𝕿𝖊𝖈𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 Bulletin for Sunday, January 22, 2023
Generated Mon 23 Jan 02:41:23 GMT 2023
Created by Dr. Roy Schestowitz (𝚛𝚘𝚢 (at) 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚣 (dot) 𝚌𝚘𝚖)
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Gemini index for the day: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/22/
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Previous bulletins in IPFS (past 21 days, in chronological order):
╒═══════════════════ 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐗 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╕
⦿ When Sirius Misleads Its Clients About Who Works at Sirius the Lies Propagate Further | Techrights
⦿ [Meme] ISO-Approved Bullying? | Techrights
⦿ [Meme] Stop Getting Ill! | Techrights
⦿ IRC Proceedings: Saturday, January 21, 2023 | Techrights
⦿ The ISO Delusion: How Sirius Picked Collaboration/Communication Tools That Harm Staff, Harm the Company, and Harm Its Clients | Techrights
⦿ Sirius ’Open Source’ a Victim of Mismanagement and Sellout | Techrights
䷼ Bulletin articles (as HTML) to comment on (requires login):
䷞ Followed by Daily Links (assorted news picks curated and categorised):
䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 63
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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/01/22/clients-deceived/#comments
Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/22/clients-deceived/
⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 01.22.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧
✐ When_Sirius_Misleads_Its_Clients_About_Who_Works_at_Sirius_the_Lies_Propagate
Posted in Deception, Free/Libre_Software at 1:54 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
They also present us as their own staff, which is technically and legally
Summary: In order to look big Sirius_deceives_clients and they, in turn,
deceive theirs too (see screenshot above, with annotation)
䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 116
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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/01/22/gdpr-and-iso-facade/#comments
Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/22/gdpr-and-iso-facade/
⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 01.22.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧
✐ [Meme]_ISO-Approved_Bullying?⠀✐
Posted in Deception, Free/Libre_Software, ISO at 12:50 am by Dr. Roy
Summary: Sirius_‘Open_Source’ and its bullying of staff piggybacked a bunch of
nonsense about “GDPR” and “ISO” (where inapplicable); details will be shown
䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 174
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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/01/22/getting-ill-sirius/#comments
Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/22/getting-ill-sirius/
⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 01.22.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧
✐ [Meme]_Stop_Getting_Ill!⠀✐
Posted in Free/Libre_Software at 12:17 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: When your employer not only fails_to_understand_that_you_work_in_spite
of_an_illness_but_is_moreover_causing_that_illness (stress or depression leads
to a significantly weakened immune system) it’s time to move on
䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 261
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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/01/22/irc-log-210123/#comments
Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/22/irc-log-210123/
⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 01.22.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧
✐ IRC_Proceedings:_Saturday,_January_21,_2023⠀✐
Posted in IRC_Logs at 2:36 am by Needs Sunlight
Also available via the Gemini protocol at:
* gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-210123.gmi
* gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-210123.gmi
* gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-210123.gmi
* gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-210123.gmi
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§ Bulletin for Yesterday⠀➾
Local_copy | CID (IPFS): QmZvsSxYDJgp5bsLr3MEwXHCgAm1aYMF8K8hPKiYkSAUX4
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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/01/22/iso-delusion-at-sirius/#comments
Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/22/iso-delusion-at-sirius/
⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 01.22.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧
✐ The_ISO_Delusion:_How_Sirius_Picked_Collaboration/Communication_Tools_That
Posted in Deception, Free/Libre_Software, ISO at 9:13 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
Summary: Sirius_‘Open_Source’ has long misused_"ISO" to do all sorts of dubious
things, including cover-up and frustration of staff; the time has come to
explain what happened and maybe eventually report the matter to ISO itself
THOSE who have followed this series carefully enough know that pretty much all
the communication tools of Sirius ‘Open Source’ had been outsourced to
proprietary vendors (voice, text etc.) without bothering to ask staff, which
complained only after the fact. Too late. It’s a decree, not a proposal.
Instead of self-hosting Asterisk and relying on Jabber (among other things) the
company was sending its workflow to Google, Zoom, Slack (Saleforce) and even
Skype (Microsoft) while publicly floating ISO logos.
Over the coming week or so we’ll show this ugly façade of a company that still
uses the term “Open Source” — a thing that it is rejecting internally. It’s not
about doing what clients require; this is about what the company chooses for
itself, as it’s headed by managers who neither use nor support Open Source.
It’s a façade.
The Office Manager will be a recurring theme here, as she was part of this
façade. What is an Office Manager anyway when the company does_not_have_an
actual_office? David_Graeber’s_thesis would classify it as a ‘bullshit job’ [1,
2], probably the “box tickers” kind. To quote Wikipedia, we deal here with “box
tickers, who create the appearance that something useful is being done when it
is not, e.g., survey administrators, in-house magazine journalists, corporate
compliance officers, quality service managers”
As noted here right from the start (a day after resignation), the company was
hardly compliant with anything sensible, including security and ethics. Last
year I was asked to study logs for some anti-abortion group (without telling me
where those logs had come from). What next? Would I be getting assigned jobs
like checking logs for Oath Keepers or Proud Boys, seeing that anti-abortion
groups were starting paying for “services” last year? (Off the record)
Anyway, yesterday this_good_article mentioned LastPass, another company that
the stubborn new management decided to hand over to not only our own passwords
but clients’ too (even private keys!!!), insisting that according_to_LastPass
the LastPass breach wasn’t a big deal. Sirius did not even bother resetting
passwords after I had repeatedly urged for this to be done (and, as a possible
bonus, to dump LastPass altogether). In yesterday’s article the author says:
“I’d like to talk about some of my experiences with this topic, as well as
recent events in the security community.”
“Before I describe my experience,” he says, “I need to set the stage. My
LastPass fun took place around the same time as the infamous Bugcrowd incident
with JSBN.”
Watch how LastPass handled things: “My first step in esclating was
security.txt. No dice. There was no clear security officer or contact
information that I could discern from my social network either, so I chose the
path of last resort: I contacted their support team.”
So it’s more or less like Sirius. No wonder a client said the company was
“incompetent”. The client said this to a highly incompetent ‘manager’ who was
never supposed to be there in the first place: No clue about technology or
about management, just some associate from a former organisation in which a
Sirius ‘founder’ had spent a few years. Hiring friends and relatives instead of
qualified people leads to disaster.
Very basic security practices were often disregarded and staff was ignored in
spite of technical background. It was like talking to the wall.
At first we had Asterisk internally; then someone decided it would be better to
use some outside firm as a supplier and pay the fees. That was still a lot
better than a move to a defective “service” and then purchase “phones” that are
a security threat, in the hope (likely false hope) that it would ‘fix’ the
issue. We’ll come to that another day.
The management kept covering up for repeated failure/s, blaming the staff
(victims) instead, never the decision-makers who introduced a faulty/defective
alternative but are too vain to admit it, take the blame, and finally undo.
The company’s obscene disregard for security would not end there. We’ve already
covered cognition reports being stored on personal machines, then uploaded to
AWS (not the client’s servers). There was no longer any security protocol in
place; no file server for them or for us (GDPR would be screaming!), set aside
the fact that the company is no longer “open source” and is basically lying
about it. It’s more like bragging about ISO while gaslighting people who
actually value security.
Not only did the company ignore the warnings from me, it didn’t even change
passwords, alter providers, or self-host an actual “Open Source” alternative.
It kept saying it would (or merely consider this), but those were lies. As we
mentioned here before, this wasn’t a matter of practicality of cost-savings
either; Sirius was getting huge bills for “clown computing” (idle almost all
the time but the bills kept growing and growing). Any suggestion of self-
hosting, i.e. like before, was dismissed as “hobbyist” by the CEO. So what is
to be sold as a service by Sirius? Outsourcing? Well, the company’s latest
incarnation in LinkedIn does say that.
Tomorrow we’ll show some examples of misuse of the company’s pretences (ISO,
GDPR etc.) for cover-up, censorship etc.
In the meantime, however, consider this E-mail from July 2019 (when the company
was setting up a shell in the US, covertly, when signing an NDA with the Gates
xxxx wrote on 17/07/2019 17:20:
> Hello Roy,
> As you are aware we’re currently going through the process of
> implementing ISO 27001 (information security management system).
> been brought to our attention that you using xxxxx Slack is
> unacceptable due to the security of password sharing amongst
> During your meeting at the training workshop – I had asked for you
> reconsider as this is a company requirement.
> Moving forward and with the advice from the ISO company this is now
> something which needs to be completed by the end of your shift this
> evening. Slack is an essential communication tool used by everyone
> within the company.
> Would you please confirm the receipt of this email and a reply to
> request.
Currently, all our sensitive communications end up on the server of a
large corporation in another country, where this data can get sold.
It included NHS stuff. This too is a problem as we need to be Open
Source not only in name and I’ve been waiting for xxxxx to set up
Matrix or similar for me to join. It has been months and I think it’s
essential for our company to demonstrate it takes security seriously.
I can set up an Open Source alternative myself if that helps.
Of course I only received more threats for this, rather than be listened to. Of
course “information security” and Slack are incompatible concepts. As we shall
revisit shortly, let’s just say Slack suffered yet another data breach shortly
thereafter, vindicating me. Did the management listen? Did it react? Of course
After some more threats I was compelled to give up, at least temporarily:
xxxx wrote:
> Hello Roy,
> As I have expressed in my previous email and in all communication
> Slack is an essential communication tool used by everyone within
> company at the moment. We all should be there.
> This is a direct management requirement and instruction and it
needs to
> be implemented immediately.
I have just created the Slack account.
It would still be useful to know the timeline for moving to an Open
Source alternatives. Slack has no business model other than spying at
the moment, as media repeatedly points out.
Regarding “I’ve been waiting for xxxxx to set up Matrix or similar for me to
join,” I was receiving false promises from the CEO, naming two people who would
set up a Free software alternative like Riot/Mattermost. One of them left the
company (as I had previously warned the manager) and another never implemented
the change. Sirius management was just lying all along.
We’ll revisit Slack another day and we shall deal with each of these blunders
in turn. ISO is a joke if it grants certification to companies which behave in
this way, set aside how superficial the requirements are. 15 years ago
Microsoft bribed a lot of firms and organisations to rig ISO; and ISO, in turn,
was OK with it. Now, after so many years, Sirius is another disgrace or a black
eye to ISO. No wonder clients suffered security breaches. They weren’t even
informed of how poorly Sirius had handled/managed security. █
䷩ 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 669
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(ℹ) Images, hyperlinks and comments at http://techrights.org/2023/01/22/nda-as-bribe-video/#comments
Gemini version at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/01/22/nda-as-bribe-video/
⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 01.22.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧
✐ Sirius_‘Open_Source’_a_Victim_of_Mismanagement_and_Sellout⠀✐
Posted in Bill_Gates, Deception, Free/Libre_Software at 12:34 am by Dr. Roy
Video_download_link | md5sum 1207d847e412d9c458be0b408d43f29c
Sirius Bullying the Geeks, Driving Away Core Staff
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
Summary: The managers at Sirius_‘Open_Source’ have been bullying staff since
2019, even more so after the Gates_Foundation passed money to the CEO under an
NDA (while the_company_created_a_new_shell_in_Washington); today we examine why
the NDA was, in effect, very much like a bribe (or two bribes, depending on the
kind of NDA) and then examine one memorable example of management abusing
depressed and ill geeks
FOR a number of years already we’ve discussed NDAs as a form of bribery. NDAs
should probably not be legal at all; people who use NDAs extensively cause
harm; they typically engage in criminal business activities, which they’re
desperate to hide (from the public, authorities etc.), so they pay ‘hush money’
in advance).
“White-collar criminals love NDAs.”The video above discusses this_post_from_3
hours_ago and explains why I’ve generally come to the conclusion that many
types of NDA are indistinguishable from bribes. Had there been no strings
attached, I’d be able to give more concrete evidence of what happened in 2019.
I got a hint of it only once and Rianne was a witness too. She heard what the
CEO told us. I did not record it, but in hindsight I ought to have recorded it
(had I known in advance). This was never mentioned in writing after that (or
before that). I suppose that verbal mention was itself a violation of the NDA,
but maybe the CEO hoped nobody would notice. White-collar criminals love NDAs.
🄸🄼🄰🄶🄴 🄳🄴🅂🄲🅁🄸🄿🅃🄸🄾🄽 ⦇Yes! I still remember⦈ Either way, the main topic of the
above video is how a colleague of mine, a highly technical person, was
persistently bullied by vicious ‘managers’ without any relevant training. We
never forgot this. We’ll always remember.
If you work in a company governed by trolls and managed by their cronies, get
out for your own sake. It only goes downhill from there. Companies cannot
recover from this and sellouts worsen things. They’re a final act of
desperation, milking what’s left of the brand’s past reputation. █
“Pearly Gates and Em-Ballmer
One promises you heaven and the other prepares you for the grave.”
–Ray Noorda, Novell CEO and Chairman
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✐ Links_22/01/2023:_helloSystem_0.8_Released⠀✐
Posted in News_Roundup at 8:08 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
§ Contents⠀➾
* GNU/Linux
o Desktop/Laptop
o Audiocasts/Shows
o Kernel_Space
o Applications
o Instructionals/Technical
o Desktop_Environments/WMs
# GNOME_Desktop/GTK
* Distributions_and_Operating_Systems
o Reviews
o Arch_Family
o Fedora_Family_/_IBM
o Debian_Family
o Devices/Embedded
o Mobile_Systems/Mobile_Applications
* Free,_Libre,_and_Open_Source_Software
o Web_Browsers/Web_Servers
# Mozilla
o GNU_Projects
o Programming/Development
# R
# Python
# Rust
o Standards/Consortia
* Leftovers
o Health/Nutrition/Agriculture
o Security
# Privacy/Surveillance
o Defence/Aggression
o Environment
# Energy/Transportation
o Finance
* Gemini*_and_Gopher
o Personal
o Technical
# Internet/Gemini
* § GNU/Linux⠀➾
o § Desktop/Laptop⠀➾
# ⚓ Make Use Of ☛ 6_Reasons_Why_Developers_Prefer_MacBooks_Over
Windows_or_Linux_Laptops [Ed: Loaded_and_likely_false
headline,_unsupported_by_actual_evidence. Borderline Apple
A computer is a little more than just another
device to a developer. It’s more like their
companion because they spend long hours solving
problems on it to bring some of their best ideas to
life. And naturally, when it comes to picking the
right one, there are some non-negotiables: power,
speed, and reliability.
o § Audiocasts/Shows⠀➾
# ⚓ Video ☛ Fedora_Ships_A_Filtered_Flathub_–_Custom_Repo??_–
If you use Fedora you probably know about it’s
weird flatpak situation but for the rest of us did
you know Fedora filters flathub and even has it’s
own custom flatpak repo.
# ⚓ Video ☛ Open_Source_Metaverse?_–_Invidious⠀⇛
This week in Business News, Google will update
Stadia controllers to prevent e-waste, Windows
breaks itself with multiple updates, and the self-
driving Tesla video was apparently staged. We also
see the Linux Foundation creating an open source
metaverse. We also visit sillyville.
# ⚓ Video ☛ Linux_Distro_Identical_To_Macos_–_Invidious⠀⇛
In This Video We Are Looking At helloSystem is a
desktop system for creators with focus on
simplicity, elegance, and usability. Based on
# ⚓ Video ☛ Netrunner_23_“Vaporwave”_–_New_version_based_on
In This Video We Are Looking At Netrunner 23
“Vaporwave” Developed by Blue Systems , which is
also developing the Kubuntu and linuxmint KDE
version ; offering multimedia codecs, Flash and
Java plug-ins along with a highly customized KDE
desktop environment; 23 version of Debian-based
Netrunner codenamed “Vaporwave” has been announced.
o § Kernel Space⠀➾
# ⚓ LWN ☛ Kernel_prepatch_6.2-rc5_[LWN.net]⠀⇛
The 6.2-rc5 kernel prepatch is out.
o § Applications⠀➾
# ⚓ Linux Links ☛ 12_Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Console_Email
For the traditionalists, emails remains a
fundamental part of the operating system.
Fortunately, there is a wide selection of free
email software available on the Linux platform
which is stable, feature laden, and ideal for
personal and business environments.
The vast majority of Linux users would never be
satisfied without access to a graphical user
interface. However, even in 2021 there remain many
reasons why console based applications can be
extremely desirable.
Although console applications are very useful for
updating, configuring, and repairing a system,
their benefits are not only confined to system
administration. Console based applications are
light on system resources (very useful on low spec
machines), can be faster and more efficient than
their graphical counterparts, they do not stop
working when X/Wayland needs to be restarted, and
they are great for scripting purposes.
# ⚓ Linux Links ☛ 10_Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Shells_–
The shell is a program that takes commands from the
keyboard and gives them to the operating system to
perform. This environment lets users run commands,
programs, and shell scripts. The shell is both an
interactive command language and a scripting
language, and is used by the operating system to
control the execution of the system using shell
The first Unix shell was the Thompson shell, sh,
written by Ken Thompson at Bell Labs back in the
early 1970s. Nowadays, on many Linux systems, bash
(which stands for Bourne Again SHell) acts as the
shell program. It was first released in 1989, and
implements the POSIX standard plus many extensions.
But there are lots of other free and open source
shells available for Linux. We spotlight our
recommended free and open source shells.
# ⚓ Linuxiac ☛ RSS_Guard_4.3.0_Brings_Massive_Performance
RSS Guard 4.3.0 open source cross-platform RSS feed
reader brings users a considerable performance
boost for the feed fetching mechanism.
RSS feed readers are valuable tools for staying
connected to the world around you while focusing on
the digital content that is important to you. They
allow you to subscribe to RSS feeds from your
favorite websites, blogs, and news outlets, making
it easy to keep track of new content as it becomes
One such tool is RSS Guard, which has just released
its brand new 4.3.0 version, promising significant
improvements over previous ones. So, let’s see what
has changed.
# ⚓ OMG Ubuntu ☛ ’Damask’_is_a_New_Wallpaper_App_for_Linux
Scores of wallpaper downloader apps exist for
Linux, with most able to fetch high-quality
backgrounds from a myriad of online sources and set
them as your desktop wallpaper.
Damask is another such app making its debut on
Flathub this weekend.
Built using GTK4 and following the GNOME HIG,
Damask fits in perfectly on the modern Ubuntu
o § Instructionals/Technical⠀➾
# ⚓ Video ☛ How_to_install_Krita_on_KDE_Neon_–_Invidious⠀⇛
In this video, we are looking at how to install
Krita on KDE Neon.
# ⚓ Linux Made Simple ☛ How_to_install_the_Waterfox_browser_on
Today we are looking at how to install the Waterfox
browser on a Chromebook.
# ⚓ Linux Made Simple ☛ How_to_install_FL_Studio_21_on_a
Today we are looking at how to install FL Studio 21
on a Chromebook with Wine, an application layer
that allows us to install some Windows applications
on Linux. Please follow the video/audio guide as a
tutorial where we explain the process step by step
and use the commands below.
# ⚓ ID Root ☛ How_To_Install_UVdesk_Helpdesk_System_on_Ubuntu
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install
UVdesk Helpdesk System on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For
those of you who didn’t know, UVdesk is a powerful
helpdesk system that can help businesses manage
customer support and communication. It offers a
variety of tools for handling customer inquiries,
such as email and ticket management, an integrated
knowledge base, and a customer self-service portal.
Additionally, UVdesk is fully customizable and
offers integrations with other popular business
This article assumes you have at least basic
knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and
most importantly, you host your site on your own
VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes
you are running in the root account, if not you may
need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root
privileges. I will show you the step-by-step
installation of the UVdesk Helpdesk System on
Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). You can follow the
same instructions for Ubuntu 22.04 and any other
Debian-based distribution like Linux Mint,
Elementary OS, Pop!_OS, and more as well.
# ⚓ H2S Media ☛ How_to_Install_Stress_or_Stress-ng_on_AWS
Analyze your server’s performance by installing the
Stress workload generator tool on Amazon Linux to
test the system’s stability and ability to handle
the workload.
To measure the ability of the systems, testers
generally use stress tools, and in Linux, we have
that free of cost to use. We can define the amount
of stress we want to put on our Amazon Linux 2
server to test the system’s stability and
# ⚓ How_to_install_Docker_on_Rocky_Linux_–_Darryl_Dias⠀⇛
Docker is a platform for developers and system
administrators to develop, ship, and run
applications in containers. Containers are
lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient
environments that allow applications to run
consistently across different environments. It
allows developers to package their applications and
dependencies into a container, which can then be
easily deployed and run on any host with Docker
installed. This helps to ensure that the
application will run the same way in the
development, testing, and production environments.
# ⚓ Video ☛ How_to_Nvidia_Prime_Render_Offload_for_Better
Debian supports Nvidia Optimus via the Prime Render
Offload environment variables out of the box when
using the closed-source Nvidia drivers. Using the
closed-source drivers isn’t desirable but it’s
required if you want to do any 3D gaming on Linux.
The latest drivers integrate with the iGPU via
Nvidia Optimus so you can switch between GPUs and
get better performance and better battery life.
# ⚓ Ubuntu Handbook ☛ Stupid_Easy_Way_to_Transfer_Small_Files
There are quite a few ways to transfer files
between different machines. For Ubuntu and most
other Linux, here’s an easy way for choice.
Usually, I use a USB cable or a messenger app for
transferring photo images between my personal PC
and mobile devices.
However, my USB cable is always NOT near at hand
and I hate to scan QR code again and again on PC
for logging 3rd app. In this case, creating a
temporary http file server with Python is an easy
and good choice.
# ⚓ Install_the_sf_package_on_Ubuntu_20.04_–_Pachá⠀⇛
I was unable to install the sf package on a clean
Ubuntu 20.04 setup, and the problem is attributed
to incompatible software versions. My workaround,
instead of installing the package from source, was
to install a precompiled binary package, but that
depends on configuring a PPA for GDAL.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Commonly_Used_DNS_with_Example_Usage⠀⇛
DNS servers are how the internet exists. It’s
through DNS that the hostnames and domain names are
resolved to get their IP addresses. Each system has
default tools to troubleshoot the DNS errors. For
system administrators, resolving the DNS issues is
a common task.
This post highlights the different tools that you
can use to troubleshoot and check your DNS. We will
mention the tool and give an example of its usage.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ How_to_Check_the_Disk_Space_in_Linux_from_the
When working with Linux, you must quickly check the
available space on your system. That way, you can
keep a tab on your drives to ensure that you don’t
run out of space. Checking the disk space is
straightforward, depending on your GUI desktop.
However, when you have a headless server, you need
a way to check your disk space using the command
This guide focuses on checking the disk space in
Linux via the command line.
# ⚓ TecAdmin ☛ How_To_Set_Up_Nginx_Reverse_Proxy:_A_Step-By-
A reverse proxy is a type of server that sits
between a client and a server, acting as an
intermediary between the two. It accepts the
requests from clients, forwards those requests to
the appropriate server, and then returns the
server’s response to the client.
# ⚓ Learn Ubuntu ☛ Find_Apt_Packages_that_Consume_the_Most
If you are running out of space on the system, the
most basic thing to do is check what is taking up
how much space.
There will be several factors behind that. From
logs to cache, it could be anything.
But have you ever wondered which application is
taking more space? Yes, this is possible for apt
packages at least.
And this guide is focused on how you can check the
APT packages that consume the most space on Ubuntu.
o § Desktop Environments/WMs⠀➾
# § GNOME Desktop/GTK⠀➾
# ⚓ OMG! Linux ☛ Wow,_GNOME_44’s_New_Backgrounds_Are
A fresh set of supplemental wallpapers will
accompany the GNOME 44 release this spring,
and no lie: they’re stunning.
I care about desktop wallpapers more than
most. On my desktop (with a 4K screen) I
rarely run any app maximised, thus I see more
of my desktop than the average person does.
But even if you don’t, it’s not a bad thing
to want something pleasing to look at when
all apps are closed or minimized out of the
And in GNOME 44 you won’t have to look far to
find something that suits.
* § Distributions and Operating Systems⠀➾
o ⚓ OMG! Linux ☛ helloSystem_0.8_Released_(FreeBSD-Based_OS_Inspired
Before you say it, I know: this site is titled omg! linux
and not omg! BSD – despite this I’m gonna ask you to
waive this post through.
See, I’m kinda hard-wired to be interested in alternative
operating systems. I’ve been that way ever since I
discovered Linux in 2007. The fact you could run
something OTHER than Windows on a PC? It was BIG news to
o § Reviews⠀➾
# ⚓ Simon Josefsson ☛ Understanding_Trisquel_–_Simon
The scripts to convert an Ubuntu archive into a
Trisquel archive are available in the ubuntu-purge
repository. The easy to read purge-focal script
lists the packages to remove from Ubuntu 20.04
Focal when it is imported into Trisquel 10.0 Nabia.
The purge-jammy script provides the same for Ubuntu
22.04 Jammy and (the not yet released) Trisquel
11.0 Aramo. The list of packages is interesting,
and by researching the reasons for each exclusion
you can learn a lot about different attitudes
towards free software and understand the desire to
improve matters. I wish there were a wiki-page that
for each removed package summarized relevant links
to earlier discussions. At the end of the script
there is a bunch of packages that are removed for
branding purposes that are less interesting to
Trisquel adds a couple of Trisquel-specific
packages. The source code for these packages are in
the trisquel-packages repository, with sub-
directories for each release: see 10.0/ for Nabia
and 11.0/ for Aramo. These packages appears to be
mostly for branding purposes.
o § Arch Family⠀➾
# ⚓ Make Use Of ☛ 5_Key_Differences_Between_SteamOS_and_Arch
You may have heard that the Steam Deck uses Arch
Linux. This is technically true. Valve’s SteamOS is
based on Arch Linux.
But the experience on the Deck is very different
from what you would encounter if you installed Arch
Linux on a PC. Here are some ways SteamOS is
different from its parent distribution.
o § Fedora Family / IBM⠀➾
# ⚓ Red Hat Official ☛ Four_benefits_from_Red_Hat_and_Microsoft
for_Azure_Red_Hat_OpenShift_customers [Ed: Red Hat works with
Microsoft instead of competing with Microsoft]⠀⇛
o § Debian Family⠀➾
# ⚓ Petter Reinholdtsen ☛ Petter_Reinholdtsen:_Opensnitch,_the
While reading a blog post claiming MacOS X recently
started scanning local files and reporting
information about them to Apple, even on a machine
where all such callback features had been disabled,
I came across a description of the Little Snitch
application for MacOS X. It seemed like a very nice
tool to have in the tool box, and I decided to see
if something similar was available for Linux.
It did not took long to find the OpenSnitch
package, which has been in development since 2017,
and now is in version 1.5.0. It has had a request
for Debian packaging since 2018, but no-one
completed the job so far. Just for fun, I decided
to see if I could help, and I was very happy to
discover that upstream want a Debian package too.
o § Devices/Embedded⠀➾
# ⚓ Adafruit ☛ RP2040_Feather_‘bones’_for_a_few_different
# ⚓ TechCrunch ☛ As_it_shifts_focus_from_DIY_computer_kits,
Founded out of London in 2013, Kano has brought
various products to market through the years
designed to teach the building blocks of computing
to children. This includes its flagship Raspberry
Pi-based modular PCs, as well as accessories such
as the Harry Potter Coding Kit, replete with a
physical magic wand that works across most
# ⚓ Reverse_Engineering_Yaesu_FT-70D_Firmware_Encryption_|
Ham radios are a fun way of learning how the radio
spectrum works, and more importantly: they’re
embedded devices that may run weird chips/firmware!
I got curious how easy it’d be to hack my Yaesu FT-
70D, so I started doing some research. The only
existing resource I could find for Yaesu radios was
someone who posted about custom firmware for their
Yaesu FT1DR.
# ⚓ Adafruit ☛ The_Ham_Radio_all-in-one_cable⠀⇛
The Ham Radio All-in-one-Cable (AIOC) is a small
adapter with a USB-C connector that enumerates
itself as a sound-card (e.g. for APRS purposes) and
a virtual tty (“COM Port”) for programming and
asserting the PTT (Push-To-Talk).
o § Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications⠀➾
# ⚓ Indian Express ☛ Meet_BharOS,_India’s_rival_mobile_OS_to
# ⚓ Notebook Check ☛ MIUI_14:_Xiaomi_12_starts_receiving
# ⚓ GSM Arena ☛ Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_S6_Lite’s_Wi-Fi_model_is
# ⚓ Android Police ☛ The_best_visual_novels_on_Android_in
* § Free, Libre, and Open Source Software⠀➾
o ⚓ Libre Arts ☛ Libre_Arts_–_Weekly_recap_—_22_January_2022⠀⇛
There have been many interesting updates in the last 3
weeks, I’ve picked the ones I can realistically handle.
Highlights: OBS Studio 29, Pinta 2.1, HDRView 1.7.1,
Synfig 1.4.4, Ossia Score 3.1.6, and more.
o ⚓ FOSS Weekly ☛ FOSS_Weekly_#32_–_KDE_Plasma_5.27,_Kernel
Welcome to this week’s edition of FOSS Weekly! This week,
DNEG released their open source tool as promised a while
back, Apple open sourced their 40-year-old Apple Lisa’s
source code, and we also have lots of interesting
releases from distros and other projects.
o ⚓ John Gruber ☛ App_Store_Rejection_of_the_Week:_Ice_Cubes,_a
Today, Mastodon’s explosive growth in the face of
Twitter’s collapse has made it a new UI playground,
especially so on iOS. I’m following — and using — at
least half a dozen excellent new iOS Mastodon clients,
each of them distinctive.
o § Web Browsers/Web Servers⠀➾
# § Mozilla⠀➾
# ⚓ Ruben Schade ☛ Desktop_email,_and_from_Alpine_to
In my experience, fewer phrases elicit as
much surprise in technical circles as desktop
email client. Even among those who still use
them at work—by choice or otherwise—fewer do
at home. It’s akin to admitting you still use
floppy disks or, perhaps a more adjacent
analogy, Lotus Notes.
Web email is good enough for most people, and
probably has been for a long time. You run it
in most browsers and devices, you don’t need
to worry about syncing, and it’s one fewer
application to configure, upgrade, and
maintain. That first one is key; email
autoconfiguration just works sometimes, but
there are enough edge cases to keep it from
being as foolproof as logging into a website
like Hotmail. Is that still a thing?
I’d also guess that most people don’t know
how email works under the hood, such as the
protocols (or the fact its sent and stored in
plaintext, but that’s a separate issue). To
them, email is another glorified social
network, which also lends itself to being
loaded in a browser like their social media
data harvester of choice.
I’ve used a mix of Thunderbird and Alpine for
years, but I made the fateful decision last
weekend to merge everything into Thunderbird
and call it a day. I’ll continue to recommend
Alpine for those who want to live out of a
terminal, but I find a high-resolution,
bitmapped display with a mouse is an easier,
denser interface for email tasks.
o § GNU Projects⠀➾
# ⚓ GNU ☛ GNU_Parallel_20230122_(‘Bolsonaristas’)_released_
GNU Parallel 20230122 (‘Bolsanaristas’) has been
released. It is available for download at: lbry://
o § Programming/Development⠀➾
# ⚓ Dirk Eddelbuettel ☛ Dirk_Eddelbuettel:_Rcpp_1.0.10_on_CRAN:
The Rcpp team is thrilled to announce the newest
release 1.0.10 of the Rcpp package which is hitting
CRAN now and will go to Debian shortly. Windows and
macOS builds should appear at CRAN in the next few
days, as will builds in different Linux
distribution and of course at r2u. The release was
prepared a few days ago, but given the widespread
use at CRAN it took a few days to be processed. As
always, our sincere thanks to the CRAN maintainers
Uwe Ligges and Kurt Hornik. This release continues
with the six-months cycle started with release
1.0.5 in July 2020. As a reminder, we do of course
make interim snapshot ‘dev’ or ‘rc’ releases
available via the Rcpp drat repo and strongly
encourage their use and testing—I run my systems
with these versions which tend to work just as
well, and are also fully tested against all
Rcpp has become the most popular way of enhancing R
with C or C++ code. Right now, around 2623 packages
on CRAN depend on Rcpp for making analytical code
go faster and further, along with 252 in
BioConductor. On CRAN, 13.7% of all packages depend
(directly) on CRAN, and 58.7% of all compiled
packages do. From the cloud mirror of CRAN (which
is but a subset of all CRAN downloads), Rcpp has
been downloaded 67.1 million times.
# ⚓ Dirk Eddelbuettel ☛ BH_1.81.0-1_oon_CRAN:_New_Upstream,_New
Boost is a very large and comprehensive set of
(peer-reviewed) libraries for the C++ programming
language, containing well over one hundred
individual libraries. The BH package provides a
sizeable subset of header-only libraries for
(easier, no linking required) use by R. It is
fairly widely used: the (partial) CRAN mirror logs
(aggregated from the cloud mirrors) show over 32.6
million package downloads.
Version 1.81.0 of Boost was released in December
following the regular Boost release schedule of
April, August and December releases. As the commits
and changelog show, we packaged it almost
immediately and started testing following our
annual update cycle which strives to balance being
close enough to upstream and not stressing CRAN and
the user base too much. The reverse depends check
revealed about a handful of packages requiring
changes or adjustments which is a pretty good
outcome given the over three hundred direct reverse
dependencies. So we opened issue #88 to coordinate
the issue over the winter break during which CRAN
also closes (just as we did before), and also send
a wider ‘PSA’ tweet as a heads-up. Our sincere
thanks to the two packages that already updated,
and the four that likely will soon. Our thanks also
to CRAN for reviewing the package impact over the
last few days since I uploaded the package earlier
this week.
# ⚓ Drew DeVault ☛ Setting_a_new_focus_for_my_blog⠀⇛
Since writing this, I have been considering what
exactly the essential subject of my dissatisfaction
with my writing has been. I may have found the
answer: I lost sight of my goals. I got so used to
writing that I would often think to myself, “I want
to write a blog post!”, then dig a topic out of my
backlog (which is 264 items long) and write
something about it. This is not the way; much of
the effort expended on writing in this manner is
not spent on the subjects I care about most, or
those which most urgently demand an expenditure of
The consequences of this misalignment of
perspective are that my writing has often felt dull
and rote. It encourages shallower takes and lends
itself to the rants or unthoughtful criticisms that
my writings are, unfortunately, (in)famous for.
When I take an idea off of the shelf, or am struck
by an idea that, in the moment, seemingly demands
to be spake of, I often end up with a disappointing
result when the fruit of this inspiration is
published a few hours later.
Over the long term, these issues manifest as
demerits to my reputation, and deservedly so.
What’s more, when a critical tone is well-
justified, the posts which utilize it are often
overlooked by readers due to the normalization of
this tone throughout less important posts. Take for
instance my recent post on Rust in Linux. Though
this article could have been written with greater
nuance, I still find its points about the value of
conservatism in software decision-making accurate
and salient. However, the message is weakened
riding on the coat-tails of my long history of less
poignant critiques of Rust. As I resume my writing,
I will have to take a more critical examination of
myself and the broader context of my writing before
reaching for a negative tone as a writing tool.
# ⚓ uni California ☛ Fully_Autonomous_Real-World_Reinforcement
Training this multi-level policy was not only more
efficient than learning both skills at the same
time but it allowed for the grasping controller to
inform the navigation policy. Having a model that
estimates the uncertainty in its grasp success
(Ours above) can be used to improve navigation
exploration by skipping areas without graspable
objects, in contrast to No Uncertainty Bonus which
does not use this information. The model can also
be used to relabel data during training so that in
the unlucky case when the grasping model was
unsuccessful trying to grasp an object within its
reach, the grasping policy can still provide some
signal by indicating that an object was there but
the grasping policy has not yet learned how to
grasp it. Moreover, learning modular models has
engineering benefits. Modular training allows for
reusing skills that are easier to learn and can
enable building intelligent systems one piece at a
time. This is beneficial for many reasons,
including safety evaluation and understanding.
# ⚓ ACM ☛ The_Premature_Obituary_of_Programming [Ed:
Confronting Microsoft "HEY HI" propaganda and plagiarism in
new clothing]⠀⇛
Deep learning (DL) has arrived, not only for
natural language, speech, and image processing but
also for coding, which I refer to as deep
programming (DP). DP is used to detect similar
programs, find relevant code, translate programs
from one language to another, discover software
defects, and to synthesize programs from a natural
language description. The advent of large
transformer language models10 is now being applied
to programs with encouraging results. Just like DL
is enabled by the enormous amount of textual and
image data available on the Internet, DP is enabled
by the vast amount of code available in open source
repositories such as GitHub, as well as the ability
to reuse libraries via modern package managers such
as npm and pip. Two trail-blazing transformer-based
DP systems are OpenAI’s Codex8 and Deepmind’s
AlphaCode.18 The former is used in the Github
Copilot project14 and integrates with development
environments to automatically suggest code to
developers. The latter generates code to solve
problems presented at coding competitions. Both
achieve amazing results. Multiple efforts are under
way to establish code repositories for benchmarking
DP, such as CodeXGLUE19 and CodeNET.20
# ⚓ ShinyProxy_vs_Posit_Connect:_Benchmark_Test_for_Scaling
Shiny is a web framework for R (and now Python)
users. With it, you can build a working dashboard
for your analytics in a relatively short time.
While it is easy to start developing dashboards
without programming experience, the challenge comes
with scaling. The quality and interactive method of
data delivery will mean greater adoption and more
There are many solutions to optimize dashboard
performance for a single user. This includes
examples like promises for non-blocking access and
profvis to identify bottlenecks. However, to scale
a Shiny application for a large number of users,
the deployment environment plays a significant
# ⚓ Data Science Tutorials ☛ Learn_Hadoop_for_Data_Science_–
Learn Hadoop for Data Science, Are you wondering
why learning Hadoop is necessary for data science?
You are on the appropriate page.
You can read more about why Hadoop is essential for
data scientists here. This article’s conclusion
will include a case study showing how Marks &
Spencer Company uses Hadoop to meet its data
science needs.
# ⚓ Andrew Healey ☛ Profiling_and_Optimizing_an_Interpreter_—
In my last post, I added for loops to my
interpreter for the nodots programming language.
Today, I’m profiling and optimizing the same
# ⚓ Junichi_Uekawa:_Working_through_crosvm_dependencies_in
Working through crosvm dependencies in Debian.
intrusive-collections Debian package went in. Next
up is argh. I think most of them is there now and
the next challenge is getting crosvm to build with
the newer dependencies.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ O_RDONLY,_O_WRONLY_and_O_RDWR_Flags_in_C
In programming, file management allows us to store
and access any type of information whether in user-
created databases, system files for running
programs, executable files, and so on.
The C language provides, among other things, the
open() function to create or open files. This
function opens or creates a file specified in the
input arguments by its absolute or relative path.
When we use this function, we have the possibility
to specify via flags the attributes that the file
to be opened or created must have, for example.
whether it should be read-only, read-write or both.
In this Linux Hint article, you will learn how to
specify the read and write attributes of files
using the O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, and O_RDWR flags.
We will look at a theoretical description of these
flags and then implement their use in examples that
include code snippets and images where we set read
and write attributes with these flags.
# § R⠀➾
# ⚓ parallelly_1.34.0:_Support_for_CGroups_v2,_Killing
With the recent releases of parallelly 1.33.0
(2022-12-13) and 1.34.0 (2023-01-13),
availableCores() and availableWorkers()
gained better support for Linux CGroups,
options for avoiding running out of R
connections when setting up parallel-style
clusters, and killNode() for forcefully
terminating one or more parallel workers.
# ⚓ {reactable}_Podium_–_How_to_Build_a_Leaderboard_in_R
{reactable} is pretty powerful in itself
given just how many features are available in
it. But its real power is in how we can
tinker with it. In one of our R Shiny
projects, we needed a leaderboard of sorts.
So, we figured, why not make things
interesting and add a podium on top? This
blog post walks you through a similar example
using the same technique.
# ⚓ Kaggle_January_Playground_Series_–_Tidymodels_–_Sport
Hello, hope you have your Yorkshire tea ready
this is going to be a new series on the blog
in which each month I am going to be tackling
Kaggles monthly playground series.
# § Python⠀➾
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Pandas_Weighted_Average⠀⇛
The weighted average is the average of the
data that identifies the specific numbers
that are more important than the other
numbers in the DataFrame. We will be
implementing all possible ways in which the
Pandas weighted average can be calculated
with the help of several examples.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Pandas_Case_When⠀⇛
In this tutorial, we will perform different
operations by using case statements and if-
else statements. A case statement makes it
possible to compare the value of a variable
to a range of potential values. When the set
of values is referred to or passed in the
case statement, each value inside the set is
checked by the cases or conditions inside the
Case statement in the Pandas DataFrame
provides an output or returns a value if the
condition is satisfied.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Pandas_–_Convert_Categorical_Values_to
The datasets for machine learning execution
include both numerical and categorical
variables. Categorical variables are string-
type data that humans easily comprehend.
Machines, on the other hand, cannot
understand categorical inputs directly.
Consequently, categorical content must be
transformed into numerical values that
machines can interpret.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Get_the_Pandas_DataFrame_Rows_Based_on
Basically, a Pandas DataFrame has two
indices. These indices are distinguished by
their axis. The row index is an index that is
located along axis 0 (horizontal), whereas
the column index is an index that is located
along axis 1 (vertical).
In this article, we will use iloc[] and loc[]
functions to get the rows from the DataFrame.
We need to specify the row and column ranges
(start and end locations along the columns or
rows). The location-based indexing can be
used to query the Pandas DataFrames.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Pandas_Json_Normalize⠀⇛
The “JSON” basically stands for the
“JavaScript Object Notation”.
Pandas has the most popular “data processing
framework” in Python, which is the “JSON”
normalize” feature. It is a built-in feature
of Pandas. It is the simplest way to do the
Pandas JSON normalization() using the
“Python” request modules.
In this article, we will see different levels
of normalization.
# ⚓ Video ☛ Do_You_Know_About_Pythons_Keyword_Only
Did you know about pythons keyword only
# ⚓ Video ☛ This_Python_Trick_Will_Take_Your_List_Game_To
# ⚓ Video ☛ Python_Added_A_New_Way_To_Assign_With
Pythons new assignment expression is an
interesting way to assign values
# § Rust⠀➾
# ⚓ Hubert Figuière ☛ i18n-format_for_Rust_–_Hubert
A quick announcement for i18n-format, a Rust
crate to help with string localization. While
it’s not GNOME specific as it is only about
gettext, I wrote it for GNOME applications.
The goal is to allow the use of gettext! and
ngettext! while xgettext can still extract
the strings.
o § Standards/Consortia⠀➾
# ⚓ Ruben Schade ☛ Rubenerd:_Comments_on_FeedLand_roadmap⠀⇛
I see it as natural a thing to do as hosting
WordPress, MediaWiki, and the static-generated site
you’re reading now.
I’ll be interested to see what the technical
requirements are. I briefly ran a Node.js and
MariaDB stack on FreeBSD (my preferred server OS)
for Ghost, so I’d expect the toolchain to be
# ⚓ Manuel Matuzovic ☛ CSS_color_functions_and_custom
I know I’m really late to the party, but I finally
understood why people find color functions like hsl
(), hwb(), or lab() so appealing.
There are many reasons, but one of them is that in
combination with custom properties, working with
color functions is so much easier, cleaner, and
understandable compared to working with hex colors
or rbg().
* § Leftovers⠀➾
o ⚓ Jim Nielsen ☛ The_Art_of_Knowing_When_to_Quit⠀⇛
It feels like there’s a hesitancy to bring closure to any
creative endeavor because what if it becomes successful?
Sorry, you already brought it to an end so no more $$$.
It feels like our culture’s impulse is to wring every
last cent possible out of any creative endeavor — or at
least leave open the possibility for more from the
It reminds me of an interview I saw between Charlie Rose
and Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry talks about how the incredible
success of their sitcom Seinfeld could’ve allowed them to
continue creating season after season. But he felt ending
the show when they did (two years after co-creator Larry
David had already left) was doing the audience a favor…
I think this goes for lots of creative endeavors,
including software. There’s an art to knowing when — and
how — to bring something to an end.
o § Health/Nutrition/Agriculture⠀➾
# ⚓ Affordable_device_for_fixing_broken_bones_piloted_in_Gaza,
When soft tissue is severely damaged together with
bone, external fixators are the first step in
keeping fractures in legs and arms in place before
an operation to definitively fix the bones can be
carried out.
However, their cost and low availability in many
regions mean people resort to homemade or low-
quality fixators that may lead to serious
complications or improper healing.
The Imperial external fixator is currently being
tested in Gaza and Sri Lanka, and since the
invasion of Ukraine, more than 500 fixators have
been manufactured in Poland to help with the
# ⚓ Video ☛ Mortality_by_vaccination_status_ONS_critique⠀⇛
In Nov 2022 we (Professor Fenon and team) made a
formal complaint to the Statistic Regulator about
the multiple anomalies in the ONS mortality by
vaccination status reports. On 20 Jan 2023 they
final responded and they agreed with our major
concern that 1) the ONS data was based on a biased
sample that under-represented the proportion of
unvaccinated in England; and 2) the ONS data could
not be used to make any assertions about vaccine
efficacy or safety.
o § Security⠀➾
# ⚓ TechRadar ☛ Linux_malware_hit_a_new_high_in_2022 [Ed:
Microsofters at TechRadar [1, 2] continue to spread anti-
Linux messages for Microsoft. Companies that sell fake
“security” (like VPN) realise that trash-talking Linux might
put them in headlines of anti-Linux sites, giving them a
# ⚓ Neowin ☛ Ubuntu_18.04_LTS_and_Linux_Mint_19.x_users_should
For any Ubuntu or Linux Mint users out there still
running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or Linux Mint 19.x, it’s
time to start upgrading to a newer version. This
warning also goes out to users of other Ubuntu
18.04 LTS-based distributions, of which, there are
many. Luckily, if your system runs Ubuntu 18.04 or
distros based on this release, your system should
also handle Ubuntu 22.04 LTS just fine and you’ll
get newer packages.
# ⚓ Open Source Security (Audio Show) ☛ Episode_359_–_The_NOTAM
Josh and Kurt talk about the recent FAA NOTAM
outage. Keeping legacy things running for long
periods of time is really hard to do, this system
is no different. It’s also really hard to upgrade
many of these due to corner cases and institutional
knowledge. There aren’t any great answers here, but
we do ask a lot of questions about long running
# § Privacy/Surveillance⠀➾
# ⚓ New York Times ☛ How_the_Netherlands_Is_Taming_Big
Dutch government and educational
organizations have had remarkable success in
compelling Big Tech companies to make major
privacy changes. Their carrot-and-stick
approach engages high-level Silicon Valley
executives in months of highly technical
discussions and then makes it worth their
while by negotiating collective agreements
allowing firms to sell their vetted tools to
different government ministries and the
nation’s schools. And the Dutch efforts to
prod change could provide a playbook for
other small nations wrangling with tech
o § Defence/Aggression⠀➾
# ⚓ ‘Canada’s_Indo-Pacific_Strategy’:_From_UN_Peacekeeper_to
In a recent article in the Ottawa Hill-Times,
journalist David Crane asked an important question:
“Is Canada trying to match or outdo American
hostility to China?”
Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (CIPS), announced in
Vancouver recently by Liberal foreign affairs
minister Mélanie Joly and other ministers, answers
that question unequivocally:
“China is an increasingly disruptive global power”
begins the CIPS assessment of China.
True enough if taken in isolation. Insidious,
however, in the way it is used in this report.
“We are not just going to engage the Indo-Pacific,
we are going to lead,” stated Joly in her opening
remarks. In this case, leadership seems to imply
being tougher on China than anyone else. In its
two-page assessment, the CIPS lists a litany of
China’s alleged misdeeds and that, it would seem,
is all there is to say. Not a word about its
impressive economic achievements; nor that China is
Canada’s second largest trading partner; nor about
lifting 800 million people out of poverty, as
recognized by the UN; not a peep about its
development of solar power generation, documented
in a Lancet study. Frankly, any teacher would be
compelled to give a failing grade to the Canadian
government’s assessment of China because of the
obvious bias.
# ⚓ California’s_Lost_History_of_Lynching_Latinos_in_L.A._More
Not far from Union Station in downtown Los Angeles,
a crowded line of cars take turns crossing.
In front of the Metropolitan Detention Center, many
sit in their cars, oblivious that Francisco Cota, a
15-year-old Latino accused of murdering a local
shopkeeper, was dragged up the street, repeatedly
stabbed, and lynched above the intersection over
160 years ago in the heart of El Pueblo de Los
A few blocks away at Temple and N Spring Street, at
least eight more men were lynched from 1855 to 1863
in broad daylight among a large armed crowd. These
lynchings took place where L.A.’s first courthouse
and jail used to stand, now replaced with City
Hall. Further down Temple at its intersection with
Broadway, Miguel Lachenal was lynched by a violent
mob in 1870—and historians believe over a dozen
more lynchings occurred at this site. Not far is
the Fort More Pioneer Memorial, which doesn’t
mention the murders that happened at that exact
place, with all but one of them lynchings of
Latinos. There were also many other lynchings sites
across Southern California in El Monte, Santa Ana,
San Gabriel, San Pedro, Ventura, and San Luis
Obispo, as well as in Northern California.
# ⚓ The_Democrats_are_Now_the_War_Party⠀⇛
The Democratic Party has become the party of
permanent war, fueling massive military spending
which is hollowing out the country from the inside
and flirting with with nuclear war.
o § Environment⠀➾
# § Energy/Transportation⠀➾
# ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ Australia:_high_industry
Competition regulator the ACCC has to sign
off on ANZ’s takeover of Suncorp and and
Brookfield’s bid for Origin Energy. What’s
the scam?
The scam is, as shown in the graphic above by
investment bank UBS, Australia is a land of
high prices – oligopolies with high industry
concentration – yet both deals, if approved,
will only deliver further monopoly power: one
less bank and one bigger, more vertically
integrated energy company.
UBS analysis highlights four reasons
Australia is good for foreign investors: fast
population growth, high dividends, relative
detachment from global economic cycle and a
concentrated industry structure: “For
consumers the outcome of this is bad, i.e.
less choice and expensive prices. But for the
businesses that are already here, this is
great, i.e. less competition and higher
# ⚓ This_government_school_in_Himachal_Pradesh_runs
Government Model Boys Senior Secondary School
in Nalagarh was established in 1856.
Currently, there are about 800 students
studying in this school, which includes boys
from class 6-12.
Jitender Kumar, a former physics teacher, is
presently the principal of the school.
Himachal Pradesh Council for Science
Technology and Environment or HIMCOSTE
supported the school in installing three
solar units of 6 kilowatts capacity each.
The total 18kW solar plant was installed in
40 days and cost about Rs 9.18 lakh. It was
completely executed and funded by HIMCOSTE.
o § Finance⠀➾
# ⚓ BBC ☛ Google_parent_Alphabet_to_cut_12,000_jobs⠀⇛
Google’s parent company Alphabet will cut 12,000
jobs, in the latest staff redundancies to hit the
tech industry.
Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said he took
“full responsibility” for the cuts, in an internal
# ⚓ Bryan Lunduke ☛ The_Big_Tech_layoffs_are_just_beginning_–
Earlier today, Microsoft announced that they will
be laying off roughly 10,000 full time staff —
which amounts to nearly 5% of all Microsoft
And this isn’t the first big layoff of the year…
despite the year only being roughly 2 weeks old.
Coinbase. Amazon. Cisco. Salesforce. It seems like
almost every major Tech firm is starting 2023 by
announcing layoffs (or had already announced staff
cuts in the final days of 2022).
# ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ $1_Hospital_Sell_Off?_–_Michael_West⠀⇛
Forking out $1.2bn to build a hospital then
flogging it for a dollar must surely make the NSW
government the most hopeless dealmaker in
Australian history. Then letting the buyers sell it
– along with another 41 hospitals to the Cayman
Islands – puts the federal government in a nearby
# ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ Byron_Bay_blue_between_“Airbnb_mafia”
Pandemic lockdowns crushed Airbnb, Stayz and other
short-term rental operators but the market has
bounced back sharply, creating tensions in popular
tourist destinations between councils, community
groups and well-heeled property owners. Callum
Foote reports on the case of ritzy Byron Bay.
A powerful lobby group for short-term rental
providers, whose politically connected members
oversee hundreds of properties, has nixed local
council legislation and led to a community backlash
and claims of profiteering at the expense of a
housing supply and cost of living crisis.
Short-term rentals offered by platforms such as
Airbnb and Stayz spread quickly throughout
Australia. They delivered easy choice and
competition for accomodation for tourists but
councils are now grappling with a backlash from
residents who say they are in part responsible for
a housing supply crisis and rising living costs in
the regions.
# ⚓ Banks_Recover_only_13%_of_Rs_10_Lakh_Crore_Loans_Written
Banks have recovered only 13% of a staggering
amount of loans worth more than Rs 10 lakh crore
loans written off in the last five years.
# ⚓ Michael West Media ☛ Four_Pillars_to_Four_Punters?_Will_ANZ
ANZ is now free to pull a Richard Branson and
licence its brand to sell ANZ-branded financial
products through its non-banking and non-
financially regulated wing after regulators
approved its restructuring, reports Callum Foote.
* § Gemini* and Gopher⠀➾
o § Personal⠀➾
# ⚓ Advice_for_running_a_long_campaign⠀⇛
This might be another short three page section in
the rules for Knives, a simple 2d6 rule system that
I’d like to use at my table. The OGL mess is making
me angry and I don’t think I want to invest too
much energy into D&D-like games. Wizards of the
Coast, shame on you.
# ⚓ Physics_vs_Crime⠀⇛
Assistant: “Captain, we don’t know until we’ve done
dusting tests whether the culprit is the neighbor
coming through the window, or the butler coming
from the hall.”
Captain MW: “OMG! This is a remarkable paradox! The
culprit is the neighbor and the butler at the same
Assistant: “Not really… but until the prints come
back, we won’t know which it is; until then we can
rule out people who weren’t even in town that day.
So there’s still a lot of progress we can make on
the case with what we’ve got so far, we can sta–”
Captain MW: “You’re saying that those prints will
collapse the wave function! Impossible! But don’t
worry, Captain Many Worlds to the rescue! It’s
clear that we are living in a field of overlapping
simultaneous worlds and in one world the neighbor
is a cruel and disgusting killer, and in the other
the butler is a callous and brutal murderer. Both
worlds obviously equally true! These people disgust
me, assistant, they truly disgust me!”
Assistant: “Uh, no, it’s one world, it’s just that
we haven’t done the tests yet, once we–”
Captain MW: “Truly a superposition of murder,
assistant. Yes, yes. We’ve got two murderers on our
hands. And I am a hero in every world!”
# ⚓ Experiment⠀⇛
Hello, Midnight Pub. I’m a hacker!!!
# ⚓ Do_you_even_compute,_bro?⠀⇛
# ⚓ Do_you_even_compute,_bro?⠀⇛
Personal computing, broadly construed in such a way
that it includes smartphones and tablets and
whatnot – basically, computing done on a single-
user device which is the personal property of the
person doing the computing – has never been bigger
than it is today. The average person owns more
personal computers, buys personal computers more
frequently, and spends more time using a personal
computer than even a lot of hardened computing
enthusiasts would have ten years ago. This is not
just more common and more socially accepted than it
used to be, it is, in a weird and quite rapid
reversal of social norms, socially *expected*, to
the extent that now you’re a social misfit weirdo
if you *aren’t* on a computing device all the time.
# ⚓ Realizing_you_already_live_pretty_tiny⠀⇛
I’ll peel back the curtain a bit and say I’ve never
owned a home. I’m not sure I ever really _want_ to
in this kind of economy. I am leery of going into
that much debt (because that’s all a mortgage is
and until yours is paid off that house is _not_
yours); however, I’m even more sensitive to the
implication that I’m tied to that spot and am stuck
with that commitment until I get it sold or paid
Considering that for the last 4 or 5 years my wife
and I have moved pretty regularly, seemingly at
least once a year.. the absence of a sense of
permanence has led me to have a mentality of “well
does it matter if we do X modification to the
dwelling or get Y appliance? We’re only here for
(probably a year).” Not only that, it’s resulted in
our used living space being pretty small.
o § Technical⠀➾
# ⚓ A_response_to_Solderpunk’s_“Orphans_of_Netscape_Part_II”⠀⇛
I discovered the smolnet sometime in either late
2019 or 2020; I frankly don’t remember when I first
got my account at the Soviet at Circumlunar.Space.
And, joke intended with the name, I kinda figured
what I was getting into would wind up being a
technically interesting but politically rotten orgy
of people screaming about capitalism, as if sitting
on a pubnix in the dark corners of the internet and
yelling about change would actually enact it.
# ⚓ I_still_prefer_email⠀⇛
Although instant messaging has overtaken most of
the communication with my friends and family, I
still prefer plaintext email. I refused to use
things like Whatsapp and so they contacted me
through SMS. A few weeks ago I installed Signal on
my phone, because this is the only messenger that I
think can be trusted and is way more secure than
SMS. Now I need to tediously convince them to use
that instead. But I really like emails over all
forms of digital communication.
# ⚓ Configuring_Networking_in_rc.local⠀⇛
Much of my Linux setup is totally bespoke and
manual. GRUB config? I write it by hand, or I
generate it from a template using a tiny program I
wrote in CHICKEN Scheme named bootconf-update. The
underlying principle is that if some part of the
system shits the bed, I am better able to debug
things because I can reason about my setup. Today
I’m writing about how I do static network
# § Internet/Gemini⠀➾
# ⚓ Track_the_Voyager_Mission_Status_from_Gemini⠀⇛
With this app you can track the Voyager
probes telemetry from your Gemini browser.
Telemetry data is not 100% accurate but it
does the job as you can view the distance
from Earth or from the Sun.
# ⚓ Capsule_of_the_day_–_2023-01⠀⇛
NOTA: Links are selected randomly from a list
of known host from the lupa crawler[1]. The
links are not manually curated and I’m not
responsible of the content of these capsules.
If some offensive capsules are listed here
automatically, please alert me so I can
manually remove them.
# ⚓ Capsule_of_the_day_–_2023-01-22⠀⇛
=> =============================================================================
World Wide Web but a lot lighter.
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⠀⌧ █▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 01.22.23⠀▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ⌧
✐ Links_22/01/2023:_RSS_Guard_4.3.0⠀✐
Posted in News_Roundup at 7:40 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz
§ Contents⠀➾
* GNU/Linux
o Desktop/Laptop
o Audiocasts/Shows
o Kernel_Space
o Applications
o Instructionals/Technical
o Games
* Distributions_and_Operating_Systems
o Open_Hardware/Modding
o Mobile_Systems/Mobile_Applications
* Free,_Libre,_and_Open_Source_Software
o Web_Browsers/Web_Servers
# Mozilla
o Education
o Openness/Sharing/Collaboration
# Open_Data
o Programming/Development
# Perl_/_Raku
# Python
o Standards/Consortia
* Leftovers
o Science
o Education
o Hardware
o Health/Nutrition/Agriculture
o Proprietary
o Pseudo-Open_Source
# Openwashing
o Security
# Integrity/Availability/Authenticity
# Privacy/Surveillance
o Defence/Aggression
o Transparency/Investigative_Reporting
o Environment
# Energy/Transportation
# Wildlife/Nature
o Finance
o AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics
o Censorship/Free_Speech
o Freedom_of_Information_/_Freedom_of_the_Press
o Civil_Rights/Policing
o Digital_Restrictions_(DRM)
o Monopolies
# Copyrights
* Gemini*_and_Gopher
o Personal
o Technical
# Internet/Gemini
* § GNU/Linux⠀➾
o § Desktop/Laptop⠀➾
# ⚓ OpenSource.com ☛ How_Linux_rescued_precious_audio_files
Recently I was asked by a customer to create
compact discs of priceless family recordings. My
client insisted that the media be delivered as
compact discs and not as digital files in an MP3
player or other similar device. One of the source
recordings was on a compact disc and in AIFF
format. As such my client could not play this media
that contained her husband’s voice. I was able to
convert it using Audacity, and then was able to
burn it to a compact disc with Brasero, which has
been my go to CD creation tool.
The balance of the audio files were in MP3 format.
I was able to create compact discs with Brasero
very quickly. There was, however, one file that was
so large that it exceeded the capacity of the
compact disc medium. This large file contained
nearly two hours of audio. The capacity of compact
discs is 72 minutes.
This presented a problem. How could I split the
large file into smaller segments that would allow
me to create media and fit on media that my client
could use? I decided to use a DVD instead of a
compact disc. Using a DVD provided me with a much
larger capacity disc, but how could I convert the
MP3 files to a format that would allow me to create
a DVD? I tried using HandBrake, but was unable to
convert MP3 to MP4 format because MP4 expected a
video stream, and I had no video. Then I discovered
that I could use FFmpeg to convert the files.
o § Audiocasts/Shows⠀➾
# ⚓ Video ☛ Netrunner_OS_23_–_Quick_Tour_–_Invidious⠀⇛
Netrunner OS 23 GNU/Linux distribution is now
available for download. This release is based on
Debian GNU/Linux 11 “Bullseye” and features the KDE
Plasma 5.20 desktop environment.
# ⚓ Video ☛ First_Look:_Cinnamon_5.6_Desktop_Environment_–
A first look at the new features and improvements
of the latest Cinnamon 5.6 desktop environment on
the Arch Linux distribution
# ⚓ Video ☛ exgent_gentoo_lxqt_230109⠀⇛
In This Video We Are Looking At exGENT version
230109 Linux Live DVD is – as the name suggest –
based on Gentoo Linux.
# ⚓ Video ☛ MX_Respin-mate-20230113_0131⠀⇛
In This Video We Are Looking At This Linux
distribution runs completely from DVD or Flash disk
and installable on a fixed disk, based on Debian
and MX Linux.
# ⚓ Video ☛ Amarok_23_Cinnamon_Released:_What’s_New?_–
In This Video We Are Looking At 23 Cinnamon
versions of Amarok Linux , available as a GNU /
Linux desktop distribution based on Debian GNU/
Linux, have been announced.
# ⚓ Video ☛ First_Look:_Parrot_OS_5.2_Beta_1⠀⇛
In This Video We Are Looking At Parrot 5.2 b1
Forensics & Anonymous Surfing, Parrot 5.2: Parrot
Security OS (or ParrotSec ) is a GNU/Linux
distribution based on Debian.
# ⚓ Video ☛ Is_Gnoppix_23.1_IMPROVED_Than_MacOS?⠀⇛
In This Video We Are Looking At The version 23.1 of
Gnoppix , which started its journey based on Debian
GNU/Linux, continued on Ubuntu-based after 2004
after a Kali Linux experience , and came with the
GNOME desktop environment from the very beginning,
has been released.
# ⚓ Video ☛ Best_Linux_Distro_for_the_Desktop_in_2023⠀⇛
# ⚓ Video ☛ Best_Linux_distro_for_2023_–_What_to_look_for⠀⇛
# ⚓ Kernel_Podcast:_S2E1_–_2023/01/21⠀⇛
This is the pilot episode for what will become
season 2 of the Linux Kernel Podcast. Back in 2008-
2009 I recorded a daily “kernel podcast” that
summarized the happenings of the Linux Kernel
Mailing List (LKML). Eventually, daily became a
little too much, and the podcast went weekly,
followed by…not. This time around, I’m not
committing to any specific cadence – let’s call it
“periodic” (every few weeks). In each episode, I
will aim to broadly summarize the latest happenings
in the “plumbing” of the Linux kernel, and
occasionally related bits of userspace “plumbing”
(glibc, systemd, etc.), as well as impactful
toolchain changes that enable new features or
rebaseline requirements. I welcome your feedback.
Please let me know what you think about the format,
as well as what you would like to see covered in
future episodes. I’m going to play with some ideas
over time. These may include “deep diving” into
topics of interest to a broader audience. Keep in
mind that this podcast is not intended to
editorialize, but only to report on what is
happening. Both this author, and others, have their
own personal opinions, but this podcast aims to
focus only on the facts, regardless of who is
involved, or their motives.”
o § Kernel Space⠀➾
# ⚓ University of Toronto ☛ An_instruction_oddity_in_the_ppc64_
The answer is kind of interesting and shows how
intricate things can get in modern code. Go, like a
lot of modern languages, wants to support stack
tracebacks from right within its compiled code,
without the aid of an external debugger. In order
to do that, the Go runtime needs to be able to
unwind the stack. Unwinding the stack is a very
intricate thing on modern CPUs, and you can’t
necessarily do it past arbitrary code. Go has a
special annotation for ‘you can’t unwind past
here’, which is automatically applied when the Go
toolchain detects that some code (including
assembly code) is manipulating the stack pointer in
a way that it doesn’t understand: [...]
o § Applications⠀➾
# ⚓ Neowin ☛ RSS_Guard_4.3.0⠀⇛
RSS Guard is a simple (yet powerful) feed reader.
It is able to fetch the most known feed formats,
including RSS/RDF and ATOM. It’s free, it’s open-
source. RSS Guard currently supports Czech, Dutch,
English, French, German, Italian. RSS Guard will
never depend on other services – this includes
online news aggregators like Feedly, The Old Reader
and others.
o § Instructionals/Technical⠀➾
# ⚓ Earthly ☛ Distributed_Tracing_in_Kubernetes_With_SigNoz_–
Debugging an application can be stressful,
especially when your application runs on a large
distributed system with multiple separate
components. Some of these components are written in
different languages and use different frameworks
with different logging mechanisms. This makes it
hard to debug when something goes wrong. You have
to jump between different tools, run each component
in separate terminals, check their logs, and try to
put everything together to understand what went
wrong. This can be made easier with distributed
tracing. Distributed tracing allows you to see the
flow of data between the different components in
your application and understand how they interact
with each other. It provides insight into where
things are going wrong and allows you to debug
problems on a whole new level. In this article, you
will learn what distributed tracing is, how it
works, and how you can set it up in your kubernetes
# ⚓ Earthly ☛ Understanding_and_Using_Makefile_Variables_–
Since its appearance in 1976, Make has been helping
developers automate complex processes for compiling
code, building executables, and generating
Like other programming languages, Make lets you
define and use variables that facilitate
reusability of values.
Have you found yourself using the same value in
multiple places? This is both repetitive and prone
to errors. If you’d like to change this value,
you’ll have to change it everywhere. This process
is tedious, but it can be solved with variables,
and Make offers powerful variable manipulation
techniques that can make your life easier.
In this article, you’ll learn all about make
variables and how to use them.
# ⚓ Citizix ☛ How_to_Install_and_Configure_Kibana_on_Debian
Kibana is a proprietary data visualization
dashboard software for Elasticsearch, whose open
source successor in OpenSearch is OpenSearch
Dashboards. It is a data visualization and
exploration tool used for log and time-series
analytics, application monitoring, and operational
intelligence use cases.
# ⚓ Raspberry Pi ☛ Build_your_own_Raspberry_Pi_flight_tracker
Trainspotters enjoy the comfortably achievable task
of standing on a platform waiting for various makes
and models to chug past to pursue their hobby. But
if plane spotting is your bag, it gets a bit more
technical. They’re very big, and very far away, and
airports aren’t keen on random people wandering
onto runways, so much of a plane spotter’s
enjoyment comes from digitally tracking aircraft
all over the world. You need some specialist
equipment and software to do that, so we’ve made
you a tutorial to show you how to build your own
flight tracker.
# ⚓ Trend Oceans ☛ How_to_Enable_Matrix_effect_and_Custom_Image
Are you interested in seeing the matrix effect in
which text (glyphs) is raining on the screen? If
so, you should definitely install Xscreensaver on
your Linux computer.
# ⚓ Linux Nightly ☛ Install_Firefox_as_Normal_Package_on_Ubuntu
Learn how to remove the Firefox Snap package and
install the normal Firefox via Mozilla PPA or
official web download on Ubuntu 22.04.
# ⚓ Linux Nightly ☛ How_to_Disable_(or_Enable)_Wayland_on
Learn how to disable or enable the Wayland display
server and use Xorg as an alternative on Ubuntu
# ⚓ Linux Capable ☛ How_to_Install_Vivaldi_Browser_on_Fedora
Vivaldi is a web browser designed for power users
and built on the Chromium engine. It offers a wide
range of features and customizations that greatly
enhance your browsing experience on Fedora Linux.
# ⚓ Linux Capable ☛ How_to_Install_PHP_8.2,_8.1,_8.0,_or_7.4_on
PHP is a powerful server-side programming language
widely used to create dynamic websites, web
applications, and content management systems (CMS).
It can seamlessly integrate with a Ubuntu server to
build cutting-edge web solutions. PHP is a go-to
choice for web developers as it allows for easy
integration with various databases and frameworks,
enabling the creation of robust and dynamic web
# ⚓ TecAdmin ☛ Setting_up_CodeIgniter_on_Ubuntu:_A_guide_for
CodeIgniter is a popular PHP framework for web
development that provides a simple and elegant
toolkit for creating dynamic web applications. This
guide will provide a step-by-step introduction to
how to set up CodeIgniter on Ubuntu and other
Debian-based systems.
# ⚓ TecAdmin ☛ Managing_Dependencies_with_Composer:_A
Managing dependencies is an essential part of any
software development project, and Composer is a
popular tool that simplifies the process of
managing dependencies in PHP. This guide will
provide a deep dive into how to use Composer to
manage dependencies in a PHP project.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Using_the_“awk”_Command_to_Print_the_Last
Sometimes there comes a situation when we do not
need to read the complete file, we just need some
part of the file to be displayed. In this
situation, we try to find some efficient ways to
get them without going through the whole file
content. The “awk” command is the one.
The “AWK” command is a command line utility used in
Linux to conduct searches with different patterns
and for processing. It is a command that allows a
coder to code small but efficient lines of code in
the form of statements that initiate patterns of
text that are used for conducting searches in every
part of a document. So, it is also a vastly used
command for text processing.
With the help of the “awk” command, a programmer
can pick up data, and pieces of a specific text
based on the pattern provided to the command. AWK
command can scan and search files line by line,
distribute and partition each line passed as input
into fields, compare and match fields with input
lines, and perform instructions specified by the
programmer on matched lines. AWK commands can be
used for the production of reports in specific
formats and for changing data inside the files.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ How_to_Check_if_a_Filesystem_is_Mounted_in
The OS(operating system) employs the file system
which is known as the file system in a computer
language that is commonly abbreviated to “fs”. The
“fs” is a technique that regulates how well the
piece of information is protected and accessed.
Without a file system, the content of the file in a
memory device would not distinguish between one
type of information. The information can be easily
extracted and recognized by making the groups and
assigning each group a name. Each group of
information is referred to as a “file,” which is a
terminology derived from a paper-based data
management system. A “file system” is the term
referring to both the organizational framework and
logical principles that are used to handle the
names and groupings of information.
# ⚓ Linux Buzz ☛ How_to_Install_Cockpit_Web_Console_on_RHEL_9⠀⇛
Cockpit is a web-based interface or GUI for
managing Linux servers. It provides a simple and
intuitive interface that allows admins to easily
perform various system administration tasks, such
as managing services, monitoring resource usage,
and configuring network settings.
In this post, we will cover how to install Cockpit
Web Console on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ How_to_Wait_for_a_Specific_Process_to_Complete
We have a wait command of Linux to wait for one or
more than one processes to complete in the system.
The versatile wait command of Linux allows us to
find out when a specific process is completed. The
termination status will be returned as a result,
allowing us to identify if the process is
successful in terminating or failed for some other
reason. The wait command continues to run as it
waits for specific background tasks to be
completed. The Linux wait command is used in the
use cases below to show how it functions.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ Ufw_Firewall_Allow_SSH⠀⇛
A firewall is only an additional layer of security
that can be used to secure cloud servers. By
obstructing harmful or unnecessary data
transmission, firewalls protect our computers or
network from outside cyberattacks. Furthermore,
firewalls can prevent malicious software from
logging onto a network or system via the Internet.
UFW firewall essentially grants access to manage a
simple firewall for network security. Their main
objective is to simplify firewall control through
the use of an intuitive Graphical user interface.
# ⚓ Linux Capable ☛ How_to_Install_Linux_Kernel_6.1_on_Ubuntu
This guide will walk you through installing Linux
Kernel 6.1 on your Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 desktop or
server using the TuxInvader Launchpad PPA. The PPA
contains the latest generic kernels, and the guide
will show you how to use the command line terminal
to import the PPA and install the latest Linux
# ⚓ Linux Nightly ☛ How_to_Take_a_Screenshot_in_Manjaro_Linux_–
Learn how to take a screenshot in Manjaro Linux
using the default screenshot manager and extra
applications like Flameshot, Kazam, Spectacle.
o § Games⠀➾
# ⚓ Joe Brockmeier ☛ Absolute_silliness:_Hampster_Invaders_:
The main site, vole.wtf, has a number of web games
and even “Voleflix” featuring a bunch of public
domain movies. This is what the Internet is truly
for, just weird fun mashups that let people
demonstrate their creativity and fun hacks.
# ⚓ Aurélien Gâteau ☛ Pixel_Wheels_0.24.1⠀⇛
Last month I shipped Pixel Wheels 0.24.1, which
fixed a few annoying bugs found in 0.24.0
* § Distributions and Operating Systems⠀➾
o § BSD⠀➾
# ⚓ Undeadly ☛ amd64_execute-only_committed_to_-current⠀⇛
Support for execute-only (xonly) code (on which we
reported earlier) has been committed to -current by
Theo de Raadt (deraadt@).
o § Open Hardware/Modding⠀➾
# ⚓ CNX Software ☛ Radxa_ROCK_5A_SBC_–_A_Raspberry_Pi_4
Radxa has just unveiled the ROCK 5A single board
computer (SBC) following Raspberry Pi 4 form factor
and powered by a Rockchip RK3588S octa-core Cortex-
A76/A55 processor coupled with up to 16GB of RAM as
a way to celebrate Chinese New Year 2023.
The Radxa ROCK 5A (aka ROCK5 Model A) closely
follows the Raspberry Pi 4 layout, including two
micro HDMI ports, a 3.5mm AV port, a microSD card,
a 40-pin GPIO header, four USB ports, and a Gigabit
Ethernet port. The MIPI DSI connector is there too,
and so is the MIPI CSI camera connector, but in a
different location. Radxa also added some features
such as an M.2 socket for a wireless module (since
there’s none on board) and eMMC flash module
connectors, among other smaller changes (e.g. Power
# ⚓ Linux Gizmos ☛ Radxa_launches_ROCK_5_Model_A_SBC⠀⇛
Radxa announced today the Rock5 Model A embedded
board based on the Rockchip RK3588S Octa-core
processor. Radxa’s new SBC is equipped with up to
16GB LPDDR4x, 1x GbE RJ45 port, 1x M.2 slot for
storage and multiple displays support.
# ⚓ Tom’s Hardware ☛ Chinese_Chipmaker_Loongson_Enters_GPU_Biz
What grabbed our attention was the phrase that the
LS2K2000 features the LG120 GPU ‘core independently
developed by Loongson, further optimizing the
graphics algorithm and performance.’
Given the applications that the LS2K2000 is aimed
at, it is unlikely that we are dealing with
something very advanced in terms of performance. In
fact, we believe it would be pretty much
underwhelming when it comes to power consumption.
Yet, a basic GPU from a CPU-centric company looks
curious, and these types of foundations can be
built upon.
# ⚓ Raspberry Pi ☛ Control_your_mouse_by_playing_the_trombone_|
Figure 3 shows a finished controller. The handle on
the left-hand side contains a sensor which measures
the distance to the target on the handle on the
right. The target is connected to a piece of pipe
which slides over one connected to the handle. This
means that the balance of the controller will
change during play, just like a real trombone. It
also means that the handle will fall off the end of
the trombone if you move it too far, which is just
like a real trombone too.
# ⚓ Ken Shirriff ☛ Inside_the_Globus_INK:_a_mechanical
We recently received a Globus from a collector and
opened it up for repair and reverse engineering. In
this blog post, I explain how it operated, show its
internal mechanisms, and describe what I’ve learned
so far from reverse engineering. The photo below
gives an idea of the mechanical complexity of this
device, which also has a few relays, solenoids, and
other electrical components.
# ⚓ Arduino ☛ Arduino_Open_Source_Report_2022 [PDF]⠀⇛
Another busy year has passed in the Arduino world,
and it’s about time to publish our annual
retrospective on the Arduino open source ecosystem.
In this report you’ll learn about the activities of
the Arduino team from the past year, as well as the
contributions from our passionate and vibrant
This report is a snapshot of the ecosystem as of
December 31st, 2022.
# ⚓ Linux Gizmos ☛ reComputer_J4102_powered_by_NVIDIA_Jetson
The SeeedStudio’s blog recently featured the
reComputer J4012 built around the NVIDIA Jetson
Orin NX SoM with up to 100 TOPS AI performance.
This embedded system comes in an aluminum case and
is equipped with 1x Gigabit RJ45 port, 1x HDMI 2.1
ports, expansion slots and multiple I/Os
# ⚓ Hackaday ☛ An_Open_Hardware_Automatic_Spinning_Machine⠀⇛
The team at the Berlin-based Studio HILO has been
working on ideas and tools around developing a more
open approach to small-scale textile production
environments. Leveraging open-source platforms and
tools, the team has come up with a simple open
hardware spinning machine that can be used for
interactive yarn production, right on the desktop.
The frame is built with 3030 profile aluminium
extrusions, with a handful of 3D printed, and a
smidge of laser cut parts. Motion is thanks to, you
guessed it, NEMA 17 stepper motors and the once
ubiquitous Arduino Mega 2560 plus RAMPS 1.4
combination that many people will be very familiar
o § Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications⠀➾
# ⚓ Top_8_Ways_to_Fix_Proximity_Sensor_Not_Working_During_Calls
# ⚓ GSM Arena ☛ BharOS_is_a_new_Android_fork_with_a_focus_on
# ⚓ How_to_View_Saved_WiFi_Passwords_on_Android_[2023]_–
# ⚓ Giz China ☛ Android_14_will_measure_the_distance_between
# ⚓ Giz China ☛ iPhone_15_Ultra:_A_Design_Evolution_or_a
# ⚓ Phone Arena ☛ iPhone_15_will_have_a_beautiful,_Android-like
* § Free, Libre, and Open Source Software⠀➾
o ⚓ Jon Udell ☛ Working_with_Mastodon_lists⠀⇛
Since the early days of the blogosphere I have cherished
the ability to view the world through the eyes of people
more qualified than me to understand and explain what
happens in particular domains. Although Twitter lists
were a great way to collect people who provide those
perspectives, I made little use of them. Prompted by
Martin Fowler’s frustration with lists I described my
first steps toward reviving the technique in Lists and
people on Mastodon.
First I encapsulated the relevant APIs in a pair of
tables provided by the Steampipe plugin for Mastodon:
mastodon_list and mastodon_list_account. Then I used
those tables to enhance the Mastodon dashboard in a
couple of ways. The followers and following tabs now show
me who is or isn’t on a list.
o ⚓ Unix Sheikh ☛ Two_simple_ways_to_version_control_your_MariaDB
Version controlling your database data is pretty easy as
long as you don’t have any binary content stored in the
database, you just commit your SQL dump to the version
control software, it’s just SQL in plain text. But what
about database schema changes? In this small tutorial
I’ll address two simple ways you can version control your
MariaDB schema changes without using any third party
o § Web Browsers/Web Servers⠀➾
# § Mozilla⠀➾
# ⚓ 9to5Linux ☛ Firefox_110_Will_Finally_Let_You_Import
With Firefox 109 already hitting the repos of
various GNU/Linux distributions, it’s time to
take a closer look at the new features coming
to Firefox 110, which is currently available
for public beta testing on all supported
platforms, including Linux.
The coolest new feature in Firefox 110
appears to be the ability of the open-source
web browser to detect and let you import data
like bookmarks, cookies, history, and
passwords, from web browsers like Opera,
Opera GX, and Vivaldi.
o § Education⠀➾
# ⚓ Dhole Moments ☛ How_You_Respond_to_Security_Researchers
Why am I stating all this? Because I firmly believe
that the best lens through which to judge a
company’s culture is to examine how they respond to
security researchers.
I’d like to talk about some of my experiences with
this topic, as well as recent events in the
security community.
o § Openness/Sharing/Collaboration⠀➾
# § Open Data⠀➾
# ⚓ AAAS ☛ Light_pollution_is_skyrocketing⠀⇛
The study of Kyba et al. is biased in that
most of the data from citizen scientists are
from Europe and North America. This does not
subtract value from the findings; on the
contrary, they are reinforced because these
continents show a constant or slightly
decreasing light pollution trend, as
determined by satellites (2). The other
continents show an increasing light pollution
trend with satellites, so a greater increase
would be expected for those continents when
citizen science data become available.
o § Programming/Development⠀➾
# ⚓ Undeadly ☛ Game_of_Trees_milestone⠀⇛
#gameoftrees has reached another milestone […] We
now offer public anonymous access to our Git
repository via SSH, using our own server
implementation (available in the ports tree of
#OpenBSD -current).
# ⚓ [Old] Association for Logic Programming ☛ 2022:_The_Year_of
In the summer of 1972, Alain Colmerauer and his
team in Marseille developed and implemented the
first version of the logic programming language
Prolog. Together with both earlier and later
collaborations with Robert Kowalski and his
colleagues in Edinburgh, this work laid the
practical and theoretical foundations for the
Prolog and logic programming of today. Prolog and
its related technologies soon became key tools of
symbolic programming and Artificial Intelligence.
# ⚓ Rachel ☛ Who_needs_main()_anyway?⠀⇛
Instead, tonight, I present a far simpler version.
Usual disclaimers apply: may summon Ancient Ones
who will haunt your soul. Probably won’t work on
all systems or compilers. It didn’t work for me
until I gave it -O2, and even then, it still gives
a magnificent segfault.
# ⚓ Austin Gil ☛ Promises,_Thenables,_–_Lazy-evaluation:_What,
It’s the start of a new year, and while lots of
folks are promising to be more active, I’m going to
show you how to make Promises to be more
lazy…JavaScript Promises, that is.
# ⚓ Some_R_Conferences_for_2023⠀⇛
# ⚓ SparkFun Electronics ☛ Join_us_for_our_Arm_Tech_Talk!⠀⇛
Arm is hosting a Tech Talk on January 24th with
SparkFun and Silicon Labs. This Tech Talk will give
you an overview of Matter’s history, use cases,
benefits and overall ecosystem.
# ⚓ Data Science Tutorials ☛ How_Do_Online_Criminals_Acquire
How Do Online Criminals Acquire Sensitive Data,
Companies today gather and store vast amounts of
user data.
A large portion of it is about private data that
was previously solely retained by financial and
medical institutions.
# ⚓ Designing_Accessible_Research_with_R/Shiny_UI_–_Part_2_–_R
As part of our Data for Good (D4G) initiative, we
collaborated with the Institute of Dendrology of
the Polish Academy of Sciences to build a Shiny
application with an enhanced UI. This application –
Future Forests – shows how different climate
scenarios will affect European forests. It provides
a sobering look into the future, where our forests
and other ecosystems will face drastic changes.
# ⚓ Robert C Martin ☛ Functional_Classes_in_Clojure⠀⇛
To all the adherents of the Statically Typed
Functional Programming religion: I know that you
believe that Static Typing is an essential aspect
of Functional Programming and that no mere
dynamically typed language could ever begin to
approach the heights and glory of The One True and
Holy TYPED Functional Apotheotic Paradigm. But we
lowly programmers quivering down here at the base
of Orthanc can only hope to meekly subsist on the
dregs that fall from on high.
My previous blog seemed only to continue the
confusion regarding classes in Functional
Programming. Indeed, many people got quite irate.
So perhaps a bit of code will help.
Trigger Warning:
Object Oriented Terminology.
Dynamically Typed Language.
Mixed Metaphors.
Distracting Animations.
# ⚓ Data Science Tutorials ☛ Linear_Interpolation_in_R-approx_–
Linear Interpolation in R, You will discover how to
use the approx and approxfun interpolation
functions in this R tutorial.
Two examples of how to use the approx and approxfun
functions for interpolation are provided on this
# ⚓ Finnstats ☛ How_to_Rename_Files_in_R_–_finnstats⠀⇛
The examples that follow demonstrate each technique
in action.
# ⚓ Data Science Tutorials ☛ Top_Reasons_To_Learn_R_in_2023_–
Top Reasons To Learn R in 2023, R and Python are
two of the best programming languages for
Both programming languages are quite user-friendly
for beginners, but today we’ll concentrate on R.
R has amassed a sizable fan base over time, not
just in the IT and data science communities, but
also in the commercial world.
# ⚓ A_GAM_for_time_trends_in_a_stepped-wedge_trial_with_a
In a previous post, I described some ways one might
go about analyzing data from a stepped-wedge,
cluster-randomized trial using a generalized
additive model (a GAM), focusing on continuous
outcomes. I have spent the past few weeks
developing a similar model for a binary outcome,
and have started to explore model comparison and
methods to evaluate goodness-of-fit. The following
describes some of my thought process.
# ⚓ Finnstats ☛ Test_if_two_objects_are_nearly_equal_in_R_–
Test if two objects are nearly equal in R, Learn
how to use them all.equal function to determine
whether two items are nearly equal in this R
programming tutorial.
# ⚓ Web_scraping_in_R_–_Stats_and_R⠀⇛
Almost anyone is familiar with web pages (otherwise
you would not be here), but what if we tell you
that how you see a site is different from how
Google or your browser does?
In fact, when you type any site address in your
browser, your browser will download and render the
page for you, but for rendering the page it needs
some instructions.
# ⚓ Barry Kauler ☛ gui_engine_project_put_on-hold⠀⇛
Have been posting about the gui_engine GUI toolkit,
for building statically-linked standalone
executables that will run in the initramfs (initrd)
and render to the Linux framebuffer.
# ⚓ Linux Hint ☛ The_sockaddr_in_Structure⠀⇛
Socket programming in the C language uses a variety
of functions, many of them are used to resolve,
convert, and determine the address of the server we
want to connect to. Undoubtedly, the IP address is
the most important information we need when we open
a socket. And dealing with these addresses requires
that we know the structures in which they are
stored, the type of data of each of their members,
# § Perl / Raku⠀➾
# ⚓ Perl ☛ Using_Perl_to_prepare_sequencing_files_to
In the middle of a manuscript submission that
requires sequencing data to be uploaded to
NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus.
This is a fairly standardized and (painful!)
process that requires one to assemble their
sequencing data (a collection of hundreds or
thousands of files in the FASTQ format), put
them in a single (very large) folder,
compress them, generate md5 hashes and then
upload them to GEO’s FTP site.
There are a couple of tutorials available
e.g. here and there that mostly cover the use
case of one having assembled the files into a
single fastq.
# § Python⠀➾
# ⚓ Python Speed ☛ Some_reasons_to_avoid_Cython⠀⇛
If you need to speed up Python, Cython is a
very useful tool. It lets you seamlessly
merge Python syntax with calls into C or C++
code, making it easy to write high-
performance extensions with rich Python
That being said, Cython is not the best tool
in all circumstances. So in this article I’ll
go over some of the limitations and problems
with Cython, and suggest some alternatives.
# ⚓ Earthly ☛ Introduction_to_the_Context_Managers_and
The with keyword in python is used for
exception handling when working with certain
resources like files or database connections.
These resources may need to have additional
actions performed if an exception is raised.
For example, if there is an error reading
from a file, we’d like to be certain the file
gets closed before the program exits and
raises the error. The with statement is not
limited to files or database connections, it
can also be used with locks, sockets, sub-
processes, telnet, and other types of
In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at
the with keyword. We’ll look at how it works,
when you should use it, and how you can
create your own classes and functions that
support with.
# ⚓ Video ☛ Python_Is_A_STRANGE_Language_Boolean_Tips_–
Python is a strange language True and False
are treated like numbers
o § Standards/Consortia⠀➾
# ⚓ IT Tavern ☛ Difference_between_RSS_and_Atom⠀⇛
I was curious about what the difference between RSS
and Atom was. This blog post is a small primer to
RSS and Atom feeds and describes the differences
between both. I’ve linked links to the technical
specification at the end of this post.
* § Leftovers⠀➾
o ⚓ Pete Warden ☛ Go_see_Proxistant_Vision_at_SFMCD_–_Pete_Warden’s
When I think of a museum with “craft” in its name, I
usually imagine an institution focused on the past. San
Francisco’s Museum of Craft and Design is different.
Their mission is to “bring you the work of the hand, mind
and heart“, and Bull.Miletic’s Proxistant Vision
exhibition is a wonderful example of how their open
definition of craft helps them find and promote startling
new kinds of art.
When I first walked into the gallery space I was
underwhelmed. There were three rooms with projectors, but
the footage they were showing was nearly monochrome and I
didn’t feel much to connect with. I was intrigued by some
of the rigs for the projectors though, with polyhedral
mirrors and a cart that whirred strangely. I’m glad I had
a little patience, because all of the works turned out to
have their own life and animation beyond anything I’d
seen before.
o ⚓ Gabriel Sieben ☛ Font_analysis_suggests_Steven_Crowder’s_“media
My bet is that there is a 90%+ chance it is DW, but I
could be surprised. Maybe it isn’t DW, but two letters
that it could also be, will be found.
o ⚓ Positech Games ☛ Bad_news_for_consumerism:_Everything’s_good
I am well aware of the history of the term ‘640k is
enough for everyone’, so hold your horses in your
excitement to post it as a ‘gotcha’ response. I would
like to lay out a case for a big slowdown in consumer
spending, and put it to you, the reader, that although
often we are wrong when we predict such things, this is
not always the case. We have not all rushed out and
bought 3D TVs, as predicted. We did not all buy VR
headsets. I have still only seen a single folding phone
in the wild…
I’m in the economically enviable position of having some
spare cash which, in previous years I would probably have
put towards buying some new thing that I coveted. Maybe a
new TV, or phone, or gaming PC or laptop, or whatever.
However, I am definitely noticing that this is slowing
down, at least for me. Maybe this is an age thing? but
maybe not…
o ⚓ SICP ☛ Your_reminder_that_‘British_English’_and_“American
Low-stakes conspiracy theory: they were invented by word
processing marketers to justify spell-check features that
weren’t necessary.
Evidence: the Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford being in
Britain) entry for “-ise” suffix’s first sense is “A
frequent spelling of -ize suffix, suffix forming verbs,
which see.” So in a British dictionary, -ize is
preferred. But in a computer, I have to change my whole
hecking country to be able to write that!
o § Science⠀➾
# ⚓ Sabine Hossenfelder ☛ Science_News_Jan_18⠀⇛
Today we’ll talk about climate engineering, quantum
computers, how to tell a nuclear bomb from TNT,
what an atom really looks like, random keys from
cosmic rays, who is filing the most patents and on
what, climate labels for food, a tractor beam that
didn’t quite live up to my expectations. And of
course, the telephone will ring.
# ⚓ Sabine Hossenfelder ☛ The_Trouble(s)_With_Hydrogen⠀⇛
# ⚓ PC Mag ☛ Cambridge_University_Researchers_Develop_VR_Tool
Virtual reality software has become an unlikely
tool in the fight against cancer.
In a bid to help doctors better understand how to
treat cancer, video game designers and cancer
researchers have teamed up at the University of
Cambridge, England, to turn spreadsheet data into
highly detailed VR imagery of cancer cells, ITV
reports(Opens in a new window).
The university’s IMAXT Laboratory has transformed
brain-crunching numbers and data into an
interactive 3D picture of a tumor that makes it
easy for researchers to differentiate between
cancer cells, as each type of cell is colored or
shaped differently.
o § Education⠀➾
# ⚓ Netblocks ☛ Iran_disrupts_mobile_internet_access_during
Real-time NetBlocks metrics show that mobile
networks have been disrupted for three hours on
Thursday morning, while fixed-line services have
remained largely unaffected. This class of
disruption cannot be readily worked around using
VPN services. The incident is consistent with a
measure recently proposed by authorities to limit
cheating in university entrance exams.
Iran has frequently restricted access to online
platforms during protests and has one of the most
heavily censored networks globally. However,
Iranian officials recently proposed the use of
similar network disruptions to prevent cheating
during university entrance exams, which are
scheduled on 19 to 20 January.
o § Hardware⠀➾
# ⚓ Tom’s Hardware ☛ AI-Generated_PC_Cases_Could_Give_Human
Our sample gallery of the AI-generated Mini ITX PCs
embedded above features quite a few designs that
are rather rotund. This isn’t a bias of the AI;
instead, Hybective admits he has a fondness for
Wheatley (the AI robot from the Portal franchise)
and has wanted a spherical PC ever since casting
eyes on the Games Sphere (a GameCube parody) in
teen sitcom Drake & Josh. InWin showcased a very
cool spherical PC a few years ago, showing that
there are options, but admittedly not very many.
# ⚓ Hackaday ☛ Wii_Turned_Expansion_Card_For_Broadcast
For the proper retro gaming aesthetic, plenty of
gamers look to old CRT displays. Older games can
look better on these displays because the original
programmers took their visual characteristics into
account. Finding a CRT from the 90s or early 2000s
is one option, but an even better option is a
broadcast video monitor (BVM) which were extremely
high quality CRTs with some other features, like
the ability to install a Wii straight to an
expansion port on the monitor itself (Nitter).
# ⚓ Hackaday ☛ An_Unexpected_Amiga_Network_Interface⠀⇛
The retrocomputer enthusiast has increasingly to
grapple with not only runaway computer prices but
the astronomical cost of vintage peripherals. A
welcome solution in some cases comes from the
Raspberry Pi, which has proved itself fast enough
to emulate those add-ons for a lot less outlay. A
good one comes from [Niklas Ekström], who’s made a
Pi-based network adapter for the Commodore Amiga
1200. Better still it doesn’t hog the main
expansion port or the PCMCIA slot, instead it sits
on the 1200’s rarely-used real-time-clock port.
Software wise it uses an updated version of his
earlier project for the Amiga 500. It provides
access to the Pi command prompt, as well as a SANA
driver and a mounted filesystem.
# ⚓ Hackaday ☛ Floppy_Photog:_Making_An_IR_Filter_From_A_3.5″
Sony used to sell digital cameras that recorded on
actual floppy disks. We’ve come a long way, but
[Mathieu] put a floppy in a digital camera recently
for an entirely different reason. First, though, he
had to modify the camera to work on the full
spectrum, something he covered in an earlier video.
You can see both videos, below.
# ⚓ Hackaday ☛ Robot_Collects_Ping_Pong_Balls_For_You⠀⇛
If you’ve ever played ping pong, table tennis, or
beer pong, you know that it’s a struggle to hang on
to the balls. [MaximeMonsieur] has designed a robot
to handle picking them up so you don’t have to.
# ⚓ Hackaday ☛ Irreproducible,_Accumulative_Hacks⠀⇛
Last weekend, I made an incredibly accurate CNC
pen-plotter bot in just 20 minutes, for a total
expenditure of $0. How did I pull this off? Hacks
o § Health/Nutrition/Agriculture⠀➾
# ⚓ Adafruit ☛ Why_Are_So_Many_People_Switching_On_Subtitles?⠀⇛
But, it turns out, lots of people with normal
hearing are turning to CC just because they feel
they’re missing too much dialog. In this Vox video,
they talk to Austin Olivia Kendrick, a dialogue
editor, to find out why modern movie/TV dialog can
sometimes be hard to hear.
# ⚓ [Old] Audubon Society ☛ A_New_App_Brings_Birdsong_Back_to
A test revealed Elliott, then 27, had high-
frequency hearing loss, a condition caused by loud
sounds or aging that one study found may affect
nearly a third of U.S. adults under 70. “I was
missing this huge part of the world of birdsong,
not to mention insects,” he says, a crushing
realization for the budding wildlife ecologist. The
severity of his hearing loss above a certain
frequency—due to a childhood accident with
firecrackers, he realized—meant conventional
hearing aids, which amplify sounds, wouldn’t help.
Frustrated by his options, Elliott turned his
dismay into a decades-long journey of developing
tools that help birders reclaim avian soundscapes.
# ⚓ Copenhagen Post ☛ Fluorescence,_thy_name_is_woman!_Men_more
According to the latest Kantar Public report for
the Rådet for Sikker Trafik safety council, only a
quarter of women have cycled without lights when
it’s dark in the last year, compared to a third of
# ⚓ NBC ☛ CDC_is_talking_to_airlines_about_wastewater_testing
A study published Thursday in the journal PLOS
Global Public Health shows how this approach could
be useful: A team of researchers from Bangor
University in Wales found that the coronavirus
circulated widely in wastewater from airports and
planes in the U.K., even while Covid testing was
required for unvaccinated passengers.
# ⚓ Sign_up_for_a_virtual_screening_of_“Virulent:_The_Vaccine
Before I get back to a regular schedule of blogging
here on my personal blog, I’d like to take a moment
to promote something going on at a different blog
that is near and dear to my heart. Regular readers
know that I’m a prominent regular at a not-so-
super-secret other blog. Basically, I’m referring
to its hosting a virtual screening of Virulent: The
Vaccine War a new documentary about vaccines,
vaccine hesitancy, and the antivaccine movement.
After this virtual screening, which will last from
today to January 29, Steve Novella and I will be
hosting a virtual Q&A, along with filmmakers
director/producer Tjardus Greidanus and producer
Laura Davis. The screening is also dedicated to the
late Dr. Hall, whom we lost unexpectedly last week
(and whose deaths antivaxxers have falsely targeted
for their “died suddenly” conspiracy narrative).
The details will follow at the end of this post,
but first let me give a bit of background and tell
you about the film.
# ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ EPA_Plan_for_Forever_Chemical_Discharges
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s newly
released plan for regulating wastewater pollution,
including discharges of toxic “forever chemicals,”
is far too muted and sluggish, a progressive
advocacy group warned Friday.
# ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Report_Shows_“Vicious_Cycle”_Between_Pesticide
o § Proprietary⠀➾
# ⚓ CoryDoctorow ☛ The_learned_helplessness_of_Pete_Buttigieg⠀⇛
The apocalyptic airline meltdown over the Christmas
break stranded thousands of Americans, ruining
their vacations and costing them a fortune in
unexpected fees. It wasn’t just Southwest Airlines’
meltdown, either – as stranded fliers sought
alternatives, airlines like AA raised the price of
some domestic coach tickets to over $10,000.
But successive administrations have failed to act
on those warnings. Under Obama and Trump, the DoT
was content to let “the market” discipline the
monopoly carriers, though both administrations were
happy to wave through anticompetitive mergers that
weakened the power of markets to provide that
discipline. Obama waved through the United/
Continental merger and the Southwest/AirTran
merger, while Trump waved through Virgin/Alaska.
While these firms were allowed to privatize their
gains, Uncle Sucker paid for their losses. Trump
handed the airlines $54 billion in Covid relief,
which the airlines squandered on stock buybacks and
executive bonuses, while gutting their own employee
rosters with early retirement buyouts…
# ⚓ India Times ☛ 85%_of_organizations_attacked_by_ransomware
at_least_once_in_the_last_12_months:_Report [iophk: Windows
According to the Veeam Data Protection Trends 2023
survey, businesses are confronted with more complex
hybrid IT environments and are increasing budgets
to combat cyberattacks and keep up as production
environments diversify across various clouds. As a
result, IT executives believe they are not
adequately protected.
# ⚓ Positech Games ☛ My_2_month_review_of_a_Tesla_model_Y
I picked up my car about 2 months ago, so I’ve put
some actual miles into it now, and can assess what
I think of it. Previously I owned a Tesla model S
85D, which I had for about 7 years. That was an
‘autopilot v1’ car, so not as advanced technically.
It also had radar (apparently) and ultrasonic
parking sensors. Eventually, the software for the
main screen started to glitch and bug me, so I
upgraded it to a new screen, at my expense. I think
it was £2k? it was definitely an upgrade worth
doing. Anyway, I got sick of the length of that
car, and wanted the latest autopilot tech and
better range, so sold my model S privately and
bought the model Y performance. I had to wait a
year! but it arrived at the end of November.
# ⚓ DaemonFC (Ryan Farmer) ☛ PornHub_Insights_for_2022_show
Desktop PC usage is down 6% from 2021 to 2022, and
Windows is only 64.7% of that.
# ⚓ Roberto Frenna ☛ Using_a_custom_player_with_the_Cast
All of this clearly wasn’t enough to stop me and my
intention to use hls.js. After a lot of trial and
error, here’s my definitive manual on “How to
circumvent the restrictions of the Cast Receiver
Framework and use your own player”!
# ⚓ Michał Woźniak ☛ I_want_a_fridge_that_won’t_join_a_botnet⠀⇛
I just want to be able to buy a damn refrigerator
without worrying about it joining a botnet. Is that
too much to ask?
o § Pseudo-Open Source⠀➾
# § Openwashing⠀➾
# ⚓ Ars Technica ☛ Pioneering_Apple_Lisa_goes_“open
As part of the Apple Lisa’s 40th birthday
celebrations, the Computer History Museum has
released the source code for Lisa OS version
3.1 under an Apple Academic License
Agreement. With Apple’s blessing, the Pascal
source code is available for download from
the CHM website after filling out a form.
o § Security⠀➾
# § Integrity/Availability/Authenticity⠀➾
# ⚓ SANS ☛ SPF_and_DMARC_use_on_100k_most_popular
In any case, the overall situation for the
world’s most popular domains was, as I have
hoped, significantly more optimistic than for
the governmental domains we discussed in the
aforementioned diary. Of the 100k most
popular domains, almost 64.7% had valid and
“reasonable” SPF records, which is not bad.
On the other hand, 40 of these domains had a
“+all” directive included in their SPF
records, which basically means that their
owners explicitly stated that any server is
allowed to send e-mail on behalf of their
domains… Which is somewhat unfortunate.
# ⚓ Hackaday ☛ All_Your_Keys_Are_Belong_To_KeyDecoder⠀⇛
Physical security is often considered simpler
than digital security since safes are heavy
and physical keys take more effort to
duplicate than those of the digital
persuasion. [Maxime Beasse and Quentin
Clement] have developed a smartphone app that
can duplicate a key from a photo making key
copying much easier.
# § Privacy/Surveillance⠀➾
# ⚓ Wesley Moore ☛ Hide_Sign_in_With_Google_Pop_Up⠀⇛
Inspired by Rach Smith’s post on using
userstyles to hide YouTube shorts I came up
with some CSS to hide those annoying Sign in
with Google pop-ups.
I never want to sign in with Google and use
Firefox Multi-Account Containers to ensure
that the bulk of my browsing is done without
ever being signed in to a Google account.
This means that I see a lot of these pop ups
encouraging me to sign in, so Google can
track me more.
# ⚓ MWL ☛ Shipping_OMF⠀⇛
Data is like medical radioactives in the
oncology ward; necessary, but I want as
little of it as possible and must dispose of
it safely. I have no desire for phone
For some destinations, however, I must
provide the carrier a recipient phone number
before they’ll sell me postage. I have no way
to tell if I’ll need a phone number until I
try to buy postage.
# ⚓ NYOB ☛ Just_€_5,5_Million_on_WhatsApp._DPC_finally
As confirmed by the Irish DPC today, the
European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has
decided that Meta cannot force WhatsApp users
to agree to the use of their data for
“service improvements” and “security”. The
core matter of data use for “the purposes of
behavioural advertising, for marketing
purposes, as well as for the provision of
metrics to third parties and the exchange of
data with affiliated companies ” were not
dealt with by the Irish DPC – despite a
binding decision of the EDPB that these
matters must be investigated. The decision
comes 4,5 years after the original complaints
were filed by noyb, on Meta’s bypass of the
GDPR via a clause in the terms and
# ⚓ NYOB ☛ Irish_Data_Protection_Authority_gives_€_3.97
On 04.01.2023, the Irish Data Protection
Commission (DPC) announced a fine of € 390
million against Meta due to unlawful
personalized advertising on Facebook and
Instagram. A first analysis of the decisions
now reveals that the DPC has turned a blind
eye on the revenue generated from violating
the GDPR when calculating its fine. This was
despite a 2/3 majority vote of all EU
authorities (the EDPB) having directed the
Irish DPC to factor in Meta’s billions of
Euro of ill-gotten revenue. The DPC’s
maneuver saved Meta almost € 4 billion.
# ⚓ Privacy International ☛ “MI5_data-management_system
We argued that, based on MI5’s own
disclosures, the agency had breached UK
surveillance laws since at least 2010 and
provided false information to unlawfully
obtain bulk surveillance warrants against the
public. Additionally, despite knowing of the
breaches since at least 2016 at the highest
levels, we argued that MI5 failed to report
its breaches to the Home Office or other
oversight bodies.
In the course of our case against MI5, we
even saw internal MI5 documents which
referred to some of their internal data
systems as “akin to the wild west places”.
o § Defence/Aggression⠀➾
# ⚓ Meduza ☛ Defense_Ministry_announces_air_defense_drills_in
Drills of Russia’s air defense systems took place
in the Moscow region, according to the country’s
Ministry of Defense. Crews of S-300 surface-to-air
missile systems learned “to repel air attacks on
important military, industrial, and administrative
targets,” the ministry said.
# ⚓ Meduza ☛ Patriarch_Kirill_urges_priests_to_help_the_Russian
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow believes that the
Russian Orthodox Church should do more to help the
military, calling on congregations to “mobilize all
their parishioners” in a speech published by the
Moscow Patriarchate.
o § Transparency/Investigative Reporting⠀➾
# ⚓ The Sleep Judge ☛ Crimes_that_Happen_While_You_Sleep⠀⇛
The unfortunate truth is that crime occurs all day,
every day in the United States. But how safe are we
really during the day versus the night? We analyzed
reports to police during daylight (7 a.m. to 6:59
p.m.) and at night (7 p.m. to 6:59 a.m.) to find
o § Environment⠀➾
# ⚓ RTL ☛ ‘Aquaman’_warns_Sundance_of_deep-sea_mining_peril⠀⇛
He is best known as hunky, sea-dwelling superhero
“Aquaman,” but actor Jason Momoa brought a stark
and sober warning about the perils of deep-sea
mining to the Sundance film festival on Friday.
The Hawaiian-born A-lister narrates “Deep Rising,”
a new documentary about the frenzied efforts by
resource-hungry corporations to scrape valuable
metals from vast swathes of the Pacific floor.
# § Energy/Transportation⠀➾
# ⚓ Securepairs ☛ With_eye_on_sustainability,_EU_agrees
As we put batteries in more products from
consumer electronics to vehicles, battery
regulations are crucial for slowing the
emissions and extending device life spans.
The new rules attempt to account for the true
costs of battery production, including
emissions from the extraction and processing
of raw materials, the manufacturing of the
battery, the transportation of the finished
product, and the disposal or recycling of the
battery at the end of its life.
# ⚓ Zimbabwe ☛ US_signs_MOU_with_DRC_and_Zambia_for
DRC currently holds a majority of the world’s
cobalt reserves at around 70% with Zambia
coming in second in Africa. Zambia is also
the world’s 6th largest copper producer. The
MOU is stated to be entrusting the 2 African
countries to work on a value chain that
covers mining all the way to assembly.
# ⚓ Science News ☛ Rare_earth_elements_could_be_pulled
Rare earths are a valuable set of 17 elements
needed to make everything from smartphones
and electric vehicles to fluorescent bulbs
and lasers. With global demand skyrocketing
and China having a near-monopoly on rare
earth production — the United States has only
one active mine — there’s a lot of interest
in finding alternative sources, such as
ramping up recycling.
Pulling rare earths from coal waste offers a
two-for-one deal: By retrieving the metals,
you also help clean up the pollution.
# ⚓ Mexico News Daily ☛ US_$200_million_investment_in
Cenntro Automotive México, an importer and
distributor for the New Jersey-based electric
vehicle manufacturer Cenntro Electric Group,
will make lithium-ion batteries at a plant in
the OMA VYNMSA Aeroindustrial Park at the
Monterrey International Airport.
# § Wildlife/Nature⠀➾
# ⚓ Futurism ☛ Dolphins_Are_Screaming_Because_of
Published recently in the journal Current
Biology, a new paper out of the Dolphin
Research Center in the Florida Keys studied a
pair of dolphins named Delta and Reese, who
the marine biologists outfitted with
recording tags to determine how their
communication changed in response to
different loud sounds that they piped into
their pool via speakers.
In the wild and in captivity, dolphins
communicate with each other through a variety
of sonic tricks including echolocation and
those adorable clicks and whistles humans
love so much. When introduced to noises akin
to the kind of loud drilling done by the
military, oil, and shipping industries in the
experiment, the pair would lengthen their
calls and make them louder to try to be heard
over the noise. In short: they were shouting,
or screaming, to be heard by one another —
and often, they weren’t successful.
# ⚓ New York Times ☛ Dolphins_Can_Shout_Underwater,_but
Researchers in the past have observed wild
dolphins changing their behavior when boats
are around. For instance, scientists in
Australian waters observed fewer dolphins, as
the number of dolphin-watching tourist boats
increased. But no one had yet investigated
how anthropogenic sounds can muck up animals’
ability to cooperate.
“It’s usually really hard to do these kinds
of studies in the wild,” said Mauricio
Cantor, a behavioral ecologist at Oregon
State University in Newport who wasn’t part
of the study. But the experimental setup used
by Ms. Sørensen’s team provided “clear
evidence for the effect of noise,” he said,
because the researchers could control for
most everything that could interfere with
their results.
# ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Outrage_as_Biden_Admin_Refuses_to
The Biden administration on Friday denied an
emergency petition aimed at protecting
critically endangered North Atlantic right
whales from being struck and killed by ships
in their calving grounds off the southeastern
coast of the United States.
o § Finance⠀➾
# ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Can_a_Discharge_Petition_Save_Economy_From
We knew this was coming.
# ⚓ John Gruber ☛ Google_Is_Laying_of_12,000_Employees_(6
There are numerous reasons the tech industry wound
up at this layoffpalooza, but I think the main
reason is that the biggest companies got caught up
in a game where they tried to hire everyone,
whether they needed them or not, to keep talent
away from competitors and keep talent away from
small upstarts (or from founding their own small
upstarts). These big companies were just hiring to
hire, and now the jig is up.
# ⚓ Google ☛ A_difficult_decision_to_set_us_up_for_the_future⠀⇛
I have some difficult news to share. We’ve decided
to reduce our workforce by approximately 12,000
roles. We’ve already sent a separate email to
employees in the US who are affected. In other
countries, this process will take longer due to
local laws and practices.
# ⚓ Major_Layoffs_Reported_At_Amazon_And_ComiXology⠀⇛
Today, there are significant redundancies and
firing occurring at Amazon, with executives sending
statements to staff. This included staff members at
the digital comic book publisher and distributor
ComiXology, acquired by Amazon and later integrated
into the main Amazon site, with reports of up to
50% layoffs.
Former ComiXology CEO and co-founder David
Steinberger, who sold ComiXology to Amazon,
tweeted, “Feeling for the @comiXology and @amazon
folks being cut today. Super talented folks that
will land on their feet, for sure, but today it
just sucks. Reach out if I can be useful.”
The other ComiXology co-founder, John D. Roberts,
added, “Saddened to hear of all the cuts at
@comiXology and @amazon. The crew at comiXology are
some of the best people I ever worked with, this is
truly a loss. Happy to help if I can so please,
feel free to reach out”
# ⚓ CNBC ☛ Google,_Microsoft,_Amazon_and_other_tech_companies
CEO Elon Musk wrote in an email to all employees
that the company was cutting 10% of salaried
workers. The Wall Street Journal estimated the
reductions would affect about 6,000 employees,
based on public filings.
# ⚓ Meduza ☛ Kenneth_Rogoff,_former_Chief_Economist_of_the_IMF:
Harvard professor and former Chief Economist of the
International Monetary Fund Kenneth Rogoff spoke
about international sanctions against Russia at the
World Economic Forum in Davos, where he said he
believes sanctions have already had a significant
effect on the Russian economy. Furthermore, he
believes that in the future Russians will face
“incredible poverty, compared to what [they’ve]
become accustomed to.”
# ⚓ TruthOut ☛ As_the_Public_Focuses_on_Book_Bans,_the_Right_Is
# ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Iowa_GOP_Pushes_“Profoundly_Cruel_and_Petty”
o § AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics⠀➾
# ⚓ Computer World ☛ Google’s_parent_company_Alphabet_to_cut
In the email, which has since been uploaded as a
blog post, Pichai said the company will be paying
affected employees at least 16 weeks of severance
and six months of health benefits in the US, with
other regions receiving packages based on local
laws and practices.
# ⚓ CBC ☛ Tech_layoffs_mount_—_but_skilled_workers_are_still
Nadella took the company “from 60,000 employees to
220,000. So, they are cutting back on 10,000, which
is not too surprising,” said Zukin.
# ⚓ Hearst Communications ☛ Commentary:_New_York_got_it_wrong
As they have done on the road to burying more than
100 proposed pieces of repair legislation in 40
states since 2014, anti-repair groups argued –
without evidence – that such information, if made
available to owners and independent repair
providers, would lead to cyberattacks and the theft
of consumer data.
Had the governor and her staff had no other
information to guide them in making their decision,
we might forgive them for erring on the side of
caution. But the governor and her staff knew that
the manufacturers’ arguments were bogus. I should
know: My group told them.
I am the founder of SecuRepairs, an organization of
more than 300 IT and cybersecurity professionals
who support the right to repair. In written
communications and in a face-to-face briefing with
the governor’s staff in October, SecuRepairs
informed the governor’s staff that the proposed
language preventing the disabling of software locks
that prevent repair would have no bearing on the
cybersecurity of covered devices. Instead, it
masked efforts by manufacturers to put themselves
in the position of deciding who can and cannot
service and repair their products.
# ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Texas_GOP_Seeks_to_Override_Local_Prosecutors
# ⚓ Engadget ☛ Twitter’s_new_developer_terms_ban_third-party
In case there was any doubt about Twitter’s
intentions in cutting off the developers of third-
party apps, the company has quietly updated its
developer agreement to make clear that app makers
are no longer permitted to create their own
The “restrictions” section of Twitter’s developer
agreement was updated Thursday with a clause
banning “use or access the Licensed Materials to
create or attempt to create a substitute or similar
service or product to the Twitter Applications.”
The addition is the only substantive change to the
5,000-word agreement.
The change confirms what the makers of many popular
Twitter clients have suspected in recent days: that
third-party Twitter services are no longer
permitted under Elon Musk’s leadership.
Twitter previously said it was “enforcing long-
standing API rules,” but hadn’t cited which rules
developers were violating. The company no longer
has a communications team, and most staffers
working on its developer platform were also cut
during the company’s mass layoffs last year.
# ⚓ Iconfactory ☛ Twitterrific:_End_of_an_Era_•_The_Breakroom⠀⇛
Twitterrific has been discontinued.
A sentence that none of us wanted to write, but
have long felt would need to be written someday. We
didn’t expect to be writing it so soon, though, and
certainly not without having had time to notify you
that it was coming. We are sorry to say that the
app’s sudden and undignified demise is due to an
unannounced and undocumented policy change by an
increasingly capricious Twitter – a Twitter that we
no longer recognize as trustworthy nor want to work
with any longer.
Since 2007, Twitterrific helped define the shape of
the Twitter experience. It was the first desktop
client, the first mobile client, one of the very
first apps in the App Store, an Apple Design award
winner, and it even helped redefine the word
“tweet” in the dictionary. Ollie, Twitterrific’s
bluebird mascot, was so popular it even prompted
Twitter themselves to later adopt a bluebird logo
of their very own. Our little app made a big dent
on the world!
# ⚓ John Gruber ☛ There’s_Weak_Sauce,_and_Then_There’s_Weak
That’s the entirety of the tweet, and that tweet is
the only comment the company has made. Give them a
point for brevity, I suppose, but there’s literally
no one on the planet who believes a word of this.
Third-party clients weren’t violating any existing
rules, and there’s no “may” about the fact that
they stopped working because Twitter revoked their
authorization credentials. If there was some way
they could show even less respect for third-party
client developers and users, they found it.
# ⚓ Common Dreams ☛ Manchin-Romney_Attack_on_Social_Security_Is
Progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday slammed
right-wing Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin’s widely
panned proposal to explore slashing Social Security
benefits as part of a debt ceiling pact with
# ⚓ Meduza ☛ Freedom_for_Navalny,_the_Hague_for_Putin_Rallies
In January 2023, Alexey Navalny’s associates
announced the launch of a #FreeNavalny campaign,
with the goal of uniting “the efforts of people
around the world” to secure his release. January 20
and January 21 saw rallies in various countries in
support of the imprisoned politician and other
Russian political prisoners. Demonstrators also
protested against the war in Ukraine.
# ⚓ TruthOut ☛ Activists_Call_for_Mass_Rallies_on_Sunday_to
# § Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda⠀➾
# ⚓ Digital Music News ☛ TikTok_Uses_a_Secret_‘Heating
Both members of the music community and
content creators have long sought to ignite
viral trends on TikTok. But the impact of
these efforts – and the idea that virality is
dependent entirely upon content and timing –
has now come into question, as the platform
allegedly uses a secret “heating” button to
inflate certain videos’ view counts.
# ⚓ The Conversation ☛ How_to_talk_to_someone_about
But research into how to talk with conspiracy
believers is beginning to show returns. We’ve
developed some conversation prompts to use
with people you know or only meet in passing.
But first, if you want to address someone’s
conspiracy beliefs you need to consider the
root causes.
People are attracted to conspiracy theories
in an attempt to satisfy three psychological
needs. They want more certainty, to feel in
control, and maintain a positive image of
their self and group. During times of crisis,
such as the COVID pandemic, these needs are
more frustrated and people’s desire to make
sense of the world becomes more urgent.
o § Censorship/Free Speech⠀➾
# ⚓ Jerusalem Post ☛ India_censors_BBC_documentary_that
India has blocked the airing of a BBC documentary
that questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
leadership during the 2002 Gujarat riots, saying
that even sharing of any clips via social media is
Directions to block the clips from being shared
have been issued using emergency powers available
to the government under the country’s information
technology rules, said Kanchan Gupta, an adviser to
the government, on his Twitter handle on Saturday.
# ⚓ Futurism ☛ Journalist_Critical_of_Elon_Musk_Allegedly
In other words, by Monacelli’s count, it appears
that the Elon Musk-owned Twitter intentionally
throttled Klippenstein’s account, likely in
response to Klippenstein’s criticism of the Musk-
owned Tesla. If true: yikes.
# ⚓ Democracy for the Arab World Now ☛ Bahrain:_Free_Academic
15 January 2023 marked Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace’s
61st birthday, and his twelfth year spent in
detention. DAWN joins rights groups calling on the
King, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Bahrain to
release Al-Singace, alongside other prisoners
detained and sentenced for exercising their right
to freedom of expression.
# ⚓ RFERL ☛ Belarus_Repatriates_Russian_Rights_Activist_To
She was taken into custody in a courtroom in Minsk
on January 6 and sentenced to 15 days in jail on
administrative charges of petty hooliganism for
allegedly streaming and taking photos of the
proceedings against four Vyasna (Spring) activists,
including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales
# ⚓ Open Democracy ☛ Reporting_on_Kazakhstan’s_chaos_amid_
Upon the announcement, on 5 January, of a state of
emergency across the country, Kazakhstan’s
[Internet] connection, which had been interrupted
at times also in the previous days, was switched
At this point, most websites, including news
outlets, went offline. Reporting from the ground
became almost impossible, because emails and
messages could not get through – and telephone
service became sporadic.
o § Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press⠀➾
# ⚓ RFERL ☛ West_Concerned_Over_Recent_Attacks_Against
In a joint statement on January 20, the embassies
of the two countries and the 27-nation bloc
expressed solidarity with journalists who were
either attacked or intimidated and called on the
Kazakh government to thoroughly investigate each
incident and bring all responsible individuals to
o § Civil Rights/Policing⠀➾
# ⚓ Teen Vogue ☛ Noncompete_Clauses:_What_Are_They_and_How_Is
The FTC’s proposal is urgently needed. Noncompetes
— employment contract provisions that prohibit
workers from getting a job with competitors or
those deemed to be competitors for a certain period
— are terribly harmful to workers and the economy
as a whole. Once upon a time, they were used
sparingly in contracts for high-level executives.
Still, increasingly, they’re imposed as a non-
negotiable condition of employment on a far wider
range of workers, including sandwich makers,
baristas, journalists, janitors, and sometimes even
interns. The FTC’s explanation for the proposed
rule describes in excruciating detail just how
harmful noncompetes are: For starters, they
decrease workers’ job mobility, suppress wages, and
hinder entrepreneurialism and the creation of new
# ⚓ Spiegel ☛ A_Look_at_Iran’s_Protest_Movement_Four_Months
All of the death sentences against demonstrators
have been handed down without even a hint of due
process, with some resting on confessions extracted
under torture. Some verdicts have been changed just
as arbitrarily. Iran’s regime-loyal judiciary
grants both death and resurrection. Their motto
seems to be: Be afraid and you may hope.
# ⚓ [Old] Night Gallery ☛ “Hatred_is_Not_the_Norm”:_For_a_1964
Hatred is not the norm. Prejudice is not the norm.
Suspicion, dislike, jealousy, and scapegoating —
none of these things is the transcendent facet of
the human personality. They are the diseases. They
are the cancers of the soul. They are the
infectious and contagious viruses that have bled
humanity over the years. But because they have been
and are, is it necessary that they shall be?xs
Horace Mann said, “Be ashamed to die until you have
won some victory for humanity.” Let’s paraphrase
that tonight. Let us be ashamed to live without
that victory.
# ⚓ CBC ☛ Goodbye,_dark_sky._The_stars_are_rapidly_disappearing
To put it in perspective, the authors noted that
someone born in an area where 250 stars could be
seen would see fewer than 100 in the same place 18
years later.
# ⚓ Variety ☛ Sundance_Jury_Walks_Out_of_‘Magazine_Dreams’
According to multiple sources, the jury has
repeatedly expressed concerns to both Sundance and
filmmakers that movies playing at this year’s
festival should come with open captions. At other
international festivals, including Cannes and
Venice, movies are captioned in multiple languages
on the screen. This year’s application for
credentials to Sundance asked attendees if they
needed access to captioning.
However, multiple sources state that several
filmmakers have declined the request to provide
open captions onscreen, citing the costs and time
associated with making another print. Sources say
that some buyers even suggested that including
captions onscreen could somehow hurt the film’s
asking prices on the market as they try to land
# ⚓ FAIR ☛ ‘We_Live_in_a_New_World_Where_Accountability_Barely
Janine Jackson interviewed the Lever‘s David Sirota
about accountability journalism for the January 13,
2023, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly
edited transcript.
o § Digital Restrictions (DRM)⠀➾
# ⚓ Hollywood Reporter ☛ Netflix_to_Crack_Down_on_Account
“Part of it is what we call casual sharing, which
is people could pay, but they don’t need to and so
they’re borrowing somebody’s account. So our job is
to give them a little bit of a nudge and to create
features that make transitioning to their own
account easy and simple,” he said.
o § Monopolies⠀➾
# ⚓ IT Wire ☛ Top_Indian_court_rebuffs_Google_attempt_to_get
The CCI has told Google that it should not link the
licensing of Play Store to the installation of apps
like Chrome and YouTube.
# ⚓ India Times ☛ Google_vows_to_cooperate_with_India_antitrust
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) ruled in
October that Google, owned by Alphabet Inc,
exploited its dominant position in Android and told
it to remove restrictions on device makers,
including those related to pre-installation of apps
and ensuring exclusivity of its search. It also
fined Google $161 million.
On Thursday, Google lost a challenge in the Supreme
Court to block the directives, getting seven days
to comply.
# ⚓ Computer World ☛ Apple_appeals_UK_probe,_but_is_it_just
The iPhone maker’s legal team argues that the probe
should be reviewed, arguiing it missed timing
requirements to launch an investigation, Reuters
explains. Then UK Competition and Markets Authority
(CMA) will continue to look into the matter while
defending its decision.
The CMA argues that the investigation aims to give
UK consumers more choice while providing developers
with more opportunity to innovate. It also notes
that 97% of all UK mobile web browsing relies on
either Apple’s or Google’s browser engines.
# § Copyrights⠀➾
# ⚓ LIBER ☛ The_Fundamental_Right_to_Education_and
This is of particular significance given that
the right to science, unlike EU copyright
law, is a right that extends to all forms of
scientific activity – both commercial and
non-commercial. Compared to other regions
where copyright regulation of research and
scientific progress is agnostic to its
source, copyright laws to support digital and
data-driven innovation in Europe often seems
to equate innovation only with the private
sector. Despite many cutting-edge
technologies and biomedical discoveries
originating in universities (e.g., the
internet, human genome project, artificial
intelligence, etc.), when looking at the
recent set of EU digital legislation,
universities and other public sector bodies
are either entirely forgotten from an
innovation perspective or treated, at best,
as an after-thought. Thus, it appears that
all too often the European legislator
believes innovation is something exclusive to
the private sector. The European University
Association highlights this in response to
the European Commission’s New Innovation
Agenda: “This stems from a conceptualisation
of innovation which is far too conventional
to truly capture what Europe does best as an
innovator and to legitimise the most
appropriate measures for improving its
>In this context, the rejection by the
Finnish Parliament’s Constitutional Law
Committee (Perustuslakivaliokunta) of the
government CDSM draft on the grounds that
aspects of the transposition conflicted with
the Finnish Constitution is hugely
significant. Not only in its findings did the
Committee reference freedom of expression,
but in its negative evaluation of the draft
education and data mining exceptions,
particularly §16 of the Finnish Constitution
“Educational Rights” (Sivistykselliset
oikeudet) was cited. We believe this ruling
matters and has national and international
significance. The right to access scientific
knowledge and to participate in its
development (also called “the right to
science”) is enshrined in Article 27.1 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Further, Article 13 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the European Union
protects the freedom of the sciences, and
Article 14 protects the right to education.
# ⚓ [Old] Creative Commons ☛ European_Court_Renders
Today, the Court of Justice of the European
Union (CJEU) delivered its long-awaited and
highly anticipated judgment in Case C-401/19.
The case addresses the Polish challenge
regarding compliance of Article 17 of the
2019 Directive on copyright and related
rights in the Digital Single Market 2019/790
(CDSM) with fundamental rights. In short, the
court ruled that Article 17 is valid and
compatible with fundamental rights (see
official press release and judgment). In this
blog post, we offer an overview of Article
17, briefly analyze the CJEU judgment, and
provide general comments.
# ⚓ [Old] Louder Than War ☛ Tommy_James:_“The_Soul_of_the
“We still have the fans and God bless them.
The country music used to do that. They had
this multi-generational fan base. I get asked
so many times by young bands,, “what do we
do?” You can set your hair on fire and not
get any attention. I am amazed how difficult
it is to make any noise today. Nobody’s
paying attention. I tell them to forget
record companies for right now and to go to
publishing companies. I tell them to write
their own music, record about 10 of their
songs, and do them well, and go to a
# ⚓ CBC ☛ The_original_Bambi_isn’t_kid’s_stuff_—_and_it
Salten sold the film rights for the book to
American director Sidney Franklin in 1933 for
$1,000, who then sold it to Disney. Salten
“did not gain much” from Disney’s animated
adaptation, Zipes writes, though he did live
“comfortably” until his death in 1945.
Zipes doesn’t mince words about what he
thinks of Disney’s version supplanting the
public awareness of Salten’s work — which was
incredibly popular in its own right, selling
more than 650,000 copies before the film’s
release in 1942.
“I was ashamed for the Disney corporation to
have made such an idyllic, stupid film out of
a very serious novel that children could have
understood,” he told The Sunday Magazine.
“The ideology is so, let us say reactionary,
that this film should be banned from the
# ⚓ Digital Music News ☛ IFPI_Touts_‘The_First_Successful
Bearing in mind the stat and the steps that
each major label took in 2022 to broaden its
reach in India, the IFPI and Mumbai’s IMI
said today that the Delhi High Court had
ordered internet service providers (ISPs) “to
block access to 20 stream ripping sites.”
These 20 websites racked up a cumulative 500
million or so visits from India-based
individuals last year, per the IFPI, with a
total of 73 percent of the country’s internet
users having utilized “unlicensed or illegal
ways to listen to music.”
# ⚓ Torrent Freak ☛ Report_Urges_Cloudflare_to_Terminate
A new whitepaper released by brand protection
company Corsearch shows that half of all the
pirate sites it flagged use Cloudflare’s
services. The Internet infrastructure company
clearly stands out and should do more to
address the issue, the report suggests.
Banning domains that are removed or demoted
by Google could be a good start, Corsearch
# ⚓ Ruben Schade ☛ AI,_music,_and_valuing_art⠀⇛
What message does that send to artists? Are
we okay with that? I’m not.
* § Gemini* and Gopher⠀➾
o § Personal⠀➾
# ⚓ 🔤SpellBinding:_ACDPYSR_Wordo:_RUSSE⠀⇛
# ⚓ Realizing_you_already_live_pretty_tiny⠀⇛
I’ll peel back the curtain a bit and say I’ve never
owned a home. I’m not sure I ever really _want_ to
in this kind of economy. I am leery of going into
that much debt (because that’s all a mortgage is
and until yours is paid off that house is _not_
yours); however, I’m even more sensitive to the
implication that I’m tied to that spot and am stuck
with that commitment until I get it sold or paid
Considering that for the last 4 or 5 years my wife
and I have moved pretty regularly, seemingly at
least once a year.. the absence of a sense of
permanence has led me to have a mentality of “well
does it matter if we do X modification to the
dwelling or get Y appliance? We’re only here for
(probably a year).” Not only that, it’s resulted in
our used living space being pretty small.
# ⚓ Bad_Movie_Night⠀⇛
Everyone loves watching movies with their friends
and family, right? Well imagine what those nights
would be like if you picked the worst of the worst!
Those B movies where you can see the fishing line
in every space ship scene. The classic sci-fi
flicks with plot holes so big you can drive an SUV
through them. Sound terrible?
o § Technical⠀➾
# ⚓ tl;dr_the_redo_build_system⠀⇛
I really like using `redo` as my build script for
all my non-work projects. Its simple, flexible and
works well.
# ⚓ Unix_Is_Spawning_Programs_Weirdly⠀⇛
Since standard input has been read from, and is a
pipe not connected to a terminal, what we want is
some way to connect our program with a terminal.
This may not be possible, e.g. after setsid(2) and
a “double fork” but here we will assume that some
terminal is available if only we could get to it.
At least two methods are possible; the newterm(3x)
call could be used instead of initscr(3x), or we
could close standard input, open the terminal, and
then call initscr as per usual. open(2) uses the
lowest available file descriptor number, and if we
close standard input, the terminal should be where
initscr(3x) wants it to be.
# ⚓ A_build_system_for_those_who_hate_build_systems⠀⇛
I’m a developer by trade. A developer with a focus
on getting the most work done with the least amount
of effort possible (lazy much?). My goal at any job
is to get to the point where a good portion of my
daily mundane work is automated which leaves me
time to focus more on the tasks that require my
actual attention and skills. Depending on the role
and the type of work, I’ve been able to streamline
this process. I will setup a system where all of
the prep work is done by someone else, Marketing
for example, and the deliverable they provide
slides right into the automation and out pops the
solution. To me the development of these types of
systems is time well spent. An added benefit of
focusing on automation is that I can use the same
skill in other aspects of my life.
# § Internet/Gemini⠀➾
# ⚓ Ruario’s_Journal⠀⇛
Well… it worked! If you look at Antenna right
now, my link is there
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World Wide Web but a lot lighter.
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