o ⚓ Barry Kauler ☛ Back_from_holiday_got_some_catching_up_to_do⠀⇛

             I took one of my laptops, and did some work on EasyOS,

             but mostly was in holiday-mode. Here are commits for

             woofQ, I was away from Jan 26 to now:



             While away, thought a bit more about non-English

             translation, and

             just now have posed a question on the Puppy Forum:


             Have lots of to-do notes scribbled on pieces of paper,

             will need

             to organize and prioritize them.

      o § New Releases⠀➾

            # ⚓ Linuxiac ☛ Slax_Linux_15.0.1_and_11.6:_Experience_the_Power


                   Using Fluxbox window manager, Slax is a minimalist,

                   modular, and portable Linux distribution. It is

                   designed to run from a USB stick or other removable

                   media, making it easy to carry around and use on

                   any computer. In addition, the distro has a small

                   footprint and is customizable, allowing users to

                   add or remove modules as needed to create a

                   customized operating system.

                   If you run Slax from a read-only media, such as a

                   CD/DVD, it only saves system modifications in

                   memory, which you lose when rebooting. However, if

                   you start Slax from writable media, such as a USB

                   drive, any changes to the operating system are

                   preserved and restored the next time you boot.

                   Yesterday, the distribution’s primary developer,

                   Tomas Matejicek, announced the release of two new

                   Slax versions. So let’s have a look at what’s new.

      o § Fedora Family / IBM⠀➾

            # ⚓ Fedora Project ☛ Fedora_Community_Blog:_Friday’s_Fedora


      o § Canonical/Ubuntu Family⠀➾

            # ⚓ OMG Ubuntu ☛ Enable_This_Nautilus_Setting_to_Move_Files


                   On Fedora I can drag a file over a folder in

                   Nautilus and, if I don’t let go, the folder I’m

                   hovering over opens right there, where I am, not in

                   an extra window or a new tab. macOS also has a

                   similar feature in its file manager Finder called

                   “spring loaded folders” (and gives users options to

                   control the hover duration to trigger it).

                   Written out in words this feature sounds

                   cumbersome, so here’s a GIF to demonstrate it…

      o § Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications⠀➾

            # ⚓ Your_Android_Phone_is_Turning_Into_a_USB_Webcam⠀⇛

            # ⚓ Android Police ☛ Fairphone_4_gets_its_long_overdue_Android


            # ⚓ XDA ☛ Your_Android_phone_may_seamlessly_work_as_a_webcam


            # ⚓ Notebook Check ☛ Razer_Edge:_Teardown_video_reveals_new



            # ⚓ Notebook Check ☛ OnePlus_Ace_2_teased_as_brand-first


* § Free, Libre, and Open Source Software⠀➾

      o § Web Browsers/Web Servers⠀➾

            # ⚓ Make Use Of ☛ Carbonyl_Lets_You_Use_a_Graphical_Web_Browser


                   Browsing the internet in your terminal is cool, but

                   limited. Image support can be sketchy, and

                   JavaScript may as well not exist. If you plan on

                   consuming media, you’re out of luck.

                   Carbonyl is a Chromium fork for your terminal. It’s

                   a full-fat browser that adheres to, and is

                   compatible with modern standards, meaning that

                   pages behave as they should, and you can even watch

                   streaming video, within the Linux terminal!

* § Leftovers⠀➾

      o ⚓ World Economic Forum ☛ Tech_Power_and_Cooperation⠀⇛

      o ⚓ Black_Hand:_The_Devil_Himself⠀⇛

             How an elite London night club fell under the control of

             an intelligence-linked sex blackmail agent, self-

             described satanist and antique dealer named Horace


      o ⚓ Federal News Network ☛ Lauded_rebel_fashion_designer_Paco_Rabanne


             Spanish-born fashion designer Paco Rabanne has died at

             age 88. The company that owns the Rabanne brand on Friday

             announced the death of the designer known for perfumes

             and metallic, space-age fashions. Fashion and beauty

             company Puig described Rabanne as a “visionary designer”

             and “among the most seminal fashion figures of the 20th

             century.” Rabanne’s fashion house shows its collections

             in Paris and is scheduled to unveil the brand’s latest

             ready-to-wear designs during the upcoming Feb. 27-March 3

             fashion week. Coco Chanel reportedly called Rabanne “the

             metallurgist of fashion.” He used various kinds of metal

             in his designs, including the chain-like mail associated

             with Medieval knights.

      o ⚓ Latvia ☛ Only_400_Russian_citizens_have_registered_for_Latvian


             This year, thousands of citizens of the Russian

             Federation residing in Latvia will have to pass a

             language test to extend their residency permits in

             Latvia. The Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office

             (PMLP) has intended to send out reminders to all these

             people, which has caused some controversy in society,

             Latvian Television reported on February 2.

      o ⚓ Jim Nielsen ☛ CORS,_CORB,_CORP,_COOP,_COEP,_C…⠀⇛

             I recently watched“A_Hipster_History_of_CORS”, a talk

             from Strange Loop 2022 by Devdatta Akhawe, Head of

             Security at Figma. Devdatta does a great job of taking a

             complex, even boring, subject like CORS and weaves it

             into a funny, interesting narrative history. He connected

             many previously disparate dots in my head, making me go

             “Ah-ha! That’s why things are the way they are on the


             For example, when working on myReadlistsproject, I ran

             into an issue where I couldn’t use JavaScript to read the

             contents of an image fetched from a third-party website.

             I couldn’t understand why there was a limitation there.

             “I fetch images all the time with<img src="...">but I

             guess JavaScript’s not gonna let me?”

      o ⚓ Axios ☛ Office_occupancy_crosses_50%,_a_post-pandemic_high [Ed:

        People are being herded back into cages in spite of health risks]⠀⇛

             Office_occupancyhit a new post-pandemic record this week,

             at 50.4%, according to swipe data from Kastle Systems.

             Why it matters:Are the offices half-full or half-empty?

             Some executives might see crossing the 50% milestone as a

             sign of a comeback. But the figure has largely plateaued

             since September, hinting at a new reality where people

             work from home a lot more.

      o ⚓ Marcy Wheeler ☛ The_Rise_Of_Cities_In_Eurasia⠀⇛

             The earliest large settlements didn’t have monarchs.

      o ⚓ The Straits Times ☛ Seoul_city_to_crack_down_on_teen_use_of_‘room


             These businesses provide private spaces and simple food,

             but some teenagers are reportedly using them for sex and


      o ⚓ The Straits Times ☛ China_hotel,_catering_job_openings_surge_on


             There’s also high demand now for drivers, plane and train

             crews, and tourism and factory workers.

      o ⚓ The Straits Times ☛ China_to_fully_resume_travel_with_Hong_Kong,


             Group tours between China and Hong Kong and Macau will


      o ⚓ The Age AU ☛ The_easy_work_option_might_not_always_be_the_best⠀⇛

             Inevitably, any career decision comes with a degree of

             uncertainty and risk. It is often our appetite for

             certainty that can derail us.

      o ⚓ The Age AU ☛ The_workplace_rights_of_arts_workers_can_no_longer


             The Albanese government’s new Centre for Arts and

             Entertainment Workplaces can strengthen the arts sector

             by improving the pay, safety and welfare of its workers.

      o § Health/Nutrition/Agriculture⠀➾

            # ⚓ Science Alert ☛ Scientists_Discover_Ants_Can_Sniff_Out


                   This is incredible.

            # ⚓ Vice Media Group ☛ CYBER:_One_Man’s_Obsession_With_Being_18


                   Tech CEO Bryan Johnson wants to reverse the aging

                   process. Is it even possible?

            # ⚓ uni Michigan ☛ Brain_health,_concussions,_sports:_A_long-


                   The Michigan Alumni Brain Health Study will examine

                   whether sport participation and concussions are

                   associated with later-life brain health in former

                   U-M athletes and nonathletes.

            # ⚓ Axios ☛ Most_Americans_support_a_tobacco_ban⠀⇛

                   The majority of Americans (57%) support a ban on

                   the sale of all tobacco products and even more

                   support blocking sales of menthol cigarettes (62%),

                   aCDC_studypublished inPreventing Chronic


                   Driving the news:Researchers asked nearly 6,500

                   people in 2021 about what extent they might support

                   prohibiting tobacco sales.


                   What they’re saying:“These findings can inform

                   federal, state, and local efforts to prohibit all

                   tobacco product sales, including menthol

                   cigarettes, reduce tobacco use and tobacco-related

                   disparities, and advance health equity,” the

                   researchers wrote.

      o § Security⠀➾

            # ⚓ Federal News Network ☛ Feds_say_cyberattack_caused_suicide


                   A cyberattack caused a nearly daylong outage of the

                   nation’s new 988 mental health helpline late last

                   year, federal officials tell The Associated Press.

                   Lawmakers are now calling for the federal agency

                   that oversees the program to prevent future


            # ⚓ Security Week ☛ Former_Ubiquiti_Employee_Who_Posed_as


                   Former Ubiquiti employee Nickolas Sharp has

                   admitted in court to abusing company-provided

                   credentials to steal data and then attempting to

                   extort Ubiquiti.

            # ⚓ Security Week ☛ Atlassian_Warns_of_Critical_Jira_Service


                   A critical authentication vulnerability in Jira

                   Service Management Server and Data Center allows

                   attackers to impersonate users.

            # ⚓ Security Week ☛ High-Severity_Privilege_Escalation


                   VMware patches CVE-2023-20854, a vulnerability that

                   can be exploited by a malicious hacker to delete

                   arbitrary files.

            # ⚓ Data Breaches ☛ Nonstop_Health_data_and_source_code_appear


                   Nonstop Health offers health insurance solutions to

                   employers who have more than 50 employees receiving


            # ⚓ Security Week ☛ Exploitation_of_Oracle_E-Business_Suite


                   Critical Oracle E-Business Suite vulnerability

                   exploited in attacks shortly after PoC is


            # ⚓ Security Week ☛ GoAnywhere_MFT_Users_Warned_of_Zero-Day


                   GoAnywhere MFT users warned about a zero-day remote

                   code injection exploit that can be targeted

                   directly from the internet

            # ⚓ SANS ☛ VMware_workstation_17.0.1_fixes_arbitrary_file



            # ⚓ Tallahassee_Memorial_hospital_victim_of_suspected


                   Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare is postponing all

                   non-emergency patient procedures as officials

                   manage an Information Technology security issue

                   that occurred late Thursday night, according to a

                   memo from the hospital.

                   As of 1 p.m. Friday, the hospital also had canceled

                   non-emergency procedures for Monday, Feb. 6.

                   The IT security breach is a suspected ransomware

                   attack, according to sources with knowledge of the


            # § Privacy/Surveillance⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Bruce Schneier ☛ Manipulating_Weights_in_Face-


                         Interesting research: “Facial_Misrecognition



      o § Defence/Aggression⠀➾

            # ⚓ US News And World Report ☛ Latvia_Says_Traders_Use_Turkey,


                   By Andrius SytasVILNIUS (Reuters) – Traders are

                   using Turkey, K

            # ⚓ YLE ☛ Bloomberg:_Turkey_could_approve_Finland’s_Nato_bid_by


                   Finland has done enough to resolve Turkey’s

                   security concerns, anonymous sources told the news


            # ⚓ Latvia ☛ Latvian_sports_officials_criticize_IOC’s_“pressure


                   Representatives of Latvian sports organizations and

                   athletes who participated in teleconferences

                   organized by the International Olympic Committee

                   (IOC) got the impression that IOC President Thomas

                   Bach was aiming to achieve a result already decided

                   upon – namely, to allow athletes from the aggressor

                   states Russia and Belarus to compete at the Olympic

                   Games in Paris next year.

            # ⚓ Atlantic Council ☛ The_Islamic_Republic_is_on_the_path_to


                   The persistent and systematic nature of the Baha’i

                   experience strongly suggests that it would be

                   worthwhile to freshly examination the community’s

                   vulnerability in the current context to determine

                   whether this already beleaguered community is at

                   increased risk of larger-scale abuses.

            # ⚓ Atlantic Council ☛ Russian_War_Report:_Satellite_imagery



                   Satellite imagery suggests the build-up of air

                   defense missile systems in southern Russia while

                   Ukraine warns of a potential spring Russian


            # ⚓ RFA ☛ Chinese_authorities_impose_communications_crackdown


                   They are subjecting residents to random cell phone


            # ⚓ LRT ☛ Lithuania_threatens_to_boycott_OSCE_event_if_Russian


                   The Lithuanian delegation will not take part in the

                   Organization for Security and Co-operation in

                   Europe Parliamentary Assembly session, if Russian

                   lawmakers are allowed to attend it, Vilija

                   Aleknaitė-Abramikienė, who leads the Lithuanian the

                   delegation, says.

            # ⚓ LRT ☛ Russian_propagandist_attacks_Lithuania:_‘Why_do_we


                   Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov on his TV

                   show on the Rossiya-1 channel attacked Western

                   countries supplying Ukraine with weapons and

                   threatened that “they’ll give everything, until we

                   deal with them harshly and clearly”, according to a

                   report by Newsweek.

            # ⚓ RFA ☛ Bloody_toll:_At_least_363_women_killed_in_Myanmar_by


                   The women died mostly from small arms fire,

                   artillery blasts and torture.

            # ⚓ RFERL ☛ Germany_Confirms_Approval_Of_Leopard_1_Tank


                   Germany has approved the export of Leopard 1 battle

                   tanks to Ukraine from industry stocks, a government

                   spokesperson said on February 3 at a regular news

                   conference in Berlin.

      o § Transparency/Investigative Reporting⠀➾

            # ⚓ American Oversight ☛ D.C._Circuit_Court_rules_that_Justice


      o § Environment⠀➾

            # § Energy/Transportation⠀➾

                  # ⚓ RFERL ☛ EU_Agrees_On_Price_Caps_On_Russian_Refined


                         European Union countries agreed to set price

                         caps on Russian refined oil products to limit

                         Moscow’s funds for its invasion of Ukraine,

                         the EU said on February 3.

            # § Wildlife/Nature⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Federal News Network ☛ Police:_Monkey_thief_charged


                         Police say the man charged in the taking of

                         two emperor tamarin monkeys from the Dallas

                         Zoo has also been charged in two other recent

                         incidents there involving holes that were cut

                         in the fences for animal enclosures. Dallas

                         police spokeswoman Kristin Lowman said during

                         a news conference Friday that 24-year-old

                         Davion Irvin has been charged with two counts

                         of burglary to a building in connection with

                         the cutting of the enclosure fences for a

                         clouded leopard and langur monkeys.

      o § Finance⠀➾

            # ⚓ CNN ☛ Japan’s_workers_haven’t_had_a_raise_in_30_years.



            # ⚓ Quartz ☛ The_media_got_the_layoff_story_wrong⠀⇛

                   Today’sastonishing_employment_number—US government

                   statisticians estimate more than half a million

                   jobs were added to the economy, nearly three times

                   what was expected—highlight the problem with

                   coverage of corporate layoffs.

            # ⚓ Engadget ☛ All_the_big_tech_layoffs_of_2023⠀⇛

                   The tech industry is reeling from the combination

                   of a rough economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, and not

                   to mention some obvious business missteps. And

                   while that led to job cuts in 2022, the headcount

                   reductions have unfortunately ramped up in 2023. It

                   can be tough to keep track of these moves, so we’ve

                   compiled all the major layoffs in one place and

                   will update as the situation evolves.

            # ⚓ The Washington Post ☛ Silicon_Valley’s_golden_age_is_fading


      o § AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics⠀➾

            # ⚓ Spiegel ☛ Pressure_and_Fences:_EU_Wants_To_Seal_Itself_Off


                   More refugees are arriving in Germany than at any

                   time in recent years, and districts and cities are

                   overwhelmed. But the system for redistributing

                   migrants among EU states is unlikely to be improved

                   anytime soon, with leaders instead increasingly

                   betting on deportations and exclusion.

            # ⚓ Press Gazette ☛ Health,_sex,_money:_Lord_Rothermere_toasts


                   Despite the free-flowing champagne, on Tuesday

                   night Rothermere appeared to be a beer man.

            # ⚓ Vice Media Group ☛ Twitter’s_Latest_Chaotic_Move_Will_Kill


                   From Virginia Woolf quotes, to anime, to images of

                   fruit, bot account owners are saying their goodbyes

                   as Twitter plans to charge for its API.

            # ⚓ Press Gazette ☛ News_UK_proposes_merger_of_Scottish_Times


                   A legal obligation for The Times and Sunday Times

                   to remain separate was removed last year.

      o § Censorship/Free Speech⠀➾

            # ⚓ FAIR ☛ Facebook_Protects_Nazis_to_Protect_Ukraine_Proxy


                   Meta, the parent company of Facebook, announced on

                   January 19 that the company no longer considers

                   Ukraine’s Azov Regiment to be a “dangerous

                   organization.” The far-right paramilitary group

                   grew out of the street gangs that helped topple

                   Ukraine’s president in the US-backed 2014 coup.

      o § Civil Rights/Policing⠀➾

            # ⚓ teleSUR ☛ UK_Train_Unions’_New_Strike_Suspends_Service_Of


                   “Train drivers have not had a pay rise in four

                   years. What option do we have but striking?,”

                   Workers’ leader Whelan said.

            # ⚓ YLE ☛ Helsinki_saw_‘exceptional’_number_of_protests_in


                   Protestors hit the streets to demonstrate about

                   issues like Russia’s attack on Ukraine, climate

                   change, as well as rising petrol prices.

            # ⚓ Women_in_solidarity_action_call_on_Barutçu_Tekstil_boss:


                   Women workers were laid off in Barutçu Tekstil in

                   Bursa after they joined a trade union. Feminist

                   Rebellion Against Poverty and the women’s committee

                   of the union visited the women who are on day 111

                   of their sit-in in front of the factory.

            # ⚓ YLE ☛ CEO_departs_firm_at_centre_of_Helsinki_City_salary


                   Some workers reported being underpaid, overpaid and

                   even not being paid at all over the course of

                   several salary cycles.

            # ⚓ YLE ☛ Study:_Immigration_needs_tripling_to_maintain


                   The business-backed think tank Etla Economic

                   Research Institute calculates that yearly net

                   migration of 44,000 people is needed to stabilize

                   the size of Finland’s labour force.

            # ⚓ Copenhagen Post ☛ Record_waiting_time_in_courts_for_victims


                   With case processing time having doubled since

                   2007, justice minister Peter Hummelgaard faced a

                   barrage of criticism in Parliament

            # ⚓ MIT Technology Review ☛ A_Massachusetts_bill_could_allow


                   This article is from The Checkup, MIT Technology

                   Review’s weekly biotech newsletter. To receive it

                   in your inbox every Thursday, sign up here. What is

                   the value of a human organ? It’s a question that’s

                   been on my mind since I heard about a disturbing

                   proposed change to the law in Massachusetts that

                   would allow…

            # ⚓ Copenhagen_changes_name_of_new_baby_‘mothers’_groups’_to


                   Neonatal mothers’ groups known as mødregrupper in

                   Copenhagen will be given a new name, barselsgrupper

                   (‘parental leave groups’) in a move that is hoped

                   will get dads involved during their parental leave.

            # ⚓ The Local SE ☛ Italian_PM_Meloni_in_Stockholm_to_discuss


                   Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s Prime Minister, is visiting

                   Stockholm on Friday to meet Swedish Prime Minister

                   Ulf Kristersson and discuss EU issues, including


      o § Internet Policy/Net Neutrality⠀➾

            # ⚓ Michael Geist ☛ Senate_Passes_Updated_Bill_C-11_as_Heritage



                   Bill C-11 entered what may be its final phase

                   yesterday with a near split screen: at the Prime

                   Time conference held at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa

                   was Heritage Minister Pablo Rodrigueztelling_an

                   industry_audiencethat he would reject any Senate

                   amendments that have an impact, stating “there are

                   amendments that have zero impact on the bill and

                   other that may have some and we will not accept


            # ⚓ Helsinki Times ☛ Finland_applies_for_EUR_61.5_million_in_EU


                   Finnish operators applyfor a total of EUR 61.5

                   million in funding from the European Commission

                   under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for five

                   communications projects. On 2 February 2023, the

                   Ministerial Finance Committee endorsed the


      o § Monopolies⠀➾

            # ⚓ Quartz ☛ The_FTC_is_preparing_a_wide-ranging_antitrust

              lawsuit_against_Amazon [Ed: Citing Bill Gates-bribed

              publisher; does this help distract from Microsoft's many


                   The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) isreportedly

                   preparingan antitrust lawsuit against Amazon.

            # ⚓ Quartz ☛ What_the_YouTube_strike_means_for_Big_Tech’s


                   A group of YouTube contractors went on strike today

                   outside the Google office in Austin, Texas, after

                   the tech giant announced a return to office by Feb.

                   6. The workers are employed by Cognizant, which is

                   a subcontractor for Google parent company Alphabet.

            # ⚓ Engadget ☛ YouTube_Music_workers_strike_at_Google’s_Austin


                   YouTube Music workers in the Austin, TX area who

                   voted to unionize are striking. TheAlphabet_Works

                   Union-CWA_(AWU-CWA), which represents the

                   contractors, says this is the first time a group of

                   Google-affiliated workers has gone on strike.

                   Cognizant, an Alphabet subcontractor, staffs the

                   (more than 40) striking workers. They say

                   Alphabet’s current return-to-office date of

                   February 6th threatens their safety and livelihoods

                   since their $19-per-hour pay makes it hard to

                   afford relocation, travel and healthcare costs. The

                   AWU-CWA says most contractors were hired to work

                   remotely, and nearly a quarter of them don’t live

                   in Texas.

            # ⚓ New York Times ☛ Why_Apple_Watches_Keep_Calling_911⠀⇛

                   Dispatchers for 911 are being inundated with false,

                   automated distress calls from Apple devices owned

                   by skiers who are very much alive.

            # § Trademarks⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Dennis Crouch/Patently-O ☛ Trademark_Registration:


                         The phrase comes from Lizzo’s 2017 song Truth

                         Hurts (remade in 2019) that has become a

                         viral sleeper hit.  The original line in the

                         song is “I just took a DNA test, turns out

                         I’m 100% that bitch.” But Lizzo herself did

                         not create the phrase. Rather, Lizzo

                         apparently saw a social media meme about

                         being 100% that bitch and then added it to

                         her song.  The examining attorney concluded

                         that “evidence that consumers may associate

                         the phrase with the famous singer/song

                         because it was a lyric in the singer’s song

                         does not entitle the applicant as a singer-

                         songwriter to appropriate for itself

                         exclusive use of the phrase.”

                         On appeal, the TTAB reversed the refusal. 

                         Unlike patents and copyrights, trademark law

                         is not designed to reward the creative

                         endeavor of invention or authorship.

            # § Copyrights⠀➾

                  # ⚓ MIT Technology Review ☛ AI_models_spit_out_photos_of


                         Popular image generation models can be

                         prompted to produce identifiable photos of

                         real people, potentially threatening their

                         privacy, according to new research. The work

                         also shows that these AI systems can be made

                         to regurgitate exact copies of medical images

                         and copyrighted work by artists.

* § Gemini* and Gopher⠀➾

      o § Personal⠀➾

            # ⚓ Sitting_in_O’Hare⠀⇛

                   The first part of my weekwas spent in Adams,

                   Massachussets. I flew into Albany, New York on

                   Sunday. Oddly, this location’s scenery reminded me

                   of Colorado around the Glennwood Springs/Aspen

                   area. Not an exact match, but it reminded me of it

                   strongly. It makes sense since this too is a ski


                   I stayed in a high rise hotel. Odd since I was in

                   the small town of Pittsfield. I never expect to see

                   a high-storey building in a small town. This hotel

                   was very hostile to its guests especially with the

                   parking situation. The parking garage was closed

                   “for renovations.” I put that in quotes because

                   there were no construction workers to be found the

                   entire time I was there. The available parking was

                   a block away at a bank. They “offered” valet

                   service for the parking. I put that in quotes

                   because the valet service started at 0730 and I had

                   to be out and about before that every single day I

                   was there.

            # ⚓ Fountain_Pens⠀⇛

                   Recently I have gone fountain pen mad. It all

                   started from seeing the

                   Muji fountain pen. It is an aluminium affair which

                   has a knurled pen

                   grip area and feels very industrial chic. At a low

                   low price of 18,

                   it was a bit of a no brainer. Something clicked and

                   I felt a need to

                   find out more. Queue reading reviews and watching

                   videos. Then I fell

                   into the rabbit hole.

            # ⚓ Album_#165:_Let’s_Stay_Together⠀⇛

                   Al Green pops up frequently enough on DJ Time

                   Traveller’s weekly radio show that I’m familiar-

                   ish, but this was the first album I’ve listened to.

                   It’s starts strong and keeps going. His voice is

                   versatile. The instrumentation never veers too far

                   in to sappiness, nor does it ever really take

                   centre stage. From start to finish, it’s a pleasure

                   to listen to.

            # ⚓ minimalism⠀⇛

                   Perhaps one problem with minimalism isn’t what it

                   removes, but what it leaves: the computer, with all

                   it’s storage, and access to the internet. Don’t get

                   me wrong: I’m not one for rolling back the

                   internet, but I am one for not being sucked into

                   and controlled by the internet. How do we solve


            # ⚓ Learn_better⠀⇛

                   Better learning is not reading a book in order

                   it’s going backwards in a course when you’re not


                   it’s writing to the author when you think he’s


                   It’s summarising

      o § Technical⠀➾

            # ⚓ Finally,_I_switched_over_to_OpenBSD⠀⇛

                   I have been wanting to move my daily driver over to

                   one of the BSDs for

                   some time now, I have written in the past about my

                   experience’s with

                   FreeBSD [0]. At the time, the limiting factor was

                   the hardware I was

                   running and the issues that caused. However, now

                   that I have the mini-pc

                   new hardware I thought this would a good week to

                   try it out. One evening

                   I took the plunge, backed up $HOME on my current

                   Alpine Linux setup and

                   installed OpenBSD. It was super simple, and I was

                   up and running in

                   a shell within 15 minutes.

            # § Internet/Gemini⠀➾

                  # ⚓ Getting_rid_of_google:_The_*really*_easy_stuff_and


                         So I haven’t updated in a bit, but I still

                         wanted to start things off by finishing my

                         series of posts on getting rid of google and

                         reduce internet surveillance.

                         Here, I’ll discuss hoping out of Youtube

                         (well, more or less) and Gmail and explain

                         where I really was too hasty last time,

                         before giving some first thoughts on it all.

                  # ⚓ Zaibatsu_downtime_notice⠀⇛

                         On Saturday the 11th of February, the Mare

                         Tranquillitatis People’s

                         Circumlunar Zaibatsu

                         (zaibatsu.circumlunar.space) will be taken

                         offline for an operating system upgrade. This

                         phlog (and all the

                         others hosted here!) will obviously be

                         unavailable during this time.

                         I will endeavour to keep the Gopher downtime

                         as short as possible!

                  # ⚓ And_into_February⠀⇛

                         I originally started this entry at 09:40 this

                         morning, because I knew I’d be

                         too tired this evening after work. Here I am

                         finishing the entry at 21:27. It

                         has been this way lately: finish work, have

                         dinner, then tea, entertain two

                         cats, and then it’s time for bed. I must be

                         getting old, because I’m usually

                         awake quite early, therefore I go to bed


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World Wide Web but a lot lighter.


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