●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, June 19, 2023 ●●

● Jun 19

[00:01] TR News "Stock photo services like Shutterstock or Getty Images helped source the models used by tools like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion. But stock photos are not perfectand if the two models cant work together, one could disrupt the other." https://tedium.co/2023/06/17/stock-photos-artificial-intelligence-analysis/

[00:01] TR Bot Could Generative AI Kill the Stock Photo?

[00:03] TR News Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppSpdlog 0.0.13 on CRAN: Small Extensions http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2023/06/17#rcppspdlog_0.0.13

[00:03] TR Bot Thinking inside the box

[00:03] TR News Bastian Venthur: Blag 2.0 released https://venthur.de/2023-06-17-blag.html

[00:03] TR Bot Blag 2.0 released | Bastian Venthur's Blog

[00:06] TR News Install and Use Podman Desktop GUI to Manage Containers https://thenewstack.io/install-and-use-podman-desktop-gui-to-manage-containers/

[00:06] TR Bot Install and Use Podman Desktop GUI to Manage Containers - The New Stack

[00:08] MinceR https://apina.biz/195889.jpg?mode=sfw

[00:08] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-http://apina.biz/195889.jpg

[00:08] TR News BBC boss Tim Davie highly empathetic to striking staff but says local radio cuts will continue https://pressgazette.co.uk/publishers/broadcast/bbc-local-radio-tim-davie-cuts/

[00:08] TR Bot Tim Davie highly empathetic but BBC local radio cuts to continue

[00:09] TR News "Trust in news in the UK was at 33%" https://pressgazette.co.uk/publishers/digital-journalism/uk-media-low-trust-high-news-avoidance/

[00:09] TR Bot UK media suffers high news avoidance and low trust

[00:10] TR News Researchers unpack massive email scam targeting dozens of companies https://cyberscoop.com/bec-scam-business-email-compromis/

[00:10] TR Bot unpack massive email scam targeting dozens of companies | CyberScoop

[00:11] TR News What Impact Will Large Language Models Have on the Web? https://www.consortiuminfo.org/semantic-nextgen-web/what-impact-will-large-language-models-have-on-the-web/

[00:11] TR Bot Impact Will Large Language Models Have on the Web? - ConsortiumInfo.orgConsortiumInfo.org

[00:11] TR News Time to ban the use of Nazi symbols in Australia https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/time-to-ban-the-use-of-nazi-symbols-in-australia/

[00:11] TR Bot Time to ban the use of Nazi symbols in Australia | The Strategist

[00:11] TR News Adding Time Delays in Shell Scripts https://tecadmin.net/adding-time-delays-in-shell-scripts/

[00:11] TR Bot Adding Time Delays in Shell Scripts TecAdmin

[00:12] TR News (NEW): GNU gettext 0.22 released http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/18/GNU_gettext_0_22_released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/18/GNU_gettext_0_22_released.gmi

[00:12] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU gettext 0.22 released

[00:14] TR News The Belgian government is failing to consider human rights in CSA Regulation https://edri.org/our-work/the-belgian-government-is-failing-to-consider-human-rights-in-csa-regulation/

[00:14] TR Bot The Belgian government is failing to consider human rights in CSA Regulation - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

[00:14] TR News TACD Public Forum: For better or worse? The EU-US cooperation & its impact on consumers https://edri.org/take-action/events/tacd-public-forum-for-better-or-worse-the-eu-us-cooperation-its-impact-on-consumers/

[00:14] TR Bot TACD Public Forum - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

[00:18] TR News Spotify Slapped with $5.4 Million Fine in Sweden for GDPR Violations https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/13/spotify-slapped-with-fine-gdpr-violations/

[00:18] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/13/spotify-slapped-with-fine-gdpr-violations/ )

[00:18] TR News Europol data deals with violent police forces need strong data protection safeguards https://edri.org/our-work/europol-data-deals-with-violent-police-forces-need-strong-data-protection-safeguards/

[00:18] TR Bot The Europol data-sharing deals need strong data protection safeguards - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

[00:18] TR News "In this edition you can also read about what changed in the ten years since Snowdens revelations about mass surveillance by the US government." https://edri.org/our-work/edri-gram14-june-2023/

[00:18] TR Bot EDRi-gram,14 June 2023 - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

[00:19] TR News ">Read through the most interesting developments at the intersection of human rights and technology from the Netherlands." https://edri.org/our-work/bits-of-freedom-monthly-update-on-human-rights-tech-april-2023/

[00:19] TR Bot NL: What happend in April? - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

[00:19] TR News "Tweets" as news?????? https://yle.fi/a/74-20036581

[00:19] TR Bot Finnish FA apologises for "poorly formatted" tweet following fan backlash | News | Yle Uutiset

[00:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[00:20] TR News APNICs cloud and interconnection strategy https://blog.apnic.net/2023/06/14/apnics-cloud-and-interconnection-strategy/

[00:20] TR Bot APNICs cloud and interconnection strategy | APNIC Blog

[00:20] TR News Mojo vs Python: Which Programming Language is Right for You? https://www.cloudbooklet.com/mojo-vs-python/

[00:20] TR Bot Mojo vs Python: Which Programming Language is Right for You?

[00:21] TR News Disclosure lacking about site's sponsors https://cloudnativenow.com/features/red-hat-extends-commitment-to-integrate-openstack-and-k8s/

[00:21] TR Bot Red Hat Extends Commitment to Integrate OpenStack and K8s - Cloud Native Now

[00:22] TR News TTAB Finds Supplements Related to CBD Cosmetics, But Not to Candles or Vape Pens http://thettablog.blogspot.com/2023/06/ttab-finds-supplements-related-to-cbd.html

[00:22] TR Bot The TTABlog: TTAB Finds Supplements Related to CBD Cosmetics, But Not to Candles or Vape Pens

[00:23] TR News NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Industrial offers ECC memory, extended temperature range, improved robustness https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/06/13/nvidia-jetson-agx-orin-industrial-offers-ecc-memory-extended-temperature-range-improved-robustness/

[00:23] TR Bot NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Industrial offers ECC memory, extended temperature range, improved robustness - CNX Software

[00:24] TR News T-Watch S3 ESP32-S3 smartwatch supports WiFi, Bluetooth LE, and LoRa connectivity https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/06/14/t-watch-s3-esp32-s3-smartwatch-supports-wifi-bluetooth-le-and-lora-connectivity/

[00:24] TR Bot T-Watch S3 ESP32-S3 smartwatch supports WiFi, Bluetooth LE, and LoRa connectivity - CNX Software

[00:24] TR News Child Labor Common in The US as Washington Fails to Take Action https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Child-Labor-Common-in-The-US-as-Washington-Fails-to-Take-Action-20230612-0014.html

[00:24] TR Bot Child Labor Common in The US as Washington Fails to Take Action | News | teleSUR English

[00:25] TR News Dr. Luke Is a Public Figure for Purposes of His Libel Lawsuit Against Ke$ha https://reason.com/volokh/2023/06/13/dr-luke-is-a-public-figure-for-purposes-of-his-libel-lawsuit-against-keha/

[00:25] TR Bot Dr. Luke Is a Public Figure for Purposes of His Libel Lawsuit Against Ke$ha

[00:25] TR News Amazon says AWS is operating normally after outage that left publishers unable to operate websites https://federalnewsnetwork.com/technology-news/2023/06/aws-outage-causes-some-websites-to-go-dark/

[00:25] TR Bot Amazon says AWS is operating normally after outage that left publishers unable to operate websites | Federal News Network

[00:26] TR News Clown computing = downtimes you are NOT in control of

[00:27] TR News About 80% of tomshardware is now MARKETING SPAM, not articles

[00:28] TR News The media online will die if it does not even TRY to be media

[00:30] TR News Not even science https://pressgazette.co.uk/the-wire/media-mergers-news-tracker/texere-acquired-broadcast-med/

[00:30] TR Bot UK science publisher Texere acquired by Broadcast Med

[00:33] TR News Mauricio Genta Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 19 https://creativecommons.org/2023/06/13/mauricio-genta-open-culture-voices-season-2-episode-19/

[00:33] TR Bot Mauricio Genta Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 19 - Creative Commons

[00:33] TR News Guidelines for debugging EasyOS page updated https://bkhome.org/news/202306/guidelines-for-debugging-easyos-page-updated.html

[00:33] TR Bot Guidelines for debugging EasyOS page updated

[00:34] TR News Tanmay Patil: GSoC 2023: Week 1 & 2 Report https://medium.com/@txnmxy3/gsoc-2023-week-1-2-report-abefb41e4443

[00:34] TR Bot 2023: Week 1 & 2 Report. Project | by Tanmay | Jun, 2023 | Medium

[00:36] TR News UPC judges are resigning. This is an illegal 'court'. It's an epic scandal of corruption plaguing the EU because it failed to address crimes at the EPO. https://www.bristowsupc.com/news/update-on-upc-judges/

[00:36] TR Bot Update on UPC judges - Bristows UPC

[00:38] TR News EU let crime happen at the EPO go on and on for many years. Now we should be surprised that even the courts themselves are basically a joke?

[00:38] TR News Qt for MCUs 2.5 LTS released https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-for-mcus-2.5-lts-released

[00:39] TR Bot Qt for MCUs 2.5 LTS released

[00:39] TR News Replacing a Failed Control Plane Node in a HA Kubernetes Cluster https://www.lisenet.com/2023/replacing-a-failed-control-plane-node-in-a-ha-kubernetes-cluster/

[00:39] TR Bot a Failed Control Plane Node in a HA Kubernetes Cluster | Lisenet.com :: Linux | Security | Networking

[00:40] TR News Speak Out Against Bills That Threaten End-to-End Encryption https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2023/06/speak-out-against-bills-that-threaten-end-to-end-encryption/

[00:40] TR Bot Save End-to-End Encryption in the U.S. - Internet Society

[00:41] TR News New FCC privacy task force takes aim at data breaches, SIM-swaps https://cyberscoop.com/fcc-privacy-task-force/

[00:41] TR Bot FCC privacy task force takes aim at data breaches, SIM-swaps | CyberScoop

[00:41] TR News How to Check Installed npm Package Versions https://tecadmin.net/check-installed-npm-package-version/

[00:41] TR Bot How to Check Installed npm Package Versions TecAdmin

[00:42] TR News My Body is a Temple Four-Story House: Analogical Diagram from Tobias Cohens Maaseh Tuviyah (1708) https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/body-as-house-diagram

[00:42] TR Bot My Body is a ~~Temple~~ Four-Story House: Analogical Diagram from Tobias Cohens Maaseh Tuviyah (1708) The Public Domain Review

[00:42] TR News Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 beta 2 https://godotengine.org/article/dev-snapshot-godot-4-1-beta-2/

[00:42] TR Bot Dev snapshot: Godot 4.1 beta 2

[00:43] TR News British Government May Be Indirectly Liable for Fraud at Sirius Open Source https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/06/14/who-is-liable-for-fraud/

[00:43] TR Bot Blog Archive British Government May Be Indirectly Liable for Fraud at Sirius Open Source

[00:43] TR News Looking Back at Crimes of Sirius Open Source, Aside From Moral Depravity https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/06/15/sirius-open-source-moral-depravity/

[00:43] TR Bot Blog Archive Looking Back at Crimes of Sirius Open Source, Aside From Moral Depravity

[00:44] TR News Radical just-in-time learning https://blog.jonudell.net/2023/06/14/radical-just-in-time-learning/

[00:44] TR Bot Radical just-in-time learning Jon Udell

[00:44] TR News American Oversight Seeks Default Judgment Against Wake TSI in Pennsylvania Election Audit Records Case https://www.americanoversight.org/american-oversight-seeks-default-judgment-against-wake-tsi-in-pennsylvania-election-audit-records-case

[00:44] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.americanoversight.org/american-oversight-seeks-default-judgment-against-wake-tsi-in-pennsylvania-election-audit-records-case )

[00:46] TR News EU Parliament calls for ban of public facial recognition, but leaves human rights gaps in final position on AI Act https://edri.org/our-work/eu-parliament-plenary-ban-of-public-facial-recognition-human-rights-gaps-ai-act/

[00:46] TR Bot EU Parliament calls for ban of public facial recognition, but leaves human rights gaps in final position on AI Act - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

[00:48] TR News "Sponsored" SPAM.. in "LINUX" site... all EXCEPT Linux!! https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/06/15/56-off-updf-adbove-acrobat-alternative-for-pc-mac-ios-and-android/

[00:48] TR Bot 56% off UPDF - An Adobe Acrobat Alternative for PC, Mac, iOS and Android (Sponsored) - CNX Software

[00:50] DaemonFC schestowitz-pi2, It's possible that this car's frame was bent, but if it was, then the body shop should have re-aligned it on camber bolts to begin with if they couldn't get it perfectly straight again.

[00:50] DaemonFC But I'm not buying it.

[00:50] DaemonFC Chevy got the thing aligned to spec without camber bolts.

[00:50] TR News Clowm comptuing skills are like "boiling ice". Skills means NOT relying on "clown" (outsourcing).

[00:50] schestowitz[TR] ok

[00:51] DaemonFC If it was seriously bent then whoever that lady took it to did the best job ever unbending a frame.

[00:51] DaemonFC So I don't think that's what's going on here.

[00:51] TR News Hey, Hawkins, nice to see you again! https://www.scummvm.org/news/20230614/

[00:51] TR Bot ScummVM :: Home

[00:51] DaemonFC Uncle Jessica ran a body shop for decades.

[00:52] DaemonFC And he could never get a car quite right again after a major wreck. Most of them can't just be "bent back" exactly like they should be.

[00:52] DaemonFC That's not the sign of a bad shop. It's that the frame was damaged and they did the best they could.

[00:52] TR News Citogenesis in science and the importance of real problems https://lemire.me/blog/2023/06/14/citogenesis-in-science-and-the-importance-of-real-problems/

[00:52] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://lemire.me/blog/2023/06/14/citogenesis-in-science-and-the-importance-of-real-problems/ )

[00:52] DaemonFC Another name for camber bolts is "crash bolts" because so many body shops use them to re-align a car that won't go exactly back like it was.

[00:53] DaemonFC They use that extra half a degree in either direction to finish the job.

[00:53] TR News But workers are still overworked https://qz.com/south-koreas-largest-company-is-letting-workers-take-on-1850537863

[00:53] TR Bot Samsung workers in South Korea get an extra Friday off a month

[00:54] TR News Threat activity and vulnerabilities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand https://blog.apnic.net/2023/06/15/threat-activity-and-vulnerabilities-in-indonesia-malaysia-philippines-and-thailand/

[00:54] TR Bot Threat activity and vulnerabilities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand | APNIC Blog

[00:54] DaemonFC If it deviates badly enough from the way it was that you're pushing the outer limits of acceptable camber or going over them by less than half a degree, you do the best you can straightening the car out and use "Crash Bolts" to nudge the alignment a little more.

[00:54] TR News Inflation hitting young adults the hardest https://yle.fi/a/74-20036752

[00:54] TR Bot Inflation hitting young adults the hardest | News | Yle Uutiset

[00:55] TR News Global 2023 outlook for PCs, tablets worsens, claims IDC https://itwire.com/hardware-and-storage/global-2023-outlook-for-pcs,-tablets-worsens,-claims-idc.html

[00:55] TR Bot - Global 2023 outlook for PCs, tablets worsens, claims IDC

[00:56] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Anyway, I was real happy with the Round Lake store.

[00:56] TR News GSoC-23 Week 1-2 | Adding Account Moderation Tool #3 https://k3yss.github.io/posts/gsoc_blog3/

[00:56] TR Bot GSoC-23 Week 1-2 | Adding Account Moderation Tool #3 Rishi Kumar's Blog

[00:56] DaemonFC I'll have my alignment checked there next year before my guarantee expires assuming the same people are working there.

[00:57] DaemonFC If they're going to turn my car into a bigger shit show than Pothole-zilla then no thanks.

[00:57] schestowitz[TR] let's not talk about that car

[00:57] schestowitz[TR] it's not a personal diary here

[00:57] DaemonFC I blogged about the bigger issue going on here, schestowitz[TR]

[00:57] DaemonFC It is a software issue, it's a labor issue.

[00:58] DaemonFC It's using proprietary software to make it easy for shops to lower their labor expenses.

[00:58] TR News Quickly Install Nginx web Server on Debian 12 https://kifarunix.com/quickly-install-nginx-web-server-on-debian-12/

[00:58] TR Bot Install Nginx web Server on Debian 12 - kifarunix.com

[00:58] DaemonFC The way it works is the shop buys an alignment machine that uses a Windows program.

[00:58] DaemonFC Can't be used without it.

[00:58] DaemonFC Then once they have that program, they can theoretically hire and train anyone because the program will tell them what to do next even if they have no understanding of the job or why they're doing what the computer says.

[00:59] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

[00:59] TR News What Phoronix habitually refers to as "Open-Source" is PROPRIETARY hardware stuff with many patents on it and restrictions even on studying

[00:59] TR News Reddit "done" by month's end. Let us hope... where will people go?

[00:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[01:00] DaemonFC This leads to a situation that's bad for labor (lower wages), bad for the shop (reliance on proprietary software which they were told would cut costs, but now they have an expensive machine breaking down that the company won't service unless they buy another, meanwhile they can't sell alignments to anyone), and bad for the customer (I go in and someone that isn't trained to do alignments is using a machine that is broken and doesn't know what

[01:00] DaemonFC the problem is, so he suggests mutilating my car.).

[01:01] DaemonFC The only people this works out for are Microsoft (another Windows license) and Snap-On (which sells the machine and won't service it after it's "obsolete" if anything happens to it, and will not give you the alignment "programs" in an update for new cars anymore even if the machine works.

[01:01] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], It's proprietary software where they win and the shop and their customers lose.

[01:01] TR News An Open Wave: New Calls for Open Access https://creativecommons.org/2023/06/13/an-open-wave-new-calls-for-open-access/

[01:01] TR Bot An Open Wave: New Calls for Open Access - Creative Commons

[01:02] DaemonFC Would it really be that difficult to hire people and teach them how to use a straight edge and a piece of string?

[01:02] TR News Bank branch closures and poor websites risk excluding disabled people https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/bank-branch-closures-and-poor-websites-risk-excluding-disabled-people-aIx2t5m6q4cb

[01:02] TR Bot Bank branch closures and poor websites risk excluding disabled people - Which? News

[01:02] TR News Wonder and Pleasure in the Oude Doolhof of Amsterdam https://publicdomainreview.org/essay/wonder-and-pleasure-in-the-oude-doolhof-of-amsterdam

[01:02] TR Bot Wonder and Pleasure in the Oude Doolhof of Amsterdam The Public Domain Review

[01:03] TR News Fedora Infrastructure Status: dns DDoSWe are being hit with a Distributed Denial of Service attack on our dns infrastructure. We are working to mitigate it.

[01:03] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://status.fedoraproject.org/2023-06-14-dns-ddos.html )

[01:03] TR News Any geeks left at ICBM?

[01:04] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], A straight edge that runs Windows for $80,000.

[01:04] DaemonFC Wow, this is impressive.

[01:04] TR News How To Install OpenBoard on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-openboard-ubuntu-22-04/

[01:04] TR Bot How To Install OpenBoard on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - idroot

[01:04] DaemonFC They sell laser straight edges that don't need any software, proprietary or otherwise.

[01:05] DaemonFC If you want to be more precise.

[01:05] TR News ICBM: let's blame RMS for Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein bribing MIT while our founder, Watson, does Nazi salutes to Hitler himself. WHY CAN'T RMS BE MORE P-C???

[01:06] TR News Microsoft fixes Windows 11 issue causing copying, saving failures https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-fixes-windows-11-issue-causing-copying-saving-failures/

[01:06] TR Bot Microsoft fixes Windows 11 issue causing copying, saving failures

[01:07] TR News "Surface" is practically dead by now. They only pretend to still care about people who paid for "Surface". See the pattern of layoffs. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/microsoft-surface-replacement-parts-available

[01:07] TR Bot Microsoft Is Finally Selling Replacement Parts for Some Surface Devices | Tom's Hardware

[01:08] TR News Alice Mikhaylenko: Rethinking Adaptivity https://blogs.gnome.org/alexm/2023/06/15/rethinking-adaptivity/

[01:08] TR Bot Rethinking Adaptivity Just another blog

[01:09] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Shaq said they were using an alignment machine running Windows XP.

[01:09] TR News Spotify, with billions in debt and a billion dollars in annual losses, is censoring songs for Pooh-tin https://hongkongfp.com/2023/06/14/protest-song-glory-to-hong-kong-vanishes-from-spotify-apple-streaming-sites-ahead-of-govt-legal-bid-to-ban-it/

[01:09] TR Bot Protest song 'Glory to Hong Kong' vanishes from Spotify, Apple streaming sites ahead of gov't legal bid to ban it - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

[01:10] DaemonFC Guessing that they were looking up the suggested settings for newer cars themselves and not paying Snap-On to update them.

[01:10] TR News phoronix pushing Windows again

[01:11] TR News "321 Microsoft open-source and Linux related news articles on Phoronix since 2006." https://www.phoronix.com/linux/Microsoft

[01:11] TR Bot Performance, Benchmarks & Open-Source News - Phoronix

[01:11] TR News LibreOffice Community Infrastructure TDFs Annual Report 2022 https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2023/06/15/libreoffice-community-infrastructure-tdfs-annual-report-2022/

[01:11] TR Bot LibreOffice Community Infrastructure TDF's Annual Report 2022 - The Document Foundation Blog

[01:12] TR News Privacy and networking: Part 5 The data lifecycle https://blog.apnic.net/2023/06/16/privacy-and-networking-part-5-the-data-lifecycle/

[01:12] TR Bot Privacy and networking: Part 5 The data lifecycle | APNIC Blog

[01:13] TR News nytimes producing chaff for IBM: "Quantum Computing Advance Begins New Era, IBM Says"... IBM SAYS, SHE SAYS, HE SAYS. Journalism???

[01:14] TR News Mainstream Media: "Bill Gates says...." Whose butt was his dick stuck in when he said that? Other than the wife's? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html

[01:14] TR Bot Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York Times

[01:16] TR News Op-ed: Encryption protects our rights, privacy is not a crime https://www.laquadrature.net/en/2023/06/15/op-ed-encryption-protects-our-rights-privacy-is-not-a-crime/

[01:16] TR Bot Op-ed: Encryption protects our rights, privacy is not a crime La Quadrature du Net

[01:17] TR News Windows TCO https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/29956

[01:17] TR Bot InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - SANS Internet Storm Center

[01:19] TR News spyware https://www.techdirt.com/2023/06/16/four-mexican-law-enforcement-officials-face-criminal-charges-for-illegal-purchase-of-nso-group-spyware/ | Source: Techdirt

[01:19] TR Bot Mexican Law Enforcement Officials Face Criminal Charges For Illegal Purchase Of NSO Group Spyware | Techdirt

[01:20] TR News Hydrogen Hype https://www.desmog.com/2023/06/16/hydrogen-hype-bubbles-over-at-german-gas-lobby-conference/ | Source: DeSmog

[01:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[01:20] TR News "Lobbyists" https://www.desmog.com/2023/06/16/boris-johnsons-honours-list-includes-climate-science-deniers-and-fossil-fuel-lobbyists/ | Source: DeSmog

[01:20] TR Bot Hype Bubbles Over At German Gas Lobby Conference - DeSmog

[01:20] TR Bot Johnson's Honours List Includes Climate Science Deniers and Fossil Fuel Lobbyists - DeSmog

[01:20] TR News New Research Examines Restrictions On Incarcerated Journalists In US Prisons https://thedissenter.org/new-research-details-restrictions-imposed-by-prisons/ | Source: The Dissenter

[01:20] TR Bot New Research On Restrictions On Incarcerated Journalists

[01:21] TR News Windows TCO https://www.securityweek.com/ransomware-group-starts-naming-victims-of-moveit-zero-day-attacks/

[01:21] TR Bot Group Starts Naming Victims of MOVEit Zero-Day Attacks - SecurityWeek

[01:22] TR News 16 Open-source Web-based Text-to-Speech Apps and TTS JavaScript Libraries https://medevel.com/js-tts/

[01:22] TR Bot 16 Open-source Web-based Text-to-Speech Apps and TTS JavaScript Libraries

[01:22] TR News WirePlumber's Event Dispatcher: a new, simplified way of handling PipeWire events https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/blog/2023/06/15/wireplumber-event-dispatcher-new-simplified-way-handling-pipewire-events/

[01:23] TR Bot WirePlumber's Event Dispatcher: a new, simplified way of handling PipeWire events

[01:28] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Oh man, you're missing out.

[01:28] schestowitz[TR] oh, WHAT?

[01:28] DaemonFC -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- www.nytimes.com | Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York Times

[01:29] TR News (NEW): Linux 6.4-rc7 http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Linux_6_4_rc7.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Linux_6_4_rc7.gmi

[01:29] TR Bot Tux Machines Linux 6.4-rc7

[01:29] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Security_Leftovers.gmi

[01:29] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers

[01:29] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Even when I wasn't married, I mean, there's always been plenty of people my own age or at least 18.

[01:29] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_howtos.gmi

[01:29] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos

[01:29] DaemonFC I mean, come on.

[01:29] TR News (NEW): Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Fedora_and_Red_Hat_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Fedora_and_Red_Hat_Leftovers.gmi

[01:29] TR Bot Tux Machines Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers

[01:29] DaemonFC Who is sick enough to prey on people that don't want it or (worse) can't understand or process it?

[01:30] schestowitz[TR] 640 kids should be enough for everyone

[01:30] DaemonFC If a person says no, it means no. If they say "stop, this hurts" it means it's over.

[01:30] schestowitz[TR] iirc, epstein smuggled like a thousand underage girls a year

[01:31] DaemonFC People who don't respect this belong in prison on a hard labor detail, until they work themselves to death.

[01:31] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Let the punishment fit the crime.

[01:31] DaemonFC It always amazes me how vindictive our legal system can get over petty things.

[01:32] DaemonFC Like not mowing the lawn or driving without the current sticker.

[01:32] DaemonFC But then when you're rich, nothing happens when you literally fuck little kids.

[01:32] TR News "For Larry Summers, the post-Covid spike in inflation was a godsend." https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/summers-weber-economic-orthodoxy/ | Source: The Nation

[01:32] TR Bot Larry Summers and the Crisis of Economic Orthodoxy | The Nation

[01:34] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: they control "the ssystem"

[01:34] schestowitz[TR] inc. the legal system

[01:34] schestowitz[TR] acosta even got a job in the trump cabinet

[01:34] schestowitz[TR] AFTER he had let Epstein off the hook

[01:34] schestowitz[TR] what does THAT tell you?

[01:35] schestowitz[TR] maybe the way to be promoted in this system is to help rich people do kids

[01:35] schestowitz[TR] or cover up for them

[01:35] schestowitz[TR] look at gulagboy

[01:35] schestowitz[TR] nets salaries in SF

[01:35] schestowitz[TR] defenmds criminals

[01:35] schestowitz[TR] he has a nose for money

[01:36] TR News Spotify Says Distributor Removed Glory to Hong Kong Amidst Chinese Government Crackdown https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/15/spotify-says-distributor-removed-glory-to-hong-kong-amidst-chinese-government-crackdown/

[01:36] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/15/spotify-says-distributor-removed-glory-to-hong-kong-amidst-chinese-government-crackdown/ )

[01:36] TR News Spotify is an awful company that ought not even exist

[01:36] TR News Spotify solves no REAL problem

[01:37] TR News What is Armstrong Number? https://tecadmin.net/what-is-armstrong-number/

[01:37] TR Bot What is Armstrong Number? TecAdmin

[01:38] TR News What is Fibonacci Sequence? https://tecadmin.net/what-is-fibonacci-sequence/

[01:38] TR Bot What is Fibonacci Sequence? TecAdmin

[01:38] TR News Public Knowledge Joins More Than Two Dozen Groups Urging Congress To Abandon Problematic Journalism Bill https://publicknowledge.org/public-knowledge-joins-more-than-two-dozen-groups-urging-congress-to-abandon-problematic-journalism-bill/

[01:38] DaemonFC GULAG....MATT GULAG

[01:38] TR Bot Public Knowledge Joins More Than Two Dozen Groups Urging Congress To Abandon Problematic Journalism Bill - Public Knowledge

[01:39] TR News Public Knowledge Warns Congress Against Adopting Controversial Journalism Competition and Preservation Act https://publicknowledge.org/public-knowledge-warns-congress-against-adopting-controversial-journalism-competition-and-preservation-act-2/

[01:39] TR Bot Public Knowledge Warns Congress Against Adopting Controversial Journalism Competition and Preservation Act - Public Knowledge

[01:39] schestowitz[TR] pizza. DOCTOR pizza.

[01:39] schestowitz[TR] "have a slice"

[01:39] schestowitz[TR] with "CHEESE"

[01:39] schestowitz[TR] "well, he's dead"

[01:40] schestowitz[TR] Peter bright made a mistake

[01:40] schestowitz[TR] he did not pay NPR

[01:40] schestowitz[TR] and PBS

[01:40] schestowitz[TR] and ProPublica

[01:40] schestowitz[TR] and PCBS

[01:40] schestowitz[TR] and... BIllB, Esptein's Guardian...

[01:40] schestowitz[TR] so they were "harsh" on him

[01:41] TR News FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Moves To Investigate Data Caps https://publicknowledge.org/fcc-chairwoman-rosenworcel-moves-to-investigate-data-caps/

[01:41] TR Bot FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Moves To Investigate Data Caps - Public Knowledge

[01:41] schestowitz[TR] he also booked kids on telegram of whataapp

[01:41] schestowitz[TR] rich people don't do it like that

[01:41] schestowitz[TR] they have "fixers"

[01:42] DaemonFC Pumpkin Fright....

[01:42] schestowitz[TR] "mommy, i want to go back home"

[01:42] schestowitz[TR] "i'm scared"

[01:42] DaemonFC "I like to walk around my house with it ALL hanging out. Hey Roy, when will you cancel Ryan? Matt and I would like to know. Linsux too!"

[01:42] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy: i cannot find a real job

[01:43] schestowitz[TR] it's roy's fault

[01:43] schestowitz[TR] i will doxx his wife

[01:43] schestowitz[TR] that'll show him

[01:43] DaemonFC I'm usually not naked even in my own house unless I've gotten out of the shower and haven't dressed yet.

[01:44] DaemonFC Perverts have no concept of modesty.

[01:45] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Anyway, tire shops. Yeah, they're really hit or miss. Even Sears was, when they were open.

[01:45] DaemonFC Remember what they did to Ron White?

[01:45] schestowitz[TR] mjg59_ is homophobic

[01:45] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/451839663976611840

[01:45] TR Bot response

[01:45] schestowitz[TR] "Proposition 22 was ruled unconstitutional on the 15th of May 2008. Eich donated on the 25th of October. At that time, gay marriage was legal"

[01:45] DaemonFC They didn't torque his lugnuts and one of the tires fell off on the way out of the lot.

[01:45] schestowitz[TR] 2002

[01:45] schestowitz[TR] mjg59_ says transphpbic things

[01:45] schestowitz[TR] according to himself

[01:47] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy having a chat with drpizza https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/631226985885204480

[01:47] TR Bot response

[01:48] schestowitz[TR] were they coordinating more?

[01:48] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy talking to child rapist form Microsoft: https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/631226985885204480

[01:48] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy talking to child rapist form Microsoft: https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/579738921854218240

[01:48] TR Bot response

[01:48] schestowitz[TR] they talk like friends

[01:49] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy talking to child rapist form Microsoft: https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/579742087798743040

[01:49] TR Bot response

[01:49] schestowitz[TR] lovely jubblyt

[01:49] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/766351654815870976

[01:49] TR Bot response

[01:50] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/422831746015440896

[01:50] TR Bot response

[01:50] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: seems drpizza talks a lot with gulaghboy

[01:50] schestowitz[TR] they both "work" for Microsoft

[01:50] schestowitz[TR] well, one in prison now

[01:50] schestowitz[TR] so he cannot be as productive to Microsoft

[01:50] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/734277950468554752

[01:50] TR Bot response

[01:50] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/406918098705334272

[01:50] TR Bot response

[01:51] schestowitz[TR] they talked a lot

[01:51] schestowitz[TR] the microsoft child rapist was promoting gulagboy

[01:51] schestowitz[TR] pretendinmg he was a security guru

[01:51] schestowitz[TR] in exchange

[01:51] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/1026986955777556480

[01:51] TR Bot response

[01:51] schestowitz[TR] talking to drpizza about where he lives https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/444203597564096512

[01:51] TR Bot response

[01:51] schestowitz[TR] maybe they can go grab a pizza

[01:52] schestowitz[TR] easy coast

[01:52] DaemonFC DrPizza gets prison pizza now.

[01:52] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/631237670899879936

[01:52] TR Bot response

[01:52] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/314915401123393536

[01:52] TR Bot response

[01:52] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy <3 drpizza

[01:52] schestowitz[TR] even 2017 https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/928728371433009152

[01:52] TR Bot response

[01:52] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Reminds me of when I was a kid. My friend and I used to occasionally pilfer some cigarettes from the grocery store.

[01:52] schestowitz[TR] i guess they stopped talking

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] like when bill gates topped visiting epstein IN PRISON

[01:53] DaemonFC Back in those days, you couldn't BUY them if you were under 18 but they just left them there on an open display in the store.

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/314884414674976768

[01:53] TR Bot response

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] they tal;k so much

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] like colleagues

[01:53] DaemonFC So the code was "Hey, you want to go down to [the store] and get some doughnuts?"

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/314914730340909058

[01:53] TR Bot response

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] "@DrPizza

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] @dotstdy If you were a Catholic in Free Derry during the 70s, do you think calling the police would have done much good?"

[01:53] schestowitz[TR] Call the police on Bill Gates

[01:54] schestowitz[TR] see what happens

[01:54] schestowitz[TR] he likes to mock me for reporting crimes

[01:54] DaemonFC That way you came back from the store with a few doughnuts and the parents thought you just got doughnuts on Saturday morning.

[01:54] schestowitz[TR] when did gulagboy discover drpizza was raping kids?

[01:54] schestowitz[TR] even his colleagues know he was a pedo

[01:54] schestowitz[TR] and didn't do anything

[01:54] DaemonFC Shocked, shocked to find gambling in this establishment.

[01:54] schestowitz[TR] https://twitter.com/mjg59/status/314884637233127424

[01:54] TR Bot response

[01:55] schestowitz[TR] they talk like every montyh

[01:55] schestowitz[TR] i guess gulagboy needs to preytend never ti have known him now

[01:55] schestowitz[TR] anyway Arse Technica promoted Gulagboy

[01:55] schestowitz[TR] preetnded he was "security"

[01:55] schestowitz[TR] for giving the keys to Microsoft

[01:55] mjg59_ https://twitter.com/schestowitz/status/819214835229585412

[01:55] TR Bot response

[01:56] mjg59_ https://twitter.com/schestowitz/status/819216692874199041

[01:56] TR Bot response

[01:57] mjg59_ Posting a bunch of links to individual tweets in the same thread isn't really a demonstration of frequency of conversation

[01:57] DaemonFC Pumpkin Fright

[01:57] DaemonFC @DrPizza

[01:57] DaemonFC 11 Jan 2017

[01:57] DaemonFC To be a political prisoner you need to be imprisoned for political reasons. Assange is neither.

[01:57] DaemonFC LOL

[01:57] schestowitz[TR] I always challenged the child rapist

[01:57] schestowitz[TR] not befriending him like gulagboy did

[01:58] schestowitz[TR] but gulagboy likes evil people

[01:58] TR News Run mad as often as you choose; but do not faint https://off-guardian.org/2023/06/15/run-mad-as-often-as-you-choose-but-do-not-faint/

[01:58] TR Bot Run mad as often as you choose; but do not faint OffGuardian

[01:58] DaemonFC Talks about political prisoners. Gets federal Department of Corrections number a few years later.

[01:58] DaemonFC NOICE

[01:58] schestowitz[TR] they have a lot in commn

[01:58] mjg59_ Hey, he's not a political prisoner either

[01:58] schestowitz[TR] inc. trolling the IRC network

[01:58] schestowitz[TR] and looking pervy

[01:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[02:00] TR News Godot at BIG Festival 2023 https://godotengine.org/article/godot-at-big-festival-2023/

[02:00] TR Bot Godot at BIG Festival 2023

[02:00] DaemonFC Hi Matt. Would you like to join me at the conference next month? Don't miss out!

[02:00] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: how big is youc code of conduct?

[02:01] DaemonFC I don't know. I think the woke crowd is infiltrating this one.

[02:02] schestowitz[TR] ask the stall man

[02:02] schestowitz[TR] https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QaMkQdibzjk

[02:02] TR Bot STALL MAN #seinfeld #comedy #funny #laugh #jerryseinfeld #kramer #georgecostanza #urinal #stall - Invidious

[02:02] DaemonFC https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2023/06/16/osha-says-safety-failures-lack-of-training-led-to-worker-being-killed-in-machine-accident-at-gurnee-pizza-manufacturer/

[02:02] TR Bot OSHA says safety failures, lack of training led to worker being killed in machine accident at Gurnee pizza manufacturer

[02:02] DaemonFC COOL

[02:02] DaemonFC PIZZA

[02:02] DaemonFC OSHA

[02:02] schestowitz[TR] rms is a pervert because there is a mattrass in in office?

[02:02] schestowitz[TR] billg is not pervy

[02:03] schestowitz[TR] he uses a plane with kid beds in it

[02:03] DaemonFC They say RMS sleeping in his office makes him weird.

[02:03] DaemonFC But Elon Musk says he does it.

[02:03] DaemonFC And not weird at all.

[02:03] schestowitz[TR] matt-ass

[02:03] schestowitz[TR] get it?

[02:03] DaemonFC I'd like to think of something else.

[02:04] schestowitz[TR] think of drpizza and matt-ass

[02:04] schestowitz[TR] those chats between them are 10 year oid anyway

[02:04] schestowitz[TR] trhat's peter's preferred age, more or less

[02:05] DaemonFC 10 years old. Just how they like them.

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] but he can also go for 9 or 5-6

[02:05] DaemonFC (The chats.)

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] check the court filings

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] some of their chit-chaaats are 2017

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] so about 6

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] gulagbpoy: we don't know each other

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] that'6 6 years old anywayt

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] i only ever confronted that crook

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] even in twitter

[02:05] schestowitz[TR] he was lying about assange

[02:06] schestowitz[TR] like gulagboy does all the time

[02:06] schestowitz[TR] because assange does not work for the state

[02:06] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy does

[02:06] mjg59_ (I don't)

[02:06] schestowitz[TR] "I don't chat with 10 year olds"

[02:07] schestowitz[TR] "i chat with people who do 10 years old"

[02:07] schestowitz[TR] "but that was 10 years ago"

[02:07] schestowitz[TR] rms was smeared by association a lot

[02:07] schestowitz[TR] we too could cancel the gulagboy like this

[02:07] schestowitz[TR] but we have real journalism to do

[02:07] schestowitz[TR] about real issues

[02:08] schestowitz[TR] so what if gulagboy and drpizzzza are online buddies?

[02:08] schestowitz[TR] both british

[02:08] schestowitz[TR] one is a fdr

[02:08] schestowitz[TR] one likes pizza (young boys)

[02:08] schestowitz[TR] UEFI secure bumbum

[02:08] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2019/12/21/police-report-bill-gates/

[02:08] TR Bot Mansion of Pedophilia Part II: Dr. Stallman Defamed in the Media One Day After Request Made for King County Sheriffs Office to Divulge Information About Pedophilia in Home of Bill Gates | Techrights

[02:08] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/gates-animation.gif

[02:09] TR News Finding bugs in C code with Multi-Level IR and VAST https://blog.trailofbits.com/2023/06/15/finding-bugs-with-mlir-and-vast/

[02:09] TR Bot Finding bugs in C code with Multi-Level IR and VAST | Trail of Bits Blog

[02:09] TR News BT Full Fibre Broadband is Throttling Down Fibre Connections and Then Upselling the Real Speeds of Fibre-optics https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/06/16/throttling-fibreoptics-bt-uk/

[02:09] TR Bot Blog Archive BT Full Fibre Broadband is Throttling Down Fibre Connections and Then Upselling the Real Speeds of Fibre-optics

[02:10] phanes schestowitz[TR], Ariadne https://phanes.silogroup.org/a-snowdrop-in-cape-circeo/

[02:10] TR Bot A Snowdrop in Cape Circeo Phanes' Canon

[02:10] schestowitz[TR] expecting to do about 12 articles this monday

[02:10] schestowitz[TR] and some videos

[02:10] schestowitz[TR] just finishing Daily Links atm, then coffee break

[02:11] TR News Latvia's housing prices up 6% on year https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/economy/15.06.2023-latvias-housing-prices-up-6-on-year.a512424/

[02:11] TR Bot Latvia's housing prices up 6% on year / Article

[02:11] TR News Don't worry, peasants. You will RENT everything. A "MARVEL" economy...

[02:13] TR News Public Knowledge said this after putting someone from MICROSOFT (criminals) inside its Board https://publicknowledge.org/public-knowledge-applauds-reintroduction-of-competition-bill-reining-in-big-tech/

[02:13] TR Bot Public Knowledge Applauds Reintroduction of Competition Bill Reining in Big Tech - Public Knowledge

[02:15] TR News BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. "Strong earnings results and AI buzz send Adobes stock higher".... no needs for SUBSTANCE in this PONZI scheme! Just buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwords.

[02:16] ZedHedTed man you are more productive than i could ever hope to be

[02:16] TR News Clown clown clown... if you don't do CLOWN, you are BEHIND? Watch who sponsors this site. CLOWN vendors. 'Legalising' pump-and-dumping... with a SUIT and TIE on https://cloudnativenow.com/features/hybrid-cloud-architecture-in-2023-how-does-kubernetes-fit-in/

[02:16] TR Bot Hybrid Cloud Architecture in 2023: How Does Kubernetes Fit In? - Cloud Native Now

[02:17] schestowitz[TR] ZedHedTed: would be better if it were not for all the trolling

[02:17] schestowitz[TR] but it's part of the "job"

[02:17] schestowitz[TR] dealing with vandals

[02:17] schestowitz[TR] even here in IRC

[02:17] schestowitz[TR] apropos:

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] <mjg59_> "Microsoft is no longer making games for hardware they no longer manufacture"

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] good to have the MICROS~1 PR representative here to defend MICROS~1 on such short notice

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] phanes: did not find a reference, assumed it was fake

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] i don't understand your hate towards mjg59_ :shrugs:

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] :)

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] To know him is to hate him is to know him.

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] Moocher5254: https://lkml.org/lkml/2013/2/21/228

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] phanes: did not find a reference, assumed it was fake

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] i don't understand your hate towards mjg59_ :shrugs:

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] :)

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] To know him is to hate him is to know him.

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] Moocher5254: https://lkml.org/lkml/2013/2/21/228

[02:18] TR Bot LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: [GIT PULL] Load keys from signed PE binaries

[02:18] schestowitz[TR] he reinforces the stigma

[02:19] schestowitz[TR] that trans people are used as political props

[02:19] schestowitz[TR] as he does

[02:19] schestowitz[TR] while using them as sex objects

[02:19] schestowitz[TR] to gratidy himself

[02:19] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2022/09/30/matthew-garrett-transphobic/

[02:19] TR Bot Matthew Garrett Admits Being a Transphobic Adult Before Choosing to Weaponise This to Defame and Then Cancel People Who Arent Transphobic | Techrights

[02:19] schestowitz[TR] *gratify

[02:19] mjg59_ That's an extremely weird set of claims

[02:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[02:20] *schestowitz[TR] back to doing Daily Links

[02:20] phanes im not tracking yet. mjg59_ which claims are weird?

[02:21] ZedHedTed i feel like there's more backstory to this but i don't wanna know rn

[02:21] ZedHedTed back to changing my activision id

[02:22] schestowitz[TR] :)

[02:22] schestowitz[TR] ZedHedTed: it matter when

[02:22] schestowitz[TR] the person sends you threats

[02:22] schestowitz[TR] doxxes the wife to her boss

[02:22] schestowitz[TR] etc etc.

[02:22] schestowitz[TR] we are dealing with the MSFT "mafia" here

[02:22] mjg59_ (I did not dox Roy's wife to her boss)

[02:23] schestowitz[TR] and drpizza also trolled us in IRC

[02:23] schestowitz[TR] while he was raping kids and lying for microsoft

[02:23] schestowitz[TR] posting pieces for microsoft

[02:23] schestowitz[TR] in tech media sites

[02:23] schestowitz[TR] like ars technica

[02:23] schestowitz[TR] these are criminals

[02:23] mjg59_ But to be clear, when Roy talks about me sending threats to him, this is in relation to him falsely claiming that I engaged in sexual harassment at a conference

[02:23] ZedHedTed damn. reminds me of the grapheneos lead dev stepping down after getting swatted by people from the calyxos team

[02:24] mjg59_ And by "threat" he means "I asked him to remove the article and apologise"

[02:24] phanes mjg59_, you're a white cis male so isn't it assumed that you do unless you can prove otherwise

[02:25] mjg59_ phanes: Well, it was a conference I wasn't at, on a continent I wasn't on, so it seems pretty easy to demonstrate in this case

[02:26] phanes i'll buy that under the presumption that you haven't manipulated the accusation to be something easier to argue against

[02:26] phanes which you have a pattern of doing

[02:27] schestowitz[TR] damn. reminds me of the grapheneos lead dev stepping down after getting swatted by people from the calyxos team

[02:27] schestowitz[TR] yes

[02:27] schestowitz[TR] sort of

[02:27] schestowitz[TR] wwhat we have here si a person enabling crimes

[02:27] schestowitz[TR] of microsoft

[02:28] schestowitz[TR] and when you respond to that

[02:28] schestowitz[TR] youy get in trouble

[02:28] schestowitz[TR] same for gates foundation

[02:28] schestowitz[TR] biggest crime syndicate on that sector

[02:28] schestowitz[TR] bribes and worse

[02:28] ZedHedTed gates is a vaccine pusher too

[02:28] schestowitz[TR] sociopaths mus5t never be placed in positions of power

[02:28] schestowitz[TR] otherwise, see EPO or countries with dictators

[02:29] schestowitz[TR] who they cannot ever remove

[02:29] schestowitz[TR] no free press, no real courts..

[02:29] ZedHedTed in 2018, ol billy gates "warned" people in a speech about the next pandemic

[02:29] ZedHedTed almost like he was waiting to pounce on that opportunity

[02:29] schestowitz[TR] he is worse than a pusher

[02:29] schestowitz[TR] he is a profiteer

[02:29] schestowitz[TR] he pushes things to profit from them

[02:30] schestowitz[TR] irrespective of the outcome

[02:31] schestowitz[TR] then the straw man became, people who opposes sociopathd and crimes are "cranks" and "anti-vax"

[02:31] phanes honestly if id spent that much time in my life lying about people publicly knowing that those people remember for lying about them i dont know if I could continue to live without changing my name to go live in a very quiet place without internet and faking my death

[02:32] phanes *knowing that those people remember me for

[02:32] schestowitz[TR] the argumentr then became

[02:32] schestowitz[TR] people who blast crime are so dangerous

[02:32] schestowitz[TR] that you are better off not eventalking to them

[02:32] schestowitz[TR] or listening to them

[02:32] schestowitz[TR] peersona non grata

[02:33] phanes lol im literally referred to as "Persona Non Grata" on Libera schestowitz[TR]

[02:33] schestowitz[TR] they say seucirty experts should listen to:

[02:33] schestowitz[TR] college dropout

[02:33] schestowitz[TR] child rapists (pdrpizza)

[02:34] schestowitz[TR] and transphobe/homophobe from SF

[02:34] schestowitz[TR] they are "authrity"

[02:34] schestowitz[TR] based on media they control with money

[02:34] schestowitz[TR] BTW, Ars is Micrsoft funded

[02:34] Sompi_ https://i.ylilauta.org/b4/83/b48397a4e40f0da8.mp4

[02:34] *TechrightsBot-tr has quit (connection closed)

[02:34] mjg59_ Roy's just jealous that my PhD's from a better university than his

[02:34] phanes eh nothing wrong with college dropouts. alot of folks realize western education is a faultered ponzi scheme while they're in attendance

[02:35] phanes in IT fields in particular

[02:35] *TechrightsBot-tr (~TR@ju4kayhrhsm6a.irc) has joined #techrights

[02:35] TechrightsBot-tr Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77

[02:36] phanes it can provide a decent base of knowledge for some fields like robotics but honestly i'd rather take a homegrown cloud practitioner than a fresh MIT grad for a major project

[02:36] TR News Gemini Links 18/06/2023: Division, remainder, mod... | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/06/18/division-remainder-mod/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/06/18/division-remainder-mod/

[02:36] TR Bot Gemini Links 18/06/2023: Division, remainder, mod | Techrights

[02:37] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[02:38] phanes the problem is the college curriculums are completely disconnected from the problems the field actually faces once you get hired somewhere because they end up with over-credentialed wannabes who don't know what a security control is or how requriements management works teaching systems security design above a 100 level

[02:38] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-180623.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-180623.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-180623.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-180623.txt

[02:38] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 18, 2023

[02:39] *darwin has quit (connection closed)

[02:39] phanes combine that with the low ROI figures and it's pretty easy to write off

[02:39] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #techrights

[02:39] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-180623.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-180623.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-180623.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-180623.txt

[02:39] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 18, 2023

[02:40] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-180623.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-180623.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-180623.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-180623.txt

[02:40] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 18, 2023

[02:41] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-180623.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-180623.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-180623.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-180623.txt

[02:41] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 18, 2023

[02:42] TR News Links 18/06/2023: Slow News Weekend | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/06/18/slow-news-weekend/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/06/18/slow-news-weekend/

[02:42] TR Bot Links 18/06/2023: Slow News Weekend | Techrights

[02:42] *darwin (~darwin@7d3n498busjrn.irc) has joined #techrights

[02:42] schestowitz[TR] phanes: that could be framed differently

[02:42] phanes it's really the colleges' fault too for making the selection criteria for a technical degree different from the selection criteria to actually survive their career path

[02:42] schestowitz[TR] following advice with no credential in an area

[02:42] schestowitz[TR] like Bill Gates on vaccines

[02:42] schestowitz[TR] as one example

[02:43] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Programming_Leftovers.gmi

[02:43] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers

[02:43] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2023-06-18.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2023-06-18.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now)

[02:45] phanes schestowitz[TR], different issue. bill gates is the rich guy funding the operation with his money, people never should have listened to him or thought he was an interdisciplinary expert, and he certainly is not a polymath

[02:47] phanes schestowitz[TR], it's the same kind of erroneous thinking that results in someone with a PhD in genetics arguing that the existence of a rare reproductive defect somehow magically proves that a binary system isn't a binary system

[02:47] elusive_woman mjg59_: DaemonFC said you killed JonBenet Ramsey

[02:49] phanes if anything the buy-your-credential-with-money path continues to destroy its own credibility in an era where expert authorities are already in a credibility crisis. it only fuels that very dangerous fire. what I can't tell is if it's always been that way or if western education has just eroded academia's credibility by converting it into a political weapon for culture shaping

[02:50] schestowitz[TR] that's just a distraction from technical sabotage

[02:51] schestowitz[TR] notably but not limited to http://techrights.org/wiki/UEFI

[02:51] TR Bot UEFI - Techrights

[02:51] phanes i spend alot of my time surrounded by doctoral-level credentials. some of them are extraordinarily intelligent. usually the older ones. some of them are so incompetent that they should have their credentials recalled from their issuing accredited university

[02:52] schestowitz[TR] I'd rather argue about the tech

[02:52] schestowitz[TR] like 2012

[02:52] schestowitz[TR] all this IRC trolling came muchb lkater

[02:52] schestowitz[TR] he could n o longer defend the damage he had done

[02:52] schestowitz[TR] like helping OEMs lock out BSD and GNU/Linux

[02:52] schestowitz[TR] so the topic was shifting

[02:53] schestowitz[TR] insinuated i was pro-rape or something

[02:53] schestowitz[TR] that sort of defamatory innuendo

[02:53] phanes you really should bring in a psychologist to ask him questions and build a psych profile over time

[02:53] schestowitz[TR] and this "medicine" was not appreciated

[02:53] elusive_woman RIP Unabomber

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] phanes: the phd is not the point

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] but it's notwworthy he failed his phd

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] then tried again

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] while I was 21 year old already doing my phd

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] and finishing around age 23

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] i don't show that off

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] but it's him trying to drag cambridge's name in

[02:54] schestowitz[TR] I had applied for a phd at age 20 as well

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] i didn't have family connections

[02:55] phanes all he's done his whole life is sully cambridge's dignity so i dont see why that would upset you beyond that point

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] all this is now a distraction from the harm he did and sstill dos

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] hiding behind trans people

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] like he';s some suppressed minority

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] white hetero male

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] suppressed

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] poor matt

[02:55] phanes in a CIS relationship

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] hoarding millions

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] working for evil company

[02:55] schestowitz[TR] poor matt

[02:56] mjg59_ I didn't fail a PhD?

[02:56] phanes sure you did, but that doesn't mean you didn't make it through the process to get one

[02:57] phanes you failed it more after you got it than when you were pursuing it though

[02:57] mjg59_ That's not how words work

[02:57] phanes sure it is, you're just less literate than you think you are

[02:58] schestowitz[TR] failed and t riedagain

[02:58] schestowitz[TR] like

[02:58] schestowitz[TR] Neil deGrasse Tyson

[02:58] schestowitz[TR] and many others

[02:58] schestowitz[TR] not so uncommon

[02:58] schestowitz[TR] when he was almost 30 I was early 20s and finishing my phd

[02:59] schestowitz[TR] then focusing on advocacy of GNU/Linux

[02:59] phanes sounds like two people making a very expensive mistake about how things work

[02:59] schestowitz[TR] around 2003/4

[02:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[02:59] schestowitz[TR] coffee break

[02:59] elusive_woman cocaine break

[02:59] mjg59_ I was almost 30 when I was 23? Damn I'm advanced for my age.

● Jun 19

[03:00] schestowitz[TR] my phd supervisor was head of the CS school at the time, ranked exactly the same as cambridge

[03:01] mjg59_ elusive_woman: I honestly doubt Roy is capable of obtaining cocaine

[03:01] phanes i struggle with the idea that cambridge would accept a thesis from someone so bad at basic taxonomy, particularly in that specific field

[03:01] phanes it's a recurring theme

[03:02] elusive_woman mjg59_: nah i meant for myself

[03:02] IPFS Gemini requests since start of month: 326097 total Total number of pages in capsule: 46790 Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-03-08 20:27:21 GMT; 3 months 10 days ago

[03:02] elusive_woman i also got this spare car tire full of nitrous, its fun to take hits of that

[03:02] *phanes hands elusive_woman a red balloon

[03:03] IPFS IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.

[03:03] elusive_woman cocaine is too high class for Roy

[03:03] elusive_woman he likely smokes crack

[03:03] elusive_woman crack rock, crack rock

[03:04] IPFS New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.

[03:04] phanes aint nothin bourgeoisie about colombian snow, ive seen some real trash moments play out fueled by it

[03:05] TR News (NEW): Games: ScummVM and Godot News http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Games_ScummVM_and_Godot_News.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Games_ScummVM_and_Godot_News.gmi

[03:05] TR Bot Tux Machines Games: ScummVM and Godot News

[03:05] phanes it turns good people into horrible people

[03:05] elusive_woman cocaine is what the politicians do

[03:05] TR News (NEW): Qt and KDE News http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Qt_and_KDE_News.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Qt_and_KDE_News.gmi

[03:05] TR Bot Tux Machines Qt and KDE News

[03:05] TR News (NEW): Hardware Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Hardware_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Hardware_Leftovers.gmi

[03:05] TR Bot Tux Machines Hardware Leftovers

[03:05] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_leftovers.gmi

[03:05] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers

[03:06] elusive_woman have you seen techrights? half baked conspiracy theories fueled by paranoia. Roy definately smokes crack.

[03:06] elusive_woman or meth

[03:06] phanes don't get me wrong i'd snort lines off natalie portman's butt-crack but i wouldn't pretend it was high class while i was doing it

[03:07] elusive_woman if it was off natalie portman's butt-crack, i'd say thats high class

[03:07] phanes yes but not on account of the cocaine

[03:07] schestowitz[TR] phanes: don't let the troll change the subject

[03:07] phanes class is just an intrinsic property of the butt crack

[03:07] schestowitz[TR] anyway, back to tech

[03:08] schestowitz[TR] very slow news

[03:08] schestowitz[TR] i am preparing some software

[03:08] schestowitz[TR] for curation

[03:08] phanes no dammit i need to establish how theory of forms plays a fundamental part of value determination of this butt crack

[03:09] phanes get it? theory of forms?

[03:10] elusive_woman lol

[03:10] elusive_woman ever do a line of crushed up adderol?

[03:10] phanes no im not poor

[03:12] TR News That's CG, not HEY HI https://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/Music/2023/0616/Paul-McCartney-says-new-Beatles-record-features-AI-John-Lennon

[03:12] TR Bot use artificial intelligence to extract John Lennon voice - CSMonitor.com

[03:13] TR News "Leak" or MARKETING? https://www.tomshardware.com/news/intel-core-ultra-branding-leak

[03:13] TR Bot Leak Seemingly Confirms Core Ultra Branding is Meteor Lake Only | Tom's Hardware

[03:13] phanes it's unethical to use AI rendering of a dead person's voice, they can't consent

[03:13] schestowitz[TR] ethical issues, yes

[03:13] schestowitz[TR] unless

[03:13] schestowitz[TR] it's labeled

[03:13] schestowitz[TR] or is humour

[03:13] phanes unless they sign something to that effect before they die yeah

[03:14] schestowitz[TR] in an obvious way

[03:14] schestowitz[TR] yoko ono is still alive

[03:14] phanes robin williams signed something to that effect w/ disney so they're reviving his voice for the aladdin franchise for some special

[03:14] schestowitz[TR] heck, she's japanese, might live to 110

[03:14] phanes thats ethical

[03:14] phanes because he consented

[03:14] schestowitz[TR] when obama is another carter

[03:14] phanes none of this could have even been on the radar when john lennon was kicking the bucket

[03:15] schestowitz[TR] bleeding in the streets pacement

[03:15] schestowitz[TR] *stree's

[03:15] schestowitz[TR] nyc iirc?

[03:16] schestowitz[TR] english lads... think they can just have a walkabout in usa

[03:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[03:21] TR News USA: we are so powerful that some teen on discord destroyed our whole war with Putin https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/06/doj-indicts-us-airman-suspected-of-leaking-classified-documents/

[03:21] TR Bot DOJ indicts US airman suspected of leaking classified documents - JURIST - News

[03:21] elusive_woman obama is a clone of the ancient pharoh Akhenaton

[03:22] elusive_woman https://freemantv.com/obama-clone-of-an-egyptian-pharaoh/

[03:22] TR Bot Obama Clone of an Egyptian Pharaoh

[03:23] TR News Proprietary garbage, false marketed by Microsoft (EVEN 'open'HEY HI agrees!) https://reason.com/volokh/2023/06/15/another-federal-judge-issues-a-standing-order-regarding-ai-generated-documents/

[03:23] TR Bot Another Federal Judge Issues a Standing Order for When "AI Has Been Used in Any Way in the Preparation of Filings"

[03:23] TR News Gulag Comes Out Against a 'Department of A.I.' https://reason.com/2023/06/16/google-comes-out-against-a-department-of-a-i/

[03:23] TR Bot Google Comes Out Against a 'Department of A.I.'

[03:24] TR News There is NO "Coming Age of AI". ML is not new and chatbots are not ML. This is a SPAM/PR campaign, led by a collapsing Microsoft this year. https://qz.com/the-case-for-investing-a-lot-more-in-middle-managers-in-1850548862

[03:24] TR Bot Benefiting from AI also means investing in middle managers

[03:25] TR News Trail of Bitss Response to NTIA AI Accountability RFC https://blog.trailofbits.com/2023/06/16/trail-of-bitss-response-to-ntia-ai-accountability-rfc/

[03:25] TR Bot Trail of Bitss Response to NTIA AI Accountability RFC | Trail of Bits Blog

[03:28] *oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)

[03:28] schestowitz[TR] phanes: i feel like our conversation was interrupted

[03:28] schestowitz[TR] by intention

[03:28] schestowitz[TR] by trolls

[03:29] schestowitz[TR] let me scroll up

[03:29] schestowitz[TR] and get back to what triggered it

[03:29] schestowitz[TR] sounds like two people making a very expensive mistake about how things work

[03:29] schestowitz[TR] i think that's when the trolls chimed in

[03:29] schestowitz[TR] talking about illegal drugs and body parts

[03:30] schestowitz[TR] regarding education,

[03:30] schestowitz[TR] nobody says you cannot do CS without a degree

[03:30] schestowitz[TR] rather, one can lead to the othger

[03:30] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser tessier

[03:30] techrights-ipfs-bot techrights-news techrights[sec]_ techrightsalpine4 TechrightsBot-tr techuser

[03:30] schestowitz[TR] people like techuser are good at computing

[03:30] schestowitz[TR] so they can cruise past a college degree

[03:30] schestowitz[TR] whereas others have to put in a lot more effort

[03:31] schestowitz[TR] re technical issues

[03:31] schestowitz[TR] i always focuses on the technical re UEFI

[03:31] schestowitz[TR] 30 articles about Red Hat

[03:31] schestowitz[TR] before even naming gulagboy

[03:31] schestowitz[TR] it was OK to ignore the person

[03:31] schestowitz[TR] but then he started spouting outr MSFT propaganda

[03:32] schestowitz[TR] and it seemed like while the paychecks says "RED HAT" the agenda was Microsoft

[03:32] schestowitz[TR] Microsoft and Red Hat has already signed some interop deal

[03:32] schestowitz[TR] iirc, 2009

[03:32] schestowitz[TR] let me check

[03:33] schestowitz[TR] http://www.fosspatents.com/2015/11/hypocritical-red-hat-hopes-to-leverage.html

[03:33] TR Bot FOSS Patents: Hypocritical Red Hat hopes to leverage patents to cement its Linux market leadership: Microsoft deal

[03:33] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2015/11/05/microsoft-red-hat-patent-agreement/

[03:33] TR Bot More Information Emerges About the Microsoft-Red Hat Patent Agreement | Techrights

[03:33] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2015/11/05/microsoft-red-hat-patent-agreement/

[03:33] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2015/11/05/garbage-media-coverage/

[03:33] TR Bot Media Coverage of the Red Hat-Microsoft Deal Includes Microsoft Talking Points and Moles, No Discussion About Patent Aspects | Techrights

[03:33] schestowitz[TR] that's all ICBM now

[03:33] schestowitz[TR] which cross-licenses with MSFT

[03:34] mjg59_ 2015, of course, being 3 years after I left RH

[03:35] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2015/11/05/garbage-media-coverage/

[03:35] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2009/02/16/was-rht-ms-collab-smart/

[03:35] TR Bot Red Hat-Microsoft Agreement Not Malicious, But Was It Smart? | Techrights

[03:36] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2009/02/16/red-hat-microsoft-virtualization/

[03:36] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2009/02/17/red-hat-microsoft-analysis/

[03:36] TR Bot Novell the Biggest Loser in New Red Hat-Microsoft Virtual Agreement | Techrights

[03:36] TR Bot Red Hat-Microsoft: Take III | Techrights

[03:36] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2009/02/21/red-hat-microsoft-story/

[03:36] TR Bot Summary of the Red Hat-Microsoft Story | Techrights

[03:36] schestowitz[TR] so yes, 2009

[03:36] elusive_woman https://freemantv.com/preparing-for-the-great-reset-matt-landman/

[03:36] schestowitz[TR] promoting Microsoft interest

[03:36] TR Bot Preparing For The Great Reset Matt Landman

[03:37] schestowitz[TR] in excchgange for some favours from MSFT

[03:37] schestowitz[TR] "Novell lite"

[03:37] schestowitz[TR] Hovsepian (NOVL) is from ICBM

[03:37] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/category/ron-hovsepian/

[03:37] TR Bot Ron Hovsepian | Techrights

[03:37] elusive_woman We are quickly moving towards a prison planet with 5G, track and trace technology, weaponized street lamps, and weather control. Bill Gates wants to block out the sun! Our Frankenskies are filling us with metals to amplify the constant radiation that we are receiving.

[03:37] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2012/06/05/uefi-tax/

[03:38] TR Bot Microsofts Monopolistic Abuses Continue as Red Hat and Fedora Tax Are Put in Place | Techrights

[03:38] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2012/06/09/uefi-mistake/

[03:38] TR Bot Red Hat Criticised for Advancing Microsofts UEFI Agenda | Techrights

[03:38] schestowitz[TR] my first two posts about UEFI 'secure' boot

[03:38] schestowitz[TR] 11 years ago

[03:38] schestowitz[TR] when gulagboy was realising he could exploit trans people

[03:38] schestowitz[TR] not just for sex

[03:38] schestowitz[TR] but also demonising critics

[03:39] schestowitz[TR] afaik, he had not done this before that

[03:39] schestowitz[TR] at all

[03:39] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2012/06/13/red-hat-closed/

[03:39] TR Bot Red Hat Was Wrong About UEFI, Failed to Ask the Users | Techrights

[03:39] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2012/06/19/microsoft-talking-points-on-uefi/

[03:39] TR Bot Red Hat Fails to Convince That UEFI is Tolerable, Uses Security as Talking Point | Techrights

[03:39] schestowitz[TR] June 5-19

[03:39] schestowitz[TR] 2 weeks

[03:39] schestowitz[TR] 4 posts about Red Hat

[03:40] phanes what i can't figure out is if his marriage is a sham created purely as a shield for this endeavour or if its more complex than that with someone else pulling the strings

[03:40] schestowitz[TR] 2020: http://techrights.org/2020/07/30/wontboot-meme/

[03:40] TR Bot [Meme] It Was Only a Matter of Time All Along | Techrights

[03:40] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2020/07/30/wontboot/

[03:40] TR Bot Karma or Hubris? Is #TorvaldsWasRight a Thing Now? | Techrights

[03:41] schestowitz[TR] this impacts millions of machines

[03:41] schestowitz[TR] they now have microsoft trojan horse onboard

[03:41] schestowitz[TR] Red Hat/Microsoft

[03:41] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy their mule

[03:41] phanes if you look at his social circles he's surrounded by people who also defame people with similar themes

[03:41] schestowitz[TR] the fall man?

[03:41] phanes maybe

[03:41] schestowitz[TR] embarrassment for sure

[03:42] schestowitz[TR] we won the argument

[03:42] schestowitz[TR] he admitted defear:

[03:42] schestowitz[TR] gulagboy: ROY WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjKw_jcp87_AhUoQUEAHRCnC-YQFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmjg59.dreamwidth.org%2F59931.html&usg=AOvVaw06dwGbWB1Gapeiu6PYcpnA&opi=89978449

[03:42] phanes he's in a walled garden where his defamatory actions are being continually emotionally reinforced

[03:42] TR Bot NO TITLE

[03:42] schestowitz[TR] https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/59931.html

[03:42] TR Bot mjg59 | Lenovo shipping new laptops that only boot Windows by default

[03:43] schestowitz[TR] biab

[03:44] TR News Took Japan centuries to realise adults having sex with 13 year-olds is perverse???

[03:45] TR News Saying that "child marriage" is pedophilia is not just blasphemous in countries that accept pedophilia but also a "hate crime" in countries that shelter pedophiles because of oil money :/

[03:46] TR News Is Bill Gates flying to Japan after his unauthorised (political interferences) trip to Pooh-tin in China? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/16/world/asia/japan-rape-law-consent.html https://www.jurist.org/news/2023/06/japan-national-diet-votes-to-raise-age-of-consent/

[03:46] TR Bot Japan Changes Its Rape Laws to Require Consent - The New York Times

[03:46] TR Bot Japan National Diet votes to raise age of consent - JURIST - News

[03:48] TR News China'a dictator, Pooh-tin, found an unelected US 'diplomat' he can work with https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html

[03:48] TR Bot Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York Times

[03:48] phanes that shit with japan is not cool even if its a good thing he did there

[03:49] phanes under no circumstances should bill gates be representing the US in any capacity unless appointed or elected to the role

[03:49] TR News It's hard not to be all too cynical about the ironic "political" system that nowadays runs the planet. Bonus: those people also control all the major rockets, i.e. way out of this planet. Privatisation of space.

[03:49] phanes they need to throw his ass in prison for claiming to

[03:49] schestowitz[TR] he was arrested before

[03:49] schestowitz[TR] several times

[03:49] schestowitz[TR] now he bribes the politciians and media

[03:49] schestowitz[TR] so make sure it does not happen again

[03:49] schestowitz[TR] no matter what he does

[03:50] DaemonFC <schestowitz[TR]> but then he started spouting outr MSFT propaganda

[03:50] DaemonFC mjg59_ isn't unique three.

[03:51] DaemonFC *there

[03:51] TR News 2014: Bribery of Public Officials http://techrights.org/2014/08/19/gates-foundation-cfo-quits/

[03:51] TR Bot Gates Foundation CFO Quits and Debate About Revolving Doors Recalled Amid Systematic and Shrewd Bribery of Public Officials | Techrights

[03:51] DaemonFC GNOME people in general are becoming MS crap throwers.

[03:51] TR News Gates, Ballmer, and Zuckerberg Lobby Together Against Public Interests, Relying on Corruptible Officials http://techrights.org/2013/05/07/gates-and-zuckerberg-now-lobby-together/

[03:51] TR Bot Gates, Ballmer, and Zuckerberg Lobby Together Against Public Interests, Relying on Corruptible Officials | Techrights

[03:51] DaemonFC "Security tabs" and saying "Microsoft managing the Secure Boot chain of trust is not terribly interesting".

[03:51] TR News Gates Foundation Bribes Officials, Press in Africa http://techrights.org/2012/01/25/successful-gates-spin-machine/

[03:51] TR Bot Gates Foundation Bribes Officials, Press in Africa | Techrights

[03:51] DaemonFC It should be the user deciding that when booting a new OS from a different vendor for the first time.

[03:52] TR News Wikileaks Cablegate: Caterpillar Official Cites Bill Gates to Justify Colluding With Oppressors http://techrights.org/2011/09/14/bill-gates-and-china/

[03:52] TR Bot Cablegate: Caterpillar Official Cites Bill Gates to Justify Colluding With Oppressors | Techrights

[03:52] TR News Still Bribes Officials Who Implement His Policies (Feed His Investment) http://techrights.org/2013/07/15/gmo-biotechnology-laboratory-nigeria/

[03:52] TR Bot Bill Gates Sets Up/Institutionalises GMO Monopoly in Africa, Still Bribes Officials Who Implement His Policies (Feed His Investment), Prepares GMO Doomsday Plan | Techrights

[03:52] MinceR it was never about security

[03:52] DaemonFC All mjg59_ responds with is that after Microsoft says it's okay to boot then the user can set up the system a little bit if the system allows it.

[03:53] MinceR it was always about making MICROS~1 the gatekeeper of the x86 PC OS market

[03:53] schestowitz[TR] "Security tabs" and saying "Microsoft managing the Secure Boot chain of trust is not terribly interesting".

[03:53] DaemonFC But the truth is that Lenovo and others just strip that back out and ignore the "reference" "standard" that he points at.

[03:53] schestowitz[TR] ICBM staff

[03:53] MinceR command economy

[03:53] MinceR sure, it made the previous moscovian empire fall apart, but let's give it another shot anyway

[03:55] phanes the lack of accountability about the impact of that work really is telling about his character too

[03:56] phanes narcissists are easy to identify

[03:56] phanes they develop huge blindspots for their ethical failures

[03:57] TR News Was it about salaries all along? Workers' rights? https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/outsourcing-hubs-like-india-to-bag-40-of-jobs-lost-to-layoffs/articleshow/101088673.cms?from=mdr

[03:57] TR Bot india: Outsourcing hubs like India to bag 40% of jobs lost to layoffs - The Economic Times

[03:58] DaemonFC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F20_c1qh_tA

[03:58] TR Bot https://invidious.privacy.gd/watch?v=F20_c1qh_tA

[03:58] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://invidious.privacy.gd/watch?v=F20_c1qh_tA )

[03:58] DaemonFC This guy is hilarious. Pulls open the drain plug on his radiator and nearly gets a face full of engine coolant without wearing safety goggles.

[03:59] TR News The United States has no engineers or people who can code. Says media controlled by people "tired" of paying families a living wage and letting coders work from home where they can concentrate on the code instead of doing meetings or "996".

[03:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[04:00] phanes DaemonFC is turning into a car

[04:00] TR News Companies Shouldn't Have the Right To Veto Their Competition https://reason.com/2023/06/16/companies-shouldnt-have-the-right-to-veto-their-competition/

[04:00] TR Bot Companies Shouldn't Have the Right To Veto Their Competition

[04:00] MinceR jealous much?

[04:00] phanes of being a car? maybe

[04:01] MinceR transform and roll out!

[04:01] MinceR https://tenor.com/view/autobots-rollout-cat-funny-rolling-out-fall-gif-16792382

[04:01] TR Bot Autobots Rollout Cat GIF - Autobots Rollout Cat Funny - Discover & Share GIFs

[04:01] phanes do you remember those big metal versions of transformer toys they would make that were really expensive

[04:02] MinceR i don't

[04:02] MinceR i'm not sure if they were even sold here

[04:02] phanes the ones you saw at like toys r us were always plastic

[04:02] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[04:02] phanes but they had much larger ones you could buy that were metal and heavy

[04:02] MinceR i live in a shithole that willingly went back to being a moscovian colony after only 20 years

[04:03] phanes bad place to be in the coming nuclear apocalypse

[04:03] TR News Gulag Summer of Underpaid (and barely trained) Labour https://mohamexiety.github.io/posts/hello_world/ those interns waste 3 months of productive coders' time, then vanish with a little dosh from Gulag, which exploits them for diversity-themed PR brochures. Almost none of them work on the same project afterwards. Some don't write ANY code.

[04:03] TR Bot NVK YCbCr Support Part 0 - Hello World | Mohamed's Corner

[04:03] phanes woh'd have ever thought that aussies were going to have the highest likelihood of continuing our species

[04:04] TR News Wow, Gulag found anoher pretext for making Stasi Internet-connected microphones with feet to carry them around https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/16/google-pixel-now-playing-music-feature-silently-identifies-music/ https://wikileaks.org/google-is-not-what-it-seems/

[04:04] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/16/google-pixel-now-playing-music-feature-silently-identifies-music/ )

[04:04] TR Bot Julian Assange - Google Is Not What It Seems

[04:06] TR News Techrights Bulletin for Sunday, June 18, 2023 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives

[04:06] TR Bot Bulletin Archives

[04:06] TR News Techrights full IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt

[04:06] TR Bot Techrights Full IPFS Index

[04:06] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@p4tgatjvzzsdu.irc) has joined #techrights

[04:08] *includeals has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)

[04:10] *includeals (~includeal@a89-154-197-146.cpe.netcabo.pt) has joined #techrights

[04:11] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D626.jpg

[04:11] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D952.jpg

[04:11] TR News New Rubik's 4x4x4 Cube gemini://jsreed5.org/log/2023/202306/20230618-new-rubiks-4x4x4-cube.gmi

[04:12] TR News "It's been a busy month! New things going on at work world compounded with plenty to do around the house means I haven't spent as much as I would doing side projects. In turn, nothing really notiable to phlog about as of late." gopher://jay.scot:70/0/phlog/018.txt

[04:13] TR News RE: Division, remainder, mod % gemini://siiky.srht.site/algebra/re-division_remainder_mod.gmi

[04:15] TR News Yet More On Paging gemini://thrig.me/blog/2023/06/19/yet-more-on-paging.gmi

[04:16] TR News Gulag is a spying agency with shareholders' meetings.

[04:16] TR News Monstrous mustard? California chefs, artists target invasive species. https://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2023/0616/Monstrous-mustard-California-chefs-artists-target-invasive-species

[04:16] TR Bot mustard? California chefs, artists reuse invasive species. - CSMonitor.com

[04:17] schestowitz[TR] hahaha

[04:18] schestowitz[TR] just got an email that I cannot share

[04:18] schestowitz[TR] but paraphrase from

[04:18] schestowitz[TR] basically sirius offered jobs to people

[04:18] MinceR i get email i shouldn't share all the time

[04:18] schestowitz[TR] but the people withdrew

[04:18] schestowitz[TR] worse yet

[04:18] schestowitz[TR] they did a "credit reference check and it confirms a lot of what you have said."

[04:18] schestowitz[TR] lol!

[04:19] schestowitz[TR] i mioght be able to share it in the distance future

[04:19] schestowitz[TR] when the company is deelisted

[04:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[04:23] schestowitz[TR] this can end up as another egg (pie) in the face for billie gates

[04:23] schestowitz[TR] but the NDA is still there

[04:24] schestowitz[TR] they can fold to shield against subpoena

[04:24] schestowitz[TR] Microsoft = organised crime

[04:24] schestowitz[TR] Bill Gates = famous criminal, above the law

[04:24] schestowitz[TR] Gulagboy = brown-nosing the above

[04:27] schestowitz[TR] <schestowitz[TR]> i mioght be able to share it in the distance future

[04:27] schestowitz[TR] *distant future (maybe months)

[04:27] schestowitz[TR] "sorry to have given the bad news, but people should be able to make decisions based on facts to lessen potential harm. Do you have any more information on the "credit reference check"? The company stole money from people."

[04:28] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], No truck water like MARISOL.

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] i see

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] no trucks

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] self-driving cars

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] with windows laptops

[04:29] DaemonFC I just fill gallon Britas and put them in the fridge.

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] ffor remote control

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] don't worry

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] there's TPM

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] very secure

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] in MSFT GitHub

[04:29] DaemonFC THeir blue filters are actually quite well made and last six months.

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] ask gulagboy for details

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] he helped make laptops that won't boot a secure OS

[04:29] schestowitz[TR] only NSA back-doored junk which bricks itself

[04:30] schestowitz[TR] Windows Update

[04:30] schestowitz[TR] dead end OS

[04:30] schestowitz[TR] boosted by dead end career

[04:30] schestowitz[TR] and dead end twitter

[04:31] schestowitz[TR] water trucks exist in ffrance now

[04:31] schestowitz[TR] but nor for prestige reasons

[04:31] schestowitz[TR] some towns are not getting enough drinking water

[04:31] mjg59_ Kind of love that I'm now a bigger threat to free software than Miguel

[04:31] schestowitz[TR] so trucks are delayed to send water around

[04:31] schestowitz[TR] .me gets links

[04:32] mjg59_ Water trucks were a thing in the UK in at least the 90s

[04:32] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: water trucks https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/southern-france-battles-drought-water-comes-by-truck-some-villages-2022-08-17/

[04:32] TR Bot southern France battles drought, water comes by truck to some villages | Reuters

[04:32] mjg59_ This isn't novel, sadly

[04:32] schestowitz[TR] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11101625/French-villages-rely-truck-deliveries-water-taps-run-dry-10-000-flee-ogre-wildfire.html

[04:32] TR Bot French villages rely on truck deliveries for water as taps run dry while 10,000 flee 'ogre' wildfire | Daily Mail Online

[04:32] schestowitz[TR] overpopulation _ climatre change

[04:32] schestowitz[TR] no laughint matter

[04:32] schestowitz[TR] https://kfgo.com/2022/08/17/as-southern-france-battles-drought-water-comes-by-truck-to-some-villages/

[04:32] TR Bot southern France battles drought, water comes by truck to some villages | The Mighty 790 KFGO | KFGO

[04:33] mjg59_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9MbAKOEdrA from 1995

[04:33] TR Bot https://tube.cthd.icu/watch?v=o9MbAKOEdrA

[04:33] TR Bot not resolve host: tube.cthd.icu; Unknown error ( status 0 @ https://tube.cthd.icu/watch?v=o9MbAKOEdrA )

[04:33] DaemonFC Believing oneself to be too good to drink tap water.

[04:33] DaemonFC Another bit of evidence that MARISOL is a narcissist.

[04:34] mjg59_ Yeah uh the situation described here is that there is no tap water

[04:34] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: prescription glasses

[04:34] schestowitz[TR] probably branded

[04:34] schestowitz[TR] to shows off to relatives in tondo

[04:34] schestowitz[TR] who will payt back the debt now

[04:34] schestowitz[TR] and how?

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] these are the sorts of people who end up hanging off a tree

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] not because of the lenders

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] the pressure causes people to do it to themselves

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] and the news won't even mention that

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] the "strange fruit"

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-offshore-wealth-idUSBRE86L03U20120722

[04:36] TR Bot rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens | Reuters

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] (2012)

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] where the capital goes

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] human capital flight > capital flight

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] see hngary

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_capital_flight?wprov=srpw1_0

[04:36] TR Bot Human capital flight - Wikipedia

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] maybe billie is already trucking some capityal to china

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] and made an implicit/verbal MoU with Pooh-Tin

[04:39] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Pep Boys is selling lifetime alignments for $200. I wonder if the company will even exist in a few years at this rate. Carl Icahn is getting sick of them taking losses and is causing bigger problems.

[04:39] TR News Appeasing nuts is bad for business https://www.axios.com/2023/06/16/corporate-america-pride-backlash-stocks

[04:39] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/06/16/corporate-america-pride-backlash-stocks )

[04:40] DaemonFC Lifetime alignment package is a mistake and waste of money. They have fine print that says if you change any suspension components they void the alignment package unless you had them do the suspension work.

[04:40] TR News There's a difference between supporting gays and draping food products with rainbows or rejecting academia for being "insulting"

[04:41] TR News If you sell X, then sell X. Don't sell Y and Z with it. People who buy X might choose not to get Y and Z.

[04:42] TR News Good diplomacy is a skill. You don't just show up in CCP HQ and take your pants off. https://nypost.com/2021/05/10/bill-gates-womanizer-held-nude-pool-parties-biographer/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html

[04:42] TR Bot timed out after 10520 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://nypost.com/2021/05/10/bill-gates-womanizer-held-nude-pool-parties-biographer/ )

[04:42] TR Bot Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York Times

[04:43] TR News There are generations of geeks being raised which are interrogated for their beliefs totally unrelated to the trade they're in. This allows companies to lower their salaries and status.

[04:44] TR News If wages continues to increase like 50 years ago, a software engineer today might get paid $300,000 a year in Europe & N America.

[04:44] TR News (continued)

[04:46] TR News And heck, people might even have access to an actual BANK rather than some "APP". The services industry is going away not because people aren't necessary but because people are being convinced to do that same work FOR FREE, in their own time.

[04:50] TR News The moment a bank herds every customer into an "app" is the moment all customers should take their money and leave. Go elsewhere. Because those banks aren't even worth the paper they're on, if any. Heck, they don't provide any services and sooner or later the bank goes insolvent because all that's left of it is some login in clown computing disservice like AWS. Bank bust? Then close AWS account. Bank GONE. With 'your' money.

[04:52] schestowitz[TR] does anyone here know a text editor that can colourise many search term all at once?

[04:52] schestowitz[TR] for instance, shows me in red all t he places were "Linux" is and in blue some other search term, at the same time

[04:52] schestowitz[TR] i'm pretty sure such a thing exists

[04:52] schestowitz[TR] not sure how to find it

[04:56] TR News California Is Killing Fast Food Jobs https://reason.com/2023/06/16/california-is-killing-fast-food-jobs/

[04:56] TR Bot California Is Killing Fast Food Jobs

[04:56] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: self-driving water trucks :-)

[04:56] schestowitz[TR] they need self-steering water cannons too

[04:56] schestowitz[TR] with Windows and TPM

[04:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[05:01] TR News Road building cartel to result in million-repayment to EU https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/economy/17.06.2023-road-building-cartel-to-result-in-million-repayment-to-eu.a513223/

[05:01] TR Bot Road building cartel to result in million-euro repayment to EU / Article

[05:02] TR News tomshardware has become more or less a sales site now. The remaining articles are more like "filler" for the real content, which is SPAM.

[05:03] TR News It is truly a shame because used to be (once upon a time) an awesome Web site with truly clueful authors, not chaff composers

[05:04] schestowitz[TR] https://kate-editor.org/2010/11/14/highlight-selected-text/

[05:04] schestowitz[TR] only one term :/

[05:04] TR Bot Highlight Selected Text - Kate

[05:04] schestowitz[TR] maybe somextensions exist

[05:04] schestowitz[TR] maybe I can write one

[05:04] schestowitz[TR] but... Qt

[05:04] schestowitz[TR] with C++

[05:05] schestowitz[TR] https://kate-editor.org/post/2022/2022-03-10-ktexteditor-multicursor/

[05:05] TR Bot Long live multicursors - Kate

[05:06] schestowitz[TR] "Ever since I started contributing to Kate there has been one feature request that was being requested in almost every blog post or discussion about kate: multiple cursor support. I am happy to say that after 3 or 4 days of really pushing myself to implement this and address all the issues we just merged it (KDE Frameworks 5.92)! It will be available not only for Kate users, but for KDevelop, KWrite and any application that uses KT

[05:06] schestowitz[TR] extEditor as its editor component."

[05:07] schestowitz[TR] even checking other editors, they don't have that

[05:07] schestowitz[TR] not for multiple terms at once

[05:07] schestowitz[TR] "Vim provides a simple way to highlight all occurrences matching your last search, but it doesn't provide an easy way to highlight more than one search"

[05:07] schestowitz[TR] https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Highlight_multiple_words

[05:07] TR Bot Highlight multiple words | Vim Tips Wiki | Fandom

[05:09] schestowitz[TR] even windows/microsoft crap lacks this

[05:09] schestowitz[TR] notepad++/VS Code

[05:09] schestowitz[TR] seems vim has some 'hacks'

[05:10] schestowitz[TR] but not proper support

[05:12] schestowitz[TR] proprietary chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/multi-highlight/ghinpogonpmlphfkmnjfapdaoaainejn

[05:12] TR Bot Multi Highlight - Chrome Web Store

[05:12] schestowitz[TR] Updated17 February 2023

[05:13] schestowitz[TR] all my machines lack chromium/chrome :/

[05:13] schestowitz[TR] and no intention to install it

[05:13] DaemonFC <schestowitz[TR]> they need self-steering water cannons too

[05:13] DaemonFC <schestowitz[TR]> with Windows and TPM

[05:14] DaemonFC So they can spray all the homeless people where mjg59_ lives?

[05:14] schestowitz[TR] shoot people with no home

[05:14] schestowitz[TR] yeha, beat me to it

[05:14] schestowitz[TR] the HEY Hi will do credit check

[05:14] DaemonFC Well, it's like my grandfather used to say before dinner.

[05:14] schestowitz[TR] has no home = > spray

[05:14] DaemonFC Lettuce spray.

[05:14] DaemonFC mjg59_, ^

[05:14] schestowitz[TR] mjg59_ likes to spray people

[05:14] schestowitz[TR] esp. vulnerabler people

[05:15] schestowitz[TR] laptop runs free OS

[05:15] schestowitz[TR] BSD

[05:15] schestowitz[TR] GNU/Linux

[05:15] schestowitz[TR] DO NOT BOOT

[05:15] schestowitz[TR] DO NOT WANT!

[05:15] DaemonFC I mean, I was always grateful to those machines at the produce department for making sure my lettuce was crisp. But to thank them at every meal seems a bit much.

[05:15] schestowitz[TR] geez, mozilla killed all the good extansion

[05:16] schestowitz[TR] first xul

[05:16] schestowitz[TR] then other crap

[05:16] schestowitz[TR] so a lot of the powerful swiss army knife of old firefox is now stale

[05:16] schestowitz[TR] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/multiple-highlight/

[05:16] TR Bot Multiple Search and Highlight Get this Extension for Firefox (en-GB)

[05:16] XRevan86 https://neuters.de/world/us/trump-lacked-power-declassify-secret-nuclear-arms-document-experts-say-2023-06-18/

[05:16] TR Bot Trump lacked power to declassify secret nuclear arms document, experts say

[05:16] schestowitz[TR] "This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing."

[05:17] schestowitz[TR] firefox is so broken in debian (esr) that it won't even added ANY addons

[05:17] schestowitz[TR] it's like mozilla never testes it

[05:17] schestowitz[TR] not even for the only OS that preloads firefox

[05:18] schestowitz[TR] firefox is a dying product

[05:18] DaemonFC SeaMonkey can barely browse the web right now.

[05:18] schestowitz[TR] and thunderbird is becoming "app"

[05:18] schestowitz[TR] rewritten fro android

[05:18] schestowitz[TR] to sell some spy company's stuff

[05:18] DaemonFC It will need more backports from Firefox and those will kill off SeaMonkey's features anyway.

[05:18] DaemonFC Even if they manage to backport them with a handful of people.

[05:18] schestowitz[TR] www software gets woprse over time

[05:18] schestowitz[TR] they call it "modern

[05:18] schestowitz[TR] and "progress

[05:19] schestowitz[TR] when they remove much-needed functionality

[05:19] schestowitz[TR] like added 'secure' boot

[05:19] schestowitz[TR] what does it do?

[05:19] schestowitz[TR] it limitsx you

[05:19] DaemonFC With all of these useless modifications to compilers, it's half the work to maintain the program just to make sure it keeps building.

[05:19] schestowitz[TR] prevents you doing what you always wanted to do

[05:19] schestowitz[TR] "progresS"

[05:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[05:20] schestowitz[TR] let's put chromiumn-browser on the pi400

[05:21] DaemonFC Chromium is not a great program.

[05:21] DaemonFC It's very large and most of it is junk.

[05:21] schestowitz[TR] i need multi term searches

[05:21] schestowitz[TR] to better scan the chafffest

[05:21] schestowitz[TR] aka www

[05:21] schestowitz[TR] via rss

[05:21] schestowitz[TR] "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/multi-highlight/ghinpogonpmlphfkmnjfapdaoaainejn'

[05:21] TR Bot Multi Highlight - Chrome Web Store

[05:22] schestowitz[TR] "You and Google"

[05:22] schestowitz[TR] underchrome://settings/

[05:22] schestowitz[TR] "You and Google"

[05:22] schestowitz[TR] yes!

[05:22] schestowitz[TR] me and Gulag

[05:22] schestowitz[TR] I didn't even know we had a relationship[

[05:23] DaemonFC The enchirito is back at Taco Bell at least.

[05:23] DaemonFC So 2023 isn't all bad.

[05:27] schestowitz[TR] trying it now

[05:27] schestowitz[TR] it lacks documentation

[05:28] schestowitz[TR] uses shithub

[05:28] DaemonFC https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/19/politics/chinese-land-purchases/index.html

[05:28] TR Bot accelerate efforts to block Chinese purchases of agricultural land | CNN Politics

[05:28] schestowitz[TR] PhD Student @HKUST, | Browser Script, NLP

[05:28] DaemonFC "Chinese Exclusion Act"

[05:29] schestowitz[TR] README does not explain how t o actually use it

[05:29] schestowitz[TR] you are meant to gues

[05:29] DaemonFC I wonder what the UK says about foreigners buying up land though.

[05:30] DaemonFC Your German royal family (changed its name to Windsor) can do whatever it wants though.

[05:30] DaemonFC Drive without a license, fuck little girls.

[05:30] schestowitz[TR] https://github.com/yiminzme/Multi-Highlight/blob/master/doc/3_screenshot_wiki.jpg

[05:30] TR Bot at master yiminzme/Multi-Highlight GitHub

[05:30] DaemonFC Has to watch out for eggs though, sometimes.

[05:30] DaemonFC Shares potato recipe.

[05:31] *DaemonFC gives potatoes to mjg59_

[05:35] schestowitz[TR] ok, got it

[05:35] schestowitz[TR] took me 10 minutes

[05:35] schestowitz[TR] and I'm not THAT thick

[05:35] phanes do british even eat potatoes

[05:35] schestowitz[TR] he really need to write some docuementation

[05:35] schestowitz[TR] i think he;s japanese based on the name

[05:36] DaemonFC I think so, since it's part of a full English breakfast, isn't it?

[05:36] DaemonFC Probably the only good part.

[05:36] schestowitz[TR] potato chips

[05:36] schestowitz[TR] us: chips

[05:36] schestowitz[TR] fries

[05:36] schestowitz[TR] "criaps"

[05:39] phanes they call them crisps dont they

[05:39] phanes dammit i bought this really ridiculously hot carolina reaper sauce and then scratched my balls

[05:40] phanes this was all a horrible mistake

[05:42] schestowitz[TR] lol, pile of shit

[05:42] schestowitz[TR] if i open html locally or over ssh

[05:42] schestowitz[TR] then the extension won't work

[05:43] schestowitz[TR] lol++ : so upload my file?

[05:44] schestowitz[TR] to a webspace

[05:44] schestowitz[TR] instead of opening over ssh?

[05:46] schestowitz[TR] tryint to save locally

[05:46] schestowitz[TR] lol

[05:46] schestowitz[TR] so this extension works with pages online

[05:47] schestowitz[TR] but if they are local pages (html)

[05:47] schestowitz[TR] than, no sir, sorry...

[05:47] schestowitz[TR] welcome to chromium

[05:47] schestowitz[TR] *then

[05:48] schestowitz[TR] i suppose I could put the file in public_html somewhere

[05:48] schestowitz[TR] but this limitation is insane

[05:48] schestowitz[TR] 20 years ago you could expect "old" browsers to do such things

[05:48] schestowitz[TR] now it's all "extension" "STORES"

[05:48] schestowitz[TR] with cneosrship

[05:49] schestowitz[TR] https://schestowitz.com/2023/

[05:49] TR Bot Social Control Media Posts

[05:57] schestowitz[TR] so it does work if i upload the file to www

[05:57] schestowitz[TR] but not a local file

[05:57] schestowitz[TR] go figure..

[05:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[06:00] schestowitz[TR] now it works :-)

[06:04] phanes ya know

[06:04] phanes it's just occured to me schestowitz[TR]

[06:05] schestowitz[TR] ..

[06:05] phanes if your persuasion about the reality of social media is intended to reach anyone who doesn't already agree with you

[06:05] phanes it will have to take place on social media

[06:05] schestowitz[TR] it won't work

[06:05] schestowitz[TR] yeah, i know

[06:05] schestowitz[TR] same with promoting linux

[06:05] schestowitz[TR] or vegetarians

[06:06] schestowitz[TR] or going to a mosque to tell them about jesus

[06:08] phanes not necessarily

[06:09] phanes you could easily achieve notoriety as an underdog if you established a large social media presence for TR and then got censored

[06:09] phanes which is inevitable

[06:09] phanes if you do

[06:09] TR News (NEW): Cinnamon 5.8 Desktop: Best New Features http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Cinnamon_5_8_Desktop_Best_New_Features.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Cinnamon_5_8_Desktop_Best_New_Features.gmi

[06:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Cinnamon 5.8 Desktop: Best New Features

[06:09] TR News (UPDATED): ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.4 released: drawing tools, radar charts, combining documents, upgraded ChatGPT plugin and other improvements http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/14/ONLYOFFICE_Docs_v7_4_released_drawing_tools_radar_charts_combin.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/14/ONLYOFFICE_Docs_v7_4_released_drawing_tools_radar_charts_combi

[06:09] TR Bot Tux Machines ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.4 released: drawing tools, radar charts, combining documents, upgraded ChatGPT plugin and other improvements

[06:10] phanes you just would want to structure your PR in such a way that the source of the content is not social media, it would just have to be treated like an arm where content that exists elsewhere is made available

[06:11] phanes there are good ways to poke the bear

[06:11] phanes though you should consider the impact of what would happen if you started to win

[06:12] phanes sometimes the worst thing that can happen in a conflict for one side is to start winning

[06:17] *rianne__ (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techrights

[06:17] *asusbox2 (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techrights

[06:18] DaemonFC https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2023/06/18/governor-signs-bill-into-law-that-will-allow-police-to-use-drones-in-wake-of-highland-park-parade-shooting/

[06:18] TR Bot Governor signs bill into law that will allow police to use drones in wake of Highland Park parade shooting

[06:18] *asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[06:19] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[06:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[06:21] DaemonFC People: Why don't you go to Six Flags? It's one town over!

[06:21] DaemonFC Me: https://www.lakemchenryscanner.com/2023/06/18/man-allegedly-found-with-loaded-gun-in-baby-stroller-at-six-flags-great-america-in-gurnee/

[06:21] TR Bot Man allegedly found with loaded gun in baby stroller at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee

[06:21] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[06:25] TR News (NEW): Review: Debian 12 http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Review_Debian_12.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Review_Debian_12.gmi

[06:25] TR Bot Tux Machines Review: Debian 12

[06:33] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[06:35] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[06:35] *GGGGgggg has quit (connection closed)

[06:36] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[06:38] TR News Amazon Linux https://nnn.ng/faq/4970/

[06:38] TR Bot Amazon Linux - Nigeria News June 19, 2023

[06:41] TR News https://cms.qz.com/feed/ Thu, 15 Jun 2023 12:17:00 +0000 Ticketmaster's parent company Live Nation will end hidden fees

[06:42] TR News "US president Joe Biden is meeting today (June 15) with representatives of some of the countrys largest entertainment and travel companies" https://qz.com/ticketmaster-live-nation-agree-price-transparency-1850542357

[06:42] TR Bot Ticketmaster's parent firm Live Nation will end hidden fees

[06:43] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[06:44] *asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[06:44] *asusbox2 (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techrights

[06:46] TR News (NEW): The PICO3566 is an alternative to Raspberry Pi CM3 http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/The_PICO3566_is_an_alternative_to_Raspberry_Pi_CM3.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/The_PICO3566_is_an_alternative_to_Raspberry_Pi_CM3.gmi

[06:46] TR Bot Tux Machines The PICO3566 is an alternative to Raspberry Pi CM3

[06:46] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Android_Leftovers.gmi

[06:46] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers

[06:50] TR News Gulag minted more than $10 million from ads for fake abortion clinics https://qz.com/google-ads-fake-abortion-clinics-1850542334

[06:50] TR Bot Google made more than $10 million from fake abortion clinic ads

[06:52] TR News Surge XT synthesizer added to my Slackware DAW software collection https://alien.slackbook.org/blog/surge-xt-synthesizer-added-to-my-slackware-daw-software-collection/

[06:52] TR Bot Surge XT synthesizer added to my Slackware DAW software collection | Alien Pastures

[06:52] TR News ellsberg... 2022... Drop Charges Against Julian Assange https://www.democracynow.org/2022/12/14/daniel_ellsberg_john_young_assange_case

[06:52] TR Bot Indict Us Too: Daniel Ellsberg & Cryptomes John Young Demand U.S. Drop Charges Against Julian Assange | Democracy Now!

[06:54] TR News "Moores Law" and other nonsense https://www.cringely.com/2023/06/15/ai-and-moores-law-its-the-chips-stupid/

[06:54] TR Bot and Moores Law: Its the Chips, Stupid | I, Cringely

[06:56] TR News Back doors on every unit. Taiwan does not mind. It has its own. https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/06/15/asus-prime-n100i-d-d4-an-intel-processor-n100-mini-itx-motherboard/

[06:56] TR Bot ASUS PRIME N100I-D D4 - An Intel Processor N100 mini-ITX motherboard - CNX Software

[06:57] TR News Prprietary spyware in clothing of chatbots https://siliconangle.com/2023/06/15/google-advises-employees-not-enter-internal-information-ai-chatbots/

[06:57] TR Bot advises employees not to enter internal information into AI chatbots - SiliconANGLE

[06:58] TR News In Sam Bankman-Fried Case, U.S. Withdraws New Charges https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/15/business/sam-bankman-fried-charges.html

[06:58] TR Bot In Sam Bankman-Fried Case, U.S. Withdraws New Charges - The New York Times

[06:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[07:00] TR News Sonos Triggers 7% Layoff While Substantially Reducing Real Estate Holdings https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/15/sonos-layoffs-real-estate-holdings/

[07:00] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/15/sonos-layoffs-real-estate-holdings/ )

[07:01] TR News Que? 750 Watts?? https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-mi300x-guzzles-power-rated-for-750-watts

[07:01] TR Bot AMD MI300X Guzzles Power, Rated for 750 Watts | Tom's Hardware

[07:01] TR News The world's most polluting companies are the companies that do the most greenwashing, e.g. Microsoft bribing the 'Linux' Foundation to pretend it is 'green'

[07:03] TR News AMD even uses the colour green in many of its products and logos. It wasn't always like this.

[07:04] elusive_woman lol thats retarded

[07:04] elusive_woman AMD has always had a green logo

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] red, n ot green

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] red and black

[07:07] elusive_woman https://cdn.cpu-world.com/Images/uploaded/0000/52/L_00005282.jpg

[07:07] elusive_woman black and green actually

[07:07] elusive_woman thats a K6-2 processor box

[07:07] elusive_woman OLD

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] Starbucks ex-manager awarded $25.6 million for wrongful dismissal after arrest of Black menJurors in federal court have awarded $25.6 million to a former Starbucks regional manager who alleged that she and other white employees were unfairly punished after the

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] high-profile arrests of two Black men at a Philadelphia location in 2018.

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] athlon 1975

[07:08] TR Bot Starbucks ex-manager awarded $25.6 million for wrongful dismissal after arrest of Black men

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] red

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] sempron red

[07:08] elusive_woman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_K6-2

[07:08] TR Bot AMD K6-2 - Wikipedia

[07:09] schestowitz[TR] https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/H573f9d8fdf784da79353216265c2fc04Q/Original-AMD-RX-VEGA-ATI-graphics-card-HD-multi-screen-set-display-unique-crossfire-logo-label.jpg_Q90.jpg_.webp

[07:09] schestowitz[TR] anyway...

[07:10] elusive_woman thats all video card stuff

[07:10] elusive_woman ATI was red

[07:12] *asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[07:12] *asusbox2 (~rianne@3stvfjh5iuw88.irc) has joined #techrights

[07:16] TR News From The Daily: Revisiting the misconceptions associated with gun violence https://www.michigandaily.com/opinion/from-the-daily-revisiting-the-misconceptions-associated-with-gun-violence/

[07:16] TR Bot From The Daily: Revisiting the misconceptions associated with gun violence

[07:18] DaemonFC mjg59_ worked for an ICE contractor that steered women to fake abortion clinics.

[07:19] DaemonFC And lives where the homeless get it. The hose.

[07:19] schestowitz[TR] mjg59_ worked for an ICE contractor that steered women to fake abortion clinics.

[07:19] schestowitz[TR] no

[07:19] schestowitz[TR] mjg59_ worked for an ICE contractor that steered people with uterus to fake abortion clinics.

[07:19] DaemonFC That's what I said.

[07:19] schestowitz[TR] no.

[07:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[07:20] schestowitz[TR] we'll send you to reeduction camp

[07:20] schestowitz[TR] then, 6 weeks later, you can come back to linux development

[07:20] schestowitz[TR] afetr public apology

[07:20] schestowitz[TR] and a month of therapy

[07:20] DaemonFC Women have a uterus. Men don't.

[07:23] schestowitz[TR] that's your opinion, says therapist

[07:23] schestowitz[TR] but anyway

[07:23] schestowitz[TR] we can agree gulagbopy is

[07:24] schestowitz[TR] 1. mysogynist

[07:24] schestowitz[TR] 2. he said he was transphobic

[07:24] schestowitz[TR] 3. and I bet you he's also homophobic

[07:24] schestowitz[TR] he keeps trying to ban you from everything

[07:24] schestowitz[TR] so he's just an insensitive clot

[07:24] schestowitz[TR] who makes money by doing dirty jobs

[07:25] mjg59_ You're making many things up

[07:25] elusive_woman mjg59_ also killed JonBenet Ramsey (according to DaemonFC)

[07:33] TR News Mandiant attributes Barracuda Networks malware campaign to China-linked hackers https://siliconangle.com/2023/06/15/mandiant-attributes-barracuda-networks-malware-campaign-china-linked-hackers/

[07:33] TR Bot attributes Barracuda Networks malware campaign to China-linked hackers - SiliconANGLE

[07:34] TR News Finnish Chamber of Commerce Chief Economist: Inflation to Slow Down Significantly - "Historically high inflation period soon to be a bad memory" https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/finland-news/domestic/23743-finnish-chamber-of-commerce-chief-economist-inflation-to-slow-down-significantly-historically-high-inflation-period-soon-to-be-a-bad-memory.html

[07:34] TR Bot reply from server ( status 0 @ https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/finland-news/domestic/23743-finnish-chamber-of-commerce-chief-economist-inflation-to-slow-down-significantly-historically-high-inflation-period-soon-to-be-a-bad-memory.html )

[07:36] TR News Simon Ser: Status update, June 2023 https://emersion.fr/blog/2023/status-update-54/

[07:36] TR Bot Status update, June 2023 emersion

[07:37] TR News Setting up permissions under /files take-3 https://bkhome.org/news/202306/setting-up-permissions-under-files-take-3.html

[07:37] TR Bot Setting up permissions under /files take-3

[07:39] TR News Various little improvements https://bkhome.org/news/202306/various-little-improvements.html

[07:39] TR Bot Various little improvements

[07:40] TR News Tunisians Mourn a Hard-Fought Freedom Rapidly Slipping Away https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/16/world/middleeast/tunisia-press-freedom.html

[07:40] TR Bot Tunisians Mourn a Hard-Fought Freedom Rapidly Slipping Away - The New York Times

[07:41] TR News 3 Charged With New Hampshire Public Radio Attacks https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/16/business/media/nhpr-attacks-arrests.html

[07:41] TR Bot 3 Charged With New Hampshire Public Radio Attacks - The New York Times

[07:42] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techrights

[07:42] elusive_woman mjg59_: Why did you kill JonBenet Ramsey?

[07:43] mjg59_ I didn't

[07:43] DaemonFC Nancy Grace might speculate otherwise.

[07:44] TR News Juan Pablo Ugarte: Cambalache 0.12.0 Released! https://blogs.gnome.org/xjuan/2023/06/16/cambalache-0-12-0-released/

[07:44] TR Bot Cambalache 0.12.0 Released! ar.xjuan.Blog

[07:46] elusive_woman mjg59_: thats exactly what someone would say that did do it

[07:46] DaemonFC Yeah, notice how much he denies it. He denies it too firmly.

[07:47] TR News Putting Pride In Privacy https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/putting-pride-in-privacy/

[07:47] TR Bot Putting Pride In Privacy | Open Rights Group

[07:47] DaemonFC A jury might see that as an admission of guilt. A cop certainly would.

[07:47] DaemonFC Where was he on that day anyway?

[07:47] DaemonFC I'll bet nobody can even vouch for him being in Ireland.

[07:48] TR News Amazon Drivers Are Actually Just "Drivers Delivering for Amazon," Amazon Says https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/pkaa4m/amazon-drivers-are-actually-just-drivers-delivering-for-amazon-amazon-says

[07:48] TR Bot Amazon Drivers Are Actually Just "Drivers Delivering for Amazon," Amazon Says

[07:48] TR News "Workers voted 97 percent in favor of authorizing a strike." https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/5d99eq/teamsters-authorize-nationwide-ups-strike

[07:48] TR Bot Teamsters Authorize Nationwide UPS Strike

[07:49] TR News Team Aims To Use Raspberry Pi in Brown Bear Conservation Effort https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-bear-conservation

[07:49] TR Bot Team Aims To Use Raspberry Pi in Brown Bear Conservation Effort | Tom's Hardware

[07:51] elusive_woman Thats probably why he works for the enemy

[07:51] elusive_woman They give him an alibi and blackmail him

[07:52] DaemonFC I'll bet the NASCAR Chicago street race was mjg59_'s idea too.

[07:58] schestowitz[TR] NASCAR?

[07:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[08:00] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], You haven't heard?

[08:00] DaemonFC They're having a NASCAR race on Chicago city streets this summer.

[08:04] TR News "In a world of 32-bit and 64-bit processors, it might surprise you to learn that Intel is releasing a 12-bit chip. Oh, wait, we mean 12-qubit. That makes more sense." https://hackaday.com/2023/06/17/intel-to-ship-quantum-chip/ | Source: Hackaday

[08:04] TR Bot To Ship Quantum Chip | Hackaday

[08:05] *parsifal (~parsifal@aahfbjmj4hann.irc) has joined #techrights

[08:07] TR News Digital security checklist for journalists in exile https://cpj.org/2023/06/digital-security-checklist-for-journalists-in-exile/

[08:07] TR Bot Digital security checklist for journalists in exile - Committee to Protect Journalists

[08:08] TR News Gulag warns employees about chatbot security including its own Bard https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/google-warns-employees-about-chatbot-security-including-its-own-bard-1716806

[08:09] TR Bot Google warns employees about chatbot security including its own Bard

[08:10] TR News Leading Economist Blames Beyonce for Raising Inflation in Sweden https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/16/leading-economist-blames-beyonce-for-raising-inflation-in-sweden/

[08:10] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/06/16/leading-economist-blames-beyonce-for-raising-inflation-in-sweden/ )

[08:10] elusive_woman NASCAR in chicago? lol

[08:11] elusive_woman they're gonna have to sweep the streets of bullets

[08:11] TR News Why It Matters Who Caused Inflation https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/06/why-it-matters-who-caused-inflation/674448/

[08:11] TR Bot Why it matters who caused inflation - The Atlantic

[08:12] TR News The Booth at Akademy-es/OpenSouthCode https://quickfix.es/2023/06/the-booth-at-akademy-es-opensouthcode/

[08:12] TR Bot The Booth at Akademy-es/OpenSouthCode Quick Fixes

[08:17] TR News Global hack: Cybersecurity firm reports suspected Chinese espionage https://www.csmonitor.com/World/2023/0616/Global-hack-Cybersecurity-firm-reports-suspected-Chinese-espionage

[08:17] TR Bot spies breached hundreds of networks, security firm says - CSMonitor.com

[08:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[08:20] TR News CMA https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/amazon-gets-approval-cma-regarding-irobot-acquisition-despite-past-concerns-1716830

[08:20] TR Bot Amazon gets CMA approval for iRobot acquisition despite past concerns

[08:28] DaemonFC <elusive_woman> they're gonna have to sweep the streets of bullets\

[08:28] DaemonFC They'd have to pave the streets first.

[08:29] DaemonFC Take up all the metal slabs they throw over the potholes.

[08:32] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[08:37] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[08:41] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[08:42] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[08:45] TR News Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (23/2023): The most stable week ever: postmarketOS 23.06 and Mobian Bookworm https://linmob.net/weekly-update-23-2023/

[08:45] TR Bot - Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (23/2023): The most stable week ever: postmarketOS 23.06 and Mobian Bookworm

[08:47] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[08:51] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[08:58] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[08:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[09:00] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[09:04] TR News How to Set Up a Private Docker Registry on Linux https://earthly.dev/blog/private-docker-registry/

[09:04] TR Bot How to Set Up a Private Docker Registry on Linux - Earthly Blog

[09:05] parsifal Cheap, very cheap... With love from China. Enjoy.

[09:05] parsifal Everything in this world have price - material or non material, but still a price! We created a monster with our wallets.

[09:06] schestowitz[TR] it was addictive

[09:06] schestowitz[TR] "remind me later"

[09:06] schestowitz[TR] as the factories go elsewhere

[09:06] schestowitz[TR] the prices deferred

[09:06] schestowitz[TR] and CPC was patient

[09:06] schestowitz[TR] as even s korea and japan outsourced production

[09:07] schestowitz[TR] now apple tries india

[09:07] schestowitz[TR] and changes mind

[09:07] schestowitz[TR] because apple is not apple

[09:07] schestowitz[TR] it's winston et alk

[09:07] schestowitz[TR] and they realise india produces crap hardware

[09:07] schestowitz[TR] so goes back to mainland china

[09:07] schestowitz[TR] or make truly awful products

[09:07] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[09:08] schestowitz[TR] so then you say, ok, let's do it in taiwan

[09:08] schestowitz[TR] and then china moves in

[09:08] schestowitz[TR] like russia on neon in ukraine

[09:08] schestowitz[TR] "that's ours, too"

[09:09] schestowitz[TR] also HK

[09:09] schestowitz[TR] shenzhen

[09:09] schestowitz[TR] maybe singapore

[09:09] schestowitz[TR] cambodia, loas

[09:09] schestowitz[TR] vietnam

[09:09] schestowitz[TR] thailand... maybe

[09:09] schestowitz[TR] malaysia does not make good electronics

[09:10] schestowitz[TR] indonesia forget about it

[09:10] schestowitz[TR] a tv that will break after a year

[09:10] schestowitz[TR] "blaupunkt, remember how to make a TV?"

[09:11] schestowitz[TR] "blaupunkt, are u there?"

[09:11] parsifal Addiction is a disease! What about Europe;)

[09:11] schestowitz[TR] blaupunkt: yes, a few of us are here, but we have schematics for 1970s TVs

[09:11] schestowitz[TR] we can make some more here auf deutschland

[09:12] schestowitz[TR] apple opened ONE store in india

[09:12] schestowitz[TR] then pretended it can flick a switch

[09:12] schestowitz[TR] "MADE IN INDIA"

[09:12] schestowitz[TR] iNdia :-)

[09:12] schestowitz[TR] And then it's the same product

[09:12] schestowitz[TR] the quality also slid anyway

[09:12] schestowitz[TR] then make it in india and all people start buying korean

[09:14] schestowitz[TR] lightbulbs that cost 20 pence each

[09:14] schestowitz[TR] NOT "Made in England"

[09:14] schestowitz[TR] even our food here comes from china now

[09:15] schestowitz[TR] seeds and stuff

[09:16] TR News Alpine 3.15.9, 3.16.6, 3.17.4 and 3.18.2 released https://alpinelinux.org/posts/Alpine-3.15.9-3.16.6-3.17.4-3.18.2-released.htm

[09:16] TR Bot ( status 404 @ https://alpinelinux.org/posts/Alpine-3.15.9-3.16.6-3.17.4-3.18.2-released.htm )

[09:16] parsifal Indeed. But WHY?!? Money...

[09:16] schestowitz[TR] theirs

[09:16] schestowitz[TR] not yours

[09:16] schestowitz[TR] bill gates went to see xi

[09:16] schestowitz[TR] undercutting the us government

[09:17] schestowitz[TR] so he can profit off the world while the US wanes in power

[09:18] TR News (NEW): 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: June 18th, 2023 http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_June_18th_2023.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_June_18th_2023.gmi

[09:18] TR Bot Tux Machines 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: June 18th, 2023

[09:18] schestowitz[TR] who needs elections anyway?

[09:18] schestowitz[TR] send arnault to meet biden in the white house

[09:18] schestowitz[TR] macron, STAY HOME!

[09:18] schestowitz[TR] "keep out!"

[09:19] parsifal Power is money and money is power.

[09:19] phanes money can be power

[09:19] phanes there are many kinds of power

[09:19] schestowitz[TR] money installs politicians

[09:19] schestowitz[TR] politicians buy back

[09:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[09:20] schestowitz[TR] (they also control all the media)

[09:20] phanes gates needs to be put on a rendition until the only mention of him is rumours that he's still alive

[09:20] schestowitz[TR] or: they DEFUND all the important media

[09:20] schestowitz[TR] phanes: rendition flights?

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] he lies flying

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] but not with toreture devices

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] but with beds and kids walking about

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html

[09:21] TR Bot Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York Times

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] bill gates need to buy a personal aircraft

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] he only; had 4

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] clearly not enough

[09:21] schestowitz[TR] for his giant brain and balls

[09:22] parsifal lol

[09:22] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2021/05/10/melinda-sickened-by-bill/

[09:23] TR Bot According to the Wall Street Journal, Bill Gatess Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein Caused the Bill-Melinda Divorce (While the Media Deflected to Dr. Stallman, Using a Phony Scandal) | Techrights

[09:23] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2020/08/09/freger-abc-news-faa/

[09:23] TR Bot Even the Mainstream/Corporate Media is Trying to Study Why (or If) Bill Gates and Epsteins Sex Abuse Ring Were Closely Connected | Techrights

[09:25] TR News Inflation, Corporate Pricing and Central Banking https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/06/16/inflation-corporate-pricing-and-central-banking/

[09:25] TR Bot Corporate Pricing and Central Banking - CounterPunch.org

[09:26] TR News Australian banks have no money for Australian coders' salary levels https://www.theage.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/australian-banks-amp-up-tech-talent-wars-in-india-20230613-p5dg5n.html

[09:26] TR Bot Banks target India for talent in technology arms race

[09:27] TR News The baksters will look after you. Like they did in 2008. https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/growing-demand-shared-banking-hubs-39-people-cant-manage-accounts-online-1716572

[09:27] TR Bot Growing demand for shared banking hubs as 39% of people can't manage accounts online

[09:28] TR News This is ONE way to take AWAY savers' money to fatten the rich https://jacobin.com/2023/06/big-banks-federal-reserve-interest-rates-depositor-yield-net-interest-income/

[09:28] TR Bot Banks Are Using High Interest Rates to Rip Off Depositors

[09:29] TR News If we had no banksters, we'd have no money!! OMG, if we had no cooks, crops would stop crowing and we'd not be able to eat!!

[09:32] TR News Bankers: deposits and withdrawals are FREE. Sure, we lend out 'your' money at 7% interest and give you almost none of that. That's tough, we need our million-dollar bonuses.

[09:36] TR News Bill Gates to Pooh-tin in Beijing: "yeah, college education was getting in the way of me running over people with tanks... well, he's dead..., gotta be careful. What's for dinner? Got pizza?"

[09:36] TR News 70 years since anti-communist uprising https://www.dw.com/en/germany-marks-70-years-since-anti-communist-uprising/a-65900038

[09:36] TR Bot marks 70 years since anti-communist uprising DW 06/17/2023

[09:37] TR News 'President Joe (Biden), there is a bunch of 'antivaxers' outside who say I should be arrested. mind if I borrow some tanks, please? Make sure they're very, very heavy."

[09:40] TR News Stop insulting dictators and don't hurt their feelings. That's contagious and if enough people do it, regimes might change.

[09:43] TR News Protect your supply chain from disasters https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/supply-chain-challenges-disaster-readiness

[09:43] TR Bot Protect your supply chain from disasters

[09:46] *DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)

[09:47] TR News "On Jun. 7, Red Hat hosted its annual Women in Technology event [...] From the venue in the Microsoft Canada head office on the 43rd floor of 81 Bay Stree" https://www.itworldcanada.com/article/empowering-change-through-dei-red-hats-women-in-technology-event-highlights-role-models-and-success-stories/540832 together with Microsoft, Red Hat under IBM actively undermines the community

[09:47] TR Bot Empowering change through DEI: Red Hats women in technology event highlights role models and success stories | IT World Canada News

[09:51] TR News Phishing Scammer or One of Your Parents? https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/phishing-scammer-or-one-of-your-parents

[09:51] TR Bot Phishing Scammer or One of Your Parents? | The New Yorker

[09:52] TR News "Serverless" is a lie. There is no such thing. This site is sponsored by shilling corporations. "Serverless" is a term aimed at clueless "suits"... https://cloudnativenow.com/topics/overcoming-the-challenges-and-costs-of-serverless/

[09:52] TR Bot Overcoming the Challenges and Costs of Serverless - Cloud Native Now

[09:53] TR News https://planet.gnome.org/rss20.xml Fri, 16 Jun 2023 12:19:22 +0000 Carlos Garnacho: Getting the best of tablet pads

[09:54] TR News "In case they needed introduction, pads are these collections of buttons and tactile sensors (ring or strip shaped) most typically found along the side of drawing tablets. These devices will be the topic of today." https://blogs.gnome.org/carlosg/2023/06/16/getting-the-best-of-tablet-pads/

[09:54] TR Bot Getting the best of tablet pads Carlos Garnacho

[09:54] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@4c64peqfzenfi.irc) has joined #techrights

[09:56] TR News Russell Coker: BOINC and Idle Users https://etbe.coker.com.au/2023/06/16/boinc-idle-users/

[09:56] TR Bot BOINC and Idle Users etbe - Russell Coker

[09:57] TR News Junichi Uekawa: Upgraded my main machines to bookworm. http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/diary/daily/2023-Jun-16.html.en#2023-Jun-16-22:14:10

[09:57] TR Bot Upgraded my main machines to bookworm.

[09:57] TR News Valhalla's Things: Shawl Calculations https://blog.trueelena.org/blog/drafts/shawl_calculations/index.html

[09:57] TR Bot Valhalla's Things Shawl Calculations

[09:57] TR News South Korea launches nationwide probe into secret Chinese police stations https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/south-korea-launches-nationwide-probe-into-secret-chinese-police-stations

[09:57] TR Bot South Korea launches nationwide probe into secret Chinese police stations | The Straits Times

[09:58] TR News it's for surveillance, quit calling everything "HEY HI" https://www.tomshardware.com/news/chinas-bytedance-has-gobbled-up-dollar1-billion-of-nvidia-gpus-for-ai-this-year

[09:58] TR Bot China's ByteDance Has Gobbled Up $1 Billion of Nvidia GPUs for AI This Year | Tom's Hardware

● Jun 19

[10:03] TR News Sirius Open Source Contributed to Perceptions That Open Source is a Fraud and the Government Lets It Off the Hook https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/06/17/sirius-open-source-off-the-hook/

[10:03] TR Bot Blog Archive Sirius Open Source Contributed to Perceptions That Open Source is a Fraud and the Government Lets It Off the Hook

[10:04] TR News Time is Up: British Law Enforcement and Tax Collection Authorities Tolerate Crime by Government Contractor https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/06/16/crimes-by-government-contractors/

[10:04] TR Bot Blog Archive Time is Up: British Law Enforcement and Tax Collection Authorities Tolerate Crime by Government Contractor

[10:06] TR News 23 Free and Open-source Documentation Generators For Developers https://medevel.com/23-os-documentation-generators/

[10:06] TR Bot 23 Free and Open-source Documentation Generators For Developers

[10:09] TR News Compile MicroPython firmware from Raspberry PI Computer Board for Pico https://peppe8o.com/compile-micropython-firmware-raspberry-pi-pico/

[10:09] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://peppe8o.com/compile-micropython-firmware-raspberry-pi-pico/ )

[10:10] TR News Python Program to Check Prime Number https://tecadmin.net/python-program-to-check-prime-number/

[10:10] TR Bot Python Program to Check Prime Number TecAdmin

[10:10] TR News C Program to Check Prime Number https://tecadmin.net/c-program-to-check-prime-number/

[10:10] TR Bot C Program to Check Prime Number TecAdmin

[10:11] TR News Shell Script to Check Prime Number https://tecadmin.net/shell-script-to-check-prime-number/

[10:11] TR Bot Shell Script to Check Prime Number TecAdmin

[10:12] TR News What is Difference Between IMAP and POP3 https://tecadmin.net/difference-between-imap-and-pop3/

[10:12] TR Bot What is Difference Between IMAP and POP3 TecAdmin

[10:18] TR News Bad Voltage 359: Addition Edition https://www.badvoltage.org/2023/06/16/3x59/

[10:18] TR Bot ( status 503 @ https://www.badvoltage.org/2023/06/16/3x59/ )

[10:19] TR News Mongo Shell SyntaxError Identifier Directly After Number https://www.lisenet.com/2023/mongo-shell-syntaxerror-identifier-directly-after-number/

[10:19] TR Bot Shell SyntaxError Identifier Directly After Number | Lisenet.com :: Linux | Security | Networking

[10:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[10:21] TR News Belarusian Singer Who Refused Lukashenka Scholarship In 2020 Faces Criminal Charges https://www.rferl.org/a/belarus-prison-rejecting-scholarship/32462624.html

[10:21] TR Bot Belarusian Singer Who Refused Lukashenka Scholarship In 2020 Faces Criminal Charges

[10:26] *GGGGgggg_ (~GGGGgggg@gnnsv8e6m3nrk.irc) has joined #techrights

[10:26] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[10:30] *frank__ (~GGGGgggg@4c64peqfzenfi.irc) has joined #techrights

[10:30] *GGGGgggg_ has quit (connection closed)

[10:31] *frank__ has quit (Quit: househorse: the entire globalistic oligarchy is afraid of you, are you happy? <u0_a77> goosestepping: this definitely is one of a kind - https://executingreality.com/)

[10:36] TR News Does Bytebance pay Rupert Murdoch to shill TikTok again? https://nypost.com/2023/06/19/womans-shocking-makeover-after-getting-bullied-in-high-school-years-ago-stuns-tiktok-viewers/

[10:36] TR Bot Woman's shocking makeover after getting bullied in high school years ago stuns TikTok viewers

[10:47] TR News "And that is where things get a little confusing and, perhaps, a bit scary." https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/06/federation-is-cool-but-kinda-confusing-and-maybe-a-little-scary/ | Source: Terence Eden

[10:47] TR Bot Federation is pretty cool, but kinda confusing, and maybe a little scary Terence Edens Blog

[10:48] TR News "Plain Text Journaling" https://peppe.rs/posts/plain_text_journaling/ |

[10:48] TR Bot Text Journaling peppe.rs

[10:48] TR News "Im cautious when comparing products because most comparisons I read are heavily biased." https://blog.frankel.ch/spring-cloud-gateway-apache-apisix/ | Source: Nicolas Frnkel

[10:48] TR Bot Evaluating Apache APISIX vs. Spring Cloud Gateway

[10:49] TR News "I sometimes get asked why I use Perl so much." https://two-wrongs.com/why-perl.html | Source: Chris

[10:49] TR Bot Why Perl?

[10:54] TR News "Here I don't mean reusing code from other shell scripts" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/programming/ShellScriptingReuseTemptation | Source: University of Toronto

[10:54] TR Bot Chris's Wiki :: blog/programming/ShellScriptingReuseTemptation

[10:54] TR News "Users will start seeing video ads when waiting for their drivers to arrive " https://bgr.com/tech/video-ads-are-coming-to-uber-so-im-switching-to-a-competitor/ | Source: BGR

[10:54] TR Bot Video ads are coming to Uber, so Im switching to a competitor

[10:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[11:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

● Jun 19

[12:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[12:57] TR News (NEW): OBS Studio 29.1.3 Improves the Source Record Plugin, AMF Encoder, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/OBS_Studio_29_1_3_Improves_the_Source_Record_Plugin_AMF_Encoder.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/OBS_Studio_29_1_3_Improves_the_Source_Record_Plugin_AMF_Encoder.gmi

[12:57] TR Bot Tux Machines OBS Studio 29.1.3 Improves the Source Record Plugin, AMF Encoder, and More

[12:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[12:59] TR News "Bonne is far from alone in his struggle with student debt; 1.9 million Canadians owed" https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/student-loans-debt-trap-1.6877888 | Source: CBC

[12:59] TR Bot How student loans keep some people trapped in debt | CBC News

[12:59] TR News "The University of Michigan is currently under review from its accrediting body" https://www.michigandaily.com/news/news-briefs/umich-under-review-from-high-learning-commission/ | Source: uni Michigan

[12:59] TR Bot UMich under review from High Learning Commission

● Jun 19

[13:01] TR News "I tried to return to London" https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/my-return-train-ticket-was-wrongly-refused-your-rights-when-train-travel-goes-wrong-anYwl6Z7xZ06 | Source: WhichUK

[13:01] TR Bot 'My return train ticket was wrongly refused': your rights when train travel goes wrong - Which? News

[13:01] TR News "But for those who care not for socially responsibility, another issue looms." https://rubenerd.com/llms-impending-entropy-problem/ | Source: Ruben Schade

[13:01] TR Bot Ouroboros LLMs and their impending entropy problem

[13:02] TR News "Note that I'm going to talk only about publicly-trusted SSL certificate authorities" https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/roots_intermediates_and_resellers | Source: Ayer

[13:02] TR Bot The Difference Between Root Certificate Authorities, Intermediates, and Resellers

[13:06] TR News Transparency https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/18/us/politics/daniel-ellsberg-espionage-act-pentagon-papers.html | Source: New York Times

[13:06] TR Bot Why Daniel Ellsberg Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Lifes End - The New York Times

[13:06] TR News "Ellsberg, whose hair by then had turned all white, grew up in Michigan" https://eu.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/06/18/daniel-ellsberg-michigan-pentagon-papers-leaker-cranbrook/70333427007/ | Source: Gannett

[13:06] TR Bot Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers leaker, had Michigan ties

[13:06] TR News [Old] "More than four decades later Daniel Ellsberg again takes on the Pentagons secret war plans" https://www.palmefonden.se/2018-daniel-ellsberg-2/ |

[13:06] TR Bot 2018 Daniel Ellsberg | OLOF PALMES MINNESFOND

[13:06] TR News "According to an analysis by the Breakthrough Institute and the Center for Global Development" https://qz.com/the-world-bank-has-spent-37-billion-since-2020-on-cli-1850545184 | Source: Quartz

[13:06] TR Bot World Bank's climate investments are going to other projects

[13:08] TR News "filing fraud charges against Binance on June 5, the S.E.C. moved to freeze the firms U.S. assets" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/17/technology/binance-shutdown-sec-crypto.html | Source: New York Times

[13:08] TR Bot Binance Reaches Deal With Government to Avert U.S. Shutdown - The New York Times

[13:08] TR News "When he woke up the next morning, Mr. Roche says, he felt groggy." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/18/business/kyle-roche-crypto-leaks-satoshi.html | Source: New York Times

[13:08] TR Bot He Went After Crypto Companies. Then Someone Came After Him. - The New York Times

[13:09] TR News megaupload https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/16/megaupload_defendants_jailed/ | Source: The Register UK

[13:09] TR Bot Megaupload duo plead guilty in NZ to avoid US extradition The Register

[13:09] TR News HEY HI hype https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/STATEMENT_23_3344 | Source: European Commission

[13:09] TR Bot Press corner | European Commission

[13:09] TR News "As June started an article spread like wildfire in the technical communities" https://connortumbleson.com/2023/06/19/the-reddit-drama/ | Source: Connor Tumbleson

[13:09] TR Bot The Reddit Drama

[13:10] TR News facebook needs to go away, asap, the sooner the better https://gizmodo.com/facebook-traffic-down-algorithm-change-1850549012 | Source: Gizmodo

[13:10] TR Bot Websites Say Traffic Plummeted After Facebook Algorithm Change

[13:11] TR News journalists https://anfenglishmobile.com/freedom-of-the-press/two-arrested-over-attack-on-journalist-sinan-aygul-67862 | Source: ANF News

[13:11] TR Bot ANF | Two arrested over attack on journalist Sinan Aygl in Tatvan

[13:13] TR News "Ill visit a global website for a computer or camera site" https://rubenerd.com/sites-redirecting-you-to-localised-nothing/ | Source: Ruben Schade

[13:13] TR Bot Sites redirecting you to localised nothing

[13:13] TR News "its less money than my spouse makes at Walmart" https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2023/06/18/the-incident-at-waukegan-pep-boys-is-a-symptom-of-a-disease-the-attack-on-labor/ | Source: DaemonFC (Ryan Farmer)

[13:13] TR Bot The Incident at Waukegan Pep Boys is a Symptom of a Disease. The Attack on Labor. | BaronHK's Rants

[13:14] TR News "Amazon Alexa Locks "Racist" Owner Out of Smart Home" https://odysee.com/@AlphaNerd:8/amazon-alexa-locks-racist-owner-out-of:d

[13:14] TR Bot Amazon Alexa Locks "Racist" Owner Out of Smart Home

[13:14] TR News [paywall] "Video Ads Are Coming to All Your Uber Apps" https://www.wsj.com/articles/video-ads-are-coming-to-all-your-uber-apps-cb11d48e

[13:14] TR Bot Ads Are Coming to All Your Uber Apps - WSJ

[13:14] TR News "Man cancelled by Amazon for racist doorbell gets account back, but no apology; DUMP ALEXA CRAP!" https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/man-cancelled-by-amazon-for-racist-2:5

[13:14] TR Bot Man cancelled by Amazon for racist doorbell gets account back, but no apology; DUMP ALEXA CRAP!

[13:15] TR News "The Housing Crisis Is Class War" https://jacobin.com/2023/06/the-tenant-class-ricardo-tranjan-book-review-housing-crisis-class-conflict-organizing/

[13:15] TR Bot The Housing Crisis Is Class War

[13:15] TR News "The Feminists Insisting That Women Are Built Differently" https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/reactionary-feminism-differences-between-sexes/674447/

[13:15] TR Bot Feminists Against the Sexual Revolution - The Atlantic

[13:16] TR News "and they omit mentioning that the nodes in the DDoS were almost certainly compromised windows" https://siliconangle.com/2023/06/18/microsoft-discloses-detailed-analysis-layer-7-ddos-attacks/ https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/19/microsoft_365_outage_ddos_cause/

[13:16] TR Bot discloses detailed analysis of Layer 7 DDoS attacks - SiliconANGLE

[13:16] TR Bot Microsoft admits DDOS as cause of recent cloud outages The Register

[13:16] TR News iophk: "sabotaged the other day by gates" https://www.vox.com/2023/6/18/23764839/blinken-china-united-states-taiwan

[13:16] TR Bot US and China take small steps forward during Blinkens trip - Vox

[13:17] TR News "The world of Linux is filled with so much fun and interesting stuff" https://www.tecmint.com/schedule-job-without-cron-linux/ | Source: TecMint

[13:17] TR Bot 3 Ways to Schedule a Task/Job Without Cron in Linux

[13:18] TR News Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/06/get-a-free-copy-of-neverwinter-nights-enhanced-edition-with-prime-gaming/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[13:18] TR Bot a free copy of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition with Prime Gaming | GamingOnLinux

[13:18] TR News Zool Redimensioned https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/06/retro-2d-platformer-zool-redimensioned-is-now-steam-deck-verified/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[13:18] TR Bot 2D platformer Zool Redimensioned is now Steam Deck Verified | GamingOnLinux

[13:18] TR News Sigma Theory: Global Cold War https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/06/grab-a-free-copy-of-sigma-theory-global-cold-war-on-gog/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[13:18] TR Bot a free copy of Sigma Theory: Global Cold War on GOG | GamingOnLinux

[13:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[13:20] TR News "Josh and Kurt talk about a new program from the Sovereign Tech Fund to fund open source work." https://opensourcesecurity.io/2023/06/18/episode-380-a-new-sovereign-tech-fund-program-and-the-bbc-on-destroying-hard-drives/ | Source: Open Source Security (Audio Show)

[13:20] TR Bot Episode 380 A new Sovereign Tech Fund program and the BBC on destroying hard drives Open Source Security

[13:44] TR News After Promoting Azure Every Day This Past Week Red Hat Exposes a Severe Weakness | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/06/19/wearing-the-microsoft-hat/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/06/19/wearing-the-microsoft-hat/

[13:44] TR Bot After Promoting Azure Every Day This Past Week Red Hat Exposes a Severe Weakness | Techrights

[13:56] TR News (NEW): My generic Open Source Project FAQ http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/My_generic_Open_Source_Project_FAQ.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/My_generic_Open_Source_Project_FAQ.gmi

[13:56] TR Bot Tux Machines My generic Open Source Project FAQ

● Jun 19

[14:03] *oarion7 (anonymous@user/oarion7) has joined #techrights

[14:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[14:34] TR News Buying the News and Gutting the News: How Information Online is Increasingly Controlled by the Few, for the Few | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/06/19/controlled-by-the-few-for-the-few/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/06/19/controlled-by-the-few-for-the-few/

[14:34] TR Bot Buying the News and Gutting the News: How Information Online is Increasingly Controlled by the Few, for the Few | Techrights

[14:43] TR News (NEW): Nitrux Devs Make It Easier to Upgrade Your Immutable Nitrux OS Installations http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Nitrux_Devs_Make_It_Easier_to_Upgrade_Your_Immutable_Nitrux_OS_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Nitrux_Devs_Make_It_Easier_to_Upgrade_Your_Immutable_Nitrux_OS_.gmi

[14:43] TR Bot Tux Machines Nitrux Devs Make It Easier to Upgrade Your Immutable Nitrux OS Installations

[14:44] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: Leaving)

[14:45] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techrights

[14:49] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: Leaving)

[14:50] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techrights

[14:54] TR News (NEW): Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, Zool Redimensioned, and Sigma Theory: Global Cold War http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Neverwinter_Nights_Enhanced_Edition_Zool_Redimensioned_and_Sigm.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Neverwinter_Nights_Enhanced_Edition_Zool_Redimensioned_and_Sigm.gmi

[14:54] TR Bot Tux Machines Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, Zool Redimensioned, and Sigma Theory: Global Cold War

[14:55] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_howtos.1.gmi

[14:55] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos

[14:55] TR News (NEW): Red Hat Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Red_Hat_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Red_Hat_Leftovers.gmi

[14:55] TR Bot Tux Machines Red Hat Leftovers

[14:57] *ubuntourist (~kjcole@freenode-7fb.q0e.q7qn9i.IP) has joined #techrights

[14:58] *ubuntourist is now known as Guest32334

[14:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[15:00] TR News (NEW): Debian Developers on BOINC, Bookworm, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Debian_Developers_on_BOINC_Bookworm_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Debian_Developers_on_BOINC_Bookworm_and_More.gmi

[15:00] TR Bot Tux Machines Debian Developers on BOINC, Bookworm, and More

[15:00] TR News (NEW): GNU/Linux on Mobile, Raspberry Pi, and Tablets http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/GNU_Linux_on_Mobile_Raspberry_Pi_and_Tablets.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/GNU_Linux_on_Mobile_Raspberry_Pi_and_Tablets.gmi

[15:00] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU/Linux on Mobile, Raspberry Pi, and Tablets

[15:01] MinceR https://apina.biz/195876.jpg?mode=sfw

[15:01] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-http://apina.biz/195876.jpg

[15:05] TR News (NEW): System76s Oryx Pro and Bonobo WS Linux Laptops Get Raptor Lake CPUs http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/System76_s_Oryx_Pro_and_Bonobo_WS_Linux_Laptops_Get_Raptor_Lake.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/System76_s_Oryx_Pro_and_Bonobo_WS_Linux_Laptops_Get_Raptor_Lake.gmi

[15:05] TR Bot Tux Machines System76s Oryx Pro and Bonobo WS Linux Laptops Get Raptor Lake CPUs

[15:06] TR News ""Music is my life" is a cliche, so I'll refrain from saying it. Suffice it to say that my life has revolved significantly around music for a very long time." gemini://mediocregopher.com/posts/good-music-you-havent-heard-of.gmi

[15:08] *t0talist (~t0talist@a7bz9gcz76mz8.irc) has joined #techrights

[15:08] TR News "It gets much worse in-town gas mileage than I expected it to, and has been unexpectedly expensive to maintain. I don't have any foreseeable chance of buying either of those things, since electric cars are still priced as luxury items here in the US." gemini://carcosa.net/journal/20230618-fivequestions.gmi

[15:10] TR News Neovim: init.lua from scratch gemini://gemini.hitchhiker-linux.org/gemlog/neovim:_init.lua_from_scratch.gmi

[15:10] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[15:11] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@p4tgatjvzzsdu.irc) has joined #techrights

[15:11] TR News "The Free Software movement has been mostly killed by the corporate Open Source. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) and its founder, Richard Stallman (RMS), have been decried for the last twenty years, including by my 25-year-old self, as being outdated and inadequate." gemini://ploum.net/2023-06-19-more-rms.gmi

[15:13] TR News SpellBinding: ACYGINF Wordo: SKIPS gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2023-06-19.gmi

[15:14] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)

[15:14] *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)

[15:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[15:21] TR News Gemini Links 19/06/2023: We Need More of Richard Stallman, Not Less | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/06/19/more-of-rms/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/06/19/more-of-rms/

[15:21] TR Bot Gemini Links 19/06/2023: We Need More of Richard Stallman, Not Less | Techrights

[15:27] TR News Links 19/06/2023: Cinnamon 5.8 and Alpine Has New ISOs | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/06/19/cinnamon-5-8/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/06/19/cinnamon-5-8/

[15:27] TR Bot Links 19/06/2023: Cinnamon 5.8 and Alpine Has New ISOs | Techrights

[15:48] TR News Kaspersky research team leader Costin Raiu quits after 23 years https://itwire.com/security/kaspersky-research-team-leader-costin-raiu-quits-after-23-years.html

[15:48] TR Bot - Kaspersky research team leader Costin Raiu quits after 23 years

[15:48] TR News Navalny's New Trial To Start In His Prison Camp https://www.rferl.org/a/navalny-new-trial-prison-camp-russia/32465327.html

[15:48] TR Bot Navalny Faces Additional 30 Years As Judge Starts New Trial Behind Closed Doors In Russian Prison

[15:48] TR News Jailed Russian Oppositionist Kara-Murza Says His Mail Is Not Being Delivered https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-kara-murza-letters-prison/32464719.html

[15:48] TR Bot Jailed Russian Oppositionist Kara-Murza Says His Mail Is Not Being Delivered

● Jun 19

[16:03] TR News (NEW): Gemini Articles of Interest http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Gemini_Articles_of_Interest.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Gemini_Articles_of_Interest.gmi

[16:03] TR Bot Tux Machines Gemini Articles of Interest

[16:03] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Programming_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Programming_Leftovers.1.gmi

[16:03] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers

[16:03] TR News (NEW): GNU/Linux Distro Development http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/GNU_Linux_Distro_Development.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/GNU_Linux_Distro_Development.gmi

[16:04] TR Bot Tux Machines GNU/Linux Distro Development

[16:04] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Security_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Security_Leftovers.1.gmi

[16:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers

[16:04] TR News (NEW): Servers: Apache APISIX, Federation, and Clown Computing http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Servers_Apache_APISIX_Federation_and_Clown_Computing.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Servers_Apache_APISIX_Federation_and_Clown_Computing.gmi

[16:04] TR Bot Tux Machines Servers: Apache APISIX, Federation, and Clown Computing

[16:04] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_leftovers.1.gmi

[16:04] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers

[16:05] TR News https://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml Mon, 19 Jun 2023 00:04:17 +0000 Why What We Thought About the Global Economy Is No Longer True

[16:06] TR News "While the worlds eyes were on the pandemic, China and the war in Ukraine, the paths to prosperity and shared interests have grown murkier" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/18/business/economy/global-economy-us-china.html

[16:06] TR Bot Why What We Thought About the Global Economy Is No Longer True - The New York Times

[16:14] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Today_in_Techrights.gmi

[16:14] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights

[16:16] *KiKi_ (~KiKi@9wi97x883kmvy.irc) has joined #techrights

[16:17] *KiKi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)

[16:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[16:46] *ZedHedTed has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[16:46] *ZedHedTed (~ZedHedTed@26yq9qanna958.irc) has joined #techrights

[16:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[17:19] *psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)

[17:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[17:26] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techrights

[17:34] TR News "It shouldn't need pointing out that positive feedback can be a terribly bad thing. Let's consider some very different cases." gemini://oberdada.pollux.casa/gemlog/2023-06-19_variations_feedback.gmi

[17:34] TR News "After reading about the new home lab subspace on BBS, its time to write a little about my ideas of the perfect home lab, which I wanted to do for a long time." gemini://michaelnordmeyer.com/gemlog/2023-06-16-my-perfect-home-lab-an-antithesis.gmi

[17:37] TR News I just want to fucking play Call of Duty on my day off gemini://gemi.dev/gemlog/2023-06-19-just-let-me-fucking-play.gmi

[17:38] TR News "Ive had this situation for three years, but then needed to have a wired Internet connection for remote work during and after COVID-19 to improve latency. While my connection is now much better than before, my LTE Internet speed was okay for ordinary web browsing and the occasional download and cloud sync." gemini://michaelnordmeyer.com/gemlog/2023-06-16-my-perfect-home-lab-an-antithesis.gmi"

[17:45] TR News 65duino project https://hackaday.com/2023/06/18/a-simple-guide-to-bit-banged-i2c-on-the-6502/ | Source: Hackaday

[17:45] TR Bot Simple Guide To Bit Banged I2C On The 6502 | Hackaday

[17:46] TR News Marvin Minskys 2500 Logo Computer https://hackaday.com/2023/06/18/marvin-minskys-2500-logo-computer/ | Source: Hackaday

[17:46] TR Bot Minskys 2500 Logo Computer | Hackaday

[17:46] TR News Gitless https://hackaday.com/2023/06/18/too-much-git-try-gitless/ | Source: Hackaday

[17:46] TR Bot Much Git? Try Gitless | Hackaday

[17:50] TR News How to set up MongoDB Atlas on OpenShift https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/06/19/how-set-mongodb-atlas-openshift

[17:50] TR Bot How to set up MongoDB Atlas on OpenShift | Red Hat Developer

[17:53] TR News Microsoft deflection. Windows botnets hammering on Microsoft, Microsoft blames... Microsoft? https://itwire.com/security/microsoft-claims-azure,-outlook-june-outages-due-to-ddos-attacks.html

[17:53] TR Bot - Microsoft claims Azure, Outlook June outages due to DDoS attacks

[17:55] TR News The Pre-play Attack in Real Life https://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2023/06/19/the-pre-play-attack-in-real-life/

[17:55] TR Bot The Pre-play Attack in Real Life | Light Blue Touchpaper

[17:57] TR News https://api.axios.com/feed/top/ Sun, 18 Jun 2023 13:11:48 +0000 Blinken meets senior Chinese officials in Beijing

[17:57] TR News After Famous Criminal Bill Gates UNDERCUT elected US officials (!!) "U.S. and China try to reduce tensions in their bilateral relationship, which is at its lowest point in decades." https://www.axios.com/2023/06/18/blinken-china-visit-xi-qin

[17:57] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/06/18/blinken-china-visit-xi-qin )

[17:59] TR News helsinkitimes pushing anti-workforce talking points https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/business/23762-entrepreneurs-workplace-reforms-bring-joyful-news.html http://techrights.org/2023/04/11/the-case-of-helsinki-time/ see

[17:59] TR Bot reply from server ( status 0 @ https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/business/23762-entrepreneurs-workplace-reforms-bring-joyful-news.html )

[17:59] TR Bot Helsinki Times Shows Disturbing Trend of News Sites Which Falsely Market Themselves to Readers | Techrights

● Jun 19

[18:00] TR News US Government Extends Software Security Deadline Because Vendors Aren't Ready https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/13/attestation_form_deadline_moved/

[18:00] TR Bot Feds extend deadline for software security attestations The Register

[18:02] TR News Nol, stop printing lies from the liars of Microsoft. There's a weakness in their systems and it's more likely exploited by Windows. https://www.securityweek.com/microsoft-says-early-june-disruptions-to-outlook-cloud-platform-were-cyberattacks/

[18:02] TR Bot Says Early June Disruptions to Outlook, Cloud Platform, Were Cyberattacks - SecurityWeek

[18:03] TR News Policy, Guns and Money: Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/policy-guns-and-money-cybersecurity-and-critical-infrastructure/

[18:03] TR Bot Policy, Guns and Money: Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure | The Strategist

[18:03] TR News "Previous attempts made by the founder of defunct pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily to block the warrant were twice rejected" https://hongkongfp.com/2023/06/19/breaking-hong-kong-court-blocks-jimmy-lais-latest-bid-to-appeal-against-national-security-search-warrant-on-phones/

[18:03] TR Bot Hong Kong court blocks bid by media tycoon Jimmy Lai to appeal against phones' national security search warrant - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

[18:06] TR News The Death of Journalism https://scheerpost.com/2023/06/18/chris-hedges-the-imminent-extradition-of-julian-assange-and-the-death-of-journalism/ | Source: Scheerpost

[18:06] TR Bot Hedges: The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism - scheerpost.com

[18:09] TR News Free Press Activist https://scheerpost.com/2023/06/18/the-greatness-of-daniel-ellsberg-from-heroic-vietnam-war-whistleblower-to-fearless-free-press-activist/ | Source: Scheerpost

[18:09] TR Bot Greatness of Daniel Ellsberg, From Heroic Vietnam War Whistleblower to Fearless Free Press Activist - scheerpost.com

[18:09] TR News "Copyright holders have sent billions of takedown requests to Google. Their goal is to make it harder for people to find pirated content through the search engine. However, when legal options such as Reelgood are targeted, takedown requests can end up being counterproductive." https://torrentfreak.com/netflix-and-amazon-dmca-notices-target-legal-streaming-options-230618/ | Source: Torrent Freak

[18:09] TR Bot and Amazon DMCA Notices Target Legal Streaming Options * TorrentFreak

[18:10] TR News "quid pro quo over COVID-19 jab" https://michaelwest.com.au/mp-denies-quid-pro-quo-over-covid-19-jab-for-donor/ | Source: Michael West Media

[18:10] TR Bot MP denies quid pro quo over COVID-19 jab for donor - Michael West

[18:11] TR News "economy slows" is a GROSS understatement by corporate shills ("media") https://michaelwest.com.au/treasurer-allays-recession-fears-as-economy-slows/ | Source: Michael West Media

[18:11] TR Bot Treasurer allays recession fears as economy slows - Michael West

[18:14] TR News "shadow economy" is actually the OLIGARCHY https://michaelwest.com.au/pandemic-threw-shadow-economy-crackdown-off-course/ | like this: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-offshore-wealth-idUSBRE86L03U20120722

[18:14] TR Bot Pandemic threw shadow economy crackdown off course - Michael West

[18:14] TR Bot rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens | Reuters

[18:18] TR News God save the queen, man. https://www.axios.com/2023/06/18/biden-god-save-the-queen

[18:18] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.axios.com/2023/06/18/biden-god-save-the-queen )

[18:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[18:20] TR News How to Solve Zipimport.ZipImportError: Cant Decompress Data; Zlib Not Available https://trendoceans.com/how-to-solve-zipimport-zipimporterror-cant-decompress-data-zlib-not-available/

[18:20] TR Bot How to Solve Zipimport.ZipImportError: Can't Decompress Data; Zlib Not Available - TREND OCEANS

[18:21] TR News Access GNOMEs Top Bar when Viewing Fullscreen Content https://www.omglinux.com/show-top-bar-in-fullscreen-on-gnome-shell/

[18:21] TR Bot Access GNOME's Top Bar when Viewing Fullscreen Content - OMG! Linux

[18:24] TR News Problems faced when downstream testing Python packages https://blogs.gentoo.org/mgorny/2023/06/18/problems-faced-when-downstream-testing-python-packages/

[18:24] TR Bot Problems faced when downstream testing Python packages Micha Grny

[18:29] TR News Week 3 Modernization of Portage https://blogs.gentoo.org/gsoc/2023/06/18/week-3-modernization-of-portage/

[18:29] TR Bot Week 3 Modernization of Portage | Gentoo Google Summer of Code

[18:31] TR News Bonding period 1 Modernization of Portage https://blogs.gentoo.org/gsoc/2023/06/18/bonding-period-1-modernization-of-portage/

[18:31] TR Bot Bonding period 1 Modernization of Portage | Gentoo Google Summer of Code

[18:32] TR News Sparky 8 code name and repos https://sparkylinux.org/sparky-8-code-name-and-repos/

[18:32] TR Bot Sparky 8 code name and repos SparkyLinux

[18:32] TR News New App to Trim, Crop, Mirror & Flip Videos on Linux https://www.omglinux.com/rotate-flip-trim-video-on-linux-easily/

[18:32] TR Bot New App to Trim, Crop, Mirror & Flip Videos on Linux - OMG! Linux

[18:33] TR News https://wemakefedora.org/rss20.xml Sun, 18 Jun 2023 10:35:08 +0000 Richard W.M. Jones: Follow up to I booted Linux 292,612 times

[18:33] TR News "As they say, dont believe everything you read in the press." Slahdot and The Register with anti-Linux misinformation. https://rwmj.wordpress.com/2023/06/18/follow-up-to-i-booted-linux-292612-times/

[18:33] TR Bot Follow up to I booted Linux 292,612times | Richard WM Jones

[18:35] TR News AMD is Not a Community and Michael Larabel Is Not Objective http://techrights.org/2023/06/18/amd-is-not-a-community/

[18:35] TR Bot AMD is Not a Community and Michael Larabel Is Not Objective | Techrights

[18:36] TR News IBM Responds to Techrights Report (Citing Inside Sources): No, We Did Not Kill OpenSource.com, We Cannot Explain What We Did http://techrights.org/2023/06/18/ibm-communitywashing/

[18:36] TR Bot IBM Responds to Techrights Report (Citing Inside Sources): No, We Did Not Kill OpenSource.com, We Cannot Explain What We Did | Techrights

[18:36] TR News There is No Such Thing as Cryptocurrency and Please Stop Referring to It as Cryptocurrency http://techrights.org/2023/06/18/no-such-thing-as-cryptocurrency/

[18:36] TR Bot There is No Such Thing as Cryptocurrency and Please Stop Referring to It as Cryptocurrency | Techrights

[18:36] TR News Daniel Ellsberg Taught Us That Making Powerful People Angry and Anxious is Good For Society at Large http://techrights.org/2023/06/18/why-ellsberg-is-important/

[18:36] TR Bot Daniel Ellsberg Taught Us That Making Powerful People Angry and Anxious is Good For Society at Large | Techrights

[18:36] TR News Techrights Statement on Paths Ahead in the Era of News Drought and Widely-Waning Web http://techrights.org/2023/06/18/widely-waning-web/

[18:36] TR Bot Techrights Statement on Paths Ahead in the Era of News Drought and Widely-Waning Web | Techrights

[18:41] TR News The Incident at Waukegan Pep Boys is a Symptom of a Disease" https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2023/06/18/the-incident-at-waukegan-pep-boys-is-a-symptom-of-a-disease-the-attack-on-labor/

[18:41] TR Bot The Incident at Waukegan Pep Boys is a Symptom of a Disease. The Attack on Labor. | BaronHK's Rants

[18:41] TR News Building a more secure routing system: Verisigns path to RPKI https://blog.apnic.net/2023/06/19/building-a-more-secure-routing-system-verisigns-path-to-rpki/

[18:41] TR Bot Building a more secure routing system: Verisigns path to RPKI | APNIC Blog

[18:45] TR News Week 3 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C https://blogs.gentoo.org/gsoc/2023/06/18/week-3-report-on-porting-gentoo-packages-to-modern-c/

[18:45] TR Bot Week 3 report on porting Gentoo packages to modern C | Gentoo Google Summer of Code

[18:45] TR News Week 1 Modernization of Portage https://blogs.gentoo.org/gsoc/2023/06/18/week-1-modernization-of-portage/

[18:45] TR Bot Week 1 Modernization of Portage | Gentoo Google Summer of Code

[18:46] schestowitz-TR https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/takebackourtech/status/1670846336877600774#m

[18:46] TR Bot #TBOT: Take Back Our Tech (@takebackourtech): "Ever thought about who's pulling the strings at The Linux Foundation? The suits that hold the Linux Trademark and cash checks for Linus Torvalds? TechRights is peeling back the layers on the corpos: http://techrights.org/2023/06/11/the-real-linux-foundation/ Deeper dive here: http://techrights.org/2019/03/26/the-linux-foundation-is-not-about-linux/" | L ...

[18:53] TR News GEEKOM bei shilled in exchange for "GIFTS".... a WINDOWS machine promoted as if it's "Ubuntu" https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/06/19/geekom-as-6-mini-pc-review-with-ubuntu-22-04-linux/

[18:53] TR Bot GEEKOM AS 6 mini PC review - Part 3: Ubuntu 22.04 Linux - CNX Software

[18:53] TR News Gal Duval: Declaration of Duties of Man and Citizen. https://gaelduval.com/declaration-of-duties-of-man-and-citizen/

[18:53] TR Bot Declaration of Duties of Man and Citizen. - Gal Duval (blog, mandrake linux, /e/OS my data is my data, Murena...)

[18:54] TR News Alternatives to popular CLI tools: dd https://www.linuxlinks.com/alternatives-popular-cli-tools-dd/

[18:54] TR Bot to popular CLI tools: dd - LinuxLinks

[18:54] TR News First Max Patch live. http://www.makululinux.com/wp/2023/06/18/first-max-patch-live/

[18:54] TR Bot Max Patch live. MakuluLinux

[18:57] TR News Ham Sandwich | LINUX Unplugged 515 https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/show/linux-unplugged/515/

[18:57] TR Bot Ham Sandwich | LINUX Unplugged 515 | Jupiter Broadcasting

[18:58] TR News Parabola GNU/Linux-libre: OpenBLAS >= 0.3.23-2 update requires manual intervention https://parabolagnulinux.org/news/openblas-0323-2-update-requires-manual-intervention/

[18:58] TR Bot Parabola GNU/Linux-libre - News: OpenBLAS >= 0.3.23-2 update requires manual intervention

[18:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[18:59] TR News Helping Microsoft lie and deflect blame https://siliconangle.com/2023/06/18/microsoft-discloses-detailed-analysis-layer-7-ddos-attacks/

[18:59] TR Bot discloses detailed analysis of Layer 7 DDoS attacks - SiliconANGLE

● Jun 19

[19:01] TR News Debugging in GDB: Create custom stack winders https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/06/19/debugging-gdb-create-custom-stack-winders

[19:01] TR Bot Debugging in GDB: Create custom stack winders | Red Hat Developer

[19:02] TR News Ubuntu 22.04 Fixes Window Snapping Memory Bug https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/06/ubuntu-22-04-window-snapping-memory-bug

[19:02] TR Bot Ubuntu 22.04 Fixes Window Snapping Memory Bug - OMG! Ubuntu

[19:04] TR News Microsoft abandonware and bloat. Don't install it. Better editors exist. https://idroot.us/install-atom-fedora-38/

[19:04] TR Bot How To Install Atom on Fedora 38 - idroot

[19:06] TR News "Small Entities" = PATENT TROLLS! "Inventors" = ALSO TROLLS! https://ipwatchdog.com/2023/06/18/inventors-tell-uspto-let-small-entities-off-ptabs-hook/id=162505/

[19:06] TR Bot Tell USPTO to Let Small Entities Off PTAB's Hook - IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Intellectual Property Law

[19:10] TR News My advice for designing features for the hybrid cloud https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/06/19/tips-designing-features-hybrid-cloud

[19:10] TR Bot My advice for designing features for the hybrid cloud | Red Hat Developer

[19:10] TR News Fine-tune large language models using OpenShift Data Science https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/06/19/fine-tune-large-language-models-using-openshift-data-science

[19:10] TR Bot Fine-tune large language models using OpenShift Data Science | Red Hat Developer

[19:11] TR News Microsoft shill C.J. Collier: First taste of Debian 12 https://wp.c9h.org/cj/?p=1949

[19:11] TR Bot First taste of Debian 12 Clerical Rigor

[19:13] TR News (NEW): Gentoo Being Modernised in Portage http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Gentoo_Being_Modernised_in_Portage.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Gentoo_Being_Modernised_in_Portage.gmi

[19:13] TR Bot Tux Machines Gentoo Being Modernised in Portage

[19:17] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Security_Leftovers.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/Security_Leftovers.2.gmi

[19:17] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers

[19:17] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_howtos.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/06/19/today_s_howtos.2.gmi

[19:17] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos

[19:18] TR News Dirk Eddelbuettel: spdl 0.0.5 on CRAN: Small Extension http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2023/06/18#spdl_0.0.5

[19:18] TR Bot Thinking inside the box

[19:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[19:21] Guest90 The main channel is #techrights at irc.techrights.org, port 6667 without SSL support and port 6697 for SSL http://techrights.org/irc-channel/

[19:21] schestowitz[TR] The main channel is #techrights at irc.techrights.org, port 6667 without SSL support and port 6697 for SSL http://techrights.org/irc-channel/

[19:34] MinceR https://apina.biz/177322.jpg?mode=sfw

[19:34] -TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-http://apina.biz/177322.jpg

[19:56] *psydroid3 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techrights

[19:56] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

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● Jun 19

[20:01] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[20:18] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

[20:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[20:20] superkuh lol

[20:20] *superkuh (~superkuh@user/superkuh) has left #techrights (the neuronal action potential is an electrical manipulation of reversible abrupt phase changes in the lipid bilayer)

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[20:45] *ZedHedTe1 (~ZedHedTed@j9rxmtstsd3si.irc) has joined #techrights

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● Jun 19

[21:07] *noteness_ (noteness@user/noteness) has joined #techrights

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[21:10] *GGGGgggg (~GGGGgggg@j5py7xj6u4tak.irc) has joined #techrights

[21:12] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@vryz9fzjqmc2k.irc) has joined #techrights

[21:15] *GGGGgggg has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[21:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[21:51] *Snuupy has quit (Server closed connection)

[21:52] *Snuupy (~Snuupy@user/snuupy) has joined #techrights

● Jun 19

[22:03] MinceR (cat) https://hugelolcdn.com/i/595678.jpg

[22:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[22:31] *DaemonFC river dances over to mjg59_ and throws a Lenovo laptop at him.

[22:49] *t0talist has quit (Quit: connection closed.)

[22:51] AdmFubar https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jun/18/robot-surgeons-provide-many-benefits-but-how-autonomous-should-they-be

[22:51] TR Bot Robot surgeons provide many benefits, but how autonomous should they be? | Medical research | The Guardian

[22:53] AdmFubar https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/19/reddit_ceo_musk_twitter/

[22:53] TR Bot Reddit CEO felt 'reaffirmed' by Musk's handling of Twitter The Register

[22:53] AdmFubar https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2023/06/19/old_telerik_bug_exploited/

[22:53] TR Bot Guess what happened to this US agency that didn't patch? The Register

[22:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Jun 19

[23:04] AdmFubar https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/19/japan_digital_reform/

[23:04] TR Bot Japan seeks to bust Apple, Google, app store monopolies The Register

[23:14] XRevan86 AdmFubar: Both Steve Huffman and Elon Musk must be reaffirmed by Volodymyr Saldo when he was in Nova Kakhovka standing next to a flooded theatre and saying on camera that people are walking, driving and working just fine.

[23:16] XRevan86 https://youtu.be/jirEg558n08

[23:16] TR Bot https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=jirEg558n08

[23:16] TR Bot yt.artemislena.eu | Hilarious moment Russian governor insists 'people are working peacefully' in floods - Invidious

[23:16] MinceR (audio:important) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMQbHMgK2rw = https://odysee.com/@veritasium:f/the-fastest-maze-solving-competition-on:3

[23:16] TR Bot https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ZMQbHMgK2rw

[23:16] TR Bot yewtu.be | The Fastest Maze-Solving Competition On Earth - Invidious

[23:17] TR Bot The Fastest Maze-Solving Competition On Earth

[23:17] XRevan86 Saldo was filmed on June 6th of course.

[23:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-18.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-06-19.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[23:36] *ZedHedTe1 is now known as ZedHedTed

[23:40] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)

[23:44] *psydroid3 has quit (connection closed)

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