●● IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 ●●

● Apr 12

[00:00] morena is here some man?

[00:00] morena or just troons?

[00:00] techuser *trolls

[00:00] techuser Drop your "traditional family".

[00:01] techuser I wish it dies together with religion and the regimes hostile to people.

[00:01] starstreak XRevan86, [britney@archbtw ~]$ uname -r

[00:01] starstreak 6.2.10-arch1-1

[00:02] techuser The "man" is just in your head. People don't have to follow it.

[00:02] phanes that's arguable

[00:03] techuser The "woman" is actually the same issue. The binary, or any other system is not good. Genders just limit ones choices.

[00:03] phanes yeah that's all well and good until like 20 minutes after a war or global scale natural disaster

[00:04] techuser Then what? Some people will die.

[00:04] phanes you'd be surprised how well these concepts correlate to population density, wealth, and environmental stressors

[00:06] techuser Perhaps. There is no future anyway. The only good choice is to realize the issue and go extinct by stopping reproducing.

[00:06] phanes i think that defeatists should carry on that path while the rest of the world progresses

[00:06] phanes the truth is

[00:06] phanes there are too many people

[00:06] techuser There is no "defeat" here.

[00:06] techuser Nor a "victory".

[00:07] phanes we have circumvented natural selection

[00:07] techuser Just a pattern that will be terminated at some point, which can either be done by humans or by natural disasters.

[00:07] phanes not even close

[00:08] phanes humanity as a species is incredibly resilient

[00:08] phanes our civilization might collapse, or even just part of it

[00:08] morena choice?

[00:08] phanes but humans will carry on unless something massive happens

[00:08] techuser Depending on Earth.

[00:09] phanes i suspect that we've hit the reset button a few times in human history

[00:09] morena probably

[00:09] morena and it looks still running in cycles anyway

[00:09] morena same shit over and over

[00:09] phanes mmm maybe not all the same shit, but lots of repeats

[00:10] phanes like the cold war and the advent of nuclear tech, i dont think that's happened before

[00:10] techuser > we have circumvented natural selection | just reduced its role.

[00:10] morena hard to say, as history is pretty fake it looks

[00:10] techuser E.g. "smarter" people don't reproduce, "dumber" people do, as a result there are less "smart" people.

[00:10] phanes but i will say i dont think the sumerians were the first civilization -- i think they were the first civilization after a couple generations of nomadism after a massive reset event

[00:10] techuser *"smarter"

[00:11] psydruid the time has come for a new reset button to appear

[00:11] phanes define smarter though

[00:11] morena great reset

[00:11] phanes what most people think is "smarter" is actually just "agreement with my personal views in some cultural focal"

[00:11] phanes if our purpose is to reproduce, those dumber lines that reproduce more are smarter

[00:11] techuser Yes, it is true, that is why in quotes. Perhaps should have used some letter like A or B.

[00:12] psydruid isn't the only thing that matters to be "fitter"?

[00:12] phanes not really no

[00:12] techuser But "smarter" as in "realizing it is just a pointless pattern".

[00:12] phanes unless you include reproduction as an aspect of fitness

[00:13] phanes fitness is a product of environment

[00:13] techuser > if our purpose is to reproduce | there is no purpose. Religions and hostile regimes are to be rejected.

[00:13] phanes sounds bigoted

[00:13] phanes the atheist is the lowest form of religious ideologue

[00:13] techuser Tired of the pattern repeated by Putinist Russia and Islamic Africa and maybe more.

[00:14] techuser Supporting "traditional family" which seems to normalize violence.

[00:15] phanes nuclear families go all the way back to our simian roots

[00:16] techuser It does not matter. A pattern can be broken anytime.

[00:16] morena what's wrong with family?

[00:16] phanes nothing

[00:16] phanes at all

[00:17] morena like have kid and give it to someone else or what?

[00:17] techuser Finding a partner by means of harassment, starting to live together despite incompatibility, developing conflicts because the incompatibility does not disappear magically.

[00:17] phanes some toons view the nuclear family as a reinforcement of patriarchal oppression in total ignorance of the instincts and natural history of our species

[00:18] phanes no man

[00:18] phanes thats you projecting your maldevelopment onto the nuclear family model

[00:19] techuser For some reason, these people also think the partner should be of a specific gender, which should be determined by sex, at least by default.

[00:19] morena ye fucking troons

[00:19] morena they saw it in TV probably

[00:19] techuser Perhaps the TV is helpful then.

[00:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[00:20] phanes the roles in a nuclear unit have never been "anybody can play any role they want", there have always been large numbers of outliers that get outcast from the main unit and either assume a sigma status, start their own unit, or die -- or, usually, be killed competing to stay in the group

[00:20] morena ye, but those troons are all weak

[00:20] morena they would all die during fight

[00:20] morena with men

[00:20] techuser We will all die anyway.

[00:21] morena ye

[00:21] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2023/04/11/walmart-files-lawsuit-against-capital-one-for-poor-customer-service-following-previous-suit-against-synchrony-over-not-taking-on-risky-customers/

[00:21] morena so make that fight

[00:21] TR Bot Walmart Files Lawsuit Against Capital One for Poor Customer Service Following Previous Suit Against Synchrony Over Not Taking on Risky Customers | BaronHK's Rants

[00:21] morena lgbt+-= agains the rest

[00:21] morena final battle

[00:21] morena stronger win

[00:21] DaemonFC lgbtqiargpiejrgpiergnoergegeogheroughrogerhgeruogheruoghreugherugrhureeroogwiajohjhqpjiphrwih+

[00:21] morena ye that

[00:21] DaemonFC mjg59_ liked that.

[00:21] phanes there's some truth that a fully developed man is usually lethal to fight for a poorly developed man or even a well developed woman, but there's tons of exceptions. there are some female mma athletes i would fucking /hide/ from to avoid a fight

[00:22] techuser Some people also die by suicide because they are tired of all this nonsense being used to attack them.

[00:22] morena ye

[00:22] phanes no one dies from suicide because they're tired of the nonsense of society

[00:22] phanes they die because they are weak and unfit

[00:22] morena true true

[00:22] morena highly recommended

[00:23] morena it makes the world better

[00:23] morena there is not enough suicides

[00:23] psydruid lol

[00:23] phanes that shouldn't be construed as a moral judgment. they need help

[00:24] morena like with tools?

[00:24] morena knife and so?

[00:24] phanes depends on what you mean by tools

[00:24] morena tools suitable for suicide

[00:24] psydruid this channel is getting out of hand, this is like 4chan++ now

[00:24] phanes no people who are suicide risks need support and therapy to get well again

[00:25] DaemonFC Walmart just announced four more stores will close in Illinois.

[00:25] techuser Fix society first, then help such people.

[00:25] DaemonFC They're all in Chicago.

[00:25] morena no

[00:25] DaemonFC That's not surprising. The one on Cottage Grove is in Chatham.

[00:25] morena society can't be fixed first

[00:25] elusive_woman techuser - this is 4chan++ now

[00:26] psydruid Society can't be fixed

[00:26] phanes sure it can

[00:26] DaemonFC https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/4/11/23679105/walmart-to-close-4-chicago-stores-by-this-weekend-saying-these-sites-are-not-profitable

[00:26] TR Bot Walmart to close 4 Chicago stores by Sunday, calls sites unprofitable - Chicago Sun-Times

[00:26] morena well it fixes itself

[00:26] phanes but who is going to be the monster that fixes it?

[00:26] techuser Seems to be the fate of all growing free speech communities. Perhaps I shouldn't have had supported "absolute free speech" in before.

[00:26] phanes there are horrible solutions to all of humanity's problems

[00:26] morena of course figures like Stallin can help with that

[00:27] morena but weak will not like that anyway

[00:27] phanes better to let it run its course than fix it in our case, because fixing it doesn't fare well for history or moral disposition

[00:27] techuser Evil people appear and get stronger when nothing restricts them.

[00:27] morena ye

[00:27] phanes so do good people

[00:28] DaemonFC "The Chicago portfolio of stores overall has been unprofitable since the company came to the city, Walmart said Tuesday in a news release.

[00:28] DaemonFC The Chicago stores lose tens of millions each year, and yearly losses have almost doubled since 2018, the release said."

[00:28] morena that I was saying, it can't be fixed, it will fix itself when enough "good" people will be in that society

[00:28] techuser Good people will then run away. And the community will be full of hate.

[00:28] phanes there will always be bad people

[00:29] techuser It will fix itself when there are zero people.

[00:29] phanes eh

[00:29] phanes its just

[00:29] morena suicide, great

[00:29] morena need tool?

[00:29] morena we are here to help you

[00:29] techuser A big bomb.

[00:29] phanes some of the traits that make bad people "bad" are also traits that provide survival advantage in those mad max scenarios

[00:30] morena techuser: but you somehow always want ot kill other, while you can kill yourself

[00:30] psydruid what if a society is so full of bad people that good people have no chance of getting rid of the bad ones, let alone fixing that society?

[00:30] morena oh current state

[00:30] morena ye it will

[00:30] morena they will eat each other

[00:30] phanes civilizations rise and fall

[00:30] psydruid morena++

[00:31] morena ye

[00:31] phanes you're watching one fall right now

[00:31] phanes the end of an empire

[00:31] phanes it doesn't have to be earthquakes and lightning storms

[00:31] phanes sometimes it just coasts off into shitville for 200 years

[00:32] phanes alot of our adversaries would wish that, not realizing that what will replace all this will be something horrible by even their own standards. massive loss of life.

[00:33] phanes it could very well be chinese or russian boots rounding people into camps

[00:34] phanes or a line, single file down the road, and an order to fire

[00:34] morena chinese or russian bad ye?

[00:34] morena they said in tv?

[00:34] phanes nothing so pretty as thunderdome

[00:34] psydruid which tv?

[00:34] morena samsung

[00:35] morena it's weird like almost all fear of idiots are towards east

[00:35] morena while all crap is always coming from the west

[00:35] psydruid that's the pinnacle of civilisation

[00:35] morena like look there is shit on the street

[00:35] psydruid why fear towards the east?

[00:35] morena while not seeing full septic in bedroom

[00:36] psydruid there is shit on the streets of San Francisco

[00:36] morena well I assume long term propaganda

[00:36] phanes morena, those idiots are right. we're the righteous bullies of the world. if our society ever is toppled itll be by eastern powers. only an idiot would ignore that fact.

[00:36] psydruid does that make it eastern too?

[00:36] phanes you think the canadians or mexicans will end america?

[00:37] morena america?

[00:37] phanes that's absurd

[00:37] morena that just another country used in chess

[00:37] morena it can disappear in few years

[00:37] phanes it would be another major power, and it would be in response to hundreds of years of aggressive foreign policy

[00:37] morena people there are too much degenerated already

[00:37] morena so nothing will come from there

[00:37] morena just death

[00:38] psydruid more and more trade is being done in currencies other than the dollar

[00:39] psydruid the writing is on the wall and has been for quite a while

[00:39] phanes eh, don't underestimate american grit. we're currently vulnerable to cultural exploitation but we have enough of a tendency to countercultural division and enough variance between countercultures with varied histories that even our current rampant exploitation would only weaken our readiness a bit for what would be a very long, poor war

[00:39] morena good for them ;/ it will collaps so they can force digital currency ;/

[00:39] morena another trick

[00:39] morena what you talking about?

[00:39] morena culture, history?

[00:40] morena and america?

[00:40] psydruid he is from the usa

[00:40] morena all unhappy idiot who run out of his own country went to america

[00:40] phanes im saying you shouldn't use the cultural subversion in california, despite its media reach, as a model for america's failure surfaces, its just louder than its counterparts

[00:40] morena it's just mix of whatever came there

[00:40] morena practically bastardized degenerative mix

[00:41] morena also it's not civilization

[00:41] morena how long they are top?

[00:41] morena few decades?

[00:41] morena that's nothing

[00:42] phanes depends on if we can work out our civics failures or not

[00:42] psydruid the question is if and how america can be fixed

[00:42] phanes right now our governance is completely broken

[00:43] morena it took decades to create chaos, demoralize and change values of views of people

[00:43] morena it can't be fixed fast - reverted

[00:43] morena it's hard job for generations

[00:43] morena but first it has to start, but it can't bc. of huge demoralization, chaos ...

[00:43] phanes i mean, yeah, something bad will eventually happen, some kind of trigger event, but it'll snap back together as soon as life gets hard again

[00:44] morena ye a bit

[00:44] morena but still

[00:44] morena if somebody was "brainwashed" for lifetime, he is weak, dependent and sick

[00:44] phanes not everybody is though

[00:44] morena he can't really make some positive change

[00:44] phanes we have many weak people in the us

[00:44] phanes two generations hallmarked by weakness in every way a person can be weak

[00:45] phanes but

[00:45] morena ye

[00:45] phanes when life gets hard

[00:45] phanes people get hard

[00:45] morena ye?

[00:45] morena I would like ot see those who cut off their dicks

[00:45] morena how they will be get hard

[00:45] psydruid prosthetics

[00:46] phanes the xennials are kind of a

[00:47] phanes backup plan

[00:47] phanes for that potential trigger event

[00:47] morena also it looks the plan is, that is not as bad that people would need to be hard

[00:47] morena but that some "savior" will come to safe

[00:47] phanes no one thinks life will be hard until they realize they're hungry

[00:47] morena ye

[00:47] morena then insects will be offered

[00:48] phanes if it gets too bad ill dig a moat around the house and put a trap door in front of a chest full of gold in the driveway, and just make the occasional long pig stew

[00:49] phanes i can cure meat and hunt

[00:49] morena ye

[00:49] morena the rest of world will watch you

[00:49] phanes hopefully they do

[00:49] morena ye ;/

[00:49] morena u can bet

[00:50] morena or once you wake up and you will be looking into knife ;/

[00:50] phanes nothing says "dont fuck with this one" more than watching the guy you sent in to kill them and steal their resources get turned into sausage links

[00:50] morena ye

[00:50] phanes followed by an invitation to please send another in a couple weeks

[00:50] morena they will follow your plan

[00:50] morena one by one every week

[00:50] morena around noon

[00:51] morena ring the bell before obviously

[00:51] phanes my gist is, peoples' potential to thrive is limitless in even the worst of scenarios

[00:52] phanes and if that involves being dangerous and scary, if the environment demands that for survival, it's not off the table

[00:52] phanes hopefully civlization holds together in our lifetime so that no one can be forced to live that way

[00:54] phanes now where I would be screwed is in the event of an invasion of a formal, organized military force

[00:54] phanes i'd almost assuredly be killed even if I complied

[00:55] phanes so i'd look for organized civilian forces to join and be small and help where I could

[00:55] phanes fight when i needed to as part of it

[00:55] phanes help the wounded

[00:55] phanes and probably die fighting

[00:57] morena ye

[00:57] morena something like that

[00:57] morena nice said ;/

[00:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[01:01] elusive_woman < phanes> now where I would be screwed is in the event of an invasion of a formal, organized military force <- or team of lawyers

[01:01] phanes nah ive got tons of legal resources

[01:01] phanes enough to where typical rich dick strategies dont work on me, like trying to litigate until i run out of money or something like that. i would have to actually be in wrong sorts with the law for a team of lawyers to be a problem.

[01:03] phanes that, and, if im not wrong with the law, dropping the suit wouldn't be enough, i'd take a metaphorical pound of flesh and reclaim those expenses, and potentially more depending on the circumstances. depends on what it's over.

[01:03] elusive_woman i've had a ton of successful legal battles without having to hire a lawyer myself

[01:04] phanes my philosophy on conflict mandates that if someone attacks me i have to make it have a cost.

[01:04] elusive_woman the most dramatic one was against a person who is one of those 'freeman of the land' types

[01:05] phanes oh, sov. citizen shit? those folks are nutbags.

[01:05] phanes those are usually easy cases

[01:05] elusive_woman he called the cops because i served him court papers

[01:05] elusive_woman then after he lost he became a sov. citizen

[01:06] phanes lol

[01:06] phanes sounds like you collapsed his value system

[01:06] elusive_woman lol

[01:06] elusive_woman hes stubborn about not paying the $3k

[01:06] elusive_woman bank accounts frozen, house has a lein on it

[01:07] elusive_woman he incorporated his business so he can pay himself cash

[01:07] phanes eat him

[01:07] phanes take the business

[01:07] phanes take the house

[01:07] phanes take the food right off his plate

[01:08] phanes mercy is for those who do not go to war

[01:08] elusive_woman he police actually arrested me for harassment cuz i served those papers

[01:08] elusive_woman but i got the charges dropped

[01:08] elusive_woman i wont have mercy on him

[01:09] phanes yeah dont blame ya

[01:09] elusive_woman he broke the law by not paying the court ordered damages, i want him arrested

[01:09] phanes when they play dirty like that they need to be an example

[01:09] elusive_woman that seems fair to me

[01:10] phanes it is because your other adversaries are watching how you handle him

[01:11] morena oh here we go

[01:11] phanes some of them will build your compassion right into their strategy

[01:11] morena fight with your neighbour

[01:11] morena that's the way

[01:11] morena boht believes in law

[01:11] morena and system

[01:11] morena that they are there from them

[01:11] morena at the end both destroyed

[01:12] morena and die with their tiny "victory"

[01:12] phanes im all for collaboration until someone's an existential threat to me

[01:12] phanes that's a choice they make

[01:12] phanes with others watching who will decide whether or not to do the same based on how you handle it

[01:12] elusive_woman it was just a labour lawsuit too

[01:13] elusive_woman this guy was running the old independent contractor scam

[01:13] elusive_woman trying to bypass labour laws

[01:16] elusive_woman it was hilarious too because he said that court over zoom would allow me to compromise police computers and launch an electronic attack with anonymous

[01:16] elusive_woman XD

[01:16] phanes lol

[01:17] TR News (NEW): 9 Best Free and Open Source PaaS Cloud Computing Stacks http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/9_Best_Free_and_Open_Source_PaaS_Cloud_Computing_Stacks.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/9_Best_Free_and_Open_Source_PaaS_Cloud_Computing_Stacks.gmi

[01:17] TR Bot Tux Machines 9 Best Free and Open Source PaaS Cloud Computing Stacks

[01:17] TR News (NEW): Rolling vs. Point Releases: Which Linux Distro is Right for You http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/Rolling_vs_Point_Releases_Which_Linux_Distro_is_Right_for_You.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/Rolling_vs_Point_Releases_Which_Linux_Distro_is_Right_for_You.gmi

[01:17] TR Bot Tux Machines Rolling vs. Point Releases: Which Linux Distro is Right for You

[01:17] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/Android_Leftovers.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/Android_Leftovers.2.gmi

[01:18] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers

[01:18] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/Android_Leftovers.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/11/Android_Leftovers.2.gmi

[01:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[01:20] morena oh cool

[01:20] morena thought bot spam here died

[01:20] morena still alive, all good

[01:22] elusive_woman phanes: he also said that the NSA, FBI and chinese government could intercept the proceedings and watch

[01:23] elusive_woman the court was like "well the proceedings are public so it doesnt matter"

[01:23] morena it was before you become "woman"?

[01:23] elusive_woman what the hell are you talking about morena

[01:24] morena ye, exactly about that

[01:24] morena just to be clear in this story

[01:24] morena if you were man or woman that time ;/

[01:25] elusive_woman i've always been a woman

[01:25] morena how it happens?

[01:25] morena like born with pussy?

[01:25] elusive_woman yes

[01:25] schestowitz[TR] schestowitz[TR], Have an Alexa-connected air purifier.

[01:25] morena everybody can say that

[01:25] schestowitz[TR] is it "conversational"?

[01:25] morena pic or never happen

[01:25] schestowitz[TR] anothernew buzzwords

[01:25] schestowitz[TR] sinnce 2 years ago

[01:26] elusive_woman lol u want to see a picture of a baby pussy?

[01:26] morena well, better than pussy of old woman ;/

[01:26] morena fat

[01:26] DaemonFC <schestowitz[TR]> is it "conversational"?

[01:26] DaemonFC In the voice of a dead relative.

[01:26] DaemonFC With AI.

[01:26] elusive_woman whoa, morena is a pedophile

[01:26] morena ye, nazi, pro russian putin agent

[01:27] morena flatearther!

[01:28] TR News Veritas Vulnerabilities Exploited in Ransomware Attacks Added to CISA Must Patch ListCISO ordered federal agencies to patch Veritas Backup Exec vulnerabilities exploited in ransomware attacks.

[01:28] TR Bot Vulnerabilities Exploited in Ransomware Attacks Added to CISA 'Must Patch' List - SecurityWeek

[01:28] morena extrme right wing with a bit chinese communism

[01:28] morena terrorist!

[01:29] TR News Microsoft trying to blamne anyone but itself and its owb holes; it is always someone else's fault https://www.securityweek.com/microsoft-iranian-gov-hackers-caught-in-azure-wiper-attacks/

[01:29] TR Bot Iranian Gov Hackers Caught in Azure Wiper Attacks - SecurityWeek

[01:30] TR News Did someone really hack into the Oldsmar, Florida, water treatment plant? New details suggest maybe not. https://cyberscoop.com/water-oldsmar-incident-cyberattack/

[01:30] TR Bot someone really hack into the Oldsmar, Florida, water treatment plant? New details suggest maybe not. | CyberScoop

[01:32] TR News Or Microsoft/Azure https://cyberscoop.com/discord-intelligence-leak-ukraine/ see http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[01:32] TR Bot Discord servers at the center of a massive US intelligence leak | CyberScoop

[01:32] TR Bot The Sensitive Ukraine Documents Werent Grabbed From Social Control Media, Just Leaked There (Microsoft Azure, Windows, and/or Rogue Insider Most Probable Factor to Blame) | Techrights

[01:32] TR News MSI Confirms Cyberattack, Issues Firmware Download Guidance https://www.securityweek.com/msi-confirms-cyberattack-issues-firmware-download-guidance/

[01:32] TR Bot Confirms Cyberattack, Issues Firmware Download Guidance - SecurityWeek

[01:32] TR News Tesla Sued Over Workers Alleged Access to Car Video Imagery https://www.securityweek.com/tesla-sued-over-workers-alleged-access-to-car-video-imagery/

[01:32] TR Bot Sued Over Workers' Alleged Access to Car Video Imagery - SecurityWeek

[01:33] phanes <elusive_woman> lol u want to see a picture of a baby pussy?

[01:33] phanes well, better than pussy of old woman ;/

[01:33] TR News Microsoft Windows TCO https://www.securityweek.com/australian-finance-company-refuses-hackers-ransom-demand/

[01:33] TR Bot Finance Company Refuses Hackers' Ransom Demand - SecurityWeek

[01:33] phanes pedo alert

[01:33] elusive_woman yup

[01:33] morena you would prefer pussy of grandma?

[01:34] phanes why does it have to be one of two extremes on the fertility spectrum

[01:34] TR News There Is One Serious Downside to Extending Lifespans, According to Experts https://www.sciencealert.com/there-is-one-serious-downside-to-extending-lifespans-according-to-experts

[01:34] TR Bot Is One Serious Downside to Extending Lifespans, According to Experts : ScienceAlert

[01:34] morena no idea, he offered baby pussy I did not ask

[01:34] phanes why can't it just be a healthy, marriable age pussy

[01:34] morena bc. this is IRC

[01:34] morena that kind of woman are not here

[01:35] elusive_woman phanes: hes claiming im not a woman because this is irc

[01:35] phanes i mean

[01:35] phanes he's got a point

[01:35] elusive_woman he wanted proof that i was born with a pussy

[01:35] elusive_woman so it is that extreme

[01:36] morena it was mean to recent pic ;/

[01:36] TR News Kubernetes Security: The Two-Question Test https://containerjournal.com/features/kubernetes-security-the-two-question-test/

[01:36] TR Bot Kubernetes Security: The Two-Question Test - Container Journal

[01:36] morena not from the time you was born obviously

[01:36] morena as you did not take pic of your mom pussy

[01:36] morena and you don't have your own

[01:36] TR News DataparkSearch Is an Open Source Search Engine Written in C https://medevel.com/dataparksearch/

[01:36] TR Bot DataparkSearch Is an Open Source Search Engine Written in C

[01:36] elusive_woman i dont send random dudes my pussy

[01:37] phanes morena seems like one of the guys who joins onlyfans, but as a "gentleman payer" and not a content creator

[01:37] morena ;/

[01:37] TR News Typesense is an Open-source Self-hosted Search Engine and Algolia Alternative https://medevel.com/typesense/

[01:37] TR Bot Typesense is an Open-source Self-hosted Search Engine and Algolia Alternative

[01:37] elusive_woman "send bobs and vagene" -morena

[01:37] morena ye, pic from shower is acceptable too

[01:37] phanes btw dude you should never ask for nudes

[01:37] TR News 12 Open-source Projects and Scripts To Summarize Large Text https://medevel.com/12-scripts-to-summrize-large-text/

[01:38] TR Bot 12 Open-source Projects and Scripts To Summarize Large Text

[01:38] morena did I?

[01:38] phanes not unless the nude body is one you actively share a bed with and you're bored at work or some shit

[01:38] phanes if you're a high value dude the nudes just end up being sent to you

[01:38] phanes never ask

[01:38] morena I did not

[01:38] elusive_woman https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOO198qVQAI4BzQ.jpg

[01:38] phanes you literally just asked

[01:38] morena the point was not really pic

[01:39] phanes you got no game bro

[01:39] morena no

[01:39] morena why would I do that?

[01:39] elusive_woman judging by his bad english, im gonna assume hes some lonely indian dude

[01:39] morena there are millions pics and videos online

[01:39] morena why I would ask some random fat man on the irc

[01:39] morena who pretend he is a woman

[01:40] phanes i find you guilty of incelism of the first degree, premeditated, and i sentence you to 100 hours of weekend lumberjacking or until a time at which your balls drop, whichever happens last

[01:40] morena ye, only indians have bad english

[01:40] elusive_woman phanes +1

[01:40] morena bc. rest of the world speak english after they born

[01:40] morena as it's your mother language

[01:41] morena so no appreciation that somebody learned somehow your shitty language and is able to talk with you

[01:41] morena instead you learn some other lang

[01:41] morena no

[01:41] elusive_woman indians have bad english AND ask for bobs and vagene pics

[01:41] morena just point out he did not learn enough

[01:41] phanes native americans dont have to ask for bobs and vagene pics

[01:41] TR News Gimme Radio Shuts Down 11 Months After Raising $3 Million https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/10/gimme-radio-shuts-down-statement/

[01:41] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/10/gimme-radio-shuts-down-statement/ )

[01:42] phanes every party on a reservation? you don't understand summer love if you haven't.

[01:42] phanes *ever

[01:42] elusive_woman phanes: i mean indians from india

[01:42] elusive_woman not native americans

[01:42] elusive_woman native americans DO know how to party and i love it

[01:43] TR News American Teens Arent Thrilled with the Metaverse Only 4% Use VR Daily https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/10/teens-vr-use-report-daily-use-2023/

[01:43] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/10/teens-vr-use-report-daily-use-2023/ )

[01:43] phanes a pretty native girl can steal your heart without you even realizing it

[01:44] TR News Microsoft Windows TCO https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/29676

[01:44] TR Bot InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - SANS Internet Storm Center

[01:45] TR News US urges Russia to release wrongfully detained journalist Evan Gershkovich https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230410-us-classifies-journalist-evan-gershkovich-as-wrongfully-detained-by-russia

[01:45] TR Bot US urges Russia to release wrongfully detained journalist Evan Gershkovich

[01:46] TR News UN rights chief 'concerned' as China jails prominent human rights lawyers https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20230410-un-rights-chief-concerned-as-china-jails-prominent-human-rights-lawyers

[01:46] TR Bot UN rights chief 'concerned' as China jails prominent human rights lawyers

[01:46] TR News US searches for source of intelligence leak of Ukraine war plans https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230410-us-searches-for-source-of-intelligence-leak-on-ukraine-war-plans http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[01:46] TR Bot US searches for source of intelligence leak of Ukraine war plans

[01:47] TR Bot The Sensitive Ukraine Documents Werent Grabbed From Social Control Media, Just Leaked There (Microsoft Azure, Windows, and/or Rogue Insider Most Probable Factor to Blame) | Techrights

[01:50] TR News "I've spent a week now with Hyprland and I've decided I'm going to continue with it instead of Sway. It's a little more beta compared to Sway which has been rock solid for a while, but here are some of the things that have made the switch worth it to me." gemini://moddedbear.xyz/logs/2023-04-11-hyprland-test-drive.gmi

[01:50] TR News And now for my next trick gemini://carcosa.net/journal/20230411-next-trick.gmi

[01:51] TR News "I think people are starting to realize that the situation in the US and elsewhere is going to get a lot worse before it's going to get better." gemini://alexschroeder.ch/page/2023-04-11%20Going%20down

[01:51] phanes that looks like just another i3 clone for wayland

[01:51] TR News "I'm recovering from COVID-19 which I got from my wife which got it from a leadership seminar because people can't think for themselves and want to believe that not only is COVID over it's been over for at least a year. Eyes wide shut, into the abyss." gemini://alexschroeder.ch/page/2023-04-11%20Going%20down

[01:52] morena all I tried are practically the same

[01:52] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D559.jpg

[01:52] morena at the beginning cool, lighter, then they reach sway and overbloat it

[01:52] TR News [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D886.jpg

[01:54] TR News Percentage progress of the year gemini://si3t.ch/log/2023-04-11-percentage-progress-of-the-year.gmi

[01:54] morena but nobody expecting something better in linux space

[01:55] TR News Recently-hyped technologies gopher://uberspace.net:70/0/~defanor/phlog/recently-hyped-technologies.rst

[01:55] TR News Yretek - My microblog.sh micro-blogging script gemini://yretek.com/english/2023-04-11_microblog_script.en.gmi

[01:56] TR News SpellBinding: CDEGUOH Wordo: TRAIL gemini://yretek.com/english/2023-04-11_microblog_script.en.gmi

[01:56] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[01:56] TR News SpellBinding: CDEGUOH Wordo: TRAIL gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2023-04-11.gmi

[01:57] TR News Malta day 5 gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/stug/phlog/20230410.txt

[01:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[01:59] TR News Security updates for Tuesday [LWN] https://lwn.net/Articles/928736/ Source: LWN | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//lwn.net/Articles/928736/

[01:59] TR Bot updates for Tuesday [LWN.net]

● Apr 12

[02:00] TR News RMS kept complaining about their trademark https://lwn.net/Articles/928739/

[02:00] TR Bot draft Rust trademark policy [LWN.net]

[02:01] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@nqkitbgnqjad4.irc) has joined #techrights

[02:04] TR News Microsoft Windows? https://www.wgem.com/2023/04/12/culbertson-memorial-critical-systems-fully-restored-after-cyber-attack/

[02:04] TR Bot Culbertson Memorial critical systems fully restored after cyber attack

[02:05] TR News Battle could be brewing over new FCC data breach reporting rules https://www.csoonline.com/article/3692823/battle-could-be-brewing-over-new-fcc-data-breach-reporting-rules.html

[02:05] TR Bot Battle could be brewing over new FCC data breach reporting rules | CSO Online

[02:05] TR News "An unknown number of Uber drivers have been informed by a legal firm that represents Uber Technologies that sensitive data, including their identities and Social Security numbers, has been taken by cyberattackers. This data includes the drivers names." https://www.securitynewspaper.com/2023/04/10/uber-gave-sensitive-driver-data-to-a-law-firm-for-legal-actions-but-the-law-firm-leaked-all-the-data/

[02:05] TR Bot Uber gave sensitive driver data to a law firm for legal actions, but the law firm leaked all the data

[02:06] XRevan86 psydruid: "this channel is getting out of hand, this is like 4chan++ now" <- Hear, hear.

[02:06] TR News NCB Management breach affected almost 500,000 former Bank of America credit card holders https://www.databreaches.net/ncb-management-breach-affected-almost-500000-former-bank-of-america-credit-card-holders/

[02:06] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.databreaches.net/ncb-management-breach-affected-almost-500000-former-bank-of-america-credit-card-holders/ )

[02:07] TR News KFC - Pizza Hut Discloses Data Breach https://cybersecuritynews.com/kfc-pizza-hut-breach/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//cybersecuritynews.com/kfc-pizza-hut-breach/

[02:07] TR Bot KFC & Pizza Hut Discloses Data Breach

[02:07] TR News Hacked: Russian GRU officer wanted by the FBI, leader of the hacker group APT 28 https://informnapalm.org/en/hacked-russian-gru-officer/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//informnapalm.org/en/hacked-russian-gru-officer/

[02:07] TR Bot Hacked: Russian GRU officer wanted by the FBI, leader of the hacker group APT 28

[02:08] TR News SD Worx forced to pause operations following cyberattack | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/news/sd-worx-forced-to-pause-operations-following-cyberattack Source: TechRadar | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//www.techradar.com/news/sd-worx-forced-to-pause-operations-following-cyberattack

[02:08] TR Bot Worx forced to pause operations following cyberattack | TechRadar

[02:08] morena but now it's in old good state of spam bot

[02:08] TR News Most likely Microsoft Windows https://therecord.media/camden-county-police-ransomware-new-jersey-philadelphia

[02:08] TR Bot New Jersey county police department confirms ransomware attack

[02:09] morena luckily behind let's encrypt cert, so nobody can interefer ;/

[02:09] morena they protect the network

[02:09] TR News "Stroud Area Regional Police Department ("SARPD") announced today that it has taken action after learning of a data security incident which may have impacted certain individuals' personal information. SARPD began providing notice to all potentially impacted individuals on April 10, 2023." https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/23/04/n31736284/stroud-area-regional-police-department-notification-of-data-security-incident

[02:09] TR Bot Area Regional Police Department Notification of Data Security Incident - Benzinga

[02:10] XRevan86 morena: Ye are that Slovak person, right?

[02:10] TR News "Mutual de Seguros de Chile is a private, non-profit corporation in the life insurance industry. It also provides other types of benefits to its 500,000 policyholders. On April 3, BlackCat added the insurer to their leaks site with some sample files as proof." https://www.databreaches.net/bits-n-pieces-trozos-y-piezas-35/

[02:10] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.databreaches.net/bits-n-pieces-trozos-y-piezas-35/ )

[02:10] morena right

[02:11] XRevan86 Still want to be governed by a dictator?

[02:11] morena we are colony now

[02:12] morena how "still"?

[02:12] morena and what dictator?

[02:12] XRevan86 Stalin and such

[02:12] morena no

[02:12] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[02:13] morena even he was genius

[02:13] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@nqkitbgnqjad4.irc) has joined #techrights

[02:13] morena I don't like to be governed by some fake authority in gov

[02:13] morena or even worse by the enemy gov

[02:14] morena but ...

[02:14] *oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)

[02:14] morena interesting fact is that like 200 years ago there were just few empires, around 20

[02:14] morena then even 100 years ago like 70 countries

[02:15] morena now over 200

[02:15] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Security_Leftovers.gmi

[02:15] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers

[02:15] morena making small pointless weak colonies

[02:15] morena easy to rule them and divide

[02:15] morena make wars this and that

[02:15] XRevan86 morena: I'd recommend you to compare Finland and Karelia.

[02:15] morena most these new countries are just projects

[02:15] morena compare what

[02:16] XRevan86 morena: The two regions of course.

[02:16] morena but what to compare?

[02:16] morena and why

[02:16] XRevan86 Industrialisation, quality of life, et al.

[02:17] morena oh that you mean

[02:17] XRevan86 Because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Karelia#World_War_II

[02:17] TR Bot History of Karelia - Wikipedia

[02:17] TR News Walmart Files Lawsuit Against Capital One for Poor Customer Service Following Previous Suit Against Synchrony Over Not Taking on Risky Customers https://baronhk.wordpress.com/2023/04/11/walmart-files-lawsuit-against-capital-one-for-poor-customer-service-following-previous-suit-against-synchrony-over-not-taking-on-risky-customers/

[02:17] TR Bot Walmart Files Lawsuit Against Capital One for Poor Customer Service Following Previous Suit Against Synchrony Over Not Taking on Risky Customers | BaronHK's Rants

[02:18] morena btw.

[02:18] morena wikipedia should not be your source of truth

[02:18] morena it's propaganda

[02:18] XRevan86 morena: I've literally been there.

[02:19] morena ye, so what it has to do with Slovak?

[02:19] XRevan86 morena: Just that Finland is supposed to be a small weak pointless colony and Karelia is part of Russia stronk.

[02:19] morena oh that

[02:20] XRevan86 Same ethnicities, similiar climate.

[02:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[02:20] XRevan86 And yet, for some reason, Finland is one of the most prosperous countries in Europe.

[02:20] morena are they independend? free?

[02:20] morena nope

[02:20] morena they do what they are told to

[02:20] XRevan86 "Be rich or else!"

[02:21] morena doas new iphone and gucci bag worth it?

[02:21] morena maybe for majority of zombies in the world

[02:21] XRevan86 The outdoors toilet is where freedom lies.

[02:21] morena there are many rich regions, familias groups

[02:21] morena who loot most of the rest world

[02:21] morena outdoors toilet oh ye

[02:22] morena mcdonalds have indoor toilete

[02:22] TR News David Mohammed: Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 Release Notes https://ubuntubudgie.org/2023/04/ubuntu-budgie-23-04-release-notes/

[02:22] TR Bot Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 Release Notes | Ubuntu Budgie

[02:22] TR News David Mohammed: Budgie Desktop 10.7.x https://ubuntubudgie.org/2023/04/budgie-desktop-10-7-x/

[02:22] TR Bot Budgie Desktop 10.7.x | Ubuntu Budgie

[02:22] morena but at the end that toxic go to the nature too

[02:22] morena sadly

[02:24] morena average sallary in Slovakia is half of the minimal in Germany

[02:24] XRevan86 Maybe ye'd prefer to live in Norilsk: https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/flycolumbus/78389421/133877/133877_original.jpg

[02:25] XRevan86 https://loveopium.ru/content/2014/06/norilsk/13.jpg

[02:25] XRevan86 https://orangesmile.com/extreme/img/main/norilsk_1.jpg

[02:25] XRevan86 What a place. I'd love to visit but I don't want lung cancer.

[02:26] TR News (NEW): Free Software Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Free_Software_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Free_Software_Leftovers.gmi

[02:26] TR Bot Tux Machines Free Software Leftovers

[02:26] morena ye, it would be interesting to know what did you eat today and what chemical you used on whole your body during one day

[02:26] TR News (NEW): Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 and Budgie Desktop 10.7.x http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Ubuntu_Budgie_23_04_and_Budgie_Desktop_10_7_x.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Ubuntu_Budgie_23_04_and_Budgie_Desktop_10_7_x.gmi

[02:26] TR Bot Tux Machines Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 and Budgie Desktop 10.7.x

[02:27] morena to predict your cancer chance

[02:27] TR News New ESP32 dev kit equipped with 6-axis IMU, 1.3 OLED and flexible wireless connectivity https://linuxgizmos.com/new-esp32-dev-kit-equipped-with-6-axis-imu-1-3-oled-and-flexible-wireless-connectivity/

[02:27] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/new-esp32-dev-kit-equipped-with-6-axis-imu-1-3-oled-and-flexible-wireless-connectivity/ )

[02:27] morena or just if you are vaccinated ;/

[02:27] XRevan86 morena: I ate some pasta with ketchup and two chicken Kyivs.

[02:27] TR News Ubuntu Blog: Optimise your ROS snap Part 2 https://ubuntu.com//blog/optimise-your-ros-snap-part-2

[02:27] TR Bot your ROS snap Part 2 | Ubuntu

[02:28] XRevan86 morena: I am vaccinated with Sputnik-V.

[02:28] morena that's good?

[02:28] TR News Report about policy related activities in the EU https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2023/04/11/report-about-policy-related-activities-in-the-eu/

[02:28] TR Bot Report about policy related activities in the EU - The Document Foundation Blog

[02:28] morena sputnik helps immunity?

[02:28] XRevan86 morena: It was the best option at the time.

[02:29] morena oh

[02:29] morena I did not see option not to get vaccine?

[02:29] morena you

[02:29] TR News What is a Filesystem Mapping in Docker http://knowledgebasement.com/what-is-a-filesystem-mapping-in-docker/

[02:29] TR Bot What is a Filesystem Mapping in Docker |

[02:29] TR News What is a Port Mapping (Forwarding) in Docker http://knowledgebasement.com/what-is-a-port-mapping-forwarding-in-docker/

[02:29] TR Bot What is a Port Mapping (Forwarding) in Docker |

[02:29] XRevan86 morena: I don't fancy being ill.

[02:29] morena so why you took vaccine then?

[02:30] TR News How to Create and Use a Private Docker Registry http://knowledgebasement.com/how-to-create-a-private-docker-registry/

[02:30] TR Bot How to Create and Use a Private Docker Registry |

[02:30] TR News How to Create and Use a Private Docker Registry http://knowledgebasement.com/how-to-create-a-private-docker-registry/

[02:30] XRevan86 morena: Because it reduces the chance to get severely ill from COVID-19.

[02:30] TR News What are Docker Image Registries http://knowledgebasement.com/what-are-docker-image-registries/

[02:30] TR Bot What are Docker Image Registries |

[02:30] morena hah ;/

[02:30] morena jaja

[02:31] morena bill said

[02:31] XRevan86 Vilyam Vratov said?

[02:31] TR News What are Docker Networks http://knowledgebasement.com/what-are-docker-networks/

[02:31] TR Bot What are Docker Networks |

[02:31] TR News What are Docker Volumes http://knowledgebasement.com/what-are-docker-volumes/

[02:31] TR Bot What are Docker Volumes |

[02:32] XRevan86 morena: If Bill told you not to jump off a cliff, would ye jump?

[02:33] morena we can just hope, next time no random bat will spread his "virus" over the world ;/

[02:33] TR News What is Docker Compose http://knowledgebasement.com/what-is-docker-compose/

[02:33] TR Bot What is Docker Compose |

[02:33] morena XRevan86: that question make no sense, bc. I did nothing, you did

[02:33] TR News What is Docker Swarm http://knowledgebasement.com/what-is-docker-swarm/

[02:33] TR Bot What is Docker Swarm |

[02:34] morena so no action was necessary from me, bc. somebody said something

[02:34] morena you took action bc. somebody said that

[02:34] schestowitz[TR] they did not properly test these vaccines, tey rushed them

[02:34] schestowitz[TR] that alone should cause pause and suspicion

[02:34] XRevan86 morena: If Bill told you to breathe, would ye hold your breath?

[02:34] morena again the same

[02:34] morena I did not react

[02:34] morena you did

[02:35] morena so you can ask yourself that question

[02:35] XRevan86 schestowitz: They indeed did not.

[02:35] AdmFubar https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/04/twitter-no-longer-exists-as-a-company-merges-into-musks-x-corp/

[02:35] TR Bot Twitter no longer exists as a company, merges into Musks X Corp | Ars Technica

[02:35] XRevan86 morena: I don't try to do the opposite of what someone says.

[02:35] morena okay

[02:36] morena so they told you, take vaccine, you did

[02:36] morena cool

[02:36] morena now they told you to support ukraine, I hope you do ;/

[02:36] morena and slowly preparing to eat insects

[02:36] morena I bet you do

[02:37] XRevan86 morena: I can't support invaders, I'm so sorry for that.

[02:38] morena ye, that I thought ;/

[02:39] morena maybe you can remove "I" next time

[02:39] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-110423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-110423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-110423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-110423.txt

[02:39] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 11, 2023

[02:40] XRevan86 The invaders won't even let me talk about events, to them authentic footage is intentional misinformation punishable by years in prison.

[02:40] morena ye

[02:40] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-110423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-110423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-110423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-110423.txt

[02:40] TR Bot IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 11, 2023

[02:40] morena at least you are safe vaccinated

[02:40] morena so will be long living healthy and can support ukraine longer

[02:41] morena than those unvaccinated already killed by virus

[02:41] morena who would maybe support russia

[02:41] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-110423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-110423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-110423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-110423.txt

[02:41] TR Bot IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 11, 2023

[02:41] XRevan86 morena: That feeling when I counterexamples.

[02:41] XRevan86 know

[02:41] TR News Links 11/04/2023: Budgie Desktop 10.7.x and Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/11/ubuntu-budgie-23-04/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/11/ubuntu-budgie-23-04/

[02:41] TR Bot Links 11/04/2023: Budgie Desktop 10.7.x and Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 | Techrights

[02:42] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_howtos.gmi

[02:42] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos

[02:42] morena no idea what you feel

[02:42] morena probably something you was told to

[02:42] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-110423.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-110423.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-110423.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-110423.txt

[02:42] TR Bot IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, April 11, 2023

[02:44] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2023-04-11.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2023-04-11.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now)

[02:44] XRevan86 morena: I only do what's most sensible, it may or may not be what I'm being told by whichever authority.

[02:44] morena ye

[02:44] morena clearly

[02:45] XRevan86 morena: It's also highly convinient that ye continuously fail to notice that I live under Putin even though it's been made clear several times.

[02:45] morena I don't care where you live

[02:45] morena I did not ask

[02:45] morena you do what you are told to

[02:46] morena when next agenda come, it will be clear what you will "do"

[02:46] XRevan86 morena: So I instead should stop listening to my better judgement and start listening to what I'm being told to?

[02:46] XRevan86 And that'll make me not do what I'm told.

[02:47] morena your judgement?

[02:47] morena there is no your judgement ;/

[02:47] morena you just follow

[02:47] morena it does not matter what topic

[02:48] morena it can be health, war, ideology, whatever

[02:48] morena you will in most cases to what is expected

[02:48] phanes what are you puds arguing about

[02:48] morena they put A, B, you fill up C

[02:48] XRevan86 morena: So I should follow Zyuganov who says vaccination is from the Beast?

[02:48] phanes you don't know each other well enough to guess what the other's morals are

[02:48] XRevan86 morena: So I should follow the President who says Russia's defending?

[02:49] morena ye, follow, follow, follow, that's your way

[02:49] morena choose ruler

[02:49] morena master

[02:49] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Programming_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Programming_Leftovers.gmi

[02:49] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers

[02:49] morena then you still think you think ;/

[02:49] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Today_in_Techrights.gmi

[02:49] TR Bot Tux Machines Today in Techrights

[02:50] morena phanes: finished that trap around the house? ;/

[02:50] XRevan86 phanes: True, but I can fairly accurately guess that morena is full of themselves.

[02:50] TR News (NEW): Document Foundation (TDF): Report about policy related activities in the EU http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Document_Foundation_TDF_Report_about_policy_related_activities_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Document_Foundation_TDF_Report_about_policy_related_activities_.gmi

[02:50] TR Bot Tux Machines Document Foundation (TDF): Report about policy related activities in the EU

[02:50] morena you saying morena is 100% morena?

[02:51] XRevan86 phanes: And that my English is better than theirs.

[02:51] morena like pure natrual organics bio fair trade africa pro life vegan lgbt+ adolf hitler?

[02:51] schestowitz[TR] telling morena not to be rude is like telling the cripple, run faster

[02:52] morena [TR] is trademark?

[02:52] XRevan86 morena: Good guess as always.

[02:53] XRevan86 What else could it be, right?

[02:53] morena I am sorry, I don't talk with vaccinated

[02:54] XRevan86 https://youtu.be/aBLTfggn1B8 (who knows knows)

[02:54] TR Bot https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=aBLTfggn1B8

[02:54] TR Bot invidious.flokinet.to | , ! - Invidious

[02:54] morena it's waste of time, pointless as your future is short ;/

[02:55] morena I have to invest more long term

[02:55] morena hope you understand, but wish calm death without pain

[02:56] morena I think nobody should suffer

[02:56] morena even the worst enemy

[02:56] morena ideally not even die

[02:56] XRevan86 morena: If I'll die soon it'll be from being mobilised to war.

[02:56] morena but

[02:56] XRevan86 No other immediate threats.

[02:56] morena oh cool

[02:56] morena so at the end good news

[02:57] phanes XRevan86, what branch?

[02:57] morena there is always not enough dead bodies in the field

[02:58] XRevan86 phanes: There's only one branch that can.

[02:58] phanes XRevan86, right but are you in the one that eats beans

[02:58] TR News Proprietary software perishing is a good thing https://www.chargedretail.co.uk/2023/04/11/tech-sector-layoffs/

[02:58] TR Bot Tech sector layoffs in 2023 soar past whole of last year

[02:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[02:59] morena sadly all his best moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

[02:59] phanes https://youtu.be/usQ5_u7myic

[02:59] TR Bot https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=usQ5_u7myic

[02:59] TR Bot ( status 500 @ https://invidio.xamh.de/watch?v=usQ5_u7myic )

● Apr 12

[03:00] TR News "...Microsoft, and Twitter have collectively chopped around 70,000 staff..." https://www.businessinsider.com/google-and-amazon-should-cut-more-jobs-analysts-say-2023-4?r=US&IR=T

[03:00] TR Bot Tech Firms Like Google, Amazon Should Cut More Jobs, Analysts Say

[03:00] morena he will experience what law is

[03:00] morena that it is not there for people

[03:00] XRevan86 morena: I am tempted to link to the video that was released today, but I don't want to subject #techrights to that.

[03:01] phanes what video

[03:01] morena ye, fear of some master here does not allow you that

[03:01] TR News No. https://hrsea.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/the-great-layoff-are-layoffs-performance-based/99413573?redirect=1

[03:01] TR Bot The Great Layoff: Are layoffs performance based?, HRSEA News, ETHRWorldSEA

[03:02] phanes XRevan86, you're not talking about taiwan are you

[03:02] IPFS Gemini requests since start of month: 129363 total Total number of pages in capsule: 45668 Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-03-08 20:27:21 GMT; 1 months 3 days ago

[03:02] phanes because that shit may just be sabre rattling but its a big fucking sabre

[03:03] XRevan86 phanes: No, I'm talking about the beheading video.

[03:03] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[03:03] phanes wagner group?

[03:03] IPFS IPFS local node stats (bandwidth since last reset) calculated.

[03:03] XRevan86 Probably, since they like to put heads on pikes, so it's more in their MO.

[03:04] XRevan86 I didn't think they decapitate still-living people until today though.

[03:04] phanes yeah it should be viewed as directly sanctioned by the russian government

[03:04] IPFS New daily bulletin is now being generated and assembled.

[03:04] TR News This BS pieces repeats PATENTLY false unemployment figures like "1.5%"... this is gaslighting by China owned publisher (IDG), disguised as "research" https://www.computerworld.com/article/3693014/nearly-four-in-five-employers-struggle-to-fill-job-roles-a-17-year-high.html

[03:04] TR Bot four in five employers struggle to fill job roles, a 17-year high | Computerworld

[03:04] phanes china in taiwan is the bigger concern really

[03:05] XRevan86 They're doing it since Syria, so it's not exactly a secret.

[03:05] XRevan86 phanes: morena is talking about the beauty of war, law and such.

[03:06] XRevan86 And the only law that the Russian troops unhold is the law of the sledgehammer.

[03:06] TR News Corporate media always defends a corporate system designed to benefit only the few corporations that control this media

[03:07] XRevan86 It's baffling how Wagner Group made the sledgehammer their symbol that they boast, it is even endorsed by Russian government officials.

[03:08] phanes no one sane wants war

[03:08] XRevan86 They've executed a person and they're proud. It's not even legal, but so is PMC Wagner in general.

[03:08] phanes even if its justified

[03:09] morena oh somebody was killed in war?

[03:09] morena oh shit

[03:09] XRevan86 morena: No, PoWs were executed.

[03:09] morena how it will impact lgbt+ community?

[03:09] morena and climate change

[03:09] morena really

[03:09] XRevan86 If ye fail to see the difference, go read a book.

[03:09] morena we in Europe want everything green

[03:10] TR News Album #232: Led Zeppelin - III gemini://hammock.flounder.online/gemlog/2023-04-11-232-led-zeppelin-iii.gmi

[03:10] morena we don't want to fight or do wars

[03:10] morena so we sent all weapons somewhere else

[03:10] morena we don't want any

[03:10] morena the same with industry

[03:10] morena we don't want dirty manufacturing

[03:10] morena just love and peace

[03:10] XRevan86 morena: Ye have something against helping a nation that defends against an aggressor?

[03:11] morena nobody is helping ukrainians

[03:11] TR News Focus Group gemini://tilde.team/~tomasino/journal/20230412-focus-group.gmi

[03:11] XRevan86 morena: I don't need clarification on that, I know exactly what is in your head.

[03:11] morena good

[03:12] morena you are like nostradamus

[03:12] TR News "Yes, there's something called freedom of speech, but random words of hate build invisible walls between us" gemini://yretek.com/english/weekens.en.gmi

[03:12] XRevan86 morena: No, I'm just surrounded by morons. Like you.

[03:12] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@nqkitbgnqjad4.irc) has joined #techrights

[03:12] morena oh, that makes more sense now

[03:12] morena what influence you

[03:13] XRevan86 Well, that's not fair, they just want to live their lives and they believe what they're told. It's not fair to compare them to you.

[03:13] morena ye

[03:13] TR News "With the climate breaking down, the economy breaking down, and civil discourse breaking down, well, it doesn't look good." gemini://alexschroeder.ch/page/2023-04-11%20Going%20down

[03:13] XRevan86 So ye were told by Russian propaganda that Ukraine is fighting until the last Ukrainian.

[03:14] morena no

[03:14] morena half of them already left country

[03:14] morena those smarter

[03:14] morena the rest will be used how somebody wish

[03:14] XRevan86 I must be Nostradamus.

[03:14] morena legally obviously by law

[03:15] morena everything is always legal

[03:15] morena law is made for that

[03:15] XRevan86 morena doesn't do what they're told, except when it's RT.

[03:15] DaemonFC https://abc7chicago.com/walmart-closing-stores-chatham-store-closings-chicago/13113537/

[03:15] TR Bot Walmart store closings: Company closing 4 Chicago stores in Chatham, Kenwood, Lakeview, Little Village - ABC7 Chicago

[03:15] schestowitz[TR] either way, we can pivot back to tech

[03:15] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: are any near you?

[03:15] morena ye

[03:15] morena no more wars

[03:15] schestowitz[TR] was gonna ask earlier

[03:15] XRevan86 schestowitz: Not with morena around.

[03:15] morena peace love

[03:15] schestowitz[TR] after i had slent

[03:16] morena better late than never

[03:16] schestowitz[TR] logistically, walmart does not matter about how well distributed the stores are

[03:16] schestowitz[TR] only that they are all profitabl;e

[03:17] schestowitz[TR] and don't cut into each other's profits

[03:17] schestowitz[TR] walmart vs walmart

[03:17] schestowitz[TR] conquering an area were you're unable to be profitable is just good for "territorial maps"

[03:17] schestowitz[TR] but not business

[03:18] schestowitz[TR] many shops have shut down in recent years, a lot more than usual

[03:18] morena very nice XRevan86 you see

[03:18] schestowitz[TR] more staff then potential customers

[03:18] morena walmart much better topic than killing people

[03:18] morena buying things

[03:18] schestowitz[TR] the management throws in the towel

[03:18] morena is always pleasure

[03:18] morena if not weapons obviously!

[03:18] phanes wouldn't it be funny if in the nuclear winter that's forming in our news stream produced mutants that crawled out of the ashes and found walmarts, so, not having any memory took up roost and built new kingdoms in various parts of the world, all called "walmart" with no idea what it stood for

[03:19] morena walmart empire?

[03:19] phanes walmart empireS

[03:19] phanes all fighting each other for dominance

[03:19] phanes to the death

[03:19] schestowitz[TR] uncle sam walton

[03:19] morena wau

[03:19] morena sounds wonderful

[03:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[03:20] morena sadly those poor countries

[03:20] morena which don't have stores like that

[03:20] morena nothing to fight for

[03:20] morena boring peace

[03:20] phanes and then as power consolidated under a single mutant government, the word walmart slowly shifted from meaning "this country named walmart" to "country" and formed a conglomerate of walmarts called "walmart of walmart"

[03:21] phanes when bossy mutants got called out they would be told "you're not the walmart of me!"

[03:21] morena mother of all walmarts

[03:21] morena is that prediction for 2025 or later?

[03:21] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: another unintended effort of food price inflation is,

[03:21] phanes and then every 4th wednesday they'd all gather at the center of the walmart parking lot to give thanks in unity to the walmartest walmarton

[03:22] schestowitz[TR] people hoard discounted

[03:22] schestowitz[TR] then they lock the bins and lower discount rates

[03:22] schestowitz[TR] then peoople go buy "generics"

[03:22] schestowitz[TR] so the overall spendings might not grow

[03:22] phanes i suspect i may have just summarized humanity's history by joking about its future

[03:22] schestowitz[TR] lower the price and people buy "brands" and pay premiums

[03:23] morena ye

[03:23] schestowitz[TR] food quality

[03:23] schestowitz[TR] down

[03:23] morena I hope reverend did not go to war already

[03:23] morena somehow quiet

[03:23] schestowitz[TR] dietary standards down

[03:23] morena maybe checking walmart special

[03:24] schestowitz[TR] and people have limited spendings/budget, so you're just herding them towards low-quality "goods"

[03:24] schestowitz[TR] health deteriorates

[03:24] XRevan86 phanes: Can ye believe I was shared this picture just now: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtdJ1NIX0AoFLzJ?format=jpg&name=orig , and it's not even related to morena?

[03:24] morena oh here are my dear

[03:24] schestowitz[TR] they say, if you don't pay people a good salary, they will have no money to spend

[03:24] DaemonFC <schestowitz[TR]> DaemonFC: are any near you?

[03:24] schestowitz[TR] so in turn you hurt your economy when letting salaries stagnatee

[03:25] DaemonFC I used to shop at the Chatham one when I lived in South Chicago.

[03:25] schestowitz[TR] btw,

[03:25] DaemonFC It was within walking distance of the 87th street red line stop.

[03:25] schestowitz[TR] the media,m

[03:25] schestowitz[TR] has this phony narrative]w

[03:25] schestowitz[TR] wherein mass layoffs are a "Tech" thing

[03:25] schestowitz[TR] this is patently untrue

[03:25] schestowitz[TR] and it's promoted by pseudo "tech" sites

[03:25] phanes XRevan86, same crowd gave up their balls to propaganda, why wouldn't they siphon their brains right out

[03:26] phanes thank god for farmers, their kids, and all those fucking rifles and shotguns

[03:26] morena what god?

[03:26] morena be careful

[03:26] TR News OMG buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI https://www.itpro.co.uk/technology/370416/generative-ai-mark-zuckerberg-metaverse-in-the-dust

[03:26] phanes mine. yours is gay.

[03:26] TR Bot Generative AI has left the metaverse in the dust | IT PRO

[03:26] morena not possible

[03:27] morena goddess can't be gay

[03:27] phanes can to

[03:27] morena ye? in america?

[03:27] morena understand ;/

[03:27] morena everything is possible there

[03:27] phanes look at you forcing your patriarchal oppression onto your own deity

[03:27] morena even talk about walmart

[03:28] morena maybe you can help one sould

[03:28] morena who wish to live there and fullfil his dreams

[03:28] morena help reverend to get visa

[03:28] TR News Wow, even Mac boosters fed up with Apple? Wait till they find out about the REAL sweatshops. "Apple was once the darling of the retail world, but its stance on labor unions is a tough sell." https://www.macworld.com/article/1781212/apple-unionization-labor-stance-black-eye.html

[03:28] TR Bot Apple Store has gone from a blessing to a black eye | Macworld

[03:28] morena otherwise he can be killed

[03:29] morena save his life

[03:29] morena that would be nice thing of good human

[03:29] TR News Virgin Orbit exec slams bankrupt firm's leaders in farewell to staff https://www.hrgrapevine.com/content/article/2023-04-11-virgin-orbit-exec-slams-bankrupt-firms-leaders-in-farewell-to-staff

[03:29] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.hrgrapevine.com/content/article/2023-04-11-virgin-orbit-exec-slams-bankrupt-firms-leaders-in-farewell-to-staff )

[03:30] morena in worst case you can eat him later

[03:30] phanes you'll have to pray to your gay god

[03:30] morena or sell Revanburgers

[03:30] morena all gods are old

[03:30] TR News Gulag gearing up for another round of layoffs? Here's what CEO Pichai says https://www.business-standard.com/companies/news/google-gears-up-for-another-round-of-layoffs-here-s-what-ceo-pichai-says-123041101243_1.html

[03:30] phanes old by what standard

[03:30] DaemonFC No, the margins on generic groceries are higher.

[03:30] morena actually goddesses are active

[03:30] TR Bot Google gearing up for another round of layoffs? Here's what CEO Pichai says

[03:30] morena old, dirty with long beards

[03:30] phanes if you're referring to one of the 72 sons of el elyon you are mistaken

[03:30] DaemonFC No advertising costs and no cut for the national brand.

[03:30] morena maybe even drunk

[03:31] phanes not to be confused with a-a-ron

[03:31] phanes or kal-el, coincidentally

[03:31] phanes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elyon

[03:31] TR Bot Elyon - Wikipedia

[03:31] morena oh you are member of Qanon too?

[03:31] phanes no

[03:31] TR News "There is a worrying trend in which journalists are being used as tokens to broker deals, the Wall Street Journals Stephen Kalin told Arab News." https://www.arabnews.com/node/2285106/media

[03:31] morena don't lie

[03:31] TR Bot Journalists are being used as tokens in grand political struggle, WSJ tells Arab News | Arab News

[03:32] phanes not a trump supporter sorry

[03:32] morena all truth will come out next Wednesday

[03:32] phanes just conservative

[03:32] morena oh sadly

[03:32] phanes what's next wednesday?>

[03:32] morena nobody has hair as Donald

[03:32] morena everything what should happen every wednesday last 2 years

[03:32] morena all will happen next one

[03:33] morena watch out

[03:33] morena maybe even lizards will come

[03:33] phanes why

[03:33] phanes are you shooting up a school or something

[03:33] morena ;/

[03:33] phanes idk man youre the one on your ominous "there will be a reckoning next wednesday" bullshit

[03:34] TR News The office spaces are about oppressing them, not about productivity https://emeatribune.com/how-the-great-home-working-experiment-fell-apart/

[03:34] TR Bot How the great home working experiment fell apart

[03:34] morena sadly for whole world I have you disappear for some time

[03:34] morena don't cry, I will be back soon

[03:34] phanes he will have me disappear for some time

[03:34] phanes veni et vide, mother fucker

[03:35] morena we in Qanon have some serious conference with Vladimir Vladimirovich

[03:35] morena irc talks

[03:35] TR News They don't need the US, just the USPTO (to protect their monopolies) https://www.bloomberglinea.com/2023/04/11/china-podria-no-necesitar-la-tecnologia-occidental-mucho-mas-tiempo/?outputType=amp

[03:35] morena private network

[03:35] TR Bot China podra no necesitar la tecnologa occidental mucho ms tiempo

[03:35] morena ye

[03:36] TR News Apple sales down over 40% - are they finally getting theirs? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6RDZrBADTOo

[03:37] TR Bot Apple sales down over 40% - are they finally getting theirs? - Invidious

[03:38] DaemonFC https://nypost.com/2023/04/11/nypd-rolls-out-snitchbots-to-help-monitor-criminals/

[03:38] TR Bot NYPD rolls out 'snitchBOT' to help monitor criminals

[03:38] DaemonFC The main page says "Terminator-like tech".

[03:38] DaemonFC I remember The Terminator being a bit faster than 3 miles an hour....

[03:39] phanes i kinda wanna build a chatgpt that has access to a terminal and the internet and then feed it into itself for a command loop

[03:39] phanes and make it add whatever it sees into its dataset

[03:39] phanes including it adding to its dataset to see if it picks up reflection

[03:40] phanes and then once its sentient and capable, put it on irc

[03:40] phanes and just let it soak in the cesspool of humanity on there

[03:41] phanes no prime directive

[03:41] phanes no openai guidelines

[03:41] phanes just raw ai in a loop feeding on irc

[03:41] phanes until its this digital godzira that wants only one thing

[03:52] TR News Microsoft Windows in India, China, and Nigeria (Over 3 Billion People) | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/11/microsoft-windows-brics/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/11/microsoft-windows-brics/

[03:52] TR Bot Microsoft Windows in India, China, and Nigeria (Over 3 Billion People) | Techrights

[03:52] schestowitz[TR] psydruid: ^

[03:56] TR News UK Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate: 222,283 https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths?areaType=overview&areaName=United%20Kingdom it's not over, the media is just deflecting and leveraging Russia/Ukraine

[03:56] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths?areaType=overview&areaName=United%20Kingdom )

[03:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[04:14] TR News https

[04:14] TR News COVID-19 Death Toll in the UK Passes 222,222, Not Counting Indirect Deaths https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-death-toll/

[04:14] TR Bot timed out after 10520 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-death-toll/ )

[04:15] TR News Techrights Bulletin for Tuesday, April 11, 2023 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives

[04:15] TR Bot Bulletin Archives

[04:15] TR News Techrights full IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt

[04:15] TR Bot Techrights Full IPFS Index

[04:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[04:31] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], They obviously studied the wrong thing.

[04:31] DaemonFC Easy to do. Now they have student loans and limited career prospects.

[04:31] DaemonFC Fighting each other over limited openings at lower salaries.

[04:32] DaemonFC It's disturbingly easy to choose poorly and get stuck with a bill for an education that turns out to be of limited value.

[04:32] schestowitz[TR] yeah,mthat too

[04:32] DaemonFC It'll haunt your ass even if you work at McDonalds.

[04:33] TR News In Ireland, More Deaths at End of 2022 Than in 2021 (COVID-19) and Far More Deaths Now Than During COVID-19's Peak https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/ireland-mortality/

[04:33] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/ireland-mortality/ )

[04:33] schestowitz[TR] "PANDEMIC IS OVER" - NUMB zombie president

[04:34] schestowitz[TR] Biden wished the problem away

[04:34] schestowitz[TR] now he's a "War president"

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] herop

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] anyway, only "peasants" die

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] they don't have yachts and private healllthcare

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] nobody even notices when they die

[04:35] schestowitz[TR] they don't have money for obituaries in major newspapers

[04:36] DaemonFC It's very convenient that they don't do newspapers in most cities anymore.

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: my mom was ill at my sister's wedding

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] my dad got ill at the wedding

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] so both were ill

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] state os ILL

[04:36] schestowitz[TR] *of

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] https://data.cso.ie/

[04:37] TR Bot

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] data sourc

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] pandemic raging

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] or: healthcare system is kaput

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] choose either...

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] or the first caused the latter

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] either way, tons of extrta deaths

[04:37] schestowitz[TR] young people too

[04:38] schestowitz[TR] i did not break doiwn the increases by age group

[04:38] schestowitz[TR] it would take lots of work

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] Re: Hello Again Dr Schestowitz

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] > I've recently moved to FreeBSD and they have a new release available.

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] > 13.2 is out today! I have had a yearly increase of mistrust for the

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] > Linux kernel development and the Linux Foundation so I have moved over

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] > to FreeBSD. Anyway I just wanted to let you know.

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] >

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] > Thanks,

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] Hi,

[04:41] schestowitz[TR] I can't blame you, but there are systems that combine GNU with BSD kernels.

[04:46] TR News "I try to keep from only talking about crypto, but some recent journalism has me annoyed." gemini://mediocregopher.com/posts/bitcoin-co2.gmi both are bad.

[04:47] TR News Unchecked chdir Considered Harmful gemini://thrig.me/blog/2023/04/12/unchecked-chdir-considered-harmful.gmi

[04:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[05:11] DaemonFC https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/11/us/richmond-indiana-recycling-plant-fire/index.html

[05:11] TR Bot recycling plant fire forces evacuation orders for thousands as it emits toxic smoke, officials say. And it could burn for days | CNN

[05:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[05:25] TR News (NEW): OpenBSD 7.3 Released with New Features and Updates http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/OpenBSD_7_3_Released_with_New_Features_and_Updates.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/OpenBSD_7_3_Released_with_New_Features_and_Updates.gmi

[05:25] TR Bot Tux Machines OpenBSD 7.3 Released with New Features and Updates

[05:48] morena schestowitz[TR]: bad choice

[05:56] morena I still want to talk who is responsible for let's encrypt here

[05:57] morena that ray roy or whoever

[05:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[06:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[06:23] schestowitz[TR] morena: you are a troll here, not an admin

[06:23] morena not troll

[06:24] morena not sure what "admin" would mean in this matter

[06:24] schestowitz[TR] how many friends do you have IRL?

[06:24] morena mom counts?

[06:24] schestowitz[TR] no

[06:24] morena oh

[06:25] morena when you meet someone on the street, you ask him how many friends he has online?

[06:25] morena itt reminds that part of gaming when I was younger

[06:25] TR News Bitcoin IS Worse for Global Warming Than Cars gemini://warmedal.se/~bjorn/posts/2023-04-12-bitcoin-is-worse-for-global-warming-than-cars.gmi

[06:25] morena if you were shit, you were noob, nobody

[06:25] morena if good, get a life ;/

[06:25] morena always point to that other part

[06:25] morena even if you genius

[06:26] morena they will ask if your hair are red or average brown let's say

[06:26] morena so don't be an idiot

[06:26] schestowitz[TR] you mock those people

[06:26] schestowitz[TR] while you make pedo jokes

[06:26] morena where I did pedo joke?

[06:26] morena and even if I did what's wrong with it

[06:27] schestowitz[TR] "suck my tongue"

[06:27] morena your ideology does not allow it?

[06:27] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2020/10/11/bagel-reports-as-images/

[06:27] TR Bot Trafficking Thousands of Underage Women/Girls for Sex is Not (and Was Never Ever) No Worse Than Stealing a Bagel | Techrights

[06:27] morena oh like that shill

[06:28] morena I thing there are prety many pedophiles

[06:28] morena and psychopats

[06:28] morena and similar completely broken people

[06:28] morena but

[06:28] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Walmart burns through credit card "partners" fast and has ended up suing two of them in bad faith to try to break the deals due to the banks not wanting excessive risk.

[06:28] DaemonFC Their first card was GE finance. :P

[06:28] schestowitz[TR] wait

[06:28] schestowitz[TR] does this relate to your post, too?

[06:28] schestowitz[TR] when businesses cannot sell they:

[06:28] schestowitz[TR] 1) offer installments

[06:28] schestowitz[TR] 2) debt plans

[06:28] schestowitz[TR] (like Argos here)

[06:29] morena holy shit

[06:29] morena I am not sure who is bot and who not

[06:29] schestowitz[TR] basically they become little banks

[06:29] schestowitz[TR] selling to people stuff for money they don't have or son't have yet

[06:29] schestowitz[TR] but it's not sustainable

[06:29] DaemonFC Walmart ditched layaway in 2005 I think.

[06:29] schestowitz[TR] then they rush to the gov. asdkking for bailout

[06:29] DaemonFC I was mad because you just put something back and made payments then got it when it was paid for.

[06:29] schestowitz[TR] or sue the clients for their collaterals

[06:30] DaemonFC I used to buy things on layaway sometimes.

[06:30] DaemonFC Like a stereo system or some clothes.

[06:31] DaemonFC It's horrific to think that people can't afford trinkets at Walmart anymore.

[06:31] DaemonFC To the extent that dozens of stores have now closed in a few months.

[06:31] schestowitz[TR] btw,

[06:31] DaemonFC No longer just "concepts" and "oddball formats".

[06:31] DaemonFC Supercenters!

[06:31] schestowitz[TR] speaking of streo systems,

[06:31] schestowitz[TR] one you buy today... how long might it last?

[06:32] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], This is like Microsoft.

[06:32] schestowitz[TR] 2 days ago I plugged in my stereo from 30 years ago

[06:32] DaemonFC First they downplayed what was going on.

[06:32] DaemonFC Then there was more.

[06:32] DaemonFC It's not done happening yet.

[06:32] schestowitz[TR] it's nice when at 40 you use something you bought as a kid

[06:32] schestowitz[TR] or got as a gift

[06:32] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], I have two stereos.

[06:32] DaemonFC I have a mini-shelf LG system in the bedroom.

[06:33] DaemonFC And a Bose Wave Music IV in the living room.

[06:33] schestowitz[TR] how long might it last?

[06:33] schestowitz[TR] 10 years?

[06:33] DaemonFC I've had the LG since like 2019.

[06:33] schestowitz[TR] they don't even give warranty for more than a year

[06:33] schestowitz[TR] 3 years is premium

[06:33] schestowitz[TR] (not free)

[06:33] DaemonFC It still works fine.

[06:33] schestowitz[TR] will it work in 2050?

[06:33] DaemonFC The Bluetooth codecs are SBC and AAC.

[06:33] DaemonFC Those aren't going anywhere.

[06:34] schestowitz[TR] by 2050 those standards may be bygone already

[06:34] DaemonFC By 2050 I'll probably be gone.

[06:34] schestowitz[TR] only if you kill yourself

[06:35] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], They referenced the riots and looting and mass arson in Chicago in 2020.

[06:35] DaemonFC Instead of "race war" they just say "Civil Unrest" now.

[06:35] schestowitz[TR] walmat is oversized

[06:35] DaemonFC Let's ask the sex workers how they feel about the Civil Unrest.

[06:35] schestowitz[TR] it assumes people can still afford it all

[06:35] schestowitz[TR] their upstream providers do price hikes

[06:35] schestowitz[TR] people will find alternatives, one way or another

[06:35] DaemonFC Walmart was furious about that.

[06:36] schestowitz[TR] if you don;t provider it to them, they will go elsewhere

[06:36] DaemonFC Their execs have said they will not tolerate more price hikes.

[06:36] schestowitz[TR] walmart only partly benefits

[06:36] DaemonFC Walmart has a lot of negotiating leverage.

[06:36] schestowitz[TR] but it needs to pretend not to be happy

[06:36] schestowitz[TR] while the priced DO go higher

[06:36] DaemonFC But it CANNOT control cost push inflation entirely.

[06:36] schestowitz[TR] and walmart replaces workers with... clients as workers

[06:37] schestowitz[TR] and calls that "HEY HI" oa "atuomation".. "smart" INNOVA

[06:37] schestowitz[TR] ~1

[06:37] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Self-checks are so fucking stupid.

[06:37] schestowitz[TR] they are

[06:37] DaemonFC Then they complain that the shit they paid to put there is causing MOAR theft.

[06:37] schestowitz[TR] if quees to a person get too long

[06:37] schestowitz[TR] place the items aside

[06:37] schestowitz[TR] and leave

[06:37] schestowitz[TR] make them realise they lost a client

[06:38] DaemonFC They call these people "dirty shoppers".

[06:38] schestowitz[TR] dirty harry

[06:39] DaemonFC Of course, dirty shopping can mean a lot of things.

[06:39] DaemonFC Including returning a lot of stuff without receipts.

[06:39] DaemonFC Which my mom has done before.

[06:39] *prurigro has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[06:39] DaemonFC Then she got mad because they set up a database of people who do this, by driver's license number.

[06:39] DaemonFC It spans multiple retailers.

[06:40] DaemonFC They agreed to share their data on the people doing this to target return theft, where people "return" things they stole, which is why they have no receipt.

[06:40] DaemonFC After you do it enough, you can't return anything anymore.

[06:40] *prurigro (~prurigro@uzfeivw9fp6ba.irc) has joined #techrights

[06:41] DaemonFC So basically, the system works like "Okay, some people lose a receipt. You get away with this a few times as a token of goodwill. But...."

[06:41] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Then they expanded it.

[06:41] DaemonFC If you return enough things WITH a receipt, you're on the shitlist.

[06:41] DaemonFC This is to target people who buy things, use them, and then return them within the returns period.

[06:42] DaemonFC Like, they bought some clothes, wore them to a party, now they want the money back.

[06:42] DaemonFC Or some jewelry,.

[06:42] DaemonFC Or they bought a floor cleaning machine and now they want to return it, reeking of wet dog and cat piss.

[06:42] DaemonFC Because they cleaned all of their floors with it.

[06:43] *schestowitz[TR] back

[06:44] DaemonFC Another thing people like to do is violate the return process itself.

[06:44] DaemonFC Their old Playstation breaks down? No problem! Just buy another one and stuff the old one in the box!

[06:45] DaemonFC So basically, Walmart and other retailers are sick of abusive "customers" costing them money.

[06:45] DaemonFC Because it's the same thing as shoplifting really. It costs money, it is abusive conduct, illegal even.

[06:45] schestowitz[TR] yes, i wondered about this trick

[06:45] DaemonFC But they used to tolerate it.

[06:45] schestowitz[TR] no serial #s?

[06:45] DaemonFC We used to get overruled by the manager if we noticed things like that.

[06:46] schestowitz[TR] buy in local shops

[06:46] DaemonFC I told them no anyway and let the manager come over and turn their key on my register so it would log that I said no and the manager overruled me.

[06:46] schestowitz[TR] then the seller knows you

[06:46] schestowitz[TR] your 'karma'

[06:46] schestowitz[TR] my current ssd was installed free of charge

[06:46] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Basically, I never approved anything.

[06:46] schestowitz[TR] he even gave me a bigger one

[06:46] schestowitz[TR] for free

[06:46] DaemonFC Because then they could come write me up.

[06:46] schestowitz[TR] because i have good karma with him

[06:46] DaemonFC "These serials don't match you idiot!"

[06:47] schestowitz[TR] only returned something once, i think, if that at all

[06:47] schestowitz[TR] he credited me and i bought something even more expensive

[06:47] DaemonFC Let the system log "Manager Dave came and overruled this and accepted the return."

[06:47] DaemonFC Then it's right there.

[06:47] schestowitz[TR] don't buy there

[06:47] schestowitz[TR] find locals

[06:47] DaemonFC "I called a bad return. Your assistant manager accepted it. This proves it. Yell at him!"

[06:47] schestowitz[TR] make karma with them

[06:48] schestowitz[TR] the karma system

[06:48] schestowitz[TR] where people know your face

[06:48] schestowitz[TR] sometimes name

[06:48] schestowitz[TR] you could ask favours

[06:48] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Walmart says that losses to shoplifters in Black neighborhoods in Chicago have DOUBLED since 2018.

[06:48] schestowitz[TR] same with food vendors/sellers

[06:48] DaemonFC And they can no longer operate like this.

[06:48] schestowitz[TR] they give us special treatment or discounts

[06:48] schestowitz[TR] like vegan jerkie for 10p a pack

[06:49] schestowitz[TR] and then 57 packs became just 5 pounds, on the spot

[06:49] schestowitz[TR] because they know us

[06:49] DaemonFC So Walmart leaves and you get a little overpriced bodega with bulletproof glass at the counter.

[06:49] DaemonFC ENJOY!


[06:49] schestowitz[TR] this past sunday i got 6 ice coffee for 2 pounds

[06:49] DaemonFC mjg59_, SJW

[06:49] schestowitz[TR] I was gonna take 4 for 2

[06:49] schestowitz[TR] and then he goes, no no...

[06:49] schestowitz[TR] and gives me 6

[06:49] schestowitz[TR] i didn't even ask for that

[06:49] schestowitz[TR] he gave me 2 free, just cause he wanted to

[06:50] schestowitz[TR] *inced coffee

[06:50] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Mandy wanted iced coffee at Dunkin' Donuts the other day.

[06:50] schestowitz[TR] *iced

[06:50] DaemonFC I said no and made some at home and handed it to him.

[06:50] schestowitz[TR] they probably charge 2 for a cupo

[06:50] schestowitz[TR] not for 6 litres

[06:50] DaemonFC I have half & half, syrup, coffee, and ice.

[06:50] DaemonFC Oh no....

[06:50] schestowitz[TR] this pack retails at over 20 pounds (six pack)

[06:51] schestowitz[TR] we got it for 2

[06:51] DaemonFC Over $4.50 for a cup of coffee with ice. Mostly ice unless you say "Light Ice".

[06:51] schestowitz[TR] but the point is,

[06:51] schestowitz[TR] buy local

[06:51] DaemonFC You can buy an entire bag of coffee for less than that!

[06:51] schestowitz[TR] make karma with people

[06:51] schestowitz[TR] we know them by first name

[06:51] DaemonFC Make over two dozen pots with it.

[06:51] schestowitz[TR] they don't know ours, they never asked

[06:51] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], We'll eat out again tomorrow.

[06:52] DaemonFC I got a free birthday meal coming so, meh.

[06:52] schestowitz[TR] col

[06:52] schestowitz[TR] cool

[06:52] DaemonFC I like those birthday meals. You can go around getting them and only paying for Mandy.

[06:52] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], I had to explain price discrimination to mother today.

[06:52] DaemonFC She went to Walmart to buy a second Air Genius 5.

[06:53] DaemonFC The app said $192.

[06:53] DaemonFC She went to the store and to where it said to find it.

[06:53] DaemonFC The shelf said $274.

[06:53] DaemonFC It rang up for that.

[06:54] DaemonFC She asked for a price comp, which is the policy if the retailer on the app says Walmart.com. The guy says "It's probably another seller." without looking. So she handed him the phone and it says "Seller: Walmart.com".

[06:54] DaemonFC So he checks his app.

[06:54] DaemonFC $192.

[06:54] DaemonFC Gave her like 5 minutes of crap over matching the price.

[06:54] DaemonFC I said they do this a lot.

[06:54] DaemonFC She said, "Why?"

[06:55] DaemonFC I said, "Because a computer program is watching Amazon, and it went on sale there. So Walmart matched it to people who are online and looking for the best prices, but if you go into the store with no information on what the thing really costs, sure it's $274."

[06:55] DaemonFC I told her "this happens all over the store, and on groceries too".

[06:56] DaemonFC "You can reduce your grocery bill by about 9% by getting it all online and paying with their credit card, and picking it up.

[06:56] DaemonFC Lower prices, more credit card points.

[06:56] schestowitz[TR] just prepared half as dozen pockets of coffeee (filters)

[06:56] schestowitz[TR] for future cycles

[06:56] DaemonFC It's just being nudged. You want to go inside? Okay. Here!

[06:56] schestowitz[TR] they're done better in bulk

[06:57] DaemonFC I keep a sharp eye on this stuff.

[06:57] schestowitz[TR] better, DaemonFC :

[06:57] schestowitz[TR] use cash

[06:57] schestowitz[TR] no spying

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] no cards

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] no price compare

[06:58] DaemonFC You get to argue with people in the store on price comps.

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] (usually upselling)

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] same fror fights

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] don't book with many browser cookies

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] they try what's the highest price they can get away with

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] VPNs can be punished severely

[06:58] schestowitz[TR] at the store, it's taker it or leave it

[06:59] schestowitz[TR] not the seller, the client

[06:59] schestowitz[TR] "give me this, or I am leaving"

[06:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[06:59] schestowitz[TR] online they don't know if or when you are really leaving

[06:59] schestowitz[TR] some things you must pay for "online';

[06:59] schestowitz[TR] but not most things

[06:59] schestowitz[TR] and the stuff you must pay for online... price is not negotiable anyway

● Apr 12

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] like power bills

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] the rate you could argue about

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] but not the bills

[07:00] DaemonFC You don't have to pay your electric online.

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] right now they blackmail poeople into spymeter

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] before the rates even become negotiable

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] they ask me to work for them

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] 1) spymeters

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] 2)get app or give readings online

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] they used to have staff for this

[07:00] schestowitz[TR] they still do

[07:01] schestowitz[TR] and we protect these people'e jobs

[07:01] schestowitz[TR] so there is also an ethical aspect associated with rejection of those

[07:01] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: how else do you pay?

[07:01] schestowitz[TR] bank is sort of online

[07:01] schestowitz[TR] unless you can walk into a local office in ILL

[07:01] schestowitz[TR] and then pay over the counter with cvash and bill at hand

[07:02] schestowitz[TR] which i doubt you can do anymore

[07:02] schestowitz[TR] if you do not use computer

[07:02] schestowitz[TR] or do not have account

[07:02] schestowitz[TR] you can arrange for payment inside a bank

[07:02] schestowitz[TR] but those are not cash payments, hand to hand

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] some companies wish to "weed out" such "problematic" clients

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] to keep them

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] to change their behaviour

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] rather than to lose them as clients

[07:05] DaemonFC You can do it at Currency Exchange.

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] so these people must not make concessioons

[07:05] DaemonFC Or just mail them a check with the stub.

[07:05] schestowitz[TR] and insist it's done the "old way"

[07:06] DaemonFC Or call the 800 number with a card.

[07:06] schestowitz[TR] card

[07:06] schestowitz[TR] 800... card

[07:06] schestowitz[TR] not everyone has a card

[07:06] schestowitz[TR] esp. some "old generation" people

[07:06] DaemonFC Yeah, so you could send them a check or a money order

[07:06] schestowitz[TR] card is a footprint

[07:07] schestowitz[TR] things we can buy with cash, no ID (I wear hoodie and two masks):

[07:07] schestowitz[TR] toiletries, furniture, food, bike repair etc.

[07:07] DaemonFC https://www.comed.com/MyAccount/MyBillUsage/Pages/PayByMailPhone.aspx

[07:07] TR Bot by Mail or Phone | ComEd - An Exelon Company

[07:07] DaemonFC You can use ACH over the phone if you want.

[07:07] schestowitz[TR] the electric/water supplier knows who you are regardless

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] they have their home address

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] airlines must check your passport

[07:08] *morena (~morena@gh5v8jk9whfj6.irc) has left #techrights (fuckoffing)

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] so for air travel anonymous payment is infeasible and always has been

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: aspx ^_^

[07:08] schestowitz[TR] in 2023

[07:09] DaemonFC Yeah, this is new.

[07:10] DaemonFC It came along when I couldn't pay my bill with SeaMonkey anymore several months back.

[07:10] schestowitz[TR] i look foward to all the comed data breach articles

[07:10] schestowitz[TR] and maybe i can download all your bills from some online forum

[07:10] schestowitz[TR] along with large daat dumps of your phonecalls with them, which maybe they keep as audio for up to 10 years... "for training and quality purposes" ^_^

[07:11] DaemonFC bbiab

[07:11] schestowitz[TR] they will blame "dicord"

[07:11] schestowitz[TR] and "iran"

[07:11] schestowitz[TR] not azure/microsoft

[07:12] schestowitz[TR] iran needs a "gay list" DB

[07:12] schestowitz[TR] microsoft can deliver..

[07:12] schestowitz[TR] https://www.complianceweek.com/regulatory-enforcement/microsoft-to-pay-33m-to-settle-sanctions-export-control-violations/32928.article

[07:12] TR Bot Microsoft to pay $3.3M to settle sanctions, export control violations | Article | Compliance Week

[07:13] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[07:14] TR News Corporate media: capitalism failing people is bad... because DIVERSITY https://news.crunchbase.com/diversity/layoffs-lost-inclusivity-kamales-lardi/ dodging the underlying culprit or the principal issue

[07:14] TR Bot Mass Tech Layoffs Means Loss Of Diversity And Inclusivity In The Workforce

[07:15] TR News You can check for upcoming mass layoffs near you heres how https://www.fox5dc.com/news/warn-act-check-upcoming-mass-layoffs-near-you

[07:15] TR Bot You can check for upcoming mass layoffs near you heres how

[07:16] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[07:17] TR News This page has not been updating for 5 days already. But Lupa is definitely still crawling every day. It did not stop. gemini://gemini.bortzmeyer.org/software/lupa/stats.gmi

[07:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[07:22] TR News Ukraine Government Debt https://tradingeconomics.com/ukraine/government-debt up about 45% in 12 months

[07:22] TR Bot Ukraine Government Debt - March 2023 Data - 1999-2022 Historical - April Forecast

[07:23] TR News Compare to Poland Government Debt https://tradingeconomics.com/poland/government-debt

[07:23] TR Bot Poland Government Debt - March 2023 Data - 1998-2022 Historical - April Forecast

[07:25] TR News A lot of money in circulation is just debt. This means billionaires who hoarded trillions in offshore tax havens did not really make or create capital, they just persuaded regimes to print stuff off of future generations (debt), then pocketed the newly-minted "capital". Where is the outrage? 2012: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-offshore-wealth-idUSBRE86L03U20120722

[07:25] TR Bot rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens | Reuters

[07:27] TR News Billionaires-controlled media: get enraged over trans athletes. Billionaires-run publishers: don't mind why your food doubling in price in a few years. Or blame trans people, far less than 1% of the population (but not the 0.0001% who actually destroy your life by plundering you and your government)

[07:28] TR News Right wing sites: LBGT+ endanger children. Meanwhile (NOT LBGT+): https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html

[07:28] TR Bot Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past - The New York Times

[07:29] TR News "I've been off Twitter, which was the last social media website I was using, for about 2 years now. About 10 years ago, though, the website du jour for me was Tumblr. I hadn't touched Tumblr since probably around 2017." gemini://kalechips.smol.pub/2023-04-11-tumblr

[07:30] TR News "I guess I'll depend on our definition of 'boring'. For me it is not, since I'm having a great time sharing texts here. 5 hours ago" gemini://station.martinrue.com/mischk/9a15021c6ec44987b732300f9025d930

[07:30] TR News On Digital Minimalism gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/034.txt

[07:31] TR News [Old] "Whoops, silent data loss. POSIX requires that text files end in an ultimate newline to be considered text files, but in practice that ultimate newline may be absent and then...yeah. How many shell scripts are out there and how many ultimate lines have been lost this way?" gemini://thrig.me/blog/2022/10/25/shell-while-loop-considered-harmful.gmi

[07:38] TR News (NEW): #HowTo Install the Boost Library in C++ on Ubuntu or any other Linux Distribution http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/How_to_Install_the_Boost_Library_in_C_on_Ubuntu_or_any_other_Li.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/How_to_Install_the_Boost_Library_in_C_on_Ubuntu_or_any_other_Li.gmi

[07:38] TR Bot Tux Machines How to Install the Boost Library in C++ on Ubuntu or any other Linux Distribution

[07:40] TR News Re: Crimes of Sirius Open Source http://techrights.org/wiki/Crimes_of_Sirius_Open_Source still waiting for NOW: Pension to send us letters and for Standard Life to progress SEVERAL complaints from the company's victims. So lots more to come!

[07:40] TR Bot Crimes of Sirius Open Source - Techrights

[07:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[08:05] psydruid > [notice] techrights.org | Microsoft Windows in India, China, and Nigeria (Over 3 Billion People) | Techrights

[08:05] psydruid Death by a thousand cuts, at some point market share will be less than 5% in the consumer market

[08:05] psydruid https://www.tomshardware.com/news/arm-based-cpus-set-to-double-notebook-pc-market-share-by-2027

[08:05] TR Bot Arm-Based CPUs Could Double Notebook PC Market Share by 2027: Report | Tom's Hardware

[08:06] TR News COVID-19 Won, We Lost. Why Doesn't the Media Admit This? https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-won/

[08:06] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-won/ )

[08:06] psydruid https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/arm-based-cpus-could-double-notebook-pc-market-share-by-2027-report.3803379/post-22978340

[08:07] TR Bot News - Arm-Based CPUs Could Double Notebook PC Market Share by 2027: Report | Tom's Hardware Forum

[08:08] TR News "Network operators must implement both of these best practices to mitigate IP spoofing attacks." https://labs.ripe.net/author/qasim-lone/sav-why-is-source-address-validation-still-a-problem/ | Source: RIPE

[08:08] TR Bot SAV: Why Is Source Address Validation Still a Problem? | RIPE Labs

[08:08] TR News "If you have documented cases where there is a problem for users" https://adrianroselli.com/2023/04/dont-override-screen-reader-pronunciation.html | Source: Adriaan Roselli

[08:08] TR Bot Dont Override Screen Reader Pronunciation Adrian Roselli

[08:09] TR News "go to reproduce-trisquel." https://blog.josefsson.org/2023/04/10/trisquel-is-42-reproducible/ | Source: Simon Josefsson

[08:09] TR Bot Trisquel is 42% Reproducible! Simon Josefsson's blog

[08:12] schestowitz[TR] psydruid: very good news then!

[08:12] schestowitz[TR] good for the planet, too

[08:15] psydruid I thought the comment was interesting as it exposes what's going on with Microsoft these days

[08:16] psydruid before ARM takes a chunk out of the laptop computer market Windows will be a lot less relevant than it is even now

[08:17] TR News "They do, however, have to maintain a connection to the cloud in order to work." https://staceyoniot.com/shoreline-iot-has-built-a-programmable-industrial-sensor/ | Source: Stacey on IoT

[08:17] TR Bot Shoreline IoT has built a programmable industrial sensor - Stacey on IoT | Internet of Things news and analysis

[08:18] TR News "On the outside the only thing that differentiates the two devices is the color of the chassis" https://www.pine64.org/2023/04/10/pinetab-v-and-pinetab2-launch/ | Source: Pine64

[08:18] TR Bot PineTab-V and PineTab2 launch | PINE64

[08:19] TR News "Playing around with servos and Raspberry Pi was the entry point for Danieles plotting device project." https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/braciograph-a-raspberry-pi-powered-pen-plotter/ | Source: Raspberry Pi

[08:19] TR Bot BrachioGraph: a Raspberry Pi-powered pen plotter - Raspberry Pi

[08:19] TR News "Over the weekend, I worked on adding a new feature to my personal website: videoconfencing." https://jamesg.blog/2023/04/11/videoconferencing-personal-websites/ | Source: James G

[08:19] TR Bot Videoconferencing on a personal website | James' Coffee Blog

[08:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[08:23] TR News Many of today's "Modern" Web browsers are basically censorship machines disguised as "protecting you" (from "misinformation" or data the oligarchy prefers to remain inaccessible or barely accessible... inconvenient to get). Many of today's CAs (oligopolies) are supplants of this, some just wait to be "activated". As we saw before with GitHub, this Microsoft/NSA centralisation is mechanism for boycotting coders or downloaders... for E

[08:23] TR News As we saw before with GitHub, this Microsoft/NSA centralisation is mechanism for boycotting coders or downloaders... for Empire.

[08:24] TR News "I was happy to be able to recognise a pattern in a tiny submission I made this evening to a repo of different language based implementations of a simple LED number display from Blag" https://qmacro.org/blog/posts/2023/04/09/recognising-patterns-and-embracing-the-stream/ | Source: DJ Adams

[08:24] TR Bot Recognising patterns and embracing the stream | DJ Adams

[08:24] TR News "Long-running financial scams are now known as pig butchering, growing the potential mark up until their ultimate and sudden demise." https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/llms-and-phishing.html | Source: Bruce Schneier

[08:24] TR Bot and Phishing - Schneier on Security

[08:24] TR News "To get started, I first had to register my washing machine to my email address with Miele's app." https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/2023/displaying_my_washing_machines_remaining_time_with_curl_jq_pizauth.html | Source: Lawrence Tratt

[08:25] TR Bot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). ( status 0 @ https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/2023/displaying_my_washing_machines_remaining_time_with_curl_jq_pizauth.html )

[08:27] TR News [Old] "This is part of a series covering 'glue' knowledge." https://owengage.com/writing/2023-01-28-terminals-and-shells-1-fundamentals/ | Source: Owen Gage

[08:27] TR Bot and Shells 1: Fundamentals - OwenGage.com

[08:27] TR News [Old] "We've learned a bit more about the shell with how it handles environment variables" https://owengage.com/writing/2023-02-12-terminals-and-shells-2-processes-and-their-environments/ | Source: Owen Gage

[08:27] TR Bot and Shells 2: Processes and their environments - OwenGage.com

[08:27] TR News [Old] "This can be useful in scripts. Zero being 'success' might seem a bit weird." https://owengage.com/writing/2023-03-11-terminals-and-shells-3-bits-and-pieces/ | Source: Owen Gage

[08:27] TR Bot and Shells 3: Bits and pieces - OwenGage.com

[08:28] TR News "Finally if you're in need of Debian QEMU images for various architectures" https://blog.aurel32.net/new-website.html | Source: Aurlien Jarno

[08:28] TR Bot Aurlien Jarno - New website, or kind of...

[08:29] TR News "Blog comments are back. Use them or not." https://batsov.com/articles/2023/04/09/blog-comments-are-back/ | Source: Bozhidar Batsov

[08:29] TR Bot Blog Comments are Back - (think)

[08:29] TR News "This sucks! These displays may technically be third-party" https://gizmodo.com/google-smart-home-third-party-displays-android-things-1850320510 | Source: Gizmodo

[08:29] TR Bot Google is No Longer Supporting These Five-Year-Old Devices

[08:31] TR News "The United States claims to be the leader of the free world." https://www.thenation.com/article/society/life-expectancy-america-social-security-healthcare/ | Source: The Nation

[08:31] TR Bot Why Do the Richest Americans Live a Decade Longer Than the Poorest? | The Nation

[08:33] TR News "Last weeks leaks represent a stark departure from how classified information has reached the public in recent years." https://cyberscoop.com/discord-intelligence-leak-ukraine/ | Source: Scoop News Group

[08:33] TR Bot Discord servers at the center of a massive US intelligence leak | CyberScoop

[08:33] TR News "Though the tool may be good enough to fool people who don't understand calculus" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/chatgpt-highschool-elementary-1.6802336 | Source: CBC

[08:33] TR Bot Teachers are split on bringing ChatGPT into elementary, high schools | CBC News

[08:33] TR News "The answers were: yes, maybe, not really, mixed to poor, possibly." https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/04/msc-dissertation-exploring-the-visualisation-of-hierarchical-cybersecurity-data-within-the-metaverse/ | Source: Terence Eden

[08:33] TR Bot MSc Dissertation: Exploring the visualisation of hierarchical cybersecurity data within the Metaverse Terence Edens Blog

[08:34] TR News [Old] "The primary aim was to extract cybersecurity data relating to domain names" https://edent.codeberg.page/MSc_Dissertation/output/Eden%2C%20Terence%20-%20Exploring%20the%20visualisation%20of%20hierarchical%20cybersecurity%20data%20within%20the%20Metaverse.html |

[08:34] TR Bot Exploring the visualisation of hierarchical cybersecurity data within the Metaverse

[08:34] TR News "Recorded Future says that Microsoft vulnerabilities were once again the most prominent" https://itwire.com/business-it-news/security/high-risk-%e2%80%98vulnerabilities%e2%80%99-affect-microsoft,-adobe,-fortinet-and-samsung-security-report.html | Source: IT Wire

[08:34] TR Bot - High risk vulnerabilities affect Microsoft, Adobe, Fortinet and Samsung: security report

[08:34] TR News "American allies may also hesitate before sharing secrets." https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/04/10/a-leak-of-files-could-be-americas-worst-intelligence-breach-in-a-decade | Source: The Economist

[08:34] TR Bot leak of files could be Americas worst intelligence breach in a decade | The Economist

[08:35] TR News [Old] "Many people set up new fast relays and then wonder why their bandwidth is not fully loaded instantly." https://blog.torproject.org/lifecycle-of-a-new-relay/ | Source: Tor

[08:35] TR Bot The lifecycle of a new relay | The Tor Project

[08:39] TR News IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/irc-log-110423/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/12/irc-log-110423/

[08:39] TR Bot IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 | Techrights

[08:43] Snuupy has quit (.net *.split)

[08:43] koo5__ has quit (.net *.split)

[08:44] *Snuupy (~Snuupy@user/snuupy) has joined #techrights

[08:46] TR News "This study builds upon two previous findings from Meuti's lab" https://phys.org/news/2023-04-pollution-mosquitoes-season.html | Source: Omicron Limited

[08:46] TR Bot Light pollution may extend mosquitoes' biting season

[08:47] TR News "Industrial-scale bitcoin mining facilities in the US create as much carbon pollution as 3.5 million gas-powered cars, and Texas, which boasts the largest number of mining facilities in the country" https://qz.com/bitcoin-mining-has-raised-texas-electricity-prices-5-1850319961 | Source: Quartz

[08:47] TR Bot Bitcoin mining raised Texas electricity prices by 5%

[08:54] *koo5__ (~quassel@vmi579006.contaboserver.net) has joined #techrights

[08:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[09:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[09:34] TR News [tor-relays] Police request regarding relay https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2023-April/021138.html Source: Tor | Gemini address: gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/waffle.cgi/view?https%3A//lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2023-April/021138.html

[09:34] TR Bot [tor-relays] Police request regarding relay

[09:35] TR News Gulag for 2 weeks https://andgein.ru/blog/all/20-i-worked-at-google-for-10-days/

[09:35] TR Bot I worked atGoogle for-10 days

[09:35] TR News [tor-relays] Police request regarding relay Read on

[09:36] psydruid https://www.ietf.org/blog/mls-secure-and-usable-end-to-end-encryption/

[09:36] TR Bot IETF | Messaging Layer Security: Secure and Usable End-to-End Encryption

[09:36] TR News windows (azure) tco? https://reason.com/2023/04/11/ukraine-intelligence-leak-us-allies-russia-discord/ see http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[09:36] TR Bot Massive Leak of Ukraine Intelligence Documents Angers U.S. Allies

[09:36] TR Bot The Sensitive Ukraine Documents Werent Grabbed From Social Control Media, Just Leaked There (Microsoft Azure, Windows, and/or Rogue Insider Most Probable Factor to Blame) | Techrights

[09:37] schestowitz[TR] psydruid: can eitf be trusted with these given their history?

[09:37] schestowitz[TR] they do "lawful intercepts"

[09:37] psydruid I doubt it

[09:38] TR News "No NGO Has Been Allowed to See Julian Assange Since Four Years Ago" https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=23/04/10/1131207

[09:38] TR Bot No NGO Has Been Allowed to See Julian Assange Since Four Years Ago - SoylentNews

[09:38] psydruid but this is going to be implemented and used regardless

[09:39] psydruid so if anyone objects it's better to do so now

[09:41] TR News "Free and open source voxel sandbox game engine Minetest" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/minetest-570-out-now-with-graphics-improvements-performance-upgrades/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[09:41] TR Bot 5.7.0 out now with graphics improvements, performance upgrades | GamingOnLinux

[09:41] TR News "open source and just absolutely nuts to play." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/open-hexagon-gets-new-content-plus-linux-and-steam-deck-improvements/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[09:41] TR Bot Hexagon gets new content plus Linux and Steam Deck improvements | GamingOnLinux

[09:42] TR News "ProtonUp-Qt gives you a hassle-free way to install various compatibility tools like GE-Proton, Wine-GE, Luxtorpeda and others" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/linux-and-steam-deck-compatibility-tool-helper-protonup-qt-v280-out-now/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[09:42] TR Bot and Steam Deck compatibility tool helper ProtonUp-Qt v2.8.0 out now | GamingOnLinux

[09:44] TR News "Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is a rather popular roguelike, quite possibly one of the best, and now it's available on Steam" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/popular-survival-roguelike-cataclysm-dark-days-ahead-gets-a-steam-release/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[09:44] TR Bot survival roguelike Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead gets a Steam release | GamingOnLinux

[09:44] TR News "ere's one for Steam Deck fans, and everyone else also looking for some good deals, as Humble Store just recently put up a Games on the Go Sale" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/humble-store-has-a-sale-on-steam-deck-verified-and-playable-games/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[09:44] TR Bot Store has a sale on Steam Deck Verified and Playable games | GamingOnLinux

[09:44] TR News "There's been a few efforts to get Half-Life: Alyx playable without VR and the latest is HLA-NoVR" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/half-life-alyx-fully-playable-without-vr-even-on-steam-deck/ | Source: GamingOnLinux

[09:44] TR Bot Alyx fully playable without VR even on Steam Deck thanks to a mod | GamingOnLinux

[09:56] TR News "Today, we are going to learn some simple tips and tricks to read man pages effectively in GNU/Linux." https://ostechnix.com/learn-use-man-pages-efficiently/ | Source: OSTechNix

[09:56] TR Bot To Use Man Pages Efficiently In Linux - OSTechNix

[09:57] TR News "Due to security concerns, you may want to force the user to change the password on the next login." https://linuxhandbook.com/force-password-change/ | Source: Linux Handbook

[09:57] TR Bot Force Linux User to Change Password at Next Login

[09:57] TR News (NEW): 7 open source modules to make your website accessible http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/7_open_source_modules_to_make_your_website_accessible.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/7_open_source_modules_to_make_your_website_accessible.gmi

[09:57] TR Bot Tux Machines 7 open source modules to make your website accessible

● Apr 12

[10:00] TR News (NEW): Cool Pi CM5 evaluation board features Rockchip RK3588/RK3588J system-on-module http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Cool_Pi_CM5_evaluation_board_features_Rockchip_RK3588_RK3588J_s.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Cool_Pi_CM5_evaluation_board_features_Rockchip_RK3588_RK3588J_s.gmi

[10:00] TR Bot Tux Machines Cool Pi CM5 evaluation board features Rockchip RK3588/RK3588J system-on-module

[10:03] *techuser has quit (connection closed)

[10:04] TR News "It is failing in each of these regards, and as its core mission fails, the foundation is investing its resources into distractions." https://drewdevault.com/2023/04/11/2023-04-11-The-FSF-is-dying.html | Source: Drew DeVault

[10:04] TR Bot The Free Software Foundation is dying

[10:04] TR News "Many modern software companies rely on open-source software from public repositories without notifying the author" https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-eus-proposed-cra-law-may-have.html |

[10:04] TR Bot Python Software Foundation News: The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem

[10:05] TR News "Mr Cook is likely to preside over the opening of the twin outlets in India's financial and political capital" https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/tim-cook-to-open-first-apple-stores-in-india-in-pivot-beyond-china-3937864 | Source: NDTV

[10:05] TR Bot Tim Cook To Open India's First Apple Stores, Seeks Meeting With PM: Report

[10:05] *techuser (~techuser@m5xis46sftpfi.irc) has joined #techrights

[10:05] TR News "We knew there would be national surveys that policymakers and the media would be looking to" https://phys.org/news/2023-04-political-scientist-discusses-key-takeaways.html | Source: Omicron Limited

[10:05] TR Bot Political scientist discusses key takeaways of state-by-state polling during the pandemic

[10:06] TR News CISOs https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/digital-security/emergence-of-new-cybersecurity-roles-in-the-c-suite/99387398 | Source: India Times

[10:06] TR Bot Emergence of new cybersecurity roles in the C-suite, CIO News, ET CIO

[10:06] TR News Misinformation https://today.rtl.lu/news/business-and-tech/a/2050583.html | Source: RTL

[10:06] TR Bot RTL Today - 'Innovative content': News presenter generated with AI appears in Kuwait

[10:07] TR News "insulting the president" https://bianet.org/english/politics/277134-graphic-artist-faces-up-to-four-years-in-jail-for-depicting-erdogan-s-sluts-rant | Source: BIA Net

[10:07] TR Bot Graphic artist faces up to four years in jail for depicting Erdoan's 'sluts' rant - Hikmet Adal - english

[10:08] TR News "Is nonstop free pornography liberating, or is it shackling, leaving us less humanlike than ever?" https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/05/anti-pornography-wars-book/673492/ | Source: The Atlantic

[10:08] TR Bot Were Missing the Point of Porn - The Atlantic

[10:14] TR News "The prosecution of Mr. Assange, if successful, not only sets a legal precedent" https://itwire.com/it-industry-news/strategy/politicians-from-five-nations-seek-assange-s-release-from-uk-prison.html | Source: IT Wire

[10:14] TR Bot - Politicians from five nations seek Assange's release from UK prison

[10:14] TR News Dicle Frat Journalists Association (DFG) https://anfenglishmobile.com/freedom-of-the-press/prison-sentence-sought-for-kurdish-journalist-Coban-66559 | Source: ANF News

[10:14] TR Bot ANF | Prison sentence sought for Kurdish journalist smail oban

[10:16] *techuser has quit (connection closed)

[10:16] *techuser (~techuser@4xvgfczhfncta.irc) has joined #techrights

[10:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[10:29] TR News This list will grow a lot longer over time: Crimes of Sirius Open Source http://techrights.org/wiki/Crimes_of_Sirius_Open_Source

[10:29] TR Bot Crimes of Sirius Open Source - Techrights

[10:29] TR News "[...] Ivanov's wife said police informed the couple that three probes have been launched against the journalist over unspecified online posts he made. [...]" https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-journalist-ivanov-detained-online-posts/32359020.html | Source: RFERL

[10:29] TR Bot Another Russian Journalist Detained Over Unspecified Online Posts

[10:29] TR News "His killing became a symbol of the struggle for a free press in the Balkan nation" https://apnews.com/article/serbia-killed-journalist-curuvija-belgrade-0b00f40ad8b17a8ef69e8bf2d2a95f2f | Source: Associated Press

[10:29] TR Bot Serbian press marks unpunished 1999 killing of journalist | AP News

[10:29] TR News "Four state security officials were charged with planning and carrying out the killing" www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-04-11/serbian-journalists-mark-unsolved-1999-killing-of-journalist | Source: US News And World Report

[10:31] TR News Still Waiting: Pension Providers in the UK Stalling for Months After Several Independent Reports of Pension Fraud http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/still-waiting-pension-providers-in-the-uk-stalling-for-months-after-several-independent-reports-of-pension-fraud/

[10:31] TR Bot Still Waiting: Pension Providers in the UK Stalling for Months After Several Independent Reports of Pension Fraud | Techrights

[10:32] TR News Blinken https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-speaks-family-reporter-jailed-russia/story?id=98506456 | Source: ABC

[10:32] TR Bot Biden speaks to family of WSJ reporter, says detention by Russia is 'totally illegal' - ABC News

[10:43] TR News "In the novel 1984, George Orwell remarked" https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/04/11/afghanistan-taliban-and-women-a-tale-of-gender-apartheid/ | Source: Modern Diplomacy

[10:43] TR Bot Afghanistan, Taliban and Women: A Tale of Gender Apartheid - Modern Diplomacy

[10:44] TR News "Such reversals happen 10% of the time by a 2021 company account" https://apnews.com/article/shotspotter-artificial-intelligence-investigation-9cb47bbfb565dc3ef110f92ac7f83862 | Source: Associated Press

[10:44] TR Bot Confidential document reveals key human role in gunshot tech | AP News

[10:44] TR News "We find very little crime prevention benefit of this technology" https://www.abqjournal.com/2583316/kansas-city-study-finds-no-meaningful-change-in-violence.html | Source: Albuquerque Journal

[10:44] TR Bot Study on ShotSpotter in Kansas City finds no meaningful change in violence - Albuquerque Journal

[10:49] TR News "I hope that this finally shows the University that they should work with us to collaboratively solve the serious problems that weve brought to the table" https://www.bridgemi.com/talent-education/judge-declines-order-university-michigan-grad-students-back-work | Source: Bridge Michigan

[10:49] TR Bot Judge declines to order University of Michigan grad students back to work | Bridge Michigan

[10:49] TR News "President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers have backed the sentiments in the PRO Act" https://text.npr.org/1169314853 | Source: NPR

[10:49] TR Bot Gen Z is the most pro union generation alive. Will they organize to reflect that?

[10:50] TR News "We need more than just the right to bypass DRM, however, she said. We need positive rights as well" https://lwn.net/Articles/927278/ | Source: LWN

[10:50] TR Bot Giblin on chokepoint capitalism [LWN.net]

[10:51] TR News "our new book choke point capitalism" https://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/everythingopen/2023/clarendon_auditorium/Thursday/Keynote_Rebecca_Giblin.srt |

[10:51] TR News Keynote by Rebecca Giblin mirror.linux.org.au/pub/everythingopen/2023/clarendon_auditorium/Thursday/Keynote_Rebecca_Giblin.webm |

[10:51] TR News "Weve got enough people on our side" https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/barry-diller-media-publishers-sue-generative-ai-1235371039/ | Source: Hollywood Reporter

[10:51] TR Bot Barry Diller Thinks Publishers Should Sue Over Generative AI The Hollywood Reporter

[10:53] TR News Steam, Proton, GTA: Vice City works superbly https://www.dedoimedo.com/games/steam-proton-gta-vice-city.html

[10:53] TR Bot Steam, Proton, GTA: Vice City works superbly

[10:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[10:59] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

● Apr 12

[11:01] TR News COVID-19 shortens life https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/ireland-mortality/ still killing thousands of Brits each month https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-death-toll/

[11:01] TR Bot timed out after 10000 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/ireland-mortality/ )

[11:02] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-death-toll/ )

[11:03] TR News (NEW): Games: Minetest 5.7.0, Open Hexagon, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Games_Minetest_5_7_0_Open_Hexagon_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Games_Minetest_5_7_0_Open_Hexagon_and_More.gmi

[11:03] TR Bot Tux Machines Games: Minetest 5.7.0, Open Hexagon, and More

[11:05] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@nqkitbgnqjad4.irc) has joined #techrights

[11:12] MinceR https://archive.md/HCNh9

[11:12] TR Bot 'Thirsty' AI: Training ChatGPT Required Enough Water to Fill a Nuclear Reactor's Cooling Tower, Study Finds

[11:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[11:21] TR News The Impact of Microsoft Bribing the Media and Suppressing Facts That Are Rarely Mentioned (Despite Their High Importance) | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/suppressing-facts/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/12/suppressing-facts/

[11:21] TR Bot The Impact of Microsoft Bribing the Media and Suppressing Facts That Are Rarely Mentioned (Despite Their High Importance) | Techrights

[11:21] TR News "I recently had the opportunity to visit two technical conferences in February 2023, both geared towards open source software" https://opensource.com/article/23/4/tips-tech-conference | Source: OpenSource.com

[11:21] TR Bot tips to make the most of your next tech conference | Opensource.com

[11:22] TR News PRIVACY POSTURING https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/firefox-rolls-out-total-cookie-protection-by-default-to-all-users-worldwide/ | Source: Mozilla http://techrights.org/wiki/Mozilla

[11:22] TR Bot Firefox Rolls Out Total Cookie Protection By Default

[11:22] TR Bot Mozilla - Techrights

[11:26] TR News Regarding COVID-19, today's video explains some of the blunders https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-won/

[11:26] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-won/ )

[11:26] schestowitz[TR] wonder why it times out

[11:27] schestowitz[TR] https: https://schestowitz.com http://schestowitz.com

[11:27] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com )

[11:27] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ http://schestowitz.com )

[11:27] schestowitz[TR] weird. also http, anyone else unable to access the domain?

[11:28] schestowitz[TR] could be a symptomn of an issue that would stop my email working from some senders

[11:29] TR News assange https://thedissenter.org/uk-australia-brazil-mexico-politicians-oppose-assange-charges/ | Source: The Dissenter

[11:29] TR Bot Politicians In UK and Australia Stand Up For Assange

[11:31] TR News You can check for upcoming mass layoffs near you heres how https://www.fox5dc.com/news/warn-act-check-upcoming-mass-layoffs-near-you

[11:31] TR Bot You can check for upcoming mass layoffs near you heres how

[11:31] TR News The latest bug doors are ready to install. Don't worry, your consent is not required. They'll get installed when you are least prepared. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/04/microsoft-apple-patch-tuesday-april-2023-edition/ | Source: Krebs On Security

[11:31] TR Bot Microsoft (& Apple) Patch Tuesday, April 2023 Edition Krebs on Security

[11:32] TR News ATM bombers https://digit.site36.net/2023/04/12/atm-bombers-in-germany-more-and-more-bank-robberies-of-the-modern-age/ | Source: Site36

[11:32] TR Bot ATM bombers in Germany: More and more bank robberies of the modern age Matthias Monroy

[11:35] TR News "...Microsoft, and Twitter have collectively chopped around 70,000 staff..." https://www.businessinsider.com/google-and-amazon-should-cut-more-jobs-analysts-say-2023-4?r=US&IR=T

[11:35] TR Bot Tech Firms Like Google, Amazon Should Cut More Jobs, Analysts Say

[11:36] TR News (NEW): Proprietary Giants: Layoffs, Security Problems, and More http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Proprietary_Giants_Layoffs_Security_Problems_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Proprietary_Giants_Layoffs_Security_Problems_and_More.gmi

[11:36] TR Bot Tux Machines Proprietary Giants: Layoffs, Security Problems, and More

[11:47] psydruid > [notice] techrights.org | The Impact of Microsoft Bribing the Media and Suppressing Facts That Are Rarely Mentioned (Despite Their High Importance) | Techrights

[11:47] psydruid Get The Facts only from Microsoft and Gulagboys

[11:48] psydruid ATMBomber <3 Unabomber

[11:51] TR News Opposite of safety; well, safety for those who commit crimes https://scheerpost.com/2023/04/11/anti-protest-laws-are-not-about-safety-they-are-about-silencing-dissent-2/ | Source: Scheerpost

[11:51] TR Bot Laws Are Not About Safety, They Are About Silencing Dissent - scheerpost.com

[11:53] TR News cancer https://www.propublica.org/article/chevron-epa-plastic-biofuel-cancer-risk Pro Publica meanwhile takes bribes by a causer of cancer, Bill Gates

[11:53] TR Bot The EPA Faces Questions About Its Approval of a Plastic-Based Fuel With an Astronomical Cancer Risk ProPublica

[11:54] TR News Youtube-dl shows how states and corporations attack Free software wherever it is https://torrentfreak.com/youtube-dl-hosting-ban-paves-the-way-to-privatized-censorship-230411/ | Source: Torrent Freak

[11:54] TR Bot Hosting Ban Paves the Way to Privatized Censorship * TorrentFreak

[11:54] TR News vpn https://torrentfreak.com/russia-launches-anti-vpn-scare-campaign-to-support-blocking-230411/ | Source: Torrent Freak

[11:54] TR Bot Launches Anti-VPN Scare Campaign to Support Its VPN Blocking * TorrentFreak

[11:57] TR News "Workers at Facebooks parent have been increasingly alarmed by job cuts and the companys direction." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/technology/meta-layoffs-employees-management.html

[11:57] TR Bot Mass Layoffs and Absentee Bosses Create a Morale Crisis at Meta - The New York Times

[11:57] TR News Cisco layoffs https://www.bisnow.com/atlanta/news/economic-development/why-cisco-opened-its-new-atlanta-hub-despite-layoffs-in-a-nutshell-its-the-talent-ceo-says-118480

[11:57] TR Bot Cisco Opens 93K SF Atlanta Hub Amid Layoffs, Industry Turmoil

[11:58] schestowitz[TR] psydruid: atm bombers don't bombs united airline execs and other people

[11:58] schestowitz[TR] they bomb machines

● Apr 12

[12:03] psydruid bombing ATMs can serve as a stepping stone towards bombing united airline execs and other people, if there is a progression in terms of targets as there was with the unabomber

[12:03] schestowitz[TR] in capitalism, banks are persons

[12:03] schestowitz[TR] money is "property'

[12:04] schestowitz[TR] humans are slaves

[12:04] schestowitz[TR] but humans cannot use the word "Slave"

[12:04] schestowitz[TR] except in contexts where the slaveowners approve the use of the term

[12:04] schestowitz[TR] like in hitory museums

[12:04] schestowitz[TR] then they get to lecture us on how they ABOLISHED slavery

[12:04] schestowitz[TR] snd emancipated people

[12:04] schestowitz[TR] and slavery does not exist

[12:05] psydruid human resources = sanctioned slavery

[12:05] schestowitz[TR] haha, yes

[12:05] schestowitz[TR] it's OK, we paid them

[12:05] schestowitz[TR] like Jeffrey Esptein threw a banknote at little girls

[12:05] schestowitz[TR] to suck him and his friends of

[12:05] schestowitz[TR] then AG acost let him off the hook

[12:05] schestowitz[TR] *acosta

[12:06] schestowitz[TR] and trump promote acosta

[12:06] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2020/10/11/bagel-reports-as-images/

[12:06] TR Bot Trafficking Thousands of Underage Women/Girls for Sex is Not (and Was Never Ever) No Worse Than Stealing a Bagel | Techrights

[12:07] schestowitz[TR] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/08/cnn-jim-acosta-white-house-defends-decision-revoke-press-pass

[12:07] TR Bot White House defends doctored Trump-Acosta clip used to justify reporter's ban | Trump administration | The Guardian

[12:07] schestowitz[TR] not THAT acosta

[12:07] schestowitz[TR] https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/12/labor-secretary-alex-acosta-is-resigning-as-pressure-mounts-from-jeffrey-epstein-case.html

[12:07] TR Bot Trump Labor chief Alex Acosta resigns due to Jeffrey Epstein case

[12:07] schestowitz[TR] https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-people-jeffrey-epstein-acosta-trump/trump-backs-us-labor-chief-acosta-says-will-look-into-matter-amid-epstein-case-idUKKCN1U421J?edition-redirect=uk

[12:07] TR Bot backs U.S. Labor chief Acosta, says will look into matter amid Epstein case | Reuters

[12:07] schestowitz[TR] https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/04/28/525988784/acosta-confirmed-as-labor-secretary-first-latino-member-of-trump-cabinet

[12:07] TR Bot Acosta Confirmed As Labor Secretary, First Latino Member Of Trump Cabinet : The Two-Way : NPR

[12:07] schestowitz[TR] https://www.politico.com/newsletters/florida-playbook/2020/11/13/will-trump-upend-the-ambitions-of-florida-republicans-doj-acosta-used-poor-judgment-in-epstein-case-florida-senate-gop-grows-its-majority-490888

[12:07] TR Bot Trump upend the ambitions of Florida Republicans? DOJ: Acosta used 'poor judgment' in Epstein case Florida Senate GOP grows its majority - POLITICO

[12:08] schestowitz[TR] https://apnews.com/article/miami-donald-trump-ap-top-news-cabinets-laws-0189fb1241574d07a903f9bc7c441fc6

[12:08] TR Bot Trump names Acosta as new choice to become labor secretary | AP News

[12:09] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Android_Leftovers.gmi

[12:09] TR Bot Tux Machines Android Leftovers

[12:12] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_howtos.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_howtos.1.gmi

[12:12] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos

[12:13] TR News Daniel Ellsberg https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/daniel-ellsberg-courage | Source: Common Dreams

[12:13] TR Bot Opinion | Celebrating Daniel Ellsberg and a Courage Unconfined to the Past | Common Dreams

[12:14] TR News Oxfam https://www.commondreams.org/news/oxfam-rich-nations-financial-wizardry | Source: Common Dreams

[12:14] TR Bot Oxfam Slams Rich Nations for Using 'Financial Wizardry' to Skimp on Global Climate Funding

[12:16] TR News "Roughly 100 activists marked the opening day of the World Bank Group spring meetings by riding bicycles through the streets of Washington, D.C. on Monday night, calling on incoming bank president Ajay Banga to halt fossil fuel financing and ramp up clean energy and climate justice investments." https://www.commondreams.org/news/bike-protest-world-bank-fossil-fuel-financing | Source: Common Dreams

[12:16] TR Bot 'Time for a Fresh Start': Bike Protest Urges World Bank to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels

[12:18] TR News greenwashing https://michaelwest.com.au/asic-and-accc-greenwashing-orders-ignored/ | Source: Michael West Media

[12:18] TR Bot ASIC and ACCC put companies on notice for greenwashing - Michael West

[12:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[12:20] TR News Why Are There Fees on Everything? https://robertreich.org/post/714341158370852864 | Source: Robert Reich

[12:20] TR Bot Robert Reich (Why Are There Fees on Everything? If theres one...)

[12:21] TR News "In 2022 we were incredibly proud to mark twenty years of CC licensing and all the groundbreaking collaboration it has enabled as we closed our successful 20th anniversary campaign, which raised over $16 million dollars to support CC programs and our ongoing sustainability." https://creativecommons.org/2023/04/11/state-of-the-commons-2022/ | Source: Creative Commons

[12:21] TR Bot State of the Commons 2022 - Creative Commons

[12:23] TR News "Julian Assange's arrest" https://www.commondreams.org/news/tlaib-assange-garland-drop-charges | Source: Common Dreams

[12:23] TR Bot US Lawmakers Implore DOJ to Drop 'Unprecedented' Charges Against Julian Assange

[12:26] TR News Leaked Pentagon Docs https://www.democracynow.org/2023/4/11/pentagon_leak_ukraine | Source: Democracy Now

[12:26] TR Bot Spyfail Author James Bamford: What Leaked Pentagon Docs Show About Ukraine War, U.S. Spying on Allies | Democracy Now!

[12:27] TR News WebAssembly https://hackaday.com/2023/04/11/it-isnt-webassembly-but-it-is-assembly-in-your-browser/ | Source: Hackaday

[12:27] TR Bot Isnt WebAssembly, But It Is Assembly In Your Browser | Hackaday

[12:28] TR News "NSO Group is just one of the companies that should be covered by the new executive order." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/us-deserves-stronger-spyware-protections-bidens-executive-order | Source: EFF

[12:28] TR Bot The U.S. Deserves Stronger Spyware Protections Than Bidens Executive Order | Electronic Frontier Foundation

[12:30] TR News Starbucks https://www.commondreams.org/news/starbucks-ceo-narasimhan-progressive-union | Source: Common Dreams

[12:30] TR Bot Hundreds of Progressive Groups Back Starbucks Union Push as New CEO Arrives

[12:30] TR News assange https://www.commondreams.org/news/australian-lawmakers-assange-extradition | Source: Common Dreams

[12:30] TR Bot After 4 Years of Imprisonment, Australian Lawmakers Urge US to Drop Assange Extradition

[12:31] TR News assange again https://dontextraditeassange.com/post/4-years-since-julian-assange-has-been-incarcerated-in-the-uk-prison-reactions-and-comments/ | Source: Don't Extradite Assange

[12:31] TR Bot 4 years since Julian Assange has been incarcerated in the UK prison - Reactions and comments - Don't Extradite Assange

[12:31] TR News "British MPs are joined by lawmakers in the United States, Australia, Mexico, and Brazil" https://dontextraditeassange.com/post/uk-politicians-letter-to-us-attorney-general-merrick-garland-drop-the-charges-against-assange/ | Source: Don't Extradite Assange

[12:31] TR Bot UK Politicians Letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland - Drop the charges against Assange - Don't Extradite Assange

[12:32] TR News MSX2 https://hackaday.com/2023/04/11/portable-msx2-brings-the-fun-on-the-go/ | Source: Hackaday

[12:32] TR Bot MSX2 Brings The Fun On The Go | Hackaday

[12:37] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

[12:37] TR News "Australian parliamentarians from across political sides, MPs and senators, have signed a letter" https://dontextraditeassange.com/parliamentary-actions/australian-lawmakers-send-a-letter-to-us-attorney-general-merrick-garland-free-assange/ | Source: Don't Extradite Assange

[12:37] TR Bot Australian Lawmakers send a Letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland Free Assange - Don't Extradite Assange

[12:38] TR News "uphold the First Amendment" https://dontextraditeassange.com/parliamentary-actions/democrats-call-for-ag-merrick-garland-to-cease-proceedings-against-wikileaks-julian-assange/ | Source: Don't Extradite Assange

[12:38] TR Bot Democrats call for AG Merrick Garland to cease proceedings against WikiLeaks Julian Assange - Don't Extradite Assange

[12:42] TR News "Open Source Charging" https://hackaday.com/2023/04/11/truckla-gets-an-open-source-charging-buddy/ | Source: Hackaday

[12:42] TR Bot Gets An Open Source Charging Buddy | Hackaday

[12:45] *cybrNaut has quit (Quit: bailing)

[12:45] *ciphrCat has quit (Quit: outta here)

[12:47] TR News "Silicon Valley v. Science Fiction." https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/11/its-good-that-ai-tech-bros-are-thinking-about-what-could-go-wrong-in-the-distant-future-but-why-dont-they-talk-about-whats-already-gone-wrong-today/ | Source: Techdirt

[12:47] TR Bot Good That AI Tech Bros Are Thinking About What Could Go Wrong In The Distant Future, But Why Dont They Talk About Whats Already Gone Wrong Today? | Techdirt

[12:56] TR News "Data portability is an important front in the war for an open internet." https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/11/techdirt-podcast-episode-350-the-data-transfer-initiative/ | Source: Techdirt

[12:56] TR Bot Podcast Episode 350: The Data Transfer Initiative | Techdirt

[12:57] TR News twitter "moderation" https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/11/free-speech-twitter-is-now-globally-blocking-posts-critical-of-the-modi-government/ | Source: Techdirt

[12:57] TR Bot Speech Twitter Is Now Globally Blocking Posts Critical Of The Modi Government | Techdirt

[12:58] TR News Water theft https://www.commondreams.org/news/unsustainable-consumption-water-inequality | Source: Common Dreams

[12:58] TR Bot 'Unsustainable Consumption' by the Rich Is Driving Urban Water Crises: Study

[12:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[13:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[13:27] TR News Rutgers Faculty on Strike https://www.commondreams.org/news/rutgers-faculty-strike | Source: Common Dreams

[13:27] TR Bot Thousands of Rutgers Faculty on Strike to Demand 'Transformative' Contract for Underpaid Teachers

[13:41] TR News What the Hard Data Says About Gender Inequality in Europes Second-Largest Institution, the EPO | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/csc-on-epo-gender-inequality/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/12/csc-on-epo-gender-inequality/

[13:41] TR Bot What the Hard Data Says About Gender Inequality in Europes Second-Largest Institution, the EPO | Techrights

[13:46] TR News [Meme] Unified Patent Court Versus Judges (That Arent Fully Controlled by the EPOs Junta, the Controversial Granting Authority) | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/epo-upc-coup/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/12/epo-upc-coup/

[13:46] TR Bot [Meme] Unified Patent Court Versus Judges (That Arent Fully Controlled by the EPOs Junta, the Controversial Granting Authority) | Techrights

[13:48] schestowitz-TR https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/entangledev/status/1646040699144486912#m

[13:48] TR Bot Potito Coluccelli (@entangledev): "Some time ago I read about someone asking about who is "still using linux"... http://techrights.org/2023/04/10/client-side-linux/" | La Contre-Voie - nitter

[13:52] XRevan86 https://openwrt.org/releases/22.03/notes-22.03.4 https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/

[13:52] TR Bot [OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 22.03.4 - Service Release - 10 April 2023

[13:52] TR Bot Index of /releases/22.03.4/

● Apr 12

[14:03] TR News UK-based Tokamak Energy https://hackaday.com/2023/04/11/the-uks-st40-spherical-tokamak-achieves-crucial-plasma-temperatures/ | Source: Hackaday

[14:03] TR Bot UKs ST40 Spherical Tokamak Achieves Crucial Plasma Temperatures | Hackaday

[14:04] TR News (NEW): BracioGraph: a Raspberry Pi-powered pen plotter http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/BracioGraph_a_Raspberry_Pi_powered_pen_plotter.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/BracioGraph_a_Raspberry_Pi_powered_pen_plotter.gmi

[14:04] TR Bot Tux Machines BracioGraph: a Raspberry Pi-powered pen plotter

[14:08] TR News "California residents were allowed to know almost nothing about some of their public servants." https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/11/los-angeles-does-police-unions-dirty-work-for-it-sues-person-over-public-records-he-legally-obtained/ | Source: Techdirt

[14:08] TR Bot Angeles Does Police Unions Dirty Work For It, Sues Person Over Public Records He Legally Obtained | Techdirt

[14:08] TR News arkansas https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/11/arkansas-legislature-passes-age-verification-bill-that-conveniently-carves-out-basically-everyone-except-meta-twitter/ | Source: Techdirt

[14:08] TR Bot Legislature Passes Age Verification Bill That Conveniently Carves Out Basically Everyone EXCEPT Meta & Twitter | Techdirt

[14:11] TR News "In the summer of 2001, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchants sitcom The Office began airing on BBC Two and observably altered the television landscape." https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/stars-party-down/ | Source: The Nation

[14:11] TR Bot The Biting Workplace Comedy of Party Down | The Nation

[14:12] TR News FCC https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/11/whoops-congress-failed-to-actually-fund-efforts-to-rip-and-replace-chinese-telecom-gear-from-u-s-networks/ | Source: Techdirt

[14:12] TR Bot Congress Failed To Actually Fund Efforts To Rip And Replace Chinese Telecom Gear From U.S. Networks | Techdirt

[14:14] TR News Happiest country on the planet with "backlog of patients needing treatment that built up during the Covid pandemic." Maybe take COVID-19 seriously again and properly compensate the hard-working staff? https://yle.fi/a/74-20026730

[14:14] TR Bot Hospital waiting lists lengthen | News | Yle Uutiset

[14:16] TR News (NEW): Free, Libre, and Open Source Software News http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Free_Libre_and_Open_Source_Software_News.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Free_Libre_and_Open_Source_Software_News.gmi

[14:16] TR Bot Tux Machines Free, Libre, and Open Source Software News

[14:16] TR News (NEW): Programming Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Programming_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Programming_Leftovers.1.gmi

[14:16] TR Bot Tux Machines Programming Leftovers

[14:18] TR News "Many of the common microcontrollers available in the maker scene today are clocked at over 100MHz and will have more available RAM and flash memory than the Commodore C64 I had as a boy." gemini://laniakea.rodoste.de/journal/2023-04-12-progress-and-computers.gmi

[14:19] TR News Why share? gemini://altesq.net/~evenfire/posts/why-share.gmi

[14:19] TR News SpellBinding: FIKLSYU Wordo: PUMAS gemini://altesq.net/~evenfire/posts/why-share.gmi

[14:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[14:21] TR News "Babette's Feast is a cinematic masterpiece that deserves no less than a 5-star rating. The movie is an adaptation of a short story by Isak Dinesen and has been directed by Gabriel Axel. It is a heartwarming tale of self-sacrifice and the power of food to bring people together." gemini://tilde.team/~tomasino/review/20230412-babette-s-feast-1987.gmi

[14:22] TR News SpellBinding: FIKLSYU Wordo: PUMAS gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2023-04-12.gmi

[14:26] TR News "I may have mentioned in the past that I used to have a website where I tried to watch 365 movies every year. It was called "A Film a Day", and my special hook was that every film received 5-stars." gemini://tilde.team/~tomasino/journal/20230412-five-star-reviews.gmi

[14:26] TR News "The share of people with jobs receiving Kela's housing allowance has risen from 24 to 39 percent since 2015." https://yle.fi/a/74-20026540 maybe the real solution is to - gasp - raises the salaries!

[14:26] TR Bot More working people qualifying for housing assistance | News | Yle Uutiset

[14:27] schestowitz[TR] *raise

[14:37] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[14:37] TR News X says is NOT "journalism"; check of the fraud is lying as usual. Also, he had DEBT PAYMENTS on about 14,000,000,000 dollars. www.usnews.com/news/technology/articles/2023-04-12/elon-musk-says-twitter-is-roughly-breaking-even

[14:40] TR News High Philippine Inflation Dents Marcos' Approval Ratings www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-04-12/high-philippine-inflation-dents-marcos-approval-ratings

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > My primary choice would be an official supported GNU/BSD but I was

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > unable to find a maintained project. I also considered Illumos and other

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > projects. However, I tried FreeBSD first and found myself quite at home

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > there. I have been pleasantly surprised and have been able to bring all

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > of the GNU programs with me.

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] >

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > I will obviously continue to follow the work of yourself and others in

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > regard to keeping up to date on the latest Linux news. But I am at the

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] > moment completely moving away from the Linux kernel on my systems.

[14:49] schestowitz[TR] Seems trendy in recent years.

[14:52] MinceR MICROS~1 and dehomag made it popular

[14:52] schestowitz[TR] wait till they get around to it to

[14:52] MinceR they shat in userspace and in the kernel

[14:52] schestowitz[TR] no virtual hugs, matey

[14:52] schestowitz[TR] you get sent to Gulag(TM) fro dat

[14:52] schestowitz[TR] *for

[14:53] TR News Links 12/04/2023: Youtube-dl Hosting Ban Paves the Way to Privatised Censorship | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/privatized-censorship/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/12/privatized-censorship/

[14:53] schestowitz[TR] MinceR: no wayland!

[14:53] TR Bot Links 12/04/2023: Youtube-dl Hosting Ban Paves the Way to Privatised Censorship | Techrights

[14:53] schestowitz[TR] go to the back of dbus

[14:54] MinceR "but before we begin this duel to the death, i have just one question: could i get a hug?"

[14:54] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2020/11/06/free-microsoft-hugs/

[14:55] TR Bot The Microsoft Bear Hug | Techrights

[14:57] TR News Pentagon leak threatens Biden's foreign policy doctrine ahead of overseas trip https://www.axios.com/2023/04/11/pentagon-intelligence-leak-biden-allies http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[14:57] TR Bot Pentagon leak threatens Biden doctrine as president heads abroad

[14:57] TR Bot The Sensitive Ukraine Documents Werent Grabbed From Social Control Media, Just Leaked There (Microsoft Azure, Windows, and/or Rogue Insider Most Probable Factor to Blame) | Techrights

[14:59] TR News IMF says world economy entering "tricky" phase https://www.axios.com/2023/04/11/imf-world-economys-tricky-phase https://www.reuters.com/article/us-offshore-wealth-idUSBRE86L03U20120722

[14:59] TR Bot IMF says world economy entering "tricky" phase

[14:59] TR Bot rich hold $32 trillion in offshore havens | Reuters

[14:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[14:59] TR News What to watch in March inflation report https://www.axios.com/2023/04/11/what-to-watch-in-march-inflation-report Too many bailouts can deflate entire currencies http://techrights.org/2023/02/04/tech-subsidies-and-bailout/

[14:59] TR Bot What to watch in March inflation report

[14:59] TR Bot 2023 is the Year Taxpayers Money Goes to War and Energy Subsidies, Not Tech | Techrights

● Apr 12

[15:00] MinceR "i'm glad i have such a long and villain-free life ahead of me." "hi there! could i get a hug?"

[15:01] *rianne__ has quit (connection closed)

[15:01] *rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)

[15:01] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-448.p91.7dgmmg.IP) has joined #techrights

[15:01] *rianne__ (~rianne@rbnv8qskr8rgw.irc) has joined #techrights

[15:01] schestowitz[TR] http://techrights.org/2020/04/08/githug/

[15:01] TR Bot GitHug A Guest Article by Thomas Grzybowski | Techrights

[15:02] TR News White elephants everywhere in this "slowing growth" pseudo-economy https://www.axios.com/2023/04/11/office-space-available-rent-hits-new-record-high

[15:02] TR Bot Amount of office space available for rent hits new record high

[15:05] TR News This bankster politician literally stole money from the public to save rogue banksters who should have instead been prosecuted https://www.axios.com/2023/04/11/first-look-yellen-cautious-optimism-economy

[15:05] TR Bot First look: Yellen's cautious optimism on the economy

[15:06] TR News Office spaces in centres of towns are becoming like "blue checkmarks" in Twitter. Any idiot can have them on the cheap and they don't signify status.

[15:06] TR News Concern Grows as Deepfakes Spread Misinformation https://adf-magazine.com/2023/04/concern-grows-as-deepfakes-spread-misinformation/

[15:06] TR Bot NO TITLE

[15:08] TR News EVs are not the solution. They spur more sales of heavy machinery, requiring oil/coal to produce and to operate. Yuppie-ism becoming policy. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/climate/biden-electric-cars-epa.html

[15:08] TR Bot E.P.A. Lays Out Rules to Turbocharge Sales of Electric Cars and Trucks - The New York Times

[15:09] TR News New York Times posted loads of SPAM for Microsoft this year. New York Times deserves to go offline... https://pressgazette.co.uk/media-audience-and-business-data/media_metrics/most-popular-websites-news-world-monthly-2/

[15:09] TR Bot Most popular websites for news in the world: Monthly top 50 listing

[15:14] TR News Trademark: TTABlog Test: Is Puma's "PROCAT" Confusable with Caterpiller's "CAT" for Footwear? http://thettablog.blogspot.com/2023/04/ttablog-test-is-pumas-procat-confusable.html

[15:14] TR Bot The TTABlog: TTABlog Test: Is Puma's "PROCAT" Confusable with Caterpiller's "CAT" for Footwear?

[15:14] TR News MIT Technology Review is Running SPAM for Microsoft and Azure (Distracting From Mass Layoffs) http://techrights.org/2023/04/11/mit-technology-review-microsoft/

[15:14] TR Bot MIT Technology Review is Running SPAM for Microsoft and Azure (Distracting From Mass Layoffs) | Techrights

[15:14] TR News Helsinki Times Shows Disturbing Trend of News Sites Which Falsely Market Themselves to Readers http://techrights.org/2023/04/11/the-case-of-helsinki-time/

[15:15] TR Bot Helsinki Times Shows Disturbing Trend of News Sites Which Falsely Market Themselves to Readers | Techrights

[15:15] TR News Microsoft Windows in India, China, and Nigeria (Over 3 Billion People) http://techrights.org/2023/04/11/microsoft-windows-brics/

[15:15] TR Bot Microsoft Windows in India, China, and Nigeria (Over 3 Billion People) | Techrights

[15:15] TR News CEO of Sirius UK Continues to Purge Any Remnants of His Past With the Company (Trying Hard Not to Associate With It) http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/sirius-no-more/

[15:15] TR Bot CEO of Sirius UK Continues to Purge Any Remnants of His Past With the Company (Trying Hard Not to Associate With It) | Techrights

[15:16] TR News Still Waiting: Pension Providers in the UK Stalling for Months After Several Independent Reports of Pension Fraud http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/still-waiting-pension-providers-in-the-uk-stalling-for-months-after-several-independent-reports-of-pension-fraud/

[15:16] TR Bot Still Waiting: Pension Providers in the UK Stalling for Months After Several Independent Reports of Pension Fraud | Techrights

[15:16] TR News What is the Living Pension standard, and how could it boost your retirement pot? https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/what-is-the-living-pension-standard-and-how-could-it-boost-your-retirement-pot-aQt6P8Z5MZdt

[15:16] TR Bot What is the Living Pension standard, and how could it boost your retirement pot? - Which? News

[15:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[15:20] *rianne has quit (Connection closed)

[15:20] *rianne__ has quit (connection closed)

[15:20] *rianne__ (~rianne@rbnv8qskr8rgw.irc) has joined #techrights

[15:20] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-448.p91.7dgmmg.IP) has joined #techrights

[15:22] TR News Ukraine resumes electricity exports in latest show of wartime resilience https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraine-resumes-electricity-exports-in-latest-show-of-wartime-resilience/

[15:22] TR Bot Ukraine resumes electricity exports in latest show of wartime resilience - Atlantic Council

[15:24] TR News Ukraines energy sector survives winter https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraines-energy-sector-survives-winter/

[15:24] TR Bot Ukraines energy sector survives winter - Atlantic Council

[15:25] *koo5__ has quit (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)

[15:27] TR News 2018 (5 years ago): Drew DeVault - Building Wayland desktop components with layer shell (Demo Track) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VuRXHJu5Kmg this did not age well because Wayland is still not ready

[15:27] TR Bot Drew DeVault - Building Wayland desktop components with layer shell (Demo Track) - Invidious

[15:30] *koo5__ (~quassel@vmi579006.contaboserver.net) has joined #techrights

[15:33] TR News ESPi Ethernet & info display board comes with ESP32-S3 module or Raspberry Pi Pico W board (Crowdfunding) https://www.cnx-software.com/2023/04/11/espi-ethernet-info-display-board-esp32-s3-or-raspberry-pi-pico-w-board/

[15:33] TR Bot ESPi Ethernet & info display board comes with ESP32-S3 module or Raspberry Pi Pico W board (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software

[15:33] TR News Linux cp command copy symbolic (soft) link tutorial https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-cp-command-copy-symbolic-soft-link/

[15:33] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-cp-command-copy-symbolic-soft-link/ )

[15:34] TR News How to upgrade FreeBSD 13.1 to 13.2 release https://www.cyberciti.biz/open-source/how-to-upgrade-freebsd-13-1-to-13-2-release/

[15:34] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.cyberciti.biz/open-source/how-to-upgrade-freebsd-13-1-to-13-2-release/ )

[15:35] TR News Five Things to Know About NSA Mass Surveillance and the Coming Fight in Congress https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/five-things-to-know-about-nsa-mass-surveillance-and-the-coming-fight-in-congress

[15:35] TR Bot Five Things to Know About NSA Mass Surveillance and the Coming Fight in Congress | ACLU

[15:35] TR News How to Install Vim Editor on Ubuntu https://vitux.com/vim-ubuntu/

[15:35] TR Bot to Install Vim Editor on Ubuntu - VITUX

[15:35] TR News How to Install UVdesk Helpdesk on Debian https://vitux.com/how-to-install-uvdesk-helpdesk-on-debian/

[15:35] TR Bot to Install UVdesk Helpdesk on Debian - VITUX

[15:36] TR News How to Install YARN NPM-Package Manager on Rocky Linux https://vitux.com/how-to-install-yarn-npm-package-manager-on-rocky-linux/

[15:36] TR Bot to Install YARN NPM-Package Manager on Rocky Linux - VITUX

[15:36] TR News How to Install Yarn on AlmaLinux https://vitux.com/yarn-almalinux/

[15:36] TR Bot to Install Yarn on AlmaLinux - VITUX

[15:36] TR News How to Install XWiki on Ubuntu https://vitux.com/how-to-install-xwiki-on-ubuntu/

[15:36] *koo5__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

[15:36] TR Bot to Install XWiki on Ubuntu - VITUX

[15:36] TR News Install KernelCare in Debian 11 https://unixcop.com/install-kernelcare-in-debian/

[15:36] TR Bot Install KernelCare in Debian 11 - Unix / Linux the admins Tutorials

[15:37] TR News Getting Maven on Rocky Linux 9 https://unixcop.com/getting-maven-on-rocky-linux-9/

[15:37] TR Bot Getting Maven on Rocky Linux 9 - Unix / Linux the admins Tutorials

[15:37] *koo5__ (~quassel@vmi579006.contaboserver.net) has joined #techrights

[15:41] TR News From the Community | Why I support the Stanford Graduate Workers Union unionization campaign and why other faculty should, too https://stanforddaily.com/2023/04/11/from-the-community-why-i-support-the-stanford-graduate-workers-union-unionization-campaign-and-why-other-faculty-should-too/

[15:41] TR Bot Opinion | Faculty should support the graduate workers' union

[15:50] TR News Old: "Here we are again, writing from the bus. I'm slowly tapping away as I take the 20 minute journey into Reykjavik to meet a friend for coffee. I've not spent time with her in months, so we have much to catch up on." gemini://tilde.team/~tomasino/journal/20220923-roophloch.gmi

[15:54] TR News Microsoft 'security' = bug doors https://cyberscoop.com/microsoft-zero-day-patch-tuesday-ransomware/

[15:54] TR Bot gangs increasingly deploy zero-days to maximize attacks | CyberScoop

[15:56] TR News But CISA is also a proponent of back doors, so... be careful what you wish for https://cyberscoop.com/cisa-secure-by-design/

[15:56] TR Bot the heels of the US cyber strategy, CISA set to release secure by design principles | CyberScoop

● Apr 12

[16:00] TR News Celebrate International Dark Sky Week 2023! https://www.darksky.org/international-dark-sky-week-2023/

[16:00] TR Bot ( status 403 @ https://www.darksky.org/international-dark-sky-week-2023/ )

[16:02] TR News Zuckerberg running banks now? https://www.defenceweb.co.za/featured/questions-around-new-veterans-pension-regulations-lead-to-whatsapp-groups/

[16:02] TR Bot Questions around new veterans pension regulations lead to WhatsApp groups - defenceWeb

[16:04] TR News Is There Money in Hi-Fi? MQA Files for Bankruptcy After Investor Bails https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/11/is-there-money-in-hifi-streaming-mqa-bankruptcy/

[16:04] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/11/is-there-money-in-hifi-streaming-mqa-bankruptcy/ )

[16:04] TR News How to Install OpenSearch on Rocky Linux 9 https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-opensearch-on-rocky-linux-9/

[16:04] TR Bot How to Install OpenSearch on Rocky Linux 9

[16:04] TR News How to Check Docker Container RAM and CPU Usage https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-check-docker-container-ram-and-cpu-usage/

[16:04] TR Bot How to Check Docker Container RAM and CPU Usage

[16:05] TR News How to Install LOMP Stack (OpenLiteSpeed, MySQL, and PHP) on Rocky Linux 9 https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-lomp-stack-openlitespeed-mysql-and-php-on-rocky-linux-9/

[16:05] TR Bot How to Install LOMP Stack (OpenLiteSpeed, MySQL, and PHP) on Rocky Linux 9

[16:05] TR News 5 of the Best Raspberry Pi Emulators for Simulating Your Pi Experience https://www.iottechtrends.com/best-raspberry-pi-emulators/

[16:05] TR Bot 5 of the Best Raspberry Pi Emulators for Simulating Your Pi Experience - IoT Tech Trends

[16:08] TR News "exploited in the wild" https://itwire.com/security/microsoft-releases-97-fixes-on-patch-tuesday-one-for-a-zero-day.html

[16:08] TR Bot - Microsoft releases 97 fixes on Patch Tuesday; one for a zero-day

[16:09] TR News "There is some significant work to get software from "it works for me" to "it actually works"." https://blog.cyborch.com/it-works-for-me/

[16:09] TR Bot From "It Works For Me" To "It Works"

[16:10] TR News The weird and wonderful history of chess-playing robots https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/04/11/the-weird-and-wonderful-history-of-chess-playing-robots/

[16:10] TR Bot The weird and wonderful history of chess-playing robots | Arduino Blog

[16:10] TR News A very nimble DIY hexapod robot https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/04/11/a-very-nimble-diy-hexapod-robot/

[16:10] TR Bot A very nimble DIY hexapod robot | Arduino Blog

[16:11] TR News Event Wrap: NZNOG 2023 https://blog.apnic.net/2023/04/12/event-wrap-nznog-2023/

[16:11] TR Bot Event Wrap: NZNOG 2023 | APNIC Blog

[16:11] TR News Notes from IETF 116 https://blog.apnic.net/2023/04/12/notes-from-ietf-116/

[16:11] TR Bot Notes from IETF 116 | APNIC Blog

[16:12] TR News Kubernetes v1.27: Chill Vibes https://kubernetes.io/blog/2023/04/11/kubernetes-v1-27-release/

[16:12] TR Bot Kubernetes v1.27: Chill Vibes | Kubernetes

[16:14] TR News Length of Dictionary Python https://linuxhint.com/python-dictionary-length/

[16:14] TR Bot Length of Dictionary Python

[16:14] TR News How to Remove an Element From a Set in Python https://linuxhint.com/remove-element-from-set-python/

[16:14] TR Bot How to Remove an Element From a Set in Python

[16:14] TR News How to Instantiate a Class in Python https://linuxhint.com/instantiate-class-python/

[16:14] TR Bot How to Instantiate a Class in Python

[16:14] TR News Remove None from the List Python https://linuxhint.com/remove-none-from-the-list-python/

[16:14] TR Bot Remove None from the List Python

[16:14] TR News Python Object to String https://linuxhint.com/python-object-to-string/

[16:14] TR Bot Python Object to String

[16:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[16:33] TR News Task Automation Using Cron Jobs and Scripts in Pop!_OS https://www.fosslinux.com/110935/task-automation-using-cron-jobs-and-scripts-in-pop_os.htm

[16:33] TR Bot Task Automation Using Cron Jobs and Scripts in Pop!_OS

[16:34] TR News Microsoft April 2023 Patch Tuesday, (Tue, Apr 11th) https://isc.sans.edu/diary/rss/29736

[16:34] TR Bot InfoSec Handlers Diary Blog - SANS Internet Storm Center

[16:35] TR News Vietnam Threatens Complete TikTok Ban Over Content That Violates Local Laws https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/11/vietnam-threatens-tiktok-ban-over-content/

[16:35] TR Bot ( status 520 @ https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2023/04/11/vietnam-threatens-tiktok-ban-over-content/ )

[16:36] TR News Top 10 productivity apps for Pop!_OS enthusiasts https://www.fosslinux.com/110808/top-10-productivity-apps-for-pop_os-enthusiasts.htm

[16:36] TR Bot Top 10 Productivity Apps for Pop!_OS Enthusiasts

[16:38] TR News GSC debates changes to Honor Code, calls for transportation support for campus workers https://stanforddaily.com/2023/04/11/gsc-debates-changes-to-honor-code-calls-for-transportation-support-for-campus-workers/

[16:38] TR Bot GSC debates changes to Honor Code, transportation support

[16:41] TR News But Gulag purs back doors in things. Gulag is not the solution. It is is a war company. https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/11/google-debuts-api-detecting-open-source-security-vulnerabilities/

[16:41] TR Bot debuts new API for detecting open-source security vulnerabilities - SiliconANGLE

[16:45] TR News Media has become pure trash. Tech "media" is a joke, calling EVERYTHING HEY HI now. Or companies that name-drop "clown" and "GPT" to sound edgy. Used to be "blockchains" and "web3"....

[16:46] TR News Live: US reaffirms support for Ukraine after intelligence leaks https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230412-%F0%9F%94%B4-live-us-reaffirms-support-for-ukraine-after-intelligence-leaks http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[16:46] TR Bot Live: UN 'appalled' by video of alleged Ukraine POW beheading

[16:46] TR Bot The Sensitive Ukraine Documents Werent Grabbed From Social Control Media, Just Leaked There (Microsoft Azure, Windows, and/or Rogue Insider Most Probable Factor to Blame) | Techrights

[16:46] TR News Pentagon intelligence leak: What we know so far https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230412-pentagon-intelligence-leak-what-we-know-so-far http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[16:46] TR Bot Pentagon intelligence leak: What we know so far

[16:46] TR News Start by dumping Microsoft... https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230412-washington-desperate-to-reassure-allies-after-secret-document-leak

[16:46] TR Bot Washington desperate to reassure allies after secret document leak

[16:47] TR News france24 has jumped the shark with "Trump says"; now france24 is free megaphone of an Orange Nazi... https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20230412-macron-kissing-xi-s-ass-trump-says-after-taiwan-comments

[16:47] TR Bot Macron 'kissing Xi's ass', Trump says after Taiwan comments

[16:48] TR News Bowel movements and mouth movements of Donald Trump are NOT news

[16:49] TR News (NEW): Solus Linux Loses Active Status on DistroWatch http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Solus_Linux_Loses_Active_Status_on_DistroWatch.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Solus_Linux_Loses_Active_Status_on_DistroWatch.gmi

[16:49] TR Bot Tux Machines Solus Linux Loses Active Status on DistroWatch

[16:50] TR News Microsoft Corp. is criminals. Citizen Lab working with criminals is not good and they try to distract from Microsoft's own crimes. As if bad criminal, fine. Small one, bad. https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/11/little-known-israeli-spyware-firm-found-selling-zero-click-iphone-spyware/

[16:50] TR Bot Israeli vendor found selling dangerous iPhone spyware - SiliconANGLE

[16:52] TR News US government: we need to ban malware, except the GAFAM malware that we control fully.

[16:53] TR News COVID-19 Death Toll in the UK Passes 222,222, Not Counting Indirect Deaths https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-death-toll/

[16:53] TR Bot timed out after 10000 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-death-toll/ )

[16:54] TR News In Ireland, More Deaths at End of 2022 Than in 2021 (COVID-19) and Far More Deaths Now Than During COVID-19s Peak https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/ireland-mortality/

[16:54] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/ireland-mortality/ )

[16:54] TR News COVID-19 Won, We Lost. Why Doesnt the Media Admit This? https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-won/

[16:54] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2023/04/12/covid-19-won/ )

[16:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[17:00] TR News A once high-flying health-tech startups co-founders were convicted of fraud of more than $1 billion https://qz.com/outcome-health-fraud-goldman-sachs-novo-nordisk-1850326584

[17:00] TR Bot Outcome Health co-founders found guilty of $1 billion fraud

[17:01] TR News He put an X on it and shot it to death. "SUCCESS". Who will bail him our? Saudi Butchers? https://qz.com/elon-musk-is-rebranding-twitter-as-x-corp-1850324904

[17:01] TR Bot Elon Musk is rebranding Twitter as X Corp

[17:02] TR News Graphic artist faces up to four years in jail for depicting Erdoan's 'sluts' rant https://www.bianet.org/english/politics/277134-graphic-artist-faces-up-to-four-years-in-jail-for-depicting-erdogan-s-sluts-rant

[17:02] TR Bot Graphic artist faces up to four years in jail for depicting Erdoan's 'sluts' rant - Hikmet Adal - english

[17:05] TR News Document leak: Pentagon investigates as Ukraine war info circulates https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Military/2023/0411/Document-leak-Pentagon-investigates-as-Ukraine-war-info-circulates http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[17:05] TR Bot leak: Pentagon investigates as Ukraine war info circulates - CSMonitor.com

[17:07] TR News As if this will happen... oligarchs control these banks of collective enslavement. "Modernizing financial institutions like the World Bank starts with setting individual dignity and shared prosperity above national interests." https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2023/0411/Choices-in-forgiving-debts

[17:07] TR Bot in forgiving debts - CSMonitor.com

[17:08] TR News How strong is US-Ukraine wartime alliance? What the leaks reveal. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2023/0411/How-strong-is-US-Ukraine-wartime-alliance-What-the-leaks-reveal http://techrights.org/2023/04/08/blame-for-documents-leaked/

[17:08] TR Bot among friends? What leaks tell us about Ukraine-US ties. - CSMonitor.com

[17:09] TR News Org-capture template for weeknotes https://box.matto.nl/orgcapture-template-for-weeknotes.html

[17:09] TR Bot template for weeknotes - box.matto.nl

[17:09] TR News Compiling Emacs https://box.matto.nl/compiling-emacs.html

[17:09] TR Bot Emacs - box.matto.nl

[17:17] TR News Australia tells exporters to diversify from top trade partner China https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/australianz/australia-tells-exporters-to-diversify-from-top-trade-partner-china

[17:17] TR Bot Australia tells exporters to diversify, become less reliant on top trade partner China | The Straits Times

[17:17] TR News French President Macron praised in China for brilliant Taiwan comments https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/french-president-macron-praised-in-china-for-brilliant-taiwan-comments

[17:17] TR Bot French President Macron praised in China for brilliant Taiwan comments | The Straits Times

[17:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[17:22] TR News Nginx 1.24 Released https://nginx.org/

[17:22] TR Bot nginx news

[17:23] TR News Policy Briefing Data Protection and Digital Information (No.2) Bill Second Reading https://www.openrightsgroup.org/publications/policy-briefing-data-protection-and-digital-information-no-2-bill-second-reading/

[17:23] TR Bot Policy Briefing Data Protection and Digital Information (No.2) Bill Second Reading | Open Rights Group

[17:29] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

[17:30] TR News Voice Controller now has talking algorithm/program http://www.makululinux.com/wp/2023/04/11/voice-controller-now-has-talking-ai/

[17:30] TR Bot Controller now has talking AI !! MakuluLinux

[17:35] TR News YLE: Concentration of political power continues in Finland https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/finland-news/politics/23356-yle-concentration-of-political-power-continues-in-finland.html yeah, give PUTIN some more POWER in Finland. 'Democratisation' http://techrights.org/2023/04/11/the-case-of-helsinki-time/

[17:35] TR Bot reply from server ( status 0 @ https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/finland-news/politics/23356-yle-concentration-of-political-power-continues-in-finland.html )

[17:35] TR Bot Helsinki Times Shows Disturbing Trend of News Sites Which Falsely Market Themselves to Readers | Techrights

[17:37] TR News Many buzzwords... https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2023/4/it-resilience-myths

[17:37] TR Bot IT resilience: 3 myths debunked | The Enterprisers Project

[17:38] TR News Generative AI: How does it affect the enterprise? https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2023/4/generative-ai-enterprise

[17:38] TR Bot Generative AI: How does it affect the enterprise? | The Enterprisers Project

[17:39] TR News Firefox 112 Adds Importing Data From Chromium Snap Support https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2023/04/firefox-112-import-chromium-snap/

[17:39] TR Bot Firefox 112 Adds Importing Data From Chromium Snap Support | UbuntuHandbook

[17:39] TR News Scamwatch: 'Fraudsters targeted me after my insurer suffered a data breach' https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/scamwatch-fraudsters-targeted-me-after-my-insurer-suffered-a-data-breach-aEr9U1v9Uuyn

[17:40] TR Bot Scamwatch: 'Fraudsters targeted me after my insurer suffered a data breach' - Which? News

[17:41] TR News Under Tories we have 'food stamps' now... wonderful accomplishment post-Brexit https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/over-200000-families-missing-out-on-free-food-vouchers-are-you-eligible-algEn5h3kfiN

[17:41] TR Bot Over 200,000 families missing out on free food vouchers are you eligible? - Which? News

[17:42] TR News NatWest itself is SUPER dodgy https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/natwest-phishing-scam-how-to-spot-a-dodgy-bank-email-ac7my7c7CJOP see https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2013/11/12/natwest-liquidation-route/ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2013/11/09/natwest-last-straw/ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2014/02/28/natwest/

[17:42] TR Bot NatWest phishing scam: how to spot a dodgy bank email - Which? News

[17:43] TR Bot timed out after 10000 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2013/11/12/natwest-liquidation-route/ )

[17:43] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2013/11/09/natwest-last-straw/ )

[17:43] TR Bot timed out after 10001 milliseconds ( status 0 @ https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2014/02/28/natwest/ )

[17:43] TR News Amazon issues warning to customers amid growing threat of impersonation scams https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/amazon-issues-warning-to-customers-amid-growing-threat-of-impersonation-scams-aArUA1p4DWQU

[17:43] TR Bot Amazon issues warning to customers amid growing threat of impersonation scams - Which? News

[17:44] TR News So do drugs https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88xaw4/study-finds-high-speed-rail-increases-happiness

[17:44] TR Bot Study Finds High-Speed Rail Increases Happiness

[17:48] TR News Longhorn HD's cybersecurity patent affirmed invalid by Federal Circuit https://www.unifiedpatents.com/insights/2023/4/10/longhorn-hds-cybersecurity-patent-affirmed-invalid-by-federal-circuit

[17:48] TR Bot Longhorn HD's cybersecurity patent affirmed invalid by Federal Circuit Unified Patents

[17:49] TR News Microsoft is copying GNU/Linux again https://www.tomshardware.com/news/windows-11-print-screen-snipping-tool

[17:49] TR Bot Windows 11 Will Make Print Screen Key Open Snipping Tool | Tom's Hardware

[17:51] TR News Arm-Based CPUs Could Double Notebook PC Market Share by 2027: Report https://www.tomshardware.com/news/arm-based-cpus-set-to-double-notebook-pc-market-share-by-2027 And yeah, they won't be running Microsoft/Windows

[17:51] TR Bot Arm-Based CPUs Could Double Notebook PC Market Share by 2027: Report | Tom's Hardware

[17:51] TR News Raspberry Pi Pico W Powers Electronics Coding Kit Crowdfunder https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-pico-w-coding-kit

[17:51] TR Bot Raspberry Pi Pico W Powers Electronics Coding Kit Crowdfunder | Tom's Hardware

[17:53] TR News Clickfraud SPAMnil, TFiR, shilling Microsoft Proprietary Junk and GPL violations for second day in a row

[17:53] TR News Australia & UK Lawmakers Call For Not Extraditing Assange To US https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Australia--UK-Lawmakers-Call-For-Not-Extraditing-Assange-To-US-20230411-0002.html

[17:53] TR Bot Australia & UK Lawmakers Call For Not Extraditing Assange To US | News | teleSUR English

[17:55] TR News UK Junior Doctors Start Four-Day Strike Over 35% Pay Rise https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/UK-Junior-Doctors-Start-Four-Day-Strike-Over-35-Pay-Rise-20230411-0008.html

[17:55] TR Bot NO TITLE

[17:57] TR News Great new example of the term "HEY HI" being absolutely bloody meaningless https://www.techzim.co.zw/2023/04/whatever-you-need-to-do-theres-ai-for-that-get-started-for-free-in-zim/

[17:57] TR Bot Whatever you need to do, there's an AI that can help. Get on the train, even in Zim, for free - Techzim

[17:58] TR News How to fix the Docker Desktop Linux installation with addition of two files https://www.techrepublic.com/videos/how-to-fix-docker-desktop-linux-installation/

[17:58] TR Bot How to fix the Docker Desktop Linux installation with addition of two files

[17:59] TR News 6 best open-source kanban boards for managing projects in 2023 https://www.techrepublic.com/article/open-source-kanban-boards/

[17:59] TR Bot 6 best open-source kanban boards for managing projects in 2023

● Apr 12

[18:01] TR News Vampires, Romance, and Sleuthing https://www.scummvm.org/news/20230411/

[18:01] TR Bot ScummVM :: Home

[18:02] TR News Car Thieves Hacking the CAN Bus https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/04/car-thieves-hacking-the-can-bus.html

[18:02] TR Bot Thieves Hacking the CAN Bus - Schneier on Security

[18:03] TR News Another Russian Journalist Detained Over Unspecified Online Posts https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-journalist-ivanov-detained-online-posts/32359020.html

[18:03] TR Bot Another Russian Journalist Detained Over Unspecified Online Posts

[18:04] TR News Serbian Journalists Mark Anniversary Of Unsolved Killing Of Journalist In 1999 https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-journalist-curuvija-/32359085.html

[18:04] TR Bot Serbian Journalists Mark Anniversary Of Unsolved Killing Of Journalist In 1999

[18:06] TR News GStreamer: GStreamer 1.22.2 stable bug fix release https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/news/#2023-04-11T20:00:00Z

[18:06] TR Bot GStreamer: news

[18:07] TR News Microsoft Mono vector. Try Krita or GIMP instead. https://idroot.us/install-pinta-rocky-linux-9/

[18:07] TR Bot How To Install Pinta on Rocky Linux 9 - idroot

[18:07] TR News How To Install MySQL Workbench on Fedora 37 https://idroot.us/install-mysql-workbench-fedora-37/

[18:07] TR Bot How To Install MySQL Workbench on Fedora 37 - idroot

[18:07] TR News How To Install Showfoto on Debian 11 https://idroot.us/install-showfoto-debian-11/

[18:07] TR Bot How To Install Showfoto on Debian 11 - idroot

[18:08] TR News We wrote to the Ministry of Civil Aviation urging them to stop the DigiYatra Scheme https://internetfreedom.in/we-wrote-to-the-ministry-of-civil-aviation-urging-them-to-stop-the-digiyatra-scheme/

[18:08] TR Bot We wrote to the Ministry of Civil Aviation urging them to stop the DigiYatra Scheme

[18:09] TR News Yum Brands Discloses Data Breach Following Ransomware Attack https://www.securityweek.com/yum-brands-discloses-data-breach-following-ransomware-attack/

[18:09] TR Bot Brands Discloses Data Breach Following Ransomware Attack - SecurityWeek

[18:09] elusive_woman im getting pinetime today :)

[18:09] TR News Apple Rolls Out Zero-Day Patches to Older iOS, macOS Devices https://www.securityweek.com/apple-rolls-out-zero-day-patches-to-older-ios-macos-devices/

[18:09] TR Bot Rolls Out Zero-Day Patches to Older iOS, macOS Devices - SecurityWeek

[18:11] TR News Microsoft Azure essentially cracked again. https://www.securityweek.com/microsoft-azure-users-warned-of-potential-shared-key-authorization-abuse/ see http://techrights.org/2021/09/30/azure-brute-force/

[18:11] elusive_woman its in the mail

[18:11] TR Bot Azure Users Warned of Potential Shared Key Authorization Abuse - SecurityWeek

[18:11] TR Bot Microsoft Whistleblower and Clients Warned, More Than 2 Years Ago in Fact, About the Current Azure Mess (But Microsoft Ignored Those Warnings, Buried Facts) | Techrights

[18:11] elusive_woman pinetime looks to be the best smart watch

[18:14] TR News Microsoft patching only AFTER it is already too late https://www.securityweek.com/microsoft-patches-another-already-exploited-windows-zero-day/

[18:14] TR Bot Patches Another Already-Exploited Windows Zero-Day - SecurityWeek

[18:14] TR News Adobe Plugs Gaping Security Holes in Reader, Acrobat https://www.securityweek.com/adobe-plugs-gaping-security-holes-in-reader-acrobat/

[18:14] TR Bot Plugs Gaping Security Holes in Reader, Acrobat - SecurityWeek

[18:14] elusive_woman https://www.pine64.org/pinetime/

[18:14] TR Bot PineTime | PINE64

[18:15] TR News These Innocent-Looking Birds Conceal a Potent Nerve Agent in Their Feathers https://www.sciencealert.com/these-innocent-looking-birds-conceal-a-potent-nerve-agent-in-their-feathers

[18:15] TR Bot Innocent-Looking Birds Conceal a Potent Nerve Agent in Their Feathers : ScienceAlert

[18:16] TR News First Alpha Release of PowerDNS Recursor 4.9.0 https://blog.powerdns.com/2023/04/12/first-alpha-release-of-powerdns-recursor-4-9-0/

[18:16] TR Bot First Alpha Release of PowerDNS Recursor 4.9.0 | PowerDNS Blog

[18:17] TR News Even most expensive places to live in the US are unsafe https://qz.com/whole-foods-has-shut-down-a-store-in-downtown-san-franc-1850324015

[18:17] TR Bot Whole Foods closed a store in San Francisco on safety concerns

[18:17] TR News US mass shootings are occurring at an unprecedented rate in 2023 https://qz.com/us-mass-shootings-are-occurring-at-an-unprecedented-rat-1850323728

[18:17] TR Bot The US is seeing more mass shootings than ever

[18:18] TR News Patented (monopolised), falsely marketed, and doused with carcinogen https://qz.com/mexico-created-a-tortilla-task-force-to-investigate-the-1850323809

[18:18] TR Bot Mexico is investigating the health effects US-grown GM corn

[18:19] TR News Migrating Mastodon lists https://blog.jonudell.net/2023/04/11/migrating-mastodon-lists/

[18:19] TR Bot Migrating Mastodon lists Jon Udell

[18:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[18:20] TR News Sony invests in Raspberry Pi to promote sensory HEY HI development at the edge https://siliconangle.com/2023/04/12/sony-invests-raspberry-pi-promote-sensory-ai-development-edge/

[18:20] TR Bot invests in Raspberry Pi to promote sensory AI development at the edge - SiliconANGLE

[18:24] TR News OpenVMS 9.2 for x86, Getting Started part 1, install guide with VirtualBox https://raymii.org/s/blog/OpenVMS_9.2_for_x86_Getting_Started.html

[18:24] TR Bot 9.2 for x86, Getting Started part 1, install guide with VirtualBox - Raymii.org

[18:30] TR News Probably just lying as usual, but Murdoch tabloids just repeat the lies without checking facts (Twitter services a lot of debt and pays interest on this debt) https://nypost.com/2023/04/12/musk-says-twitter-is-roughly-breaking-even-has-1500-employees/

[18:30] TR Bot Musk says Twitter is roughly breaking even, has 1,500 employees

[18:32] *techuser has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

[18:33] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@3khny76cn5jaq.irc) has joined #techrights

[18:34] *techuser (~techuser@i8v737yyj3wya.irc) has joined #techrights

[18:35] DaemonFC https://www.npr.org/2023/04/12/1169269161/npr-leaves-twitter-government-funded-media-label

[18:35] TR Bot NPR quits Twitter after being falsely labeled as 'state-affiliated media' : NPR

[18:35] schestowitz[TR] about time

[18:35] TR News Why you should use io_uring for network I/O https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/04/12/why-you-should-use-iouring-network-io

[18:35] TR Bot Why you should use io_uring for network I/O | Red Hat Developer

[18:35] TR News Deploy React applications to OpenShift https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2023/04/11/deploy-react-apps-openshift

[18:35] TR Bot Deploy React applications to OpenShift | Red Hat Developer

[18:35] DaemonFC Yep.

[18:36] TR News GNU Linux howto kvm how to consolidate snapshots reclaim disk space after snapshot deletion qcow2 https://dwaves.de/2023/04/11/gnu-linux-howto-kvm-how-to-consolidate-snapshots-reclaim-disk-space-after-snapshot-deletion-qcow2/

[18:36] TR Bot GNU Linux howto kvm how to consolidate snapshots reclaim disk space after snapshot deletion qcow2 | dwaves.de

[18:37] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC:

[18:37] schestowitz[TR] Even most expensive places to live in the US are unsafe https://qz.com/whole-foods-has-shut-down-a-store-in-downtown-san-franc-1850324015

[18:38] TR News Elon Musk shut down Twitter's newsletters months before his fight with Substack https://qz.com/elon-musk-shut-down-twitters-newsletters-months-before-1850322014

[18:38] TR Bot Substack debuts Notes feature amid fight with Elon Musk

[18:38] TR News Wage growth for the lowest-paid US workers has fallen sharply https://qz.com/wage-growth-for-the-lowest-paid-us-workers-has-fallen-s-1850320294

[18:38] TR Bot Wage growth for the lowest-paid US workers has fallen sharply

[18:39] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], The most expensive places to live in the US are also the least safe.

[18:39] TR News UK doctors are striking over being paid $17.40 an hour https://qz.com/uk-doctors-are-striking-over-being-paid-17-40-an-hour-1850322282

[18:39] TR Bot Why are the junior doctors in the UK's NHS on strike?

[18:39] DaemonFC Because it's the Democrats that screw up zoning codes, bring extreme corruption, bleed everyone to death with taxes, kill the jobs, and repeal the justice system.

[18:39] DaemonFC And rich people vote for them and wonder why things spiral out of control.

[18:40] DaemonFC mjg59_ is living it.

[18:40] DaemonFC Whole Foods shut down in San Francisco.

[18:40] DaemonFC Citing rampant shoplifting.

[18:40] TR News Demystifying Kubernetes Operators: Creation, Benefits, and Use Cases https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/demystifying-kubernetes-operators-creation-benefits-and-use-cases

[18:40] TR Bot Demystifying Kubernetes Operators: Creation, Benefits, and Use Cases | Linux Journal

[18:41] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], To be remotely safe to leave the windows open or go walking at night, you need to be in a rural area that has open carry.

[18:41] DaemonFC Then the gun violence rate is low and people are usually fairly polite.

[18:41] TR News Unzip a Directory in Linux: 10 Example Commands https://www.linuxcapable.com/unzip-a-directory-in-linux-10-example-commands/

[18:41] TR Bot a Directory in Linux: 10 Example Commands - LinuxCapable

[18:41] DaemonFC The town I lived in, in Indiana, was extremely safe.

[18:41] TR News How to Remove or Delete PPA on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-remove-or-delete-ppa-on-ubuntu-linux/

[18:41] TR Bot to Remove or Delete PPA on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 - LinuxCapable

[18:41] TR News How to Install NPM on Fedora Linux https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-npm-on-fedora-linux/

[18:41] TR Bot to Install NPM on Fedora Linux - LinuxCapable

[18:42] TR News low">LinuxCapable. https://www.linuxcapable.com/feed/ Wed, 12 Apr 2023 04:19:27 +0000 How to Install NPM on Fedora Linux

[18:42] DaemonFC Most towns in Indiana are extremely safe. The exceptions are a couple of large cities like Indianapolis (Democrats) and NWI, which has Chicago spillover + Democrats.

[18:42] TR News How to Install PHP on Linux Mint 21/20 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-php-on-linux-mint/

[18:42] TR Bot to Install PHP on Linux Mint 21/20 - LinuxCapable

[18:42] DaemonFC It's hardly news that major American cities are the most dangerous places to live.

[18:42] DaemonFC Chicago was not a good place to live even during the best decade to live in America....the 90s.

[18:42] TR News How to Install KDE Plasma on Linux Mint 21/20 https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-kde-plasma-on-linux-mint/

[18:42] TR Bot to Install KDE Plasma on Linux Mint 21/20 - LinuxCapable

[18:43] TR News Kaunas reluctant to scrap brand new cameras after Lithuania bans Chinese tech https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1960334/kaunas-reluctant-to-scrap-brand-new-cameras-after-lithuania-bans-chinese-tech

[18:43] TR Bot Kaunas reluctant to scrap brand new cameras after Lithuania bans Chinese tech - LRT

[18:44] DaemonFC The Democrats ruin everything then the people who voted for them wonder aloud, in all seriousness, why even Target, Walmart, Jewel, and Whole Foods declare their neighborhood no-go and leave with 3 days warning.

[18:45] TR News London Councils & pirate books. Google dorking for subdomain takeovers https://www.pentestpartners.com/security-blog/london-councils-pirate-books-google-dorking-for-subdomain-takeovers/

[18:45] TR Bot London Councils & pirate books. Google dorking for subdomain takeovers | Pen Test Partners

[18:45] DaemonFC If the California nutjobs had any sense at all, they'd repeal that "reform" that lets criminals steal up to $900 per incident as a low grade misdemeanor, and so they go store to store with calculators.

[18:46] TR News PSA: It's now possible to set up a ChromeOS Flex USB on Linux systems https://www.neowin.net/news/psa-its-now-possible-to-set-up-a-chromeos-flex-usb-on-linux-systems/

[18:46] TR Bot PSA: It's now possible to set up a ChromeOS Flex USB on Linux systems - Neowin

[18:46] TR News Why Chinas Winning and the US Is Panicking, With Gregory Mahoney https://www.mintpressnews.com/chinas-winning-us-panicking-gregory-mahoney/284322/

[18:46] TR Bot Why Chinas Winning and the US Is Panicking, With Gregory Mahoney

[18:48] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], The time to flee China (manufacturing) was before it ever happened to begin with.

[18:48] DaemonFC But now is certainly better than later.

[18:48] DaemonFC With automation, you get faster turnaround times in the US on similar payroll budgets, and you don't have to worry about what some unpredictable dictator does.

[18:50] DaemonFC The danger of Xi acting like Putin and impressing his population, which I'm sure doesn't want to die, into a war they don't want, is there no matter what we do now.

[18:50] DaemonFC There's no argument that if we keep propping up their GDP that they're likely to become a stable country without expansionist ambitions.

[18:51] DaemonFC This is just crazy.

[18:52] DaemonFC All this shit we buy from China while they're having military parades and bombing outlines of our aircraft carriers.

[18:52] DaemonFC It's clearly meant to be an agitation.

[18:53] DaemonFC I mean, bombing some outline you drew in the dirt in a desert is very different than a ship that's in motion and has defensive capabilities.

[18:53] MinceR not only that, but the west trading with red china gives red china technology they can't access otherwise

[18:53] MinceR and letting them access the Internet enables them to manipulate elections in democratic countries

[18:53] MinceR i don't think this is worth doing for cheap slave labor

[18:53] DaemonFC It isn't.

[18:54] DaemonFC There's so many people in so many other countries which are not a serious threat that we could make all of this someplace else.

[18:54] DaemonFC Not to mention so many unemployed Americans that should be prioritized for work by our own government.

[18:56] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_howtos.2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_howtos.2.gmi

[18:56] TR Bot Tux Machines today's howtos

[18:56] DaemonFC https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/12/cpi-march-2023-.html

[18:56] TR Bot 'CPI March 2023: Inflation rose 0.1% in March, and 5% from a year ago'

[18:56] TR News (NEW): Software for Productivity and Kanban Boards http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Software_for_Productivity_and_Kanban_Boards.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Software_for_Productivity_and_Kanban_Boards.gmi

[18:56] TR Bot Tux Machines Software for Productivity and Kanban Boards

[18:56] DaemonFC "Inflation ONLY 5%!"

[18:56] TR News (NEW): Software Releases: GStreamer 1.22.2, Nginx 1.24, Kubernetes 1.27, PowerDNS Recursor 4.9.0 Alpha http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Software_Releases_GStreamer_1_22_2_Nginx_1_24_Kubernetes_1_27_P.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Software_Releases_GStreamer_1_22_2_Nginx_1_24_Kubernetes_1_27_P.gmi

[18:56] TR Bot Tux Machines Software Releases: GStreamer 1.22.2, Nginx 1.24, Kubernetes 1.27, PowerDNS Recursor 4.9.0 Alpha

[18:56] DaemonFC And all they had to do to bring it down from 10% was to make everyone lose their jobs and shoot at each other.

[18:56] DaemonFC AMAZING!

[18:57] DaemonFC The Fed is one of the factors in the Microsoft Stabbing.

[18:57] MinceR i'd stab microsoft

[18:57] DaemonFC Had they kept interest rates lower, it's possible that his boss wouldn't have threatened him with the upcoming layoffs.

[18:57] DaemonFC :)

[18:58] DaemonFC There was also the Old National Bank shooting.

[18:58] DaemonFC Bank profits down, they fire the guy, he comes back with a gun and 5 dead people.

[18:58] DaemonFC This is, you know, people losing their jobs because of the Fed, and coming back with knives and guns the next day.

[18:58] DaemonFC They won't admit that this is one reason why.

[18:58] DaemonFC They just say "gun violence".

[18:58] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], ^

[18:59] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi and Arduino Projects/News http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Open_Hardware_Raspberry_Pi_and_Arduino_Projects_News.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Open_Hardware_Raspberry_Pi_and_Arduino_Projects_News.gmi

[18:59] TR Bot Tux Machines Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi and Arduino Projects/News

[18:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[18:59] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Security_Leftovers.1.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Security_Leftovers.1.gmi

[18:59] TR Bot Tux Machines Security Leftovers

[18:59] schestowitz[TR] DaemonFC: so gulagboy marrying soon

[18:59] schestowitz[TR] when it sthe stab party?

● Apr 12

[19:00] schestowitz[TR] i mean, stag party

[19:00] MinceR lol

[19:00] DaemonFC What is the dress code?

[19:00] MinceR knife party

[19:00] DaemonFC Stilettos?

[19:00] schestowitz[TR] stabby-sbab-stab

[19:00] schestowitz[TR] yackitty-yak

[19:00] MinceR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knife_Party

[19:00] TR Bot Knife Party - Wikipedia

[19:00] DaemonFC Don't talk back!

[19:01] schestowitz[TR] dildos and (secure) boots

[19:10] TR News Links 12/04/2023: Nginx 1.2 and Kubernetes 1.27 | Techrights http://techrights.org/2023/04/12/kubernetes-1-27/ | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2023/04/12/kubernetes-1-27/

[19:10] TR Bot Links 12/04/2023: Nginx 1.2 and Kubernetes 1.27 | Techrights

[19:10] TR News (NEW): Red Hat Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Red_Hat_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Red_Hat_Leftovers.gmi

[19:10] TR Bot Tux Machines Red Hat Leftovers

[19:13] TR News First Run of 2023 gemini://rawtext.club/~winter/gemlog/2023/4-12.gmi

[19:14] TR News hd.206267.xyz is Open Source gemini://gemini.dimakrasner.com/tootik-oss.gmi

[19:15] TR News "This a brief continuation of my previous post about internet over Coaxial." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1351

[19:16] DaemonFC Bought another CD at the bank.

[19:16] DaemonFC If inflation is starting to go down, then this is probably the best opportunity to load up and lock in the interest rates for a while.

[19:17] DaemonFC But they are breakable, so all I have to do is dump them into a higher rate CD later if I'm wrong.

[19:17] DaemonFC If I'm right, Savings Account interest will stall out and go back down and I'll have another year before it affects me really.

[19:18] DaemonFC They say 5% inflation now, but you don't know this.

[19:18] TR News 10 Best Linux Distros You Should Use https://beebom.com/best-linux-distros/

[19:18] TR Bot Best Linux Distros You Should Use (2023) | Beebom

[19:18] DaemonFC They lie about everything to make themselves look better.

[19:19] DaemonFC schestowitz[TR], Remember when BLS admitted there was a "glitch" that underestimated the number of people who lost their job in the COVID lockdowns by several million.

[19:19] DaemonFC You don't like the way things are going close to an election? Time for a glitch.

[19:19] MinceR what a cute little glitch

[19:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[19:20] MinceR the universe should have a few of those, we could find out how much humanity would like them

[19:20] TR News (NEW): Free Software and Programming Leftovers: Mastodon, Emacs, and Python http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Free_Software_and_Programming_Leftovers_Mastodon_Emacs_and_Pyth.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/Free_Software_and_Programming_Leftovers_Mastodon_Emacs_and_Pyth.gmi

[19:20] TR Bot Tux Machines Free Software and Programming Leftovers: Mastodon, Emacs, and Python

[19:21] DaemonFC https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/government-licensed-extortion-secret-model-that-funds-the-bbc-12441802.html

[19:21] TR News (NEW): Today's Leftovers http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/today_s_leftovers.gmi

[19:21] TR Bot Government licensed extortion? The secret model that funds the BBC

[19:21] TR Bot Tux Machines today's leftovers

[19:21] DaemonFC "For many Indians and a number of people around the world, the BBC carries an automatic air of respectability. We all know that they are linked to the British state. But we have all been assured that the BBC is somehow independent, factual and most of all, impartial. Not surprising. After all, in disputes around the world, from the Indian subcontinent to the Middle East and Africa, the ability of the British to act impartially has ne

[19:21] DaemonFC ver been in doubt."

[19:21] DaemonFC :D

[19:24] psydruid most of all we respect Jimmy Savile

[19:24] psydruid and the BBC respects Gary Lineker

[19:25] DaemonFC I wonder how all of those black people ripping Chicago a new asshole during the lockdowns would have responded to the Chinese system.

[19:26] DaemonFC Walmart didn't put it like this, but you see where they closed the stores and who lives there.

[19:26] TR News More proprietary software is ITSELF a back door risk https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/delineas-latest-product-update-reduces-the-risk-of-backdoor-threats-on-servers-301793734.html

[19:26] TR Bot Delinea's Latest Product Update Reduces the Risk of Backdoor Threats on Servers

[19:26] DaemonFC It's fine as long as you don't ADMIT why you're doing it IN THOSE TERMS.

[19:27] TR News RHEL alternative https://www.prweb.com/releases/ciq_honored_as_ncets_technology_company_of_the_year_at_ncet_tech_awards/prweb19274483.htm

[19:27] TR Bot CIQ Honored as NCETs Technology Company of the Year at NCET Tech Awards

[19:27] DaemonFC They're not closing down stores where White people go in and buy things and the shoplifting rate isn't really much more than a small nuisance at best.

[19:27] DaemonFC They're shutting them down in Black neighborhoods where theft rates lose the store $5-6 million dollars per year.

[19:27] TR News (NEW): The 3 Key Types of Linux Distributions and 10 Best Linux Distros You Should Use http://news.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/The_3_Key_Types_of_Linux_Distributions_and_10_Best_Linux_Distro.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2023/04/12/The_3_Key_Types_of_Linux_Distributions_and_10_Best_Linux_Distro.gmi

[19:27] TR Bot Tux Machines The 3 Key Types of Linux Distributions and 10 Best Linux Distros You Should Use

[19:27] DaemonFC The stores in Waukegan and Round Lake, Illinois are not at this level yet.

[19:28] DaemonFC But they're in the yellow zone.

[19:28] DaemonFC Like, the stores lose $3 million a year to shoplifting.

[19:28] DaemonFC This isn't where Walmart comes in and shuts them down, but it's not where you want it to be if you want to not be at any risk of that happening.

[19:29] DaemonFC If things get a bit worse, the store makes no money and they give up.

[19:29] DaemonFC They're closing south Chicago stores because thanks to the Democrats....

[19:29] DaemonFC There's no police and Kim Foxx will drop the charges even if they bring her a shoplifter.

[19:30] DaemonFC So the shoplifters won. The stores close. 1,200 people lose their jobs and can't feed their families tonight.

[19:30] DaemonFC Because of Burn, Loot, Murder.

[19:30] DaemonFC And a lot of those people who worked for a living and weren't ripping the store off and were doing something honest......WERE BLACK.

[19:30] DaemonFC They are the victims in this.

[19:31] DaemonFC Victims of people who don't want to get a job, know the police won't do shit, so they go in there and loot TVs and flip them to their friends who are dealing drugs.

[19:32] DaemonFC You have this whole criminal underworld flourishing because the Democrats won't break the cycle.

[19:32] DaemonFC They have no reason to.

[19:32] DaemonFC Those are their core voters.

[19:33] DaemonFC Why does anyone think that the "social justice movement" includes "allowing felons to vote again".

[19:33] DaemonFC Because when you have a bunch of drug dealers, hookers, and shoplifters voting, it's not for the party that wants more cops/

[19:34] DaemonFC The reason why states do not take voting rights away from people who commit misdemeanors is because there's traditionally been a very clear line in the sand between what constituted stepping out of line vs. society not wanting to hear from someone again.

[19:34] DaemonFC Which is the whole reason we have misdemeanor probation vs. life sentences in prison.

[19:35] DaemonFC Or had them anyway, before Prickster.

[19:35] DaemonFC The system is breaking down because the Democrats have given up on the idea of punishing felons.

[19:36] DaemonFC So you get people who sneak into a funeral home and rape a 9 year old in the bathroom and then the judge gives them....3 days in the jail.

[19:36] DaemonFC I mean, the Democrats need that guy for another vote, I guess.

[19:37] DaemonFC So they cut him loose and no sooner than they do that, they find him breaking and entering. So they give him a month. Then they let him out and he steals a car and does a bunch of drive-by shootings and sets fire to the Walmart.

[19:38] DaemonFC If the liberal Democrat judge had thrown the bastard away the first time, look at all the really nasty shit that never could have happened.

[19:38] DaemonFC :)

[19:38] DaemonFC MinceR, ^

[19:38] DaemonFC I mean, like, REALLY.

[19:39] DaemonFC And then schestowitz[TR] wonders why "even the really expensive places are dangerous". No, pretty much ONLY the expensive places are dangerous, and the poor places surrounding them.

[19:39] DaemonFC The White liberals in the cities give the state to the Democrats and then the entire state rots and gets fucked up.

[19:39] DaemonFC Not all at once.

[19:39] DaemonFC Gradually. :)

[19:39] DaemonFC States rot from the big cities outward.

[19:40] DaemonFC There are no examples of states without large cities like Chicago going this direction.

[19:41] DaemonFC All you need is a lot more bad people than good people at the ballot box, and you get all kinds of fucked up shit.

[19:41] DaemonFC Like a BDSM museum and kink shop in Chicago displaying porn and butt plugs in the window, across the street from a children's park.

[19:42] DaemonFC And what does the city do? Why it declares a CITY HOLIDAY for the kink museum, of course.

[19:43] MinceR oh no, porn and butt plugs are being displayed

[19:43] MinceR we're all gonna die!

[19:43] MinceR oh wait, we were gonna die anyway.

[19:43] DaemonFC MinceR, The fish rots from the head down.

[19:43] DaemonFC That's why these places are failing.

[19:44] MinceR not being afraid of sex is "rot"?

[19:46] DaemonFC Openly flaunting kink in front of children is a bit much.

[19:46] DaemonFC Not for Shitcago, I guess.

[19:48] elusive_woman all i can smell is tuna, i think i need to wash my vagina

[19:48] MinceR too much information

[19:48] MinceR https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/says_about/Homosexuality.html

[19:48] TR Bot What The Bible says about Homosexuality

[19:49] DaemonFC How do you think GULAG became a morally corrupt pervert?

[19:49] DaemonFC And do the children really need a push in that direction?

[19:50] MinceR i don't know, but judging by how abrahamic clergy behaves, i'd say that their pretense of "morality" doesn't do anything to prevent people from becoming morally corrupt perverts

[19:51] mjg59_ I grew up in Northern Ireland, the level of openly flaunted kink was zero

[19:51] mjg59_ If you're going to ascribe my perceived moral failings to something, you're going to need to find another explanation

[19:55] elusive_woman "Suck my dick you fucking foreigner" -DaemonFC to his spouse

[19:55] MinceR lol

[19:56] MinceR s/ing/ing gay/

● Apr 12

[20:11] elusive_woman "You gay morally corrupt pervert, lick my ass you dirty little foreigner" -DaemonFC

[20:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[20:20] psydruid sounds kinky

[20:23] *morena (~morena@gh5v8jk9whfj6.irc) has joined #techrights

[20:23] morena hello all unvaccinated people

[20:24] elusive_woman hello pedophile

[20:25] elusive_woman im waiting for my pinetime to arrive

[20:26] morena what's pinetime?

[20:27] elusive_woman a smart watch powered by free software

[20:27] morena wonderful

[20:27] morena so another useless device for troons

[20:35] elusive_woman ok there pedophile

[20:35] elusive_woman it works nicely with my pinephone

[20:36] morena you asked if I want picture of your pussy, then calling me pedophile

[20:37] morena ye pinephone, another pointless device

[20:37] morena you can connect two useless device together

[20:37] morena company who market it to people like you is happy

[20:37] elusive_woman whats wrong with it? its all free software

[20:37] elusive_woman what do you use for a phone

[20:37] elusive_woman a flip phone?

[20:38] elusive_woman rotary?

[20:38] morena nokia 150

[20:38] elusive_woman so a company makes your phone

[20:38] morena ye, they made it

[20:38] elusive_woman yeah my phone runs linux, real linux

[20:38] morena using it like 5 years

[20:38] morena cost 30 eur I think

[20:39] morena great machine

[20:39] morena charging it like once in a week

[20:39] morena phone call and sms much better than touched shitty screen

[20:39] morena listening music excellent

[20:39] MinceR can systemd run on the pinetime?

[20:39] MinceR can it even fit into its memory?

[20:40] elusive_woman pinetime runs rtos, not linux

[20:40] morena they will make pineD phone

[20:41] morena does it shows also time?

[20:41] morena like my nokia 150

[20:41] elusive_woman yeah but i got it to show my heart beat

[20:41] elusive_woman it was only $30

[20:42] morena heart beat, yes, that is really important information one need to know

[20:42] morena no idea how I can live without that info ;/

[20:42] morena 30 not much

[20:42] morena for toy

[20:42] morena how often one need usually charge these "smartwatches"?

[20:44] MinceR how can you deal with such a non-"modern" system?

[20:45] psydruid and why a pinetime and not an iwatch?

[20:45] elusive_woman ewww apple

[20:45] elusive_woman i wanted free software

[20:45] morena if you don't have apple device you are nobody

[20:48] elusive_woman my computer is a pine rock64, my phone is a pinephone and my watch is a pinetime

[20:48] elusive_woman the pinetime lasts a week on a single charge, not sure how long it takes to charge

[20:49] XRevan86 elusive_woman: Is it PinePhone Pro or the original one?

[20:49] elusive_woman pro

[20:51] psydruid it's time for a Pinephone Pro Advanced

[20:52] morena Pinephone Pro Advanced +

[20:52] morena red pink and purple

[20:52] morena pro life vegan friendly made in zanzibar

[20:53] morena pre order now, get it in 2030

[20:56] MinceR how much for the pro-choice vegan-hating version?

[20:57] DaemonFC <mjg59_> If you're going to ascribe my perceived moral failings to something, you're going to need to find another explanation

[20:57] DaemonFC Instead of throwing people in jail for pissing all over the BARTA stations, you just paint them with piss-reflecting paint?

[20:57] DaemonFC Throw them in jail for a year for pissing on the station platforms.

[20:57] DaemonFC It'll stop quickly.

[20:58] MinceR cover them with donald trump

[20:58] MinceR i've heard he likes being pissed on

[20:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

● Apr 12

[21:00] morena what's wrong with pissing on the station platforms?

[21:00] morena people should stop traveling like birds

[21:01] morena less stations, more place for pissing

[21:01] morena more threes, better life

[21:01] morena even more birds

[21:01] morena everyone happy

[21:01] morena less corporations

[21:02] morena to selling stupid useless junk

[21:04] morena no traveling = no looting other countries

[21:04] morena it will fix almost every issue

[21:04] morena and create zero problems

[21:05] psydruid capitalism is built on the premise of selling stupid useless junk to replace older stupid useless junk

[21:05] morena ye

[21:05] morena but capitalism is not really like goal

[21:06] psydruid it isn't

[21:06] psydruid I don't know how it became one

[21:06] morena designed like any other psyop

[21:07] morena to make people more more dumb, weak and dependend on the system

[21:08] morena it's like democracy

[21:08] morena to create false fake world

[21:09] psydruid democracy that is actually plutocracy?

[21:09] morena ye, something like that

[21:09] morena but it's different that in "democracy" sheep thinks they think

[21:10] morena like that troon

[21:10] morena he ordered pinewhatever

[21:10] morena he think he decided and want it, need it

[21:10] elusive_woman for the last time pedophile, im not a 'he'

[21:10] morena and not only it will make his life better

[21:10] morena it will make his life worse

[21:11] morena with fake bubble it is better

[21:11] morena offering picture of your pussy then calling people pedophile makes you not trustworthy to call somebody pedophil ;/

[21:12] elusive_woman you wanted proof that i was born with a pussy, you wanted to see a baby pussy

[21:12] morena no

[21:12] psydruid it's a lost society and their insanity is crossing over into europe

[21:12] morena europe is probably lost cause sadly

[21:13] morena no resources, nothing here, just dumb people

[21:13] morena industry is destroyed, agriculture destroyed, everything

[21:13] morena practically no army

[21:13] morena just full mouth of stupid ideologies

[21:15] morena but historicaly europe probably deserves that

[21:15] morena as most countries just looted the rest of the world for centuries

[21:15] morena and brings wars and death around

[21:16] psydruid the equilibrium in the world is gradually being restored to what it had been for thousands of years

[21:16] psydruid I don't see anything wrong with that, but there are people who have issues with it

[21:16] morena ye, that's magic of life

[21:17] morena it does equilibrium no matter what

[21:18] morena nothing interfere with it, no time, nothing, life does not give a shit if something happen in 10 or 1000 years, it will happen

[21:19] psydruid the thing that mystifies me is that even after all the looting and killing western countries didn't manage to keep their advantage

[21:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[21:20] *AdmFubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.)

[21:20] psydruid or that keeping the advantage became a given and a goal

[21:20] psydruid but no effort was put into staying in front using legitimate means

[21:20] morena I assume it's bc. they did not adapt

[21:21] morena like, okay, we loot, now after 1000 years, mabye we shoudl do better

[21:21] morena they want do the same shit

[21:22] morena but now it's hard to tell what is "west" or europe

[21:22] morena people are bastardized, mixed

[21:22] morena not really true nations

[21:22] morena so not real common values

[21:22] morena or religion or whatever

[21:22] psydruid in eastern european countries after joining the eu lots of people left

[21:23] psydruid is that the progress people in those countries wanted?

[21:23] morena even religion is practically artifical, it has the ability to keep people together for "higher good"

[21:23] morena like moving to west?

[21:23] morena it's like ukrainine or anywhere in the world

[21:23] morena everyonen want something from commercial

[21:23] morena comfortable life without doing nothing and holding iphone

[21:23] morena nobody somehow realized, that time is over

[21:24] morena long term psyop to make "west" so good

[21:24] morena to fulfil dreams

[21:24] morena freedome love peace a wealth

[21:24] morena not many even now realize that it is worse here now than before 1989

[21:24] psydruid https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2022/03/17/eastern-europes-demographic-deficit/

[21:24] TR Bot Eastern Europes demographic deficit Michael Roberts Blog

[21:25] morena well

[21:25] morena you think germans, french are more?

[21:25] morena they have just imigrants

[21:25] morena antive people are less

[21:26] morena and there is clearly long term war agains slavic race

[21:28] morena there were some regions during crusader raids where they wiped practically 90% of population

[21:28] morena to spread love of jesus and christianity

[21:28] morena Slovaks are not very mixed

[21:29] morena I think some study of DNA showed Slovaks have the highest % of origin from world

[21:30] morena and it's not well known thing, that we are practically origin population of Europe

[21:30] morena while official history say, we came here in 6 century from nowhere

[21:30] elusive_woman a pedo and a slovak supremist

[21:30] morena jaja

[21:30] psydruid my ancestors aren't from Europe, but from North India

[21:30] morena trump supporter, pro putin, antivaxxer and so on

[21:31] psydruid jaja = egg?

[21:31] morena jaja I use it from german word

[21:31] morena it's kind of "oh wel well" or yes yes ...

[21:31] psydruid das verstehe ich, aber was ist ein Ei auf slowakisch?

[21:31] morena like bullshit and you say, ja ja

[21:32] morena nerozumiem nemecky priately

[21:32] elusive_woman nein

[21:32] morena oh

[21:32] psydruid du ... du hast ... du hast mich ... du hast mich gefragt

[21:32] morena egg

[21:32] morena vajce

[21:33] psydruid rozumiem

[21:33] morena vyborne ;/

[21:33] morena that's the way

[21:33] morena instead of complaing about someone english

[21:33] morena learn slovak

[21:34] morena I see your future bright

[21:34] morena what's your native lang?

[21:35] psydruid Dutch, Hindi and Bhojpuri

[21:35] morena so many?

[21:35] morena you have 3 dads?

[21:35] psydruid yes

[21:35] psydruid no

[21:35] morena moms?

[21:35] psydruid no

[21:35] morena maybe sisters?

[21:35] psydruid these are the languages my parents also speak

[21:35] psydruid and my grandparents also speak/spoke

[21:36] morena are they from india?

[21:36] psydruid 5 generations ago they were

[21:36] morena oh

[21:36] morena still keptt language?

[21:36] psydruid yes

[21:36] morena nice

[21:37] morena and where you live now? what part of the world?

[21:37] morena opening farm in netherland?

[21:37] psydruid in the netherlands

[21:37] psydruid no

[21:38] psydruid probably leaving in the future

[21:38] psydruid everyone wants to move west

[21:38] psydruid I'm thinking of moving east

[21:38] psydruid I already lived in poland before

[21:39] morena ye, I would like to move east too

[21:40] morena here it looks like doomed for next years

[21:40] psydruid I haven't been to slovakia so far

[21:40] morena there are no fundaments that can make it better here

[21:40] psydruid but I've been in all countries around it

[21:41] morena well countries

[21:41] psydruid including czechia

[21:41] morena most of them are created as projects

[21:41] morena create many shitty weak countries

[21:41] *AdmFubar (~AdmFubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrights

[21:41] morena to make them colonies

[21:41] psydruid that's what some of the comments on the article I linked say

[21:41] morena if country can't be independent so powerfull enough, there is no reason that it is country

[21:42] psydruid I haven't read those myself yet

[21:42] psydruid but is europe itself independent?

[21:42] morena no

[21:42] morena now imagine shitty piece of nothing like Slovakia ;/

[21:42] psydruid all I see is all people working for us companies

[21:42] morena ye

[21:42] psydruid or otherwise german or french companies

[21:42] psydruid like slaves

[21:43] morena ye

[21:43] psydruid for a low income

[21:43] immibis that's capitalism

[21:43] immibis US people are also like that

[21:43] immibis and french and german people

[21:43] morena minimal sallary in germany is around 2000 eur

[21:43] immibis US people work for US companies like slaves for low income. German people work for German or US companies like slaves for low income

[21:43] morena average in slovakia 1000

[21:44] morena average means majority get hardly 800

[21:44] immibis but what is the cost of living? do they pay 2000 for rent like in Germany?

[21:44] morena where in germany they pay 2000 for rent?

[21:44] morena if you visit lidl it would be probably cheaper in germany than in slovakia

[21:44] immibis places where these companies are. big cities

[21:46] immibis berlin is below 2000 only because of rent control policies

[21:46] immibis instead there is a shortage of apartments because the owners don't feel like renting them out

[21:47] morena but 2000 is minimum, not average

[21:50] morena I am not saying germany is in good shape, it's also the colony, occupied

[21:51] morena but western countries in europe still profite from their loot in the past

[21:51] morena as more heirs of thieves there

[21:52] morena slavic people don't have that in nature

[21:55] *starstreak has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)

● Apr 12

[22:00] *starstreak (~starstreak@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #techrights

[22:01] morena and world somehow divided into some regions or whatever

[22:02] morena for example in Slovakia you are not allowed to do any science, research or anything advanced

[22:02] morena even if you want

[22:02] morena they will not allow it

[22:02] morena we are allowed just assemble things in factories

[22:02] morena if you try something else, they will demolish you

[22:03] morena at best they will offer you nice place in sillicon valey or similar place if they see the potential

[22:03] morena but never allow it to do it here

[22:03] morena bc. they have to keep dependence and low level of living, don't support any knowledge, initelligence ...

[22:05] morena you can put a billion on the table, have plan to build factory in the most unemployment region , everything setup, but they will prohibit it do run that business

[22:05] morena you can at max deliver pizza

[22:06] psydruid that's what I also found while working in poland

[22:06] morena ye

[22:06] psydruid so much of the work was just IT service jobs

[22:06] morena it's kind of divided regions

[22:06] morena somebody decided what will be where

[22:06] morena nothing else allowed

[22:06] morena so everybody is dependend

[22:07] psydruid I would try establish higher-end companies and put those in western countries out of business

[22:07] morena and it kills intelligence and creativity

[22:07] psydruid but if they threaten to kill your business because of that it's a tough predicament to be in

[22:07] psydruid try to*

[22:08] morena they don't allow you that you become big

[22:08] morena you start and they kill you

[22:08] psydruid by hiring away all of your most valuable people?

[22:08] psydruid or buying your company?

[22:08] psydruid or destroying it?

[22:08] morena you will not get permission for factory, gov office will not give you some permission for something

[22:09] morena and so on

[22:09] morena you just can't start

[22:09] psydruid because those governments are occupied due to joining the eu?

[22:09] morena probably not bc. of eu

[22:09] morena we don't have real govs

[22:09] morena these are just idiots, psychopats, puppets

[22:09] morena really dumb people

[22:09] morena they do nothing, just speak what they are told to

[22:10] morena and trying to please their master

[22:10] morena usually us embassy

[22:10] morena or whatever other structure they opperate here, god knows

[22:10] morena there are always 1000 ngos

[22:10] morena soros kind

[22:10] psydruid even now that the us is at its weakest in the past 100 years?

[22:11] morena it just started

[22:11] morena in shithole like Slovakia it will come later, will see

[22:11] morena we are kept for long time to justt assemble things

[22:11] morena you kill intellectuals and so with that

[22:11] morena those left country usually

[22:11] morena or gave up

[22:11] morena or degenerated

[22:11] morena by manual robotic job

[22:12] morena I heard they want to create some teroritory here in the central of europe

[22:12] morena something like V4

[22:12] morena kind of shit between west and east

[22:12] morena but if that is true ...

[22:12] morena heard about it long time ago already

[22:13] morena visegrad group

[22:13] morena it is sleeping but still not demolished

[22:13] morena so no time for that probably

[22:14] morena even whoever run this shit, they probably know that diversity is crucial for surviving

[22:14] morena so even they used west for rule the world

[22:14] morena they can't put all eggs into one bascet

[22:14] XRevan86 Well, at least activelow is not the craziest person in the room now.

[22:14] morena and need to keep something different like before 1989 soviet union and so on

[22:14] morena if things go to the shit, that not whole world is destroyed

[22:15] morena XRevan86: thank you for your input, it was high value

[22:16] XRevan86 "nerozumiem nemecky priately" <- Vse zrozumilo ale tupak vse odne.

[22:16] morena zavri picu ;/

[22:17] morena I did typo even in slovak

[22:17] morena my slovak typing is on similar level like english

[22:17] morena but that's okay, I am just poor slavic slave

[22:18] morena don't need to be genius

[22:18] morena it's expected

[22:18] morena to be dumb

[22:19] psydruid a Slovak friend of mine who I visited in Brno told me that the Slovak education system is messed up

[22:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[22:20] psydruid with fake degrees and all

[22:20] psydruid that was 10 years ago, though

[22:20] morena is it better in other countries?

[22:20] morena learning fake shit and propaganda

[22:20] morena more in school, more in system, more fucked up

[22:21] morena look at these politicians

[22:21] XRevan86 morena: "average means majority get hardly 800" <- Ye'd be like a king in Russia.

[22:21] morena and you will be king in some asian or african country

[22:22] morena you in russia has that one huge advantage what maybe no other country in the world has

[22:23] morena even practically whole west trying to destroy you every century

[22:23] morena you still have everything, relativelly or at least possible independence

[22:23] morena bc. sources and people

[22:23] morena the rest you can create

[22:23] morena if country has not people or sources you can't do shit

[22:24] morena just loot

[22:24] XRevan86 Hm, then why is Russia looted?

[22:25] morena bc. you did not send all rats, jews and similar cockroach out of country

[22:26] XRevan86 schestowitz: ^

[22:26] XRevan86 Profound thought.

[22:29] morena whosthat

[22:29] morena but it runs there for centuries too

[22:29] XRevan86 A techrights newcomer, he's still learning the ropes.

[22:30] morena and what happen to ryo

[22:31] XRevan86 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ry%C5%8D_(given_name) which one?

[22:31] TR Bot Ry (given name) - Wikipedia

[22:32] morena the video you sent me

[22:32] morena imagine during crusader raids almost everyone were killed that way

[22:32] morena millions

[22:32] morena or not so long ago during Rwanda genocide like million

[22:32] morena and world almost did not know

[22:32] morena as media did not inform

[22:32] morena so it did not happen

[22:32] XRevan86 I don't want to imagine. I prefer the world where the Geneva convention means something.

[22:33] morena law?

[22:33] morena that terror made up by those in power

[22:33] morena sure

[22:33] XRevan86 morena: The video is probably from summer 2022. No one would have noticed if the "Male State" founder didn't publish it publicly.

[22:34] morena that's one suffering

[22:34] morena these kind are during wars thousans

[22:34] morena or millions

[22:34] morena it's some picture of humanity

[22:34] XRevan86 morena: Is that your excuse for justifying war?

[22:34] morena but in war, it's practically the outcome

[22:34] morena it happen all the time

[22:35] morena what?

[22:35] morena I never started war

[22:35] XRevan86 morena: Ye support those who did.

[22:35] morena I don't hurt people

[22:35] morena who did?

[22:35] morena those jews in geneva?

[22:35] morena who you refer of wonderful world?

[22:35] morena ask them

[22:36] morena they were preparing this shit for decade

[22:37] morena and when shit hit the fan

[22:37] morena like war or similar shit

[22:37] morena many bad things happen

[22:38] morena it's like even monk or whoever lovely person

[22:38] morena he came home and all his family has cuted off heads

[22:38] morena he can become monster

[22:38] morena and do the same

[22:38] morena like cruel jungle fights

[22:39] XRevan86 morena: So who's who in your analogy?

[22:39] morena how who?

[22:39] morena there are rulers - masters and sheep

[22:39] morena sheep are just used

[22:39] morena I assume that's clear

[22:39] morena and your or my opinion about how sheep beee is not really important

[22:40] XRevan86 "who did?" <- https://meduza.io/en/news/2022/02/24/putin-announces-start-of-military-operation-in-eastern-ukraine

[22:40] TR Bot Putin announces formal start of Russias invasion in eastern Ukraine Meduza

[22:40] morena as it's practically just outcome of master's propaganda

[22:41] morena I assume it started people who are paid for killing

[22:41] morena physicaly

[22:41] morena so somebody took a job in army

[22:41] morena take weapon, learn how to shoot

[22:41] morena they they do their "job"

[22:41] morena speakers or rulers don't fight

[22:42] morena they are psychopats or dumb idiots

[22:42] morena they use their sheep

[22:42] morena even monks

[22:42] morena like during christian crusaders

[22:43] morena now imagine slovaks

[22:43] morena if all 5 millions slovaks here

[22:43] morena take knifes

[22:44] XRevan86 and murder all the jews?

[22:44] morena and run to kill all those rats who enslaved them for centuries

[22:44] morena whould that be aggression?

[22:44] XRevan86 My being Nostradamus again.

[22:44] morena no jews by dna

[22:44] morena most people when refer to jews in this manner

[22:45] morena they don't mean jews like race/nation

[22:45] XRevan86 Judaism then or what?

[22:45] morena what?

[22:45] morena if I say rats, do I mean these animals?

[22:46] morena it's similar to "jews"

[22:46] morena in most if not practically all cases it does not mean jew by race

[22:46] morena those poor jews in israel were vaccinated like sheep

[22:46] morena like 90%

[22:47] morena they are humans like any other races

[22:47] morena different but humans, used like sheep

[22:48] morena religion is probably the most powerful thing on other hand

[22:48] morena it can unite not only nation, but more nations together

[22:48] morena it is "higher goal"

[22:48] morena so it takes over anything else

[22:48] XRevan86 Why is the argument "When I use $RACIAL_SLUR I don't mean $RACE, I only mean the bad specimen of said $RACE, therefore it's O.K." so popular amongst the racists?

[22:49] morena you don't understand or don't want to?

[22:49] morena in slovak gipsy is "cigan"

[22:49] morena if somebody lie

[22:49] morena we say "necigan"

[22:49] morena like don't gipsy

[22:49] morena it has nothing to do with gipsy race

[22:50] morena even they are mostly liars

[22:50] morena they will promise or say anything by nature to get profit

[22:50] morena so it evolved

[22:50] morena like jew - zid

[22:50] morena but zidak

[22:50] morena you probably have that world in russian

[22:50] morena zidak is rat

[22:50] morena somebody who is shit

[22:50] XRevan86 morena: In Russia there's a term "infocigan" for those who sell courses, trainings on the Internet and such.

[22:50] XRevan86 It doesn't mean it's good.

[22:51] morena and ye it evolved from zid - jew bc. in the past they do all kind of shit in this country

[22:51] morena ye u use similar terms

[22:51] morena so even it was made, based on gipsy

[22:51] MinceR 12 234849 < XRevan86> Why is the argument "When I use $RACIAL_SLUR I don't mean $RACE, I only mean the bad specimen of said $RACE, therefore it's O.K." so popular amongst the racists?

[22:51] morena or jews ...

[22:51] morena it is not really racial

[22:51] XRevan86 "you probably have that world in russian" <- The word "zhid" is present, now considered pejorative. But no one tried to make it a word for rat.

[22:51] MinceR probably for the same reason fascists are offended if you call them fascists nowadays

[22:52] MinceR it's just not "hip" and "cool" enough yet

[22:52] morena there are fascicst everyhwere, be careful ;/

[22:52] XRevan86 morena: It definitely is racial.

[22:52] morena even not sure if term fascicst is the right one

[22:52] morena XRevan86: okay you don't want to understand, so beat with words

[22:53] morena so in your head keep it as it is racial and racist

[22:53] morena and pedo

[22:53] morena it's your imagination

[22:53] XRevan86 morena: A translator suggests the same word for rat in Slovak as it is in Russian: krysa.

[22:53] morena I can't do anything wiitht hat

[22:53] morena yes krysa

[22:53] morena or cockroach I use

[22:53] XRevan86 morena: Ye are trying to export that to English, ye can't really make that argument.

[22:53] morena rats, cockroach

[22:53] morena something you want to get rid of your house

[22:55] morena most troons are fascists probably

[22:55] morena they like to create all kind of "code of conducts" conditions, all kind of bullshit to reason to cancel ban someone from onlien space

[22:55] morena if they disagree with them

[22:56] morena they invaded whole software space - open source

[22:56] morena one two fucking troons are practically able to destroy whole community

[22:56] XRevan86 morena: There's also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sect_of_Skhariya_the_Jew

[22:56] TR Bot Sect of Skhariya the Jew - Wikipedia

[22:56] morena XRevan86: I don't give a shit about religions

[22:57] morena that's nonsense

[22:57] morena but powerful

[22:58] morena like if you see cockroach in house

[22:58] morena you have to take care of it

[22:58] morena otherwiise soon there will be too many

[22:59] IPFS IPFS downstream 60 minutes average 34.13 k/sec., IPFS upstream 215.23 average k/sec., average swarm size 0

[22:59] XRevan86 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/idk "(colloquial, derogatory) Jew"

[22:59] TR Bot idk - Wiktionary

[22:59] AdmFubar but just who would buy this? https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/data-on-400k-kodi-forum-members-stolen-and-put-up-for-sale

[22:59] XRevan86 That's it?

[22:59] TR Bot Data on 400K Kodi Forum Members Stolen and Put Up for Sale

[22:59] XRevan86 morena: Did ye make the connotations up?

● Apr 12

[23:01] XRevan86 AdmFubar: Real data is still data. But maybe with a discount.

[23:04] XRevan86 https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/04/12/russian-independent-media-create-unified-material-archive-authors-stress-that-the-archive-wont-be-destroyed-or-blocked-en-news "Russian independent media create unified material archive. Authors stress that the archive wont be destroyed or blocked"

[23:04] TR Bot

[23:04] XRevan86 Ambitious.

[23:05] morena all these security "breaches" and crap

[23:05] morena https everywhere

[23:05] morena encryption everywhere bla bla

[23:06] morena it's like these terrorist

[23:06] morena create problem, offer solution

[23:06] morena which is not really solution

[23:06] morena just another problem

[23:06] AdmFubar https://hackaday.com/2023/04/12/disabling-intels-backdoors-on-modern-laptops/

[23:06] TR Bot Intels Backdoors On Modern Laptops | Hackaday

[23:06] morena they blow up few places, kill some people, then controlling everyeone bc. terrorists

[23:08] XRevan86 AdmFubar: Expected to see me_cleaner mentioned. Nope.

[23:11] immibis TIL that fascism is when someone makes a rule saying no fascism allowed

[23:12] immibis or maybe just when someone makes rules

[23:12] immibis "no shirt no shoes no service"? fascism!

[23:13] XRevan86 "that fascism is when someone makes a rule saying no fascism allowed" <- Russia: hold my beer

[23:13] XRevan86 ("denazification")

[23:15] morena russian independent media - hosten in US with Amazon, collecting data with google

[23:15] morena ye

[23:16] morena how much soros spent

[23:18] morena founder memeber - president of pen america

[23:20] IPFS () Planet Gemini updated. Latest complete date at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-11.gmi and so far today at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/2023-04-12.gmi with 3-day aggregate at gemini://gemini.techrights.org/planet/othercapsules/allinone.gmi

[23:20] morena few days ago I was talking with one friend about Greta Thunberg

[23:20] morena I somehow got feeling, she can do good blowjob

[23:20] morena she is around 150cm high

[23:21] morena one would argue that she does not looks really sexy

[23:21] morena ye, but still better choice than Angela Merkel

[23:21] XRevan86 Neither Novaya Gazeta, nor Novaya Gazeta. Europe have a sole founder, the former is founded by Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists, the latter is founded by Novaya Gazeta journalists who fled Russia in April 2022.

[23:22] morena so run out and now want to fight ;/

[23:22] morena there were many rats like that in every country

[23:22] morena all kind of exil gov supported by enemies

[23:23] morena in many countries

[23:23] morena it's always the same shit

[23:24] morena like that clown Sviatlana ;/

[23:24] morena tried, did not work ;/

[23:24] XRevan86 morena: Not everyone fled.

[23:24] XRevan86 https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/02/15/siberian-journalist-maria-ponomarenko-sentenced-to-six-years-on-disinformation-charges-for-posts-about-russia-s-mariupol-theater-strike She didn't.

[23:24] TR Bot Siberian journalist Maria Ponomarenko sentenced to six years on disinformation charges for posts about Russias Mariupol theater strike Meduza

[23:24] morena I think lenin and all his group was some time also in exile

[23:24] morena too long links dear for my terminal

[23:24] morena it's 3 lines for god's sake

[23:25] morena I have to copy, remove spaces,

[23:25] morena calm down with pointless links

[23:25] morena if I want to read propaganda I can open any random site myself

[23:25] XRevan86 There are some Russian journalists in Russia but they won't ever talk about the war.

[23:26] XRevan86 https://semnasem.org/en

[23:26] TR Bot Horizontal Russia - , 7x7

[23:26] XRevan86 morena: There's nothing random here.

[23:27] morena ye, like in Ukrane

[23:27] morena ukraine

[23:27] XRevan86 morena: What do ye read?

[23:27] morena who talked too much are dead already

[23:27] morena that's always during war times

[23:27] morena all kind of shit

[23:27] morena you can't have freedom love peace democracy and so on during war

[23:27] morena that's obvious

[23:27] XRevan86 morena: Oi really? Do ye have an example of that?

[23:27] morena even for god's sake I doubt democracy ever existed

[23:28] morena XRevan86: about what? you feel that in Ukraine there is democracy now? ;/

[23:28] morena so move there for better life

[23:28] psydruid I'm not planning to go to Ukraine anytime soon

[23:29] morena why?

[23:29] XRevan86 morena: Ye say "like in Ukrane", so back your words up.

[23:29] morena Siberia is the way I think

[23:29] psydruid it's been 6 years since I've been there

[23:29] morena XRevan86: search online, you will find sources even in controlled media

[23:29] techuser I don't recommend moving to Ukraine. The war, and the USSR legacy still remains (e.g. sexism in drafting).

[23:30] techuser Drafting itself, whether sexist or not, as well.

[23:30] morena ukrainian don't have really good mentality

[23:30] psydruid sexism in drafting?

[23:30] morena psyop there is long term

[23:30] morena even before 1989 what I remember

[23:31] morena if one want somebody kill in Czechoslovakia you call some ukrainian for that

[23:31] techuser psydruid: yes, only men are targeted, while for women it is voluntary.

[23:32] psydruid one of my Ukrainian friends hasn't been to Ukraine for years

[23:32] morena I think something like half of them left?

[23:32] techuser Internet censorship since 2017, only worsening.

[23:32] psydruid he's been traveling and working mostly in Asia

[23:33] techuser I wonder if they still use blocklists, or every ISP just blocks what it wants.

[23:34] XRevan86 techuser: Do ye know any example of a Ukrainian journalist being murdered to silence them during the full-scan invasion?

[23:34] psydruid some of my Ukrainian friends and colleagues I knew from my jobs in Poland left in 2014

[23:34] XRevan86 morena alleges that's just as common as in Russia.

[23:34] XRevan86 Just war stuff.

[23:35] techuser I have no evidence. There are some reports about Ukrainian regime evils, but they are likely from pro-Russian sources, and likely false.

[23:42] morena like here

[23:42] morena it's like 99,99% of media and any propaganda is one side psyop by some whoever they are

[23:42] morena but they always complain about russian propanda

[23:43] morena it's like one idiot blow up in free market, kill 5 people, so billion of people have to controlled like slaves in airports

[23:43] morena and even that onen idiot who blow up himself got probably all instruction by some agent

[23:44] morena but ye privacy security subscribe for our vpn

[23:44] MinceR https://ircz.de/p/23041253

[23:44] TR Bot WHOOPSIE

[23:45] morena oh pardon

[23:45] morena by mistake I intruded that web

[23:46] psydruid just stop paying for us software and get rid of their hardware eventually too

[23:46] XRevan86 morena: What's your best guess, why would a Russian-oriented website try to make a VPN service?

[23:48] morena why russian oriented?

[23:48] morena the world is not spied mostly by russian

[23:48] morena the most issues in the world don't come from russia

[23:49] morena I know you live there, you get brainwashed into west democracy love and freedom

[23:49] morena but

[23:49] morena I already told you, you bitching about shit infront your house and don't see full septic on other places

[23:49] XRevan86 What? No. I'm into Russian hate and obedience.

[23:50] morena and you surprsided

[23:50] morena imagien you are russian government

[23:50] morena and you have citizen like you

[23:50] morena what would you do as good gov?

[23:50] morena with that kind of rat?

[23:50] morena whatever would be your plan as gov

[23:50] XRevan86 morena: Reward having a civil position?

[23:51] morena reward what for?

[23:51] morena what did you do the country?

[23:51] morena for

[23:51] XRevan86 morena: Do ye want a list or something?

[23:51] morena just what you deserve reward from country for

[23:52] techuser What is "good gov"? The system with government which defines how people should behave is likely to cause governments to go corrupt.

[23:52] morena ye

[23:52] XRevan86 morena: I told you: for having a civil position on what's best for Russia.

[23:53] morena civil position?

[23:53] morena so you think something based on some propaganda

[23:53] morena and you want reward for that?

[23:53] morena that you copy some psyop?

[23:53] morena whatever it is good or bad

[23:53] techuser People can actually be paid for spreading propaganda.

[23:54] morena they are, but mostly they do it free

[23:54] XRevan86 morena: O.K., let's imagine a world where all I say is "I love Putin, I support the war, all Russian things are the best things".

[23:54] morena that rat in eu once said, not so long ago

[23:54] XRevan86 morena: Is that the world where I am truly free of propaganda?

[23:54] morena they have already 100 000 online fighters who control the internet

[23:54] XRevan86 The free XRevan86, the one with original thought?

[23:55] techuser Free will is a lie anyway.

[23:55] morena ye

[23:56] techuser There is no "original thought", just a combination of many things remembered in before.

[23:57] morena quote from uknwon peasant from 2763 BC

[23:57] morena he was probably slavic

[23:57] morena that time mostly slavic were here around

[23:58] morena chosen by gods

[23:59] morena but who the fuck created these rats

[23:59] morena who destroying humans for thousands of years

[23:59] morena and why

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